THE MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEM Tuition and Mandatory Fees Summer Semester - Undergraduate Lower Division Regents' Item No.: 167-102-R0515 Unit Name: The University of Montana - Missoula Course Credit Registration Fee Tuition 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 & Beyond 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 182.20 364.40 546.60 728.80 911.00 1,093.20 1,275.40 1,457.60 1,639.80 1,822.00 2,004.20 2,186.40 Campus Facilities Equipment Technology ASUM Recreation UC Fees (1) Fee Fees (2) Fees (3) Fee Fees (4) 6.92 13.84 20.76 27.68 34.60 41.52 48.44 55.36 62.28 69.20 76.12 83.04 2.02 4.04 6.06 8.08 10.10 12.12 14.14 16.16 18.18 20.20 22.22 24.24 8.03 16.06 24.09 32.12 40.15 48.18 56.21 64.24 72.27 80.30 88.33 96.36 Opt * Opt * Opt * 23.70 23.70 23.70 29.70 29.70 29.70 29.70 29.70 29.70 Opt* Opt* Opt* Opt* Opt* Opt* 114.00 114.00 114.00 114.00 114.00 114.00 18.37 36.74 55.11 73.48 91.85 110.22 128.59 128.59 128.59 128.59 128.59 128.59 Effective Date: Summer 2016 (FY17) Health Service Fee (5) 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 112.25 112.25 112.25 112.25 112.25 112.25 Transportation Athletic Resident Fee Fee Total 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 288.04 505.58 723.12 964.36 1,181.90 1,399.44 1,843.73 2,042.90 2,242.07 2,441.24 2,640.41 2,839.58 NonRes Facilities Fee (1) NonRes Tuition Non Resident Total 3.00 6.00 9.00 12.00 15.00 18.00 21.00 24.00 27.00 30.00 33.00 36.00 727.25 1,454.50 2,181.75 2,909.00 3,636.25 4,363.50 5,090.75 5,818.00 6,545.25 7,272.50 7,999.75 8,727.00 1,018.29 1,966.08 2,913.87 3,885.36 4,833.15 5,780.94 6,955.48 7,884.90 8,814.32 9,743.74 10,673.16 11,602.58 (1) Facilities Fees Include: Academic Facilities($3.58/CR), Building($3.34/CR Res), ($3.00/CR NonRes) (2) Technology Fees Include: Computer($3.53/CR), Technology($4.50/CR) (3) ASUM Fees Include: Activity Fee 4+ credits ($23.70 Flat which includes $2 Infant Care and $1 Student Research), Recycling Fee 7+ credits ($6 Flat). * Students enrolled for 3 credits or less have the option of paying the $23.70 Activity fee to obtain services. * Students enrolled for 6 credits or less have the option of paying the $114.00 Campus Recreation fee. (4) UC Fees Include: Operation($14.07/CR), Renovation($4.30/CR) (5) Health Service Fee: Students enrolled in 6 credits or less have the option to pay the full Health Service Fee of $112.25 to obtain access to services provided by Curry Health Center. The $23 fee covers only the cost of campus health programs which is mandatory for all students. An additional $48 per credit is assessed for on-line courses and $24 per credit for blended courses. Mandatory health insurance coverage, with right of waiver, is required for all students. RKeller/FY17/6-1-2015/Rev_030816 THE MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEM Tuition and Mandatory Fees Summer Semester - Undergraduate Upper Division Regents' Item No.: 167-102-R0515 Unit Name: The University of Montana - Missoula Course Credit Registration Fee Tuition 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 & Beyond 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 201.40 402.80 604.20 805.60 1,007.00 1,208.40 1,409.80 1,611.20 1,812.60 2,014.00 2,215.40 2,416.80 Campus Facilities Equipment Technology ASUM Recreation UC Fees (1) Fee Fees (2) Fees (3) Fee Fees (4) 6.92 13.84 20.76 27.68 34.60 41.52 48.44 55.36 62.28 69.20 76.12 83.04 2.02 4.04 6.06 8.08 10.10 12.12 14.14 16.16 18.18 20.20 22.22 24.24 8.03 16.06 24.09 32.12 40.15 48.18 56.21 64.24 72.27 80.30 88.33 96.36 Opt * Opt * Opt * 23.70 23.70 23.70 29.70 29.70 29.70 29.70 29.70 29.70 Opt* Opt* Opt* Opt* Opt* Opt* 114.00 114.00 114.00 114.00 114.00 114.00 18.37 36.74 55.11 73.48 91.85 110.22 128.59 128.59 128.59 128.59 128.59 128.59 Effective Date: