English 150.1 Fall 2011 MW 8:00-9:15 CCC 206 Dr. Matthew Davis Office Hours: Mondays and Tuesdays 1:00-2:00 PM and by appointment Office: CCC 421 Phone: 346-4307 email: matthew.davis@uwsp.edu Advanced Freshman English: The Politics of Public and Private Space Course Description This course emphasizes that learning to write effectively is a recursive process—that is, it is a skill that requires frequent use in order to serve you well. Writing is hard and writing well requires discipline, patience, and a willingness to recognize patterns and institute changes. One purpose of this class, therefore, is to give you a fresh perspective on what you already know, to build on your strengths, and to prepare you to negotiate elements of writing and rhetoric that are still difficult for you. English 150 is a one-semester advanced course designed to prepare students for collegelevel reading and writing, and as such offers extensive and intensive practice in reading, writing, and revising arguments. You will begin developing the rhetorical techniques and analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to college-level work in the liberal arts by writing a series of argumentative essays advancing critical claims about the texts on our syllabus and your individual research projects investigating disputed places in the public consciousness. Working in consultation with the professor and with a writing group made up of members of this class, you will substantially revise several of the essays that you write this semester. These writings will be supplemented by shorter informal assignments, journal entries, and a final reflection on your writing and revising for this class. Writing well is essential to most of the classes you will take in college and to many endeavors you are likely to pursue after completion of your education. Different persons, however, will have different expectations of “writing well” and we’ll discuss these varying expectations. Knowledge of rhetorical devices and rhetorical strategies is a form of power— power to define and express yourself, power to resist being manipulated and ill-defined by the words of others. Therefore a secondary purpose of this course is to help you analyze the audiences, purposes, and contexts of different situations so that you might construct effective and appropriate responses. Course Goals In this course you will learn to: 1. 2. 3. 4. Analyze the audience, purpose, message, and context of different rhetorical situations Develop, draft, revise, and edit essays more effectively Improve the ability to express a significant thesis or point of view Use your writing and speaking as tools to assimilate information, express ideas, evaluate arguments, analyze materials, and organize research 5. Become familiar with correct and effective usage of outside sources 2 6. Read and interpret a variety of academic texts 7. Recognize and address problems with diction, usage, punctuation, spelling and grammar that can undermine your ability to communicate effectively with different audiences 8. Strengthen the reciprocal abilities of editing for oneself and others Required Materials Hacker, Diana. Rules for Writers w/ Research Pack (textbook purchase) Novgorodoff, Danica, Benjamin Percy, and James Ponsoldt. Refresh, Refresh (textbook purchase) Electronic Reserves (see below) Please be aware that you will also be required on occasion to make additional copies of your writings for in-class exercises. Please budget accordingly. Course Requirements Participation The class will be most rewarding and lively if we throw ourselves into the material and think of class meetings as mutual discussions. If you are not accustomed to talking in class, let me know how we can create inviting conditions for you to talk. If shyness gets the best of you, come see me (sooner rather than later) and we will see what we can do. You will need to participate aloud in the course. Class participation is graded on a pass/fail basis and consistent, thoughtful contributions are required to receive a passing grade. “Consistent” means every other class period; “thoughtful” (which does not mean “correct”) means contributions in which you venture an idea or interpretation. Although class participation is graded on a pass/fail basis, particularly sharp and engaged contributions could raise your final course grade if it is on a borderline. Failing the class participation requirement will lower your final grade up to one full letter. I recognize that participation depends on your comfort and confidence in the class and with the course material, which is why I always welcome suggestions about how participation can be made more inviting, especially for people who are shy or who are new to English classes. Realize that your contribution to discussion need not be a fully formulated or “brilliant” insight by any means. If you feel shaky in your understanding of a specific text, for example, you might pose a question rather than an “answer.” Inevitably, your question is probably one shared by others in the class, and other people will be pleased you asked it, as will I. When you ask questions, you can in fact do great literary analysis. For example, by asking, “Why does the author’s conclusion seem to contradict the first paragraph of her short story?” you give the class an excellent starting point for discussion even if you don’t yet have an answer to your own question. Do not assume that you must “match” the comments of other students in order to make valuable contributions. Attendance Attendance is mandatory. If there is an emergency or a legitimate special circumstance that forces you to miss a class, I ask you notify me beforehand. This notification is a courtesy that I appreciate, but it does not necessarily excuse your absence. If you miss class, it is your 3 responsibility to inform me of what is going on and to work to resolve the problem (ask me for handouts, consult classmates for notes, and make an office appointment to review what you