March news releases chronological file Date Subject DEAN'S LIST ALEXANDRIA GAZETTE, NORTHERN VIRGINI SUN, ROANOKE WORLD NEWS, FREE PRESS PUBLICATIONS FACULTYpainting BAYFTTEVILLE OBSERVER DEAN'S LIST LOUDOUN TIMES MIRROR,ALTAVISTA JOURNAL, SPRINGFIELD INDEPENDENT, LEDGER STAR, RICHMOND NEWS LEADER,MIDDLETOWN COURIER, PROGRESS, TIMES HERALD, ELMER TIMES, NEW MARKET PISCATAWAY CHRONICLE,MAINLAND JOURNAL, MANCHESTER HIGH, ^TSWTON BEE, TRUMB8LL TIMES GRANTtexaco 10 Mailing FAYETTEVILLE OBSERVER ^caption) DEAN'S LIST SPARTANBURG JOURNAL, FLORENCE MORNING NEWS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY SENTINEL, DEMOCRATIC MESSENGER STUDENTS frosh ROCKY MOUNT TELEGRAM,CARTERET COUNTY NEWS TIMES,SAMPSON INDEPENDENT, SAMPSONIAN, DURHAM SUN, THE COASTLAND TIMES BOARD OF COLLEGE VISITORS NORTH CAROLINA CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE CAMPUS CALENDAR AREA NEWS MEDIA, HIGH SCHOOLS, METHODIST CHURCHES, FORT BRAGG, LIBRARY CONCERT*the vogues AREA, RALEIGH, 4 SURROUNDING COUNTIES NEWS MEDIA, LOCAL HIGH SCHOOLS, FORT BR"GG, LIBRARY 11 FOUNDATION FAYETTEVILLE OBSERVER 12 ADVERTISING THE PTLOT 13 STUDENTS-tennis SCARSDALE INQUIRER, WINSTON SALEM SENTINEL, MCLEAN PROVIDENCE JOURNAL, TIMES HERALD AT NEWSPORT NEWS, VA., ENFIELD PROGRESS,FLORENCE NEWS,ALTAVISTA JOURNAL CL SERIES Schweitzer JZ* LOCAL, SURROUNDING COUNTIES, 4 RALEIGH NEWS MEDIA, AREA. HIGH SCHOOLS, METHODIST CHURCHES, LIBRARY, FORT BRAGG, COLLEGES IN SURROTTNDG AREA CAMPUS CALENDAR AREA NEWS MEDIA, METHODIST CHURCHES, HIGH SCHOOLS, COLLEGES, FT. BRAGG, LIBRARY 17 ACADEMIC-aauw approval AREA NEWS MEDIA PAGE 2 Date 18 MARCH CHRONOLOGICAL NEWS RELEASE FILE Subject Concert-Vogues Mailing AREA AND SURROUNDING COUNTIES NEW? MEDIA, LOCAL HIGH SCHOOLS, FT. BRAGG, LIBRARY LECTURE-schweitzer 20 SUMMER SESSION AREA AND SURROUNDING COUSTIES NEWS MEDIA, RALEIGH NEWS MEDIA, N.C ADVOCATE AREA HIGH SCHOOLS SPECIAL-Patsy Hall, Karen Job-the working coed SPECIAL TO THE FAYETTEVILLE OBSERVER CAMPUS CALENDAR AREA NEWS MEDIA, RALEIGH PAPERS, FT. BRAGG, LIBRARY, AREA CHURCHES, HIGH SCHOOLS. STUDENT TEACHERS AREA NEWS MEDIA 25 CHORUS AREA NEWS MEDIA, HIGH SCHOOLS, CHURCHES, COLLEGES 27 CHORUS AREA NEWS MEDIA SCHOLARSHIP FAYETTEVILLE OBSERVER STUDENT TEACHERS Sampson Independent, Sampsonian, 6hatham Record, Sanford Herald, Frlnklin Times, Carteret County News Times, St. Pauls Review LECTURER-Bates FAYETTEVILLE 28 OBSERVER J^JL^IL>~U ^ . irol H. Cuvcrson, ' - : FT "•rector, Ext. l ."arch ?,. I'J , . . - . ' ' •'•• . • ' '••'?:':!•;, :,'. ;. - "r.rrin Has-le o" -:nr.snd&le hss leen nan-i^ %o the • 19'::r--;." f"rrt> semrgtrr MethP-fis* -"cllc^'e Dear' =• I^r*., aeccrr'n- tc I • acadeaic ^e":n !."r« 3amuel J» .-.O--ECX, Jr. \ . i \ r. •-... or 1. c-r ".ere sanrster bo'^r?, Dr» .'oirsck: s^i-i. : or ;•"• T,O ach'ie I'onm,lo6• '«(•••-'• *•- -ty r"?de *•/'•:' li r^. ."iss Easie, a 1965 nradj~t I . h School, is a senior • t>6.ior riudyiii^ toverd. s tecci.-'? 1 '--' c^rp'T. 'r. an «rs.,-'rct »-'. Hasiie r r •" 02 -nn-i rt . slLcRe, now In 1t^ r ^ r , ' 1 ; ?&- '-F.ii.c T^sr, dra1 v or-r "r-n 6 r > '-cr*-,;- ", : . - 1 / n ^ counties rid 17 •. nh r states (•"'? r - ": ' n i Carol !'. Ouverson, Kews Director, !>rp-?110 ext •' March 3,. 196910 LOCAL STUHr'''? '-JA^D TO GOLF, 'T DKAH»S Vf- FAlETfEFILLE - Ricbsfd L. Hean of Rn-mke has been named to the first semester Methodist College De^n 1 ?: List, scccr-'lrr to ^r. Samu J» Womaek, J"»» academic dean. In order to achieve t h i s honor, a student rr;st ear^n st lo:. st- s average on 15 cr more semester h urs, Dr. "''orrsck sr'd, of Methocist's near 1000 student body T^e the list. ^ a 1965 gra^'^te of 'willisn ^le^inr Ri?h School i is s <*r.nicr ? in history, He is the s~-n ?f ; 'r. an^ v r.~. •~V>"dr?e '". 'Hean •of 3006 Mansfield St. Kethcdist College, now in its' ninth academic yesr, drr,ws its student body from 69 $orth Carolina counties and 17 othr.r states (82 from Virginia.}. , - - ,— *^.~ RELEASE: IK "EDTATS' Carol I". Cuverson, lews Director, U88-7110, oxt, .228 * March 3, 1969 LOCAL COEDS ON COLLEGE DEAN'S LIST FAY.:-:T?iSvrILLE, I-.C. - Barbara Bonette rnd iryra Yost of the Northern Virginia Sun ares have been named to the 1-'68-69 fall semester Fet»o;l^t College Pc-'n's List, accordinp to T>r. Samuel J* •-', .Jr., acs.dcnic dean. In order to achieve this honor, a student must earn at least £ " T " average on 1? or more semester h -jrs, Dr. .-'orcsclc ssin. Some 166 members of Methodist's ne&r ,10'>j student body m^de the ri.^t. Hiss Lonstte, a 1965 graducte of Jeb Stuart i-h School, is a senior t majoring in Spanish and aiming at a career as an interpreter. She '"9 daughter cf Col. asd Mrs.' 3. 'J. : .-. tte of-3^?3 Ccrlvn'-Sprr'r^c-.l^., ->,lls Church. •" ::s Tost, a 196> prraduc: t,e of A', I. rfoodson Hif,b School, is also s senior. is t,he daughter cf Hr. ».n : ;'rs» Lee J. Tost of 6236 Yellowstcno Er., Alexandria, Methodist-College, now in its ninth academic yesr, draws its student body from 6-:'North Carolina counties • nn 17 otH r states (^6- frpm Virginia). SF.LEA3R: . IKJ-'EDT' TE Carol M. Ouverson, News Director, a8P-7110 ext. March 3, 1969 AREA ST'JDSNTS ON COLLEHE DFAH'5 LIST , K.C. - Four students of the Gazette area have been ns-ned to the 1968-69 rall semester f'etho 1st College Deal's List, according- to Or. Samuel J. v'onack, Jr», academic dean, In order to achieve this honor, a student must esrn at least a "' " average on l£ cr more semester h^urs, Dr. rfomack said. So^ie 166 members of .!ethodint's near 1000 student body ^iade the list. The f cur are: Al BurResr, 30h Princeton Blvd.; Richard Lindner, 6al9 Fair land St.; Jan 'iarcy, 226 •>. , Taylor Run Pkvjy. ; and Myra Yost, 6236 TelloKsoonc- Drive. (All Alexandria) Methodist Colleee, now in its ninth acadenic y~ar, draws its student > boor froru- 6? r.'orth Carolina counties snd 17 othrr stRtes,(62 'from ' •7 Csrol K. Ouv.-rson, *F.VS Director, |jn?-/110, ext. Wsrch 3, I ' : • ": : j 'J .' rLED-.-Meth ! 1st College fneulty mr-ibrrs recent I/ unvei l»d a newly accuired focal point fc.r tV faculty lounge-—a Ion'^reen paintinp purchased ty the faculty. Left to ri"ht sre artist Don "-reen and the ps.:nt!nf selection committee of niane Csvman, Ann Thompson r r - • "ian / • • o r i l l . ("all faculty rr-ib r s ) » \l M. Quverscn, Pews March li, , 1969 LOCAL STUB '• ' D TC OOLT.E'IK DKANrS LIST FAfRTTEVTLW, N.' C. - David Steven of Trumbull has been nsTiec to the first semester rfethodist Collate Dasn's Li^t, according, to Dr. Samuel J» l^Omack, Jr.,1 academic dean, In order to achieve thife honor, a student *nust earn at 1-gst a "BH average on 15 or more semester hours, Dr. ^oraack said. Some 166 inembers of M< c. odist^s near 1000 student bod/ made the list. Steven, a 196? gradu.-te of Trumbull Hi?h , School, is a senior and t;he son of ?!r. anJ ':rs« John x'. oteven of ir Deerfielcl Drive. Methodist College, new in its ninth .academic year, draws its sttsd^nt body froffl 6" 'Ncrth Carolina counties an:* 17 ' "her states. RELEASE: IMMEDIATE Carol r". Ouvprson, Mews Director, L8B-7110 March h, 1969 LOCAL 'STUDENT KAJ-' '^LI£GE OSA1MS LIST ii, K.C. - Ronald Olson of Sandy HocBt has been named to the 1 - first semest r /'etiicdist College Desn's List, accordinp to Dr. S&raiiel J» «cinack, Jr», acauemic dean. In order to achieve this honor, a student must ssrn j-t least £ Mr'" average on 1? or more -semester h:.-urs, ^r. s-c^ack said, 'Some 166 nembers of Methodist's near11000 studfent body made the list. Olson, s 196< graduate of Pyton H"-h School (Southbtrry), Is a sophomore majoring in chtnistry. r-.'c is the son of v r» m-" I'rs* Icnald Olson of Church Kill Road, Methodist Ccllere, ifcw in its ninth rcademic yer:r, draws its student body from 69 North Carolina counties and 17 other states. RELEASE: IMNEDTATK Carol K. Ouv rson, ffews Director, Ij88-7110 March It, 1969 LOCAL COED K'.K.iD TO COLLEGE DEAN'S LIST FAi'ETTEVILLE, N.C.