Summer 2016 (FY17) Health Service Fee (5) 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 112.25 112.25 112.25 112.25 112.25 112.25 Transportation Athletic Resident Fee Fee Total 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 307.24 543.98 780.72 1,041.16 1,277.90 1,514.64 1,978.13 2,196.50 2,414.87 2,633.24 2,851.61 3,069.98 NonRes Facilities Fee (1) NonRes Tuition Non Resident Total 3.00 6.00 9.00 12.00 15.00 18.00 21.00 24.00 27.00 30.00 33.00 36.00 776.45 1,552.90 2,329.35 3,105.80 3,882.25 4,658.70 5,435.15 6,211.60 6,988.05 7,764.50 8,540.95 9,317.40 1,086.69 2,102.88 3,119.07 4,158.96 5,175.15 6,191.34 7,434.28 8,432.10 9,429.92 10,427.74 11,425.56 12,423.38 (1) Facilities Fees Include: Academic Facilities($3.58/CR), Building($3.34/CR Res), ($3.00/CR NonRes) (2) Technology Fees Include: Computer($3.53/CR), Technology($4.50/CR) (3) ASUM Fees Include: Activity Fee 4+ credits ($23.70 Flat which includes $2 Infant Care and $1 Student Research), Recycling Fee 7+ credits ($6 Flat). * Students enrolled for 3 credits or less have the option of paying the $23.70 Activity fee to obtain services. * Students enrolled for 6 credits or less have the option of paying the $114.00 Campus Recreation fee. (4) UC Fees Include: Operation($14.07/CR), Renovation($4.30/CR) (5) Health Service Fee: Students enrolled in 6 credits or less have the option to pay the full Health Service Fee of $112.25 to obtain access to services provided by Curry Health Center. The $23 fee covers only the cost of campus health programs which is mandatory for all students. An additional $48 per credit is assessed for on-line courses and $24 per credit for blended courses. Mandatory health insurance coverage, with right of waiver, is required for all students. RKeller/FY17/6-1-2015/Rev_030816 THE MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEM Tuition and Mandatory Fees Summer Semester - Missoula College Regents' Item No.: 167-102-R0515 Unit Name: The University of Montana - Missoula Course Credit Registration Fee Tuition 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 & Beyond 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 99.40 198.80 298.20 397.60 497.00 596.40 695.80 795.20 894.60 994.00 1,093.40 1,192.80 Campus Facilities Equipment Technology ASUM Recreation UC Fees (1) Fee Fees (2) Fees (3) Fee Fees (4) 6.92 13.84 20.76 27.68 34.60 41.52 48.44 55.36 62.28 69.20 76.12 83.04 2.02 4.04 6.06 8.08 10.10 12.12 14.14 16.16 18.18 20.20 22.22 24.24 8.03 16.06 24.09 32.12 40.15 48.18 56.21 64.24 72.27 80.30 88.33 96.36 Opt * Opt * Opt * 23.70 23.70 23.70 29.70 29.70 29.70 29.70 29.70 29.70 Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Effective Date: Summer 2016 (FY17) Health Service Fee (5) 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 112.25 112.25 112.25 112.25 112.25 112.25 Transportation Athletic Resident Fee Fee Total 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 186.87 303.24 419.61 559.68 676.05 792.42 1,021.54 1,137.91 1,254.28 1,370.65 1,487.02 1,603.39 NonRes Facilities Fee (1) NonRes Tuition Non Resident Total 3.00 6.00 9.00 12.00 15.00 18.00 21.00 24.00 27.00 30.00 33.00 36.00 369.50 739.00 1,108.50 1,478.00 1,847.50 2,217.00 2,586.50 2,956.00 3,325.50 3,695.00 4,064.50 4,434.00 559.37 1,048.24 1,537.11 2,049.68 2,538.55 3,027.42 3,629.04 4,117.91 4,606.78 5,095.65 5,584.52 6,073.39 (1) Facilities Fees Include: Academic Facilities($3.58/CR), Building($3.34/CR Res), ($3.00/CR NonRes) (2) Technology Fees Include: Computer($3.53/CR), Technology($4.50/CR) (3) ASUM Fees Include: Activity Fee 4+ credits ($23.70 Flat which includes $2 Infant Care and $1 Student Research), Recycling Fee 7+ credits ($6 Flat). * Students enrolled for 3 credits or less have the option of paying the $23.70 Activity fee to obtain services. Campus Recreation Fee: Optional $114 for Missoula College students (4) UC Fees: (Not Applicable to Missoula College) (5) Health Service Fee: Students enrolled in 6 credits or less have the option to pay the full Health Service Fee of $112.25 to obtain access to services provided by Curry Health Center. The $23 fee covers only the cost of campus health programs which is mandatory for all students. An additional $48 per credit is assessed for on-line courses and $24 per credit for blended courses. Mandatory health insurance coverage, with right of waiver, is required for all students. RKeller/FY17/6-1-2015/Rev_030816 THE MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEM Tuition and Mandatory Fees Summer Semester - First Level Graduate Regents' Item No.: 167-102-R0515 Unit Name: The University of Montana - Missoula Course Credit Registration Fee Tuition 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 & Beyond 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 215.70 431.40 647.10 862.80 1,078.50 1,294.20 1,509.90 1,725.60 1,941.30 2,157.00 2,372.70 2,588.40 Campus Facilities Equipment Technology ASUM Recreation UC Fees (1) Fee Fees (2) Fees (3) Fee Fees (4) 6.92 13.84 20.76 27.68 34.60 41.52 48.44 55.36 62.28 69.20 76.12 83.04 2.02 4.04 6.06 8.08 10.10 12.12 14.14 16.16 18.18 20.20 22.22 24.24 8.03 16.06 24.09 32.12 40.15 48.18 56.21 64.24 72.27 80.30 88.33 96.36 Opt * Opt * Opt * 23.70 23.70 23.70 29.70 29.70 29.70 29.70 29.70 29.70 Opt* Opt* Opt* Opt* Opt* Opt* 114.00 114.00 114.00 114.00 114.00 114.00 18.37 36.74 55.11 73.48 91.85 110.22 128.59 128.59 128.59 128.59 128.59 128.59 Effective Date: Summer 2016 (FY17) Health Service Fee (5) 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 112.25 112.25 112.25 112.25 112.25 112.25 Transportation Athletic Resident Fee Fee Total 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 321.54 572.58 823.62 1,098.36 1,349.40 1,600.44 2,078.23 2,310.90 2,543.57 2,776.24 3,008.91 3,241.58 NonRes Facilities Fee (1) NonRes Tuition Non Resident Total 3.00 6.00 9.00 12.00 15.00 18.00 21.00 24.00 27.00 30.00 33.00 36.00 805.30 1,610.60 2,415.90 3,221.20 4,026.50 4,831.80 5,637.10 6,442.40 7,247.70 8,053.00 8,858.30 9,663.60 1,129.84 2,189.18 3,248.52 4,331.56 5,390.90 6,450.24 7,736.33 8,777.30 9,818.27 10,859.24 11,900.21 12,941.18 (1) Facilities Fees Include: Academic Facilities($3.58/CR), Building($3.34/CR Res), ($3.00/CR NonRes) (2) Technology Fees Include: Computer($3.53/CR), Technology($4.50/CR) (3) ASUM Fees Include: Activity Fee 4+ credits ($23.70 Flat which includes $2 Infant Care and $1 Student Research), Recycling Fee 7+ credits ($6 Flat). * Students enrolled for 3 credits or less have the option of paying the $23.70 Activity fee to obtain services. * Students enrolled for 6 credits or less have the option of paying the $114.00 Campus Recreation fee. (4) UC Fees Include: Operation($14.07/CR), Renovation($4.30/CR) (5) Health Service Fee: Students enrolled in 6 credits or less have the option to pay the full Health Service Fee of $112.25 to obtain access to services provided by Curry Health Center. The $23 fee covers only the cost of campus health programs which is mandatory for all students. An additional $48 per credit is assessed for on-line courses and $24 per credit for blended courses. Mandatory health insurance coverage, with right of waiver, is required for all students. RKeller/FY17/6-1-2015/Rev_030816 THE MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEM Tuition and Mandatory Fees Summer Semester - Advanced Graduate Regents' Item No.: 167-102-R0515 Unit Name: The University of Montana - Missoula Course Credit Registration Fee Tuition 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 & Beyond 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 243.70 487.40 731.10 974.80 1,218.50 1,462.20 1,705.90 1,949.60 2,193.30 