2016 Dublin Karrer Middle School Baseball KMS 7th Grade KMS 8th Grade Try-outs for the 2016 season for both grades February 22nd – 27th All game times are 5:00 PM start times unless noted 3/15/16 4/4/16 4/7/16 4/9/16 4/11/16 4/13/16 4/15/16 4/19/16 4/21/16 4/25/16 4/27/16 4/29/16 5/2/16 5/5/16 5/9/16 5/11/16 Mandatory Meet the Coach Night for players and parents 7:00 PM H’ Heritage O’ Berkshire 5:30 PM Jonathan Alder “DH” 10:00 AM @ O’ Orange O’ Shanahan @ H’ Memorial O’ Liberty @ UA Jones Hastings Weaver @ Marysville Davis Grizzell @ W’ Wolves @ Sells 5:30 PM 5:30 PM 5/17/16 3/31/16 4/4/16 4/6/16 4/8/16 4/12/16 4/14/16 4/18/16 4/20/16 4/22/16 4/26/16 4/28/16 4/30/16 5/2/16 5/4/16 5/6/16 5/10/16 5/12/16 Jonathan Alder @ H’ Heritage @ Berkshire O’ Orange 5:30 @ O’ Shanahan H’ Memorial @ O’ Liberty UA Jones @ UA Hastings @ H’ Weaver Marysville Dublin Invite @ Jonathan Alder @ Grizzell W’ Wolves Sells @ Davis 6:30 PM Spring Awards Head Coach: Mark Dotson Head Coach: Matt Anglea Mark.dotson@cdcmedical.com anglea_matt@dublinschools.net School Ph: (614) 718 – 8520 School Fax: (614) 873 – 1492 7th & 8th Grade Karrer Baseball Specific Tryout Information Try Outs: Try outs will be held on February 22nd-­‐25th from 4:45-­‐6:15pm (Please show up 15 minutes beforehand). Each athlete should bring their baseball glove, bat, batting gloves, cleats, tennis shoes, and outside clothing. If the weather permits we are going to try to get outside for a little. It is mandatory that every athlete has a physical on file with KMS. If the student does not have a physical on file they will NOT BE ABLE TO TRY OUT. We are really looking forward to the upcoming season. If you have any questions please feel free to email me. The KMS baseball coaching staff