-Dereen Smith or" Veroon has been named to the 1968-69 first sestestf-r Methodist College Dean's Lirt, according to Dr. Setnu'ql J. ft'omack, Jr., academic dean. In" order tc achieve this honor, s s!, a dent rust e?m st least a' "P" averager on 1? or mere semester h. urs, "^r. ft'cmack said. Some 166 members of Methorist's near 1000 studjmt body made the list. Hiss Smith, a 1968 jrraduate cf George C. M?rsh?ll Hicrh (Fslls Church, \"s.),' is a freshman planning a teaching career. 'She is the daughter of I f r. an-^ Mrs. Vernon E. Smith of 36 vuarry Drive, V'emon. Methodist College, now in its ninth scademic year, draws its student body from 69 North Carolina counties and 17 ether stfltrs. RSLEASit IKK"" Carol M. Ouverson, News Director, Is 88-7110 Ksrch h, 196S LOCAL COED NAMED TO COLLSOE ^KAW'S '1ST. ;'TE?ILIE, N.C. - Jsn Miller ofNNortbfield has been named to the 196P-69 firpt semester Methodist College Desn's Lf st, according to T)r, jsnuel. J, ''/orosck, Jr», academic dear. I n c-rder to achieve this boner, a student nrst earn at Ir&st e T.' av rs^e or, 15 or siore semes t-er hcur's, Tr. :;r"!'ack said, Sonrc 166 members of r'atbcdist's near 1000 student body' ~ade the .list. Kiss -Killer, a 196? graduate of Mainland Regional Hi rrb School (T/nvood) Is s j; G ' .'homore raajoriKg in elementary edncat:'cn. She 5s the •'awph'tejr of Mr. and • rs. John AJ Killer of 12 Steelman ;>ve, • t M o - f s t Gollee:e, now in its ninth ecademic yrsr, dr?,--:s its student body from 69 Forth Carolina counties and 1? other states (3° from ?- r .J»;. V~ ' : )!/ 1! G?rol if. Cwerscn, News Director, h?'B-7110 ch L, 1969 I CAL STUDEi'T NAMED TV COLLT1E DF,A/-'«S -LIST / FAISTTEVTLLE-, R.C. - John ','. Brown of Piscataway hss been named to the 1968—69 first semester Fiethodist College Dean's List, according to Dr. Samuel J» Wotnack, Jr«, acsde^i.c dean. In order to achieve this honor, a student most earn at least a ";!l average on 1$ or more seroest r hours, Or. «!omack said. Some 166 members . I of Methodist's"near 1000 student body madettha list, Brown, a 196?. graduate of Piscataway Hfti iicnool, is a.acohonore majoring in political science* !ie '..s trie sen of Ar. ani irs. John . i'rcvn of lit Overbrook Rd. r'ethooist Gollere, now n its ninth academic ye;.r, draws its student body-irom 6.! North Carolina counties and 1? othir stages (39 frcn I'.J.). 'arol M, Quverson, News Director, >i 88-7110 March >>, 1969 LOCAL STUDENT OK COLLAR DEAN'S LIST . SEVILLE, h'.C.-Dale Seibert of £!*«• has been named to the 1966-69^ first semester Mefx;:int College Dean's List, according to Dr. Samuel J» Worusekj Jr., academic oefen. -In. order to achieve this honor, a student must earn at least a "R" a.ver?,?e on 15 cr more semester hours, Dr. >;otr.ack said. Some 166 -semb.^r of Methodist's ne^r 1000 student' bod'/ vs^e ihe li ::••;« Seibert, s 1966 gradust* of "rid^ct:ti !Ti;-h School, is a junior majorinp in histcry, "t tSs son cf "r. ard "re, FrsnVlin h. v;eib-rt cf lii Front Street, Met o '1st, 'College, now in its ninth acadei'iic yesr, draws its student body from 6"-' North Ctrclina counties anc1 17 other states (3c;/ frcn V.-T.}. YTT, ' ' : I Carol !••. Ouverson, News Director, Ii68-7}10 Karch E, 1969 LOCAL-co ;n ON COLLEGE DEAL'S LIST. 7T?EvTLL3, H.C. - bliaabelh foricr of Little Falls has been named to the 1968-69- first sencstcr ?'etbo".-iFt College Dean's List, accenting to Dr. Samuel <J» «oreack, J r » f academic desnu In order to achieve teis honor, a student must earn at least a "P w &\\e on \i. or more scm&st- r hours, Dr. Wornsck said. Some 166 members of Jli-thc.-'ist's nearllOOO student body 'ria^e the list, Uics Yoder, a 196? rra-'uate of Passage valley Hip|i School, Is a senio r-n-> fie daughter of r. '-no . rs. ill-Jam forier of 20 Reiners Road. •t c'.'int Ccllr.,<e, no\i in its ninth academic year, drav,:s its student i body from 69 North Carolin* counties and 1? other stetes (39 from M.J.'. *c o ' y^ IHK3DD 'E Csrol ", Ouverson, Mews Director, Ij88-7110 Karch h, 1969 LOCAL COED ON C LTJ lo DEAK'S LIST EVTI/.F, N.C. - Sandra Johnson of Xsplp. Shade brs been nsncd to the 1968-69 first semester f'et'-'O 1st Collrpe Dean's List, accor^in^ to. Dr. Samuel J. ^otneck:, .Jr., scs-5enic dean. \n order to achievethis honor, a student must earn at leastfl"rrf .aversre on 15 or more Eemsstrr hours, r'r. 'vcns-c'k: ssid. Some 166 "ieT>bers of "et^odist's nesr 1000 sturJfnt Trody :^de the list. Miss Johnson, a 196? ^raduste of Kerchantville ''irh School, is a senior who plans a teaching career, 3; e Is the dau.^htrr of 'r. r,r<-' 'r<-. Ssrl '.V, Johnson of h3 S. Fork: Landing Road. Methodist Colle~e, now in its ninth academic year, dravs its student body from 69 Worth Carolina counties and 17 ctht:r st?t<?.s (3g frcn K'.J.). c -o^' : ] Jarol K. Ouvrrson, tfews Director, li88-7110 ext. 22,8 Kareh L, 196° LOCAL r;j'TT>' • : • - •' ^uLL"lE DFAF'2 LTr~ . ''.e.-Ch;>rlc-F Dietrich cf Felford v>as bce~ named to tne 196 fir's t semester ^c-'rck, Jr., -: fst Collr;.'.(• Dean's. List, f;cccrcin-.- to - i% ^siruel J. scadsmic riesn. In order tc achieve this honor, a student t r u f t earn at least s..' avcrn.r-e on 15 cr rccre sm^Gter hi t-rs, i7r. : . ; &"ntck stid. Sorce 166 men.bers . of-Methodist's near 1000 student, body '-le'de the list. "irtrich, a l'.''6$ "rschirte cf .ir : r-lctoKn ' v '--h School, is a tetricr majori.n- in 'fiolcgy. of 325 Ho Hie He is the son cf Ir*S«nDiMi>vidS^a9t«scf. Tdetrich, Sr. Dr. E. ' ethbdist College, now In its ninth academic year, ^re\vs its student body froTi 69 : ort'- C--rclina counties -"n"1. 1? other states (39 from. ! r .J.,. : PI Carol !'. Ouverson, News Director, )j83-7110 exrt. 22B March lj, 1969 LOCAL ST!T)EHTS • NJL*" ' ' ' ' LtST • ,-j\.Ci - Susan Johns r. and Totmny Smith of the 'flews Leader area hsrve been na"<ed to tie 196';'"-69 f-'rst seirst^r rethr^.~t. College De"n's, accor--.' n-f . to Dr. Samuel 'J. -Jo-raci-:, •->.., ac£:>cmic dean. In order tc' achieve this b^n r, a student must earn at l?ast a. "''•' avtsrs-'i- •-"! 15 or more ^c.vsbfeer hours, . i)r. A'arnsck said. Some 165 members Tetncx?l;-t's near 1000 student bc^r w.?r?e the list. . •. Johnson, a 1?66 graduate of .Oou?l'as 3. Frcennn "li-'h School, is the daughter of '-r. e n 1 Mrs. J>:n-s /. Freed of 218 Sunset Drive, R;ichmon^. 5rr'.th, a fr&shiaan major-in?; in business, is the son of >fr. an •' r'rs. Clirtrn ^. Snit'rj of at. 1, Scndsto-;. !ist College, now in lits ninth acsrierrric year, draws its stvn'e';t body from 6? r'crth Carolina counties ~n:' 1? -th-'r states ( r ? ,1'cno-/ • Virginia).- : I Carol M. Ouverson,' News Director, )jBP-7110 ext. 228 Karch It, 1969 LOC/-L S NAMED TO COLLIDE DEAN'S LIST FATEI'TEVILLE, N.C. - Edward Keil and, Guy Simps, n of the Ledger-Star area hare been named to the 1968-69 first semester Ketnodist College Deen's List, according to Dr. Samuel J. Woraack, <Jr., academic desn. In order to achieve th^'s h^^r, s ?tudent- must earn' at least a " averse-re on 15 or more 'semester hours, ?r. Worset sai^, >r^e 166 rnerrbers of Methodist's near 1000 student body wade the list. Keil, a 1966 ?rad'uate of Deep Creek High School, is a. .junior majoring in mathematics. He is the sen cf !-fr?. Kar^aret '•?. Keil cf 102 Clay Ave., Chesapeake, and the late Mr. Keil. ''Simpson, a 1°68 graduate of K'orview Senior Hlfh School, is a freshman majoring in chemistry. He is the son of Kr. --n ; Mrs. John T. Simpson of 3759 Lenoir Circle, Norfolk. Ketho :ist College, ntfw in ibs ninth academic year, dravs i"s student body from 69 North Carolina counties and 17 othr:r st'tes (62 from Virginia). RELEASE: ZK"EDJA-;E Carol !I. Ouverson, News Director, It88-7110 ext. 228 March h, 1969 LOCAL ST'.DSNT NAMED TO COLLEGE DEAN»S LIST FABSTTEVILLE, ?".C.-Ronnie Gill of Altavists has been naned to the 1968-69 first semester Methodist College Dean's List, according to Dr. Samuel J» >4omack, Jr., academic dean. In order to ac' ieve this h?nor, a student roust earn at least a "B" average on 1£> or more semester hours, Dr. Woraack said. Some 166.members of .ethodist's near 1000 student body wade the 1,1st. Gill, a 1965 graduate of Altavista ifi h School, received the Associate of Arts decree from iimnanuel Junior-College (Franklin., la.) in 1967. He is a jun'o» majoring in history at '"ethodlst.' "ill is the son of i%'r$. Lucille Gill of I60h Bedford. Metv>oyM.