2,437.00 2,680.70 2,924.40 Campus Facilities Equipment Technology ASUM Recreation UC Fees (1) Fee Fees (2) Fees (3) Fee Fees (4) 6.92 13.84 20.76 27.68 34.60 41.52 48.44 55.36 62.28 69.20 76.12 83.04 2.02 4.04 6.06 8.08 10.10 12.12 14.14 16.16 18.18 20.20 22.22 24.24 8.03 16.06 24.09 32.12 40.15 48.18 56.21 64.24 72.27 80.30 88.33 96.36 Opt * Opt * Opt * 23.70 23.70 23.70 29.70 29.70 29.70 29.70 29.70 29.70 Opt* Opt* Opt* Opt* Opt* Opt* 114.00 114.00 114.00 114.00 114.00 114.00 18.37 36.74 55.11 73.48 91.85 110.22 128.59 128.59 128.59 128.59 128.59 128.59 Effective Date: Summer 2016 (FY17) Health Service Fee (5) 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 112.25 112.25 112.25 112.25 112.25 112.25 Transportation Athletic Resident Fee Fee Total 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 349.54 628.58 907.62 1,210.36 1,489.40 1,768.44 2,274.23 2,534.90 2,795.57 3,056.24 3,316.91 3,577.58 NonRes Facilities Fee (1) NonRes Tuition Non Resident Total 3.00 6.00 9.00 12.00 15.00 18.00 21.00 24.00 27.00 30.00 33.00 36.00 817.75 1,635.50 2,453.25 3,271.00 4,088.75 4,906.50 5,724.25 6,542.00 7,359.75 8,177.50 8,995.25 9,813.00 1,170.29 2,270.08 3,369.87 4,493.36 5,593.15 6,692.94 8,019.48 9,100.90 10,182.32 11,263.74 12,345.16 13,426.58 (1) Facilities Fees Include: Academic Facilities($3.58/CR), Building($3.34/CR Res), ($3.00/CR NonRes) (2) Technology Fees Include: Computer($3.53/CR), Technology($4.50/CR) (3) ASUM Fees Include: Activity Fee 4+ credits ($23.70 Flat which includes $2 Infant Care and $1 Student Research), Recycling Fee 7+ credits ($6 Flat). * Students enrolled for 3 credits or less have the option of paying the $23.70 Activity fee to obtain services. * Students enrolled for 6 credits or less have the option of paying the $114.00 Campus Recreation fee. (4) UC Fees Include: Operation($14.07/CR), Renovation($4.30/CR) (5) Health Service Fee: Students enrolled in 6 credits or less have the option to pay the full Health Service Fee of $112.25 to obtain access to services provided by Curry Health Center. The $23 fee covers only the cost of campus health programs which is mandatory for all students. An additional $48 per credit is assessed for on-line courses and $24 per credit for blended courses. Mandatory health insurance coverage, with right of waiver, is required for all students. RKeller/FY17/6-1-2015/Rev_030816 THE MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEM Tuition and Mandatory Fees Summer Semester - Law Regents' Item No.: 167-102-R0515 Unit Name: The University of Montana - Missoula Course Credit Registration Fee Tuition 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 & Beyond 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 215.70 431.40 647.10 862.80 1,078.50 1,294.20 1,509.90 1,725.60 1,941.30 2,157.00 2,372.70 2,588.40 Campus Facilities Equipment Technology ASUM Recreation UC Fees (1) Fee Fees (2) Fees (3) Fee Fees (4) 6.92 13.84 20.76 27.68 34.60 41.52 48.44 55.36 62.28 69.20 76.12 83.04 2.02 4.04 6.06 8.08 10.10 12.12 14.14 16.16 18.18 20.20 22.22 24.24 8.03 16.06 24.09 32.12 40.15 48.18 56.21 64.24 72.27 80.30 88.33 96.36 Opt * Opt * Opt * 23.70 23.70 23.70 29.70 29.70 29.70 29.70 29.70 29.70 Opt* Opt* Opt* Opt* Opt* Opt* 114.00 114.00 114.00 114.00 114.00 114.00 18.37 36.74 55.11 73.48 91.85 110.22 128.59 128.59 128.59 128.59 128.59 128.59 Effective Date: Summer 2016 (FY17) Health Service Fee (5) 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 112.25 112.25 112.25 112.25 112.25 112.25 Transportation Athletic Resident Fee Fee Total 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 321.54 572.58 823.62 1,098.36 1,349.40 1,600.44 2,078.23 2,310.90 2,543.57 2,776.24 3,008.91 3,241.58 NonRes Facilities Fee (1) NonRes Tuition Non Resident Total 3.00 6.00 9.00 12.00 15.00 18.00 21.00 24.00 27.00 30.00 33.00 