A n n u a l R e p o rt of Donors 2008 Volume 50, Number 3 Table of Contents (in alphabetical order) Administrative Committee Inside Cover Alumni 18-25 Annual Giving 8-13, 16-17 n Booster Club 25 n Faculty & Staff 27 n Friends of Music 24 n Gifts in Honor, Gifts in Memory 15 n Gifts in Kind 32 n Matching Gifts 13 n NC Independent College Fund 27 n New Gifts 8 n Parents & Grandparents 26 Cumulative Giving 6-7 Enrollment 4-5 Fiscal Data 5 Highlights 3 Planned Giving 14, 28 Scholarships & Endowment 30-31 University Boards 2, 18, 32-33 Giving to Methodist University 14 Family & Friends Lost 29 On the Cover: Justin Gray (senior), Camilo Rubiano-Gomez (junior), and Kayla McLean (sophomore) in painting class at Methodist University. The new William F. Bethune Center for Visual Arts—scheduled to be completed in January 2010—will feature a printmaking studio, painting studio, graphic design lab, photography lab, digital photo studio, and drawing and art education space. The building will also contain the David McCune International Art Gallery, which is named in honor of local artist David McCune. Maria Sikoryak-Robins Editor Robin Davenport Associate Editor Lauren Cook Wike Alumni Editor Michaela Brown Associate Alumni Editor Kirbie Britt Athletics Editor Roxana Ross Campus Photographer Ray Baker Bill Billings Martha Davis Pam McEvoy Krista Lee Michael Molter Contributing Editors Rhonda Forbes Creative Director Bill Parish Photo Contributor The Rev. Dr. Michael Safley Vice President of Church and Community Relations Dr. Delmas Crisp Dean of the University Dr. M. Elton Hendricks President Methodist University Today Magazine (USPS 074-560) is published quarterly for friends and alumni of Methodist University by the University Relations Office, Methodist University, 5400 Ramsey Street, Fayetteville, NC 283111498. Periodicals postage paid at Fayetteville, NC 283029651 and additional mailing offices. Printed by The R.L. Bryan Company. Methodist University does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, gender, national or ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation or disabilities for otherwise qualified persons in the administration of its admissions, educational policies, scholarships, loan programs, athletics, employment or any other university-sponsored or advertised program. Methodist University is related by faith to the North Carolina Annual Conference, Southeastern Jurisdiction, The United Methodist Church. Methodist University is an independent corporation rather than an agency of the Conference and is responsible for its own debts and obligations. Postmaster: Send address changes to: Methodist University Today Magazine, Office of University Relations, 5400 Ramsey Street, Fayetteville, NC 28311-1498. Circulation: 21,500 copies. About this donor report: Designations in this publication include donors whose gifts were received between Jan. 1, 2008 through Dec. 31, 2008 unless otherwise noted. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this report is accurate; however, with a project of this magnitude, the possibility for unintentional errors or omissions exists. We sincerely apologize for any such errors. Please report any corrections to Robin Davenport, Vice President for Institutional Advancement, at (910) 630-7609, toll free at (800) 488-7110, or you may e-mail her at rdavenport@ methodist.edu. Administrative Committee (left to right) Back Row: Dr. Don Lassiter, Vice President for Planning and Evaluation; Dr. Delmas Crisp, Vice President for Academic Affairs; Dr. Margaret D. Folsom, Faculty Representative; Jane Weeks Gardiner, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs; Robin P. Davenport, Vice President for Institutional Advancement; Dr. Mike Safley, Vice President for Church and Community Relations; Pam McEvoy, Director of University Relations. Front Row: Dr. M. Elton Hendricks, President; Robert McEvoy, Athletic Director; Gene T. Clayton, Vice President for Business Affairs; George J. Blanc, Vice President for Student Development and Services; Rick Lowe, Vice President for Enrollment Services. Let ter from the President D Dear Methodist University Family & Friends: On September 15, 2008, my wife Jerry and I celebrated our 25th year at Methodist University. We feel blessed to have been a part of the development and growth of this wonderful institution over that time. Much of that growth would not have been possible without the support of friends and members of our MU family. When I look back over those 25 years, the numbers are striking. From 1983 to 2008, • Academic programs grew from 19 to over 70 majors and concentrations; • Total enrollment grew from 771 to 2,118; • The number of students living on campus grew from 248 to 901; • The number of buildings grew from 21 to 51; • The number of full-time employees grew from 110 to 337; • The University’s operating budget grew from $3.2 to $45.8 million; and • The University’s endowment grew from $1.26 million to $15.3 million. During that time, we also celebrated Methodist’s transition from a college to university status. We can be proud of what we have accomplished together, however, our work is far from over. I remain convinced that higher education is the great equalizer. It crosses cultural and financial barriers and prepares us to be better citizens and leaders. Though we are facing some difficult times in our nation, now more than ever, we must work together to make a college education affordable to those individuals with a willingness to pursue