Accessibility Guidebook for Outdoor Recreation and Trails

United States
Department of
Forest Service
Technology &
August 2012
In cooperation with
Accessibility Guidebook
for Outdoor Recreation
and Trails
This publication was produced in cooperation with the U.S. Department of
Transportation, Federal Highway Administration’s Recreational Trails Program in
the interest of information exchange. The U.S. Government assumes no liability
for the use of the information and does not endorse products or manufacturers.
Trademarks or manufacturers’ names and Web sites appear only because they are
considered essential to the objective of this publication.
The contents of this publication reflect the views of the authors, who are responsible
for the facts and accuracy of the information presented herein. The contents do not
necessarily reflect the official policy of the U.S. Department of Transportation. This
report does not constitute a standard, specification, or regulation.
You can order a copy of this publication using the order form on the
FHWA’s Recreational Trails Program Web site at:
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13710 Dunnings Highway
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Fax: 814–239–2156
Produced by:
USDA Forest Service
Missoula Technology and Development Center
5785 Hwy. 10 West
Missoula, MT 59808–9361
Phone: 406–329–3978
Fax: 406–329–3719
Cover photos (counter clockwise, start with the large photo)
Three generations enjoy a hike on the interpretive trail at Lolo Pass.
A Forest Service employee points out a good fishing spot that an injured recreationist can reach on crutches.
The accessible boardwalk makes it possible for these three friends to enjoy the wetlands together.
Not all disabilities are obvious. This young girl is having fun taking photos at a meadow in the Uncompaghre Wilderness.
Campgrounds that meet outdoor accessibility requirements, such as the Blackberry Crossing Campground, provide a great place for camping.
Photo credit: Northeast Passage, Durham, NH
Accessibility Guidebook for
Outdoor Recreation and Trails
Janet Zeller
National Accessibility Program Manager
Ruth Doyle
Cibola National Forest Recreation, Engineering, Archaeology, Lands,
and Minerals Staff Officer
Kathleen Snodgrass
Project Leader
USDA Forest Service
Technology and Development Center
Missoula, MT
9E92A86 Update to the Accessibility Guidebook
August 2012
The Forest Service, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), has developed this information for the guidance
of its employees, its contractors, and its cooperating Federal and State agencies and is not responsible for the
interpretation or use of this information by anyone except its own employees. The use of trade, firm, or corporation
names in this document is for the information and convenience of the reader and does not constitute an endorsement by
the Department of any product or service to the exclusion of others that may be suitable.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race,
color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion,
sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of an individual’s income is derived
from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require
alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA’s
TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office
of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202)
720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
During the revision of this document, the authors worked
closely with the staff of the U.S. Access Board and would
like to thank them for their cooperation. The U.S. Access
Board is an independent Federal agency devoted to accessibility for people with disabilities. About 30 employees and a
governing board of representatives from Federal Departments
and public members appointed by the President have these
key responsibilities:
• Developing and maintaining accessibility requirements
for the built environment, transit vehicles, telecommunications equipment, and electronic and information
• Providing technical assistance and training on these
guidelines and standards
• Enforcing accessibility standards for federally funded
The authors deeply appreciate the contributions of the
following people who provided advice and information for
this updated version:
• Christopher Douwes, Federal Highway Administration
• Bill Botten, U.S. Access Board
• Peter Jensen, Peter S. Jensen Associates, LLC
• Jaime Schmidt, Forest Service
The authors would like to express their grateful appreciation for the contributions of these individuals and organizations: Forest Service employees Carl R. Bauer, Nancy
Brunswick, Jasmine Budrow, Mark Conn, Donna Graham,
Barth Hamberg, Maureen Hanson, Dave Hatch, Kay Hopkins,
Alison Koopman, Katrina Kuchenbecker, David Kuykendall,
Donna Marks, Ann May, Iran Martinez, Douglas Reeves, Jan
Spencer, Jim Steward, Ron Vance, Mike VanHorn, Brian Williams, James Wyatt, and Lois Ziemann provided photographs
or sketches for this version, as well as Mary Watne, MT; Axess
Outdoors, MT, <>; Jamestown
Advanced Products Corporation, NY, <http://www.jamestown>; Northeast Passage, NH, <http://www.nepas>; Trac About, Inc., KS, <>;
and Disabled Sports USA, MD, <>.
The authors thank the Missoula Technology and Development Center (MTDC) publications and support staff who
created an attractive and easy-to-read report: Geraldine Wolf,
Sunni Bradshaw, Claudia Ruple, and Amanda Determan. The
authors are grateful for the informative illustrations produced
by Deb Mucci.
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Applying Accessibility Guidelines to Your Site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The History of Accessibility Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Current Accessibility Guidelines That Apply to the Forest Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
What if the Guidelines Appear To Conflict With Each Other?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Railings—Guardrails, Handrails, and Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Trash Receptacles and Wildlife . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Handpumps and Water Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Foot Travel on Trails and Roads With Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Important Tools for Accessible Recreation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Built Environment Image Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Recreation Opportunity Spectrum and Recreation Site Scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Wilderness Access Decision Tool. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Appalachian Trail Conservancy’s “Backcountry Sanitation Manual”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Appalachian Trail Conservancy’s “Increasing Opportunities for Access on the Appalachian Trail:
A Design Guide”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Accessibility Guidebook for Outfitters and Guides Operating on Public Lands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Accessibility Guidebook for Ski Areas Operating on Public Lands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cooperative Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Standard Forest Service National Trail Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Trail Construction and Maintenance Notebook. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Designing Sidewalks and Trails for Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Planning and Designing Outdoor Recreation Facilities for Horses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Facilities Toolbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Natural Resource Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Recreation and Heritage Resources Integrated Business Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Deferred Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Construction and Maintenance Practices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Outdoors Are for Everyone—Fundamentals of Outdoor Recreation and Trails Accessibility . . . . . . . . . 3
Why Accessibility Is Important . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
What Terminology Should Be Used? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Providing Appropriate Information About Accessibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Legal Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Universal Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Program Accessibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Transition Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Accessibility Evaluation Surveys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Designing Access Into the Outdoor Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
The Purpose of FSORAG and FSTAG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Protruding Objects and Outdoor Recreation Access Routes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Gates and Barriers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Providing Comforts and Conveniences—Constructed Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Reach Ranges and Operability Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Grab Bars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Recreation Site Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Vehicle Parking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Camping Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Picnic Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Viewing Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Use of the International Symbol of Accessibility and Other Signs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Constructed Features in Recreation Sites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Picnic Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fire Rings, Grills, Fireplaces, and Wood Stoves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tent Pads and Tent Platforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Benches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Trash, Recycling, and Other Essential Containers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Telescopes and Periscopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Utilities at Recreation Sites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Water Hydrants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Outdoor Rinsing Showers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Utility Sinks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Buildings in Recreation Sites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Camp Shelters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Toilet Buildings and Pit Toilets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Getting to the Water—Beach Access Routes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Exceptions to the Guidelines That Apply to Beach Access Routes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Notifying the U.S. Access Board About Exemptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Surface and Clear Tread Width on Beach Access Routes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Slopes and Resting Intervals for Beach Access Routes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Using the Conditions for an Exception in FSORAG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Documenting Exceptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Getting From Here to There—Outdoor Recreation Access Routes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Surfaces for Outdoor Recreation Access Routes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Slopes and Resting Intervals for Outdoor Recreation Access Routes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Clear Tread Width and Passing Spaces for Outdoor Recreation Access Routes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tread Obstacles on Outdoor Recreation Access Routes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Openings in Outdoor Recreation Access Route Surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tread Obstacles on Beach Access Routes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Openings in Beach Access Routes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Protruding Objects on Beach Access Routes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Elevated Dune Crossings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Gates and Barriers on Beach Access Routes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Applying the Forest Service Trails Accessibility Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Trails Are Not Outdoor Recreation Access Routes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Trail Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Trail Construction Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Conditions for an Exception in FSTAG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
General Exceptions in FSTAG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Short Hikes and Interesting Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Documenting Exceptions and Notifying the U.S. Access Board About Exemptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Technical Requirements for Accessible Hiker/Pedestrian Trails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Surfaces of Trails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Clear Tread Width of Trails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Trail Slopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Resting Intervals on Trails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Passing Spaces on Trails. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Tread Obstacles on Trails. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Protruding Objects and Trails. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Openings in Trail Surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Trail Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Gates and Barriers on Trails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Trailheads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Trailhead Signs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Overview of FSTAG Implementation Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Step 1: Determine the Applicability of FSTAG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Step 2: Identify the Presence of Limiting Factors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Step 3: Apply the Accessibility Provisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Step 4: Calculate Cumulative Deviation Percentage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
The FSTAG Implementation Process Flowchart. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Acronyms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Links. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .111
Appendix: FSTAG Implementation Process Flowchart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
they contain useful concepts to help other agencies and organizations maximize accessibility without changing the setting
in outdoor recreation areas and on trails.
This guidebook was written to help designers and managers apply FSORAG and FSTAG to their work and to provide guidance for integrating accessibility into outdoor recreation site and trail projects. When recreation professionals
understand what is needed, accessibility becomes integrated
into the thinking, planning, designing, construction, and
maintenance of every project from the beginning. Accessibility always is more difficult and costly to implement as an
afterthought. Forest Service direction is to integrate accessibility from the start of each project.
Continued coordination among Forest Service employees and with partners is essential to successfully implement
FSORAG and FSTAG. The Forest Service is committed to
incorporating FSORAG and FSTAG into National Forest
System projects and ensuring inclusive outdoor recreation
his publication is an updated version of the original
“Accessibility Guidebook for Outdoor Recreation
and Trails” (2006 edition). The original guidebook
was released the same day the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Forest Service accessibility guidelines were
finalized as the legal standard for the agency. At that time,
the Outdoor Developed Areas Accessibility Guidelines
(ODAAG) under the Architectural Barriers Act were still
under development by the U.S. Access Board.
Now that ODAAG has been finalized, the 2006 Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
(FSORAG) and Forest Service Trail Accessibility Guidelines
(FSTAG) have been revised and streamlined, incorporating
the applicable sections of ODAAG. FSORAG and FSTAG
look much the same as they did before revision and are still
individual documents that integrate universal design, as well
as agency terminology and processes. These guidelines are
legally enforceable on National Forest System lands. While
the guidelines are official policy only for the Forest Service,
The Outdoors Are for Everyone— Fundamentals of Outdoor Recreation and Trails Accessibility
The Outdoors Are for Everyone—
Fundamentals of Outdoor Recreation and Trails Accessibility
design, purchase, or build it to ensure all people have an equal
opportunity to use this facility?” The key is to ask this question
before the facility has been designed and built or purchased.
Then we can provide facilities for use by all people.
For more information on Forest Service recreation
opportunities, visit <>.
How many people benefit from accessible facilities?
At the time of the 2010 census, 54 million people (about 1
in every 5 people in the United States) had a disability that
significantly limited one or more major life activities, such
Why Accessibility Is Important
as walking, seeing, hearing, breathing, and thinking. Of that
The Forest Service is committed to integrating and maxi- number, 7 percent used wheelchairs, and 2.1 percent used
mizing accessibility into the full range of recreation opporcrutches, canes, walkers, or other assistive devices. Seventytunities while protecting natural resources and maintaining
five percent have disabilities that are not obvious at first
the character and experience of the settings so that all people glance. People with disabilities constitute the largest minority
have the opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors. This comin the country.
mitment is established in Forest Service policy.
Additionally, the population of the United States is
How does accessibility fit into this range of opportuniaging. By the year 2030, more than 80 million people will
ties? We certainly don’t want to pave the wilderness. However, be 65 or older. As people age, impairments are more likely
when the decision is made to construct or alter a building, trail, to hinder activities. If you live long enough, you are likely to
recreation site, or other facility, we must ask, “How can we
join the ranks of people with disabilities.
Recreation Opportunities on National Forests and Grasslands
There are national forest and grasslands in all but six of the States and in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.
155 national forests and grasslands
✧ 193 million acres (78.1 million hectares) to enjoy
439 congressionally designated wilderness areas
✧ 37.6 million acres (15.2 million hectares) in which to experience solitude and a pristine environment
156,000 miles (251,000 kilometers) of trails to hike
122 wild and scenic rivers
✧ 4,927 miles (7,929 kilometers) of beautiful water to float or fish
19,611 recreation sites and 23,000 recreation buildings
✧ 5,000 campgrounds in which to pitch a tent or set up a trailer or recreational vehicle
Thousands of miles (or kilometers) of scenic byways to drive
172 million visits each year
Why Accessibility Is Important
t’s all about people having the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors. Public lands offer a wide range of recreation settings
and opportunities from highly developed campgrounds
to untouched wilderness areas. Visitors may choose both the
type of recreation they want to pursue and where to pursue it.
Of course, recreationists must always check to make sure that
what they want to do is allowed where they want to recreate.
The Outdoors Are for Everyone—Fundamentals of Outdoor Recreation and Trails Accessibility
What Terminology Should Be Used?
If anyone in a group has a disability, accessibility is an
issue for the whole group (figure 1.) This influences where
the group will go and what they will do together. Ski areas
learned many years ago that each skier who has a disability
is usually accompanied by three or four additional skiers
who don’t have disabilities. They all want to buy lift tickets,
rent gear, eat lunch, and ski together. Accessibility is good
customer service and good for business.
Just as recreational preferences vary among the general
population, people with disabilities enjoy different types of
outdoor recreation. We must make sure that facilities allow
all visitors to choose their own recreational activities.
Figure 1—Although the Blackberry Crossing Campground in the White
Mountain National Forest is not highly developed, it’s a great place for this
group of friends to enjoy camping together. Photo credit: Northeast Passage,
Durham, NH
What Terminology Should Be Used?
Although people who have disabilities refer to themselves
in many different ways and numerous “buzz words” have been
used to describe people with disabilities over the years, direction for terminology was provided in the early 1990s. The 1990
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) uses the phrase persons
with disabilities and the word accessible. When Section 504 of
the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 was renewed and amended in
1992, its terminology was corrected to include accessible and
persons with disabilities. Federal agency regulations, policies,
and documents have used terminology that matches ADA and
the Rehabilitation Act since that time.
A disability is a medically definable condition that
causes a limitation in one or more of a person’s major life
activities, such as walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, thinking, and so forth. Person-first terminology is used
because the person is more important than his or her disability. Examples include:
• A person who is blind—not “a blind person”
• A person who uses a wheelchair—not “a wheelchairbound person” or “a wheelchair person”
A handicap is a barrier or circumstance that makes
progress difficult, such as a flight of stairs that may be
impassable for a person using a wheelchair or a negative
attitude toward a person who has a disability. The word
“handicapped” has negative connotations and has been
around for centuries, though it wasn’t used to refer to people
with disabilities until the late 1800s. Many people believe
Disability Etiquette
Use common sense and extend common courtesy to everyone.
Don’t patronize anyone; treat adults like adults.
Be patient. Some people need more time to express themselves or move about.
Relax and be yourself. It’s okay to use common phrases such as “see you later” when talking with a person who is
blind or has limited vision.
Speak directly to the person and maintain eye contact, don’t speak through a companion or interpreter.
Use person-first terminology. Don’t use words like handicapped, victim, or afflicted to describe a person who has a
Offer assistance to persons with disabilities, wait for their response, and follow their specific directions.
Do not pet, feed, or distract service animals without first asking permission. They are working animals, not pets.
that “handicapped” was first used in relation to persons
with disabilities when Civil War veterans (with injuries that
prevented them from working) were begging on the streets
with “cap in hand.” Standard references do not support
this story. But because the story has become legend and
begging for a living is degrading, describing people with
disabilities as “handicapped” is offensive to most people with
disabilities. The word “handicapped” should be eliminated
from vocabulary, publications, and other materials.
Accessible facilities comply with the accessibility guidelines and standards. A site, facility, or program is either
accessible or it is not accessible. For instance, figure 2 illustrates one type of trail that complies with accessibility guide-
Other phrases concerning accessibility that are not correct include: partially accessible, accessible with assistance,
barrier free, ADA accessible, and handicapped accessible. A
facility is either accessible or it is not accessible. If the facility is not accessible, the visitor or employee needs to know
which specific areas are not accessible. “Partially accessible”
and “accessible with assistance” imply some accessibility
problems, but don’t provide enough information to be helpful. “Barrier free” isn’t legally defined or commonly understood. “ADA accessible” confuses laws with accessibility
standards. “Handicapped accessible” is a common phrase,
but it is offensive to many people with disabilities and should
not be used. “Handicapped accessible” is also a contradiction
lines. The only way to evaluate accessibility is to evaluate the
facility’s compliance with the guidelines in effect at the time
it was designed, constructed, or altered. There are no shades
of accessibility. For instance, a parking space complies with
the standards and is accessible, or it doesn’t comply with
the standards and is not accessible. The specific technical
requirements of the standards for surfacing, slope, and the
size of the parking space and walkway connection must be
met, regardless of the conditions around the parking space.
because a handicap is a barrier and accessible means there
aren’t any barriers. The best terminology is simply accessible
and not accessible.
Figure 2—Two friends
enjoy a trail that
complies with the
guidelines and allows
them to hike through the
rain forest.
Providing Appropriate Information About
Forest Service policy is to provide nonjudgmental information about programs and facilities so that visitors may
choose the areas, activities, and facilities that best meet their
interests and needs. The goal is independence, integration,
and dignity for all visitors.
• When composing copy for Web sites, brochures, and
other public information sources, consult with forest
recreation staff or forest accessibility coordinators to
ensure appropriate and accurate information is conveyed and displayed.
• When describing a specific site or area, use the term
accessible only if all facilities, constructed features,
and connecting routes are in full compliance with the
applicable accessibility guidelines. Accessible refers
only to specific facilities, constructed features, or
routes that have been constructed or altered in compliance with all of the requirements of the applicable
accessibility guidelines. Electronic copies of these
guidelines are available at <
✧ Don’t use the terms “ADA,” “partially,” “barrier
free,” or “handicapped.”
Providing Appropriate Information About Accessibility
The Outdoors Are for Everyone—Fundamentals of Outdoor Recreation and Trails Accessibility
The Outdoors Are for Everyone—Fundamentals of Outdoor Recreation and Trails Accessibility
Legal Requirements
• Provide specific details about what people can expect
to encounter. For instance, include minimum width,
maximum slope, and condition of the tread surface
(is it firm and stable?) on information about trails. All
information is for all users.
✧ Don’t prejudge or assume what a person can or
cannot do by adding comments such as “some
people may need assistance,” etc. These notes,
even though well intended, are patronizing.
✧ Don’t assign accessibility-related difficulty levels
to recreation opportunities, such as camping, boating, fishing, hiking, etc. Individuals will determine which opportunity best meets their interests
and abilities after reviewing the specific information about that opportunity.
• Whenever standard outdoor recreation symbols are
used on maps and other information sources, use the
color blue to indicate accessible units. For instance, if
the tent symbol is used to show the location of campgrounds on an area map, the tent symbol indicating
campgrounds with accessible units should be blue, but
the tent symbol for campgrounds without accessible
units should be a different color, such as brown. The
legend for the map should include the information
that blue indicates accessibility.
✧ Don’t use the international symbol of accessibility on information. This symbol only should be
used on signs at six legally defined facility locations when they are in full compliance with the
applicable accessibility guidelines: toilet, parking
space, entrance if not the main entrance, loading
zones, areas of refuge in a building, and route of
egress out of a building. More information about
use of the international symbol of accessibility is
available in “Use of the International Symbol of
Accessibility and Other Signs” of this guidebook.
• On newly constructed or altered trails, whether the
trail complies with the accessibility guidelines or not,
include the following trail information, in addition
to other information typically provided for hikers, on
trailhead signs:
Destination and length of the trail or trail segment
Surface type
Typical and minimum tread width
Typical and maximum running slope
Typical and maximum cross slope
A statement that the posted information reflects
the condition of the trail when it was constructed
or assessed, including the date of the construction
or assessment
Legal Requirements
The Architectural Barriers Act (ABA) became law in
1968. The act <
/architectural-barriers-act-aba> mandates that all facilities
designed, built, altered, bought, rented, or leased by, for, or
on behalf of a Federal agency must be accessible.
In 1973, the Rehabilitation Act became law. Section 504
<> of the
act applies to programs and activities that are conducted by
Federal agencies and by entities that receive funding from, or
operate under a permit from, Federal agencies. Section 504
requires that these programs and activities provide an equal
opportunity for individuals with disabilities to participate in
an integrated setting, as independently as possible. The only
exception to the requirement is when the program would be
fundamentally altered if changes were made solely for the purpose of accessibility. An example of a fundamental alteration to
a program would be allowing use of a motor vehicle in an area
not designated for motorized-vehicle use.
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) implementation
guidance for Section 504 is Title 7 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 15 (7 CFR 15) that was finalized in 1994. Subpart
15e <
_03.html> applies to programs conducted by the Forest Service.
Subpart 15b <
cfr15b_03.html> applies to programs operating with Federal
agency funding, under special use permits, or under other
agreements with the agency. If a building or structure must be
entered for someone to participate in the activity at the site, the
building must be accessible.
The Outdoors Are for Everyone—Fundamentals of Outdoor Recreation and Trails Accessibility
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) became
law in 1990. Except for Title V, Section 508(c), ADA <http://> doesn’t apply
to Federal agencies’ facilities and programs. Federal agencies were already required to be accessible under ABA and
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act before ADA became
law. ADA applies to State and local government services,
to public accommodations such as motels and hotels, and
to organizations that are open to the public. Title V, Section
508(c) of ADA applies to Federal wilderness areas. It reaffirms the 1964 Wilderness Act and clarifies that agencies
aren’t required to change the character of wilderness areas
to provide accessibility. Section 508(c) also defines a wheel-
Since the early 1990s, the Forest Service has followed
the universal design policy that all new and reconstructed
facilities, programs, and associated elements are to be accessible to the greatest extent possible. This commitment often
exceeds the minimum requirements of the Federal accessibility guidelines. The result of universal design is independence,
integration, and dignity for everyone.
More information on accessibility guidelines is provided
in the next part of this guidebook.
chair and states that wheelchairs meeting that definition may
be used in Federal wilderness areas.
For the purposes of evaluating accessibility, a “program”
is an activity in which people may participate. Basically, the
program is the reason a person visits an area and may include
opportunities such as:
• Camping in a campground
• Viewing the scenery at an overlook (figure 4)
• Swimming at a beach
• Enjoying solitude in the wilderness
• Gathering information at a visitor center
• Learning about an area on an interpretive trail
The best way to integrate accessibility is to use the principles of universal design. Universal design is simply designing programs and facilities to be usable by all people, to
the greatest extent possible, without separate or segregated
access for people with disabilities (figure 3). Using universal
design principles is Forest Service policy, as stated in Forest
Service Manual (FSM) 2330.3 These directives are available
at <>.
Figure 3— Friends enjoy a break during a stroll on a boardwalk through a
wetlands area. A trail built on universal design principles makes it possible
for a whole group to enjoy the same experience.
The 1994 USDA regulations—7 CFR 15e <http://www> and 7
CFR 15b <
_03/7cfr15b_03.html> govern USDA implementation of
Figure 4—Interpretation is for everyone. Signs must be placed so that
everyone can see and understand them.
Universal Design
Universal Design
Program Accessibility
The Outdoors Are for Everyone—Fundamentals of Outdoor Recreation and Trails Accessibility
Program Accessibility
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. They prescribe the
requirements for ensuring access to programs.
If a program is provided inside a building or structure,
everyone must be able to enter the facility to participate in
the program. All facilities need to be constructed according
to the applicable accessibility guidelines. Even historic structures are required to be as accessible as can be accomplished
without destroying the historic significance of the structure.
Unfortunately, some historic structures are not yet accessible,
and a few cannot be made accessible without destroying their
historic integrity. If a facility is not accessible, relocate the program or provide it in another manner (an alternative program).
Any alternative program must allow everyone to participate
together. Separate segregated programs just for people with
disabilities aren’t permitted. For example, if an evening program at a campground previously has been held in an amphitheater that isn’t accessible, move the program to an accessible
location until the amphitheater is accessible.
Under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and 7 CFR
15, access to programs that don’t depend on constructed facilities also are required to provide equal opportunity to all. People with disabilities may not be denied the opportunity to participate in a program if they meet the criteria to participate and
their participation doesn’t fundamentally alter the program.
All participants must meet the essential eligibility criteria for
the program and abide by any restrictions for that program in
that area, including those of the forest land management plan.
While all people are to have an equal opportunity to participate
in programs and to strive to gain the same benefits offered by
those programs, no guarantee of success is required.
The laws require equal opportunity; they don’t require
exceptional opportunity. For example, roads, trails, or other
areas on national forests and grasslands that are not designated for motorized vehicle use under a forest travel management plan are closed to all motorized vehicles, including
those used by people with disabilities.
Access to programs must be viewed through the lens
of the entire program, not through the eyes of an individual.
Access to the program is to be provided so long as doing so
doesn’t fundamentally alter the program. That is, providing
access doesn’t change the primary functions of the program.
Allowing motor vehicles in a nonmotorized area would be a
fundamental alteration of the recreation program for that area.
“Reasonable accommodation” does not apply to access
to programs. Reasonable accommodation only applies in
employment and involves making the modifications or adjustments to a job or the work environment so a specific qualified
applicant or employee with a disability can participate in the
application process or perform essential job functions. It does
not apply to programs under Federal agencies, including recreation facilities and trails.
Questions often arise concerning the use of wheelchairs
or other mobility devices in areas that restrict or prohibit
mechanical devices or motorized vehicle use. As clarified in
Title V, Section 508(c), the legal definition of a wheelchair is:
A device designed solely for use by a mobilityimpaired person for locomotion that is
suitable for use in an indoor pedestrian area
This is a two-part definition. “Designed solely to be used
by a mobility-impaired person for locomotion” means that
the wheelchair was originally designed and manufactured
solely to be used for mobility by a person with a disability.
The aftermarket retrofit of a motorized unit to make it usable
by a person with a disability does not meet this part of the
definition. The second part of the definition requires the
device to be “suitable for use in an indoor pedestrian area”
(figure 5). This means usable inside a home, courthouse, or
other indoor pedestrian area, such as the food court of a mall.
Figure 5—To meet the definition of a wheelchair, a device must be suitable
for use in an indoor pedestrian area, such as this food court where two friends
take a break from shopping. Like many wheelchairs, the device shown here
also is useful for outdoor recreation, as shown in figure 11. Photo credit:
Trac About, Inc., Newton, KS
The Outdoors Are for Everyone—Fundamentals of Outdoor Recreation and Trails Accessibility
that meets both parts of the definition in the preceding paragraph anywhere foot travel is permitted in the National Forest
System, in accordance with Title V, Section 508(c) of ADA; 36
CFR 212.1; and FSM 2353.05 and FSM 2320.05. Wheelchairs
or mobility devices, including battery-powered wheelchairs that
meet both parts of the definition, aren’t categorized as motor
vehicles or mechanical devices.
Program Accessibility
The device must meet both parts of this definition in order
for it to qualify as a wheelchair. Figures 6 through 11 show
six examples of devices that meet the definition; figures 12
and 13 show two examples that do not.
A person whose disability requires use of a wheelchair
or mobility device may use a wheelchair or mobility device
Figure 6
Figure 10
Figure 8
Figure 7—Photo credit: Axess Outdoors,
Great Falls, MT
Figure 9
Figure 11—Photo credit: Trac
About, Inc., Newton, KS
Figure 12
Figure 13
The Outdoors Are for Everyone—Fundamentals of Outdoor Recreation and Trails Accessibility
To determine whether a device meets the definition of a
wheelchair, evaluate it against the two parts of the definition.
Ask yourself the following questions:
1. Was the device designed solely for mobility by a person with a disability?
✧ If “no,” the device doesn’t meet the definition and
doesn’t qualify for use as a wheelchair.
✧ If “yes,” ask the second question.
2. Is it suitable for use in an indoor pedestrian area?
Consider whether it could be used in a mall, courthouse, or similar area without the security personnel
directing the user to leave.
✧ If “no,” the device doesn’t meet the definition and
Transition Plans
doesn’t qualify for use as a wheelchair.
If the answer to both questions is “yes,” the device meets
the definition of a wheelchair or mobility device and may be
used wherever foot travel is allowed. Some devices that don’t
meet both parts of the definition (see figures 12 and 13) are
useful tools for some people with disabilities to move about
in the outdoor environment, but they must follow the requirements for the appropriate class of motor vehicle. A “Motor
Vehicle Use Map” that shows routes (roads and trails) and
areas designated as open to motorized travel with allowed uses
identified by vehicle class is available at national forest and
national grassland offices. These maps also may be available
through each forest or grassland’s Web site <http://www.fs.fed
.us/> or through the National Forest Store Web site <http://>. Visitors can
check the “Motor Vehicle Use Map” to learn where they may
use devices that don’t meet the definition.
Transition Plans
Since the 1968 passage of ABA, facilities designed, built,
altered, bought, rented, or leased by, for, or on behalf of a
Federal agency have been required to be accessible. Unfortunately, some Federal facilities are not yet accessible.
In the early 1990s, the Forest Service called for all units
to complete transition plans identifying the changes needed
to make each facility accessible and the timeline for completing those changes. Funding to complete the transition plans
was provided to the regions in 1992, 1993, and 1994.
The regulation requiring transition plans for the existing facilities of all USDA agencies is 7 CFR 15e, section
150 “Program Accessibility: Existing Facilities.” It requires
a transition plan to be developed and implemented for any
facility housing a program that is not accessible. The regulation required transition plans to be completed by December
31, 1997. Section 150(d) of 7 CFR <http://www.access.gpo
.gov/nara/cfr/waisidx_03/7cfr15e_03.html> details the specific requirements for transition plans and their contents.
The transition plans covering many Forest Service areas
were completed up to 20 years ago. The filed hard copies have
been difficult to update and cannot be effectively entered into
Why wheelchairs are not motor vehicles.
In Title 36 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 212.1, a motor vehicle is defined as any vehicle that is self-propelled,
other than:
• A vehicle that is operated on rails
• Any wheelchair or mobility device, including one that is battery powered, that is designed solely for use by a mobility-impaired person for locomotion, and that is suitable for use in an indoor pedestrian area
Wheelchairs that meet this legal definition may be used anywhere foot travel is allowed within the National Forest
System. Mobility devices that do not meet this definition are considered to be motor vehicles within the National Forest System and may only be used where that class of motor vehicle is allowed.
The Outdoors Are for Everyone—Fundamentals of Outdoor Recreation and Trails Accessibility
gram leader <
_leaders.htm> (available only to Forest Service employees) to
find out whether your local unit has developed a format. If not,
request a sample of the formats used by other units. At a minimum, the transition plan must include:
• A list of obstacles to accessing the facility and program as identified in the accessibility evaluation
• A detailed description of the methods that will be
used to provide accessibility
• The schedule for implementing the plan, including the
actions that will be taken each year if the work takes
more than a year
• The signature of the official responsible for implementation of the transition plan
Accessibility Evaluation Surveys
During an accessibility evaluation survey, compare
each portion of a structure to the accessibility standards,
and record compliance and deficiencies. For example, check
doorways to see whether they have at least 32 inches (815
millimeters) of clear width (figure 14). This information is
important for developing transition plans and for providing
useful information about the wide range of Forest Service
A U.S. Forest Service Accessibility Database has been
developed to facilitate the gathering, retention, updating, and
use of the survey information. Check with your unit’s accessibility coordinator or your regional recreation accessibility
coordinator for more information about this database and
about opportunities to have the accessibility of the recreation
facilities on your unit surveyed. The Youth Conservation
Corps Inclusive Toolbox Project offers one way to have surveys conducted and the resulting data entered into the accessibility database.
Ensure transition plans are available to the public.
Figure 14—All doorways must have a minimum of 32 inches (815
millimeters) clear width.
Accessibility Evaluation Surveys
the National Resource Manager database that was later developed. To assure that their transition plans are current, Forest
Service units are now resurveying facilities and recreation sites
and recording the results electronically so that the database will
contain accurate, current information.
No standardized format was provided in the regulation
for the transition plans. Each region and some national forests
developed their own transition plan format. Check with your
accessibility coordinator or your regional recreation accessibility coordinator <
/documents/coord.htm#leaders> or <http://fsweb.mtdc.wo.fs> (available only to
Forest Service employees) or your region/station facilities pro-
Accessibility Evaluation Surveys
The Outdoors Are for Everyone—Fundamentals of Outdoor Recreation and Trails Accessibility
Applying Accessibility Guidelines to Your Site
ow did we end up with so many accessibility guidelines and standards? Which guidelines and standards apply to your site? The following information
will demystify accessibility guidelines and standards.
As explained earlier in this guidebook, accessibility laws
have been enacted and updated since 1968. Here is a brief
were developed as a merger and update of UFAS and
ADAAG requirements. Chapters 1 and 2 contain application, administration, and scoping requirements. The
100 and 200 series apply only to those entities covered
by ADA, (State and local government entities and private entities open to the public) and are NOT for Federal agency use. The F100 and F200 series apply only
to facilities constructed by, for, or on behalf of Federal
agencies. Chapters 3 through 10 provide the technical
specifications that apply to all entities, unless the State
history of the guidelines for buildings, recreation facilities,
and trails:
• American National Standards Institute (ANSI)—
1969 to 1980. The first accessibility guidelines used
by Federal agencies under the Architectural Barriers
Act (ABA).
