Date INCIDENT BLOTTER AGENCY 4/20/2016 Time Report Page 1 8:23:24 CFS02 Agency Dates College Of Dupage-Police Dept thru 4/19/2016 4/19/2016 Date Report Time Report 160000005212 maint req 04/19/2016 0:46 MAINTAINANCE WORK ORDER Callbox 102 160000005213 maint req 04/19/2016 0:48 MAINTAINANCE WORK ORDER Callbox 127 160000005214 maint req 04/19/2016 0:51 MAINTAINANCE WORK ORDER Callbox 534 160000005215 maint req 04/19/2016 0:54 MAINTAINANCE WORK ORDER Callbox 110 160000005216 maint req 04/19/2016 0:57 MAINTAINANCE WORK ORDER Callbox 113 160000005217 maint req 04/19/2016 1:01 MAINTAINANCE WORK ORDER Callbox 514 160000005218 maint req 04/19/2016 1:02 MAINTAINANCE WORK ORDER Callbox 515 160000005219 maint req 04/19/2016 1:05 MAINTAINANCE WORK ORDER Callbox 516 160000005220 090429-1 04/19/2016 1:09 Investigative Services 160000005221 maint req 04/19/2016 1:10 MAINTAINANCE WORK ORDER Callbox 517 160000005222 law enforcement req for svc 04/19/2016 1:12 DEPT SERVICES WDCB Tower Compound 160000005223 090437-1 04/19/2016 1:13 Investigative Services Incident Nr Case Nr Activity Location Date Report Time Report 160000005224 090456-1 04/19/2016 1:16 Investigative Services 160000005225 maint req 04/19/2016 1:16 MAINTAINANCE WORK ORDER 160000005226 090471-1 04/19/2016 1:19 Investigative Services 160000005227 maint req 04/19/2016 1:20 MAINTAINANCE WORK ORDER 160000005228 090480-1 04/19/2016 1:22 Investigative Services 160000005229 maint req 04/19/2016 1:22 MAINTAINANCE WORK ORDER Callbox 117 160000005230 maint req 04/19/2016 1:24 MAINTAINANCE WORK ORDER Callbox 118 160000005231 090481-2 04/19/2016 1:25 Investigative Services 160000005232 maint req 04/19/2016 1:25 MAINTAINANCE WORK ORDER 160000005233 090482-1 04/19/2016 1:28 Investigative Services 160000005234 Maint req 04/19/2016 1:29 MAINTAINANCE WORK ORDER 160000005235 090493-1 04/19/2016 1:30 Investigative Services 160000005236 maint req 04/19/2016 1:30 MAINTAINANCE WORK ORDER Callbox 122 160000005237 maint req 04/19/2016 1:33 MAINTAINANCE WORK ORDER Callbox 123 Incident Nr Case Nr Activity Location Callbox 521 Callbox 116 Callbox 119 Callbox 120 Date Report Time Report 160000005238 maint req 04/19/2016 1:35 MAINTAINANCE WORK ORDER Callbox 124 160000005239 maint req 04/19/2016 1:37 MAINTAINANCE WORK ORDER Callbox 126 160000005240 maint req 04/19/2016 1:38 MAINTAINANCE WORK ORDER Callbox 128 160000005241 maint req 04/19/2016 1:42 MAINTAINANCE WORK ORDER Callbox 533 160000005242 100142-1 04/19/2016 2:28 Investigative Services 160000005243 survey of vehicles on campus 04/19/2016 2:28 NO PARKING 2-6 AM 160000005244 100092-1 04/19/2016 2:31 Investigative Services 160000005245 100075-1 04/19/2016 2:34 Investigative Services 160000005246 100049-1 04/19/2016 2:36 Investigative Services 160000005247 100048-1 04/19/2016 2:38 Investigative Services 160000005248 100041-1 04/19/2016 2:41 Investigative Services 160000005249 100029-1 04/19/2016 2:43 Investigative Services 160000005250 100026-1 04/19/2016 2:46 Investigative Services 160000005251 100018-1 04/19/2016 2:48 Investigative Services Incident Nr Case Nr Activity Location Zone 2 Date Report Time Report 160000005252 100002-1 04/19/2016 2:52 Investigative Services 160000005253 survey of vehicles on campus 04/19/2016 3:03 NO PARKING 2-6 AM Zone 1 160000005254 leo act 04/19/2016 4:43 SECURE UNLOCK BLDGS. Zone 2 160000005255 dispatch 04/19/2016 6:41 DISPATCHING 2100 SRC 160000005256 room opening 04/19/2016 6:45 ROOM OPENING 2200 SSC 160000005257 posting signage 04/19/2016 6:49 SIGNS Fawell 160000005258 room opening 04/19/2016 6:55 Foot Patrol Zone 1 160000005259 room opening 04/19/2016 