one. William Butler Yeats said that “Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” I’m looking forward to great things happening at Methodist University in 2009. The renovation of our old boiler plant into a beautiful field house for our Monarch football team should be completed by the beginning of the fall semester, and Methodist’s first marching band will bring much excitement to the campus this fall. The new visual arts building should open in January 2010, and we plan to complete the fundraising for our Physician Assistant Program expansion and hope to begin construction on a Human Anatomy Laboratory and Medical Lecture Hall before the end of the year. Thank you for your continuing friendship and support. Sincerely, M. Elton Hendricks Methodist University 2008 AnnUAl report 1 M e s s ag e f ro m t h e C h a i r • • dear friends, On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I am very proud to announce that we have completed yet another great year under the leadership and guidance of Dr. Elton Hendricks, president of Methodist University. As we all know, due to the economic environment, it has been a very challenging year and one which has affected everyone. However, we have thankfully come through the year in a financially good position. Our outstanding students, faculty, and staff continue to strive toward a culture of excellence. We had our ten-year reaffirmation in March of 2009 from the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS). In reviewing the accreditation process, the SACS Committee reported to the University there were zero recommendations (in this case zero is a perfect score). Though SACS will not report the official finding until their December 2009 annual meeting, we wanted to share this important news with you now. The William F. Bethune Center for Visual Arts will be completed this year, thanks to the generosity of William F. Bethune. Also, we are very close to starting construction on two new buildings in efforts to expand our Physician Assistant Program. In support of the Methodist University Mission, we are currently in the process of formulating our five-year strategic plan. This plan will be very important to the University as it will allow us to deliver greater growth in endowment, establish a higher level of technology throughout the campus, provide new academic programs, and facilitate continuance in strengthening our faculty. With this plan we will be reassessing our goals, establishing new priorities, and clarifying our vision for the future. We thank everyone for their support in time, talent, and treasures so that we may all continue to make Methodist University a better place. Sincerely, Harvey T. Wright II ’70 • • M e thodist Un iversit y Board of Trus t e e s January 1, 2008 through December 31, 2008 Harvey T. Wright II ’70, Chair O. Ray Manning, Jr. ’73, Vice Chair D. Keith Allison, Secretary A. Howard Bullard, Jr., Treasurer Alfred E. Cleveland, Immediate Past Chair Dr. Richard R. Allen, Sr. Dr. Mary Lynn Bryan Dr. Loleta Wood Foster The Rev. Dr. R. Carl Frazier, Jr. Dr. Brian G. Gentle The Rev. Carol W. Goehring General (Ret.) John W. Handy ’66 Betty Upchurch Hasty J. Daniel ‘Danny’ Highsmith, Sr. Dorothy B. Hubbard Jane Hook Johnson Dr. J. Wesley Jones, FACP Jerry A. Keen ’65 Earl D. Leake ’73 The Rev. David O. Malloy Dr. Eric LeMoine Mansfield Dr. Allen G. Mask, Jr. Ron B. Matthews George W. Miller, Jr. Dr. H. W. Mark Miller, IV David R. Nimocks, III Richard L. Player, Jr. Dr. John W. Schrader Dr. Louis Spilman, Jr. ’64 Bud K. Taylor, Jr. ’68 Ann H. Thornton Terri S. Union Thomas L. Walden Charles E. Warren William R. West, Sr. ’69 Kathy Wright Ramon L. Yarborough Trustees Emeriti Frank Barragan, Jr. Dr. Mott P. Blair Dr. Clyde G. McCarver Vance B. Neal Woodrow V. Register Dr. Frank P. Stout R. Dillard Teer President Emeritus Dr. Richard W. Pearce Honorary Trustee Bishop Alfred W. Gwinn, Jr. TheMethodistUniversityBoardofTrusteeswelcomedMr.J.Daniel‘Danny’Highsmith,Sr.toits membershipin2008.AnativeFayettevillian,Mr.HighsmithservesastheRegionalVicePresident fortheBeasleyBroadcastGroup. 2 Methodist University 2008 AnnUAl report 2008 Highlights .,.,.,., Notables New Academic Programs • On Sept. 15, 2008, Dr. M. Elton Hendricks celebrated his 25th anniversary as the president of Methodist University. • In October, a federal grant in the amount of $397,503 made possible funding to develop the interdisciplinary studies of clandestine labs, a methamphetamine and illegal substance education training program to benefit Methodist University students and members of the law enforcement, education, child protection, and social work communities. Congressman Bob Etheridge, with strong support from Representative Mike McIntyre and Senators Elizabeth Dole and Richard Burr, requested and secured the funding on the University’s behalf. • Chris Hollingsworth, a political science major, was named the first Methodist University Distinguished Graduate at the December commencement. Hollingsworth’s excellent academic record and leadership qualities earned him this distinction. Following graduation, he returned to military service with the United States Army. • Hillary Clinton visited the Methodist University campus during a presidential campaign rally in April. Captain Paul Bucha, Vietnam veteran and recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor, also visited the campus to campaign for Barack Obama. • The reintroduction of Greek Life on the Methodist University Campus resulted in the