• General Services Administration Accessibility
Guidelines—1980 to 1984. The General Services
Administration (GSA) developed its own set of guidelines for all buildings other than those of the U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban Development, the
U.S. Department of Defense, or the U.S. Postal Service. Those agencies developed their own guidelines.
• Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards (UFAS)—
1984 to 2006. These standards updated and expanded
the GSA accessibility guidelines. The standards
were adopted under ABA and applied to all federally
funded facilities, unless there was a higher standard
of accessibility for that type of structure required by
other legal standards or guidelines.
• Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility
Guidelines (ADAAG)—1991 to 2010. ADAAG
explains how to apply the Americans with Disabilities
Act (ADA) of 1990 in the built environment. These
guidelines apply to services provided by State and
local governments, and public accommodations, such
as motels and hotels.
• Americans with Disabilities Act/Architectural Barrier Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADA/ABAAG) of
2004. Issued by the U.S. Access Board, these guidelines
or Federal agency has its own accessibility guidelines
that are an equal or higher standard.
Architectural Barriers Act Accessibility Standards
(ABAAS) of 2006. The GSA, standard-setting agency
for Forest Service facilities, adopted the ABA portion of ADA/ABAAG as the standard for all agencies under its standard-setting jurisdiction. The new
ABAAS replaced UFAS.
ADA Standards for Accessible Design (ADASAD)
of 2010. The U.S. Department of Justice adopted the
ADA portion of ADA/ABAAG for use by State and
local government entities and private entities open to
the public. ADASAD is effective as of March 15, 2012.
Outdoor Developed Areas Accessibility Guidelines
(ODAAG) of 2012. The U.S. Access Board developed
ODAAG as a component of ADA/ABAAG. It contains
accessibility guidelines for outdoor developed recreation areas and trails that are federally funded. Federal
agencies may develop and use their own guidelines
only if they are an equal or higher standard.
Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility
Guidelines (FSORAG) and Forest Service Trail
Accessibility Guidelines (FSTAG), 2012 Updates.
These guidelines are an equal or higher standard than
ODAAG for outdoor recreation facilities and trails on
the National Forest System. These guidelines must be
used for the design, construction, alteration, purchase,
or replacement of recreation sites, facilities, constructed
features, and trails that meet FSTAG criteria on the
National Forest System (FSM 2330 and FSM 2350).
The History of Accessibility Guidelines
The History of Accessibility Guidelines
Applying Accessibility Guidelines to Your Site
Current Accessibility Guidelines That Apply to the Forest Service
Applying Accessibility Guidelines to Your Site
Current Accessibility Guidelines That Apply
to the Forest Service
What if the Guidelines Appear To Conflict
With Each Other?
The Forest Service and those working with or for the
Forest Service on National Forest System land must comply
with the following enforceable guidelines and standards when
designing, constructing, or altering any facility or component
addressed by those standards on National Forest System land.
Architectural Barriers Act Accessibility Standards
(ABAAS). Forest Service drinking fountains, toilet facilities,
parking lots and spaces, cabins, and administrative buildings
are among the components covered by ABAAS. The complete ABAAS is available at <
Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
(FSORAG) and Forest Service Trail Accessibility Guidelines
(FSTAG). These guidelines must be used for the design, construction, alteration, purchase, or replacement of recreation sites,
facilities, constructed features, and trails on the National Forest
System. The complete FSORAG and FSTAG are available at
Table 1 shows examples of different facilities that are
covered by ABAAS, FSORAG, and FSTAG.
It may appear that some accessibility guidelines conflict
with other guidelines or codes, or with the realities of the outdoor environment. Railings must be high enough to protect
visitors from a drop off, but railings that high might limit the
viewing opportunity for a person using a wheelchair. Which
requirement takes priority? Trash receptacles are supposed to
be accessible so that everyone can use them, but then how do
we keep bears out? Handpumps are vital to drawing water in
campgrounds where the water system isn’t pressurized, but
operating the long handle of the traditional pump requires
more force and a longer reach than allowed by accessibility provisions. Roads that have restrictions or closures to use
by motorized vehicles may be open to foot travel, so how
can a road be gated or bermed to keep out vehicles but still
allow access by a person using a wheelchair? When you are
faced with these types of situations, stop and think carefully
about the issues. The solution always comes back to ensuring
safety, abiding by the regulations, and doing so in a manner
that includes the needs of all people.
Table 1—Accessibility guidelines quick guide (which accessibility guidelines apply where).
Buildings, Boating, and Fishing
All buildings, including:
• Administrative offices
• Residences
• Crew quarters
• Visitor centers
• Entrance stations
• Parking lots
(Apply only within National Forest
System boundaries)
Recreation Site Features
New or reconstructed:
• Picnic areas
• Fire rings
• Picnic tables
• Grills
• Woodstoves
• Benches
• Cooking surfaces
Building components such as:
• Pedestal grills
• Restrooms with and without water
• Fireplaces
• Work stations
• Beach access
• Doors
• Outdoor recreation access routes
• Operating controls (door handles,
• Camping units (eating and cooking
faucet controls, thermostats, etc.)
areas, parking spurs, tent pads)
• Drinking fountains
• Campground utility connections
• Water hydrants
Boating and fishing facilities, including: • Outdoor rinsing showers
• Boating facilities
• Pit toilets in remote areas
• Docks
• Trash and recycling containers
• Fishing piers and platforms
• Viewing areas and overlooks
• Telescopes and periscopes
(Apply only within National Forest
System boundaries)
Hiker and Pedestrian Trails
Trails that are new or altered
• Have a Federal Trail Data Standard
(FTDS) Designed Use of Hiker/Pedestrian
• Connect either directly to a trailhead
• Connect directly to a trail that substantially complies with FSTAG
Railings—Guardrails, Handrails, and Safety
Accessibility never supersedes the requirements for
safety. This issue most commonly arises at overlook areas,
on viewing structures, and in similar locations. For safety, the
International Building Code (IBC), <http://www.iccsafe
.org>, section 1003.2.12 contains requirements for guardrail
height and the spacing of rails where there is a drop off of 30
inches or more. These requirements provide opportunities for
creative design and for managers and designers to think seriously about the level of development that is appropriate for
the setting. The creativity challenge is to provide safety when
designing the railing or structure adjacent to the drop off,
while maximizing viewing opportunities. Methods of solving this challenge are discussed in “Viewing Areas” of this
Reconsidering the level of development at a site may be
another way to balance safety and accessibility issues. It may
not always be appropriate to provide paths and interpretive
signs. When signs indicate a scenic viewpoint and a pathway
begins at the parking lot, visitors are likely to stop, pile out
of their vehicle, and head down that pathway, often with the
children running ahead. Because of the high level of development at the entrance to the pathway, visitors expect that
the viewpoint will have a similar high level of development,
including safety features. Development should be consistent
at both ends of the pathway.
If the area isn’t developed, such as a waterfall in the
forest with no signs or constructed trail to it, it may not be
appropriate to develop a viewpoint. Some scenic areas should
remain natural so that people have the opportunity of adventure and solitude. The safety and accessibility requirements
only apply when constructed features are added to the setting.
While the accessibility guidelines for outdoor recreation
areas do not require handrails at stairs, consider the safety
of the people using the stairs and the setting when deciding whether handrails are appropriate. What is the expected
What’s the difference between a guardrail, a handrail, and a grab bar?
The following explanations of terms are based on the International Building Code and the Architectural Barriers
Act Accessibility Standards. Keep these explanations in mind and use them to communicate more effectively.
• Guardrails protect people from dropoffs higher than 30
inches (760 millimeters). Guardrails must be at least 42
inches (1,065 millimeters) high. If the guardrail has
openings that are less than 34 inches (865 millimeters)
above the walking surface, they must be small enough
to prevent a 4-inch (100-millimeter) sphere from passing
through them (figure 15). Requirements for guardrails
are detailed in the International Building Code, section
Figure 15— Dimensions required for guardrails.
• Handrails provide a steady support for persons who are going up or down stairs or inclines. Handrails must be
between 34 inches (865 millimeters) and 38 inches (965 millimeters) above the walking surface and be easy to
grip. Details about acceptable configurations for handrails are provided in the International Building Code, section
1003.3.3.11 and in the Architectural Barriers Act Accessibility Standards, section 505.
• Grab Bars provide stability and allow people to use their arms to help them move short distances. The most common
location for grab bars is in restrooms. The required locations of grab bars are explained in the Architectural Barriers
Act Accessibility Standards, chapter 6. Details about grab bar configuration and attachment are provided in the Architectural Barriers Act Accessibility Standards, section 609 and in the International Building Code, chapter 11.
What if the Guidelines Appear To Conflict With Each Other?
Applying Accessibility Guidelines to Your Site
What if the Guidelines Appear To Conflict With Each Other?
Applying Accessibility Guidelines to Your Site
amount of use? The determination must be made on a case-by
case basis. For example, a handrail might not be necessary
where there are a few regularly spaced stairs to an individual
camping unit. However, handrails on stairs in a high-traffic
recreation site may be important for safe use of the stairs. If the
decision is made to install handrails at a recreation site, consider how the appearance of over development can be avoided
while providing for safe use of the stairs. Choose materials carefully; determine how many railings will be provided
based on safety considerations rather than convention, and so
forth. When it is determined handrails are needed for safety at
a specific site in an outdoor recreation area, use the technical
requirements for handrails located in ABAAS, section 505.
Trash Receptacles and Wildlife
Safety is also the primary issue when it comes to the
accessibility of trash receptacles. In bear country, use trash
and recycling containers designed to keep the bears out to
minimize contacts between bears and humans. Operating
controls for these types of containers require more force
than is allowed for accessible operation. Until bear-resistant
trash and recycling containers that comply with the technical
requirements for accessible operating controls are available
from more than one source, recreation areas where bears and
other large animals pose a risk to humans are exempt from
this requirement. Incidentally, dumpsters—the big containers
that are mechanically lifted and tipped to empty into commercial garbage trucks—are exempted from accessibility
guidelines. More information about trash receptacles is in
“Trash, Recycling, and Other Essential Containers” of this
Handpumps and Water Systems
Handpumps also have been a concern (figure 16). Because
of the piston-like pump mechanism, handpumps require a long
reach. As the depth of the well increases, so does the force
necessary to draw water, so most handpumps require a force
greater than 5 pounds (2.2 newtons) to operate. An accessible
handpump is now available for purchase. For shallower wells,
this pump can draw the water while remaining in full compliance with the grasping, turning, and pressure restrictions of the
Figure 16—Not all campers can operate a standard handpump.
accessibility guidelines (figure 17). More information about
the new pump is available at <http://www.fs.fed
.us/recreation/programs/accessibility/>. For wells with a static
water depth of 40 feet (12 meters) or less, the accessible handpump can be used for many new or replacement installations.
Accessible pumps for deeper wells are being developed and
should be used when they become available. In the meantime,
the accessibility requirements for handpump operating controls
are under an exception explained in “Water Hydrants” of this
Figure 17—With an accessible handpump, the choice
of who does the pumping is up to the campers.
Applying Accessibility Guidelines to Your Site
Figure 20—This water spigot is operated by first pushing the handle to one
side, then pressing the push button. The water will stop when the button is no
longer depressed.
Figure 18—The water pump inside the pumphouse at Vermilion Falls
Recreation Area on the Superior National Forest is powered by the solar
panels on the roof. People can obtain drinking water without using a
handpump at this site that has no electric service.
Figure 19—The water pumps for many campgrounds,
such as this campground in the deep, narrow Icicle
River Valley of the Okanogan-Wenatchee National
Forest, can be housed in small pedestal enclosures
and powered by solar panels on an adjacent pole. The
pedestal enclosure also houses solar batteries.
Foot Travel on Trails and Roads With Restrictions
When gates, barriers, or berms are installed on a trail or
road to close it to motorized traffic or for other purposes, but
foot travel is encouraged beyond the closure, people who use
wheelchairs that meet the legal definition must be able to get
behind the closure, as required by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. As explained in “Program Accessibility”
of this guidebook, a wheelchair is permitted anywhere foot
travel is permitted.
When foot travel is encouraged beyond a closure, the
Office of General Counsel of the U.S. Department of Agriculture has determined that a minimum of 36 inches (915 millimeters) of clear passage must normally be provided around or
through the gate, berm, or other restrictive device (figures 21
Figure 21—This road closure gate does not provide enough clearance to
allow pedestrian passage.
What if the Guidelines Appear To Conflict With Each Other?
Solar powered water systems (figures 18 and 19) are an
excellent sustainable solution that can provide drinking water
throughout the recreation season. In addition, a faucet that
fully complies with the accessible operating control requirements can be used (figure 20). Even national forests in Northern States are having good success with their solar systems.
What if the Guidelines Appear To Conflict With Each Other?
Applying Accessibility Guidelines to Your Site
Figure 22—One way to get around a vehicle road closure gate: a paved bypass.
not allowed beyond the gate or barrier. The Forest Service
has developed designs for the tech tip “Accessible Gates for
Trails and Roads.” These gate designs can be locally constructed from materials appropriate to the setting. The plans
are available at <
/accessibility/pubs/htmlpubs/htm06232340/index.htm> and
Indications that foot travel is encouraged include:
• Destination signing
• A pedestrian recreation symbol without a slash
• A Forest Service map that highlights an opportunity
behind the closure
• A trail management objective or road management
objective stating that pedestrian use is encouraged
and 22) to ensure that a person who uses a wheelchair can
participate in the opportunity behind the restriction. This
clear passage is required by the accessibility guidelines as
explained in “Gates and Barriers” of this guidebook. Various
methods can provide pedestrian passage around a restrictive
device, but prevent passage by animals or vehicles that are
In areas where foot travel isn’t encouraged, but occasional pedestrian use is allowed before and after installation of the restriction device, work with individuals who use
wheelchairs to determine the best solution.
Important Tools for Accessible Recreation
Important Tools for Accessible Recreation
Built Environment Image Guide
The “Built Environment Image Guide” (BEIG) provides
guidance for improving the image, aesthetics, sustainability,
and overall quality of the Forest Service’s built environment.
It emphasizes key elements to showcase the Forest Service’s national identity and an image of quality and service.
Within eight geographically defined architectural character
types, BEIG emphasizes design that projects the overall Forest Service image while echoing local values, heritage, and
culture. Use of BEIG contributes to an integrated approach
to planning and design, including early collaboration among
planners, designers, specialists, managers, and maintenance
The goal of BEIG is to influence the design, construction, and maintenance of buildings and other constructed features so they will:
• Fit on the land
• Reflect sensitive site planning and a concern for natural processes
• Harmonize with the local landscape and climate
• Incorporate the principles of sustainability as an integral part of their architectural character
• Be accessible
• Be durable and low maintenance
BEIG specifically requires use of universal design principles and points out that if universal design principles are
applied to a site or facility design from the outset, they rarely,
if ever, have any obvious effect on architectural character.
When the principles of universal design are skillfully executed, facilities can still fit seamlessly within the natural and
social environments. More information about BEIG is available at <>.
Recreation Opportunity Spectrum
and Recreation Site Scale
Recreation Opportunity Spectrum (ROS) classifications
provide guidance on the:
• Amount of development that is acceptable at any
given site
• Amount of deviation from the site’s natural characteristics that is appropriate during development
• Types of materials that are appropriate for the setting
• Typical recreation activities in each setting classification (figure 23)
Built Environment Image Guide
he following tools work together with the accessibility guidelines when accessible recreation facilities
and programs are being developed and managed.
Figure 23—This free-style climber appears to enjoy
the challenge, self-reliance, and independence
characteristic of semi-primitive and primitive
recreation opportunity spectrum settings. Photo
credit: Disabled Sports USA, Rockville, MD
The spectrum assigns classifications of Urban, Rural,
Roaded Natural, Semi-Primitive Motorized, Semi-Primitive
Non-Motorized, and Primitive based on identified setting characteristics. Some units also include a Roaded Modified classification. Maps should be available at district or supervisor’s
Wilderness Access Decision Tool
Important Tools for Accessible Recreation
offices showing ROS classification for the National Forest
System lands administered by that unit. More information
about ROS is available at <
The amount of development at a site is described using a
six-level recreation site planning development scale ranging
from 0 (no site modification) to 5 (extensive site modification). Site modifications are provided for visitor convenience
and comfort in recreation sites with characteristics meeting
the criteria for scale level 3, 4, and 5. Rustic or rudimentary
site modifications may be provided for resource protection
at level 2 or less. Definitions of each level of the Forest Service’s recreation site scale are included in the Forest Service
Manual, Chapter 2330, exhibit 01.
Although neither ROS classifications nor the recreation
site scale determine accessibility requirements, take both into
account when designing site improvements. For instance, you
may need improvements for resource protection in primitive
and semi-primitive settings at recreation sites meeting the criteria for scale levels 1 or 2. In urban, rural, and roaded natural
settings, you may want to provide improvements for visitor
comfort and convenience at recreation sites meeting the criteria for scale levels 3, 4, or 5.
Appalachian Trail Conservancy’s
“Backcountry Sanitation Manual”
This comprehensive manual explains the basic issues of
remote area sanitation, including health, aesthetics, and regulations, but it focuses on the construction and maintenance
of moldering and composting toilets, and includes case studies and design plans. The “Backcountry Sanitation Manual”
-corner/2011/04/14/backcountry-sanitation-manual.pdf> is
a cooperative project of the Green Mountain Club and the
Appalachian Trail Conservancy.
Resolving problems of backcountry sanitation
is a continuous challenge for trail clubs and
land managers. This manual was created in
the belief that all remote recreation areas
will benefit from an expanded discussion of
backcountry sanitation.
Pete Antos-Ketcham, Director of Operations,
Green Mountain Club
Wilderness Access Decision Tool
Appalachian Trail Conservancy’s “Increasing
Opportunities for Access on the Appalachian
Trail: A Design Guide”
Details and implementation guidance for applying Title
V, Section 507(c), the section of ADA that applies to Federal
agencies and to the programs and facilities on federally managed lands, can be found at <
.cfm?fuse=toolboxes&sec=accessibility>. Federal managers
of wilderness areas can use this matrix to make appropriate, objective, and consistent decisions that meet the legal
requirement to provide equal opportunity for all individuals,
while ensuring no fundamental change to the wilderness
experience for all individuals, in accordance with the 1964
Wilderness Act.
Using the Forest Service’s FSTAG and FSORAG, this
design guide incorporates real-world Appalachian Trail
examples as case studies that represent opportunities that can
be used on other pedestrian trails. The guide’s theme—universal design—transcends issues solely related to access for
persons with disabilities by describing how universal design
reduces resource damage and maintenance, saving money.
The guide is available free of charge at <http://www
-guide.pdf>, (Appalachian Trail Conservancy 2007).
Accessibility Guidebook for Outfitters and
Guides Operating on Public Lands
Accessibility Guidebook for Ski Areas
Operating on Public Lands
This guidebook contains a framework to help outfitters
and guides who operate under a special-use permit from the
Forest Service provide high-quality services for all visitors
(figure 24). The guidebook addresses basic facility accessibility issues, but focuses primarily on program and activity
accessibility. Outfitters and guides who operate businesses
on public lands are governed by ADA because they are providing public accommodations and are also governed by
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act because they are operating under special-use permits from Federal agencies. The
guidebook identifies legal requirements and provides suggestions and practical tips for complying with ADA and Section
504 of the Rehabilitation Act. The guidebook is available at
This guidebook provides a framework to help ski areas
operating under special-use permits from the Forest Service
better serve all visitors (figure 25). The guidebook addresses
facility and program accessibility. Ski areas located on public lands are governed by ADA because they are providing
public accommodations and also are governed by Section
504 of the Rehabilitation Act and related regulations because
they are operating under special-use permits from a Federal
agency. The guidebook includes legal mandates, suggestions,
and practical tips for complying with laws and regulations
and providing high-quality services. The guidebook is available at <
Figure 25—Ski areas that operate on public land must provide equal
opportunity to access their services.
Cooperative Publications
Figure 24—Outfitters and guides provide the logistics
and support for visitors to enjoy a wide range of
opportunities on national forests, including fishing.
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) cooperates with the Forest Service to provide Forest Service publications and videos to the public. Many publications are available at <
.htm> in HTML and PDF (Acrobat) formats. Print copies for
some publications can be ordered at <
Accessibility Guidebook for Outfitters and Guides Operating on Public Lands
Important Tools for Accessible Recreation
Important Tools for Accessible Recreation
Standard Forest Service National Trail
Standard Forest Service National Trail Specifications
The engineering management publication “Standard
Specifications for Construction and Maintenance of Trails”
(EM–7720–103) provides a uniform set of specifications for
contracted trail work throughout the Forest Service. Although
these specifications do not address accessibility, they can be
used in conjunction with FSTAG. The publication is available
at <>.
Trail Construction and Maintenance Notebook
The Missoula Technology and Development Center’s
“Trail Construction and Maintenance Notebook” contains
basic trail building information. It is available at <http://www>.
Although this document doesn’t address accessibility,
it is an important tool that you can use in conjunction with
FSTAG during trail construction and planning.
Accessibility guidelines and practices, as well as construction and maintenance techniques, have evolved since
these reports were published. More current information is
available in other reports and guidance. For example, see the
U.S. Access Board’s public rights-of-way Web site <http://
-sidewalks/public-rights-of-way>, which includes guidance
documents and other resources. Documents available at the
U.S. Access Board’s Outdoor Developed Areas Web site
/recreation-facilities/outdoor-developed-areas> include
reports, such as the “Special Report: Accessible Public Rights
of Way Planning and Designing for Alterations” and guidelines about outdoor developed areas. The U.S. Access Board
also is considering “Shared Use Path Accessibility Guidelines” <
-rulemaking>, for trails that are part of a transportation network. FHWA has additional accessibility information on its
Accessibility Resource Library Web site at <http://www.fhwa>.
Designing Sidewalks and Trails for Access
FHWA’s “Designing Sidewalks and Trails for Access”
is a two-part report on pedestrian accessibility, (Beneficial
Designs Inc. 1999 and 2001).
• Part 1, Review of Existing Guidelines and Practices
(1999), lays out the history and the practices of applying accessibility concepts to sidewalks and pedestrian
trails. This report is out of print and available only at
• Part 2, Best Practices Design Guide (2001), provides
recommendations on how to design sidewalks, street
crossings, intersections, shared-use paths, and recreational pedestrian trails. This report is out of print and
available only at <
• A Transmittal Memorandum and an Errata Sheet are
available at <
Planning and Designing Outdoor Recreation
Facilities for Horses
“Equestrian Design Guidebook for Trails, Trailheads,
and Campgrounds,” a comprehensive technical resource,
details those elements of planning, design, and construction
that are specific to equestrian trails, trailheads, and campgrounds. The report is available at <
The Facilities Toolbox
The “Facilities Toolbox” is an interactive Forest Service
facility management Web site designed to help line officers
and their staffs manage facilities effectively. The toolbox
focuses on issues at administrative sites, but also contains
topics such as accessibility, partnerships, recreational fees,
historic facilities, and water and wastewater. The toolbox can
be accessed at <>.
Natural Resource Manager
Deferred Maintenance
Natural Resource Manager <>
(available only to Forest Service employees) is the Forest
Service corporate integrated data management tool developed
for the purposes of inventory, asset management, and upward
reporting of information concerning constructed features,
including their associated financial data. The site-specific
accessibility data fields (number of accessible units, etc.)
are on the Recreation Site module’s Site Core 2 tab. It is an
annual national requirement that this information be kept up
to date. Feature-specific accessibility data entry (fields are on
the Recreation Site module’s Features tab) is not a national
requirement; data entry in those fields is optional and it is up
to regions or forests to decide if they want to record data.
Maintenance work includes improving accessibility as
well as compliance with building codes. Include the costs for
any uncompleted work that is needed to bring a building into
compliance with the provisions of ABA that were in force at
the time of construction or major improvement to the building in the Natural Resource Manager database deferred maintenance costs.
If the transition plans to bring the structures into compliance with ABA provisions have not been completed, include
the cost to complete them in the deferred maintenance figure
because the plans were due for completion before the current
fiscal year. The transition plan process (per 7 CFR 15e, section 150) is as follows:
• Evaluate the facility.
• Record improvements needed to meet accessibility
• Develop the transition plan, including:
✧ Items to be improved.
✧ Schedule with completion dates for improvements
that will take more than 1 year to finish.
Recreation and Heritage Resources
Integrated Business Systems
This recreation resources management system identifies
customer standards that the Forest Service expects to provide
across all recreation and heritage resources program areas.
Standards form the baseline for estimating the total cost for
quality visitor opportunities and services. Compliance with
the accessibility guidelines (figure 26) is an important quality measure within the national standards for recreation sites
under the responsiveness key measure. The Natural Resource
Manager database houses recreation information including
inventory, operation and maintenance costs, recreation use
data, and information on accessibility. The database is used to
implement the recreation resources management system.
Figure 26—The perfect photo spot—a spectacular view and the right mix of
resource protection, site development, and accessibility.
When the transition plan is completed and approved,
include the costs to implement accessibility code improvements in the deferred maintenance figure. How and when the
costs are included as deferred maintenance depends on the
scheduling recorded in the transition plan. Costs for actions
scheduled for the current year are immediately included in
the deferred maintenance figure. Costs for actions that are
past due as of the current fiscal year are also included in the
deferred maintenance figure. Costs for actions scheduled for
future years aren’t added to the current year’s deferred maintenance figure. These costs are added as deferred maintenance in the year they are scheduled for completion. As work
is completed, it should be shown as an accomplishment in the
Natural Resource Manager database for that fiscal year.
Natural Resource Manager
Important Tools for Accessible Recreation
Important Tools for Accessible Recreation
Construction and Maintenance Practices
Construction and Maintenance Practices
Even the best universal design can be ruined, often unintentionally, by construction or maintenance practices that
turn accessible design features into barriers. Construction
engineering and inspection personnel must have a thorough
understanding of the design intent and of accessibility issues
or they must check with the designer before allowing any
deviations from the design. Field changes, such as increasing the slope on a walkway to reduce the cost of asphalt paving or increasing the drop at an exterior door threshold to
reduce issues with driving rain, can make the entire project
recreation personnel will know not to put a chair or garbage
receptacle beside the door of an accessible restroom stall that
would prevent the door from opening fully and thus render
the stall inaccessible. They will know that picnic tables fastened to the floor of a picnic shelter to prevent theft must be
spaced far enough apart so that everyone can use them. They
will know not to allow gravel walkway material to erode
away from the entrance to a campground restroom, creating an elevation change that makes the restroom inaccessible
(figure 27).
Maintenance also can be an opportunity to improve
accessibility. A series of small changes can make a big
Avoid unintended consequences.
Consider accessibility when construction is in
progress. Any change order intended to solve one
problem could create another. For example, standard
speed humps can slow speeding traffic in a campground, but they can also become barriers if the main
pedestrian access route through the campground is
the roadway. Stagger speed humps to block only one
lane at a time or limit them to the center of the road,
leaving 32 inches (815 millimeters) of clear passage
at each side. Both of these approaches will slow traffic
without blocking access.
Maintenance and operations activities can help or hinder
accessibility. Provide information on accessibility when training maintenance personnel. When employees understand how
their work can affect accessibility, they can look for ways to
improve accessibility. For example, trained maintenance and
Figure 27—At this campground restroom entrance,
the gravel walkway material has sunk or eroded,
making the restroom inaccessible due to the
difference in elevation between the walkway and
the concrete.
Important Tools for Accessible Recreation
Use the VanHorn Roll to minimize maintenance.
Figure 28—The VanHorn Roll is a design strategy to prolong the
time a junction between concrete and gravel pedestrian surfaces meet
the accessibility requirements without importing additional gravel to
replace material that has eroded away.
Figure 29—Differential settlement is less likely to occur between adjacent
asphalt and concrete walking surfaces if the asphalt is overlaid onto a
notch of the adjacent concrete surface.
Construction and Maintenance Practices
Consider how time and normal weathering will affect accessibility when designing recreation areas. For instance,
at the point where the concrete pad for a restroom meets the gravel outdoor recreation access route that connects it
to the rest of the campground, gravel often erodes away from the concrete, leaving a drop in grade that doesn’t meet
accessibility requirements. Solve this problem by rolling the edge of the concrete down under the gravel surface of the
outdoor recreation access route, as shown in figure 28. This is known as the “VanHorn Roll,” named for the UnitaWasatch-Cache National Forest recreation technician who invented the concept. A similar design can be used to keep
the junction between asphalt and concrete surfaces accessible over time, as shown in figure 29.
Important Tools for Accessible Recreation
Improve accessibility through maintenance.
Improved accessibility doesn’t always mean new construction or major renovation. Maintenance and routine service present many opportunities to improve accessibility.
An accessible surface is firm and stable. Use caution with the size and depth of gravel when maintaining unpaved
surfaces. Generally, smaller gravel with some fine material can be compacted to a firmer surface than larger gravel or
gravel that is all the same size. Depending on the surfacing material, mixing in some soil stabilizer may provide an
accessible, natural-appearing surface.
Practical Approach
Construction and Maintenance Practices
The surface is probably firm and stable if ruts are not left by:
• Someone riding a bicycle with narrow tires
• Someone pushing a 3-year-old in a folding stroller with
small plastic wheels
On paved parking lots, designating the required accessible spaces is relatively easy when repainting the parking lot
stripes, especially right after the lot has been seal-coated. Ensure that the appropriate wide, striped access aisles are
provided next to each designated accessible parking space. The key to accessible parking is the striped zone next to
it that ensures adequate space next to the vehicle to allow people to get into and out of their vehicle even if they use a
wheelchair, crutches, or a walker.
Designating accessible parking spaces on gravel lots can be a problem because paint won’t stay in place. If you
designate accessible parking spaces only with a sign, designate end locations closest to the entrance. Ensure that accessible parking signs are 60 inches (1,524 millimeters) high and curb cuts are located appropriately—next to, not in
the parking space or access aisle.
Building entries must be within ¼ inch (6.4 millimeters) of being flush with the grade of the outside access route
and have a beveled doorsill that isn’t more than ½ inch (13 millimeters) high. Sometimes it’s fairly easy to add surfacing
material, shim up the deck or porch boards, or use asphalt or concrete to bring the access route up to the building floor.
The surface at the base of water hydrants at recreation areas must be at least 72 inches (1,830 millimeters) by 48
inches (1,220 millimeters) and must be firm and stable. Consider building a grate and drain, or a paved surface, around
hydrants if a soil or gravel surface can’t be made firm and stable. If you don’t have funding for a major site renovation,
repair the area around a few hydrants at a time.
When operating controls need replacing, think about accessibility. To comply with accessibility guidelines, all controls must be operable by one hand without pinching, grasping, or twisting the wrist and with no more than 5 pounds
(2.2 newtons) of pressure. When accessible parts are ordered, consider ordering extra parts for future replacements.
Important Tools for Accessible Recreation
Maintenance Tip
Improve accessibility through maintenance (continued).
Practical Approach
Construction and Maintenance Practices
If you can operate the control with one closed fist and with less
than 5 pounds (2.2 newtons) of pressure, the control is accessible.
Three ways to provide accessibility: push button, sensory-operated, and lever handle controls (figures 30, 31, and 32).
Figure 30—Push button control.
Figure 31—Sensory-operated control.
Figure 32—Lever handle control.
Construction and Maintenance Practices
Important Tools for Accessible Recreation
Designing Access Into the Outdoor Environment
Designing Access Into the Outdoor Environment
Some phrases and words as used in the context of FSTAG
and FSORAG may not be familiar. Examples include:
Conditions for an exception from a technical requirement are circumstances found in natural environments,
construction practices, or certain laws that may make
compliance with the requirements difficult.
Exceptions to the requirements are allowed under certain
circumstances and are identified in paragraphs labeled
exception in FSTAG and FSORAG.
Practicable means work that can be completed within
the limits of the applicable conditions for exception and
results in a useful improvement for all.
Provisions are the sections of accessibility guidelines and
standards that explain what is required for specific situations
and facilities (parking, picnic tables, trails, and so forth).
Scoping means figuring out when, how much, and where
the guidelines apply.
Technical requirements state the specific numbers,
conditions, and measurements that are required (percent
that must comply, dimensions, reach ranges, grades, trail
width, and so forth).
Specific phrases and words include:
Construction is building a new trail, recreation site, or
facility where there was none before.
An alteration of a trail is a change in the purpose,
intent, or function of the trail.
An alteration of a recreation site, building, or facility is
a change to a portion of a recreation site, building, or facility that is addressed by the accessibility guidelines and that
affects the usability of the site, building, or facility.
Maintenance means routine or periodic repair of existing
trails, recreation sites, or facilities. Maintenance doesn’t
change the original purpose, intent, or function of a facility. Maintenance isn’t covered by FSORAG or FSTAG.
Maintenance includes but isn’t limited to:
• Repairing or replacing deteriorated, damaged, or
vandalized trails, facilities, or components, such
as repainting, removing graffiti, and repairing or
replacing components of facilities with new components similar to the original ones. Components can
be sections of bridges or boardwalks, signs, fencing
and railings, siding, windows, and roofing.
