Karrer Middle School Cheerleading Football Basketball Competition Thank you for your interest in Karrer cheerleading. Please take the time to read through the informational packet below. If you have any questions, please contact a coach through email. Informational Meetings: On Friday, May 27th, following day 2 evaluations, there will be a MANDATORY parent/cheerleader meeting at 7:30p in the Karrer cafeteria. During this meeting we will discuss: -Payments -Practice schedules -Summer tumbling -Summer cheer camp (Aug. 1st – 5th) -Uniforms -Rules and expectations uniform fittings will take place at this time. Tryouts/evaluations: Every athlete interested in being a part of the Karrer cheerleading program must come to both days of evaluations. Evaluations will be held in the gym at Karrer on Thursday, May 26th and Friday, May 27th from 5-7pm. Cheerleaders will be taught two chants to be evaluated on by the coaching staff. In addition, cheerleaders will demonstrate their ability to do jumps and motions. All incoming 7th grade cheerleaders should wear black shorts and a white tshirt. All incoming 8th grade cheerleaders should wear black shorts and black t-shirt. Cheerleaders should wear their hair in a ponytail with a bow. All cheerleaders should wear cheerleading shoes or tennis shoes. Cheerleaders will be given an evaluation form at the end of their final evaluation as to areas of strength and improvement. They will also be given a goal to work towards over the summer. *All cheerleaders trying out will cheer BOTH football and basketball games this season. Cheerleaders will rotate groups in cheering basketball games throughout the week. Fees: Cheerleading is a financial commitment. All student athletes are required to pay a pay-to-play fee to participate in a program in Dublin City Schools. In addition, there are fees designated for cheerleading. Cheerleaders will be required to pay for cheer camp and purchase their own uniforms; this includes: Shoes, poms, bows, and team practice wear. Please be aware of these fees before determining if you are able to participate. Lastly, Cheerleaders will be required to take tumbling once per week for an additional fee. *Please refer to the itemized fee sheet for more specific details on payments. Practices/games: All practices and games are mandatory for cheerleaders. Missing practices may result in a cheerleader not participating in that week’s game. Cheerleaders will also have tumbling once a week. If a cheerleader needs to miss a practice, they must have a note/email signed by a parent. Please try to avoid scheduling appointments during practice times. Cheerleaders should not miss games for any reason. If a cheerleader is sick, please notify the coach ASAP. Competition Cheerleading: Cheerleaders must be invited to be on the competitive cheerleading team at Karrer. Coaches will evaluate cheerleaders during the football cheerleading season as to their readiness for the team. Competitive cheerleaders must be able to (or show great potential to) perform a well-executed routine with jumps, tumbling, dancing, and motions. The team is decided upon by the coaching staff and all decisions are final. Competitive cheerleading involves additional fees throughout the season. Any cheerleader interested in doing competitive cheerleading should be working their skills over the summer and into the fall. Football Cheerleading Schedule: Starting the 1st week of August, football cheerleaders will practice MondayThursday (3:30-5pm) until games start at the end of August. When School starts, Cheerleaders will follow the schedule below: Monday: Tumbling (location TBD) Tuesday: practice 4:00-5:30 (Karrer) Wednesday: 7th grade football games Thursday: 8th grade football games Friday: No practice Basketball Cheerleading Schedule: (Starting in November) Basketball cheerleaders will practice twice a week for the month of November. Once games start, practices will be prior to games on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Cheerleaders will rotate groups (group A; group B etc.) during the week for basketball games. Competition cheerleading schedule: Competition cheerleading will start in November. There will be a separate informational meeting for competition cheerleaders later in the season. Summer practices: Karrer cheerleaders will be given the option to join a team tumbling class once a week at a local training facility. This is a great opportunity to work your skills and have fun, too! We highly recommend any athlete wanting to make the competition cheerleading team to work their tumbling skills. Coaches: 7th grade football: Coach Cortney Ingram 8th grade football: Coach Amber Jones 7th/8th grade basketball: Coach Amber Jones Competition Cheerleading: Coach Amber Jones & Coach Cortney Ingram If you have any questions, please email: Ingram_cortney@dublinschools.net Or beramj@gmail.com GO ROCKS!