establishment of two national chapters, Alpha Delta Pi and Kappa Sigma, and one local fraternity, Omega Xi. International Outreach • During the summer of 2008, students Marco Marin and Heather Eckhardt traveled to the Chimborazo Province in Educador to set up greenhouses designed to educate and sustain three local communities by growing diverse crops and medicinal plants. Students Gladys Michelle Reyes and Cassie Sinkovitz traveled to the poverty-stricken coastal area of Mosquitia in northeastern Honduras where they worked to relieve the local people of diseases and illnesses caused by unhygienic lifestyles by distributing medical supplies and educating the youth about good health and hygiene. Both Peace projects were funded by the Kathryn Wasserman Davis Foundation. •T he Kathryn Wasserman Davis (KWD) 100 Projects for Peace program awarded Milca Baptista, an international student and rising junior, $10,000 to implement a peace project to install a water tank to make available clean drinking water and improve sanitation conditions in her hometown of Baguia, East Timor. • Part of the Lura S. Tally Center for Leadership Development, the minor in church leadership was developed to prepare students for lay positions within established churches, mission organizations, para-church ministries, camps, youth ministries, and other ministries. • A concentration in international relations was developed within the political science major to prepare students to enter the foreign service, the intelligence community, nongovernmental organizations or international corporations. • The Professional MBA at Methodist University, a new MBA cohort with a focus on organizational management and leadership, began operation in August. Athletics • On May 5, 2008, Head Baseball Coach Tom Austin, in his 29th season at Methodist University, celebrated the win of his 900th career game. • In May 2008, the women’s golf team won its eleventh straight NCAA Division III National Championship. • The women’s tennis team finished the 2008 season with 21 wins, a Methodist women’s tennis program record. • Methodist University adopted a new freshman reading program designed to stimulate thought and discussion in its IDS 110 Methodist University Experience course. Benjamin Ajak and Judy Bernstein, co-authors of They Poured Fire On Us From the Sky: The True Story of Three Lost Boys From Sudan, spoke at Methodist University in October. In conjunction with the program, Methodist University partnered with United Way to pack 30,000 meals for Stop Hunger Now. • During the 2008-2009 academic year, 85 international students from 45 different countries attended MU, representing the largest number of international students attending at one time. Methodist University 2008 Annual Report n Fall 2008 Enrollment By State 3 Washington 0 Montana 3 New 7 Hampshire Maine Vermont 0 North Dakota 2 5 Minnesota Oregon 1 0 Idaho 1 Nebraska Nevada 60 Iowa Illinois Utah 3 California 3 Colorado Kansas 1 5 4 Kentucky New Mexico Arkansas 2 2 Mississippi Alabama 11 1 Alaska Hawaii Fall 2008 International Students Puerto Rico Virginia 20 23 South Carolina Georgia 0 Texas 14 54 Washington, DC 0 Maryland 54 North Carolina Tennessee 0 45 1,445 3 Oklahoma Florida Louisiana 94 1 top stAtes north Carolina: 1,445 Florida: 94 new york: 75 pennsylvania: 60 Maryland: 54 virginia: 54 3 n Fall 2008 International Students Bosnia and Herzegovina (2) Norway (1) Germany (1) Russia (9) Croatia (1) Kazakhstan (2) Canada (2) Bahamas (10) Jamaica (1) Switzerland (1) Belarus (1) Uzbekistan (2) Afghanistan (1) Ireland (1) METHODIST UNIVERSITY Mongolia (1) Spain (2) China (3) Algeria (1) Japan (2) Guatemala (1) Vietnam (2) Honduras (2) Nicaragua (1) Sierra Leone (1) Costa Rica (5) Colombia (2) Guyana (2) Senegal (2) Peru (1) Gambia (1) Namibia (1) Zimbabwe (2) 4 Methodist University 2008 AnnUAl report Thailand (2) Nepal (3) Sudan (2) East Timor (1) Israel (2) Mozambique (1) Swaziland (1) 6 Delaware 6 West Virginia Missouri 1 0 Arizona Ohio Indiana 32 Rhode Island Connecticut 21 New Jersey Pennsylvania 35 10 12 0 Massachusetts New York Michigan 4 0 16 75 10 Wisconsin South Dakota 1 Wyoming 5 7 Palestine (1) Indonesia (1) n Endowment History in millions of dollars (as of 6/30 Close of Fiscal Year) YearEndowment ’07-’08 $ 15.325M ’06-’07 $ 15.637M ’05-’06 $ 13.531M ’04-’05 $ 10.633M ’03-’04 $ 9.981M ’02-’03 $ 8.106M ’01-’02 $ 7.611M ’00-’01 $ 8.130M ’99-’00 $ 8.678M ’98-’99 $ 8.129M ’97-’98 $ 8.159M 16 million 15 million 14 million 13 million 12 million 11 million 10 million 9 million 8 million 7 million 6 million 5 million 4 million 3 million 2 million 1 million muilliona ’97-’98 ’98-’99 ’99-’00 ’00-’01 ’01-’02 ’02-’03 ’03-’04 ’04-’05 ’05-’06 ’06-’07 ’07-’08 n Revenues n Expenditures Miscellaneous 1.5% Private Gifts & Grants/Investment 10.3% Interest, Dividends, & Gains/Losses on Investments -2.3% Administrative & General 14.0% Student Tuition & Fees (Gross) 68.9% Private Gifts & Grants 12.6% Student Services 14.7% Auxiliary Enterprises 19.2% Student Aid (Scholarship & Tuition Allowances) 23.3% Total Revenues (As of 6/30/08 Close of Fiscal Year) 2500 Residential Day 2134 2000 1500 Auxiliary Enterprises 17.5% Total Expenditures (As of 6/30/08 Close of Fiscal Year) $46.4 million n Fall Enrollment History $45.2 million Total Enrollment 2255 2180 2138 2277 1974 2147 2116 2118 2190 TOTAL ENROLLMENT 1852 1343 1375 1429 1439 1441 1311 704 759 757 784 833 807 1998 1999 1000 Instructional, Library, & Academic Support 30.5% 1544 1530 1588 1595 1603 DAY 860 