• Removing debris and vegetation, such as fallen
trees or broken branches; clearing encroaching
vegetation from trails, pathways, lawns, or landscaped areas; and removing rock slides.
his part of the guidebook explains how to incorporate
the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility
Guidelines (FSORAG), the Forest Service Trail Accessibility Guidelines (FSTAG), and the applicable sections of
the Americans with Disabilities Act/Architectural Barriers Act
Accessibility Guidelines (ADA/ABAAG) into the outdoor recreation environment. The portion of ADA/ABAAG that applies
to Federal agencies is also known as the Architectural Barriers Act Accessibility Standards (ABAAS) and is available at
Suppose you are assigned a project to reconstruct portions
of a picnic area or to design a trail, but the work doesn’t include
any buildings. Based on previous information in this guidebook,
you know to use FSORAG and FSTAG, rather than ABAAS,
because FSORAG and FSTAG include accessibility provisions
for all the features that will be part of the project. As you read
through FSORAG and FSTAG, however, you may have questions about how to apply all the technical requirements, exceptions to the technical provisions, and conditions that allow for
an exception. This part of the guidebook will help designers
understand the rationale behind each of the provisions and how
to apply the guidelines.
Designing Access Into the Outdoor Environment
• Maintaining trail tread and access routes, such
as filling ruts, reshaping a trail bed, replacing or
reshaping surfacing material, repairing washouts,
installing riprap to retain cut and fill slopes, constructing retaining walls or cribbing to support trail
tread, and repairing concrete or asphalt paving.
• Performing erosion control and drainage work, such
as replacing or installing drainage dips or culverts
and realigning sections of trail to reduce erosion or
avoid boggy areas.
The Purpose of FSORAG and FSTAG
While FSORAG and FSTAG don’t apply to maintenance,
it is Forest Service policy to improve accessibility wherever
the opportunity arises. Where practicable, resource managers
are encouraged to improve accessibility through maintenance
and repair activities as explained in MAINTENANCE TIP—
Improve accessibility through maintenance.
The word “reconstruction” isn’t used in Federal accessibility guidelines or FSORAG and FSTAG, even though it is
frequently used in the recreation and trails communities. For
the purposes of FSORAG and FSTAG, actions are categorized as construction, alteration, or maintenance.
The Purpose of FSORAG and FSTAG
FSORAG and FSTAG provide guidance for maximizing
accessibility while recognizing and protecting natural settings,
which can be challenging. Some basic assumptions:
• Accessibility is to be considered up front, not as an
• The Forest Service policy of universal design is integrated into FSORAG and FSTAG.
• All new construction and alterations for Forest Service outdoor recreation facilities and trails must meet
the requirements of FSORAG and FSTAG.
• FSORAG and FSTAG incorporate ABAAS sections
that are applicable to outdoor developed areas.
• Compliance with FSORAG and FSTAG does not
mean that all recreation areas and trails will be accessible to all persons with disabilities; in some locations, the natural environment will prevent full compliance with some of the technical requirements.
FSORAG and FSTAG have sections explaining when,
where, and how much of the recreation area or trail is
included (scoping); what has to comply with the guidelines;
definitions of terms; and technical requirements defining the
physical characteristics of accessible features, such as width,
height, slope, length, surface conditions, and so forth. The
building blocks for accessible design are based mostly on
wheelchair dimensions, clear space, maneuvering room, and
reach ranges found in ABAAS because the dimensions, multiple moving surface contact points, and wheels of a wheelchair are the most difficult to accommodate. If someone in a
wheelchair can use an area, most other people can too.
Each section of FSORAG is explained in practical terms,
followed by a similar explanation of FSTAG.
Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
unique characteristics of the outdoor environment and recreation opportunity at a site aren’t compromised or fundamentally altered, FSORAG section 1.1 requires achieving compliance with the technical accessibility requirements only to the
extent practicable where certain circumstances (conditions
for an exception) apply. These conditions apply only where
an exception is specifically allowed in the technical requirement sections for a particular recreation feature.
Extra cost is not an excuse.
If making a new or renovated recreation area accessible adds to the cost, the increase cannot be seen
as an “undue financial burden.”
When a Federal agency, such as the Forest Service,
is funding a project, cost cannot be used as the reason
for failing to make the project accessible, unless the
cost of doing the work required by the accessibility
guidelines would have a significant adverse impact on
the agency’s entire budget.
Conditions for an exception are not a blanket exemption
Figure 33— This water fountain works for most people.
Using the Conditions for an Exception in
FSORAG is based on the realities of the outdoor environment. It recognizes that accessibility isn’t possible everywhere because of the limitations imposed by natural terrain,
existing vegetation, or other constraints. To ensure that the
from the technical requirements. Thoroughly explore all other
design options that comply with the technical requirements
and maintain the nature of the setting and experience before
using deviations. When one or more of the following conditions for an exception exists in an outdoor recreation area,
you may use a deviation from a specific technical requirement, but only where that condition exists. If that condition
exists only on part of the feature or location, the technical
requirement must be met for the rest of the feature or location. All the other technical requirements that are not affected
by the condition for an exception still apply as well.
The following four conditions allow for deviations from
specific technical requirements where exceptions are provided in the guidelines. Examples are provided to explain the
intent of the conditions for each exception.
Using the Conditions for an Exception in FSORAG
he first step in applying Forest Service Outdoor
Recreation Accessibility Guidelines (FSORAG) is
to know when and where compliance is required.
Section 1.0 “Application” states that newly constructed and
altered camping facilities, picnic areas, constructed features, beach access routes, and outdoor recreation access
routes under Forest Service jurisdiction must comply with
FSORAG. When we build something, we need to build it for
everybody (figure 33). FSORAG, however, doesn’t require
the installation of any particular feature. For example, if we
build a raised tent platform, it must comply with FSORAG
requirements, but FSORAG doesn’t require providing raised
tent platforms.
Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
Condition for an Exception 1: Where compliance with
the technical requirement is not practicable due to terrain.
Using the Conditions for an Exception in FSORAG
The phrase “is not practicable” in this condition for
exception refers to something that isn’t reasonable, rather
than to something that is technically not possible. The intent
of this condition is that the effort and resources required to
comply shouldn’t be disproportionately high relative to the
level of access established.
Condition for an Exception 2: Where compliance with
the technical requirement cannot be accomplished with
the prevailing construction practices.
This condition for an exception may apply where construction methods that would be needed to comply with a
technical requirement would require the use of equipment or
methods other than those typically used in that setting. For
instance, in an area where small equipment is normally used
to minimize impact on a sensitive adjacent stream, blasting
What’s practicable?
Using heavy construction equipment may make it
possible to provide an outdoor recreation access route
that is in compliance with the technical requirements
for running slope in an area of steep terrain. However,
extensive cuts or fills may be required, and that would
cause drainage and erosion problems in highly susceptible soils. If compliance with the technical requirements would require building something that would
be difficult, if not impossible, to construct or maintain
properly, it is not practicable.
might be necessary to remove a rock outcrop to meet the
technical requirement for width of an outdoor recreation
access route. Because blasting typically would not be used in
this situation, this condition for an exception would apply. If
the work could be done using small equipment, the condition
for an exception wouldn’t apply.
Determine where the conditions for an exception apply.
The following provides a good example of how designers may decide where a condition for an exception applies
and where it might not. A renovation project at San Antonio Campground in the Santa Fe National Forest in the Southwestern Region includes a walk-in camping unit where a portion of the outdoor recreation access route is located on
extremely steep ground, and there’s no way to relocate the route to flatter land. The terrain makes it impossible to
meet the technical requirement for running slope without severe cuts or fills.
Using the definitions in Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines (FSORAG), the project is an
alteration. Section 2.1 General Exception 2 of FSORAG allows a deviation from the slope requirement at existing
recreation sites that are being altered, where a condition for an exception exists. A review of section 1.1 “Conditions
for an Exception From the Technical Requirements” indicates that Condition for an Exception 1 applies to the section
of the outdoor recreation access route that is on steep ground because compliance with the technical requirement for
slope (grade) is not practicable due to terrain.
A deviation from the running slope requirement is permitted for the steep section of the outdoor recreation access
route. However, all other technical requirements for the route, such as width, surfacing, and cross slope, must be met.
Where the terrain is flatter and the cuts and fills aren’t an issue, the technical provision for slope must be met. The
exception to the slope requirement for the outdoor recreation access route to this particular walk-in campsite doesn’t
apply to other campsites at this campground. The outdoor recreation access route to each campsite must be examined
individually to determine if a condition exists that would permit an exception to any requirement.
Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
Condition for an Exception 3: Where compliance with
the technical requirement would fundamentally alter the
function or purpose of the facility or the setting.
Public lands provide a wide variety of recreational settings, from highly developed campgrounds with plenty of
opportunities for relaxing with family and friends to wilderness areas that provide opportunities to experience primitive
and challenging conditions (figure 34). FSORAG recognizes the value of a wide array of recreation opportunities by
allowing deviations from the technical requirements when
compliance would unacceptably change the nature of recreation opportunities or conflict with the land and resource
management plan for the area.
Figure 34—People like these rafters who recreate in primitive areas may be
looking for challenge.
Look at the full range of issues.
Designers and managers need to examine the
larger context and intent of the project to determine
whether this condition for exception applies. Consider
the full range of management and design issues during
planning and continue throughout all stages of design
Consider existing and desired levels of development and site modification as identified in ROS classifications, visitor expectations, customer service, and
so forth. Take into account how the site will be used.
Will it be a jumping off point to a wilderness area
where campers bring lightweight, compact equipment? Will it be a social gathering place where visitors
bring a good portion of their worldly possessions and
expect to have a place to set them up?
This condition for an exception would apply differently for a setting that has little or no human-influenced modifications than for a setting that has already
been moderately or heavily modified, such as a highly
developed recreation site.
Campers in a primitive setting experience the outdoor
environment in a nearly natural state. These campers generally desire more challenge so they can rely on their outdoor
survival skills. Manufactured building materials or engineered
construction techniques that are used to comply with accessibility requirements could change the natural or undeveloped
nature of the setting. You are not required to change the character of the setting and, therefore, change the nature of the recreation opportunity itself solely for the purpose of accessibility.
Condition for an Exception 4. Where compliance is
precluded because the cultural, historic, or significant
natural features are protected or are eligible for protection under Federal, State, or local law by:
• Endangered Species Act (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.)
• National Environmental Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 4321
et seq.)
Using the Conditions for an Exception in FSORAG
This condition for an exception isn’t intended to exempt
an area from the technical requirements simply because of
a preferred construction practice. A contractor may prefer
to use a large mechanical roller for efficiency rather than a
smaller vibrating plate or impact-type compactor. A contractor’s or designer’s preference for the larger equipment doesn’t
by itself trigger the condition for an exception. A deviation
from a specific technical requirement only is allowed if the
equipment is essential to complete construction and if the
work cannot be completed using the prevailing construction
practices from similar locations.
Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
Using the Conditions for an Exception in FSORAG
• National Historic Preservation Act (16 U.S.C. 470 et
• Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.)
• Other Federal, State, or local laws that preserve
threatened or endangered species, the environment, or
archaeological, cultural, historical, or other significant
natural features
Cultural features include archeological sites such as
burial grounds and cemeteries, traditional cultural properties, tribal protected sites, and other properties considered
sacred by an organized religion. Historic features are properties listed or eligible for listing on the National Register of
Historic Places or other places of recognized historic value.
Significant natural features are objects such as a large boulder or rocky outcrop, body of water, or unique vegetation that
are regarded as distinctive or important locally, regionally, or
nationally and, therefore, have been placed under legal protection (figure 35). This includes wilderness areas designated
by Congress and areas protected under Federal or State laws,
such as habitat for threatened or endangered species or designated wetlands.
Figure 35—Properly developed recreation features
don’t harm unique vegetation; ancient trees are
carefully protected.
Determine the extent of impact.
Only consider the additional impact of increasing
the size, relocating the recreation feature, or implementing other changes to provide accessibility. For
example, a proposed campsite may require that a number of trees of an uncommon species be removed.
Removal would cause substantial harm to the tree
grove. This condition for exception wouldn’t apply if
15 trees must be removed to make way for a campsite
that is not accessible and only three more trees must
be removed to provide for one that is. The majority
of the proposed damage to the grove is due to construction of the campsite, not due to compliance with
accessibility requirements. In this case, an alternate
location should be selected for the campsite.
Examples of situations in which this exception may
apply include:
• In wilderness areas designated by Congress, if work
necessary to comply with a technical requirement
can’t be accomplished using handtools (use of mechanized equipment is prohibited by law)
• Areas where imported materials, such as soil stabilizers, are prohibited to maintain the integrity of the
natural ecosystem or historic resources
• Designated wetlands or coastal areas where construction methods and materials are strictly limited
• Tribal sacred sites where the undisturbed physical
condition of the land is an important part of the sacred
• Areas where water crossings are restricted to safeguard aquatic features or species protected under Federal or State laws
Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
Getting From Here to There—Outdoor
Recreation Access Routes
Providing accessibility in developed areas requires that
people be able to get to features intended for public use.
Outdoor recreation access routes are pedestrian routes that
allow almost everybody to move around in a recreation area
independently. Section 1.2 of FSORAG defines an outdoor
recreation access route as “a continuous, unobstructed path
designed for pedestrian use that connects constructed features in a campground, camping unit, picnic area, trailhead,
or other recreation site where modifications are provided for
visitor convenience and comfort.” Figure 36 shows an outdoor recreation access route connecting a parking lot and scenic overlook. Section 2.0 of FSORAG contains the technical
requirements for outdoor recreation access routes.
Outdoor recreation access routes are not required when
camping facilities, picnic facilities, viewing areas, or outdoor constructed features are provided on trails. The routes
connecting those facilities are to comply with the technical
requirements for trails.
Figure 36—All people must be able to get from the
parking area to the viewing area for the Mendenhall
Glacier in Alaska; the same is true for other recreation sites in the National Forest System.
Getting From Here to There—Outdoor Recreation Access Routes
Documenting Exceptions
Recording and retaining documentation of determinations of the basis for exceptions for any outdoor recreation
feature is a good practice. These records will become very
valuable accounts of decisions and rationale when future
changes are required or the public inquires about conditions.
Documentation is especially important for exceptions
taken due to Condition 4. Federal laws and applicable State
or local laws specified in Condition 4 prescribe certain activities or require certain analyses or procedures to be followed
when planning to construct or alter facilities that may affect
the cultural, historic, or natural features or species protected
by that law. When work necessary to meet the technical
requirements would directly or indirectly substantially harm
the protected aspect, document the reason for the determination and then apply the exception. The documentation also
may need to be included in the analysis or procedure records
if required by specific laws.
Documentation of the basis for exceptions is required
only when a condition for an exception prohibits full compliance with technical requirements on a portion of a trail
or beach access route. An explanation of the condition that
resulted in the determination that full compliance could not
be achieved, the date the decision was made, and the name of
the individuals who made the decision must be recorded and
the documentation must be retained with the records for the
construction or alteration project.
For trails or beach access routes only, if the entire trail
or route must be exempted from the technical requirements
because extreme or numerous conditions for exemptions
make it impractical to provide a trail or route that meets the
requirements, documentation must be sent to the U.S. Access
Board. More information about this requirement is available
in “Notifying the U.S. Access Board About Exemptions” and
in “Documenting Exceptions and Notifying the U.S. Access
Board About Exemptions” of this guidebook. Contact information for the U.S. Access Board is available at <http://www>.
Getting From Here to There—Outdoor Recreation Access Routes
Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
Outdoor recreation access routes ensure that visitors can
move independently from their car or their camping or picnic
spot to the other constructed features provided at a recreation
area. When individual elements or constructed features are
altered or replaced at existing recreation areas, Forest Service policy requires that they be accessible. However, if the
ground under the element isn’t changed as part of that renovation or replacement project, this work doesn’t trigger the
requirement for outdoor recreation access routes.
Design outdoor recreation access routes to meet technical requirements for running and cross slopes, resting
intervals, surface, clear tread width, passing spaces, tread
obstacles, protruding objects, and openings. If a condition for
an exception prevents full compliance with a specific technical requirement on a portion of an outdoor recreation access
route that is part of an alteration project, that portion of the
outdoor recreation access route only has to comply with the
specific technical requirements to the extent practicable.
This deviation is not allowed for new construction; outdoor
recreation access routes are required. When planning for a
new outdoor recreation area or viewing area, the natural terrain and the general accessibility of the natural environment
should be part of the site selection criteria.
Because individuals usually arrive at recreational vehicle
(RV) dump stations by vehicle, there is an exception to the
outdoor recreation access route connection requirement. A
connecting outdoor recreation access route isn’t required if an
accessible vehicle pullup space is provided at the RV dump
The outdoor recreation access route may be provided
within a roadway if the roadway is the only general circulation path for pedestrians at a recreation site. The outdoor recreation access route in the roadway isn’t required to comply
with outdoor recreation access route technical requirements
for grade, resting, or passing intervals, but clear passage of
32 inches is required around or through speed restriction
devices, gates, or other barriers.
Surfaces for Outdoor Recreation Access Routes
The surface of an outdoor recreation access route and
the surface surrounding constructed features must be firm
and stable. No exceptions are allowed. Slip resistance is not
required because leaves and needles, dirt, ice, snow, and other
surface debris and weather conditions are components of the
natural environment and would be difficult, if not impossible,
to avoid.
• A firm surface resists deformation by indentations.
• A stable surface is not permanently affected by
expected weather conditions and can sustain normal
wear and tear from the expected use(s) of the area
between planned maintenance cycles.
Firm and stable surfaces prevent assistive devices from
sinking into the surface. Surfaces that are not firm and stable
make travel difficult for a person using crutches, a cane, a
wheelchair, or other assistive device. In the accessibility
guidelines, the standard assistive device is the wheelchair
because its dimensions, multiple moving surface contact
points and four wheels often are difficult to accommodate. If
a person using a wheelchair can use an area, most other people also can use that area.
During the planning process, potential surface materials
should be evaluated for noticeable distortion or compression
during the season(s) of managed use and for stability under
normal weather conditions and expected uses. If the surface
won’t remain firm and stable, another surface material should
be used.
If the natural soils won’t provide a firm and stable surface, soil stabilizer or artificial surfacing will be needed. The
Forest Service technology and development report, “Soil
Stabilizers on Universally Accessible Trails,” contains information about the effectiveness of soil stabilizers. It is available at <> or
Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
Use a rule of thumb to estimate
firmness and stability.
What sort of surface is firm and stable? If the
answer to both of the following questions is yes, the
surface is probably firm and stable.
Could a person ride a narrow-tired bicycle across
the surface easily without making imprints? (Bicycle
tires are similar to the large rear wheels of a wheelchair.)
Could a folding stroller with small, narrow plastic
wheels containing a 3-year-old be pushed easily across
the surface without making imprints? (A stroller’s
wheels are similar to the front wheels of a wheelchair.)
While this method for determining firmness and
stability isn’t scientifically accurate, it has proven to
be effective.
Use better surface materials.
Generally, the following materials are more likely
to provide firm and stable surfaces:
• Crushed rock (rather than uncrushed gravel)
• Rock with broken faces (rather than rounded rocks)
• A rock mixture containing a full spectrum of sieve
sizes, including fine material (rather than a single size)
• Hard rock (rather than soft rock that breaks down
• Rock that passes through a ½-inch (13-millimeter)
screen (rather than larger rocks)
Getting From Here to There—Outdoor Recreation Access Routes
• Rock material that has been compacted into 3- to
4-inch (75- to 100-millimeter) -thick layers (rather
than thicker layers)
• Material that is moist (not soggy) before it is compacted (rather than material that is compacted when it
is dry)
• Material that is compacted with a vibrating plate compactor, roller, or by hand tamping (rather than material
that is laid loose and compacted by use)
Provide appropriate walking
surfaces for the setting.
A firm and stable surface does not always mean
concrete and asphalt. The provision states that surface
material should be appropriate to the setting and level
of development. Some natural soils can be compacted
so they are firm and stable. Other soils can be treated
with stabilizers without drastically changing their appearance. Many surface materials that appear natural
and that meet the firm and stable requirements also are
available on the market. Investigate these options and
use surface materials that are consistent with the site’s
level of development and that require as little maintenance as possible.
Getting From Here to There—Outdoor Recreation Access Routes
Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
Slopes and Resting Intervals for Outdoor
Recreation Access Routes
Running slope is the lengthwise slope of an outdoor recreation access route, parallel to the direction of travel. Outdoor recreation access route sections of any length may have
a running slope ratio of up to 1:20, a 5-percent grade (figure
37). Steeper terrain may make this difficult to achieve. Many
visitors can negotiate steeper slopes for short distances, so
short segments of outdoor recreation access routes may be
steeper, as shown in table 2, but the slope of an outdoor recreation access route may never exceed 1:10, a 10-percent grade.
In this guidebook, the terms running slope and grade often
are used interchangeably.
Cross slopes—the side-to-side slope of an outdoor recreation access route—must not exceed 1:33 (3 percent), as
shown by figure 37. However, if the surface of the outdoor
recreation access route is paved or built with boards, the cross
slope must not be steeper than 1:48 (2 percent).
Resting intervals are relatively level areas that provide an
opportunity for people to catch their breath before continuing along the outdoor recreation access route. These intervals
are required between each outdoor recreation access route
Figure 37—The basic slope requirements for outdoor recreation access routes
and beach access routes.
The cross slope requirement depends
on what material is used.
Those who use a mobility device know that as
cross slope increases, travel becomes more difficult.
This is because working against the sideways pull of
the cross slope can double the effort needed to make
forward progress. However, in an outdoor environment, the cross slope has to be steep enough that water
won’t accumulate on the travel surface. While slope
and drainage can be precisely controlled on surfaces
that are paved (asphalt, concrete, paving blocks, and
so forth) or built with boards (wood planks, heavy
timber, concrete, fiberglass, or other manufactured material), it’s more difficult to ensure drainage on natural
or gravel surfaces. When water accumulates on natural
or gravel surfaces, they often become muddy and
impassible. That’s why the cross slope is allowed to be
steeper on natural or gravel surfaces than on surfaces
that are paved or built with boards.
segment any time the running slope ratio exceeds 1:20 (5 percent) as shown on table 2. A resting interval must be at least
60 inches (1,525 millimeters) long and at least as wide as the
widest segment of the outdoor recreation access route leading
into it, if the resting interval is within the outdoor recreation
access route. If the resting interval is beside the outdoor recreation access route, it has to be at least 60 inches (1,525 millimeters) long and at least 36 inches (915 millimeters) wide.
Depending on the design and location, the intersection of two
outdoor recreation access routes may act as a resting interval.
The slopes of a resting interval may not exceed a ratio
of 1:33 (3 percent) in any direction (figure 39). However, if
Table 2—Outdoor recreation access route (ORAR) running slope and segment length.
Running Slopes on ORARs
Steeper than
But not Steeper than
Maximum Length of Segment Between
Resting Intervals
1:20 (5 percent)
1:12 (8.33 percent)
50 feet (15 meters)
1:12 (8.33 percent)
1:10 (10 percent)
30 feet (9 meters)
Slope and grade terminology.
Slopes are often described as a ratio of vertical
distance to horizontal distance, or rise to run. For
instance, a slope ratio of 1:20 means that for every
1 foot of vertical rise, there are 20 feet of horizontal
distance; for every meter of vertical rise, there are 20
meters of horizontal distance (figure 38). When the
slope ratio is stated as a percent, it is referred to as the
grade. A 1:20 slope stated as a percent would be a 5percent grade.
considered when older recreation sites were designed. Many
campgrounds and picnic areas were located in spectacularly
scenic settings, but on steep terrain. Complying with the grade
requirement in these areas may be difficult without a fundamental change to the recreation environment. A deviation is allowed
for alteration projects where a condition for an exception exists.
In alterations only, if a condition for an exception prevents full compliance with a specific technical requirement
on a portion of an outdoor recreation access route at camping and picnic facilities and at trailheads, that portion of the
outdoor recreation access route is required to comply with the
specific technical requirement only to the extent practicable.
This deviation from the technical requirement is not
allowed to be used for new construction at camping and picnic facilities or at trailheads. When planning for a new outdoor recreation area, the natural terrain and the general accessibility of the natural environment should be part of the site
selection criteria because compliance with outdoor recreation
access route requirements is required for new construction.
the surface is paved or is built with boards, the slope can’t be
steeper than 1:48 (2 percent) in any direction.
Grade requirements for an outdoor recreation access
route may be more difficult to meet when altering an existing
site than during new construction. Accessibility was seldom
Clear Tread Width and Passing Spaces for
Outdoor Recreation Access Routes
Clear tread width means the width of the traveled surface
on the ground and also above the ground between obstacles
(figure 40). The minimum clear tread width of an outdoor recreation access route is 36 inches (915 millimeters), which is
wide enough to allow unobstructed passage by a wheelchair.
When a condition for an exception exists, such as where an
Figure 39—The basic resting interval requirements for outdoor recreation
access routes.
Figure 40—The clear tread width is the unobstructed width of the traveling
Figure 38—Determining the slope ratio.
Getting From Here to There—Outdoor Recreation Access Routes
Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
Getting From Here to There—Outdoor Recreation Access Routes
Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
outdoor recreation access route must be routed between two
large boulders that can’t be removed, then the clear tread width
may be reduced to not less than 32 inches (815 millimeters) or
the maximum width that can be achieved.
All outdoor recreation access routes in a recreation site
don’t necessarily have to be the same width. Consider the
number of people who will use the route at the same time
and how they will want to use it—single file or walking and
talking side by side—and design accordingly. For example, a
60-inch (1,525-millimeter) -wide main route may be designed
to connect a group of campsites to important constructed features, such as a rustic outdoor amphitheater, toilet buildings,
or water hydrants. Secondary routes, such as a spur from the
main route to a quiet, intimate path along a stream, may be
only 36 inches (915 millimeters) wide.
Two people using wheelchairs need a 60-inch (1,525millimeter) -clear tread width to pass comfortably and
safely on an outdoor recreation access route. However, this
width isn’t always appropriate or required. Where the clear
tread width of a route is less than 60 inches (1,525 millimeters), passing spaces are required at least every 200 feet (61
meters). Passing spaces must be at least 60 inches (1,525
millimeters) wide (including the route width) by 60 inches
(1,525 millimeters) long (figure 41).
Another option allows a T-intersection of two outdoor
recreation access routes or other walking surfaces to be a
passing space (figure 42) provided that the arms and stem
of the T-shaped space extend at least 48 inches (1,220 millimeters) beyond the intersection. Either configuration would
Figure 41—Minimum required dimensions for a passing space for an outdoor
recreation access route or a beach access route.
Access route width may vary.
The 36-inch (915-millimeter) minimum clear tread
width is just that—a minimum. To determine how
wide the outdoor recreation access routes in a project
should be, look at the level of development of the site
and how the site will be used. In a more highly developed area, a 48- or 60-inch (1,220- or 1,525-millimeter) -wide route may be appropriate, while a 36-inch
(915-millimeter) -wide tread may be a better fit in a
less developed site.
Figure 42—A T-intersection may be used as a passing space on an outdoor
recreation access route or a beach access route if it has dimensions as shown,
or larger.
provide enough room for a person to move to the side and let
an oncoming person pass along the route. The cross slope of
a passing space must not exceed 1:33 (3 percent). Where the
surface is paved or is built with boards, the slope must not be
steeper than 1:48 (2 percent) in any direction.
Tread Obstacles on Outdoor Recreation
Access Routes
A tread obstacle is anything that interrupts the evenness
of the tread surface. On outdoor recreation access routes, an
obstacle may occur where a tree root or rock protrudes above
the surface or where two different surfaces abut, such as when
a concrete path joins an asphalt path. If they are pronounced,
tread obstacles can pose a serious tripping hazard. Where
tread obstacles exist along an outdoor recreation access route,
they must not be more than 1 inch (25 millimeters) high.
Where the surface is paved or is built with boards, obstacles
must not be more than ½ inch (13 millimeters) high.
Avoid the use of stairs on outdoor
recreation access routes.
Openings in Outdoor Recreation Access Route
Openings are gaps in the surface of an outdoor recreation access route. Gaps include spaces between the planks
on a boardwalk or in a drainage grate. Openings that are big
enough to allow wheels, cane or crutch tips, or shoe heels to
drop through or get stuck are hazards that shouldn’t occur
in pedestrian routes (figure 43). Openings up to a half of an
inch (13 millimeters) wide are permitted. Place elongated
openings that are more than a quarter of an inch wide with
the long dimension perpendicular or diagonal to the primary
direction of travel (figure 44).
In new construction, stairs aren’t allowed on outdoor recreation access routes except at viewing areas
where there is a condition for an exception. For new
recreation sites, select locations that will not require
the use of stairs.
Avoid the use of outdoor stairs wherever possible.
Sometimes, an alteration project at an existing recreation site includes an area where stairs can’t be avoided.
When stairs are unavoidable, they should generally
meet the requirements for stairs in Architectural
Barriers Act Accessibility Standards. Although these
requirements are not mandatory for stairs that aren’t
part of a means of egress for a building, compliance
will ensure the stairs are safe and comfortable to use.
The accessibility guidelines for outdoor recreation
areas do not require handrails for stairs. Consider the
safety of the people using the stairs and the setting
when deciding whether handrails are appropriate.
What is the expected amount of use? How can the
appearance of overdevelopment be avoided while
providing for safe use of the stairs? When deciding
whether handrails are necessary on outdoor stairs, also
consider how many should be provided. For example,
a few steps at an individual campsite may not need
a handrail. Where a handrail would be helpful, one
handrail in the center may accommodate low-volume,
two-way traffic. Treads that are just wide enough for
one-way traffic could have a handrail on one side. Two
Figure 43—Big openings in outdoor recreation access route surfaces create
handrails may be needed if stairs are provided in hightraffic areas.
Figure 44—Elongated openings must be perpendicular to the direction of
Getting From Here to There—Outdoor Recreation Access Routes
Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
Getting From Here to There—Outdoor Recreation Access Routes
Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
Protruding Objects and Outdoor Recreation
Access Routes
Objects that extend into the travel way of an outdoor recreation access route from the side or from overhead can be
hazardous to people who are paying more attention to their
companions than the travel route, as well as to people who
are blind or have low vision. Protruding objects are defined
as constructed features (such as signs) that extend into the
clear width area of an outdoor recreation access route, resting interval, or passing space and that are between 27 inches
(685 millimeters) and 80 inches (2,030 millimeters) above
the travel surface. Do not allow constructed features to extend
into the clear width area more than 4 inches (100 millimeters,
figure 45).
Accessibility guidelines do not consider natural elements
(such as tree branches and rock formations) to be protruding
objects. Provide and maintain clearance from natural elements around outdoor recreation access routes in accordance
with your unit’s standards, keeping in mind overhanging hazards to people who are blind or have low vision, or are not
focused on the route ahead.
Edge protection may be used for
outdoor recreation access routes.
Edge protection is a raised curb, wall, railing, or
other structure that defines the edge of a travel surface
and may help keep people on the travel surface. Edge
protection is not required for accessibility on outdoor
recreation access routes, and it is not usually desirable
in outdoor environments because it isn’t as easy to
see or detect objects near the ground. However, edge
protection may be desirable for safety or other reasons. Edge protection curbs (figure 46) in an outdoor
environment are required to be at least 3 inches (75
millimeters) high.
Figure 46—Edge protection is optional on an outdoor recreation access
route, but if present, edge protection must be at least 3 inches high.
Figure 45—Constructed features can’t extend into the clear
width area more than 4 inches if they are between 27 and 80
inches (685 to 2,030 millimeters) above the walking surface.
Gates and Barriers
If gates or barriers are constructed to control access to
outdoor recreation access routes, beach access routes, or
trails, include openings wide enough to allow hiker passage (figures 47 and 48) that complies with ODAAG, section 1017.3 Clear Travel Width. That section requires 36
inches (915 millimeters) of clear width. However there may
be areas where Condition for an Exeption 3 applies (for
instance, where providing a 36-inch-wide opening would
allow the entrance of motorized vehicles that are not permitted behind the barrier). In such circumstances, 32 inches
(815 millimeters) clearance, the same as is required for an
interior door, will provide pedestrian access to the recreation
Figure 47—The winding configuration of this rustic chicane where the
Appalachian Trail crosses Tennessee Highway 91 and the Osborne farm
allows pedestrians to pass through the fence to use the trail but keeps
motorized users out and horses inside the farm fence.
Figure 48—A steel kissing gate on the Prescott National Forest prevents passage
by motor vehicles. The design balances the principles of the Built Environment
Image Guide with the needs for access control. Sturdy, vandal-resistant
materials were needed to discourage determined off-road vehicle users.
opportunity without permitting motorized access behind the
gate or barrier. Be sure to document all exceptions. If there
is a gate, measure the clear opening width with the gate open
90 degrees. As required in ABAAS, section 307.2, do not
allow projections into the clear opening width between the
trail surface and 27 inches (685 millimeters) above the trail
surface. Projections of more than 4 inches (100 millimeters)
aren’t allowed between 27 inches (685 millimeters) and 80
inches (2,030 millimeters) above the trail surface. ABAAS,
section 404.2.3 also contains allowances for projections of
closers and stops that aren’t likely to apply to trail barriers or
gates. Examples of blockage by and passage around barriers
are shown in figures 21 and 22. The clear opening width is
the key. The travel surface must meet the same requirements
as the adjacent outdoor recreation access route, beach access
route, or trail.
