I AM COD Group/Team Award

Group/Team Award
The I AM COD Group/Team Award is for any standing team, ad hoc or project team, or department who meet all of the
criteria below:
1. Actions go above expectations and make a positive and recognizable difference at the College.
2. Demonstrates exceptional student service, promotes the College’s mission to students and/or the community,
achieves institutional goals/priorities, achieves significant monetary savings or improves efficiencies.
3. Demonstrates effective and efficient teamwork, displays initiative and persistence and encourages effective
group problem solving.
Category: (check all that apply)
___ Growth/Retention: Team contributes to the development and/or improvement of programs, services, or
curriculum; contributes to staff growth, effectiveness, or professional development.
___ Organizational Impact: Team contributes to efficiency or effectiveness through innovation, cost savings,
creativity, or problem solving; provides outstanding responsiveness, customer service, or customer satisfaction.
___ Student Achievement: Team contributes to student success by closing achievement gaps, measuring progress/
use of assessments, implementation of interventions, or student engagement.
___ Community Engagement: Team is key to successful partnerships and outreach to parents, businesses, or
neighborhoods; provides community services or service learning projects.
List Team Member Names/Department:
Nominator Name/Department: _________________________________________________ Nominator Extension: ___________
Send this completed form to:
Human Resources Department
Student Resource Center (SRC), Room 2134
Attention: Employee Recognition Program
Group/Team Award
Nominations are due no later than June 30.
Cabinet will review nomination and determine winners in January and July of each year.
Winners of the I AM COD Team Award will receive a group lunch at Wheat Café and a $50 gift card per member.
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Group/Team Award (continued)
Please provide specific examples of how the nominee meets the criteria:
1. State the team’s overall goals or objectives and how they met criteria.
2. Describe with specific examples how the team met criteria.
3. Describe with specific examples how the team demonstrated criteria.
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