825 887 901 905 RESIDENTIAL 500 2000 2001 2002 2003 Year 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Methodist University 2008 Annual Report Giving to Methodist Universit y In 2008, alumni, parents, and friends committed to new gifts and pledges of $3,058,512. These generous gifts made possible scholarships and a host of academic, student, and athletic programs that provided a one-of-a-kind education that will serve students throughout the rest of their lives. Ranging in size from $25 to $550,000, your gifts made a difference in 2,190 students’ lives. Independent colleges like Methodist play an important role in higher education. North Carolina’s 36 private, independent colleges enroll over 80,000 students and grant almost one-third of the baccalaureate degrees awarded each year in N.C. They accomplish this with relatively little state funding as compared to the public university system. Methodist University receives no more than ten percent of its $45 million budget from the state, which is why your private gifts and donations are crucial to our mission of providing an education firmly grounded in the liberal arts tradition, nurturing moral values and ethical decision making, and preparing students for a variety of careers. Gifts may be unrestricted (to use where they are most needed) or designated to specific areas or purposes. There are as many areas in which to give as there are programs on the campus—scholarships, renovation of the older residence halls, expanding the Physician Assistant Program, the Annual Fund (unrestricted), academic programs, athletic programs, lecture series, etc. While the majority of our gifts are provided for use in the current year, an increasing number of individuals are also choosing to remember Methodist in their will or estate, which helps us build for the future. Another way to build for the future is by endowing your gift to provide permanent funding for an area of interest. New endowments in 2008 included the Wallace E. and Irene N. Thorne Endowed Scholarship, the Chaminade Music Club Endowed Scholarship, and the McLean Foundation Coach of the Year Award Endowment. tax and received a charitable contribution deduction. Proceeds from the sale of the land will be applied towards the completion of the William F. Bethune Center for Visual Arts which should be completed in January 2010. Matching Gifts - Even in a difficult economy, thousands of companies nationwide match their employees’ charitable contributions. In some cases, companies even match gifts made by their retired employees. Contact your employer’s human resources department to learn more about its matching gift policy and how you might, in effect, double your gift to Methodist University. Estate Gifts – Bequests, IRAs, Life Insurance The front lawn of Methodist University will be more beautiful than ever next spring due to a bequest from R. Parker Wilson, a beloved history professor for many years who passed away in 2007. Azaleas and camellias will bloom along Ramsey Street in memory of Mr. Wilson, who provided a $10,000 gift to Methodist University to help landscape the campus. By naming Methodist in his will, Mr. Wilson provided a gift of beauty that will brighten the day for many travelers in North Fayetteville. Estate gifts give individuals unlimited access to their assets during their lifetime. Bequests are gifts made through a will or trust and can be for specific dollar or percentage amounts. You can also name Methodist University as a contingent beneficiary in the event other beneficiaries predecease you. Gifts of IRAs and other retirement plans to Methodist University are not subject to estate taxes and can be a useful way to reduce the size of your estate for tax planning purposes. You can also name Methodist as beneficiary for a certain percentage of your IRA, or even as a contingent beneficiary. Individuals with fully-funded Whole Life Insurance policies Types of Gifts who no longer need the coverage (to fund a child’s education, Cash Gifts - You can make a cash gift by sending a check pay off a mortgage, etc.) may want to make a difference in directly to Methodist University. You can also make credit card the lives of future students by transferring ownership of these gifts on our secure online giving site at www.methodist.edu. policies to Methodist. The charitable contribution deduction To make a credit card gift over the phone, call toll free at is based upon the fair market value of the policy at the time of (800) 488-7110. the gift. Gift of Securities - During 2008, one alumnus and two Lifetime Gifts of Retirement Plan Funds - Four individuals friends of Methodist University made provision for additional gave a total of $32,500 from their Individual Retirement scholarships for students by giving appreciated stock to existing Accounts (IRAs) in 2008. Their gifts were designated for scholarships connected with their family. Because the stock was endowed scholarships, residence hall renovation, and the new transferred to Methodist before it was sold, each avoided capital Art Building. gains tax on the appreciation as well as receiving a charitable For individuals 70 ½ or older, a qualified charitable contribution deduction. Because their gifts were for endowment, distribution from your IRA is not taxable, and it will count these scholarships will continue well into the future. towards your minimum required Gift of Real Estate - In January For more information on ways of giving or distribution. 