^t Gollpfp, new in its ninth academic year, draws its student bbdy from 6? North Carolina counties sn<* 17 other states (82 from Virginia). Carol '". Quv--rson, T-ews Director, ;;6P-7110, ext. 228 March -h, 1969 LOCAL ST!T>'.:"r KAMSD TO COLLIE DEAN'S LIST FATHTTEVILLE, N.C. - iCmest Moore of Springfield has been named to the f^rst seroest r Methodist 'College Dean 1 " List,.according to Dr. Samuel J. H?omack, Jr., academic dean. In order to achieve this honor, a student, must earn at least a "F" average on 15 or more semestrr hours, Dr. Womack said. Some 166 members of Methodist's near 1OJC st-jdmt body made the list. ; core, a 1966 graduate of Rofeert E. Lee Hirrh School, is s. junior at Methodist majoring in economics. He Is the son cf Mr. and l;irs. Tom E. t'oore of 6105 Brandon .Ave. Methodist College, now .in its n i n t h academic y r sr, draws its stu-lent body from 6? North Carplina counties r>no 17 other states. (62 froii Virginia). Carol M. Ouverson, News Director, LB^-7110 ext. 228 March h, 1969 LOCAL COED NAKED ?C- COLLEGE DEAN.»S LTST FATliTTSVILLE, M.C.-Judy Conard of Round Hill has been named to the 1968-69 first semester Kethodist College Dean's List, according to Dr. Samuel J. Womack, Jr., academic dean. In order to achieve this honor, a student must earn at least a nrn averare on 1$ or more semester hours, Dr. Womack ssid. Some 166 members of Methodist's near 1000 student body made the list. Miss Conard, a 1965 rraduate of Loudoun Valley Hip'h School, is a senior majorinp in elementcry education* She -'s the daunnter of I'r. end Mrs. George E. Conard of S. Loudoun St. Methodist College, now in its ninth academic•year, draws its student bod-v from 69 North Carolina counties and 17 other st-tes (82 from Virginia). REl: : : " ' 53 FAIETTEVILtE OBSERVER Carol ?". Ouvrrson, %ws Director, ljf:F-?110 ext. ?28 .vsrch 5f 1969 *r GRAi.'T — Kethodipt College president L. H. >/es^r Cleft) Pccp'cts p "1,?CO check from V.'. E, Stamper (center, district sslps ^ansp;er of ~e>:sco,Inc. snH Heorae Tinnln of 1. W. Tinnin, Inc., local '''exaco dealersh:^., check is CP<? of five instsllrnents on a •!r7,?0r'" unrestricted frcsnt, c-srt of Texaco* s Aid-to-E'3uc.otion Pro?rs-« Met'iodist Collr^e is :. re of": 300 collcrcs and universities' (HO privately-financed schools) included in Texaco 1 * program of educsticnal support, RSLSASE: .- I Carol K. Ouverson, News Direc'.or, bSP-7110 Karen 5, 1? LOCAL COED NAMED TO COLLFIB 'DEAN « S LIST F,, K. . .-Elva 't» Jess of Kensing-cn has been named to the 1968-69 first semester- Methodist College dean's list, according to Dr. Samuel J, Womack, «|r*> academic dean, In order to achieve this honor a, student must earn at least a "P" average on l£ or more semester h-urs, Dr. yorsack said Bs Some 166 members cf 'rthodist's-riear 1000 student body Tsde,. ^he list, viss i-eFFj a 1967 .graduate cf Albert -5:'. n stein r>r. "i,^h School, is & sophomore tria.joring in Tn- v lish snd plsnndnp s teachin^ career. •v!ter r. on r . JP.FS of 11216 ': -rt "*.s the •'-". 'r-thndist College, now •'n its ro'nt"' ,?c"r->nic y?sr,' fsav-t Itp s^vc'ent bodv from 6'? f\orth Carolina ccunt-lvr -nd 1? cth-r : 3 Csrol K. Cuvnrscn, f >; f-vs Director, LRR-7110 Karch $, I960 LOCAL <CO'--D N A M > ; : ! T O METHODIC COLLEGE n^AN'S LIST rn'TLi/s, I'.C. -Linda Cherrix MsSbOThlill has been named to the 1968-6? first semester . , b 1st ^<?lle^e Dean's L^st^ according to Dr» Samuel ,'J. Woamck, Jr., academic deer. It5. order to achieve this honor, a strident must earn at least a 'n-fl average on 15 or more semester hours, Dr. ••<"om=ck said. Some 166 members letho ist's near IOOQ student bo-?T triade the list. ."1s« Oherrjx, a 196? graduate major1' nr* in elementary eriuc'tn'rn. 7-T?;rr.y f Snow Hill Hiph School, is a sophomore She is the daughter nf Mr. snd ':r«. Cherrlx of Route 1, Snow Hill. f'ffcbo -ist College, nov in its ninth ac-"-')'emic yesr, draws its student body from 6' \orth Carolina counties anc3 1' ctb^r ' E.t r ' Cerol I". Ouverson, News Director, u88-7110 March 5, 1-3--9' LOCAL S I TO COL ' ; r TF. , K. C. - 0. David Hrtchrll, Jr. of Florence has been na-fcd to the 1968-69 first semester I-'etr ^let 3 o l l r r p '"crsn's List, according to In order to achieve. this honor, a student must earn at T^st s av.^rf. - on 1? or sere semester hours, n r» *'omack said. Some 166 students et'~cxJ:.:-t ' s near 1000 student body m-de the list. i'-chell, a 196^ graduate of McCl:.nafjh/-n :M..h School, is a . senior' ( r--;nfj '.n business administration, D. ifetchell He is the Son -f "r. and rs. Otis I - cable tioad, st College, now .in its ninth academic year, drav;s its s-fc.j v boo'y from 6:> :(1 rth Carolina coujsties and. 17 ether states (29 fro"i S.C.). RSLKASEl IMMEDIATE Carol M. Ouverson, News Director, lsB<R-7110 March 5', 1969 LOCAL SFUD ' 1 ' "I ' • •':.. BL 11 D! !1 «S T/r FAY r TTE' : TLL?', br.C> - Richard vietb of Snartenb'jrrr h*s been nsrnrd to the 1968-69 first ?eme^t^:r ?etho^i.Ft Collp^e Dean's List, accord n- to Samuel J. vomack, Jr.. academic dean. In order to achieve this honor, a 'student j»stir?t ^sm .it least a "'"" average on 15 or more semester h-- urs f . - : r. ;on?ack ssid. Some 166 mfrm of- ;;if:tho list's near 1000 s (indent HndT.r ™:3de the' llfit, V t h , a 196^ graduate, of F'osrtanbur^ H?rh School, is a senior in bus ins?? s-dministrpt^cr. 9s 15 the son of "Sr. an.i rn. S« Vieth of 110 itoseraary Road. ^ ist' College, now in its ninth academic ye?r, dra'-'s its st?. body from 69 Mrrth Carclins cooties and 1? other strtes (29 i>--rn' VC. r,-' \. '%i . •^ ^ \ K R O •at - tip fc 8 ^1 I) t/j J-v " j^ •M O £' •o . (u rJ fc- •rt •C' •ri ,s r»- CO 0 ft-: g •p (li Oi H O- •p *T> w i.O «a- J>.; C O <ii. in c • O <M oa ^ •^ ^" T, C sc |H| Ift A O 1C r-4 (^ . O n • ^3 •4^ ts M « i_. ^ « 1 r> 4J £: as -P L, (T> *3 «> \J\f r-* ^O tti til 18 £*<• ra ^ f « 43 0! o V, '-"> i-i 0-1 o c o +» <t rH U'. w -P ? • ' '•! r-f I, tv, O IMMEDIATE Carol '•", Ouv.-rson, Hews Director, h?-8-7110 March 6, 1969 ' . IS CLA~S <:7?ICS FATETTSVILLE - Justin :1. Tillett of *anteo was recently elected defense attorney for the freshman class at Methodist Colleee, Tillett, a 1?68 graduate of Manteo Hitrh School, is an Gn?lish major at thfi college, -fe is the son of '-'r. .ir>j i-'rs, Tillett, R. Tillett o.f Methodist College, now in the second semester of its ninth acsdemic year, draws its near 1000 student body from 6? M-crth Carolina counties and 17 other states. The four-year, 1'beral arts, coeducational institution offers 13 *~..7,1ors sod 17 nrnors in seven scademic areas. '"': 3 PT-:L"A3r-i IMMEDIATE ' Carol '"i. Onv^rson, NFVS Director, li8B-7110 March 6, 1969 LOCAL STVD-^H' fTl L ICE TLLE - Kenneth D. Pickett of Durham was recently elected vice president of the freshman class st Ketho-.;i?t Coll-'-e. f-ickett, a 1968 graduate of Durham High School, i.<? the son of : r, and Mrs. . ::. Pickett, Sr. of 112 Hilton Ave, ' RF.LKAS^t 'I Carol K. Ouverson, News Director, hR8-7110 March 6, 1969 STUDSKT WINS CLASS OFFICE 'f r;: STTLLE - Howard J. Lupton of Autryville was recently elected ^resident of ftp freshman class st ' .:tnc-:i = t 3olle?e, Lupton, fi reclr44nt of a National Methodist Scholarship, is a business administration major and a Dean's List student, He is the son of the Rev. arid Mrs, Jrrnrs '% Luptr-n of P.t. 2, Autryvillc, In addition t-o '. L 'r, ;- freshrran class and carr;n.n-? a ^ull. pc-^demic load, youn^ Lupton ps/s for n-art cf bis college expenses by work-in?- under the college v:cr!r-st,ud7 pr.oprsm. He. is s student assistant in .the college Department o^ Public Relations, : i. -thodist College, now in the second semester of Its ninth academic ypar, dra^.'s its rsar 1000 student body frcm 6? I-'orth Harolina counties and 17 other -states. The fc'or-ycar, liberal srts, coeducational institution offers 13 majors and 1? minors in seven academic areas, ^ VL*~U-wLAJJ f-l&w* _ Zx^ v ^ ^ RELEASEl I?