Gate hardware must comply with ABAAS, section
404.2.7. This section refers to the requirement in ABAAS,
section 309, that controls and operating mechanisms have to
be operable with one hand without tight grasping, pinching,
or wrist twisting, using a force no greater than 5 pounds (2.2
newtons), as explained in “Reach Ranges and Operability
Requirements.” It also requires that operable parts of latches
must be located between 34 inches (865 millimeters) and 48
inches (1,220 millimeters) above the trail surface. The operating hardware for sliding gates must be exposed and usable
from both sides. In alterations, a projection of five-eighths of
an inch (16 millimeters) into the clear width is allowed for
the gate latch stop.
Designs for several accessible gates (figure 49) are available in the Forest Service publication “Accessible Gates for
Trails and Roads” at <
.php?p_num=0623%202340>. The publication includes
drawings for gates that can be used to close roads and trails
to motor vehicle access while still providing 36-inch-wide
(915-millimeters-wide) passage for pedestrians and devices
that meet the definition of a wheelchair (see figures 6 through
11), as well as other gate designs that allow pedestrian and
equestrian passage while prohibiting motor vehicle access.
Figure 49—This timber kissing gate is one of the designs available in the
Forest Service publication Accessible Gates for Trails and Roads.
Getting From Here to There—Outdoor Recreation Access Routes
Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
Providing Comforts and Conveniences—Constructed Features
Providing Comforts and Conveniences—
Constructed Features
design. For example, even if steep terrain or other conditions
in an alteration project at a recreation site preclude complyConstructed features are the site furnishings and other
ing with the slope requirements for the outdoor recreation
elements provided in picnic areas, campgrounds, and other
access route to a picnic table or camping unit, all the comporecreation sites. The requirements for constructed features
nents and furnishings still must comply with the relevant secare addressed in sections 3, 4, and 5 of FSORAG. Section 3
tions of FSORAG. Individuals can select the location where
“Recreation Sites” addresses the layout of recreation sites,
they want to picnic or camp without being limited by the
including vehicle parking, camping and picnic units, viewing location of accessible features of the picnic or camping unit.
areas, and use of the international symbol of accessibility and This requirement includes all picnic tables, pedestal grills,
other signs. Section 4 “Constructed Features in Recreation
and other features in a picnic area or campground if they are
Sites” addresses individual site amenities, including picnic
purchased or constructed by or on behalf of the Forest Sertables; fire rings; fire grills; fireplaces; wood stoves; tent pads vice. The few exceptions to this general rule are explained in
and platforms; trash, recycling, and other essential containthe section for each feature.
ers; telescopes and periscopes; utilities; water hydrants; utilWhen individual elements and constructed features wear
ity sinks; and outdoor rinsing showers. Section 5 “Buildings
out or are damaged and must be replaced, the Forest Service
in Recreation Sites” addresses requirements for buildings that requires that the renovated or replaced elements or features
are not included in ABAAS, such as camp shelters and pit
be accessible. However, if the ground under the element
toilets. These subjects will be addressed in the same order in isn’t changed, this work doesn’t trigger the surface and slope
this document.
requirements for clear floor and ground space.
Construct, purchase, and install only elements and conFSORAG doesn’t require that any particular constructed
structed features that comply with the accessibility guidefeature be provided in a picnic area or campground. If there
lines, as directed by the Forest Service policy of universal
were no plans to provide outdoor rinsing showers, util-
Determine if features
are really accessible
Manufacturers don’t necessarily understand accessibility requirements. Some manufacturers advertise
their products as “accessible” or “Americans with
Disabilities Act compliant,” even though they aren’t.
Accessible means a product is in compliance with the
applicable accessibility requirements. Compare the
dimensions of the product to the applicable Architectural Barriers Act Accessibility Standards or Forest
Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
requirements to make sure that a product, such as a
picnic table or fire ring, is truly accessible. Ask the
manufacturer for the shop drawings or for the location
of a retailer or campground near you where you can
examine the product.
ity sinks, or utility hookups at a campground, FSORAG
wouldn’t require them to be installed. However, if a feature is
provided, FSORAG must be met.
Design Tip Tip
Fix it while you’re there.
Bringing the surface and slope of the ground under
an individually replaced element or constructed feature
up to new construction standards isn’t required. However, you may be able to save time and money over
the long haul by shaping and smoothing the surface
before putting in the new table. If you integrate logical
improvements every time you replace a component,
accessibility may be achieved without a large construction project.
How to design features that are not
addressed in Forest Service Outdoor
Recreation Accessibility Guidelines.
If you want to provide a constructed feature that
isn’t addressed in Forest Service Outdoor Recreation
Accessibility Guidelines (FSORAG), design it using
the basic building blocks of accessible design, including clear space dimension requirements for a wheelchair and reach ranges found in Architectural Barriers
Act Accessibility Standards (ABAAS).
For example, lantern hooks are sometimes provided
in campgrounds, but FSORAG doesn’t address them.
Using the information in ABAAS and the principles
of universal design, design the hooks to be usable by
the greatest number of campers. The hooks should be
placed within the reach of a person who is seated, as
well as a person who is standing.
Use a hinged device to adjust the height of the
hook or install two hooks at different heights. Consider safety when designing a post with multiple or
adjustable hooks. Ensure the lantern hook has appropriate clear space to allow a person in a wheelchair to
approach it from the front or the side, and place the
hook where it will not create an obstacle to people
moving around the campsite. The clear space for the
lantern hook shouldn’t overlap the outdoor recreation
access route.
(1,220-millimeter) clear space around a pedestal grill. Do not
allow the clear space at a constructed feature within a camp
living area or picnic unit to overlap the outdoor recreation
access route that connects the camp living area or picnic unit
to the rest of the recreation site. Also, do not allow the clear
space to overlap any outdoor recreation access route that is
adjacent to the camp living area or picnic unit but leads to a
common use feature, such as a water hydrant.
Ensure that individual constructed features, such as water
hydrants, are connected by outdoor recreation access routes
in developed recreation sites, by beach access routes on
beaches, and by trails when features are located along a trail.
More information about connectivity requirements is provided in the parts of the guidebook on recreation site layout
and constructed features.
Within individual camp living areas or picnic units, the
slope, surface, and size of the required clear spaces of individual constructed features usually provide the required connectivity and eliminate the need for separate outdoor recreation access routes. The overlapping or adjacent clear spaces
function as the outdoor recreation access routes, beach access
routes, or trails. Sometimes features are spread apart to limit
the amount of change to the natural setting, and the clear
spaces for individual features are not adjacent or overlapping.
In these cases, provide the appropriate outdoor recreation
access routes, beach access routes, or trails to connect the
Reach Ranges and Operability Requirements
In this guidebook, you will see the provision “Controls
Clear floor or ground space is required around the usable and operating mechanisms must comply with the requiresides of each constructed feature, but the size of the clear
ments for reach ranges and operability specified in ABAAS,
space varies with the feature. The differences are based on
sections 308 and 309” whenever a site feature has buttons,
how each feature is used and whether users need to approach knobs, handles, or other controls or operating devices. One of
just one side of the feature or all sides of it. For instance,
the basic principles of universal design and accessibility is to
users may only need to get to the front of a pedestal grill that provide controls that most people can reach and use.
doesn’t rotate or to the front and sides of a water hydrant, but
ABAAS, section 309 requires that controls and operating
they need to get to all sides of a picnic table or fire ring.
mechanisms be operable with one hand without tight graspWhen several constructed features are grouped together, ing, pinching, or wrist twisting, using a force no greater than
such as in a camp living area or picnic unit, their clear spaces 5 pounds (2.2 newtons). To test a control, try operating it by
may overlap. For example, the 48-inch (1,220-millimeter)
applying light force with one closed fist, without bending
clear space around a picnic table may overlap the 48-inch
your wrist.
Providing Comforts and Conveniences—Constructed Features
Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
Providing Comforts and Conveniences—Constructed Features
Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
Section 308 of ABAAS identifies the following reach
• Unobstructed Reaches—When a forward or side
reach is unobstructed, the object to be reached must
be no higher than 48 inches (1,220 millimeters) and
no lower than 15 inches (380 millimeters) above the
floor or ground (figures 50 and 51). For side reaches
only, an object that is below the object to be reached
and isn’t more than 10 inches (255 millimeters) wide
doesn’t count as an obstruction.
• Obstructed Forward Reach—When an object must
be reached over an obstruction, the clear floor space
must extend beneath the obstruction for at least as far
as the reach depth over the obstruction. The object
to be reached is not allowed to be under the obstruction. If the obstruction is 20 inches (510 millimeters)
deep or less, the object to be reached must be between
the top of the obstruction and 48 inches (1,220
millimeters) above the floor or ground (figure 52). If
the obstruction is more than 20 inches (510 millimeters) deep, the object to be reached must be between
the top of the obstruction and 44 inches (1,120 millimeters) above the ground or floor (figure 53). The
obstruction must not be more than 25 inches (635 millimeters) deep.
• Obstructed Side Reach—For side reaches, obstructions must not be more than 34 inches (865 millimeters) high or 24 inches (610 millimeters) deep. The
object to be reached is not allowed to be under the
obstruction. If the reach depth is 10 inches (255 millimeters) or less, the object to be reached must be 48
inches (1,220 millimeters) or less above the ground or
floor (figure 54). If the reach depth is between 10 and
24 inches (255 and 610 millimeters), the object to be
reached must not be more than 46 inches (1,170 millimeters) above the floor or ground (figure 55).
Understand forward reach and side reach terminology.
When the phrases “forward reach” and “side reach” are used in the context of accessibility, they don’t refer to the
object a person is trying to reach. They refer to the position of the person doing the reaching. A forward reach means
that the person is facing the object and reaching forward toward it (figure 50). A side reach means that the person’s
side is closest to the object, and the person is reaching either to their right or left towards the object (figure 51). People
using wheelchairs can’t reach as far forward over their laps as they can reach to the side. They also need correctly
sized spaces to position their wheelchairs to be able to reach objects from the front and from the side. That is why
there are different height and clear floor space requirements for forward and side reaches.
Figure 50—The requirements for unobstructed forward reach.
Figure 51—The requirements for unobstructed side reach.
Figure 52—The requirements for obstructed high forward reach, narrower
Figure 53—The requirements for obstructed high forward reach, wider
Figure 55—The requirements for obstructed high side reach, wider obstacles.
Grab Bars
Grab bars are usually provided in buildings to provide stability and allow people to use their arms to assist in
movement over short distances. The most common location
for grab bars is in restrooms. Grab bars must comply with
the reach range requirements of ABAAS, section 308, as
explained in “Reach Ranges and Operability Requirements.”
They must also comply with the size, strength, finish, and
position requirements in ABAAS, section 609 as follows:
• Grab bars with circular cross sections must have a
diameter no less than 1¼ inches (32 millimeters) and
no more than 2 inches (51 millimeters). Grab bars
with noncircular cross sections must not be more than
2 inches (51 millimeters) across and must be 4 to 4.8
inches (100 to 120 millimeters) around. Figure 56
shows how this is measured.
Figure 54—The requirements for obstructed high side reach, narrower
Figure 56—The requirements for the diameter and circumference of grab bars.
Providing Comforts and Conveniences—Constructed Features
Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
Recreation Site Layout
• Grab bars and any wall or other surfaces adjacent
to grab bars must have rounded edges and are not
allowed to have sharp or abrasive surfaces.
• Grab bars must be installed so they don’t rotate within
their fittings.
• Grab bars have to be strong enough to support 250
pounds (1,112 newtons) of pressure at any point on
the grab bar, fastener, mounting device, and supporting structure.
• The space between the wall and the grab bar must
be 1½ inches (38 millimeters). There must also be a
space of 1½ inches (38 millimeters) between the grab
bar and any projecting objects below or at the ends
at parking spaces for RV dump stations must comply with the
requirements in section 3.1 of FSORAG. Parking spurs have
two components; driveways and parking areas. The driveway is
primarily a vehicle travel way that functions as an extension of
the recreation site roadway. It provides vehicular access and a
transition between the recreation site road and a vehicle parking area. The vehicle parking area is the section of the parking
spur where vehicles (cars, vans, recreational vehicles, trucks,
trailers, and so forth) are parked. These definitions are important because the scoping and technical requirements vary based
on the specific part of the parking spur being addressed. Figure
57 shows the parts of a parking spur.
of the grab bar. There must be at least 12 inches (305
millimeters) between the grab bar and any projecting
objects above it, except multiple grab bars only have
to be 1½ inches (38 millimeters) apart.
Recreation Site Layout
Designing an attractive and functional recreation site is
an art as well as a science. Accessibility is, of course, one of
the many design parameters for any recreation site.
Vehicle Parking
Within recreation areas, vehicle parking is normally
either concentrated into parking lots for more than two vehicles at group areas or distributed into parking spurs designed
to hold one or two vehicles or trailers at an individual picnic or camping unit. Vehicle parking lots and other parking
spaces that aren’t associated with an individual camping
or picnic unit must comply with the same requirements as
vehicle parking lots for buildings. These requirements can be
found in ABAAS, sections 208 and 502. However, slip resistance is not required for parking in recreation areas because
leaves and needles, dirt, ice, snow, and other surface debris
and weather conditions are components of the natural environment that would be difficult, if not impossible, to avoid.
Parking spurs for one or two vehicles, recreational vehicles (RVs), or trailers at individual picnic or camping units or
Figure 57—The components of a campground parking spur.
Because people use the parking spur to get to and from
their vehicle and to get around the recreation site, ensure
that the surface of the entire parking spur is firm and stable
as explained in “Surfaces for Outdoor Recreation Access
Routes” of this guidebook.
Ensure each vehicle parking area that is adjacent to a
camp living area is at least 16 feet (4.88 meters) wide. The
16-foot (4.88-meter) width is the same as the standard width
for an accessible parking stall for vans.
Sometimes, a single parking area for a double camping
unit accommodates two vehicles side-by-side. In these parking areas, the space between the two vehicles can be used to
access both vehicles, so you can reduce the total width of the
two non-RV parking areas from 32 feet (9.76 meters) to 24
feet (7.32 meters).
Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
Determine parking requirements
for walk-in camping units.
a group parking area such as a 10-car parking lot that is
provided for eight walk-in units, the whole parking lot
must meet the requirements of Architectural Barriers
Act Accessibility Standards, sections F208 and 502. In
such a 10-car parking lot, 9 parking spaces would be
standard width and 1 would be 16 feet (4.88 meters)
wide to comply with the van-accessible specifications
of an 8-foot (2.44-meter) -wide parking space and an
adjoining 8-foot ( 2.44-meter) -wide access aisle.
Figure 58— An accessible recreational vehicle with a wheelchair lift.
around all sides of larger accessible RVs and trailers. The
dimensions are based on an 8-foot (2.44-meter) -wide vehicle,
an 8-foot (2.44-meter) -wide space on the passenger side for
operation of the lift or ramp with room to maneuver and a
4-foot (1.22-meter) -wide clear space along the driver’s side.
When parking areas for large accessible RVs accommodate
two vehicles side-by-side in a parking area serving a double
camping unit, the space between the two vehicles can be used to
access both vehicles. Less width is required to provide the same
access, so you can reduce the total width of the two RV parking
Provide enough width for full size accessible RVs and trail- areas from 40 feet (12 meters) to 36 feet (11 meters).
To maximize accessibility while protecting the natural
ers in campgrounds that are designed to accommodate them
environment, only a limited number of vehicle parking areas in
(figure 58). A 16-foot (4.88-meter) -wide parking area will
campgrounds with RV camping units must be 20 feet (6 meters)
accommodate cars, vans, and the majority of RVs and trailwide. The minimum number of required 20-foot (6-meter)
ers. However, a vehicle parking area that is 20 feet (6 meters)
-wide vehicle parking areas is based on the total number of
wide is required to accommodate lifts, ramps, and other assiscamping units provided in the RV campground (table 3).
tive equipment that allow RV owners to enter, exit, and move
Table 3—The number of recreational vehicle (RV) parking areas required to be accessible.
Number of
Camping Units
Minimum Number of 20-foot (6-meter) -Wide Vehicle Parking Areas
Required in Campgrounds With Units Designed for Large RVs and Trailers
2 to 25
26 to 50
51 to 75
76 to 100
101 to 150
151 to 200
201 and over
8 plus 2 percent of the number more than 200
Recreation Site Layout
For walk-in camping units, the required parking
area width depends on whether the parking area is part
of the camping unit or in a group parking lot. If the
walk-in unit has its own parking spur, then it falls under
Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines parking spur requirements and the parking area
should be 16 feet (4.88 meters) wide (as required by the
vehicle parking area provision), or less if a condition
for an exception applies. If the parking space is part of
Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
Recreation Site Layout
Basing the number of required 20-foot (6-meter) -wide RV
parking areas on the number of RV camping units is similar to
the approach used by ABAAS for accessible hotel rooms. The
minimum required number of accessible rooms is proportional
to the total number of rooms in the hotel. Similarly, the minimum number of accessible RV parking areas is proportional to
the total number of RV camping units in the campground.
For example, in a 50-unit campground that accommodates large RVs and trailers, a minimum of three vehicle
parking areas must be 20 feet (6 meters) wide. The vehicle
parking areas for the remaining 47 camping units must be at
least 16 feet (4.88 meters) wide, with the exceptions previously noted.
When designing a new campground, remember that table
3 shows minimum requirements. Larger RVs and trailers with
bump-out sections are increasingly common. Areas where
many recreationists use larger RVs and trailers may require
providing more camping units with a 20-foot (6-meter) -wide
vehicle parking area.
Some national forests have found the 20-foot (6-meter)
-wide RV parking area to be an appropriate design standard
for use throughout their RV campgrounds.
If there are one or more conditions for an exception that
prevent constructing a full-width parking area (at least 16 feet
(4.88 meters) wide or 20 feet (6 meters) wide as required by
table 3), you can reduce the width to 13 feet (4 meters), the
width of an accessible parking space for cars. Because new
recreation site locations should be chosen carefully to ensure
accessibility requirements can be met, this exception should
hardly ever be taken. Even when conditions for exception are
numerous and extreme, at least 20 percent of parking areas
must be full width. When only one or two non-RV parking
areas are provided in a recreation area, no exception is permitted. When three to 10 non-RV parking areas are provided,
at least two of the vehicle parking areas must be full width.
There are separate slope requirements for vehicle parking areas and driveways because of the different functions
they perform. Do not allow the slope of the vehicle parking
area to exceed 1:48 (2 percent) in any direction. However,
when the surface is not paved or built with boards, slopes up
to 1:33 (3 percent) in any direction are allowed when needed
for proper drainage.
Determine how long the
parking area should be.
Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility
Guidelines has requirements for parking area or spur
width, but not length. Length of parking area spurs
depends on the terrain and the type of vehicles that are
expected to use the parking area. Ordinary parking lots
are normally designed with 20-foot (6-meter) -long
parking spaces to accommodate passenger vehicles,
so parking areas should be at least 20 feet (6 meters)
long. A large trailer with a towing vehicle could be up
to 60 feet (18 meters) long and a bus-style recreational
vehicle (RV) could be up to 45 feet (14 meters) long.
Some campgrounds include parking spurs of various lengths. This limits campsite choices for campers with larger trailers or RVs, but also minimizes
hardened surfaces and ground disturbance, especially
on difficult terrain. Provide information online and at
the campground regarding the length of parking areas.
Campers with larger trailers and RVs will appreciate it.
The running slope of a parking spur driveway may be up
to 1:12 (8.33 percent) for 50 feet (15 meters). An exception
for areas of steeper terrain permits the running slope to be up
to 1:10 (10 percent) for 30 feet (9 meters). In alterations of
existing campgrounds only, a second exception permits the
running slope to be up to 1:10 (10 percent) for distances up to
50 feet (15 meters) if the first exception can’t be met because
of a condition for an exception. This second exception does
not apply to new construction.
The cross slope of a parking spur driveway must not exceed
1:33 (3 percent). However, the cross slope of driveways may be
as steep as 1:20 (5 percent) if needed for proper drainage or to
provide a transition from the campground road to the vehicle
parking area. For example, if a back-in parking spur is adjacent
to an interior campground road that has a running slope steeper
than 1:20 (5 percent), the driveway may need a steeper cross
slope to make the transition from the running slope of the road
to the relatively level vehicle parking area (figure 59).
Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
Allow for pedestrians in the driveway.
Because people move around the vehicle parking areas and along the driveways, parking spurs also have to
be able to function as outdoor recreation access routes.
Keep the running and cross slopes of driveways,
even in alterations, as gentle as possible so that vehicles
and people can easily and safely navigate into and out
of the camping unit, erosion is minimized, and road
design and construction standards are met.
Camping Units
A camping unit is a part of a campground that is used
by an individual or group for camping separate from other
parties using the recreation site. A camping unit commonly
includes the camp living area, a parking spur, and a space
to pitch a tent (figure 60). FSORAG doesn’t require a specific number or type of camping units or constructed features, but all camping units and the site furnishings and constructed features in them must meet the applicable FSORAG
The camp living area is the space where tables, fire
rings, and grills are located. This area is often adjacent to
the parking spur. The minimum size of a camp living area is
determined by the type and number of constructed features
Figure 60—The components of a camping unit.
provided and the required clear space around each feature.
Ensure the surface of camp living is firm and stable, and that
the surface material used is appropriate to the setting and
level of development. Do not allow the slope of the ground
surface in camp living areas to exceed 1:48 (2 percent) in
any direction, except when the surface is unpaved or is not
built with boards. In those cases, the slope may be up to 1:33
(3 percent) for necessary drainage.
To meet outdoor recreation access route requirements,
a route must connect all the features within each camping
unit. Usually, the slope, surface, and size requirements for the
overlapping or adjacent clear spaces of the constructed features within camp living areas eliminate the need for separate
outdoor recreation access routes within the camp living area.
When features are spread apart to limit the amount of change
to the natural setting, provide outdoor recreation access
routes to connect the features.
There must also be an outdoor recreation access route
connecting each camping unit with the common use features
that are provided at the campground, such as toilets, showers, water hydrants, garbage receptacles, parking spaces, and
beach access. Ensure this outdoor recreation access route
does not overlap the clear spaces of the camp living area so
that people using the constructed features in the camp living area will not obstruct travel along the outdoor recreation
access route.
There are some exceptions to the requirement that outdoor recreation access routes must connect everything.
Recreation Site Layout
Figure 59—The transition from a parking spur driveway to a campground road.
Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
Recreation Site Layout
• When work is done to improve an existing camping
or picnic facility or a trailhead and a condition for an
exception prohibits full compliance with a specific
technical requirement on part of an outdoor recreation
access route, that part of the outdoor recreation access
route only has to meet the technical requirement to
the extent practicable.
• When something is changed within an existing camping facility, but the circulation path isn’t altered, the
path doesn’t have to be brought up to outdoor recreation access route standards.
• As stated in “Getting From Here to There—Outdoor
Recreation Access Routes” of this guidebook, if an
Picnic Units
A picnic unit is a part of a picnic area that contains one
or more constructed features used for picnics by an individual
or a group. Each picnic unit may be used separately from
other parties using the recreation site. All site furnishings and
constructed features that are provided in a picnic unit must
meet the applicable FSORAG requirements. The minimum
size of a picnic unit is determined by the required clear space
around each feature and the type and number of provided
constructed features
Ensure all pedestrian routes that are provided in a picnic
area meet outdoor recreation access route standards. Use an
outdoor recreation access route to connect all features within
accessible vehicle pull-up space is provided at the RV
each picnic unit. Usually, the slope, surface, and size requiredump station, an outdoor recreation access route is not ments for the overlapping or adjacent clear spaces of the
required to connect the station to the camping units.
unit’s constructed features within a picnic unit eliminate the
• In campgrounds where the roadway is the primary
need for separate outdoor recreation access routes within the
route from the campsites to the restrooms and so
unit. When features are spread apart to limit the amount of
forth, a separate outdoor recreation access route to
change to the natural setting, provide an outdoor recreation
the same facilities is not required. That roadway is
access route to connect the features.
not required to meet the specifications for an outdoor
If a picnic area only has one or two picnic units, conrecreation access route. However, there must be a
nect all units with an outdoor recreation access route to the
minimum of 32 inches of clear passage through or
area’s common use features, such as toilets, showers, water
around any constructed obstacles in the roadway, such hydrants, garbage receptacles, parking spaces, and beach
as speed bumps.
access routes. If a recreation site has more than two picnic
Even when they’re not required, the Forest Service com- units, use an outdoor recreation access route to connect at
mitment to universal design dictates that outdoor recreation
least 20 percent of the units (but never less than two) to the
access routes connect as many features as is practicable,
common use features at the site. For example, in a picnic area
given the specific natural constraints of the site, the level of
with 20 units, all site furnishings (tables, grills, etc.) must be
development, and other considerations.
accessible, and a minimum of four picnic units must be conWhen walk-in camping is provided in a campground,
nected by an outdoor recreation access route to the area’s
ensure an outdoor recreation access route connects the camp other common use features.
living area to the parking spur or parking lot. If the terrain is
When designing picnic areas, remember locating 20 persteep (or there’s another condition for an exception) and the
cent of the units on an outdoor recreation access route is only
work is an alteration to an existing site, compliance with the
a minimum requirement. Connect as many units with an outslope requirements for the outdoor recreation access route to door recreation access route to the major features of the site
those walk-in units isn’t required.
as practicable, given the specific natural site constraints, the
When a camping unit is located near a trail (rather than
level of site development, and other considerations.
in a campground accessed by vehicles), the connection
FSORAG recognizes that the natural terrain often presents
between that unit and the trail and the connections between
a real obstacle in the outdoor recreation environment. At existthe constructed features within that camping unit must coming sites that are being renovated, you may not be able to proply with FSTAG requirements for trails, not the outdoor rec- vide an outdoor recreation access route for all picnic units withreation access route requirements.
out affecting the fundamental nature of the picnic area and the
Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
Viewing areas in recreation settings must be located
along an outdoor recreation access route that connects to the
other major features at the site, including the parking area.
There are some exceptions to the requirement to connect
everything with outdoor recreation access routes. Sometimes
vistas can only be viewed from an area with difficult terrain.
If a condition for an exception prohibits full compliance with
a specific technical requirement for a portion of an outdoor
recreation access route at a viewing area, you only must
ensure that portion of the outdoor recreation access route
complies with the technical requirement to the extent practicable. When something is changed within an existing overlook or viewing area, but the circulation path isn’t altered,
you don’t have to bring the path up to outdoor recreation
Viewing Areas
access route standards. Even though it’s not required, renoOverlooks and viewing areas are designed and constructed vations almost always provide you with the perfect opportuto provide scenic vistas and unobstructed views of points of
nity to bring the paths up to outdoor recreation access route
interest, such as a mountain range, a valley, a waterfall, or a
standards so that everyone can get to the viewing area or
unique geologic formation (figure 61). Because overlooks and overlook.
viewing areas are destination points, they must be accessible
Ensure each viewing area that is required to be accesso all visitors can enjoy the viewing opportunities. Ensure that sible has a clear ground or floor space that is at least 36
each viewing area at an overlook and all the site furnishings,
inches (915 millimeters) by 48 inches (1,220 millimeters)
constructed features, and buildings in it, comply with appliand is positioned for either a forward or parallel approach
cable FSORAG and ABAAS provisions. However, when work to the viewing location. Each accessible viewing area
is done to improve an existing viewing area or overlook and
must also have at least one turning space that is 60 inches
a condition for an exception prohibits full compliance with a
(1,525 millimeters) minimum in diameter (figure 62) or is a
specific technical requirement for a clear ground space, unobT-shaped space with a minimum 60- by 36-inch (1,525- by
structed view, turning space, surface, or slope, you only have to 915-millimeter) arm and a minimum 36-inch (915-millimemeet the requirement to the extent practicable.
ter) -wide by 24-inch (610-millimeter) -long base (figure
Figure 61—The overlook on the San Juan Skyway, a scenic byway in
Colorado, allows all visitors to enjoy the view.
Figure 62—One way to meet the requirements for turning space at a viewing
Recreation Site Layout
recreation opportunity. When an existing picnic area is altered
or reconstructed and a condition for an exception prohibits full
compliance with a specific technical requirement on part of an
outdoor recreation access route, that part of the outdoor recreation access route only has to meet the technical requirement
to the extent practicable. When something is changed within an
existing picnic facility, but the circulation path isn’t altered, the
path doesn’t have to be brought up to outdoor recreation access
route standards. Even though it’s not required, these changes
almost always provide you the perfect opportunity to bring the
paths up to outdoor recreation access route standards and follow
the Forest Service policy of universal design.
Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
Recreation Site Layout
63). The clear ground space and turning space may overlap.
The turning space requirement is the same as ABAAS section 304.3. These spaces allow someone using a wheelchair
or other assistive device to approach and move about the
viewing area.
millimeters), provide a guardrail or barrier that complies
with the height and opening requirements of the International
Building Code, sections 1012.2 and 1012.3.
Barriers such as walls, guardrails, or signs installed for
safety reasons could restrict views. However, neither accessibility nor safety measures should be ignored. Designers need
to consider different ways of providing for safety without
blocking the view. For example, narrow vertical rails, seethrough panels, or screened openings could be installed, or
the designer may be able to build the overlook with a series
of tiers or terraces (figure 64). The placement of interpretive
signs may also help create a barrier to keep people back from
the edge of the overlook without blocking the view (figure 65).
Figure 63—The requirements for a T-shaped turning space at a viewing area.
If there are several viewing areas, provide at least one
accessible, unrestricted viewing opportunity for each distinct
point of interest. An unrestricted viewing opportunity means
a clear field of vision toward the vista or point of interest that
extends at least from 32 to 51 inches (815 to 1,295 millimeters) above the entire side of the clear floor or ground space
of the viewing area.
Ensure the slope of clear floor or ground spaces and
turning spaces does not exceed 1:48 (2 percent) in any direction. When the surface isn’t paved or built with boards, allow
grades up to 1:33 (3 percent) in any direction if needed for
proper drainage. Ensure the surface is firm and stable and
of a material that is appropriate to the setting and level of
development. Restrict openings in the surface of clear ground
spaces and turning spaces to small enough that a ½-inch (13millimeter) -diameter sphere can’t get through them. Place
elongated openings more than a quarter of an inch wide with
the long dimension perpendicular to the primary direction of
Viewing areas often are adjacent to hazardous dropoffs.
When there is a dropoff of more than 30 inches (760
Figure 64—This overlook design has two levels so the railing can be lower at
the upper viewing area.
Figure 65—Signs placed to create a barrier at an overlook.
Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
Design guardrails for safety and views.
Providing safety while maximizing viewing opportunities is a challenge for those designing a guardrail or structure
adjacent to a dropoff. It’s possible to design two viewing levels (see figure 64), where the lower level would be less
than 30 inches (760 millimeters) below the upper level.
With this design, a tall guardrail isn’t required for the upper level. At the upper level, where the visitors generally approach the viewpoint, a low railing or wall can permit good visibility. The lower viewing level would have a
tall guardrail meeting the International Building Code requirements. This lower level provides the “catch” area for the
primary level.
If the area or structure doesn’t lend itself to a two-level approach, try a see-through 42-inch (1,065-millimeter) -high
guardrail (figure 66). Place the vertical rails so that a 4-inch (100-millimeter) sphere can’t pass through them. Visibility
through this type of guardrail is excellent. The eye level of most adults seated in a wheelchair is above 42 inches (1,065
Recreation Site Layout
millimeters), and children sitting on the deck can enjoy the view through the rails.
The importance of vertical rather than horizontal rails can’t be overemphasized. When children see horizontal rails,
they regard them as an inviting ladder that encourages them to climb. A horizontal rail can’t protect them from a fall
(figure 67).
Figure 66—This railing on an overlook at Sandia Crest on the Cibola
National Forest is safe, meets code requirements, and provides a great view
for people of all heights.
Figure 67—Caution: Railings with horizontal rails
make an inviting ladder for small children.
Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
Recreation Site Layout
Use of the International Symbol of Accessibility
and Other Signs
Signs provide key information concerning the accessibility of programs and facilities. People often think of the
International Symbol of Accessibility (ISA) (figure 68) as an
all-purpose sign to be used any time an accessible feature is
available, which is not necessarily true.
words are required to be used with ISA. If words are used,
use “accessible.” Do not use “handicapped.”
Where all constructed features and areas comply with
the accessibility provisions, you may post ISA, but it is not
required. Do not individually sign accessible sites with ISA
because this can stigmatize and draw unwanted attention to
the individuals using those sites.
When only some constructed features and areas comply
with the accessibility provisions, people need to know whether
they will be able to use a particular campsite or picnic area.
This can be accomplished using several methods, depending
on the type of campground or picnic area.
The Federal agency recreation reservation system (<http://>) contains accessibility information about
campsites and picnic areas that are registered in the system,
including which individual sites are accessible. When using
this system to reserve a site, people are automatically notified
if they are about to reserve an accessible site. ISA also can be
used to identify individual accessible sites on the recreation
Figure 68—International symbol of
site map on the Web site describing the recreation site. These
are both good ways to provide accessibility information to recreationists with Internet access.
In accordance with ABAAS, section 216, ISA must be
If some—but not all—campsites or picnic areas are
posted at only six places:
• At accessible parking spaces in parking lots with five accessible and recreationists choose their site when they
arrive at the recreation area, provide accessibility information
or more designated parking spaces.