2008, Mr. William Bethune to make a contribution to Methodist University, Please discuss with your tax gave a gift of 46 acres of land to please contact the Office of Development at professional which giving method Methodist. Because the land was (910) 630-7200; toll free at (800) 488-7110 ext. 7200, is most appropriate for you. given before it was sold, or via e-mail at rdavenport@methodist.edu. Mr. Bethune avoided capital gains Your gift will change a life. 14 Methodist University 2008 Annual Report message from the Alumni President D Dear Fellow Alumni: ALUMNI ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS My goal as President of the Methodist University Alumni Association is to determine how best to build a stronger relationship between the University and its alumni. Certainly one way to build a stronger university is through our financial support, and I am proud to say that the MU Alumni Association Board achieved its goal of 100 percent of Directors giving gifts in 2008. It is not the amount that we give as alumni that is important so much as it is our participation, which is looked at by grant making and ranking organizations like U.S.News & World Report. Q In 2008 we also identified four areas where the Methodist University Alumni Association Board of Directors can assist alumni and the University, which include the following: 1) MentorinG students at MetHodist. Today’s generation of college students has more distractions and difficulties, financial and otherwise, than many of us had. As an alum, you can be a great sounding board and a tremendous help, especially to a first-generation student, who, without guidance, might not otherwise persist to graduation and become a fellow alum. If you are interested in getting involved as a Mentor, either create a Mentor profile on Monarch Connections (go to http://www.methodist.edu/alum_dev/mc.htm) or call the Alumni Affairs Office at (910) 630-7200 or (800) 488-7110 ext. 7200. 2) RecruitinG students to MetHodist University. Alumni assisted the Admissions Office at college fairs this year, and many alumni recruit good students by offering their Greatest Gift Scholarship. We want to explore more ways in which alumni can be involved in the admissions process in coming years. 3) EstaBlisHinG MU Alumni Association CHapter Guidelines. We know that most alumni find it difficult to travel to campus every year for Homecoming, but still want to remain involved and informed. The Alumni Association is developing a chapter program to encourage groups of Methodist alumni to organize on their local level to support each other and stay more connected to the University. 4) HelpinG MetHodist University retain tHe students wHo enter as fresHmen. The Alumni Association has been an active participant in the University’s Retention Committee and is exploring ways in which alumni can contribute to students’ success at Methodist. On behalf of the Alumni Association Board, I want to thank the many alumni who have been involved in these efforts in the past year. I invite all 9,600 Methodist alumni to join us in supporting your alma mater with your time, talent, and treasure in 2009! Sincerely, Jerry Monday ’71, President Methodist University Alumni Association 1 Methodist University 2008 AnnUAl report JerryR.Monday’71 President Dr.KelliK.Sapp’91 1stVicePresident LarryS.Philpott’73 2ndVicePresident NonaD.Fisher’88 ImmediatePastPresident TheRev.Dr.JerryA.Jackson’75 Secretary Q TheRev.EddieBarber’68 WandaG.Casteel’93 RichardL.Dean’69 ScottD.Ellender’95 DanR.Fowler’74 AlisonA.Friend’03,’07M JohnT.Harris’81 CannieHunter’04 JohnB.Lipscomb’68 LarryLugar’72 TheRev.JamesE.Malloy,Jr.’78 DaleW.Marshall,Jr.’67 ThomasC.Maze’93 RonnieB.McNeill’85 JenniferL.Mish’02 TheRev.LarryL.ParkerJr.’03 AnnaM.Popilock’98 TerryP.Sasser’84 CarmenSerbio,III’95 TheRev.Dr.DennisSheppard’77 Dr.GeorgeSmall’85 TheRev.Dr.AlanP.Swartz’78 AngelaVurnakes’71 JamesK.Waters,Jr.’73 RachelleL.Young’82 2 0 0 8 A lu m n i G i v i n g To p Te n C l a s s e s PARTICIPATION Class Class of 1968 Class of 1965 Class of 1970 Class of 1972 Class of 1974 Class of 1973 Class of 1998 Class of 1989 Class of 1991 Class of 1999 % of Donors 25.44% 19.05% 15.91% 14.91% 14.44% 11.54% 8.33% 6.45% 5.94% 5.20% DOLLARS GIVEN Class Class of 1970 Class of 1973 Class of 1964 Class of 1998 Class of 1968 Class of 1974 Class of 1969 Class of 1972 Class of 1966 Class of 1990 Dollars $46,792.43 $22,451.33 $17,127.28 $15,560.64 $12,872.86 $10,459.73 $7,275.00 $6,834.74 $5,249.00 $5,150.00 Methodist University sincerely appreciates all alumni gifts, whether large or small. The percentage of alumni participation is especially critical, as it impacts college rankings and grants. The Greatest Gift Scholarship Each year, alumni use their Greatest Gift Scholarship to help recruit deserving students. Every alum can award one new scholarship per year to a full-time student in the day program that he or she actively recruits for undergraduate admission. In 2008, 125 new Greatest Gift Scholarships were awarded, which along with returning students brought the total to 326 students receiving $123,621 in Greatest Gift Scholarships for the academic year. Thank you for helping with our recruiting efforts! To learn more about the Greatest Gift Scholarship and how you might locate prospective students, contact the Office of Development and Alumni Affairs at (910) 630-7200, or log on to www.methodist.edu/Alum_dev/alumni_ggs.htm. AAAAAA Bank of America Donations Thank you to the 342 alumni who participated in the Methodist University Bank