-WEDIA"B Carol '•', Qnverson, KTews Director, >i8E-71lO March 6, 1969 STUDENT WINS CLASS OFFICE FAfSTTEVTLLE - Howard J. Lupton, the rrsndscn .of f'Trs. Ruth Lupton and Krs. Cora Daniels of Cedar Island, was recently elected President of the freshman class at MetbocJist College. Luoton, a recipient of a M-i-ional 1'Vthcdist Scholarship, Is a business administration rasjor and a Dean's List student. He. is the son of the Rev. and ;irs» James «./• Lupton of Autryrllle, In addition to hearling the f re shirs an class and carryings, full academic load, young Lupton pays for cart f 'iis eoll^cre expenses by working under the college work-stjrdy program. He is £ student assistant in the college Dep?rtnent of Public Halations. ."fethor'ist College, now in ithe second semester of its ninth academic year, dravs its near .1000 student body from 6° North Carolina counties and 17 othf r states. The fcur-yc-ir, liberal arts, coeducational institution offers 13 majors and 17 minors in seven academic areas. RELEASE: IK3 Carol K. Guverson, ^'eus Director, March 6, 1969 STUDENT WINS CLASS OFFICE WYETTEVTLLS - Howard J. Lupton, a 1968 -radii? te of Rocky Mount Senior Hl^h, WPS recently elected president of the freshman class at Methodist Colle-<~. Lupton, a recipient of a ffetional Ketbo Ust Scholarshio, is a businessadministrr-tion major and a Dean's List student. and Mrs, Jsroe.s 3.. Lupton of A utryville He is the 'son of the Rev. .(formerly of tfocky Mount). \n addition loa , younfT Lupton pa -s for p ri rt of h s colleVe expenses by workinp- under the college work-study pro^rarn. He is a studjmt assistant in the college Department of Public Relations. Methodist College, now In itbn second scmerter cf its ninth acsoV-tic yesr, drsv-s its sear 1000 student body .from 69 ?>?ortb Carolina counties and 1? cthrr states. The four-year, liberal arts, coeducational i offers 13 majors ?nd 17 minors in seven academic areas. Carol ?'. Ouverson, News Director, lifi8-7HO ext. 228 March 7, 1969 GAIT IONS BOARD VISITS HET!!Q 1ST COLLEGE "T FATETTEVILLE - Members of the Board Of College Visitors of the N.C. Conference gather following a March li lunch'eon in the new dining facilities of the expanded Student Union on the f'.C, campus. Left to ri f?ht are: W. E. Srrsntcn (Sanford), Rev, S. t. Tovnsend (Laurinburg), Rev. J, P, Parvin (Weldon), L. Taylor Oakes fRoanoke Rsric's), Chairman Rev, Kermit Wheeler (Lsurinbur?), Payl G, Csrr (Hillsborourh), Hps. J. E. Davis (Sanford), Mrs, T. P. Upchurch (Rsefor^), snd "rs. Cecil Pa";e (Goldsboro), AREA NEWS MEDIA, HIGH SCHOOLS, MEEHODIST CHURCHES, FORT BRAGG, LIBRARY METHODIST COLLEGE Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301 News Bureau Carol M, Ouverson, News Director, 1^88-7110 ext. 228 RELEASE: AT WILL March 10, 1969 CAMPUS CALENDAR MARCH 1? - MARCH 22 MONDAY, MARCH 17 Art exhibit, sculpture and painting, Jack Mitchell (local artist and teacher), Fine Arts Bldg. (through March 29). FRIDAY, MARCH 21 8 p.m., Concert, The Vogues, Reeves Aud., $3.00 door admission, $3 advance, sponsored by the Student Government Association. SATURDAY, MARCH 22 1 p.m., Baseball doubleheader, Methodist vs. N. C. Wesleyan College. AREA, RALEIGH, & SURROUNDING COUNTIES NEWS MEDIA, LOCAL HIGH SCHOOLS, FORT BRAGG, LIBRARY M E T H O D I S T C O L L E G E RELEASE: IMMEDIATE Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301 News Bureau, U88-7110, ext. 228 Carol M. Ouverson, News Director March 10, 1969 THE VOGUES COMING TO METHODIST MARCH 21 FAYETTEVILLE - Coming to the Methodist College campus Friday, March 21, will be The Vogues, recording artists for Reprise Records. The Vogues, a bright young quartet from Turtle Creek, Pa., started their recording career at Reprise with "Turn Around, Look At Me," which rose to the number two spot in the country, and followed with "My Special Angel" which climbed to number five on the charts. All in their mid-20's, The Vogues grew up together in Turtle Creek and have been working as a group for the past eight years. They are Bill Burkette^ lead baritone; Don Miller, baritone; Hugh Geyer, first tenor; and Chuck Blasko, second tenor. The group's manager, Elmer Willett, has been with them since they first sang together. The singers, known almost as much for their club and college concerts as their recordings, sing both hard rock and standards, and perform two distinctly different acts. Additional releases with which The Vogues have made the charts are: "Five O'clock World," "Magic Town," and "You're The One." Their albums include "You're The One," "Five O'clock World," "Thevogues Greatest Hits" and "Turn Around, Look At Me." Current album release on Reprise is "Till." The Cogues, with their ten-piece orchestra, will appear in concert, 8 p.m., Reeves Auditorium, Methodist College campus, March 21. For ticket information call Methodist College 1^88-7110, ext 2it6 (day) or l|88-9962 (evening) or write Tickets, Box 33, Methodist College (28301). .s:' FA?CH 26, 1969 .Carol.-K.. Ouverson, News Dir^or JrPS-7110 ext, 228 March 12. . 196? ' - • ' • "•''• ••• ' • ,of th .Colics today,:' ""' ' '"" : ' • A. in foot t,,B rooms.. - . 'In addition, "the stEff moved into the 'hew' Poroer . ' '' - ' ' . "AdminiPtraT-.ton.'Raitdl.. t ,. - And construction-still cantinr'/3*-9t Kothpdint as the college conns - - nearer to its original proposal of 21 buildings. With 17 .-structures completed, • work on the Hensdala.Cnspsl'is now nnderway,"',FuUjtire builtiin^s incluc's the , par-nanent girmnasitiin,.a ma'ntenanco and repair building and the f-Jc3d housa. ' • ' ' . • • ' • " " . ' . ' - . • ' ' /- • . ' '~ ."'"•' - ' • ' ' - ' • ;' f- "& Also boauti.fylnc; the campus gnd 0nridhing tbo extracurricular program • will ho the ?-Tichaol Tcrrence O'ilanlon Memorial ftrophithentrc, the Hrst half of vj;;ich will b^ cortiplotfid' by spring 19691. Built, «ilong the shores of a sylvan-set mini-lake, the amphithsstre will. . - - be used 1 for outdoor religious services and S-'> r ' ': ' - • • '" . '' ' ':': ?, .-. . . . . . . . . • - . . . , . . ; . . . . . , , dramatic productions. :-KO^R : ; 1 t :• ; . ". •» !> « TO> - g ' t~- ^H 'OJ Q> - x* . 1 •j; ^5 • r j » •3 * «... ' 4» C T* S i- •o c nj E ". >'-'.: --'I ,-'!:-:: ."? "«-' :i -': '-' :' - li~::'" ,f :' > ''.',-: * =-'-^-- '• 0 •>> f>s 4-5 rH J3 o ,« ^-j : 1 -g - . £ • CX (-H ; • ftr.j ;:T.- ",. ., • <i. «C - j _-. . ^ " ' •* • _, "••- . ti ^••:%;^ ! V. T> William' 3" Cs -"-'C- ;^ >^' - • 4^- • *c M^ 01 j.-' ^it?m:'^t^^llp^lS:^ STr^-'^'^-".-*- ,» •- - ' .--i^- . <-.? " •' " ;' -. --:'• - - . ' - * .-- -'-' - .• .V •'• ,- ' "• ' -.- . -V-.v., -' , ,. • ' „ ' • - . . . •' ' - .. > ,-'•' '< ..'• --. \;:-. '!^'-: ••-:••••> fc ' t5 ":•••:.:•:,. '-.-'•• ," ?-•;;-,o c ^.,.--, .,,:v^;:v • • .:* :r;. -. »n • .... : : - ,..• ...'.. s. • t* . •••:•:•••* ' • < • ; - , - • J2 . •':•-;;:,;•";.•;. _ \ : / " , .j-4'-'>..' ; ->:'^: •'*, l*J c : : f ma, • ' . . - . ,«Xh? ' • • •Glass. • . Merierrei . . .* •• v ' •* '•' ' ' ' '' ' . 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'\ •1., > ^T>*': *=. •.-*> l > ':•• • • ; .-;v-i-.!-.' .->;•--;//: -5'* '; • -., ' '^^' ••' -;'' ",'• "^ • ^; '" j,^'"i>''-' •''•••I.'" ^ - .. J Carol r-VOuv-rv", It' CKS* Director, ! '"-7110 «srch 13, 1 ! . , for . . : - :onnle dill of A1-: "1st Colle«^e durin? the 1 i ^11 -nt arc rd^n? to fs'ason -Sy i? coffc*"-. •7111, a 1965 . graduate of Alts^ista '11 rh School, is a junior at the jsn of ,rrs. Luc.,.!"-.*- -ill of i 5li rtfford*-. :"he ';1rthodist -"onarchs orn^n r-errtjl^r -e^-n rla^ "••'edrjcr^cy, ''."rch ?6 ;onf-rence rival St. Andrews Ccllesre of Lsbrlnborg, Is « memh-fT ci • . . iy'e Int; rc^llr -ist* Athletic Conference ^shich. includes seren other f.crth Ceroliu*, Jksuth * "na an^ "/ireinis colleges. f •LJt^&*-r~**f RELEASE: IKKEDIATB Carol M. Ouvorson, News Director, US8-7110 March 13, 1969 LOCAL YG'TH ON COLLT50E TP"NIS ROSTER FAYSTTEVILLE, N.C. - Ed Dunn of Florence will play vsrsity tennis for Xethovist College during the 1969 season, scccrdin- to M^son Sykcs, tennis coach. D'jnn, a 1965 praduste of McClenacrhsn Flirrh School, 1? a senior at '•'ethorJi^t and the son of Mr. and* Mrs* V. P. Hunn of ii.06 Calhoun Drive. The Methodist donsrchs open regular seascr: play Wedne.