Appendix F: Assessment Report: Department or Program: Degree: Chair: Academic Year: 20__ to 20__ (Addressing Outcome # or Outcome # to # ) Evidence of Intentional Commitment to Address and Student Learning Outcomes Performance Criteria Assess Outcome(s) Across the Program Upon completion of program, List specific attributes— Identify the collaborative means Identify the direct and indirect students are expected to (know and knowledge, skills, behaviors, etc.) you used to ascertain that students methods you chose to gather be able to do): you expect students to exhibit that have multiple and varied evidence of students' attainment of 1. reveal achievement of specific opportunities to learn a program- the program-level outcomes and to 2. outcome(s) assessed during this level outcome or outcomes, such answer your research or study 3. cycle. Attach a scoring rubric if as through curricular mapping, an question. 4. you used one. audit or review of syllabi, or an 5. inventory of teaching, learning, 6. and assessment practices. Program-Level Assessment Method(s) and Timing 7. (Or attach specialized or professional accreditors' standards) Maki-App7.2 Redline A7-1 Expected Level of Achievement Identify the level of norm- Actual Level of Achievement Identify students' actual Analysis and Interpretation of Data Identify the Describe the actions you Timetable for Reassessment Identify when you have based or criteria-based level of achievement recommendations that have taken (or will take) reassessed or will reassess performance you expected against the expected emerged from your with particular focus on this outcome (or outcomes) students to achieve. performance level. interpretation of student improving teaching and to ascertain the efficacy of evidence and other data. learning. actions you have taken or Actions Taken will take. If you have already reassessed, what did you find? What other actions or next steps do you need to take? Maki-App7.2 Redline A7-2