7:30 ROOM OPENING 2729g Bic 160000005260 room opening 04/19/2016 7:33 Foot Patrol Zone 3 160000005261 foot patrol 04/19/2016 7:44 Foot Patrol Zone 2 160000005262 room opening 04/19/2016 8:12 ROOM OPENING 2729g Bic 160000005263 subject hurt neck medics enroute 04/19/2016 8:40 INJURED PERSON 285 MAC 04/19/2016 9:26 ROOM OPENING Zone 1 Incident Nr Case Nr Activity Location medics on scene subject x-ported to central dupage hospital 160000005264 Cell Gate Open Date Report Time Report 160000005265 foot patrol 04/19/2016 9:41 Foot Patrol Zone 1 160000005266 Room opening. 04/19/2016 9:50 ROOM OPENING 2729G BIC 160000005268 transmattal 04/19/2016 9:58 DEPT SERVICES 505 N County Farm Rd 160000005269 Foot Patrol 04/19/2016 10:10 Foot Patrol Zone 3 160000005270 complaint of older male staring at the school brown jacket white hair 04/19/2016 10:35 SUSPICIOS PERSON Fawell C 04/19/2016 11:51 DEPT SERVICES 2100 SRC 04/19/2016 12:27 MOTORIST ASSIST Cafeteria/Bookstore Docks 160000005275 04/19/2016 complaint that female called father advising she was cheast pains and light headed 12:56 SICK PERSON 1210 Hsc Incident Nr Case Nr Activity Location appeared he had an unknown object in coat male subject taking photos 160000005273 requesting clairification of law 160000000136 refered to det. valladares refer to case#160136 160000005274 Lockout to motor vehicle subject transported to good sam 160000005276 car wash 04/19/2016 13:16 AUTO MAINTENANCE Squad #4 160000005277 lockout to motor vehicle waiver signed at scene 04/19/2016 13:50 MOTORIST ASSIST Fawell B Date Report Time Report 160000005278 assisting complaintant locating vehicle 04/19/2016 14:11 DEPT SERVICES SRC Building 160000005279 traffic stop citation issued 2460 - dc#096571 04/19/2016 14:31 TRAFFIC ILLINOIS VEH CODE Scholars Drive 160000005280 Room opening 04/19/2016 15:18 ROOM OPENING 1644 BIC 160000005282 Refuling 04/19/2016 16:15 AUTO MAINTENANCE Squad 3 160000005283 supervisory duties 04/19/2016 16:46 SUPERVISORY DUTIES 1049 HEC 160000005284 Room opening 04/19/2016 16:50 ROOM OPENING 2604C BIC 160000005285 facutly unable to secure door 04/19/2016 16:59 Lock Problems 3700 IC 160000005286 Remote room opening for benedictine instructor 04/19/2016 17:18 ROOM OPENING 1408 IC 160000005287 remote open for faculty meeting 04/19/2016 17:22 ROOM OPENING 2818 160000005288 dispatch 04/19/2016 17:23 DISPATCHING 2100 SRC 160000005289 Patrol 04/19/2016 18:08 Patrol-1-Man Vehicle Squad 4 160000005290 patrol 04/19/2016 18:15 Patrol-1-Man Vehicle Squad 2 160000005291 preventive patrol 04/19/2016 18:52 Foot Patrol Zone 2 160000005292 preventive patrol 04/19/2016 18:52 Foot Patrol Zone 3 Incident Nr Case Nr Activity Location Date Report Time Report 160000005293 Upset student 04/19/2016 19:22 OTHER PUBLIC COMPLAINT 2624 Bic 160000005294 student left articles in calssroom 04/19/2016 19:58 LOST ARTICLES 237 MAC 04/19/2016 20:55 Speeding (Radar) McCarron X Park 04/19/2016 21:05 Speeding (Radar) Park X Park Glen 04/19/2016 21:20 Speeding (Radar) Park X Glen Park 160000005298 factulty left articles 04/19/2016 21:30 LOST ARTICLES Mac 190 160000005299 staff dropping off supplies 04/19/2016 21:47 ROOM OPENING 2102 SRC 160000005300 Dispatching 04/19/2016 22:18 DISPATCHING 2100 SRC 160000005301 law enforcement req for svc 04/19/2016 22:57 JUMP START Fawell D 160000005302 leo act 04/19/2016 23:07 Foot Patrol Zone 3 160000005303 leo act 04/19/2016 23:23 SECURE UNLOCK BLDGS. Zone 2 Incident Nr Case Nr Activity Location property not recovered 160000005295 Tfx Stop Verbal warning 02592 160000005296 tfx stop dc #097063 160000005297 tfx stop dc#097064