✧ Sign van accessible parking spaces in these lots as to recreationists as they enter the area. ISA can be used to
identify the individual units that comply with the accessibilsuch.
✧ Sign RV accessible parking spaces in these lots as ity guidelines on the recreation site map at the entrance kiosk,
fee station, bulletin board, or registration area. Post the folsuch.
lowing type of statement on the registration information sign:
✧ Do not post ISA at parking spurs provided at
“Units 2, 4, 6, and 10 are accessible. If no one in your group
camping units or other individual accessible
needs an accessible site, please fill these units last.” Forests
that use this type of statement on the registration sign report
• At accessible loading zones.
that visitors generally have complied.
• At accessible restrooms and bathing facilities.
If some—but not all—campsites or picnic areas are
• At the main entrance to a building, with an arrow
accessible and the sites are assigned by a person onsite who
directing people to the closest accessible entrance, if
can provide information about each unit, you don’t have to
the main entrance is not accessible.
post accessibility information. The accessible units should
• On the door to an accessible area of refuge inside
be assigned as requested by individuals. The accessible sites
multistory buildings.
that are not assigned to persons with disabilities should be
• At an accessible means of egress out of a building.
filled last, keeping them available in case they are needed.
Do not ask people who request or reserve an accessible site
Except for the requirement to post the VAN ACCESto state or show any type of verification of their disability.
SIBLE plaque at van accessible spaces, no other descriptive
Their vehicles are also not required to display a license plate
or placard indicating a disability. This site reservation and
assignment process complies with the court-ordered process
followed by hotels concerning their accessible rooms.
There is no legal requirement on federally managed
lands for ISA signs to be blue and white, even at parking
spaces. If ISA is used, post it on a vertical sign in accordance
with ABAAS, section 703.7, in high-contrast colors with
a nonglare finish. A cream or pale yellow ISA on a brown
background complies with this requirement and blends into
an outdoor setting.
If you want the local law enforcement agency to be able to
issue tickets for illegal parking at accessible parking spaces in
If a sign or kiosk has materials to be handled, such as
maps, brochures, fee envelopes, and so forth, design the sign
or kiosk so that the materials are displayed within the standard accessible reach ranges in accordance with ABAAS,
section 308, as explained in “Reach Ranges and Operability Requirements” of this guidebook. Provide clear floor or
ground spaces of 30 by 48 inches (760 by 1,220 millimeters)
to allow a forward or parallel approach.
Post the appropriate international symbols where various modes of alternative formats, communication, or adaptive
equipment are available. Large print, open captioning, sign
language interpreters, and so forth are each represented by a
specific symbol (figures 69 through 77).
parking lots, display ISA in blue and white to comply with the
Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), section 2B.39. Although their use is optional, the only approved
colors for pavement markings designating accessible parking
spaces are blue and white (MUTCD, section 3B.18).
If you have questions about applying any of the above
information, please contact your region’s recreation accessibility coordinator. Current contact information is available at
Figure 69—International
symbol for information.
Figure 72—International
symbol for video or film
with closed captions.
Figure 75—International
symbol to indicate sign
language interpretation is
Figure 70—International
symbol for teletypewriter
(also referred to as “TTY”).
Figure 73—International
symbol to indicate audio
description is available.
Figure 76—International
symbol to indicate large
print (18 point) material
is available.
Figure 71—International
symbol for a telephone with
volume control.
Figure 74—International
symbol to indicate an
assistive listening system
is available.
Figure 77—International
symbol to indicate
materials are available in
Recreation Site Layout
Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
Constructed Features in Recreation Sites
Constructed Features in Recreation Sites
All new constructed features at Forest Service recreation
sites must meet accessibility requirements. Depending on the
type of site, ensure all or a portion of the features are connected to the other features within the recreation site by an
outdoor recreation access route as explained in “Recreation
Site Layout” of this guidebook.
If constructed features are replaced, but the ground
under the feature isn’t changed, the surface and slope of the
ground under the feature doesn’t have to be brought into conformance with accessibility requirements for clear floor and
ground space. Because of the Forest Service policy of univer- Figure 78—At least two spaces must be accessible at a 10- to 18-foot
(3- to 5.5-meter) -long picnic table.
sal design and the cost savings inherent in accomplishing all
anticipated improvement work at an area at once, doing whatever is feasible to improve accessibility while you’re working from the ground or floor to the bottom of the tabletop. Toe
clearance of at least 9 inches (230 millimeters) above the
in the area is recommended.
ground or floor must extend at least an additional 5 inches
(25 millimeters) beyond the required knee clearance. Figure
79 illustrates the required knee and toe space. Toe clearance
Picnic Tables
is required to ensure that someone in a wheelchair is able to
All new picnic table installations must comply with
sit close to the tabletop, regardless of the design of the picnic
requirements for accessible seating spaces, table clearance,
slope, and surface. This is true whether the table is in a camp- table. If the table is constructed with one solid leg on each
ground, picnic area, or other recreation site. “Recreation Site end, as opposed to an A-shaped frame or two individual legs
on each end of the table that would allow the wheelchair to
Layout” explains how the tables in each of these types of
fit in between, the toes of a person in a wheelchair would hit
recreation sites must be connected to the other major constructed features at the recreation area. If the picnic tables are the table leg at the end of the 19-inch (485-millimeter) knee
space. Without additional toe clearance, a person in a wheelprovided on trails, ensure the routes connecting them to any
chair wouldn’t be able to get close enough to the tabletop to
other major constructed features in the area comply with the
use it comfortably.
technical requirements for trails.
The number of wheelchair seating spaces that must be
provided at each table is based on the length of the picnic
table (figure 78). Always ensure at least one wheelchair seating space. For larger tables, one wheelchair seating space is
required for each 24 linear feet (7.32 meters) of usable space
around the perimeter of the table. Practically speaking, tables
up to 9 feet (2.74 meters) long usually require one space.
Tables between 10 feet (3.05 meters) and 20 feet (6 meters)
long usually require two wheelchair spaces, and so on for
longer tables, such as four spaces for tables that are 40 feet
(12 meters) long.
Knee space for wheelchair seating must be at least 30
inches (760 millimeters) wide, 19 inches (485 millimeters)
deep, and 27 inches (685 millimeters) high, as measured
Figure 79—The requirements for knee and toe space at a picnic table.
Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
Ensure picnic tables are accessible.
Manufacturers often claim their tables are accessible
even though they don’t meet accessibility requirements. Check the dimensions to verify whether a table
is accessible.
Provide clear floor or ground space that is 30 inches
by 48 inches (760 millimeters by 1,220 millimeters) at each
wheelchair seating space, positioned to accommodate a forward approach to the table (figure 80). No exceptions to the
wheelchair seating space requirements are permitted.
Figure 80—The requirements for clear space at a picnic table.
In addition to the clear floor or ground space for each
wheelchair seating space, provide a 48-inch (1,220-millimeter)
clear floor or ground space around the usable portions of the
table (see figure 82). Measure table clearance from the table
seat out. You may reduce the table clear space to 36 inches
(915 millimeters) if there is a condition for an exception.
The slope of the required clear floor or ground space
for wheelchair seating spaces and for table clearance is not
allowed to exceed 1:48 (2 percent) in any direction. Slopes
not steeper than 1:33 (3 percent) are permitted, however,
where necessary for drainage on surfaces that are unpaved or
not built with boards. The surface of the clear floor or ground
space must be firm and stable. The type of surfacing used
should be appropriate to the setting and level of development.
Design for appropriate
picnic table height.
There is no height requirement in Forest Service
Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines for the
table top surface of a picnic table or the top of the
table benches. Architectural Barriers Act Accessibility
Standards require that tops of dining surfaces be 28
inches (710 millimeters) to 34 inches (865 millimeters) above the finished floor or ground. Table tops
may be constructed of a number of different materials, and some of them, such as heavy timbers, may be
quite thick. The knee space for wheelchair seating at
a picnic table must be at least 27 inches (685 millimeters) high. User comfort is important. Generally,
benches that are around 18 inches (457 millimeters)
above the ground with table top surfaces that are about
32 inches (813 millimeters) above the ground are reasonably comfortable for most people, accommodate
common picnic table construction materials, and meet
accessibility requirements.
If a condition for exception in an alteration project at an
existing site prohibits full compliance with a specific requirement for clear floor or ground space (surface, slope, size, or
location), the clear floor or ground space only has to comply
with requirements to the extent practicable.
Use different clear spaces for forward
and parallel approaches.
A forward approach means that the person is facing
the object (see figure 50). A parallel approach means
that the person is beside the object (see figure 51). People need different-sized spaces to position their wheelchairs in front of an object and beside an object. That
is why there are different clear floor or ground space
requirements for forward and parallel approaches.
Constructed Features in Recreation Sites
Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
Use the picnic tables recreationists prefer.
Constructed Features in Recreation Sites
The most popular accessible picnic tables look like ordinary 8-foot-long tables, but the legs are located slightly closer
to the center of the table so that they meet wheelchair seating
requirements at both ends. The benches are the same length
as the tabletop (figure 81). The benches that extend the same
length as the table top provide a seat at each corner beyond
the table leg. The four corner seats are prized by individuals
who may have difficulty stepping over the bench to be seated.
At the corner seats, a person simply slides in. Figures 82, 83,
and 84 show some examples of accessible tables that can be
built by contractors or Forest Service crews. The tables can
be locally constructed using the plans available at <http://> and also
available to Forest Service employees at <http://fsweb.wo.fs>. Use the links to view
the tables or to save AutoCAD drawings of the tables.
Figure 82—An accessible wood picnic table.
Figure 83—An accessible steel leg picnic table.
Figure 81—This picnic table at Nevada Beach day use area in the Lake
Tahoe Basin Management Unit is a popular design that allows people
who use wheelchairs to use either end without the appearance of “separate” space. A Forest Service shield is routed into the cross piece on each
end, adding to the design appeal.
Fire Rings, Grills, Fireplaces, and Wood Stoves
An outdoor recreation access route must connect fire
rings, grills, fireplaces or wood stoves that are provided in
recreation sites to the other major constructed features at the
recreation site. If the fire rings, grills, fireplaces, or wood
stoves are provided in an area accessed by rail (rather than
by vehicle), the routes connecting them to any other major
Figure 84—An accessible stone leg picnic table.
constructed features provided in the area must comply with
the technical requirements for trails.
Provide a clear floor or ground space around all usable
sides of a fire ring, grill, fireplace, or wood stove so that someone isn’t forced to get too close to the heat or fire and risk getting burned. The clear space must extend at least 48 inches
(1,220 millimeters) out from the feature and be at least 48
Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
Figure 86—This manufactured fire ring has an internal grate that elevates the
fire-building surface 9 inches (230 millimeters) above the ground. The mesh
ring above the fire-building grate allows enjoyment of the fire and allows air
supply to aid combustion. The cooking grate swings to the side for access to the
fire. Photo credit: Jamestown Advanced Products Corporation, Jamestown, NY
Figure 85—The requirements for height, clear space, and reach range for a
pedestal grill.
The slope of the clear floor or ground space must not
exceed 1:48 (2 percent) in any direction. When the surface is
unpaved or not built with boards, slopes 1:33 (3 percent) and
less are allowed where necessary for drainage. The surface of
the clear floor or ground space must be firm and stable, and the
surface material used should be appropriate to the setting and
level of development. However, if a condition for exception in
an alteration project at an existing site prohibits full compliance
with a specific requirement for clear floor or ground space (surface, slope, size, or location), the clear floor or ground space
only has to comply with requirements to the extent practicable.
Ensure the fire-building surface within a fire ring is a minimum of 9 inches (230 millimeters) above the floor or ground
surface. Figures 86 and 87 show fire-building surfaces above
the ground. This matches the low side reach range in ABAAS.
Some “fire rings” are not constructed features and don’t
meet the criteria for applying these requirements. For example, in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, people
Figure 87—The Prescott National Forest uses standard manufactured steel
fire rings on fire-hardened concrete bases so that the fire-building surface
meets accessibility requirements for height above the ground.
sometimes assemble rings of rocks at popular campsites
and build campfires in them. To reduce the risk of campfires
becoming uncontrolled fires, they may sometimes be allowed
to remain rather than being immediately dismantled by the
agency. The accessibility requirements for fire rings do not
apply to these temporary, user-built “fire rings.”
Controls and operating mechanisms for fire rings,
grills (figure 88), fireplaces, and wood stoves must meet the
requirements for reach ranges and operability specified in
ABAAS, sections 308 and 309 that are explained in “Reach
Ranges and Operability Requirements” of this guidebook.
Several fire ring and grill manufacturers make models that
comply with the reach range and operability requirements.
Constructed Features in Recreation Sites
inches (1,220 millimeters) wide. In many cases, a 48-inch
(1,220-millimeter) -wide ring of clear space must be provided
all around (figure 85), because all sides are usable. For instance,
if a pedestal grill can rotate 360 degrees and all positions along
that rotation are usable, the 48-inch (1,220-millimeter) clear
space must completely surround the grill. If the grill doesn’t
rotate, clear space is only required on the sides from which
access is needed to use the grill. Most fire rings are also usable
on all sides. This space may be reduced to 36 inches (915 millimeters) minimum where a condition for exception exists.
Constructed Features in Recreation Sites
Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
(865 millimeters) above the floor or ground surface (see figure 85). Practically speaking, the lower range of the required
height is associated with fire rings, not pedestal grills. Adjustable pedestal grills may be adjustable beyond the required
range, but must include adjustments within the specified
range. The adjustments don’t have to include the entire range
of acceptable heights for cooking surfaces.
Some outdoor fireplaces and custom-built fire rings have
a raised edge or wall around the fire-building area, perhaps
built out of bricks or mortared stone. In addition to meeting the requirement for a fire-building surface that is at least
9 inches (230 millimeters) above the ground or floor, make
sure the width of the raised edge or wall does not exceed 10
inches (255 millimeters). Figures 89, 90, and 91 illustrate the
requirements for fire rings and outdoor fireplaces.
Figure 88—This pedestal grill at a campground on
the Coconino National Forest works well for just
about everybody.
Accessible models of some other wood-burning devices are
not yet readily available. For these devices, compliance with
the accessibility requirements for operating controls isn’t
required until models that meet the requirements are readily
available from more than one source.
Ensure that each cooking surface, grill, and pedestal grill
meets the requirements for cooking surface height, clear floor
or ground space, slope, and surface. The height requirements
are based on the height for countertops and the minimum
low forward reach range in ABAAS. Ensure the height of the
cooking surface is 15 inches (380 millimeters) to 34 inches
Figure 89—The height, clear space, and reach range requirements for an
outdoor fireplace.
Install pedestal grills at
appropriate heights.
Most pedestal grills have adjustable cooking
heights. Make sure that the pedestal is installed at
a height that allows adjustments to include cooking
surfaces 34 inches above the ground or lower, but still
provide a reasonable clearance between the cooking
surface and the fire-building surface.
Figure 90—The height and reach requirements for custom-built fire rings.
Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
Tent Pads and Tent Platforms
Ensure that tent pads and tent platforms at single camping units in a recreation area meet the following requirements
and are connected to the area’s other major constructed features by an outdoor recreation access route. At least 20 percent (but not less than two) of the tent pads or tent platforms
in group camping units that contain more than one tent pad
or tent platform must meet the following requirements and be
connected to the area’s other major constructed features by an
outdoor recreation access route.
Provide a minimum 48-inch (1,220-millimeter) clear
floor or ground space on all sides of tents on tent pads and
platforms that are required to be accessible. Where there is
a condition for an exception, the clear floor or ground space
only has to meet the size requirement to the extent practicable.
There is no minimum tent pad size because the types of
tents commonly used in recreation sites vary widely in different parts of the country and even in different parts of a single
district. For example, at a campground near a wilderness
access point, small tents may be used. Large family tents may
be common at a more developed campground with numerous
constructed features.
Local campground managers are the best source of information about the size of tents commonly used in an area.
Adding the 48-inch (1,220-millimeter) or 36-inch (915-millimeter) clear space to the size of a typical tent will determine
the minimum size of tent pads and platforms for that campground. Designers may want to provide a range of tent pad or
platform sizes to accommodate a variety of tents.
tent pads or tent platforms is a local decision that should be
based on what is appropriate for the setting. If tent platforms
or raised tent pads are constructed, they must comply with the
Figure 92—The requirements for a tent pad.
Figure 93—Campers are pitching their tent on a surface that is both
accessible and appropriate for the setting.
Constructed Features in Recreation Sites
Figure 91—The height and reach requirements for manufactured steel fire rings.
Do not allow the slope of an accessible tent pad or platform to exceed 1:48 (2 percent) in any direction, except when
the surface isn’t paved or built with boards, the slope may be
up to 1:33 (3 percent) if needed for proper drainage. Figure
92 shows the requirements for tent pads and platforms.
Ensure the surface of an accessible tent pad or platform
is firm and stable, can accommodate the use of tent stakes or
other devices to secure the tent, and is made of a material that
is appropriate for the level of development and setting (figure
93). Where there is a condition for an exception, the surface
only has to be as firm and stable as is practicable.
FSORAG does not require any framed tent platforms or
raised tent pads to be constructed. The decision to construct
Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
previously explained clear space, slope, and surface requirements, as well as the following connection requirements.
Accessible surfaces for pitching tents may or may not be
at ground level. A level connection that meets outdoor recreation access route standards should be provided to groundlevel tent floor surfaces. For above-grade platforms or raised
tent pads, the outdoor recreation access route may either
slope up to the same level as the tent floor surface or end at a
clear space that is adjacent to and 17 to 19 inches (430 to 485
millimeters) lower than the tent floor surface. This height is
suitable for transferring from a wheelchair to the tent surface.
Constructed Features in Recreation Sites
Figure 94—The requirements for benches.
Ensure that all benches provided along Forest Service trails
or beach access routes or at Forest Service recreation sites (other
than those inside a building or in an amphitheater) meet the following requirements. Connect at least 20 percent of benches
at a Forest Service recreation area to the area’s other major
features by an outdoor recreation access route. Benches inside
buildings must comply with sections F221.2.1.1, F221.2.2, and
903 of ABAAS. Benches in amphitheaters must comply with
the requirements in ABAAS section F221 for assembly areas,
including wheelchair spaces, companion seats, designated aisle
seats, and lawn seating. Even if most benches in the amphitheater don’t have back support, consider providing it at the designated aisle seats required by ABAAS, section F221.4.
Ensure that the front edge of the bench seat is 17 to 19
inches (430 to 485 millimeters) above the ground or floor
space. When more than one bench is provided in a common
area such as a scenic overlook, at least half of the benches
must have back support that runs the full length of the bench.
Provide one armrest on at least half of the benches with
back support. Consider the visitors who will use a particular
area when deciding where to locate an armrest. For people
who have difficulty standing up from a seated position, having an armrest can be helpful. However, armrests on both ends
of the bench could prevent a person using a wheelchair from
being able to transfer onto the bench. A compromise design
is a bench with back support and one armrest placed in the
middle of the bench. Figure 94 shows a bench that meets these
requirements. Another option is to place a single armrest on the
end of the bench farthest from the clear floor or ground space.
All parts of the bench must be able to withstand 250
pounds (1,112 newtons) applied vertically or horizontally at
any point of the seat, fastener, mounting device, or supporting structure. This requirement is the same as the ABAAS
requirement for bench strength in section 903.6.
Provide a clear floor or ground space that is 36 by 48
inches (915 by 1,220 millimeters) adjacent to one end of
each bench. Do not allow this clear space to overlap the outdoor recreation access route, trail, or beach access route, so
that using the bench or clear space doesn’t limit travel past
the bench and vice versa. Locate the clear space to provide
shoulder alignment between a person sitting on the bench and
a person seated in a wheelchair occupying the clear space, so
that transfers to the bench are convenient and conversations
between people on the bench and beside it are comfortable.
Shoulder alignment generally can be achieved by positioning the back of the bench so that it is 8 inches (200 millimeters) closer to the outdoor recreation access route, trail, or
beach access route than the back of the required clear floor or
ground space adjacent to the end of the bench (see figure 94).
Do not allow the slope of the clear floor or ground space
to exceed 1:48 (2 percent) in any direction, except if the surface isn’t paved or built with boards, the slope may be up to
1:33 (3 percent) when needed for proper drainage. The surface must be firm and stable and made from a material that is
appropriate to the setting and level of development.
If a condition for exception in an alteration project at an
existing site prohibits full compliance with a specific requirement for clear floor or ground space (surface, slope, size, or
Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
operability specified in ABAAS, sections 308 and 309, and
explained in “Reach Ranges and Operability Requirements”
of this guidebook.
An exception is allowed for lids and operating controls
designed to deter large animals, such as grizzly bears (figure 96). Large animals pose a threat to humans when they
become accustomed to wandering through recreation sites
in search of food. Most containers equipped with accessible
controls and operating mechanisms can be opened by determined bears. Containers in recreation areas where bears and
other large animals pose a risk to humans don’t have to comply with accessibility provisions for operating controls until
accessible bear-proof containers are available from more than
Trash, Recycling, and Other Essential Containers
Many recreation areas have trash and recycling containers for visitors’ convenience to protect the environment or to
discourage visits to the area by wild animals. Some campgrounds also provide bear-resistant food storage containers.
Each container must meet the requirements that follow. If
containers are provided in a recreation site, connect them
to the area’s other major features by an outdoor recreation
access route. If containers are provided on trails, ensure that
one source. Dumpster type trash and recycling receptacles are
routes connecting those containers and the other major connot required to comply with the operability requirements.
structed features comply with technical requirements for
trails rather than outdoor recreation access routes.
In a multibin container, only half the bins for each purpose
must meet the accessibility requirements. For example, if a
trash container has four separate compartments, only two of the
compartments are required to meet the technical requirements.
But all the bins of a recycling container with four separate bins
to collect four different types of recyclable materials must meet
the requirements. Figure 95 illustrates these requirements.
Provide a clear floor or ground space that is either 36
inches (914 millimeters) by 48 inches (1,220 millimeters)
positioned for a forward approach or 30 inches (760 millimeters) by 60 inches (1,525 millimeters) positioned for a
side approach to the receptacle opening at each container.
The clear space may overlap the clear space for adjacent con- Figure 95—The requirements for trash and recycling containers.
tainers. It must be adjacent to and may overlap the outdoor
recreation access route. The slope of the clear space must not
be steeper than 1:48 (2 percent) in any direction. When the
surface is unpaved or not built with boards, slopes not steeper
than 1:33 (3 percent) are allowed if necessary for drainage.
Ensure the surface is firm and stable and made from a material consistent with the setting and level of development.
However, if a condition for exception in an alteration project
at an existing site prohibits full compliance with a specific
requirement for clear floor or ground space (surface, slope,
size, or location), the clear floor or ground space only has to
comply with requirements to the extent practicable.
Ensure controls and operating mechanisms for containers
96—Grizzly bears have the power and persistence to get food that is
comply with the technical requirements for reach ranges and Figure
not secured properly.
Constructed Features in Recreation Sites
location), the clear floor or ground space only has to comply
with requirements to the extent practicable.
Constructed Features in Recreation Sites
Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
Telescopes and Periscopes
Viewing areas are sometimes equipped with mounted telescopes or periscopes to provide the visitor with a better view
of a point of interest. Whenever a telescope or periscope is provided, ensure that a separate telescope or periscope is available
for use from a standing position (60 inches above the floor or
ground surface is suggested) and from a seated position at each
distinct viewing location. This allows all visitors to experience views similarly. Telescopes and periscopes that are usable
from a seated position will provide the widest range of viewing opportunities for seated individuals, as well as children and
people of short stature. The telescopes or periscopes at each
location can be mounted separately or on the same pedestal.
Telescopes or periscopes for use from a seated position must
be connected to the other major constructed features at the recreation area by an outdoor recreation access route and meet the
following requirements.
Ensure that controls and operating mechanisms for telescopes and periscopes usable from a seated position comply
with the technical requirements for reach ranges and operability specified in ABAAS, sections 308 and 309, as explained in
“Reach Ranges and Operability Requirements” of this guidebook. The eyepiece of each telescope or periscope usable from
a seated position must be 43 inches (1,090 millimeters) minimum and 51 inches (1,295 millimeters) maximum above the
floor or ground surface. Although not required, an adjustable
scope mount is ideal for accessible viewing. Figure 97 shows
one way to configure an accessible telescope area.
Provide a clear floor or ground space that is adjacent to
(and may overlap) an outdoor recreation access route at all
Figure 97—Requirements for viewing areas with telescopes and periscopes.
accessible telescopes and periscopes so that someone using a
wheelchair or other assistive device can approach and move
around them. This maneuvering space must be at least 36
inches by 48 inches (915 millimeters by 1,220 millimeters).
Position the clear floor or ground space for a forward approach
to the telescope or periscope and so that the eyepiece of the
telescope or periscope is centered on the space. Provide knee
and toe clearance complying with ABAAS, section 306, under
the telescope or periscope (figure 98). Knee space under the
telescope or periscope must be at least 30 inches (760 millimeters) wide, 19 inches (485 millimeters) deep, and 27 inches
(685 millimeters) high, as measured from the ground or floor
to the bottom of the structure that supports the telescope or
periscope. Toe clearance of at least 9 inches (230 millimeters)
above the ground or floor must extend at least an additional 6
inches (150 millimeters) beyond the required knee clearance.
Figure 98—Requirements for knee and toe space at telescopes and periscopes.
Do not allow the slope of the clear floor or ground space
to exceed 1:48 (2 percent). However, when the surface is
unpaved or not built with boards, grades not steeper than
1:33 (3 percent) in any direction are allowed if required for
proper drainage. Ensure the surface of the maneuvering space
is firm, stable, and made from a material appropriate to the
level of development and setting.
If a condition for exception in an alteration project at an
existing site prohibits full compliance with a specific requirement for clear floor or ground space (surface, slope, size, or
location), the clear floor or ground space only has to comply
with requirements to the extent practicable.
Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
Figure 99—This illustration of an electrical connection shows the
requirements for campground utilities.
Constructed Features in Recreation Sites
Utilities at Recreation Sites
In general, connect electricity hookups, drinking water
faucets, outdoor rinsing showers, utility sinks, sewer hookups, and other utilities that are provided in recreation sites to
the other major constructed features at the recreation area by
an outdoor recreation access route and ensure they meet the
following requirements. However, if a condition for exception in an alteration project at an existing site prohibits full
compliance with a specific requirement for clear floor or
ground space (surface, slope, size, or location), the clear floor
or ground space only has to comply with requirements to the
extent practicable.
Ensure controls and operating mechanisms for utilities
comply with the technical requirements for reach ranges and
operability specified in ABAAS, sections 308 and 309, which
are explained in “Reach Ranges and Operability Requirements” of this guidebook. Sewage hookups don’t have to
comply with the reach ranges of ABAAS, section 308 or
operation requirements of section 309, but the slope and surface requirements must still be met.
Provide a clear floor or ground space of at least 30 by 60
inches (760 by 1,525 millimeters) oriented for front or parallel approach to all usable sides of utilities, except at water
hydrants and outdoor rinsing showers. Hydrants and showers
have their own requirements that are explained after this section. One full side of the clear floor or ground space around
utilities must be adjacent to or overlap the outdoor recreation
access route. The clear space also may overlap adjacent clear
spaces. Figures 99 and 100 illustrate this requirement.
Ensure the slope of the clear space required at utilities and water hydrants does not exceed 1:48 (2 percent) in
any direction. When the surface is unpaved or not built with
boards, grades up to 1:33 (3 percent) are allowed if needed
for proper drainage. The surface of the clear space must be
firm, stable, and made of a material that is appropriate to the
level of development and setting.
Ensure openings in the surface of the clear floor or
ground spaces are not big enough to allow passage of a
sphere more than a half of an inch (13 millimeter) in diameter. Place elongated openings more than a quarter of an inch
wide with the long dimension perpendicular to the primary
direction of travel.
Figure 100—The clear space for utilities can overlap at campsites.
Water Hydrants
Water hydrants, including water faucets on posts and
handpumps are the outdoor devices from which people obtain
drinking water. The opening where the water discharges is
called a water spout. Locate water spouts between 28 inches
(710 millimeters) and 36 inches (915 millimeters) above the
ground or floor surface on the edge of a clear space that is at
least 72 inches (1,830 millimeters) by 48 inches (1,220 millimeters). This clear space must be located with its long side
adjoining (and may overlap) an outdoor recreation access
route, trail, beach access route, or another clear ground space.
This permits a forward or parallel approach to the water
spout and allows enough room for someone in a wheelchair
to turn around and leave. Locate water spouts 11 inches (280
Constructed Features in Recreation Sites
Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
millimeters) minimum and 12 inches (305 millimeters) maximum from the rear center of the long side of the clear space.
The requirements for the surface and slope of the clear space
are the same as for other utilities.
If the water hydrant is an unusual design with the handle
and spout on different sides of the post, be sure that people
can access both sides. In addition, if drainage grates are provided, ensure that the openings in the grates comply with the
outdoor recreation access route provision for openings. Figure 101 illustrates these requirements.
Standard handpumps require a force greater than 5
pounds (2.2 newtons) and a long reach to operate. Until handpumps that meet the accessibility standard for operating controls while adequately accessing the water supply are available from more than one source, handpumps are exempt from
the requirements for reach ranges and operability in ABAAS,
sections 308 and 309.4.
The Forest Service’s technology and development program has produced an accessible handpump that can be used
when a well is 40 feet (12 meters) deep or less. This pump
should be considered for new or replacement shallow well
installations when the accessible pump meets the technical specifications for the water supply. A deeper well pump
is under development. Information about the commercially
manufactured accessible handpumps (figure 102) is available
on the Forest Service’s internal computer network at <http://> or on
the World Wide Web at <
Clean water tests, energy efficiency, and accessibility
compliance can be achieved at most locations using solar
powered pumps. The Superior National Forest in northern
Minnesota (see figure 18) and the Okanogan-Wenatchee
National Forest in eastern Washington (figure 103) are among
the forests that have successfully used solar pump systems
for a number of years in campgrounds and picnic areas of
all sizes. The water spout control for solar pumps easily can
be designed to require 5 pounds (2.2 newtons) of pressure or
less using one closed fist (figure 104) to provide a sustainable
flow of accessible water.
Figure 101—The requirements for water hydrants.
Figure 102—An accessible handpump developed
by the Missoula Technology and Development
Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
Figure 103—Solar water pumps and batteries can
be housed in small pedestal enclosures and powered
by solar panels on an adjacent pole.
If self-closing controls or operating mechanisms are used,
the controls must remain open for at least 10 seconds.
Each accessible outdoor rinsing shower must have a clear
floor or ground space at least 60 inches by 60 inches (1,525
millimeters by 1,525 millimeters). Locate the clear space so
that the shower pedestal or wall to which the showerhead is
attached is at the center back of the clear space so that the
water from the showerhead is directed toward the center of the
clear space. The requirements for surface, slope, and openings
in the clear space are the same as for other utilities. Accessible
outdoor rising showers must be connected to the area’s other
major features by an outdoor recreation access route.
Figure 104—A solar pump provides pressure for this water spigot. A camper
uses accessible controls to fill his coffee pot.
Outdoor Rinsing Showers
Outdoor showers permit people to rinse off sand, dirt,
and debris. They are not intended for bathing. They generally
don’t offer privacy, and people usually are not permitted to
disrobe when using them.
If outdoor rinsing showers are provided in a recreation
site, provide at least one hand-held shower spray unit with
a hose 59 inches (1,500 millimeters) long minimum. The
hand-held shower spray must have at least one fixed position
Figure 105—The requirements for outdoor rinsing showers.
Constructed Features in Recreation Sites
located 15 inches minimum (380 millimeters) and 48 inches
(1,220 millimeters) maximum above the clear ground space.
Because hand-held showerheads are vulnerable to vandalism and breakage, they are not a durable design choice for
some recreation sites. In these cases, provide a low shower
accessible to someone in a seated position and a high shower
accessible to someone who is standing (figure 105). Both
showers must meet the clear floor and ground space and outdoor recreation access route requirements that follow. For a
low outdoor rinsing shower, mount a fixed showerhead 48
inches (1,220 millimeters) above the ground or floor. For a
high outdoor rinsing shower, mount a fixed showerhead at
least 72 inches (1,830 millimeters) above the ground or floor.
Buildings in Recreation Sites
Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
Utility Sinks
A utility sink is deeper than a standard restroom basin or
kitchen sink and can be used to clean large pots or equipment.
Usually, utility sinks are provided only in highly developed
recreation areas. If utility sinks are provided in a recreation
facility that also contains a cook top or conventional range, at
least 5 percent (but not less than 1) in each accessible room or
space must comply with the following requirements. Utility
sinks don’t have to comply with these requirements if they’re
located in a space without a cook top or range.
Ensure that the height of the counter or rim surrounding
the utility sink is not more than 34 inches (865 millimeters)
above the ground or floor space and that the bottom of the
bowl is at least 15 inches (380 millimeters) above the ground
or floor space. The requirements for surface, slope, and openings in the clear space are the same as for other utilities.
