Miss Marybeth’s Class News Weeks of: Nov 16-Dec. 4, 2015 Unit:

Miss Marybeth’s Class News
Weeks of: Nov 16-Dec. 4, 2015
Unit: Thanksgiving and Family
AM Activities:
-Use our handprints to make a “Thankful Card”.
-Watch Charlie Brown’s Thanksgiving, have a Charlie Brown
Thanksgiving meal at snack on Tuesday.
-Brown play dough with feathers and wiggly eyes to make turkeys.
Turkey dotter activity.
-Making a shape house with primary shapes
PM Activities:
-Thanksgiving Placemat
-Watch Charlie Brown’s Thanksgiving, have a Charlie Brown
Thanksgiving meal at snack on Tuesday.
-Brown play dough with feathers and wiggly eyes to make turkeys.
-Scholastic activity and movie about the pilgrims and Wampanoag Indians.
Trip on a Ship
-Turkey concept book
-Ten Little Pilgrims-Math Story
-Count, Name, Draw the people in my family
-Popsicle stick/shape house
Essential Question:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvMKKlvZPWA Thanksgiving Feast Song
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uL1aJNT-95o- It’s Turkey Time
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjFcrv6Lfx8 The Finger Family-PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ym1phUS3ksg Families are different
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUWJ23mjQ_w The finger Family song-AM
What are some of the traditions in my family and other families?
How am I similar and different to other children?
We are Learning that:
IMPORTANT DATES: No School- Nov. 25-27, 2015 Thanksgiving Break
Nov. 20- Progress Notes go home
Letter of the W eek: Nov. 30th-“Q”, Dec. 7-“G”
Dramatic Play: We are building a Tee Pee and putting Native
American symbols on it.
-Get our rocking boat out, wear pilgrim hats/headdresses and ride
on the “Mayflower”. Then for families: Baby Care and Doctor.
*Turkey in the Straw - imitate motor movements
*Turkey Time, Turkey Time- imitate motor movements
Poem: The Turkey is a Funny Bird
I can tell you about myself and my family and things we have done.
I can explain how families can be the same and different.
I can learn new words and use them when I speak.
I can tell about how some groups of words go together.
I can group information in non-fiction books, with help.
I can clap for each syllable in a word.
I can solve a problem by making a plan and following the steps in order.
I can touch and count 10 objects.
I can tell that the last number said is how many objects I counted.
I can copy and add on to easy patterns.
I can put objects in order by measurable characteristics.
I can use my hands and fingers together to finish an activity correctly.
I can control how I react to things happening around me.
I can pay attention and do work when things are happening around me.
I can make shapes when I play.
Key Vocabulary:
Family: culture, celebrations, traditions, same, different
Thanksgiving: Feast, Pilgrim, Native American, Mayflower, Cornucopia, Turkey