KMS Junior Teen Institute What is JTI? JTI is a drug-free leadership program. Through involvement in JTI, students develop the skills to become positive leaders. Students are equipped with the knowledge and abilities to not only make positive choices for themselves, but also to encourage their peers to make healthy decisions. What is expected of JTI members? • To commit to being drug-free J • Continue to be a positive role model • Attend meetings • Participate in Red Ribbon Week • Help with the Winter Sale and/or Market Day • When will meetings be held? Meetings will be held two times per month. One meeting will typically be the first Thursday of each month at 7:50 a.m. The other meeting will be held after school. Meetings held after-school are lead by high school Teen Institute members from Jerome and Coffman High Schools. We have a lot of fun at these meetings! If you cannot attend a meeting, it is OK. We just encourage members to attend when they can! Please complete and return the registration form and the Co-Curricular Activity Code to Mrs. Beekman, room 232. If you have any questions regarding KMS JTI, the best way to contact me is via email: I look forward to another meaningful year of Junior Teen Institute at Karrer Middle School! Mrs. Beekman KMS Junior Teen Institute Morning Meetings: Thursdays @ 7:50 – 8:15 am In Room 232 § September 18 § October 2 § November 6 § December 4 § January 15 § February 5 § March 5 § April 2 § May 7 This is a tentative schedule for our before school meetings. Email messages will be sent if there is a change in meeting dates. KMS Junior Teen Institute Registration Form Please Print Student’s name: __________________________________________________ Academic Team: _________Homebase Teacher: _____________________ Email address(es) to receive Junior Teen Institute information about meetings and other activities from Mrs. Beekman: Please include a parent’s email address. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Emergency contact during meeting times: Before school meetings: Name: ______________________________ Phone: ____________________ Relation to student: ______________________________________________ After school meetings (if different than before school): Name: ______________________________ Phone: ____________________ Relation to student: ______________________________________________ I give my permission for __________________________________ to be a member of the KMS Junior Teen Institute. Parent’s name: ___________________________________________________ Parent’s signature: _____________________________Date: ____________