Document 11935621

Pinney PTO General Meeting Notes
September 19, 2013
In attendance: Stacey Walmsley, Lorena Liberto, Corina Wohlers, Alice Lawler, Amy
Andrews, Brooke Byrne, Helen Seikel, Diana Rigby, Dawn Slates, Kelly Stone, Jessica
Kittrell, Jennifer Worthen, Sandy McLoughlin, Lara Abou-Chakra, Becca Wlekinski,
Carolyn Dubois, Laura Coleman, Michelle LoParo, Cindy Conroy, Renee Vidor, Deb
Obert, Missy Burkett, Nicole Swecker, Dedie Carlin, Danielle Hodge, Jackie Calnon,
Carrie Klingel, Suzanne Kuebler, Troy Ehrsam.
* Volunteers needed highlighted in green*
President Report- Danielle Hodge, Jackie Calnon
1) Introduction of 2013/14 PTO Board Members. Co-Presidents: Danielle
Hodge, Jackie Calnon. Co-Vice-Presidents: Amy Andrews, Alice Lawler. CoTreasurers: Lara Abou-Chakra, Becca Wlekinski. Co-Secretaries: Shannon
Schmidt, Suzanne Kuebler.
2) Thank you to Brooke Byrne for her work on the supply sale, Laura Coleman
for spirit wear, Nicole Swecker for the online Pinney directory, Michelle LoParo
for grounds beautification, and Kelly Stone and Vallery Tzagournis for a
successful Pinney Palooza event.
3) Volunteers needed to chair these committees: Out to Dinner and
Eli Pinney Celebration.
Principal Report- Troy Ehrsam
1) Dublin City Schools Superintendent, Dr. Hoadley, will attend the Nov. 21st
PTO meeting. Dr. Hoadley is very involved in the community and schools. He
shared some of his first year goals (listen, learn, be visible) and some of his
core philosophies (collaboration, appreciation, and trust) at the Principals
meeting and PTO Presidents meeting recently. Dr. Hoadley encourages
staff to simplify and work smarter. Mr. Ehrsam and the PTO look forward to
welcoming Dr. Hoadley to our next meeting. Please attend and take
advantage of the opportunity to meet our Superintendent.
2) Mr. Ehrsam has information available to parents on Pinneys progress and
achievements as rated by the ODE (Ohio Department of Education). Some
of the topics included in the reports are: Pinney’s progress rating,
achievement, state indicators and our students proficiency at meeting state
indicators, and school performance relative to other Ohio school districts. A
few of Pinney’s ODE reported results are: 2013 State Indicator Rating for
Pinney Grade A (100%), Achievement Performance Index Grade B (89.8%),
overall student population progress grade A, progress for gifted students
grade C, ranked in the top 10% of elementary schools in Ohio. Please see Mr.
Ehrsam or go to the ODE website ( for more
3) Public school districts nationwide are transitioning to a new common core
curriculum and assessments. In the next year, Dublin City schools and Pinney
will transition from the OAA to the PARCC assessment. (Partnership for
Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers). PARCC is an assessment
based on the new common core curriculum. It will be administered in 2014/15.
The 2013/14 school year is the last for OAA testing. 3rd grade students will
take the reading OAA this fall. 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade will take the reading
and math OAA this spring. 5th grade will also take science OAA.
4) MAP assessments are new this year for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades.
(Measurements of Academic Progress) Students and staff experienced
technical challenges with the online test. Tech consultants made changes to
the system to support increased online activity. Our district places
significant emphasis on curriculum and assessment. Transition to the new
diagnostic tests such as MAP, DRA (Developmental Reading Assessment),
and the DSI (Developmental Spelling Inventory) offers teachers a timing
advantage. MAP assessments provide teachers with real time test results.
Teachers can utilize MAP results to make changes to the curriculum in the
current school year. Teachers do not get OAA result during the school year.
Students take the OAA in late spring. Parents and teachers get the OAA
results in July. Teachers cannot review students OAA performance and make
necessary curriculum changes when the test results are reported in July.
5) Both progress and achievement are important parts of academic
development. All grades, including Kindergarten (Kdg-2nd, take diagnostic
tests for reading and math. Each students result is a snapshot of information
for parents and teachers. A measurement of how the child is achieving.
Progress is how the child maintains achievement on the continuum from K to
5th grade. Compare a Kindergarten student’s performance on the KRA-L
(Kindergarten Readiness Assessment-Literacy) assessment in that first year
with their MAP assessment given in later elementary. Ideally a student’s
performance or achievement rate improves with time or stays consistent. The
positive, consistent, or negative rate of a child’s achievement from K to grade
5 (as measured by assessments) is the student’s progress. Pinney’s staff
strives to maintain positive or consistent progress in each student.
6) Diversity is changing at Pinney. Increase in bilingual, or ESL students.
7) IEP’s- students with special needs. Target goals for IEP students based on
assessment results. Overall progress in this area according to ODE is grade
8) PARCC and MAP assessments will be given online. PARCC for K through 2nd
will be given with paper and pencil.