of America Credit Card Program during 2008. This program pays a small percentage of the total purchases back to the Alumni Association which helps to fund Monarch Connections, the Methodist University online alumni directory. In 2008, $1,453.51 was donated back to Methodist University. To get a great credit card and help MU at the same time, contact Bank of America at (866) 887-3259 or apply online at www.methodist.edu/Alum_dev/alumni.htm. Methodist University 2008 AnnUAl report 1 n 2008 Alumni By State 74 Washington 8 Montana 29 North Dakota 28 21 Minnesota Oregon 2 3 Idaho Nevada Nebraska 89 16 Illinois Utah California 75 34 Colorado Kansas 69 Arizona Oklahoma New Mexico 69 Ohio Indiana 306 Missouri Kentucky Arkansas 25 89 Hawaii Puerto Rico Louisiana 175 47 277 Washington, DC 8 Delaware Maryland 744 Virginia 6,380 North Carolina Tennessee 38 Texas Alaska West Virginia 58 Mississippi Alabama 22 38 372 321 South Carolina Georgia Florida 722 23 4 n International Alumni United Kingdom (4) England (1) Iceland (2) Sweden (1) Holland (1) Norway (2) Germany (4) Slovakia (1) Bahamas (2) Ireland (1) Canada (8) Virgin Islands (1) METHODIST UNIVERSITY Belarus (1) Russia (5) Switzerland (1) Dominican Republic (1) Trinidad and Tobago (3) El Salvador (1) Nicaragua (1) Panama (3) Taiwan (2) Philippines (1) Puerto Rico (7) Pakistan (1) United Arab Emirates (1) Ivory Coast (1) Qatar (1) Peru (1) Nigeria (2) Kuwait (2) Zimbabwe (1) 20 Methodist University 2008 AnnUAl report China (3) Japan (30) Spain (4) Colombia (2) Ecuador (2) Mongolia (1) S. Korea (2) Portugal (1) Thailand (5) Nepal (1) India (1) 108 Rhode Island Connecticut 53 New Jersey Pennsylvania 174 46 28 Massachusetts New York Michigan 118 30 14 72 277 Iowa 38 290 26 9 23 41 Wisconsin South Dakota 6 Wyoming 156 43 New Hampshire Maine Vermont 1 Malaysia (1) New Zealand (1) Australia (1) 21 Methodist University E n d ow e d & A n n u a l Scholarships g The scholarship program at Methodist University has prospered through the generosity of its donors. Following is a summary of existing endowed and annual scholarships at Methodist. This program awarded over $797,323 in scholarships during 2008. We are grateful to those who have established and contributed to these scholarships, which provide financial assistance for deserving young men and women to obtain an education at Methodist University. Donnell G. Buck Adams Memorial Scholarship Margaret Stafford Alexander Memorial Scholarship Mary Neal Alexander Memorial Scholarship Lydia Lennon & George W. Applewhite Scholarship Frank Barragan, Jr. Scholarship Oakel B. Bass Endowed Scholarship BB&T Merit Scholarship Dr. & Mrs. Karl H. Berns Music Scholarship Alex B. Bethune Scholarship James Carter Black, Sr. & Florence Siems Black Endowed Scholarship Bishop Blackburn Scholarship Mary Jean Blackburn Scholarship James A. Bledsoe Endowed Scholarship Brantley Memorial Scholarship Dr. Allen P. Brantley, Mary Miller Brantley, Mildred Cozart Brantley Earl W. Brian Scholarship Catherine Brock Scholarship Paul L. & Mary W. Browning Endowed Scholarship Bruton Family Endowed Scholarship Richard P. & Etta A. Butler Memorial Scholarship Emma McAffie Cannon Memorial Scholarship Carolina College Scholarship Dr. Paul Carruth & Roberta F. Carruth Scholarship Chaminade Music Club Endowed Scholarship Robert S. and Kathryn F. Christian Endowed Scholarship Fred E. Clark Scholarship Walter & Margaret Clark Scholarship Cobb-Evans Scholarship Coca-Cola First Generation Scholarship Martha Hicks Culbreth Memorial Scholarship Davis United World College Scholars Program Mr. & Mrs. Shelby M.C. Davis Robert H. Dedman Scholarship Bruce Dent Scholarship Ingeborg M. Dent Scholarship E. Bascom and Cora Dingus Scholarship G. Gordon Dixon ’66 Endowed Education Scholarship Sanford Doxey, Jr. Scholarship Edgar & Lois Draughon Scholarship Claudia H. Dudley Endowed Scholarship Lenora Auten & Lloyd Dunn Scholarship Edenton Street United Methodist Church Scholarship Fayetteville Area Advertising Federation Fayetteville District United Methodist Scholarship Ralph E. Fowlkes Scholarship Franks-Penny Memorial Scholarship Friends of Music Endowed Scholarship GCBAA Foundation Scholarship Golf Course Builders Association of America 30 Janie Bell Edwards Gibson The Golden LEAF Foundation Scholarship Ray Thomas Gooch Scholarship M.F. Grantham Scholarship William F. & Francis L. Grimes Endowed Scholarship George N. Harriss Scholarship Established by Joe W. Walker Maurice A. & Vennie Hawley Endowed Scholarship Methodist University 2008 Annual Report Hensdale Scholarship William E. Horner, Sr. Scholarship Young W. & Morie M. Howard Scholarship Dr. & Mrs. Bert Ishee Scholarship Virginia and Martin Kern Education Endowed Scholarship O. Teague Kirby Scholarship Lafayette Society Scholarship Lambda Chi Alpha Scholarship Edward Bert Lassiter Scholarship Edward P. Leatherbury III Scholarship Little Scholarship John, Julian, Albert, & Calvin Little h William P. Lowdermilk Scholarship Charles K. & Verna McAdams Endowed Scholarship Dr. & Mrs. Clyde G. McCarver Scholarship Thomas McLean Scholarship McMillan Endowed Scholarship Mary McKinnon McNeill Scholarship Betty Ruth Maness Memorial Scholarship Marlette Music Scholarship Marshall Scholarship Fund R.A. Matheson Memorial Fund Joseph Gray Melvin & Elizabeth Horne Melvin Memorial Scholarship William & Betty Mercer Endowed Scholarship Methodist University Alumni Association Scholarship Methodist University Memorial Scholarship Methodist University N.C. Conference Scholarship