Diversity Advisory Council Minutes December 20, 2011 Alumni Boardroom, UC, 10:30 am -12:00 pm Mika reported that the Communications Subcommittee met with Nancy Clouse last week. Nancy demonstrated what kind of communication methods Moodle could provide for the DAC. The idea is that Moodle would be used for internal communications like agendas, minutes, and projects. The group also discussed the DAC website and using social media. Ray has been asked to write a short history of the DAC to add to the website. Julie mentioned that she would also like to see a longer version of the history for archival purposes. Melissa explained that currently the Diversity Calendar is not being used because there are no events posted to it. It is important that if a Diversity Calendar is going to be published to the DAC website that there be a plethora of diversity-related events on it. She has talked to Allison Squires from UM Relations and Nick Shontz from Central IT about getting the Diversity Calendar and the UM Calendar linked so that in the end Allison would add the diversity events to the UM Calendar and mark them to also appear on the Diversity Calendar. At this time, this functionally does not exist and it has been added to a project list in Nick’s department. Jennifer asked if Jacquie could work with Juana to take a look at the request for funding proposal to make it more user-friendly when it is printed. The DAC reviewed the request for funding proposal submitted for a little over $1000 from UM Allies. Jennifer moved to approve and Jacquie seconded the approval. The DAC approved $1000 of funding for UM Allies and Melissa said she would notify Liz RoosaMillar. Mary reported the three proposals were received by the deadline for the minigrants. She expects there to be money left for another round of awards in the spring. The group will start reviewing the proposals it received this fall in January. Topher from ASUM said that the information regarding the diversity minigrants got sent out to the student groups three times. Juana said UM Relations, other list serves, and in the past Kaimin ads were used to get the word out to students. Jennifer suggested looking into using DEN-TV slides and slides in the UC. Carey asked if feedback has been gathered from past applicants to see if any improvements could be made. Mary thinks this would be doable in the future and Blake suggested adding a few feedback questions to the end of the submission process. Blake and Carey agreed to work on some questions. Melissa and Juana talked about the diversity climate survey. Student Affairs Assessment Council would like to use this survey as a first go round with the new assessment software (CampusLabs) the division has purchased. The data from the survey would be available to the assessment subcommittee of the DAC. Privacy and unanimity would be respected. CampusLabs would provide a consultant to determine what an appropriate sample size should be. Blakely expressed concerned about defining what diversity is and Melissa explained that something like this could be crafted in the email message that contains a link to the survey; the actual survey does not define diversity. George is willing to look at the survey and to work with the group. Topher expressed concern over survey-fatigue. Julie moved to endorse the SAAC moving forward with the diversity climate study and Jacquie seconded the motion. Julie reported that Cornell West would not be coming to campus so the $1000 that the DAC committed is available for other projects or expenses. Jacquie presented the proposed DAC operating guidelines. Membership structure was discussed and the changes the DAC agreed upon are marked in the document that was sent along with the December meeting mintues.