If hot water is provided, wrap or shield the pipes to prevent someone from accidentally coming in contact with hot
pipes. Ensure that sink controls and operating mechanisms
comply with the technical requirements for reach ranges and
operability specified in ABAAS, sections 308 and 309, and
that water spouts are 28 inches (710 millimeters) to 36 inches
(915 millimeters) above the ground or floor. Figure 106 illustrates these requirements.
However, some buildings are only found in the outdoor recreation environment, such as camp shelters and pit toilets. Accessibility requirements for those buildings are explained below.
Camp Shelters
Camp shelters are small structures typically enclosed on
three sides with a roof or overhang. They are often located on
trails. Figure 107 shows a typical camp shelter that provides
some protection from the weather. Camp shelters aren’t cabins. Cabins are typically fully enclosed and must comply with
ABAAS, section 806 for transient lodging.
Figure 107—The entrance to the Three Lakes camp shelter at the Tongass
National Forest is level with the ground.
Figure 106—The requirements for utility sinks.
Buildings in Recreation Sites
Permanent buildings with walls, roof, and a door at
recreation areas must meet all the applicable provisions of
ABAAS, as well as those of other applicable building codes.
Ensure that each camp shelter meets the following requirements, except in two circumstances. If a condition for an
exception prohibits full compliance with a specific technical requirement in FSORAG, section 6.1, the camp shelter
only has to comply with the specific requirement to the extent
practicable. When more than two camp shelters are grouped
together in a camping unit, only 20 percent of them (but never
less than two) are required to meet the requirements. For example, if five camp shelters are grouped, 20 percent is one shelter.
Because of the minimum number required, however, this group
must include at least two shelters that meet the requirements.
However, in a group of 15 shelters, 20 percent is 3 shelters. At
the least, three shelters must meet the requirements. Remember
that the requirements are minimums, and the Forest Service
commitment to universal design dictates that as many shelters
as is practicable should meet the requirements.
Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
adjoin or overlap the trail or outdoor recreation access route
(as applicable) or another clear ground space. When a condition for an exception prohibits full compliance with the clear
ground requirement, the clear ground space only has to comply to the extent practicable.
Ensure that the surface of the clear floor or ground space
at the open entrance side of the shelter and the floor of the
shelter is firm, stable, and does not slope more than 2 percent (1:48) in any direction. However, when the surface is
unpaved or not built with boards, slopes 5 percent (1:20) or
less are allowed if necessary for drainage.
When the floor at the entrance to the camp shelter is
raised above the ground, ensure that the floor is 17 inches
(430 millimeters) minimum to 19 inches (485 millimeters)
maximum, higher than the adjoining clear space at the open
entrance side (figure 108). This height must be maintained
for a length of at least 48 inches (1,220 millimeters) beside
the clear space so that someone using a wheelchair or other
assistive device can transfer to the floor of the shelter.
If the camp shelter has a level entry, provide a turning space that is 60 inches (1,525 millimeters) minimum in
diameter (see figure 62) or is T-shaped with a minimum 60by 36-inch (1,525- by 915-millimeter) arm and a minimum
36-inch (915-millimeter) -wide by 24-inch (610-millimeter) -long base (see figure 63) inside the camp shelter. This
requirement is the same as ABAAS, section 304.3. The clear
space and turning space allows someone using a wheelchair
or other assistive device to approach and move about the
camp shelter.
Figure 108—The entrance to the Hunter Station camp shelter at the Allegheny National Forest is raised above the ground.
The floor surface within the camp shelter must be firm
and stable and must not slope more than 2 percent (1:48) in
any direction. If amenities such as tables or wood stoves are
provided in camp shelters, they must meet the requirements
of FSORAG, section 5.
Toilet Buildings and Pit Toilets
Toilet buildings are provided for visitor convenience and
comfort in recreation sites that meet the criteria for level 3 or
higher on the recreation site development scale. Vault toilets,
flush toilets, or composting toilets are typical at these sites.
Regardless of the waste disposal system or design of the
building, make sure they meet the requirements of ABAAS.
Specifically, toilet buildings at developed recreation sites
with only one riser must comply with the requirements for
toilet room size and clearances in section 603 of ABAAS
and with the requirements for toilet seats, grab bars, controls,
and dispensers in sections 604.4, 604.5, 604.6, and 604.7 of
ABAAS. Toilet buildings with multiple risers must comply
with all of section 604 of ABAAS. If washing sinks, showers,
or other amenities are provided in toilet buildings, or separate
changing or shower buildings, they must also comply with
the appropriate sections of ABAAS. When designing toilet
buildings, be careful not to confuse the requirements for toilet
stalls with those for single riser toilet rooms.
Pit toilets are located in remote areas. They are provided primarily for resource protection, rather than for visitor
Buildings in Recreation Sites
Connect camp shelters located on trails to the other constructed features at the site by a trail that meets the technical requirements in FSTAG. Connect camp shelters that are
located in a campground and are not on a trail to other constructed features in the camping unit and to the common use
features that are provided at the campground, such as toilets,
showers, water hydrants, garbage receptacles, parking spaces,
and beach access by an outdoor recreation access route.
Provide a clear floor or ground space at least 36 inches
(915 millimeters) by 48 inches (1,220 millimeters) at the
entrance to the camp shelter. The long side of the clear floor
or ground space must be parallel to the camp shelter entrance.
One full, unobstructed side of the clear ground space must
Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
Buildings in Recreation Sites
convenience and comfort. Pit toilets are primitive outhouses
that may consist simply of a hole dug in the ground covered by
a toilet riser (figure 109). The pit toilet riser may or may not be
surrounded by walls and may or may not have a roof. Pit toilets
may be permanent installations or they may be moved from one
location to another as the hole is filled or the area has become
overused. Waste disposal in pit toilets may be directly into the
ground (pit) or may include moldering or composting processes.
Figure 109—A fiberglass riser for a pit toilet in the
Boundary Waters Canoe Area.
Do not confuse pit toilets with toilet buildings. Pit toilets
are only provided in low development areas where it has been
determined that they are necessary for resource or environmental
protection. Pit toilets are never appropriate in a Forest Service
recreation site with a development scale level of 3 or higher.
Ensure each pit toilet meets the following requirements
and is connected to the area’s other major constructed features by an outdoor recreation access route. Connect pit
toilets that are provided on trails to the area’s other major
constructed features by a route that complies with the trail
specifications rather than an outdoor recreation access route.
The design of pit toilets varies widely depending on the
setting, the amount of expected use, and the system used to
manage the waste. If an accessible pit toilet has walls, a floor,
a door, or a roof, these components must comply with the
appropriate provisions of ABAAS as follows.
If the pit toilet has a riser and toilet seat, ensure that the
total height of that seat and the riser it rests on is 17 to 19
inches (430 to 485 millimeters) above the ground or floor.
If the pit toilet has lightweight privacy screens or has no
walls, ensure that the riser has vertical or nearly vertical sides
and a flat area on each side of the seat that is about 3 inches
(75 millimeters) wide.
For pit toilets with lightweight privacy screens or no
walls, provide a clear floor or ground space that is at least 60
inches (1,525 millimeters) wide and 56 inches (1,420 millimeters) deep. Of the required width of clear floor space,
ensure that only 16 to 18 inches (405 to 455 millimeters) is
on one side of the centerline of the riser; the rest must be on
the other side. The depth of the clear space is measured from
the back of the riser and extends in front of the riser (figure
110). If these clear space requirements can’t be met due to a
condition for an exemption, then the clear space must meet
the technical requirements to the extent practicable.
If there are sturdy walls around the pit toilet riser, standard riser dimensions, placement, and grab bars are required
as shown in ABAAS, sections 603, 604, and 609. Grab bar
size, strength, finish, and position requirements are explained
in “Grab Bars” of this guidebook.
Grab bars must comply with the reach ranges required in
ABAAS, section 308, and explained in “Reach Ranges and
Operability Requirements” of this guidebook. As required in
ABAAS, section 604.5, grab bars for toilets must be installed in
Figure 110—The requirements for clear space at an unenclosed toilet.
Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
Figure 112—The requirements for a T-shaped turning space for a pit toilet
enclosed by walls.
When there are walls, ensure doorways or wall openings that provide entrance to the toilet have a minimum clear
width of 32 inches (815 millimeters), in compliance with
ABAAS, section 404.2.3. Door swings must not obstruct the
clear floor space inside the pit toilet. Doors that open out
or slide use space efficiently to provide the required interior clear space, but they are not allowed to block the access
route to the building. Ensure door hardware, such as handles,
Figure 111—The grab bar placement requirements for pit toilets enclosed by
For pit toilets enclosed by walls, make sure the back of
the riser is against the wall behind the riser. Provide a clear
floor space that is at least 60 inches (1,525 millimeters) wide
and 56 inches (1,420 millimeters) deep around the toilet.
Of the required width of clear floor space, ensure that
only 16 to 18 inches (405 to 455 millimeters) on one side of
the centerline of the riser, and the rest is on the other side.
Provide turning space of at least 60 inches (1,525 millimeters) in diameter or T-shaped with a minimum 60- by 36-inch
(1,525- by 915-millimeter) arm and a minimum 36-inch
(915-millimeter) -wide by 24-inch (610-millimeter) -long
base. This requirement is the same as ABAAS, section 304.3.
Portions of the turning space may overlap the toilet clear
floor space (figure 112).
Do not use grab bars
with privacy screens.
Lightweight privacy screens are sometimes provided
for pit toilets in remote general forest areas. Screens may
be provided in areas where vegetation or terrain doesn’t
provide enough privacy but where walls or sturdier
enclosures would significantly change the recreational
setting or adversely impact significant natural features or
where it is difficult and expensive to pack in conventional construction materials. These screens may be made
from tent fabric or other lightweight materials and have
only enough structural strength to stay upright.
Never attach grab bars to privacy screens. Screens
do not have enough strength to support a 250-pound
(1,112-newton) load on the grab bars. Instead, position
the screens outside the clear area required around the
toilet to allow unobstructed access to the toilet area.
Buildings in Recreation Sites
a horizontal position, 33 to 36 inches (840 to 915 millimeters)
above the finished floor, measured to the top of the gripping
Ensure the grab bar beside the riser is at least 42 inches
(1,065 millimeters) long, is located no more than 12 inches
(305 millimeters) from the wall behind the toilet, and extends
at least 54 inches (1,370 millimeters) from the rear wall. The
grab bar behind the riser must be at least 36 inches (915 millimeters) long and extend from the centerline of the water
closet at least 12 inches (305 millimeters) on the side closest
to the side wall grab bar and at least 24 inches (610 millimeters) on the other side (figure 111).
Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
Edge protection may be used for inclines
in outdoor recreation environments.
Getting to the Water—Beach Access Routes
Edge protection is a raised curb, wall, railing, or
other structure that defines the edge of a travel surface
and helps keep people on the travel surface. Edge
protection is not required for accessibility, and it is not
usually desirable in outdoor environments. However,
edge protection may be desirable for safety or other
reasons; it should be a little higher in an outdoor environment than in an urban environment. It isn’t as easy
to see or detect objects near the ground in an outdoor
environment, so edge protection curbs should be at
least 3 inches (76 millimeters) high (see figure 46).
pulls, latches, and locks, complies with the technical requirements for reach ranges and operability specified in ABAAS
sections, 308 and 309 and explained in “Reach Ranges and
Operability Requirements.”
Whether the pit toilet has walls or not, make sure the
slope of the turning space and the clear floor or ground space
does not exceed 1:48 (2 percent) in any direction. When the
surface is unpaved or not built with boards, grades 1:33 (3
percent) or less in any direction are allowed if required for
proper drainage. Provide a surface that is firm, stable, and
made from material appropriate to the setting and level of
development. When there is a condition for an exception that
prohibits full compliance with the slope or surface requirements, they only have to be met to the extent practicable.
Locate the entrance to each pit toilet at ground level wherever possible. For instance, composting and moldering toilets
have a “basement” area where waste is processed. The need to
service the area under the riser may make it difficult to provide
a ground level entrance to the toilet. In other areas, surface
bedrock, permafrost, or other ground conditions make it difficult to dig a pit. In situations where the pit toilet is elevated
above the ground surface, make sure any inclined access from
the connecting outdoor recreation access route or trail to the
entrance of the toilet structure is firm and stable, at least 36
inches (915 millimeters) wide, and not more than a 1:12 (8.33
percent) slope to the extent practicable. If an inclined connection meeting these requirements isn’t practicable because of a
condition for exception, steps are permitted—but only as a last
resort. Provide a landing at least 60 inches by 60 inches (1,220
millimeters by 1,220 millimeters) outside the entrance door to
the toilet structure. Because it is an outdoor recreation environment, make sure the inclined surface is firm and stable. It
doesn’t have to be slip-resistant, and handrails aren’t required.
Getting to the Water—Beach Access Routes
Beach access routes allow pedestrians to get across the
beach so they can play, swim, or participate in other beachrelated activities. A beach access route is a continuous unobstructed path that crosses the surface of the beach and provides
pedestrian access to the water. Section 6 of FSORAG explains
the requirements for beach access routes. Because beach
access routes and outdoor recreation access routes perform
similar functions, the requirements are similar.
Beaches are grouped into three general types:
• Tidal beaches (figure 113)
• River beaches (figure 114)
• Lake, pond, and reservoir beaches (figure 115)
Beach access routes must extend from an outdoor recreation access route or other beach entry point to the high tide
level at tidal beaches, mean high water level at river beaches,
and the normal recreation water level at lake, pond, and reservoir beaches.
Beach access routes are required when dune crossings,
stairways, or ramps leading from boardwalks to the beach
are constructed or altered; when parking facilities, pedestrian routes, toilet facilities or bathing facilities that serve
the beach are constructed or altered; or when a beach nourishment project is undertaken. They must coincide with or
be located in the same area as other pedestrian access to the
beach. Employ universal design wherever possible so that all
visitors use the same route to get to the water (figure 116).
Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
Figure 116—Everybody ought to be able to get to
the beach.
Figure 114—The mean high water level at a river.
When beach access routes are required, provide them for
each half mile of managed shoreline. However, the number
of beach access routes doesn’t have to exceed the number of
pedestrian beach access points that are provided. Beach access
routes are not required where pedestrian access to the beach is
not allowed. Beach access routes associated with beach nourishment projects are only required up to an expenditure of 20
percent of the costs of the beach nourishment project.
Removable beach access routes can be moved to a protected storage area during storms and other periods when the
routes are subject to damage. Removable beach access routes
are not required to comply with the slope and resting interval
technical requirements. Use temporary beach access route
surfaces as necessary where restrictive permits are required
in coastal and shoreline areas where seasonal tides or high
flows would remove a permanent structure, or in areas where
the beach erodes or builds up each season, quickly turning a
permanent beach access route into a hazard. Vehicular access
or access provided by an assistive device isn’t an acceptable
temporary beach access route.
Figure 115—The normal recreation water level at a lake.
Getting to the Water—Beach Access Routes
Figure 113—The high tide level at a coastal beach.
Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
Extend beach access routes to a
reasonable point on the beach.
Getting to the Water—Beach Access Routes
Access to the water at tidal beaches will vary considerably depending on geographic locations because
the difference between low and high tides will vary
from place to place. For example, a beach in Alaska
may experience tidal differences of up to 30 feet (9
meters); beaches in Florida will have much smaller
differences between the tides. The high tide mark is a
reasonable location to stop constructed features; they
are much more likely to wash out below this point.
The same general guidance applies to mean high water
level at rivers and the normal recreation water level at
In some locations, it may make sense to continue
the beach access route below the mean high water
level or normal recreation water level. In locations
with significant variations in water level through the
recreation season, visitors appreciate extended access
routes where they can be constructed (figure 117).
Figure 117—Some beach access routes are partly inundated every year.
Exceptions to the Guidelines That Apply to Beach
Access Routes
When a condition for an exception prohibits full compliance with a specific technical requirement on a portion
of a beach access route, that portion of the beach access
route must still comply with the requirement to the extent
practicable. (See “Using the Conditions for an Exception in
FSORAG.”) Document the reason that full compliance wasn’t
achieved and file it with the project records for the construction or alteration project.
Notifying the U.S. Access Board About Exemptions
Infrequently, an entire beach access route must be
exempted from the technical requirements because extreme
or numerous conditions for exemptions make it impractical
to provide a route that meets the requirements. In these
cases, document the reason for the exemption, the date of
the decision, and the names of the individuals who made
the decision. Retain documentation with the records for the
construction or alteration project. Notify the U.S. Access
Board of the determination and the reason for that decision.
Contact information for the U.S. Access Board is available at
The U.S. Access Board has drafted a form that may be
used to document and submit an exemption decision. The
form will be available at <
-developed-areas> when the U.S. Access Board final guidelines are published.
Surface and Clear Tread Width on Beach Access
A beach access route must have a firm, stable surface,
and have a clear tread width of 60 inches (1,525 millimeters)
Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
or is built with boards, the slope is not allowed to be steeper
than 1:48 (2 percent) in any direction.
Tread Obstacles on Beach Access Routes
Tread obstacles on a beach access route must not be
more than 1 inch (25 millimeters) high. When the surface of
the beach access route is paved or is built with boards, tread
obstacles must not be more than a half of an inch (13 millimeters) high. Where possible, ensure obstacles on beach
access routes are separated by at least 48 inches (1,220 millimeters) so people who use wheelchairs can maneuver around
the obstacles.
Openings in Beach Access Routes
Openings are gaps in the surface of a beach access route.
Gaps include spaces between the planks on a boardwalk and
drainage holes in temporary or permanent surfaces. Openings that are big enough to allow wheels, cane or crutch tips,
or shoe heels to drop through or get stuck are hazards that
shouldn’t exist in pedestrian routes. Openings up to a half of
an inch (13 millimeters) wide are permitted. Place elongated
openings more than a quarter of an inch wide with the long
dimension perpendicular or diagonal to the primary direction
of travel (see figure 44).
Table 4—Beach access route running slope and segment length.
Running Slopes on Beach Access Routes
Steeper than
But not Steeper than
Maximum Length of Segment
Between Resting Intervals
1:20 (5 percent)
1:12 (8.33 percent)
50 feet (15 meters)
1:12 (8.33 percent)
1:10 (10 percent)
30 feet (9 meters)
Getting to the Water—Beach Access Routes
Slopes and Resting Intervals for Beach Access
Running slope, also referred to as “grade,” is the lengthwise slope of a beach access route, parallel to the direction
of travel. Sections of beach access route of any length are
allowed to have a running slope ratio of up to 1:20 (5 percent grade) (see figure 37). Steeper terrain may make this
slope difficult to achieve. Many visitors can negotiate steeper
slopes for short distances, so running slopes up to 1:12 (8.33
percent) are permitted for up to 50 feet (15 meters), and running slopes of up to 1:10 (10 percent) are permitted for up to
30 feet (9 meters). To ensure that the beach access route isn’t
designed as a series of steep segments, no more than 15 percent of the total length of the beach access route may exceed
a slope of 1:12 (8.33 percent), as shown in table 4.
Cross slopes—the side-to-side slope of a beach access
route—are not allowed to exceed 1:33 (3 percent, see figure
37). When the surface is paved or is built with boards, the
cross slope is not allowed to be steeper than 1:48 (2 percent).
Resting intervals are relatively level areas that provide an
opportunity for people to catch their breath before continuing along the beach access route. These intervals are required
between each segment of the beach access route any time
the running slope exceeds 1:20 (5 percent). A resting interval
must be at least 60 inches (1,525 millimeters) by 60 inches
(1,525 millimeters).
The slopes of a resting interval are not allowed to exceed
1:33 (3 percent) in any direction. When the surface is paved
Getting to the Water—Beach Access Routes
Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
Protruding Objects on Beach Access Routes
Outdoor accessibility guidelines define protruding
objects as constructed features such as signs that extend
into the clear width area of a beach access route or resting interval and are between 27 inches (685 millimeters)
and 80 inches (2,030 millimeters) above the travel surface. Do not allow constructed features to extend more
than 4 inches (100 millimeters) into the clear width area
(see figure 45). Constructed features that extend into the
travel way of a beach access route from the side or from
overhead can be hazardous to people who are paying more
attention to their companions than the travel route, as well
as to people who are blind or have low vision.
Accessibility guidelines do not consider natural elements such as tree branches and rock formations to be protruding objects. Provide and maintain clearance from natural
elements around beach access routes in accordance with
your unit’s standards; keep in mind overhanging hazards to
people who are blind or have low vision or are not focused
on the route ahead.
Elevated Dune Crossings
A dune crossing that is elevated or has a slope that
exceeds 1:20 (5 percent) that is part of a beach access
route must have handrails and edge protection (figure
118). Locate handrails continuously along both sides of
the dune crossing at a height of 34 inches (865 millimeters) to 38 inches (965 millimeters) above the walking
surface. Ensure the handrails are easy to grip and comply
with all the other requirements in ABAAS, section 505.
Provide a curb or barrier directly under the handrail that
would prevent a 2-inch (50-millimeter) sphere on, or up
to 2 inches (50 millimeters) above, the dune crossing surface from rolling under the handrail. The clear width of
elevated dune crossings may be narrower than the rest
of the beach access route, but must be at least 48 inches
(1,220 millimeters). Resting intervals are not required on
elevated dune crossings. Consider including resting intervals similar to those for outdoor recreation access routes if
the elevated crossing is steeper than 1:20 (5 percent).
Figure 118—The requirements for width, handrails, and edge protection on
an elevated beach access route.
Gates and Barriers on Beach Access Routes
If gates or barriers are constructed to control access to
beach access routes, include openings wide enough to allow
hiker passage. Refer to the FSORAG for the technical provisions
for gates and barriers. These requirements are also explained
in “Getting From Here to There—Outdoor Recreation Access
Routes” of this guidebook.
Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
Getting to the Water—Beach Access Routes
Getting to the Water—Beach Access Routes
Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
Applying the Forest Service Trails Accessibility Guidelines
Applying the Forest Service Trails Accessibility Guidelines
opportunities to highly developed interpretive trails, popular
scenic overlooks, and more remote areas will be options for
everyone (figure 119).
trail that meets most of the accessibility requirements.
FSTAG doesn’t apply to existing trails unless there is
a change in the purpose, intent, or function of the trail—an
alteration, in other words. It doesn’t apply to trails designed
for all-terrain vehicle (ATV), equestrian, or any other nonpedestrian use. FSTAG only applies to trails that have been
designed for “Hiker/Pedestrian” use in accordance with the
Federal Trail Data Standards (FTDS). Information about
FTDS is available at <>.
FSTAG doesn’t prescribe different “levels of accessibility” based on trail class or any other grouping criteria. FSTAG
provides guidance for maximizing accessibility, while recognizing and protecting the unique characteristics of the natural
setting, level of development, and purpose of each trail.
Cost is not a valid reason for failing to make a trail
accessible. (See BUDGET TIP—Extra cost is not an excuse.,
page 31.) FSTAG won’t apply to most portions of existing
primitive, long-distance trails. It may, however, apply to new
segments that pass through developed areas. FSTAG recognizes, however, that there is no real benefit in making a newly
constructed or altered trail in the backcountry accessible if
the only way to get to it is by using an existing trail that isn’t
accessible and probably can’t be made accessible.
By applying FSTAG, you will ensure that the full range
of trail opportunities continues to be provided. Hiking
Figure 119—Compliance with the trail accessibility guidelines allows
everyone to enjoy hiking.
Trails Are Not Outdoor Recreation Access
An outdoor recreation access route is a continuous,
unobstructed path designated for pedestrian use that connects
pedestrian elements within a recreation site, such as a picnic
area, camping area, or trailhead. In contrast, a trail is defined
for purposes of Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines (FSORAG) and FSTAG as a route that is
designed, constructed, or designated for recreational pedestrian use or provided as a pedestrian alternative to vehicular
routes within a transportation system. A trail is not an outdoor recreation access route and is not subject to the requirements for outdoor recreation access routes found in section
2.0 of FSORAG. This guidebook explains the accessibility
requirements for trails designed for hiker and pedestrian use.
Trails Are Not Outdoor Recreation Access Routes
he first step in applying the Forest Service Trails
Accessibility Guidelines (FSTAG) is to know when
and where compliance is required. Section 7.0 “Application” states that FSTAG applies to trails in the National Forest System that meet all three of the following criteria:
• The trail is new or altered.
• The trail has a “Designed Use” of “Hiker/Pedestrian”
as defined in the Federal Trail Data Standards.
• The trail connects either directly to a trailhead or to a
Applying the Forest Service Trails Accessibility Guidelines
Trail Terminology
Although this guidebook explains requirements in plain
language, some phrases and words are important to understanding how FSTAG is applied. The following terminology
isn’t organized alphabetically; the phrases and words are
grouped so that the distinctions between similar terminology
are easy to understand.
Trail Terminology
Federal Trail Data Standards (FTDS) enable national-,
regional-, State-, and trail-level managers, and the public,
to use mutually understood terminology for recording,
retrieving, and applying spatial and tabular information.
FTDS make it easier for trail information to be accessed,
exchanged, and used by more than one individual,
agency, or group. The data standards are available at
Designed Use is the “Managed Use” of a trail that
requires the most demanding design, construction, and
maintenance parameters. In conjunction with the applicable “Trail Class,” designed use determines which design
parameters will apply to a trail. It is an FTDS term for
the intended use that controls the geometric design of a
trail and determines the level to which it should be maintained. There is only one “Designed Use” per trail or trail
segment. Although the trail may be actively managed for
more than one use, the designed use determines the technical specifications for the trail. For example, pack and
saddle stock require higher and wider clearances than do
hikers, so a trail managed for both foot travel and horse
use would have a designed use of “Pack and Saddle”
rather than “Hiker/Pedestrian.” More information about
trail design parameters for the different designed uses is
in Forest Service Trail Design Parameters, available at
-management/trail-fundamentals/> or available to Forest
Service employees at <
Managed Use is an FTDS term for the mode(s) of travel
for which a trail is actively managed. Managed Uses are
the specific types of trail use that are allowed by management decision or intent on a specific trail or portion of a
trail. Each trail or trail segment may have more than one
“Managed Use.” For example, a trail may be managed
for both equestrian and hiker/pedestrian use in the summer and for cross-country skiing in the winter.
Constructed Features are commonly found along trails
or as part of trails.
• Associated Constructed Feature—A constructed
element associated with a trail that provides support for trail users but is not a part of the trail tread.
Examples include camp shelters, pit toilets, fire rings,
picnic tables, and tent pads. Refer to FSORAG for
the technical provisions for associated constructed
Trail Constructed Feature—A constructed feature that
functions as part of the trail tread. Examples include puncheon, trail bridges, boardwalks, waterbars, and switchbacks. For a listing of trail constructed features, refer to
the trail documentation available at <http://www.fs.fed
or available to Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management employees at <
A trailhead (for purposes of FSORAG and FSTAG) is
a site designed and developed by the Forest Service or
other Government agency, a trail association, trail maintaining club, trail partner, or other cooperators to provide
a staging area for a trail.
For purposes of FSTAG, trailheads are not:
• Junctions between trails where there is no other
• Intersections where a trail crosses a road or where
users have developed an access point, but no improvements are provided by the Forest Service, trail associations, trail maintaining clubs, trail partners, or other
cooperators beyond minimal markers or modifications
for health and safety
Trail Classes broadly organize trails by desired management characteristics and the level of development.
They are based on forest plan direction and represent
Applying the Forest Service Trails Accessibility Guidelines
intended design and management standards. Trail classes
take into account user preferences, the setting, protection of sensitive resources, and management activities.
Trail classifications range from Trail Class 1 trails that
appear little different from animal paths and may disappear intermittently, to Trail Class 5 trails that are usually
wide, paved paths associated with highly developed environments. FSTAG does not change Forest Service trail
classes. More information about trail classes is available
at <
washouts, installing riprap to retain cut and fill
slopes, and constructing retaining walls or cribbing to support trail tread
✧ Performing erosion control and drainage work,
such as replacing or installing drainage dips or
culverts, and realigning sections of trail to prevent
erosion or to avoid boggy areas
✧ Repairing or replacing deteriorated, damaged, or
vandalized trail or trailhead structures or parts of
structures, including sections of bridges, boardwalks, information kiosks, fencing, and railings;
painting; and removing graffiti
surroundings of a trail. On public lands outside rural
and urban settings, the natural surroundings are usually the primary attraction for visitors. Improvements,
such as trails, should not adversely affect the setting. For
example, the design for a trail crossing a glacial boulder
field must protect the geologic features. Accessibility is
incorporated to the extent possible without fundamentally altering the natural environment. On the other hand,
a trail designed for a wide open, relatively level area
should follow the requirements of FSTAG to the highest
degree possible.
The following words describe construction and maintenance work:
• Construction is building a new trail or segment of
trail where there was no trail before.
• An alteration is work done to change the purpose,
intent, or function of the trail.
• Maintenance is the routine or periodic repair of
existing trails or trail segments to restore them to the
standards or conditions to which they were originally
designed and built. Maintenance does not change the
original purpose, intent, or function for which the trail
was designed. Trail maintenance work isn’t covered
by the FSTAG. Maintenance includes:
✧ Removing debris and vegetation, such as fallen
trees or broken branches on the trails, clearing the
trail of encroaching brush or grasses, and removing
rock slides
✧ Maintaining trail tread, such as filling ruts,
reshaping a trail bed, repairing a trail surface or
While FSTAG doesn’t apply to maintenance, Forest Service policy is to improve accessibility wherever the opportunity arises, including during trail maintenance and repair
activities. Every time a trail is maintained, there is an opportunity to improve access.
The word “reconstruction” is not used in Federal accessibility guidelines or FSTAG, even though the term is used
frequently by the trails community. For the purposes of
FSTAG, actions are categorized as construction, alteration, or
Design Tip Tip
What do you call a reroute?
If trail work is grouped into only three categories—
construction, alteration, and maintenance—what
category do things like rerouting, reconstruction,
and extensions of existing trails fall into? The key to
answering this question is to concentrate first on the
definition of alteration. Does the new work change
the purpose, intent, or function of the trail? In other
words, will the trail serve a new destination? Will
the trail’s designed use change from horses to hikers,
for example, after you’re done? Are you significantly
changing the overall trail grade, width, or surface, or
adding bridges where the trail used to ford streams or
rivers? If the work doesn’t fit the definition of alteration, it’s either construction (if there was no trail there
before) or maintenance.
Trail Terminology
Setting is the word used to describe the nature of the
Applying the Forest Service Trails Accessibility Guidelines
Trail Construction Techniques
Trail Construction Techniques
Conditions for an exception are not blanket exemptions
from all of the technical requirements for an entire trail. If
Information that is already available to Forest Service
a condition for an exception occurs only on part of the trail
employees is not repeated in this guidebook. The “Trail Construction and Maintenance Notebook” includes practical tech- or trail component, the technical requirement applies everywhere else. All technical requirements not affected by the
niques used to construct and maintain trails. Written for trail
crew workers, it is intended to be taken along on work projects. condition for an exception also apply. This requirement is
Numerous illustrations help explain the main points. The note- explained in “General Exceptions in FSTAG.”
The conditions for an exception cover all the imporbook is at <
tant elements of a long-distance trail and the aspects that are
The publication “Wetland Trail Design and Construction” considered when locating trail segments, but they shouldn’t
describes materials and techniques used to construct trails in be used as an excuse or loophole for failing to make trails
accessible. Rather, they are to be used when all other design
wetlands. Written primarily for workers who are inexperienced in wetland trail construction, it may also be helpful for options have been thoroughly explored and a determinaexperienced workers. Techniques suitable for wilderness set- tion has been made that full compliance with the technical
tings and for more developed settings are included as well as requirements would unacceptably alter the nature of the experience the visitor is seeking or unacceptably impact features
numerous drawings to illustrate important points. The publithat are protected by law.
cation is available at <
The wording of each exception is brief. General exam/htmlpubs/htm07232804/index.htm> or <http://www.fhwa
for each exception are provided to help explain the intent>.
Standard Forest Service trail specifications are available of the conditions so that designers understand how to apply
at <>. them according to the site-specific constraints and opportunities of their projects.
Conditions for an Exception in FSTAG
FSTAG is based on the realities of the outdoor environment
and recognizes that complying with accessibility provisions
is not always practicable because the natural terrain, existing
vegetation, or other constraints impose limitations in some locations. To ensure that the unique characteristics of the outdoor
environment and trail recreation opportunities aren’t compromised or fundamentally altered, exceptions and deviations from
some technical requirements are permitted when certain circumstances, called conditions for an exception, apply.
The following paragraphs explain the four conditions for
an exception identified in section 7.1 of the FSTAG. Circumstances under which deviations from the technical requirements are allowed based on the conditions for an exception
differ depending on the setting. The four conditions for an
exception are the basis for permitting deviations from specific
technical requirements when allowed by General Exception 1
or General Exception 2, as explained in “General Exceptions
in FSTAG.”
Condition for an Exception 1. Where compliance with
the technical requirement is not practicable due to terrain
(figure 120).
Figure 120—Compliance with the technical requirements on the trail to
Hanging Lake at the White River National Forest is not practicable due to the
extreme slope of the terrain.
Applying the Forest Service Trails Accessibility Guidelines
Condition for an Exception 2. Where compliance with
the technical requirements would fundamentally alter the
function or purpose of the facility or the setting.