missed if you so desire). Three or more absences runs the risk of a lowered final grade for the course. If you miss six classes, you cannot pass the course. Exceptions to the attendance policy are made only in the case of grave emergencies and may require documentation. Conferences Two group conferences will be scheduled during the course of the semester during which time we will focus our conversation on a particular writing assignment. Attendance at these conferences and preparation to discuss your writing concerns are required. If you wish to meet with me additionally, please see the information under “Office Hours and Campus Resources for Writing.” Essays During the course of the semester, you will be completing three (3-5 page) writing assignments. For each of these assignments, you will work through the development of your paper in stages that may include an outline, a first draft, a peer critique, and a revised edition. Be sure to save all of your work and to keep multiple copies of your essays. Drafts, peer critiques, and notes must accompany the final draft of all papers you submit. Completion of all papers is required to satisfactorily complete this course. Papers need to follow MLA-style documentation and therefore must: • Have one-inch margins on all sides. • Be in an easily legible 10- or 12-point font. • Be double-spaced throughout, including your heading and quotations. • Have page numbers in the upper right-hand corner of each page, preceded by your last name. • Have the student’s name, the course name and number, the instructor’s name, the assignment name or number, and the date in the upper left-hand corner. The title for the paper should appear centered at the top of the first page, below the heading. No separate title page is necessary. • Be turned in at the beginning of class on the date due. If you are late to class when a paper is due, your paper will be counted as late and penalties will accrue. Papers that do not meet all of these requirements will not be accepted and will cause your paper to be considered late. Late papers will cause your final grade for that paper to be lowered one grade level (i.e. from an A- to a B+) for each day (including weekends and holidays) that it is late. Reading Journals A principle that underlies this course is that one can only become a better writer by practice; supplementary to this principle is the belief that to become a good writer one must read and analyze good writers. To these ends, you will be required to complete a reading journal for many of the readings we complete. Each entry must be at least one typed page in length, singlespaced (otherwise, follow MLA style—see “Essays,” above—for your journals). You need to bring your completed journal entry to class each day when we are discussing the readings where 4 they will be collected; therefore, it is in your best interest to stay current in your reading and journal assignments. Be sure to carefully date and number each journal entry, keeping them in chronological order. Each of the eight (8) journals you will be completing over the course of the semester will be graded on a pass/fail basis. On some occasions, simply having completed the journal and met the minimum requirements will ensure a passing grade; on other occasions, I may give you specific elements of successful writing to work on, which then must be satisfactorily met to receive a passing grade. Because of the pass/fail grading for these journals, no late journals will be accepted—please do not ask me to make an exception. Toward the end of the semester, you will be asked to turn in two of your previously completed journals to be read and assigned a letter grade. You will have the option of revising or refining these journal entries to earn the highest possible grade. Informal Writings In addition to your reading journals and formal papers, you will also be asked to complete a number of important, less formal writing exercises. These will include everything from inclass reflections, reading journals, short responses, and other creative exercises. These assignments are crucial to the class and will play an important part in your development of successful ideas for your papers. Typically, your informal writings will be completed as homework or as part of an in-class exercise. These assignments do not need to be typed, but should be neatly written and clearly labeled with the date and assignment, and turned in when requested. Desire2Learn Substantial course materials—including your weekly journal assignments—will be available only by using the Desire2Learn online course administration software. You will want to familiarize yourself with the D2L system as this will be the principle means by which course assignments, schedules, and announcements will be made available to you. You should get used to visiting the site for our course on a daily basis to keep on top of assignments and announcements. Electronic Reserves Most of our course readings will be available to students through Electronic Reserves, accessible on Desire2Learn through the “content” tab. You will need to print out the readings and bring them to class with you on the days we are discussing them; failure to do so will count as an absence. I suggest printing out all of the readings early in the semester and compiling your own course reader for English 150. 