-dsy, "srrb 26 against conference r-val St. Andrews College? of Laurinbur-;, r'.C. V'locist is a ! member of the Dixie Intercollegiat* Athletic Conferenoe v?hich includes seven other North Carolina, South Carolina snd Virpinia colleges. RELEA3E: Carol K» Ouverscn, Mews Director, Jj £8-7110" March 13, 1969 LOCA.L YOUTH ON COLLEGE TEH* IS 30STHR F.ATKTTE?TLLEfBobby Crcssno of Enfield will play varsity tennis for Methodist College ouring the 1969 season, according to Mason Sykes, tennis cosch. Crossno, the only sophomore to make the sauad, also playe^ varsity tennis for the Monarchs d-Tin* his freshman yesr. 'le is ? 1P67 s,ra--?oate of Bnfield High School and the son of the Rev. and Mrs. R« L, ^reene of 211 Whitfield. The Methodist Monsrchs open regular season pl?<y Wednesday, March 26 against conference rival St. Ancre«s College of Laurinbur^, N.C. Ketho^ist is a member of the Dixie Intercollegiate Athletic Conference which Includes seven other Forth Carolina, South Carolina etnd Virginia "~ : IWKET Carol K. Ouverscn, Mews Director, ! ^-.7110 March 13, 1969 LOCAL YOUTH OP? COLLEGE TSNMIS , H.C. - Sam Corapton, Jr. of "a-npton will play varsity tennis for Kethodist College for the 1969 season, according to i-'g'son Sykrcs, tennis cosch. Comptcn, a 1965 graduate of Ha-ptcn High School, is a senior at *'etho-5ist and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Compton of 1360 Fir ! .eth-. 1 "d. The Methodist Monarch s open regular season plsy Wednrsday, Kerch 26 against conference rival St. Andr^vs College ':,f Lsurinb-.TF, N. C. '- t;:or?3 st is a member of the Dixie Intercollegiate Athletic Confrrence which Includes seven ether Morth Carolina, South Carolina and of/ T T irrinia .colleges. HEI- I : Carol M. Ouverson, News Director, h8?-7110 March 13, 1969 _ LOCAL YOUTH OH CCLL",Gfr T£' ! IS SOST..R FAF'TTTSVILLB, M.C. - David Bouteiller of McLean will play varsity tennis for Ketho a?t ^olle^e for fchp 17-v season, according to Mason Sylces, tennis cos ch • 3outeiller, s. 196? .-^raduste of HcL«an Hi^h School, is a senior at Methc-dist and the son of fr. -^nd Tr^.. ". L. Bouteiller of 6016 Woodland Terrace, The Method! rt Kom-rcbs open regular season 'nlay '-Jednf-sdsy, ''"rch 26 . against conference rivsl St. Ardrefcs Collsge of Lrurinbr;r.g, -,'.C. Kebiodist is a member of the Dixie Int^rcollep-iE'te Athletic Conference «''"?! ch inclseven ether ]T orth Csrclina, South Carolina dnd Virginia colleges. RF.L-A-E: EMSDTATE- Carol M. Ouverson, Mews Director, .L68-7110 March 13, 196? LOCAL rOitTM •••» COLLESE TEK'-TIS ROSTER ' 7TEVJLLE - Terry Poose of Winston-Salem will play varsity tennis for Methodist College for the 1969 season, accortinp to Kason Sykes, tennis coech. Boo'se, a 1965 graduate of North Porsyth Hi-h School, ia a senior at Hetbodisb an.-J t!ie 3cn of i-fr. and Krs. I. L. Eoose'of 3f?l'5 Kilhsven Road. The Xetbodist r*onsrcbs open re"i5lar sens'.-n ploy Wednesday, '^rch 26 apainst conference rival 3t. Andrews .College of Lsurinburp, 'ocH.-rfc is a member of the Dixie Intercollegiate Athletic Confrrence which includes seven oth; r North Carolina, South Csrolina and 'irpinia colleges. -*&U^4U^UAA^J i Carol M. Ouvrrscn, Mews Director, hP-8-7110 March 13, 196 OB COLW ram is : , I'.,-. - Howard Aro'en of Sc^r'sdsle ,will play varsity tennis for 1 Methodist College for the 19-'^ wesson, according to Mason Sysres, tennis coech. Arden, a Iv6-.; graduate of Scarsdale ni; T h School, is a junior at et;-'odist • n-j the son cf Dr., ar/c1 .-frs. /loward A, Arr'en of '? Crane Ho?d, Also a member of the 196fi-69 varsity scccor sousd, ftrdf?n was nf 1 " 7 '11- ; ' fr.rence Team. '":c ,C. ''anarchs or>en reruilr season pla/ in ternis Wednesday, -'srch " 26 aes.inst ccnference rivsl Dt« Andrews Colle?e of Latirinbur~, ".C« ?''etV|Q^' is a menber of the Dixie Intercolleffiste Athletic Conference which includes seven other '"ort'h Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia colleges. st ^^ -^ M E T H\D I^S T C O L L E G E Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301 News Bureau, U88-7110, ext. 228 Carol M. Ouverson, News Director RELEASE: , <> - J IMMEDIATE March U, 1969 SCIENTIST-PHILOSOPHER TO APPEAR AT METHODIST FAYETTEVILLE - Methodist College will soon present on its campus a man who has combined the two fields of science and religion. Dr. George K. Schweitzer, who holds the Ph.D. in inorganic chemistry (University of Illinois), a second Ph.D. in philosophy of religion (New York University), and an Sc.D. for work in history of science (Central College), will speak Wednesday, March 26, 8 p.m., Reeves Auditorium. Dr. Schweitzer will lecture on the topic, "Philosophy: Religion and Science." A Bridge Between The event is part of the college Concert-Lecture Series. Presently professor of chemistry at the University of Tennessee (Knoxville), Dr. Schweitzer's duties include teaching and directing research in the fields of inorganic and nuclear chemistry both on the main campus and at the Oak Ridge division of the university. The professor also holds a B.A. in chemistry from Central College, an M.S. in geochemistry from the University of Illinois and an M.A. in religion from Columbia University and Union Theological Seminary. Dr. Schweitzer is the author of over 80 papers in inorganic and nuclear chemistry, a textbook on radioactivity, a book on the doctorate, numerous papers in the intersecting spheres of science, philosophy, and religion, and numerous essays. MORE ADD ONE-Methodist College speaker The scientist-philosopher holds membership in Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, The American Chemical Society, The American Philosophical Association, and The History of Science Society. He has acted as scientific consultant for the Atomic Energy Commission, Monsanto, Proctor and Gamble, American Cyanamid, and the Array Radiological Defense Laboratories. Campus speaking engagements have taken Dr. Schweitzer to over 100 colleges and universities where he has lectured on science, philosophy and religion. He has led numerous religious convocations and religion-in-life weeks, held over 20 endowed lectureships, and conducted spiritual emphasis meetings in many churches of differing denominations. Dr. Schweitzer's lecture is open to the public at no charge. Note: This lecture replaces the Tuesday, March 25 appearance of Dr. Henry Margenau which has been cancelled (due to emergency surgery). * RELEASE f/IMMEDIATE M E T H O D I S T C O L L E G E Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301 News Bureau, U88-7110, ext. 228 Carol M. Ouverson, News Director March 17, 1969 CAMPUS CALENDAR MARCH 2U - MARCH 29 MONDAY, MARCH 2U Art exhibit, sculpture and painting, Jack Mitchell (local artist and teacher), Fine Arts Bldg. (through March 29). WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26 8 p.m., Lecture, "Philosophy: A Bridge Between Religion and Science," Dr. George K. Schweitzer, professor of chemistry, University of Tennessee, Reeves Auditorium. SATURDAY, MARCH 29 8 p.m., Concert, Methodist College Chorus, Alan M. Porter directing, Reeves Auditorium. METHODIST COLLEGE Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301 News Bureau, ^88-7110, ext. 228 Carol M. Ouverson, News Director RELEASE: IMMEDIATE March 17, 1969 METHODIST GETS AAUW APPROVAL FAYETTEVILLE - Methodist College women graduates will now be eligible to join the American Association of University Women (AAUW), L. Stacy Weaver, president, has announced. Eligibility was granted when Methodist College was placed on the AAUW list of recognized universities and colleges, Dr. Weaver said. Women holding the baccalaureate or a higher degree from recognized colleges and universities (over 975 nationwide) are eligible to join the AAUW. Recognition of Methodist College is retroactive to the first graduating class (1961j) making all M.C. women graduates eligible. AAUW, headquartered in Washington, D.C., numbers more than 175*000 nationwide with over 1,625 branches in the 50 states, the District of Columbia and Guam. The organization, which had its beginning in 1882, offers a "program