Public lands provide a wide variety of recreational experiences, from highly developed areas that offer plenty of conveniences and opportunities to relax with family and friends,
to wilderness areas that appear unchanged from primeval
times and provide opportunities for individuals to experience
primitive and challenging conditions. FSTAG recognizes the
value of the full range of recreation opportunities by allowing
deviations from the technical requirements where compliance would unacceptably change the nature of the recreation
opportunities or conflict with the land and the resource management plan for the area.
People using primitive trails, for example, experience the
outdoor environment in a nearly natural state, with limited
or no development. In these settings, people generally desire
challenge and risk so they can use their outdoor skills. Use
of manufactured building materials or engineered construction techniques to comply with accessibility provisions could
Conditions for an Exception in FSTAG
The phrase “is not practicable” in this condition for an
exception refers to something that isn’t reasonable, rather
than to something that is technically impractical. The intent
of this condition is that the effort and resources required to
comply shouldn’t be disproportionately high relative to the
level of access established.
What’s practicable?
Using heavy construction equipment, it may be possible to provide a trail with a maximum 1:20 (5 percent) grade
up a 1,500-foot (460-meter) mountain (figure 121). However, the trail would be about three times as long as under a
traditional back-country layout (figure 122). The length of the trail could cause inappropriate environmental and visual
impacts and more than triple the amount of ground disturbed. It wouldn’t be practicable to construct a trail in compliance with technical accessibility requirements.
Figure 121—A trail with a 5-percent grade on a steep hill.
Figure 122—A traditional trail layout for a steep hill.
Conditions for an Exception in FSTAG
Applying the Forest Service Trails Accessibility Guidelines
destroy the natural or undeveloped nature of the setting and
change the visitor’s experience. FSTAG does not require that
obstacles be blasted or trails paved to be more accessible if
such activity would unacceptably change the character of the
setting and the recreation opportunity.
Consider a trail intended to provide a rugged experience,
such as a cross-country training trail with a steep grade or a fitness challenge course with abrupt and severe changes in elevation. If these trails were flattened out or otherwise constructed
to comply with the technical accessibility requirements, they
wouldn’t provide the desired challenge for users. Trails that
traverse boulders and rock outcroppings are another example.
The purpose of these trails is to provide users with the opportu-
allowed if the equipment is essential to complete the construction in that location.
nity to climb the rocks. To remove the obstacles along the way
or reroute the trail around the rocks would destroy the purpose
of the trail. The nature of the setting also may be compromised
by actions such as widening a trail for an imported surface or
removing vegetation from fragile or erosive soils.
• Other Federal, State, or local law (the purpose of
which is to preserve threatened or endangered species; the environment; or archaeological, cultural, historical, or other significant natural features)
Condition for an Exception 4. Where compliance is
precluded because the cultural, historic, or significant
natural features are protected or are eligible for protection under Federal, State, or local law by:
• Endangered Species Act (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.)
• National Environmental Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 4321
et seq.)
• National Historic Preservation Act (16 U.S.C. 470 et
• Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.)
Cultural features include archeological sites, burial
Condition for an Exception 3. Where compliance with
grounds and cemeteries, traditional cultural properties, tribal
the technical requirements cannot be accomplished with
protected sites, and other properties considered sacred by an
the prevailing construction practices.
organized religion. Historical features are properties listed or
eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places
This condition for an exception may apply when the con- or other places of recognized historic value. Significant natural
struction methods needed to comply with a technical require- features are objects that are regarded as distinctive or imporment would require the use of equipment or methods other
tant locally, regionally, or nationally and, therefore, have been
than those typically used in that setting. For instance, in an
placed under legal protection, such as a large boulder or rocky
area where small equipment is normally used to minimize
outcrop, body of water, or unique tree or vegetation such as
impact on a sensitive adjacent stream, blasting might be nec- a giant sequoia grove (figure 123). Areas that are legally proessary for rock removal to meet the technical width requiretected include wilderness areas designated by Congress and
ment for a trail. Because blasting typically would not be used areas protected under Federal or State laws, such as habitat for
in this situation, this condition for an exception would apply. threatened or endangered species or designated wetlands.
If the work could be done using small equipment, this condiSituations when this condition for an exception may
tion for an exception wouldn’t apply.
apply include these examples:
This condition for an exception is not intended to exempt
• Where use of mechanized equipment is prohibited by
the trail from the technical requirements of FSTAG simply
law, such as in wilderness areas designated by Conbecause a trail builder’s favorite construction practice (such as
gress, and work necessary to comply with a technical
the use of a large mechanical roller rather than a smaller vibrataccessibility provision can’t be accomplished using
ing plate or “whacker” type compactor) is inappropriate or
impractical. A contractor’s or designer’s preference for differ• Where imported materials, such as soil stabilizers, are
ent equipment is not a prevailing construction practices issue.
prohibited to maintain the integrity of a natural ecoA deviation from a specific technical requirement only can be
system or historic resources
Applying the Forest Service Trails Accessibility Guidelines
The Federal laws specified in Condition 4 prescribe certain activities or require certain analyses or procedures to be
followed when planning projects that may impact features
protected under those laws. This condition for an exception applies when it is determined that the actions, required
analyses, or other impacts necessary to meet the technical
requirements would directly or indirectly substantially harm
the protected feature.
Determine the extent of impact.
Only consider the additional impact of increasing
the width, reducing the trail grade or cross slope, or
other change required for accessibility. For example,
consider a trail project that crosses a hill where a
population of wildflowers of an uncommon species is
growing. The surrounding river drainage and a nearby
town are named for the plants. The trail construction will destroy most of the flowers, as well as the
seep-dampened hanging meadow that provides their
habitat. Condition 4 wouldn’t apply if 323 square feet
(30 square meters) would be disturbed to construct a
trail that is not accessible and only an additional 75
square feet (7 square meters) would be disturbed to
construct a trail that meets the technical accessibility
requirements. The majority of the proposed damage to
the wildflowers is not attributable to compliance with
accessibility requirements. In this case, an alternate
location should be selected for the trail.
General Exceptions in FSTAG
Some public lands are reasonably well suited for pedestrian travel. Other public lands are rocky, soggy, excessively
steep, or otherwise less well suited to casual foot traffic. Two
general exceptions are provided in FSTAG, section 7.2 to
ensure that accessibility is provided to the extent appropriate
to the setting where it will have the most benefit, be practi-
Figure 123—The Long Meadow grove of giant
sequoias is an example of a significant natural feature.
cable, and provide a meaningful hiking opportunity.
Document the basis for the determination that either of
the general exceptions applies to a trail or a portion of a trail
and maintain the documentation with the records of the construction or alteration project. In addition, if General Exception 2 applies, send notification to the U.S. Access Board.
Documentation and notification requirements are explained
in “Documenting Exceptions and Notifying the U.S. Access
Board about Exemptions” of this guidebook.
General Exceptions in FSTAG
• Where construction methods and materials are
strictly limited to protect designated wetlands or
coastal areas
• Where the physically undisturbed condition of the
land is an important part of a sacred observance, such
as at tribal sacred sites
• Where water crossings are restricted to safeguard
aquatic features or species protected under Federal or
State laws
Applying the Forest Service Trails Accessibility Guidelines
General Exceptions in FSTAG
General Exception 1 allows deviations from the technical requirements if a condition for an exception prohibits
full compliance. It’s not a complete exemption from the
provision, because it requires that the technical requirement must still be met to the extent practicable.
the portion of the trail where the condition for an exception
exists. On all other sections of the trail, ensure that technical
requirements are met. All of the unaffected technical requirements must be met for the full length of the trail, including
the section where the condition for an exception prohibits full
compliance with the particular technical requirement. PractiFor instance, if Condition for an Exception 3 prohibits
cable means reasonable rather than technically possible. (See
importing several tons of stabilization material to ensure that TERMINOLOGY TIP—What’s practicable?, page 32.)
the surface of a trail in a nonmotorized area will be firm and
Another example of the use of General Exception 1 is
stable during the primary season(s) of use under normally
when construction of a trail appears to fall under Condition
occurring weather conditions, you must still make sure the
for an Exception 4, where compliance is not possible because
surface is as firm and stable as is practicable. For instance, if the cultural, historic, or significant natural features are prorelocating a section of trail a few feet laterally will achieve
tected or are eligible for protection under Federal, State, or
firmness and stability with native soils during the dry porlocal law. For instance, consider a situation where a trail
tion of the season or even during part of the wetter season,
is needed between a stream with endangered aquatic speyou must relocate that section. Such measures are practicable cies and a cliff with petroglyphs on it and you can’t get the
and should be utilized. General Exception 1 only applies to
required trail width without either filling part of the stream
Compliance is required on both sides of a deviation from the technical requirements.
Although accessible design is based on wheelchair dimensions, clear space, maneuvering room, and reach ranges,
only 4 percent of people with disabilities use wheelchairs.
The majority of people who have mobility limitations don’t
use a wheelchair. They either use no assistive devices or rely
on crutches, canes, walkers, or braces. They may be able to
get around or over an obstacle without too much difficulty.
Although steep terrain may be difficult, it may be manageable
for limited distances.
Likewise, a person using a wheelchair might need assistance to make it up a steep grade (figure 124) or to get over an
obstacle, but after that challenge, the individual can continue on
the trail independently if the rest of the trail complies with the
accessibility guidelines.
Figure 124—Members of the Northeast Passage hiking team assist their
teammate up a steep part of the Galehead Trail. She only needs assistance
for a short distance. Photo credit: Northeast Passage, Durham, NH
Applying the Forest Service Trails Accessibility Guidelines
General Exception 2 addresses extreme environmental barriers that are effectively impassable and trails
with numerous environmental barriers that can’t be
eliminated. These barriers can make the rest of the trail
unreachable for many people with mobility limitations.
General Exception 2 may be considered only after applying General Exception 1 so that the trail sections where
full compliance with the technical requirements can’t
be achieved are identified. Then evaluate the entire trail
comparing the trail sections that can and can’t meet the
full technical requirements to determine whether it would
be impracticable for the entire trail to comply with the
accessibility requirements.
The following condition criteria have been accepted by
the U.S. Access Board for identifying when extreme environmental barriers may exempt an entire trail from technical
accessibility requirements:
• A combination of running slope and cross slope
exceeds 1:2.5 (40 percent) for more than 20 feet (6
meters) (figure 125).
• An obstacle 30 inches (760 millimeters) high or more
crosses the full tread width of the trail (figure 126).
• The surface of the trail is neither firm nor stable for a
distance of 45 feet (14 meters) or more.
• The tread width of the trail is 12 inches (305 millimeters) or less for a distance of 20 feet (6 meters) or
• 15 percent or more of the trail does not fully comply
with the technical requirements.
Some long-distance trails, such as the Continental Divide,
Pacific Crest, Appalachian, and Florida National Scenic Trails
and the Nee-Me-Poo National Historic Trail, span many districts or forests. For these trails, only the length of trail planned
for construction or alteration within the current planning period
is considered when figuring the 15 percent, not the entire
length of the trail. This principle applies even if the planning
period is several years long. Consider connected sections of
trail that will be constructed or altered over several years,
together. Do not consider unconnected segments of trail that
are covered by the same planning process together, unless there
is a special circumstance where several segments function
together to access one attraction or serve one purpose.
General Exceptions in FSTAG
or destroying some petroglyphs. A narrower trail would be
allowed past the petroglyphs. However, the other technical
requirements still apply to that stretch of trail and the technical
requirement for width still applies to all the rest of the trail.
Figure 125—The combination of running slope and
cross slope on the trail to Hanging Lake is so severe
for such an extended distance that the entire trail
was exempted from the technical requirements.
Figure 126—The 33-inch (840-millimeter) rock face is an example of an
extreme environmental barrier.
Applying the Forest Service Trails Accessibility Guidelines
Short Hikes and Interesting Features
Sometimes it makes sense to provide a short section of
trail meeting the technical requirements for accessibility on
a trail that would otherwise be totally exempted from the
technical requirements under General Exception 2. Even if
visitors can’t hike the entire trail, a short hike may be enjoyable (figure 127). If there are no uncorrectable environmental
barriers and few or no significant conditions requiring exceptions between the trailhead and the first extreme environmental barrier, and that trail segment is at least 500 feet (152
meters) long, consider constructing that section of trail to
meet the technical requirements even though the rest of the
trail is not accessible.
Here’s an example of how the guidance on General
Exception 2 can be used. Consider the design for a new 1-mile
(1,600-meter) -long trail with a waterfall (an interesting feature) about 300 feet (91 meters) from the trailhead. Fifteen
percent of 1 mile (1,600 meters) is 792 feet (240 meters). Add
together all the lengths of trail where technical requirements
can’t be met because of conditions for an exception. If the total
length is more than 792 feet (240 meters), the trail would be
eligible for a total exemption from the technical requirements
of FSTAG. However, if there are no uncorrectable environmental barriers and few or no significant conditions requiring
exceptions between the trailhead and the waterfall, that section of trail should, in most cases, comply with the technical
Short Hikes and Interesting Features
requirements even though the rest of the trail does not.
Documenting Exceptions and Notifying the
U.S. Access Board About Exemptions
Figure 127—A short hike on a trail that meets accessibility standards brings
the family to a viewing platform next to Picture Lake at the Mt. BakerSnoqualmie National Forest.
A short section of trail is especially enjoyable if an interesting natural, cultural, or historic feature is located between
the trailhead and the first extreme environmental barrier. The
feature might be the focal point, main attraction, or destination of the trail or it may simply be an interesting secondary feature, such as a boulder outcrop, a waterfall, a grouping of old or unique trees, a cultural or historic structure, a
wildflower meadow, an area popular for wildlife viewing, or a
vista. In such cases, hikers would appreciate you constructing
the section of the trail leading to the prominent feature in compliance with the technical accessibility requirements.
When a condition for an exception prohibits full compliance with a specific technical requirement on a section of
trail as allowed in General Exception 1, document the reason that full compliance wasn’t achieved and file it with the
project records for the trail construction or alteration project.
Include which condition for an exception applies to the trail
or segment of trail, the reason that it applies, the date the
decision that the exception applies was made, and the names
of the individuals who made the decision.
Infrequently, extreme or numerous conditions for exemptions make it impracticable to provide a route that meets the
requirements, so General Exception 2 allows exempting the
entire trail from the technical requirements. In these cases, document the explanation of the conditions that make it impracticable for the entire trail to comply. Retain the documentation
with the records for that construction or alteration project.
Notify the U.S. Access Board of the determination to exempt
the entire trail. Contact information for the U.S. Access Board
is available at <>. The U.S.
Access Board has drafted a form that may be used to document
and submit an exemption decision. The form will be available
at <
/recreation-facilities/outdoor-developed-areas> when the U.S.
Access Board final guidelines are published.
Applying the Forest Service Trails Accessibility Guidelines
Section 7.4 of FSTAG explains the accessibility requirements for trails, including trail surfacing, clear tread width,
grade and cross slope, resting intervals, passing spaces, tread
obstacles, protruding objects, openings, and signs. All of these
requirements are minimums. In the spirit and intent of universal
design, designers are encouraged to meet the highest standards
wherever it is practicable, given the specific natural constraints
of the environment, the level of development, and other managerial considerations. Trail puncheons and trail bridges are
included in the Forest Service definition of trail structures, so
they must be constructed to meet the same requirements as
the rest of the trail tread. In the following text, the word “trail”
includes trail puncheons and trail bridges.
Wheelchair dimensions, clear space, maneuvering room,
and reach ranges found in Architectural Barriers Act Accessibility Standards (ABAAS) are the basis for trail designs that
maximize accessibility and are appropriate to the setting. The
dimensions, multiple moving surface contact points, and wheels
of a wheelchair are usually the most difficult to accommodate.
If a person who uses a wheelchair can use a trail, a majority of
other people can, too.
The rest of this part of the guidebook explains the technical accessibility requirements for trails and provides an
overview of the FSTAG implementation process and a flowchart of the FSTAG implementation process. The flowchart is
designed to be used while laying out the flag line for a trail.
Surfaces of Trails
Trail surfaces must be firm and stable. The first general exception allows achieving firmness and stability to the
extent practicable if a condition for an exception prohibits
full compliance with surface requirements.
Paving with concrete or asphalt is appropriate for highly
developed areas. For less developed settings, crushed gravel,
fine crusher rejects, packed soil, and other natural materials
may provide a firm and stable surface (figure 128). Natural
materials also can be combined with synthetic bonding materials that provide stability and firmness. These materials may
Slip resistance is not required for trails. Tree and shrub
leaves and needles, dirt, ice, snow, other surface debris, and
weather conditions are part of the natural environment and
would be difficult, if not impossible, to avoid.
FSTAG defines a firm surface as one that resists deformations by indentations. (See DESIGN TIP—Use a rule of
thumb to estimate firmness and stability., page 37.) Natural
soils should be evaluated for their ability to be compacted
into a firm and stable surface under normally occurring
weather conditions during the primary season of use. When
evaluating surface material suitability, keep in mind that
FSTAG defines a stable surface as a trail surface that is not
permanently affected by normal weather conditions and
that is able to sustain wear and tear produced by normal use
between planned maintenance cycles. Local trail managers
are a good source of information because they know the local
surfaces and how they wear throughout the primary seasons
for which the trail is managed.
Figure 128—Natural materials were used to build a
firm and stable surface for the Crotched Mountain
Trail in New Hampshire.
Technical Requirements for Accessible Hiker/Pedestrian Trails
Technical Requirements for Accessible Hiker/ not be suitable for every trail, which is why the deviation due
Pedestrian Trails
to the presence of a condition for an exception is permitted.
Applying the Forest Service Trails Accessibility Guidelines
Technical Requirements for Accessible Hiker/Pedestrian Trails
Clear Tread Width of Trails
Clear tread width is the width of traveled surface
between obstacles on the ground and above the ground (figure 129). Provide at least 36 inches (915 millimeters) of clear
tread width. An exception permits the width to be reduced to
32 inches (815 millimeters) minimum if a condition for an
exception prevents the wider tread. If even the reduced width
of 32 inches can’t be met due a condition for an exception,
the first general exception allows achieving the width requirement to the extent practicable.
slope and grade often are used interchangeably. Trails or trail
segments of any length may be constructed with a running
slope ratio of up to 1:20 (a 5-percent grade). To accommodate
steep terrain, trails may be designed with shorter segments that
have a running slope (grade) and length as shown in table 5.
Provide a resting interval between each of these steeper
slope segments. To ensure that the trail is not designed as a
series of steep segments, do not exceed a grade of 1:12 (8.33
percent) for more than 30 percent of the total length of the trail.
The running slope (grade) must never exceed 1:8 (12 percent).
Slope and grade terminology.
Slopes are often described as a ratio of vertical
distance to horizontal distance, or rise to run (figure
130). For instance, a slope ratio of 1:20 means that for
every foot of vertical rise, there are 20 feet of horizontal distance (or for every meter of vertical rise, there
are 20 meters of horizontal distance).
Figure 129—The requirements for clear tread width on a trail.
Trail Slopes
Trail slopes must meet the requirements that follow.
Steeper terrain makes it difficult to achieve flat grades everywhere. Many people are able to handle steeper slopes for
short distances. Short sections of steeper trail are allowed
so that trails can be constructed in varying terrain. The first
general exception allows achieving trail slopes to the extent
practicable if a condition for an exception prohibits full compliance with slope requirements.
Running slope is the lengthwise slope of a trail, parallel
to the direction of travel. In this guidebook, the terms running
Figure 130—Determining the slope ratio.
Table 5—Trail running slope and segment length.
Running Slope of Trail Segments
Maximum Length of Segment
Between Resting Intervals
Steeper than
But not Steeper than
1:20 (5 percent)
1:12 (8.33 percent)
200 feet (61 meters)
1:12 (8.33 percent)
1:10 (10 percent)
30 feet (9 meters)
1:10 (10 percent)
1:8 (12 percent)
10 feet (3.05 meters)
Applying the Forest Service Trails Accessibility Guidelines
The cross slope requirement
depends on what material is used.
Those who use a manually operated wheelchair
or a walker know that as cross slope increases, travel
becomes more difficult. This is because working
against the sideways pull of the cross slope can double
the effort needed to make forward progress. However,
in an outdoor environment, the cross slope has to be
steep enough that water won’t accumulate on the travel
surface. While slope and drainage can be precisely
controlled on surfaces that are paved (asphalt, concrete,
paving blocks, and so forth) or built with boards (wood
planks, heavy timber, concrete, fiberglass, or other manufactured material), it’s more difficult to ensure drainage on natural or gravel surfaces. When water accumulates on natural or gravel surfaces, they often become
muddy and impassible. That’s why the cross slope is
allowed to be steeper on natural or gravel surfaces than
on surfaces that are paved or built with boards.
Figure 131—The running slope is measured along a trail’s
length; the cross slope is measured across its width.
Resting Intervals on Trails
Resting intervals are relatively level areas that provide an
opportunity for people to stop and catch their breath. Provide
resting intervals between each trail segment any time the running slope exceeds 1:20 (5 percent) as shown in table 5. Ensure
that the resting interval is at least 60 inches (1,525 millimeters)
long and at least as wide as the widest segment of the trail tread
leading into it, if the resting interval is within the trail (figure
132). If the resting interval is beside the trail, ensure that it is at
least 60 inches (1,525 millimeters) long and at least 36 inches
(915 millimeters) wide. If the resting interval is adjacent to the
trail tread, provide a turning space complying with ABAAS
section 304.3.2. This doesn’t mean that another space must be
Figure 132—The requirements for resting intervals.
provided for turning around or as a passing space in addition
to the resting space. The resting space itself may also serve as
the turning and passing space if it is at least 60 inches (1,525
millimeters) in diameter or is T-shaped with a minimum 60- by
36-inch (1,525-by 915-millimeter) arm and a minimum 36-inch
(915-millimeter) -wide by 24-inch (610-millimeter) -long base
(figure 133).
Technical Requirements for Accessible Hiker/Pedestrian Trails
Cross slopes—the side-to-side slope of a trail tread (figure 131)—provide drainage to keep water from ponding and
damaging the trail, especially on unpaved surfaces. Cross
slopes that are too steep can be difficult to traverse, but trails
with too little cross slope tend to become streams. Water running down or ponding on trails destroys them. Cross slopes
are an important part of trail design and construction.
Ensure that cross slopes do not exceed 1:20 (5 percent).
If the trail surface is paved or built with boards, however, do
not allow the cross slope to be steeper than 1:48 (2 percent).
Technical Requirements for Accessible Hiker/Pedestrian Trails
Applying the Forest Service Trails Accessibility Guidelines
Figure 133—The requirements for a resting interval at a T-intersection.
Figure 134—The requirements for passing spaces.
The slopes of a resting interval must not exceed 1:20
(5 percent) in any direction. However, when the surface is
paved or is built with boards, the slope is not allowed to be
steeper than 1:48 (2 percent) in any direction. No significant
difference in vertical alignment between the trail tread, turning space, and resting interval is allowed where they meet.
The first general exception allows achieving resting interval
requirements to the extent practicable if a condition for an
exception prohibits full compliance with the requirements.
Passing Spaces on Trails
A 60-inch (1,525-millimeter) clear tread width is required
for two wheelchairs to pass safely and comfortably on a trail.
However, this width is not always appropriate in all settings and
for all trail classes. Where the clear tread width of a trail is less
than 60 inches (1,525 millimeters), provide passing spaces at
least every 1,000 feet (300 meters) and at the end of any segment of trail that meets the technical requirements, if the full
length of the trail does not. Passing spaces must be at least 60
inches (1,525 millimeters) wide (including the trail width) by
60 inches (1,525 millimeters) long (figure 134). A T-intersection of two trails or other walking surfaces also may be used
as a passing space if the arms and stem of the T-shaped space
extend at least 48 inches (1,220 millimeters) beyond the intersection (figure 135). Either configuration would provide enough
room for someone to move to the side. If a condition for an
exception prevents achieving full compliance with the passing
space requirements, the first general exception allows achieving
passing space requirements to the extent practicable.
Figure 135—The requirements for passing spaces at T-intersections.
Tread Obstacles on Trails
A tread obstacle is anything that interrupts the evenness
of the tread surface. On trails, tread obstacles often occur as
a result of ruts, roots, and rocks in the tread surface. Ensure
tread obstacles are not more than 2 inches (50 millimeters)
high. Where the surface is paved or is built with boards, ensure
tread obstacles do not exceed one-half inch (13 millimeters) in
height. Height of tread obstacles must be measured vertically
from the trail tread surface to the highest point of the obstacle.
If a condition for an exception prevents achieving full compliance with the obstacle height requirements, the first general
exception allows achieving the requirements to the extent
Applying the Forest Service Trails Accessibility Guidelines
encroach on the trail during the interim. The protruding object
requirement recognizes that it may not always be practicable
to control vegetation, but it is always practicable to place constructed features where they won’t interfere with hikers. It also
recognizes situations where rock ledges are unavoidable or
where trails pass through caves (figure 137).
Figure 137—Protruding object requirements do not apply to natural
features, such as caves in undeveloped areas.
Openings in Trail Surfaces
Openings are gaps in the surface of a trail. Gaps include
slots in a drainage grate and spaces between the planks on
Figure 136—Constructed objects must not extend over the
a puncheon, bridge, or boardwalk. Openings that are big
trail more than 4 inches (100 millimeters) if they are between
27 inches (685 millimeters) and 80 inches (2,030 millimeters)
enough to allow wheels, cane or crutch tips, or shoe heels to
above the travel surface.
drop through or get stuck are hazards that shouldn’t exist in
pedestrian routes. Openings up to a half of an inch (13 milliAccessibility guidelines do not consider natural elements meters) across are permitted in trail surfaces. Place elongated
openings more than a quarter of an inch wide with the long
such as tree branches and rock formations to be protruding
dimension perpendicular or diagonal to the primary direction
objects. However, you should follow the specific Trail Management Objectives for each each trail that address protrusions, of travel (figure 138).
If there is a condition for an exception, openings less
obstacles, and clearing widths and heights. For instance, trails
than three-fourths of an inch (19 millimeters) across are
should generally not be routed too close to rock overhangs.
allowed. This deviation allows the use of boardwalk decking
Clearing limits for trail construction and maintenance usually
that needs more than ½-inch (13-millimeter) -wide spacing
require that brush, limbs, trees, and logs be cut back a foot or
more from the edge of the trail. However, the trail maintenance between the planks to permit expansion and to allow water
cycle may be several years for some trails, and vegetation may to drain. If even the three-fourths of an inch deviation is not
Technical Requirements for Accessible Hiker/Pedestrian Trails
Protruding Objects and Trails
Objects that extend into the travel way of a trail from
the side or from overhead can be hazardous to people who
are paying more attention to their companions than the travel
route (figure 136), as well as to people who are blind or have
low vision. Protruding objects are defined as constructed
features such as signs that extend into the clear width area of
a trail, resting interval, or passing space between 27 inches
(685 millimeters) and 80 inches (2,030 millimeters) above the
travel surface. Do not allow protruding objects to extend into
the clear width area more than 4 inches (100 millimeters).
Applying the Forest Service Trails Accessibility Guidelines
Technical Requirements for Accessible Hiker/Pedestrian Trails
(485 millimeters) maximum higher than the camp shelter
space at the shelter entrance. This height allows someone
using a wheelchair or other assistive device to transfer onto
the floor of the shelter.
Requirements for all recreation facilities, including those
that are commonly associated with trails, are contained in
FSORAG and explained in “Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines” of this guidebook.
Figure 138—The requirements for openings that are perpendicular to the
direction of travel on trail surfaces, such as boardwalk decking.
enough, General Exception 1 allows achieving trail surface
opening requirements to the extent practicable if a condition
for an exception is present.
Trail Facilities
To comply with the Architectural Barriers Act of 1968
(ABA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973,
trail facilities such as tent pads and platforms, camp shelters, pit toilets, viewing areas, and similar structures for trail
users that are provided along trails—even trails that are not
accessible—must be designed to comply with the applicable
provisions in FSORAG, except that slopes steeper than 1:20
(5 percent) are allowed if necessary for drainage of unpaved
surfaces that aren’t elevated above the natural ground.
The path of travel between trail facilities, as well as the
path connecting them to a trail, must comply with FSTAG.
These paths are not outdoor recreation access routes and are
not required to meet the technical requirements for an outdoor recreation access route.
Trail facilities must be designed appropriately for the
setting and in compliance with the applicable provisions in
FSORAG to ensure that the facility can be used for its primary purpose by all hikers, including hikers with disabilities.
For example, if a camp shelter is provided along a trail and its
floor is above the ground, all hikers must be able to get inside
the shelter. As explained in “Camp Shelters”of this guidebook, this can be accomplished by ensuring the camp shelter
floor is 17 inches (430 millimeters) minimum to 19 inches
Gates and Barriers on Trails
If gates or barriers are constructed to control access to
trails, include openings wide enough to allow hiker passage.
Refer to the FSTAG for the technical provisions for gates and
barriers. These requirements are also explained in “Getting
From Here to There—Outdoor Recreation Access Routes” of
this guidebook.
To comply with the ABA and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, ensure that each constructed feature
provided at a trailhead complies with the applicable provisions of FSORAG and ABAAS. Requirements for trailhead
features, such as parking spaces, toilets, water spouts, and
campsites, are explained in “Applying the Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines” of this guidebook.
Because trailheads are usually accessed by vehicle rather
than only by hiking, at least one outdoor recreation access
route must connect the following places at trailheads:
• Accessible parking spaces or other arrival point
• Starting point of the trail
• Accessible outdoor constructed features, elements,
spaces, and facilities within the trailhead
In alterations to existing trailheads, where there is a condition for an exception, the technical requirements for the outdoor recreation access route that are affected by the condition
for an exception must be achieved only to the extent practicable. If elements, spaces, or outdoor constructed features are
altered at trailheads but the path of travel isn’t changed, an outdoor recreation access route isn’t required.
Applying the Forest Service Trails Accessibility Guidelines
New trail facilities must be accessible even if the trail doesn’t comply
with Forest Service Trail Accessibility Guidelines.
Technical Requirements for Accessible Hiker/Pedestrian Trails
The Architectural Barriers Act of 1968 (ABA) requires that buildings comply with the applicable accessibility guidelines. This issue was clarified for Federal agencies when a complaint was filed with the U.S. Access Board
against the U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service for installing an inaccessible toilet at 10,000 feet
(3,048 meters) on Mt. Rainer. The petitioner was a paraplegic who was climbing the mountain with a sit-ski and
ropes. He was not able to use the toilet that the rest of his party could use because it wasn’t accessible. The U.S. Access Board found that the National Park Service was not in compliance with ABA that requires all new construction
funded by Federal Executive agencies to be accessible. The National Park Service settled the complaint by replacing
the toilet with an accessible model.
The Forest Service was cited by the U.S. Access Board after a complaint was filed about a pit toilet serving the
trail at North Doublehead in New Hampshire. The toilet was constructed in 1972 after the 1968 passage of the ABA,
but the toilet was not accessible. The Forest Service replaced the toilet with an accessible model.
It’s really in the best interests of all organizations to ensure that all facilities—regardless of where they are
located—are appropriate to the setting and are accessible. When accessibility is integrated into the design from the
beginning, there’s not much difference in cost. If the design of a facility that’s already under construction must be
changed to provide for accessibility, or if an inaccessible facility has to be replaced with an accessible facility at a
later date, costs will be substantial.
To quote a hiker with a Northeast Passage hiking team that includes a diverse group of people (figure 139): “Hiking a
trail is a challenge by choice; using a toilet is not a choice so it shouldn’t be a challenge.”
Figure 139—Three members of the Northeast Passage hiking team celebrate
their conquest of Mount Lafayette in New Hampshire. Photo credit:
Northeast Passage, Durham, NH
Technical Requirements for Accessible Hiker/Pedestrian Trails
Applying the Forest Service Trails Accessibility Guidelines
Trailhead Signs
People have made it clear that they want information
about trails, including length, grade, and so forth, so that they
can make their own decisions about which trail is appropriate
for the amount of time they have available, the people in their
group, and the type of hike they are interested in pursuing.
Therefore, when new information signs are provided at trailheads for newly constructed or altered trails, include at minimum the following information:
• Trail name
• Length of the trail
• Type of surface on the trail
• Typical and minimum trail tread width
• Typical and maximum trail grade
• Typical and maximum trail cross slope
• Height of any major obstacles, such as boulders, in
the trail tread
• A statement that posted information reflects the condition of the trail when it was constructed or assessed,
including the construction or assessment date
standards temporarily inaccessible until maintenance crews
can clear the obstruction. If the date is posted, people will
be able to evaluate the likelihood that the trail remains in the
posted condition. For instance, people may know that a major
storm has occurred since the conditions were posted or may
estimate the likelihood that vegetation may have overgrown
the trail since the condition was evaluated.
Where more extensive trail information such as an aerial
map of the trail and related facilities is provided, identify the
location of specific trail features and obstacles that do not
comply with FSTAG’s technical requirements and include a
profile of the trail grade.
If materials, such as maps, brochures, fee envelopes, and
so forth, need to be obtained from or filled out at a sign or
kiosk, design the sign or kiosk to display the materials within
the standard reach ranges of a person in a wheelchair in accordance with ABAAS, section 308, as explained in “Reach
Ranges and Operability Requirements” of this guidebook.