9) Craig Heath, Dublin City Schools Director of Data and Assessment, is
available to present more information on assessments and performance
results. If there is interest, the PTO can invite him to present.
10) The district does not yet have examples of MAP or PARCC testing formats.
Examples of OAA questions are on the ODE website. Information on the
national common core standards for reading and math is available at Core . Art, music, and PE will also have nationally defined common
core standards.
Vice President Report- Amy Andrews, Alice Lawler
Thank you for donating graciously to the PTO membership drive.
Treasurer Report- Lara Abou-Chakra, Becca Wleklinski
Proposed the 2013/2014 Budget.
2) Michelle LoParo requested an additional $100 for Reading night. Jackie Calnon
made a motion to approve the increase. The motion was seconded.
3) Question asked: Why is the PTO presenting an unbalanced budget? Much
discussion followed. PTO board members noted that several significant
expenses from last year were not submitted until the end of summer and/or are
still outstanding. In addition the PTO Board voted to increase the amount of
Teacher Grant money available for this fiscal year. Jackie Calnon explained that
the format of the reports can be modified to be more clear if necessary. Alice
Lawler motioned to approve the budget. Amy Andrews seconded. All
approved, with one abstention.
Secretary Report- Suzanne Kuebler, Shannon Schmidt
1) No report.
Committee Reports-
1) Room Parent Update- (Missy Burkett)- Room Parent volunteers needed
for: AM and PM Preschool (Ms. Segner), 3 rd grade (Ms. Givens), 4 th
grade (Mr. DeMatteis). Missy will email the classes to solicit volunteers.
Harvest Party planners needed for: PM Preschool (Ms. Segner),
PM Kindergarten (Ms. Hamby McGonagil), and 2nd grade (Ms.
Argo). This event is next month so if you can volunteer please contact Missy
ASAP. You can also sign up to volunteer on sign up genius. Holiday and
Valentine party planners needed for several classes as well. Missy will ask room
parents to assist in filling these openings.
2) The Saks Fundraiser on Sept 27th raises money for this years Dance a Thon.
Please send in your form if you are able to attend.
3) Fall Festival- (Nicole Swecker) The PTO will provide each person with a snack.
Apple slices were suggested in place of chips. Nicole will look into this option.
Dinner is not provided, so parents please feed kids dinner before the event.
The fall festival is 6 to 8:30 and $7.00 per person. All participants need to
purchase a wristband ahead of time (including parents). 2 and under are free.
Leeds farm asked that we inform parents of their policy that all children need to
be within eyesight of parents at all times. No rain date, will chose a rain date
closer to the event. Nicole will send out a sign up genius for volunteers.
4) Pinney Palooza- (Kelly Stone) Sold over 500 wristbands. Estimated over
1,000 people in attendance. Each year it keeps growing. Kelly suggested
defining fundraising goals for larger events and providing detail on what the
money is being raised for (example, with the money raised from this event we
plan to purchase a certain number of laptops). There were long lines at the
pizza truck because an oven broke. Next year will have another kid friendly food
truck. Kelly asked for feedback on the event. She will send out a Survey
Monkey. General consensus is the Mr. Bob show helped wrap up the event and
promote people exiting. Kelly thanked her committee members.
5) Continued discussion on defining event fundraising goals and planned
expenditures for money raised. Suggestions made: The PTO board
differentiate fundraising events from events the PTO pays for that benefit our
students, the PTO put more emphasis on its public relations by advertising how
PTO money is spent and the great things it provides for Pinney. Dance-a-thon
used as an example. Question asked: What did the PTO purchase with the
money fundraised by the dance-a-thon? Mr. Ehrsam explained the decision
process that directed the use of these funds. The district technology team
advised Mr. Ehrsam to delay any technology purchase until a district decision
was made on upgrading operating systems for mobile units. This was advised
because the upgrade to existing units would likely be paid through other funding
avenues. The district did in fact upgrade all current systems. Mr. Ehrsam and
the teachers then determined the best utilization of the dance-a-thon money was
to purchase mobile devices for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade. I-pads for K-5th grade
are planned for the current year. Jackie Calnon encouraged parents to attend
PTO meetings and to review the general meeting notes to stay informed on PTO
purchases throughout the year. It was noted that the PTO and building staff
project plans for money fundraised, but can’t always be specific on the exact
purchase or timeframe. Question asked: What teacher grants were approved by
the PTO last year and was this communicated to parents? Teacher grants were
approved last year, discussed at PTO meetings, and recorded in PTO minutes
that were emailed to parents. Example given: Teacher grant for music
instruments approved and paid for by the PTO is recorded in the PTO minutes.
Mr. Ehrsam noted that Ms. Casto also told each class about the new instrument
purchase. Danielle Hodge thanked parents for their input and will include a
discussion on improving PTO public relations at the November board meeting.
6) Dads and Donuts- The book fair is at the same time as this event.
7) Reminder for parents to submit contact information to the new
online Pinney directory.
Danielle Hodge adjourned.