to enable college women to continue their own intellectual growth, to further the advancement of women, and to discharge the special responsibilities to society of those who have enjoyed the advantage of higher education." Each year AflUW awards approximately $350,000 through its fellowship program to about 100 women scholars for study leading to the doctorate. On the worldwide level, AAUW holds membership in the International Federation of University Women which has units associated in 52 lands. Locally, a branch of the national group received certification in January of this year. Miss Carolyn Graves serves as president of the local branch which meets on the last Tuesday of each month. For additional information those interested may call Mrs. Raymond Luper, membership chairman, at h81i-25l8. AREA AND SURROUNDING COUNTIES NEWS MEDIA, LOCAL HIGH SCHOOLS, FORT BRAGG, LIBRARY METHODIST COLLEGE Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301 News Bureau, U88-7110, ext. 226"" Carol M. Ouverson, News Director RELEASE: FRIDAY, MARCH 21 March 18, 1969 VOGUES CONCERT TONIGHT AT METHODIST FAYETTEVILLE - Reprise recording artists The Vogues will appear in concert tonight at 8 p.m., Reeves Auditorium on the Methodist College campus. Concert selections will include the latest release for the quartet, "No Not Much," and other such hits as "Turn Around, Look At Me" and "My Special Angel." After their Methodist College engagement (their exclusive North Carolina appearance) The Vogues travel to Hollywood, Calif, to tape an April 2 appearance on the Glenn Campbell Comedy Hour. Other television appearances by the group have been the 1968 Ed Sullivan Christmas Show, The Mike Douglas Show, Hollywood Palace, Bandstand '69 and That's Life. All in their mid 20's, The Vogues have been working together for the past eight years. They are Bill Burkette, lead baritone; Don Miller, baritonej Hugh Geyer, first tenor; and Chuck Blasko, second tenor. Tickets for the concert, sponsored by the Methodist College Student Government Association, are $3 advance, $3»3>0 at the door. AREA AND SURROUNDING COUNTIES NEWS MEDIA, LOCAL HIGH SCHOOLS, FORT BRAGG, LIBRARY METHODIST COLLEGE Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301 News Bureau, U88-7110, ext. 228 Carol M. Ouverson, News Director RELEASE: IMMEDIATE March 18, 1969 METHODIST COLLEGE TO PRESENT SCIENTIST-PHILOSOPHER FAYETTEVILLE - Scientist-philosopher George K. Schweitzer will speak Wednesday, March 26, 8 p.m., at Reeves Auditorium on the Methodist College campus. Dr. Schweitzer will lecture on the topic, "Philosophy: A Bridge Between Religion and Science." Professor of chemistry at the University of Tennessee (Knoxville), Dr. Schweitzer holds the Ph.D. in inorganic chemistry (University of Illinois), a second Ph.D. in philosophy of religion (New York University) and an Sc.D. in the history of science (Central College). He also holds a B.A. in chemistry from Central College, an M.S. in geochemistry from the University of Illinois and an M.A. in the philosophy of science from Columbia University. Frequently speaking on the relationship of religion and science, Dr. Schweitzer has appeared at over 120 colleges and universities. He is also the author of several papers on the philosophy of religion and the philosophy of science. Part of the college Concert-Lecture Series, the event is open to the public at no charge. #cmo# Note: This lecture replaces the Tuesday, March 25 appearance of Dr. Henry Margenau which has been cancelled (due to emergency surgery). SPECIAL TO THE FAYETTEVILLE OBSERVER RELEASE: AT WILL Carol M. Ouverson, News Director, U88-7110, ext. 2?0 March 20, 1969 What is it like to he a working college student? Does working hinder studying? Do grades consequently suffer? For two Fnyettevilln coeds, squeezing hours of campus employment between classes and studies presents special problems, hut offers definite rewards. To Patsy Hall and Karen Job, both students at Methodist College, earning a college degree will be the key to opening a career in teaching. Now in her second semester of college, Patsy Hall manages to work about 10 hours each week in the Office of Admissions and the Registrar where she performs secretarial duties. A Dean's Lint student (3.0 or better), Patsy remarks that working "helps you learn to budget your time." Karen Job, now in her junior year, is also a Dean's List student. More experienced at managing the work-study schedule, Karen works upwards of !£ hours each week as a part-time secretary in the Department of Development. "When I'm not working or attending class, I'm studying," Karen explains. "You do, however, have to sacrifice some outside activities when you work. There are some campus clubs that I would like to be morn active in but, .simply don't have the time." Karen also agrees that working teaches a student to budget his time better. MORE ADD ONE—working coeds Both coeds are "day" students at Methodist, living off campus and commuting to and from classes each day. Patsy, who In a native of Fayetteville, lives w:i t,h her p'<ront.i, Mr. nnd Mrs. George E. Hall, and one sister, Bonnie, on a small farm about 21 miles from campus. "I have no trouble studying at home," Patsy finds. She attributes this to the "quiet" atmosphere found in her home. Karen, the daughter of Lt. Col. Ret. and Mrs. Jesse C. Job, also lives at home a few miles from campus. Two younger brothers and a sister do not keep her from studies either an "they usually have homework also." A transfer student, Karen has lived in a girls' dormitory and remarks that "there are just as many diversions to keep you from studying in a dorm as there are at home. Mt, jtVvJ<JLt*Mv "It was difficult to find a quiet place/at times, but I enjoy a challenge," she adds. As both coeds work as secretarial assistants in administrative offices, they must put in their hours of work between 8 and £. Both agree that this makes a very tight schedule during the daytime, but point out that eveni.ngs are then left free for studies. Students who work at jobs in the evenings have a different scheduling problem, but doing it successfully "is all a matter of learning to budget your time." Karen does feel fortunate in finding work as a secretary nnd explains how she happened to be propnrod for the position: "I was undecided about the future v;hen I finished high school, so T went to secretarial school first. Now I'm finding that year spend gaining secretarial know-how is an asset when seeking campus and summer employment." MORE - ADD WO—working coeds Scholarships also help to pay college expenses for the two. Patsy holds a Methodist College Merit Scholarship and the Fayetteville Business and Professional Women's Scholarship. Karon holds the Kwrl W. JVrnn Scholarship (from the Ernestine Matt hows Trust) and has also received a North Carolina State Teachers Scholarship. Academically, literature holds the interest of both Karon and Patsy although their approach to a career is different. Karen aspires to teach eventually on the college level. Hut, just as she first went to secretarial school before entering collepe, so she has selected a practical means of reaching for an advanced decree. With the Bachelor's decree, she plans to teach on the elementary level while working toward the higher? decrees. Patsy plans to teach on the secondary level. "I love to read and to write, and I hope that I can instill this same feelini? in my students," she says. AREA, SURROUNDING COUNTIES, RALEIGH NEWS MEDIA, NC.CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE, HIGH SHHDOLS METHODIST COLLEGE Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301 News Bureau, U88-7UO, ext. 228 Carol M. Ouverson, News Director RELEASE: IMMEDIATE March 20, 1969 SUMMER SESSION SET AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE - Applications are now being processed for the Methodist College 1969 summer session, college officials have announced. Summer session will run for six weeks from June 5> through July 17. In addition, two special three-week programs and one five-week program will be offered within the