Pamela Sturdivant Moll Education Fund Janet C. Mullen Scholarship Mullen-Mansfield-Clayton Memorial Scholarship Durwood Johnson Murray II Scholarship NCACPA Foundation Scholarship NC Association of Certified Public Accountants W. Robert & Thelma Johnson & Robert Neal Scholarship John & Hazel Neill Endowed Scholarship North Carolina Conference United Methodist Church Scholarship Joan Alexandra Meade Pait Scholarship Florence M. Paul Music Library Scholarship Alice Pearce Scholarship Richard W. & Neva B. Pearce Scholarship Susan Blanche Penny Ministerial Scholarship Pilot Club of Fayetteville Scholarship Titus E. Pittman Scholarship Pittman-Frizzelle Scholarship Margaret Ann Riddle Player Endowed Scholarship Alan M. Porter Music Scholarship Professional Women of Fayetteville Scholarship Progress Energy Scholarship Bruce R. Pulliam Scholarship Katherine Purdie Endowment Fund RBC Centura Scholarship Raleigh District United Methodist Church Scholarship Charles B. Rankin Memorial Scholarship Hector E. Ray, Jr. Scholarship Riddick & Gillie Revelle Endowed Scholarship Alma Rhodes Scholarship J.P. & March Riddle Endowed Scholarship George & Bessie Robbins Scholarship Joseph H. Rouse Endowed Scholarship Salem United Methodist Church Scholarship Sanford District United Methodist Church Scholarship Terry Sanford Scholarship Joel & Marcia Stein Schur Endowed Scholarship Sherry Sellers Scholarship Gertrude F. Shore Memorial Scholarship Wilbur R. Smith III Scholarship South Carolina Foundation of Independent College Scholarships Harriet Jean Spell Scholarship Dr. Louis Spilman, Jr. Endowed Scholarship William S. & Nannie Seats Spillman Memorial Scholarship Sprint Scholarship Shirley Starcher Memorial Scholarship Fannie B. Stein Scholarship J. Bernard Stein Scholarship Elizabeth Stewart Memorial Scholarship B.F. “Doc” Stone Scholarship Carol Hardee Stout Scholarship Frank Stout, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Joe W. Stout Memorial Scholarship Eura Strother Scholarship Harold J. & Josephine L. Sturdivant Endowed Scholarship James D. Suitch Memorial Scholarship C.C. Powers, Jr. and Wingate E., Sigmund B. and E.L. Swain Memorial Scholarship (Powers & Swain Scholarship) Walter M. and Loretta S. Swing Accounting Scholarship Margaret McLeod Teabeaut Scholarship Louis D. & Bernadine L. Thomas Scholarship Fund Wallace E. and Irene N. Thorne Endowed Scholarship The Titmus Family Scholarship Fund UMC Foundation Conference Scholarship UMC Foundation General Scholarship UMC Women-Calvary UMC Scholarship UPS Scholarship Arthur & Portia MacPhail Vann Memorial Scholarship Wachovia Foundation Wachovia Fund for Excellence The Wachovia Scholars Program Stacy & Elizabeth Weaver Scholarship William S. Wellons, Sr. & Family Scholarship West Fayetteville Rotary Club Scholarship Clara Jewell Spell Westbrook Scholarship Flora Cornelia Bullock & Samuel Bryan Wilkins, Jr. Scholarship W. Vardell & Bertha H. Williamson Scholarship Eutha Neighbors Willis Scholarship Hubert Willis Memorial Fund Haymount United Methodist Men Methodist University 2008 Annual Report 31 Boards Association of Friends (formerly Clergy and Laity Friends) Norma Aaron The Rev. Danny G. Allen Isabel Beebe The Rev. William A. Boykin The Rev. E. Ray Brooks The Rev. Joseph Casteel ’93 The Rev. M. Francis Daniel The Rev. Michael A. Davis The Rev. Leonard F. Doucette ’74 The Rev. Joseph W. Forbes Dr. Robert C. Frazier, Sr. and Elizabeth B. Frazier The Rev. Kenneth Hall, Jr. ’84 The Rev. Edward C. Hill The Rev. Dr. Jerry A. Jackson ’75 The Rev. Todd S. Krueger ’87 The Rev. Henry Lee ’73 The Rev. James E. Malloy, Jr. ’78 The Rev. Garry McCaffery Eddy McDonald and Helen McDonald The Rev. Kong S. Namkung ’91 The Rev. Dr. Dennis R. Sheppard ‘77 The Rev. Jesse C. Staton, Jr. ’70 The Rev. Dr. Alan P. Swartz ’78 The Rev. Bobby P. Tyson, Jr Mr. and Mrs. James P. Werner The Rev. Gil Wise ’83k r Board of Visitors Gifts-in-Kind Gifts-in-Kind are non-monetary items such as land, gift certificates, equipment, vehicles, books, direct payment of life insurance premiums, collectibles, etc. Ms. Bonnie J. Adamson ’92 Dr. Lloyd Bailey Mr. William F. Bethune Mr. William H. Billings ’68 Mrs. Wanda G. Casteel ’93 The Rev. Dr. Robert S. Christian & Mrs. Kathryn F. Christian Dr. Samuel J. Clark, III ’74 & Mrs. Lynn Gruber Clark ’72 Mrs. Theresa P. Clark & Dr. Franklin S. Clark Mr. Richard L. Dean ’69 Falling Creek Country Club Mrs. Arleen M. Fields Mrs. Nona D. Fisher ’88 & Mr. Fred L. Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Danny R. Fowler ’74 Ms. Alison A. Friend ’03, ’07M Mrs. Linda M. Gravitt ’82 Ms. Mary Guy Haigh, Byrd & Lambert Dr. Hugh W. III & Mrs. Michele Harling Mr. Jerry & Mrs. Barbara G. Hogge ’91 Mrs. Beverly P. Honeycutt ’67 The Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Jerry A. Jackson ’75 Mrs. Diane V. Johnson JSJ Builders, Inc. Ms. Adrienne M. Keelor Mr. Mark C. Kendrick ’83 & Dr. Sharon K. Kendrick Dr. & Mrs. Tryon D. Lancaster Dr. & Mrs. Donald L. Lassiter Mr. John B. Lipscomb, Jr. ’68 Mr. Larry & Mrs. Sharon S. Lugar ’72, ’72 The Rev. James E. Malloy, Jr. ’78 Mr. Dale W. Marshall , Jr. ’67 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Maze ’93 Mr. Thomas B. McNally Mr. Ronnie B. McNeill ’85 Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Messer Mrs. Jennifer L. Mish ’02 & Mr. Brandon D. Mish ’03 32 Mr. Michael C. Molter ’94 Mr. & Mrs. Jerry R. Monday ’71 The Hon. Ocie F. Murray, Jr. & Mrs. Deborah M. Murray Dr. Peter C. Murray Owen’s Florist Mr. Larry J. Parker, Jr. ’06 