Locate trailhead information signs centered at the back
of a 30- by 48-inch (760- by 1,220-millimeter) -minimum
clear floor or ground space. Do not allow the clear space to
overlap the trail width but it may overlap a resting space or
The requirement for posting the construction and trail
assessment date is because tree blowdowns, flooding, or other passing space. The slope of the clear space is not allowed to
be more than 1:20 (5 percent) in any direction.
events can make trails designed and constructed to FSTAG
Applying the Forest Service Trails Accessibility Guidelines
Now that you have learned about the extent of application, general exceptions, and the technical requirements, you
may wonder how the whole process ties together. Use the
following four easy steps and the handy process flowchart in
the appendix to implement FSTAG on your trail design projects. Following this process will help you verify that the trail
design complies with the technical requirements to the extent
practicable, help you document how and where the technical
requirements can, or cannot, be applied, and confirm that the
character, trail class, and experience of the setting will not be
changed. It also can be used as a field guide when locating or
rerouting a trail.
Step 1: Determine the Applicability of FSTAG
After a decision has been made to design or alter a trail,
three questions must be asked:
1. Does the work meet the definitions for new construction or alteration? Definitions are in “Understanding
Trail Terminology” of this guidebook.
✧ If yes,
2. Is the Designed Use “Hiker/Pedestrian”?
✧ If yes,
3. Does the proposed trail connect to a trailhead or to a
trail that substantially complies with FSTAG? (Trailhead is defined in “Understanding Trail Terminology.”)
If the answer to any of these questions is no, FSTAG
does not apply and no further analysis is required. The finding and reasons that FSTAG does not apply should be briefly
documented and put in the project file. Figure 140 shows
step 1. Even if compliance with FSTAG is not required, you
should try to incorporate accessibility where opportunities
exist and to the extent you can without changing the character
of the setting and, therefore, the hiking experience.
If the answer to all three questions is yes, the designer
moves to step 2.
Overview of FSTAG Implementation Process
Overview of FSTAG Implementation Process
Evaluate your trail design for
Forest Service Trail Accessibility
Guidelines (FSTAG) compliance
using on-the-ground layout.
In order to work through steps 2, 3, and 4 of the
implementation process, lay out a proposed trail alignment on the ground and conduct the evaluation as you
walk the flag line. Base the review and analysis required in these steps on actual field conditions, rather
than relying only on topographic maps.
FSTAG Quick Reference
1. Determine Applicability of FSTAG
Is trail
new construction
or alteration?
Designed Use =
Does trail
connect to trail or
trailhead that meets
Go to
does not
Figure 140—Step 1 of the Forest Service Trail Accessibility Guidelines implementation process.
Applying the Forest Service Trails Accessibility Guidelines
Overview of FSTAG Implementation Process
Step 2: Identify the Presence of Limiting Factors
This step addresses the condition criteria accepted by
the U.S. Access Board for identifying when extreme environmental barriers allow the use of General Exception 2.
These barriers are defined in the first four limiting factors
in FSTAG, section “Determining Impracticability”
and are explained in “General Exceptions in FSTAG” of this
guidebook. The sequence for identifying the limiting factors
may vary and does not need to be done in the order illustrated
in the process flowchart.
Work your way through the process flowchart by asking
four questions, each related to one of the limiting factors. The
first question will be explained in detail to serve as an example for the other three.
Does the combined trail running slope (grade)
and cross slope exceed 1:2.5 (40 percent) for a
continuous distance of 20 feet (6 meters) or more?
Choose a method to measure the running slope.
There are a number of ways you can measure running slope. You can perform an informal survey between obvious
trail slope breaks with a hand level, survey rod, and measuring chain (figure 141). You can use a digital level (figure
142). You can also perform a more detailed trail assessment such as the universal trail assessment process developed
by Beneficial Designs (<>).
Figure 141—Surveying trail grade with a hand level.
Figure 142—Surveying trail grade with a digital level.
Applying the Forest Service Trails Accessibility Guidelines
Use a rule of thumb to estimate
firmness and stability.
What sort of surface is firm and stable? If the
answer to both of the following questions is yes, the
surface is probably firm and stable.
• Could a person ride a narrow-tired bicycle across the
surface easily without making imprints? (Bicycle tires are
similar to the large rear wheels of a wheelchair.)
• Could a folding stroller with small, narrow plastic
wheels containing a 3-year-old be pushed easily across the
surface without making imprints? (The stroller’s wheels are
similar to the front wheels of a wheelchair.)
for slope. If there is no condition for an exception, FSTAG may
still apply, so you should proceed to the next limiting factor.
While this method for determining firmness and
If a condition for an exception does exist, document the
stability isn’t scientifically accurate, it has proven to be
length of trail affected by the condition for an exception,
what exception applies, and the location of the area.
Next, consider whether the combined trail running slope
(grade) and cross slope is so excessive that it is impracticable for
Work your way through the other three limiting factors
the entire trail to comply with the technical requirements. If so,
the same way. The design tips may help you.
FSTAG does not apply to this trail at all and no further review or
analysis is required. Document the reason for the determination,
Is the surface neither firm nor stable for 45 feet (14
retain it in the project file, and notify the U.S. Access Board, as
meters) or more?
explained in “Documenting Exceptions and Notifying the U.S.
Access Board About Exemptions” of this guidebook.
Is the trail tread width 12 inches (227 millimeters) or
Finally, consider the end section of trail between the limless for a distance of at least 20 feet (6 meters)?
iting factor and the trailhead or another trail that substantially
complies with FSTAG. Is there a prominent feature between
Is there an obstacle at least 30 inches (760 millimethe end of the trail and the limiting factor? If so, consider
ters) high extending across the full width of the trail?
constructing the section of trail between the end of the trail
and the prominent feature in compliance with the technical
accessibility requirements. Doing so is not required, but it is
often good management and good customer service.
Overview of FSTAG Implementation Process
If not, FSTAG may still apply, so you should consider
the next limiting factor. A continuous distance means a sustained running slope (grade) without rest areas or more moderate slopes. If the alignment can be relocated to get a more
moderate slope, this limiting factor doesn’t apply.
If the combined slope exceeds 1:2.5 (40 percent) for a
continuous distance of 20 feet (6 meters) or more, document
the length of trail that exceeds the technical requirements for
slopes, the location of the area, and your data source (field
survey, clinometer, and so forth). Keep this information for
use in step 4.
Next, determine whether a condition for an exception
exists that permits a deviation from the technical requirements
Applying the Forest Service Trails Accessibility Guidelines
Determine when trail width
is a limiting factor.
Overview of FSTAG Implementation Process
Measuring the existing trail width is easy—just use
a measuring tape to get the side-to-side distance of the
narrowest stretch of trail. Figuring out whether that
width can be changed may be a little more difficult.
The trail may be less than 12 inches (227 millimeters)
wide, but if you can widen it in its current location or
move the trail alignment to an area where it can be
wider, the limiting factor doesn’t apply.
If you find a limiting factor where a condition for an
exception applies, there’s no reason to evaluate the trail
beyond that point for successive limiting factors unless the
rest of the trail connects to a trailhead or a trail that substantially complies with FSTAG. Just look at the section of trail
between the limiting factor or prominent feature and the trailhead or connecting trail. Figure 143 shows step 2.
If there are no limiting factors that would prevent compliance with FSTAG, proceed to step 3.
2. Identify Presence of Limiting Factors
Trail grade
plus cross slope
exceeds 40%
for 20 ft or more?
Yes =
is NOT
firm and stable
for 45 ft or more?
is less than
12 in for 20 ft
or more?
is 30 in or higher
across width
of trail?
Surface is NOT
firm and stable.
Does condition
for exception
and data source.
for exception.
Does not
File documented
applicable condition
for exception.
Notify U.S. Access Board.
No =
Surface IS
firm and stable.
Figure 143—Step 2 of the Forest Service Trail Accessibility Guidelines implementation process.
may still apply.
Go to
When all limiting
factors have been
go to step 3.
Applying the Forest Service Trails Accessibility Guidelines
exception prevent compliance? If the trail alignment complies with the required slope or there is no condition for an
exception, compliance with the technical requirement for
trail grade is required. If the grade requirement can’t be met
because of a condition for an exception, measure and record
the length of trail that will deviate from the technical requirement. Then consider how the running slope could be adjusted
to get as close as practicable to the requirement. Record what
the slope will be on that section of the trail and proceed to the
next technical requirement.
Each technical requirement is addressed in a similar
manner. Make a determination for every technical requirement: either compliance is required or deviations are permitted. Be sure to measure and record the length of the trail on
which each deviation from a particular technical requirement
will occur. Figure 144 shows step 3. After you work through
all the technical requirements, proceed to the last step.
If at any point during step 3 you find that the recorded
length of the trail that contains deviations adds up to 15 percent
or more of the total trail length, proceed directly to step 4.
3. Apply Technical Provisions
Trail grade
can comply
Trail cross slope
can comply
Clear tread
width complies
with 7.4.2?
Tread obstacles
with 7.4.6?
objects comply
with 7.4.8?
Passing space
can comply
with 7.4.5?
Resting intervals
can comply
with 7.4.4?
Go to
Comply with
technical provision.
Does condition
for exception
with 7.4.7?
Exception allowed.
Measure and record
affected length of trail.
When all technical
provisions have
been evaluated,
go to step 4.
Exception not allowed.
Comply with
technical provision.
can comply
with 7.4.1?
Figure 144—Step 3 of the Forest Service Trail Accessibility Guidelines implementation process.
Overview of FSTAG Implementation Process
Step 3: Apply the Accessibility Provisions
This step involves looking at FSTAG, sections 7.4.1
through 7.4.8, which contain the technical requirements for trail
grade, cross slope, resting interval, surface, clear tread width,
passing space, tread obstacles, protruding objects, and openings.
This summary and the process flowchart don’t contain
everything you need to know about trail design requirements.
Refer to FSTAG for detailed instructions, definitions, conditions for an exception, accessibility provisions, and allowable
A series of questions with yes or no answers is asked for
each of the technical requirements, similar to step 2. Use the
trail running slope (grade) as an example.
First, look at the existing conditions on the ground and
determine whether the trail alignment complies with the
required running slopes of a maximum of 1:20 (5 percent)
for any distance, 1:12 (8.33 percent) for up to 200 feet (61
meters), 1:10 (10 percent) for up to 30 feet (9 meters), and
so forth. Could a change in trail alignment facilitate meeting the requirement? If not, does one of the conditions for an
Applying the Forest Service Trails Accessibility Guidelines
Step 4: Calculate Cumulative Deviation Percentage
This final step addresses the suggested objective criteria
for identifying when extreme or numerous environmental barriers allow the use of General Exception 2. These barriers are
defined in the five limiting factors in FSTAG, section
Add the measurements of permitted deviations from step
3. If these deviations occur on 15 percent or more of the total
trail length, FSTAG doesn’t apply to the trail. Figure 146
shows step 4.
Overview of FSTAG Implementation Process
Apply the process.
Figure 145 helps illustrate how to apply the process by calculating cumulative deviations and considering a prominent feature. The drawing shows that:
• Deviations occur on more than 15 percent of the trail because 15 percent of 950 feet equals 142.5 feet (15 percent
of 290 meters equals 43.5 meters), but the deviations total 216 feet (66 meters).
• The trail does not have to comply with the guidelines.
• The first point of deviation occurs 400 feet (122 meters) from the trailhead and the vista is only 250 feet (76
meters) from the trailhead. It may be appropriate to construct the trail in compliance with the guidelines from the
trailhead to the vista.
Figure 145—This trail schematic
illustrates how to determine where the
trail must comply with Forest Service
Trail Accessibility Guidelines.
4. Calculate Cumulative Percentage of Exceptions
Are there
significant deviations on
less than 15% of
trail length?
technical provisions
to entire trail.
does not
Document and file
cumulative percentage
of exceptions.
Notify U.S. Access Board.
Figure 146—Step 4 of the Forest Service Trail Accessibility Guidelines implementation process.
Applying the Forest Service Trails Accessibility Guidelines
The FSTAG Implementation Process Flowchart
The FSTAG Implementation Process Flowchart
FSTAG must be applied before initiating new construction or altering any National Forest System trail with a
“Designed Use” of “Hiker/Pedestrian.” Figure 147 distills the
implementation process into a quick reference that provides
easy reference as you work through the process. A detailed
FSTAG implementation process flowchart is available in the
Before applying FSTAG, you’ll need to:
• Analyze existing conditions, including potential
opportunities and constraints (National Environmental
Policy Act analysis).
• Identify and verify the desired Trail Class for the trail
or trail segment.
• Identify and verify the “Designed Use” of the trail or
trail segment.
If you have questions about applying any of the above
information, please contact your region’s recreation accessibility coordinator. Current contact information is available at
Applying the Forest Service Trails Accessibility Guidelines
FSTAG Quick Reference
1. Determine Applicability of FSTAG
Is trail
new construction
or alteration?
Designed Use =
Does trail
connect to trail or
trailhead that meets
Go to
does not
2. Identify Presence of Limiting Factors
Trail grade
plus cross slope
exceeds 40%
for 20 ft or more?
Yes =
is NOT
firm and stable
for 45 ft or more?
The FSTAG Implementation Process Flowchart
Surface is NOT
firm and stable.
Does condition
for exception
and data source.
for exception.
does not
File documented
applicable condition
for exception.
Notify U.S. Access Board.
No =
Surface IS
firm and stable.
is less than
12 in for 20 ft
or more?
may still apply.
is 30 in or higher
across width
of trail?
Go to
When all limiting
factors have been
go to step 3.
3. Apply Technical Provisions
Trail grade
can comply
Trail cross slope
can comply
Clear tread
width complies
with 7.4.2?
Tread obstacles
with 7.4.6?
objects comply
with 7.4.8?
Passing space
can comply
with 7.4.5?
Resting intervals
can comply
with 7.4.4?
with 7.4.7?
Go to
Comply with
technical provision.
Does condition
for exception
Exception allowed.
Measure and record
affected length of trail.
Exception not allowed.
Comply with
technical provision.
can comply
with 7.4.1?
4. Calculate Cumulative Percentage of Exceptions
Are there
significant deviations on
less than 15% of
trail length?
technical provisions
to entire trail.
does not
Document and file
cumulative percentage
of exceptions.
Notify U.S. Access Board.
Figure 147—Quick reference for the Forest Service Trail Accessibility Guidelines implementation process.
When all technical
provisions have
been evaluated,
go to step 4.
ABA—Architectural Barriers Act
GSA—U.S. General Services Administration
ABAAS—Architectural Barriers Act Accessibility
HUD—U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Access Board—Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board
IBC—International Building Code
ISA—International Symbol of Accessibility
ADA—Americans with Disabilities Act
FTDS—Federal Trail Data Standards
MUTCD—Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices
ANSI—American National Standards Institute
OHV—Off-highway vehicle
ATV—All-terrain vehicle
ORAR—Outdoor Recreation Access Route
BEIG—Built Environment Image Guide
RHRIBS—Recreation and Heritage Resources Integrated Business Systems
ADASAD—Americans with Disabilities Act Standards
for Accessible Design
CFR—Code of Federal Regulations
ROS—Recreation Opportunity Spectrum
DOD—U.S. Department of Defense
RRAC—Regional Recreation Accessibility Coordinator
FHWA—U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal
Highway Administration
FSORAG—Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
RV—Recreational Vehicle
USDA—U.S. Department of Agriculture
FSTAG—Forest Service Trail Accessibility Guidelines
Accessibility Evaluation Survey—An activity comparing each portion of a structure to the accessibility standards and recording compliance and deficiencies.
Accessible—A facility or other constructed feature that
is in compliance with the accessibility guidelines that
were in effect at the time it was built or altered.
Accessible Facilities—Facilities that comply with the
accessibility guidelines.
Alteration of a Trail—A change in the purpose, intent,
or function of the trail.
Alteration of a recreation site, building, or facility—A
change to a portion of a recreation site, building, or facility that is addressed by the accessibility guidelines and
that affects the usability of the site, building, or facility.
Beach Access Point—A site at which pedestrian access
(such as dune crossings, stairways, walkways, or ramps
leading from boardwalks or outdoor recreation access
routes) to the beach or parking facilities are provided so
that people can access the water.
Beach Nourishment—Sometimes called beach restoration or sand replenishment—a process by which
sediment (usually sand) lost through longshore drift or
erosion is replaced from sources outside of the eroding
Camp Shelter—A small structure typically enclosed
on three sides with a roof or overhang to provide campers and hikers cover from weather. Camp shelters do not
contain plumbing fixtures, kitchen appliances, or other
amenities usually found in transient facilities or residential dwelling units.
Conditions for an Exception—Specific circumstances
found in natural environments that may make it difficult
to comply with the accessibility guidelines.
Construction—The process of building a new trail, recreation site, or facility where there was none before.
Cross Slope—The percentage of rise to length when
measuring the trail tread from edge to edge perpendicular to the direction of travel. In other words, cross slope
is the difference in elevation from the inner edge to the
outer edge of a trail, outdoor recreation access route, or
beach access route. This may be expressed as the percentage of change in elevation or as a ratio of vertical
distance to horizontal distance.
Disability—A medically definable condition that causes
a limitation in one or more major life activities, such as
walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, thinking,
and so forth.
Federal Trail Data Standards—Standards that are
published by the Federal Geographic Data Committee.
They are a core set of standardized data attributes and
corresponding definitions for tabular and spatial data
that are applicable to all federally managed trails, including national scenic and national historic trails. These
standards also are used by many other agencies and
Grab Bar—A bar attached to a wall to provide a handgrip for steadying oneself or to assist in transferring
across short distances.
Grade—The difference in elevation of a section of an
outdoor recreation access route, trail, or beach access
route measured parallel to the predominant direction
of travel. This may be expressed as the percentage of
change in elevation (grade) or as a ratio of vertical distance to horizontal distance (running slope).
Guardrail—A railing designed to protect people from
accidentally falling off an edge where the immediate
dropoff is more than 30 inches.
Impracticable—In this guidebook, impracticable means
work that cannot be completed within the limits of the
applicable conditions for an exception.
Limiting Factor—An extreme, uncorrectable environmental barrier that makes the trail beyond the barrier
unreachable for people with mobility limitations.
Maintenance—Routine or periodic repair of existing
trails, recreation sites, or facilities. Maintenance doesn’t
change the original purpose, intent, or function for which
the facility was designed.
Pit Toilet—A primitive outhouse consisting of a toilet
riser over a hole dug into the ground or receptacle to
receive and naturally decompose human waste. Pit toilets
are provided primarily for resource protection and only
are constructed at recreation sites with a Recreation Site
Development Scale level of 2 of less. A pit toilet riser
may or may not be surrounded by walls and may or may
not have a roof. A pit toilet may be permanently installed
or may be moved from one location to another as the pit
is filled or the area becomes severely impacted from use.
Waste may be disposed of directly into the pit or may be
Practicable—In this guidebook, practicable means work
that can be completed within the limits of the applicable
conditions for exceptions and results in a useful improvement for all. (See “Using the Conditions for an Exception in FSORAG” and “Conditions for an Exception in
FSTAG” of this guidebook for more information.)
Program Accessibility—The principle of providing all
people who meet the criteria, including people who have
disabilities, the opportunity to participate in a program
(an activity in which someone may participate or the reason someone visits an area).
Provision—A technical requirement.
Reconstruction—This word is not used in Federal
accessibility guidelines or FSORAG and FSTAG, even
though it is used frequently by people who work in recreation and trails. For the purposes of FSORAG and
FSTAG, actions are categorized as construction, alteration, or maintenance.
Recreation Site—A discrete area on a national forest
that provides recreation opportunities, receives use, and
requires a management investment to operate and/or
maintain to standard.
Recreation Site Development Scale—An area that is
improved, developed, or otherwise identified for recreation and that has a development scale of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or
5. (See Forest Service Manual Chapter 2330, exhibit 01.)
Running Slope—The ascent or descent of a trail segment expressed as a percentage of its length. In other
words, the slope is the difference in elevation from the
beginning to the end of a part of a trail, outdoor recreation access route, or beach access route, measured in the
direction of travel. This may be expressed as the percentage of change in elevation (grade) or as a ratio of vertical
distance to horizontal distance (running slope). The percentage (grade) is shown in parentheses in these accessibility guidelines.
Scoping—Specifications of where, when, and how much
of constructed features detailed in the technical requirements must be met in order to be in compliance with the
Setting—The term used to describe the natural surroundings of a trail or recreation area.
Slope Ratio—A ratio of vertical distance to horizontal
distance or rise to run.
Surface—The top layer of ground on a recreation site, outdoor recreation access route, trail, or beach access route.
Handrail—A narrow railing to be grasped with the hand
for support.
• Firm. A surface that resists deformation by
indentations. During the planning process, firmness must be evaluated for noticeable distortion
or compression during the seasons for which the
surface is managed, under normally occurring
weather conditions.
• Stable. A surface that is not permanently affected
by expected weather conditions and can sustain
normal wear and tear from the expected use(s) of
the area between planned maintenance.
Trail Managed Use—Any mode of travel that is actively
managed and appropriate for a specific trail or area,
based on its design and management. There may be multiple managed uses of a trail. (See the Federal Trail Data
Technical Requirements—Specific numbers, conditions, and measurements that are required to be achieved
(percent that must comply, dimensions, reach ranges,
grades, trail width, etc.).
Tread—The portion of a trail, outdoor recreation access
route, or beach access route where traffic moves (for
pedestrian routes, this is the walking surface).
Trail Class—The prescribed scale of development for a
trail, representing its intended design and management
standards. (See the Federal Trail Data Standards.)
Trail Designed Use—The managed use of a trail that
requires the most demanding design, construction, and
maintenance parameters and that, in conjunction with the
applicable trail class, determines which design parameters will apply to a trail. There is only one designed use
of a trail. (See the Federal Trail Data Standards.)
Trailhead—A site designed and developed by the Forest
Service or other Government agency, a trail association,
trail maintaining club, or other cooperators to provide a
staging area for trail use.
Transition Plan—A plan that identifies the changes
needed to make a facility accessible and the timeline for
completing the changes.
Universal Design—The principle that programs and
facilities must be designed to be usable by all people, to
the greatest extent possible, without separate or segregated access for people with disabilities.
Note: “fsweb” addresses are available only to Forest Service and U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management employees on the Forest Service internal network.
Title 7 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 15 is the 1994 U.S. Department of Agriculture implementation guideline for Section 504 that prescribes the requirements for ensuring access to programs.
• Subpart 15b (covers programs operating with Federal agency funding under special use permits or other agreements)
• Subpart 15e (covers programs conducted by the Forest Service)
• Section 150d (transition plan development and contents)
Access Board
Accessibility Guidebook for Outfitters/Guides Operating on Public Lands
Accessibility Guidebook for Ski Areas Operating on Public Lands
Accessible Exterior Surfaces Technical Article
Accessible Gates for Trails and Roads
Accessible Handpump
ADAAG Accessibility Checklist for Buildings and Facilities
American Trails
Americans with Disabilities Act
Americans with Disabilities Act/Architectural Barriers Act Accessibility Guidelines
Architectural Barriers Act
Architectural Barriers Act Accessibility Standard
Backcountry Sanitation Manual
Beneficial Designs
Built Environment Image Guide
Designing Sidewalks and Trails for Access
• Part 1, Review of Existing Guidelines and Practices
• Part 2, Best Practices Design Guide
Facilities Toolbox
Federal Highway Administration and Forest Service recreational trail publications and videos
• Paper copies
Federal Trail Data Standards
Forest Service Exhibit Accessibility Checklist
Forest Service Recreation Opportunities
Forest Service National Trail Specifications
Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines
Forest Service Trail Accessibility Guidelines
Forest Service Trail Design Parameters
International Building Code
Natural Resource Manager (formerly Infra, available only to Forest Service employees)
Public Rights-of-Way Accessibility Guidelines
Recreation and Heritage Resources Integrated Business Systems (formerly Meaningful Measures)
Recreation Opportunity Spectrum
Regional Recreation Accessibility Coordinators
Region/Station Facilities Program Leaders
Rehabilitation Act Section 504
Soil Stabilizers on Universally Accessible Trails
<> and
Shared Use Path Accessibility Guidelines
Trail Construction and Maintenance Notebook
Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards Accessibility Checklist
Universal Design Forest Service Policy, Forest Service Manual Section 2330.5
Universal Trail Assessment Process
Wetland Trail Design and Construction
<> and
Wilderness Access Decision Tool
New construction
or alteration?
Designed Use =
1. Determine Applicability of FSTAG
does not
Go to
Step 1—FSTAG Implementation Process Flowchart
connects to a trailhead
or a trail that
substantially meets
Refer to FSTAG for detailed instructions, definitions, and technical provisions
FSTAG Implementation Process Flowchart
Appendix: FSTAG Implementation Process Flowchart
(Surface IS
firm and stable.)
Document length
of trail that
exceeds 40%,
and data source.
surface firmness,
and data source.
(Surface is NOT
firm and stable.)
Surface is NOT
firm and stable
for 45 ft or more?
Trail grade
plus cross slope
exceeds 40%
for 20 ft or more?
A. Trail Grade
Does condition for
exception exist?
Does condition for
exception exist?
Note: Sequence does not need to occur in the order shown.
General Exception 2 (7.2.2)
2. Identify Presence of Limiting Factors
for exception.
so soft or
unstable that
it is impracticable
for the entire trail
to comply with the
trail grade and
cross slope so excessive
that it is impracticable for
for exception. the entire trail to comply
with the technical
Go to
File documented
for exception.
Notify U.S. Access Board.
Go to
File documented
for exception.
Notify U.S. Access Board.
does not
may still apply.
Go to minimum
trail width
limiting factor.
may still apply.
Go to surface
limiting factor.
does not
* A prominent feature between the trailhead and the trail’s first limiting factor will attract
people who may not use the whole trail. Consider constructing that section of trail in
compliance with the technical accessibility requirements.
Step 2—FSTAG Implementation Process Flowchart
Appendix: FSTAG Implementation Process Flowchart
Trail obstacle
is 30 in or higher
across width of trail?
trail obstacle,
and data source.
Trail Obstacle
Document minium
trail width,
and data source.
Minimum Trail Width
Minimum trail width
is less than
12 in for 20 ft or more?
for exception.
for exception.
trail obstacle
so extreme that
it is impracticable
for the entire trail
to comply with the
Go to
File documented
for exception.
Notify U.S. Access Board.
does not
may still apply.
Go to
File documented
for exception.
Notify U.S. Access Board.
does not
may still apply.
Go to trail
limiting factor.
Step 2—FSTAG Implementation Process Flowchart
Does condition for
exception exist?
Does condition for
exception exist?
trail width
so narrow that
it is impracticable
for the entire trail
to comply with the
Appendix: FSTAG Implementation Process Flowchart
Does condition for
exception exist?
Does condition
condition for
exception exist?
Does condition for
exception exist?
C. Resting Intervals
Resting intervals
can comply
with 7.4.4?
Trail Cross Slope
Trail cross slope
can comply
Trail grade
can comply
A. Trail Grade
Note: Sequence does not need to occur in the order shown.
(7.4.1 to 7.4.4 and 7.4.6 to 7.4.8)
3. Apply Technical Provisions
Exception not allowed.
Comply with trail grade
technical provision
Exception not allowed.
Comply with resting interval
technical provision 7.4.4.
Exception allowed.
Measure and record
length of exception.
Comply with resting interval
technical provision 7.4.4.
Exception not allowed.
Comply with trail cross slope
technical provision
Exception allowed.
Measure and record
length of exception.
Comply with trail cross slope
technical provision
Exception allowed.
Measure and record
length of exception.
Comply with trail grade
technical provision
Go to
Go to
Go to
If during step 3 the presence of one or more conditions for an exception allows deviations
from technical provisions on more than 15% of the trail length, go directly to step 4.
Step 3—FSTAG Implementation Process Flowchart
Appendix: FSTAG Implementation Process Flowchart
Clear tread width
can comply
with 7.4.2?
can comply
with 7.4.1?
Passing space
can comply
with 7.4.5?
Does condition for
exception exist?
Does condition for
exception exist?
Does condition for
exception exist?
Clear Tread Width
D. Passing Space
Exception not allowed.
Comply with surface
technical provision 7.4.1.
Exception not allowed.
Comply with clear tread width
technical provision 7.4.2.
Exception allowed.
Measure and record
length of exception.
Comply with clear tread width
technical provision 7.4.2.
Exception allowed.
Measure and record
length of exception.
Comply with surface
technical provision 7.4.1.
Exception not allowed.
Comply with passing space
technical provision 7.4.5.
Go to
Go to
Go to
Step 3—FSTAG Implementation Process Flowchart
Exception allowed.
Measure and record
length of exception.
Comply with passing space
technical provision 7.4.5.
Appendix: FSTAG Implementation Process Flowchart
Does condition for
exception exist?
Does condition for
exception exist?
Does condition for
exception exist?
Protruding objects
can comply
with 7.4.8?
can comply
with 7.4.7?
H. Protruding Objects
Tread obstacles
can comply
with 7.4.6?
G. Tread Obstacles
Exception not permitted.
Comply with openings
technical provision 7.4.7.
Exception allowed.
Measure and record
length of exception.
Comply with openings
technical provision 7.4.7.
Exception not allowed.
Comply with protruding objects
technical provision 7.4.8.
Exception allowed.
Measure and record
length of exception.
Comply with protruding objects
technical provision 7.4.8.
Exception not allowed.
Comply with tread obstacles
technical provision 7.4.6.
Exception allowed.
Measure and record
length of exception.
Comply with tread obstacles
technical provision 7.4.6.
Go to
Go to
Go to
Step 3—FSTAG Implementation Process Flowchart
Appendix: FSTAG Implementation Process Flowchart
General Exception 2 (7.2.2)
(Deviations occur
on more than 15%.)
significant deviations
occur on less than 15%
of total trail length?
does not
**Refer to FSTAG for detailed instructions, definitions, and technical provisions 7.0 through 7.3.
Step 4—FSTAG Implementation Process Flowchart
Document and file
cumulative percentage
of exceptions.
Notify U.S. Access Board.
technical provisions
to entire trail.**
4. Calculate Cumulative Percentage of Exceptions
Appendix: FSTAG Implementation Process Flowchart
Appendix: FSTAG Implementation Process Flowchart
About the Authors
Library Card
Janet Zeller is the national accessibility program manager for the Forest Service and is based in Washington, DC.
She began her Forest Service career in 1991 and has worked
in the field of accessibility for more than two decades. She is
the team leader for the Forest Service accessibility program
and for the development and implementation of the program
and accessibility policies. She also teaches accessibility and
universal design for programs and facilities at a wide range of
training sessions nationally. She holds a bachelor’s degree in
education from the University of New Hampshire and a master’s degree from the University of Rhode Island.
Ruth Doyle is the recreation, engineering, archeology,
lands, and minerals staff officer at the Cibola National Forest. She was the Forest Service’s representative on the U.S.
Access Board’s Outdoor Developed Areas Regulatory Negotiation Committee. This committee developed the preliminary
accessibility guidelines for picnic areas, campgrounds, beach
access routes, and trails on which the Outdoor Developed
Areas Accessibility Guidelines are based. She has a master’s
degree in landscape architecture from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and is a registered landscape architect in
New Mexico.
Kathleen Snodgrass came to the Missoula Technology
and Development Center (MTDC) as a project leader in 2001
She began her career with the Forest Service at the Nez Perce
National Forest, working in facilities, landscape architecture, land line, and general engineering before serving as the
facilities architect for about 7 years. She also spent about 10
years working in highway design and construction with the
Idaho Division of Highways after graduating from Washington State University in 1974 with a bachelor’s degree in architectural studies.
Zeller, Janet; Doyle, Ruth; Snodgrass, Kathleen. 2012.
Accessibility guidebook for outdoor recreation and trails. 1223–
2806P–MTDC. Missoula, MT: U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Forest Service, Missoula Technology and Development Center.
This guidebook will help users integrate accessibility into planning, design, construction, and maintenance of
outdoor recreation facilities and trails while maintaining
the natural setting. It provides detailed information about
accessibility requirements in an easy-to-use format with
photos, illustrations, design tips, hotlinks, and sidebars. This
guidebook will also help Forest Service employees, partners, contractors, and Federal and State agencies working in
cooperation with the Forest Service understand how to apply
the “Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility Guidelines” and “Forest Service Trail Accessibility Guidelines.”
Additional single copies of this publication may be
ordered from:
USDA Forest Service
Missoula Technology and Development Center
5785 Hwy. 10 West
Missoula, MT 59808–9361
Phone: 406–329–3978
Fax: 406–329–3719
Electronic copies of MTDC’s documents, CDs, DVDs, and
videos are available on the Internet at:
Keywords: ABA, acronyms, ADA, Americans With
Disabilities Act, Architectural Barriers Act, beaches, campgrounds, conditions for departure, definitions, disabilities,
FHWA, Forest Service Outdoor Recreation Accessibility
Guidelines, Forest Service Trail Accessibility Guidelines,
FSORAG, FSTAG, general exceptions, grills, handpumps,
overlooks, parking spaces, picnic tables, safety at work,
showers, slopes, surfaces, terminology, toilets, trails, universal design, wheelchairs
Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management employees
can search MTDC’s documents, CDs, DVDs, and videos
on their internal computer networks at:
For additional technical information, contact MTDC
Phone: 406–329–3900
Fax: 406–329–3719
Accessibility Guidebook for Outdoor Recreation and Trails