six-week period. Over hO courses will be available during the session. Courses boing offered are: art appreciation, theory and practice in art education, introduction to zoology, introduction to botany, principles of economics, public finance, comparative economic systems, and education in public schools. Other courses include: guidance and counseling, audio-visual instruction, composition and grammar, English literature I, English literature II, fundamentals of reading, world literature, western civilization I, western civilization II, U.S. history and modern European history. Also offered are: basic mathematics, modern mathematics, music appreciation, music fundamentals for classroom teachers, piano, voice, organ, introduction to philosophy, American government, political parties, general psychology, educational psychology, Old Testament and New Testament. Also: principles of sociology, cultural anthropology, criminology, fundamentals of speech, French, Spanish and pre-calculus mathematics. Summer session costs are tuition ($27 per semester hour), general fee ($5 per course), science lab fee ($7.?0 per course), room and board ($l£0 for 6 weeks), applied music fee ($UO per course or $3»25 Per lesson). Those interested in further information should contact the Office of Admissions prior to June U, the final day for registration. AREA NEWS MEDIA, RALEIGH PAPERS, FT. BRAGG, LIBRARY, AREA CHURCHES, HIGH SCHOOLS METHODIST COLLEGE Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301 News Bureau, U88-7110, ext. 228 Carol M. Ouverson, News Director RELEASE: A T WILL March 2U, 1969 CAMPUS CALENDAR MARCH 31 - APRIL h MONDAY, MARCH 31 U p.m., Lecture, "The Human Environment," Dr. Marston Bates, professor of zoology, University of Michigan, Science Auditorium (S-222). Photography exhibit, "Student Life," Dick Johnson, photographer, Davis Memorial Library (through April 12). WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2 12:30 p.m., Tennis, Methodist College vs. Campbell College, Tennis Courts. 3 p.m., Baseball, Methodist College vs. Elon College, Baseball Field. THURSDAY, APRIL 3 3 p.m., Baseball, Methodist College vs. Lynchburg College, Baseball Field. FRIDAY, APRIL U Holiday Recess (Classes resume Wednesday, April 9 at 8:30 a.m.) AREA NEWS MEDIA M E T H O D I S T C O L L E G E Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301 News Bureau, 1*88-7110, ext. 228 Carol M. Ouverson, News Director RELEASE: IMMEDIATE March 2k, 1969 METHODIST COLLEGE PLACES ELEMENTARY TEACHER INTERNS FAYETTEVILLE - Student teacher internships are now underway for U7 Methodist College elementary education students, according to E. A. West, director of student teaching. The nine-week internships began March 19, West said, and will run through May 23 for boarding students and through the elementary school year for day students. Students will be working under the supervision of regular classroom teachers who have been selected on the basis of their own experience record and ability in the classroom. Internships for IiO of the students will be in Cumberland County and Fayetteville schools. Those teaching in Fayetteville are: BELVEDERE SCHOOL, Beth Carr (Mrs. Norma McNally supervising), Jane Cook (Mrs. Janie Williams) and Jeannette Relyea (Miss Harriet Carter); GLENDALE SCHOOL, Ruth Jones ( Mrs. Coleen Brickhouse); and HAYMOUNT SCHOOL, Nancy Thomas (Mrs. Martha Bush) and Beverly Johnson (Miss Eloise Hendricks). Also: LUCILE SOUDERS SCHOOL, Jean Goss (Mrs. Margaret Birke) and Regina Keeter (Mrs. Gladys Hollingsworth; PAULINE JONES SCHOOL, Belinda Hawley (Mrs. Adelaide Thomas) and Marjorie Hall (Miss Aggie McCall); RAMSEY STREET SCHOOL, Barbara Fulghum (Mrs. Cynthia Green) and Annette Usher (Mrs. Jean Swaringen). Others are: VANSTORY HILLS SCHOOL, Constance Autry (Mrs. Katherine Stutts), Delia Hall (Mrs. Jessie McDonald) and Glenda Honeycutt (Mrs. Jeanette Stafford); WESTLAWN SCHOOL, Sandra Boyce (Miss Carleen Moulder) and Elizabeth Yoder (Mrs. Mildred Averette). MORE ADD ONE--Methodist College Teacher Interns In the area of music Byrd Eubank and Brenda Teal will be student teaching under Mrs. Annie O'Briant, Miss Vera King and Mrs. Ellen Tew. Students teaching in the Cumberland County schools include: WILLIAM H. OWSN SCHOOL, Peggy Barbee (Mrs. Shelvia J. McNeill supervising), Paula Caddell (Miss Rosa A. Graham) and Anne Moore (Mrs. Anne C. Freeman); LONG HILL SCHOOL, Dianne Clark (Mrs. Helena P. McKoy); HOPE MILLS SCHOOL, Margaret Bullard (Mrs. Sarah G. Hay) and Billy West (Mrs. Flora S. Evans). Also: COLLEGE LAKES SCHOOL, Judy Conard (Mrs. Sebia H. Swan), Richard Lindner (Mrs. Helen P. Laugisch) and Sally Palmer (Mrs. Dixie E. Godwin); J. W. COON SCHOOL, Jan Marcy (Mrs. Jane G. Miller), Martha Riley (Miss Julia A. Byrd), Olivia White (Mrs. Mary I. Salter) and Barbara Wilson (Mrs. Ida H. Lancaster); MARY MACARTHUR SCHOOL, Elsie Ober (Mrs. Elizabeth F. Shaw) and Vivian Ricker (Mrs. Christine F. Goodwin). Others are: ELIZABETH CASHWELL SCHOOL, Sylvia Parnell (Mrs. Betty 0. Cashwell); MONTCLAIR SCHOOL, Miranda Puckett (Mrs. Mary S. Saunders), Harriet Ransone (Mrs. Edith T. Moen) and Mary Alice Rogers (Mrs. Carolyn E. Little); OAKDALE SCHOOL, JoAnne Strickland (Mrs. Velma Wells); and ALGER B. WILKINS SCHOOL, Helen Westmoreland (Mrs. Mary Burkhead). Students teaching outside Cumberland County include: Pamela Cox (Goldsboro), Dee Fincher (Lee County), Paula Gore (Clington), Juanita Hanner (Moore County), Mary McFadyen (Moore County), Janis McNeill (Lee County) and Marilyn Phelps (Sampson County). #cmo# RELEASE: Wednesday, March 26 M E T H O D I S T C O L L E G E Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301 News Bureau, U88-7110, ext. 228 Carol M. Ouverson, News Director March 21*, 1969 PHILOSOPHER SPEAKS TONIGHT AT METHODIST FAYETTEVILLE - Philosopher-scientist George K. Schweitzer will lecture tonight at 8 p.m., Reeves Auditorium, Methodist College. Dr. Schweitzer, who will speak on "Philosophy: A Bridge Between Religion and Science," is appearing as part of the college Concert-Lecture Series. Professor of chemistry at the University of Tennessee, Dr. Schweitzer holds the Ph.D. in both inorganic chemistry and the philosophy of religion. He is a frequent speaker at colleges and educational, civic, business, and professional meetings and conventions. The lecture is open to the public at no cost. #cmo# RF!/:A5r: IMMEDIATE srcl '•?. Ouverson, Mews Director, ti8P-7110, ext. 228 M~reh 25, 1969 v^ ^ t r " PRESENTS ^ IS'TTSVTLLE - The 'Metho^i^t College Chorus will lend off its scbe' 3 'le of spring performances Saturday, i'arcb ?9, •'; p.m., with its annual sorin? V concert at Reeves Auditorium on campus 'Twenty-seven voices strong, the chorus is unier the direction of '.-.n '« Poster, assicto^t, professor n f ' v - H ee now in his s;:xi,h year st ist* Porter' also serves as c'-'oir director at the '!?7 Street Hatted Ketho-.lipt Church. ^ccor^i'nn to Porter, students schipve chorus "lenVers ip throusrh audition an-' ccwe from all academic Trs^s '-r'th about one-third of the oirou"- being m u s i c makers. In addition to performances in the Fsyetteville area, the chorus has toured throughout the Southeastern fr m-ted States and recently returned from 1 a concert tour which took them through South Carolina, "•eor/iia'-and ''' 'Saturday's concert >?ill be "in titb sacred music of d i f f e r i n g st and will close vith secular selrcticns such as "Love is Plup," "T-r1 -h "All- Through the ?'i.-hb," and "Cin-iy." Among the prest composers whose works will be performed are Gassier, Handel, I'rs'pi-ns, Tschesnokoof and Cberubini. " The proup will also present in the. original Latin ?e r 'eum Lau^STus by 7 rnnz Joseph ^aydn ar"1 two ients fron; the folk- mass ':' rb«-rt ". "^rsesel , -Tr. T The concert is ox-en to the 1 i?