Mrs. Betty Neill Parsons ’64 & Mr. Larry W. Parsons ’77 Ms. Tracey M. Pearson Mr. & Mrs. Larry S. Philpott ’73 Ms. Anna M. Popilock ’98 Mr. Alan Porter & Mrs. J. Elaine Porter Mr. Riddick Revelle & Mrs. Gillie Shaw Revelle Ms. Susan C. Ryan ’90 The Rev. Dr. Michael W. Safley ’72 Dr. Kelli K. Sapp ’91 Mr. Terry P. Sasser & Mrs. Mary L. Sasser ’84, ’78 Mr. Carmen Serbio III & Mrs. Lynder S. Serbio, ’95, ’93 Mr. F. C. Shaw, III ’87 Mr. Harry F. Shaw The Rev. Dr. Dennis Sheppard & Mrs. Barbara E. Sheppard ’77, ’80 Dr. George A. Small ’85 Texas Roadhouse Dr. J. David Turner & Mrs. Janet L. Turner Mr. & Mrs. Walter R. Turner ’65 US Logo Works, LLC (Mr. Louis Feraca) The Rev. David C. Wade ’79 LTC James K. Waters, Jr. ’73 Dr. & Mrs. Larry Wells Dr. Rebecca Wendelken Dr. Paul F. Wilson Mrs. Rachelle L. Young ’82 Ms. Kathryn L. Zybeck Methodist University 2008 Annual Report Lynne Greene, Chair Stacy Bledsoe, Vice-Chair Tim Richardson, Immediate Past Chair Billie Alphin Stephanie Balaam David Baskett Susan J. Butler ’72 Charles Christie Dale Filley Michael Fleishman David L. Foster ’76 Roger F. Hall Myra S. Hilliard Robert Hines John F. Holmes Patricia Howell Nathan Howie Gordon E. Johnson Veronica B. Jones Carolyn Justice-Hinson Jens K. Klemsche Dr. Kenneth B. Lewis Sandra Lofton Cookman Pearl S. Marshall Karen McDonald John S. McFadyen Jack Y. McGinley Jean Moore Sarah O’Hanlon Liliana Parker Ed Petkovich Larry S. Philpott ’73 Dixie Pittman Kelly Puryear Cheryl Revels Donna W. Russell John Szoka Sharon F. Valentine Liz Varnedoe Richard W. Walker Stephen H. Wheeler Walker Y. Worth r Center for Entrepreneurship Advisory Board Carolyn Armstrong Allan E. Bass Brian Campbell The Hon. Margaret H. Dickson Robert R. Dunn ’70 David B. Herring ’65 Jean H. Hodges Ralph Huff, III Tom J. Keith Ron B. Matthews Jerry F. McDonald The Hon. Anthony E. Rand Terry P. Sasser ’84 James Sherrill Jurgen Stanley ’77 Wilson Teachey Wyatt G. Upchurch Sharon F. Valentine Larry H. Walsh ’93 William “Billy” S. Wellons, Jr. John W. “Jay” Wyatt, III Tom Wills Patric S. Zimmer ’89 Foundation Board Gayle Nelson, President George Matthews, Vice President Barbara Lahiff, Treasurer Lauren Cook Wike, Secretary Mac Edwards, Immediate Past President Jeffrey F. Baker William L. Bowman Alan Buffaloe, ’93 Robert T. Clayton, II ’92 Jan Cobb Kevin Dennison ’95 Stephen Driggers ’76 Louis Feraca Bishop Kenneth Hill Marilyn Holstein Gwen Holtsclaw ’68 T. J. Jenkins Jennifer L. Kirby ’02 Joy Kirkpatrick ’93 Dineen Morton Sharon Moyer Bill Pannhoff Phyllis Houston Washington Jimmie Wood IV ’00 r Friends of Music at Methodist Board of Directors Jane Gardiner, Interim President Jean Hermann, Vice President Sharon McNair, Secretary Walter M. Swing, Finance Chair Keith Dippre, Chairman, MU Department of Music Stephan P. Barnicle Cynthia Billings Will Bridges Richard Butler Mary Ann Coffield Gertrude Eyman Denise Hall Dr. Dwight House Victoria L. MacMillan Marilyn Morris Margaret Ann Player Mary Potter Wayne Riggins Shirley Swanger Willie Wright Honorary Members: Elaine Bryant William Jennings Patrick O’Briant ‘75 Rollin Shaw Carol Short Lou Tippett Donna A. Wiggs Mary F. Wright ’68 r Health Care Administration Advisory Board Hank Debnam Myrtle T. Edge Dr. Eric Mansfield Michael Nagowski, MBA Legal Studies Advisory Board Dr. Bonita R. Belcastro Rebecca J. Britton Theresa P. Clark Matthew J. Cockman Paul M. Crenshaw ’95 Tina Dickie Robert R. Dunn ’70 Jessica A. Garner ’06 Sylvia Lawrence Michelle Neier Joseph W. Osman Trudy Rutherford Kathy Yarborough Dr. Andrew H. Ziegler, Jr. Kalli E. Ziegler ’01 r Monarch Booster Club Board Howard Hudson ’69, President Jamie Sykes ’93, Vice President Barbara Lahiff, Secretary Kirbie Britt ’03 Jim Darden ’69 Pat DeLapa Melissa Hay DeeDee Jarman Bob McEvoy Jennifer Mish ’02 Jon Mitchell ’98 Rob Pilewski ’92 David G. Smith ’81 Darren Thompson ’96 Johnny Wilson ’99 r Master Of Justice Administration Advisory Board Chief Tom Bergamine Sheriff Earl Butler Chief Harry Dolan Chief Bill Farley Gene Hallock ’98 Chief Bence Hoyle Chief Jack Lewis The late Chief Tom McCarthy Asst. Chief Harold Medlock Chief Tom Moss Chief Frank Palombo Peggy Schaefer Roger Stancil Reeves School of Business Advisory Board William L. Bowman Clarence E. Briggs, III Scott D. Ellender ‘05 Suzanne Barlow Pennink George Sosa David Wilson Lana Witiak Harvey T. Wright II ‘70 r Social Work Advisory Board Ronald Buryk Dr. Anne Chavis Debbie Coffey Carolyn Diaz Enausa Davis-Robinson The Hon. Richard Glazier Lyn Green Carol Hessenflow Dr. Larry Hogan Darlene Hopkins Brenda Jackson Richard Jait Maleia Matt Pam McEvoy Natasha Scott Wilbert Stitt Jr. Michael Strickland Manny Specht Barbara White Tyrone Williams r The Lura S. Tally Center for Leadership Development Advisory Board Dr. Andrew H. Ziegler, Director George W. Breece Charles Broadwell Dr. Suzan K. Cheek Mildred Evans Dr. Loleta Wood Foster Mac M. Healy H. Terry Hutchens The Rev. Dr. J. Ernest Johnson Robin Huske Kelly The Hon. Mike McIntyre Jerry Meek Susan Jones Monroe Richard L. Player, III The Hon. Anthony E. Rand Billy Richardson LTC John M. Robbins Harry F. Shaw Rollin W. Shaw The Hon. Lura S. Tally Mary Ann Tally Brenda Tinney Terri S. Union Burt A. VanderClute James R. Warner Dr. M. W. Watt Clarie White Cynthia A. Wilson Dr. Deborah J. Teasley Bruce Triplett Col. Nadja West Patrick West Methodist University 2008 Annual Report 33 Periodicals Postage 5400 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, NC 28311-1498 www.methodist.edu PAID