5 Grading Pass/Fail Journals (8) Graded Journals (2) Essay #1 Essay #2 Essay #3 Participation Total 15% 15% 15% 20% 35% P/F F = Minus One Letter Grade 100% Office Hours and Campus Resources for Writing Please take advantage of my office hours to ask any questions you may have or to deal with issues you would like to discuss with me outside of class. Just come by—you don’t need an appointment. If you can’t make my office hours, I can always arrange to meet you at a time that will work for both of us. If you need to reach me outside of class or office hours, email is the best way to contact me. The Tutoring-Learning Center (018 LRC) is a service for all UWSP students who are working on papers. Its purpose is to help you get started, organize ideas, revise, and think about the rhetorical situation of your particular writing assignment. I expect all of you to make use of the Center to assist you in your writing and revising of papers for this class. To make an appointment, please call x3568. Please also be advised that the center becomes especially busy at midterm and toward the end of the semester when most students are working on final assignments. Be sure to plan ahead and make an appointment well in advance. Statement on Academic Honesty and Plagiarism Plagiarism, or the representation of another’s work as your own, is a serious violation of university policy and is unacceptable in the academic community. When you draw upon ideas or language of other writers, you need to clearly indicate your sources. In class, students will learn about accepted procedures for giving credit to sources that are quoted, paraphrased, or summarized. If you have further questions about how to give credit to your sources, or are unsure whether or not you are plagiarizing, please contact me before the assignment is due. Please see http://www.uwsp.edu/centers/rights/RRBOOKLET8-2005-06.pdf for further information about your responsibilities and rights as a student. Special Needs Please let me know if you need additional assistance or have special considerations that need to be accommodated. I will do all that I can to help you succeed in this course. The Office of Disability Services can also assist students with special needs (x3365, voice or x3362, TDD). Tips for Success Keep extra copies of your work, including drafts and revisions. These copies will come in handy if you encounter any disk or computer problems and you can recycle any extras later. 6 Participate early and often. Start raising questions and posing ideas today, and make yourself speak every day during the first two weeks to create a habit. If you are generally quiet in class, take advantage of the newness of the situation and try something new. Turn off your cell phone. Better yet, leave it at home. I have very good hearing and find “vibrate” just as disturbing as an actual ring. Come to class every day, prepared, and take responsibility for making the discussion useful to you. Get used to visiting Desire2Learn. This will be your best way to keep up to date with assignments, schedule changes, and journal assignments. D2L also provides you with easy access to your classmates as well as me. Ask questions—of me, your classmates—whenever you are confused or unsure. Come by my office hours, schedule an appointment, or email me to discuss concerns about your writing, the readings, or the class. No matter the quality of your teachers, your education at this level is what you make of it; don’t be shy about seeking the help and advice you need. Read carefully and take notes. Take careful notes in the margins of your electronic reserves. Expect to read difficult readings at least twice. Read materials again before attempting to write about them. If you find yourself disliking a writer or a text, investigate why: Is it the writer’s tone? The writing itself? The writer’s assumptions? His or her argument? Readings have been selected for their range and applicability to our chosen topic—don’t expect to “like” every piece; do expect, however, to learn something from everything you read and try to figure out each work’s importance. English 150 Fall 2011 Tentative Schedule—Subject to Change Week 1 Introductions Mon 9/5 No Class—Labor Day Holiday Wed 9/7 Introduction to Course and Each Other Refresh, Refresh Week 2 Mon 9/12 Refresh, Refresh Wed 9/14 Refresh, Refresh (continued); Journal #1 Due The Politics of Space at the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition Week 3 Mon 9/19 The Elements of Argument; The Politics of Space at the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition 7 Wed 9/21 Week 4 Gail Bederman, from Manliness and Civilization (ER); Journal #2 Due Peer Review Conferences Mon 9/26 Essay #1 Draft Due; Begin Peer Reviews Wed 9/28 No Class—Peer Review Group Conferences Week 5 Suburban Spaces Mon 10/3 No Class—Peer Review Group Conferences Wed 10/5 David Guterson, “No Place Like Home: On the Manicured Streets of a Master-Planned Community” (ER); Journal #3 Due Suburban Spaces (continued) Week 6 Mon 10/10 Essay #1 Final Due; David Guterson, “Enclosed, Encyclopedic, Endured: One Week at the Mall of America” (ER); Journal #4 Due Wed 10/12 James Howard Kunstler, “Home from Nowhere” (ER); Journal #5 Due Week 7 Suburban Spaces (continued); Urban Spaces Mon 10/17 “To Sprawl or Not to Sprawl” from To the Best of Our Knowledge (audio recording; original air date February 3, 2008). Wed 10/19 David Owen, “Green Manhattan” (ER); Journal #6 Due Week 8 Urban Spaces (continued) Mon 10/24 Brent Staples, “Black Men and Public Space” (ER) Wed 10/26 Mike Davis, City of Quartz “Prologue” pp. 3-14 (ER); Journal #7 Due Urban Spaces (continued) Week 9 Mon 10/31 Library Orientation/Research Day 8 Wed 11/2 Week 10 Mike Davis, City of Quartz Chapter 4: “Fortress L.A.” pp. 223-260 (ER); Journal #8 Due Urban Spaces (continued); Library Orientation Mon 11/7 Davis “Fortress L.A.” (continued) Wed 11/9 Essay #2 Draft Due; begin Peer Reviews Week 11 Peer Reviews; Reading the Landscape Mon 11/14 Peer Reviews; Writing Issues Wed 11/16 John Fraser Hart, “Reading the Landscape” (ER); Essay #2 Final Due Week 12 Research Project Reports Mon 11/21 Research Project Reports Wed 11/23 Research Project Reports (continued) Week 13 Peer Review Group Conferences Mon 11/28 Essay #3 Draft Due; Begin Peer Reviews Wed 11/30 No Class—Peer Review Group Conferences Week 14 Conferences (continued); Revision Issues Mon 12/5 No Class—Peer Review Group Conferences Wed 12/7 Revision Issues; Graded Journals Due Week 15 Revision Issues Mon 12/12 Revision Issues Wed 12/14 Revision Issues; Conclusions Final Exam: Essay #3 Revised Due Friday, December 16, 2011 at 12:30 PM.