^Iic at no admission charge. AREA NEWS MEDIA, HIGH SCHOOLS, CHURCHES, COLLEGES METHODIST COLLEGE Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301 News Bureau, U88-7110, ext. 228 Carol M. Ouverson, News Director RELEASE: IMMEDIATE March 25, 1969 METHODIST COLLEGE CHORUS PRESENTS SPRING CONCERT SATURDAY FAYETTEVILLE - The Methodist College Chorus will lead off its schedule of spring performances Saturday, March 29, 8 p.m., with its annual spring concert at Reeves Auditorium on campus. Twenty-seven voices strong, the chorus is under the direction of Alan M. Porter, assistant professor of voice now in his sixth year at Methodist. He also serves as choir director at the Hay Street United Methodist Church. According to Porter, students achieve chorus membership through audition and come from all academic areas with about one-third of the group being music majors. In addition to performances in the Fayetteville area, the chorus has toured throughout the Southeastern United States and recently returned from a concert tour which took them through South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. Saturday's concert will begin with sacred music of differing styles and will close with secular selections such as "Love is Blue," "High Hopes," "All Through the Night," and "Cindy." Among the great composers whose works will be performed are Hassler, Handel, Brahms, Tschesnokoof and Cherubini. The group will also present in the original Latin Te Deum Laudamua by Franz Joseph Haydn and two movements from the folk mass Rejoice by Herbert G. Draesel, Jr.. The concert is open to the public at no admission charge. ': I FAIETTEVILLE OBSERVER C?rol '-'. Ouversen, \'^ws Director, March-26, 1969 FAYFFTE' ?T T r - 'ethodist College hnr rec.-lv^d ? *?.r^ contr^-'t:-->n ^or the F.-nrde P. ^tein Scholarship ^und, sccoej^^nF tc Hr. L. Stecy T>'epv«r,r> pre^l^Rit. Presenting the ?ift was ,"rs. Fannie Lanrston, president oT the CfpStol Club (which sponsors the schol.rr-sh';p ar^ nskes a n ?nr;u~l contribution)'* The F. P. Stein Scholarship r's awarded by Kethodi?t -"ollere '-:>o s student from Cumberland County. FortWRTTftciplent Robert L. : ?u7bes ( l ( ' ; graduate) of Fayetteville is now studying Isw f t the Univers'ty of '-crtl; Carolina. AREA NEWSMEDIA M E T H O D I S T C O L L E G E Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301 :if-ys Bureau, U88-7110, ext. '228 Carol M« Ouverson, News Director RELEASE: SATURDAY, MARCH 29 March 27, 1969 SPRING CONCERT TONIGHT AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAIETTEVILLE - The Methodist College Chorus will present its annual spring concert tonight, March 29, 8 p.m., at Reeves Auditorium on campus. Local students appearing in the chorus are: Second Sopranos Mary Brown and Hope Porter; First Altos Carole McKnight and Edith Tillman; and Second Altos Beth Cook, Donna Hambelton and Vivian Webb. Also: First Tenors Rick Nunez and Donald Snelgrove; First Bass Woodrow Viblls and Second Bass Lodewyk Mason. Students achieve chorus membership through audition, according to Alan Mo Porter, director and assistant professor of voice. Tonight's concert, which is open to the public, will include both sacred and secular music. There is no admission charge. IWBDIAT1 •'. Ouwrson, I'evs Director, h^R- March ?0, 1969 ^j LiZ - Regina o. Kecter of Morehsad City is prse of !-7 "ethodist College 'Students receivlnfj tieccVr intrrns s in assignments for t-1® soring semester, according to F. A. ''est, director of student teaching '-isL; S'-eter, a senior raajorln? in elementary education, will be student teaching at Lucife Soudcrs 3choTl in ^ayetteville. 1x6? f?r3 >'est Csrteret Hl,-^ School, sh^ ^s the 'auirhtrr o^1 ;'r. an- "r.«. J. C. . Keetei' of Country Club Sd. Metn . "list College is no^ compl^tinr 1 its n i n t h sos^emic /ear, Fducstion is one-of ?»v<=n ^canewic 'iracs offered ly the -fo-jr-jeer, liberal arts institution, TJT'T T^« -»TT» • Garol K, Ouvrron, IJ evs Tx-.'—"t^-r--*~J- Director, 1^- March 25, 1969 FAYBTTEVILLF - Annette Usher of St. Pauls is on* of 1)7 Method ^t College students receiving teacher interns;.~'p assignments for the spring semester, accor^ino to 1. A. WevSt, director z-f sttcent tef.-cvin. . -isc TJr'irr, a senior Kcjorln,"' ::n slehientery education, will be student teaching at the Ramsej Street School In Fayetteville. A 1965 trr..rf-?!te of St. .i-i,uls "i^h School, she is the d&u-ht. r of Mr. and *:rs. a. B. ^USHBr, ?r, of 110 South Third. legist College is now ccmi:'let:'n.? its nirth acsdenic jT^r. :'d-,ic^t-;on is one ci' seven academic arers off-red, by the four-/esr, liberal "rt-s institition, . RSLfJ -X r " <r r' . Oyverson, vevs Director, !!Q7-?110 Karch 28, 1969 FAIETTEVILLE - Mrs. Jesn ,::ealsnd Toss, a 1?65'graduate of LoyisburSchool, is c-ne of L? L^h eth< 31st College Students receiv'n^ tcachrr internship ass"! ~ . • " . . • - ' ; s for the spring seTiest^r, eccordin? to £• A. West, Director of student ^esc^inf, i'rs, Goss, a -senior raa.jcsrin^ in element.ary e ;rc:^t;1 on, will b» s'Vj^pit •'.n^- at Lucile Souders School in Fsyettevj lie. i-frs. 5-ivicn \-:slend of 202 John 'Hreet. She is the daughter of Pier husband, 1 niter! '"'. ?oss,. -'s also a student at Methodist, ~t no1!e£e is now coTirletin^ its ninth acsdemic yo?r. . Education is one of the seven academic rreas offered by the liberal arts institution. #cmo# ": ~ Csrol M. Oyverson, 'Jews Director, h^-T March ?8, 1?69 IVvVIlI,' - Beverly J. Johnson of Sanfcrd is one of h? ''ethodxst College stndents receiving teacher internship assignments for the spr;ns; seffest-.-r, according tn S. .4. West, director of student teaching,. r"is3 Johnson, a senior majoring in- element-.-ry e"'ucnM. n, will be student teaching at Hsymount School in •"nTettevil?,e« A. 196?'graduate of '.--."ord Central Flitfh School, she is the. daughter cf Kr. and 1'rs. . . Jc'-ncon of ?0ii Spring ',ane. 'ethodipt College is now entire!v-?tin,* jts ninth -acnd.-riic y^'r. '"-.jcsMon is one nf t,he seven academic sress offerer! by the liberal arts institution. T/ rs Carol •'. Ouverson, News Director, :' -7110 March ?R, 1969 E - Sancj' J. Thomas of .'^ncuea is one of hi ?'et; c^ist College studer.ts receiving teacher interaship assignments for the spring semester, E, A. .*;est, director of student teschon--, has announced. ~'iss Thomas, a senior ssjor^rf; in elenenii'ry e'"MC?tio;-), vnll -be studont teaching at the Ifaywonnt Sdhool in .Fsyetteville, A 1?6< frrsd^r-te -f "ittsboro fia;h School, she :'s "he dau.f v itsr of I'T. sn-5 "rfr. Bill Thornss of fonc'jra, MethoJist College is now comr/lt-t- r nr its ninth academic ye'-r. '^^cat^on is ,,nt= c.f !..;-,e -even academic- areas offered by the IJberel ^rt^ irstit-.ition. : Carol -"i» .Cuvsrson, ',/Pws Director, L-.88-7HO 1949 FAr.STTF - Beth Cerr of Clinton is one of L7 Methodist College students receiving; a teacher int-raship assipniient fbBithe spring semester. Miss Osrr, s senior majoring, in elfi.r/fentary edt'cabion, will be student ;he ^'^Ivederc ^c^ool i'n ""tTetteTtlle. r"Hrr.r-n Hi - h School, ghe is the dsn^htfr of "r. sr.-' A 196? ?rar!n3te of r^. . T.. Crrr Clinton, Metho -t Coll-::f?e is new compL -.-rr?/, its ninth academic jesr. : ^"»catio lr, one of the seven academic areas offered by the liberal arts institution. j"s uroativ ,rt SET • ' " j 1 ''» Cuversor, "-'PWS Director, CAP'"" '-••— "r. Msrston T'ctes, ^rofers^r '**" soolo v* ' t thr "rs^vrr?? t/ cf r 'sn, Kill be on • • ^fe'-ioriist. Collr-e c£"n :?y, '• rcrh 11 ^'r ••?•"• lecture -3f, "PS Science Au^ltorioni (S-222) on "The ' ' r nrrnn ^n The 1'-c*»7rft i fl '••nr.-n tn the r '!jblic» 90 METHODIST COLLEGE Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301 News Bureau, 1^88-7110, ext. 228 Carol M. Ouverson, News Director RELEASE: AT WILL March 31, 1969 CAMPUS C A L E N D A R A P R I L 7 - 12 MONDAY -TUESDAY, APRIL 7-8 Holiday Recess continues WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9 8:30 a.m., Classes resume 7:30 p.m., Discussion: "The Social Environment and Health" (second in a. series on religion and health sponsored by Interfaith Council), discussion leader Dr. Robert Bryant, sociologist, Science Auditorium, S-222. SATURDAY, APRIL 12 District Debate Tournament: Richlands, Havelock, Sanford (Central), Rockingham, Sanderson and Roxboro High Schools; Classroom Building. 2 p.m., Baseball, Methodist vs. St. Andrews College, campus baseball field.