36.00 805.30 1,610.60 2,415.90 3,221.20 4,026.50 4,831.80 5,637.10 6,442.40 7,247.70 8,053.00 8,858.30 9,663.60 1,129.84 2,189.18 3,248.52 4,331.56 5,390.90 6,450.24 7,736.33 8,777.30 9,818.27 10,859.24 11,900.21 12,941.18 (1) Facilities Fees Include: Academic Facilities($3.58/CR), Building($3.34/CR Res), ($3.00/CR NonRes) (2) Technology Fees Include: Computer($3.53/CR), Technology($4.50/CR) (3) ASUM Fees Include: Activity Fee 4+ credits ($23.70 Flat which includes $2 Infant Care and $1 Student Research), Recycling Fee 7+ credits ($6 Flat). * Students enrolled for 3 credits or less have the option of paying the $23.70 Activity fee to obtain services. * Students enrolled for 6 credits or less have the option of paying the $114.00 Campus Recreation fee. (4) UC Fees Include: Operation($14.07/CR), Renovation($4.30/CR) (5) Health Service Fee: Students enrolled in 6 credits or less have the option to pay the full Health Service Fee of $112.25 to obtain access to services provided by Curry Health Center. The $23 fee covers only the cost of campus health programs which is mandatory for all students. An additional $48 per credit is assessed for on-line courses and $24 per credit for blended courses. An additional $50 per semester student approved facilities fee is assessed to repay bond proceeds used to complete Law School addition. An additional $145 per redit is assessed for Law Program Tuition to support additional needs as a professional school and to retain accreditation. Mandatory health insurance coverage, with right of waiver, is required for all students. RKeller/FY17/6-1-2015/Rev_030816 THE MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEM Tuition and Mandatory Fees Summer Semester - Undergraduate Lower Division WUE Regents' Item No.: 167-102-R0515 Unit Name: The University of Montana - Missoula Course Credit Registration Fee Tuition 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 & Beyond 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 273.30 546.60 819.90 1,093.20 1,366.50 1,639.80 1,913.10 2,186.40 2,459.70 2,733.00 3,006.30 3,279.60 Campus Facilities Equipment Technology ASUM Recreation UC Fees (1) Fee Fees (2) Fees (3) Fee Fees (4) 6.92 13.84 20.76 27.68 34.60 41.52 48.44 55.36 62.28 69.20 76.12 83.04 2.02 4.04 6.06 8.08 10.10 12.12 14.14 16.16 18.18 20.20 22.22 24.24 8.03 16.06 24.09 32.12 40.15 48.18 56.21 64.24 72.27 80.30 88.33 96.36 Opt * Opt * Opt * 23.70 23.70 23.70 29.70 29.70 29.70 29.70 29.70 29.70 Opt* Opt* Opt* Opt* Opt* Opt* 114.00 114.00 114.00 114.00 114.00 114.00 18.37 36.74 55.11 73.48 91.85 110.22 128.59 128.59 128.59 128.59 128.59 128.59 Effective Date: Summer 2016 (FY17) Health Service Fee (5) 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 112.25 112.25 112.25 112.25 112.25 112.25 Transportation Athletic Fee Fee 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NonRes Facilities Fee (1) WUE Total 3.00 6.00 9.00 12.00 15.00 18.00 21.00 24.00 27.00 30.00 33.00 36.00 382.14 693.78 1,005.42 1,340.76 1,652.40 1,964.04 2,502.43 2,795.70 3,088.97 3,382.24 3,675.51 3,968.78 (1) Facilities Fees Include: Academic Facilities($3.58/CR), Building($3.34/CR Res), ($3.00/CR NonRes) (2) Technology Fees Include: Computer($3.53/CR), Technology($4.50/CR) (3) ASUM Fees Include: Activity Fee 4+ credits ($23.70 Flat which includes $2 Infant Care and $1 Student Research), Recycling Fee 7+ credits ($6 Flat). * Students enrolled for 3 credits or less have the option of paying the $23.70 Activity fee to obtain services. * Students enrolled for 6 credits or less have the option of paying the $114.00 Campus Recreation fee. (4) UC Fees Include: Operation($14.07/CR), Renovation($4.30/CR) (5) Health Service Fee: Students enrolled in 6 credits or less have the option to pay the full Health Service Fee of $112.25 to obtain access to services provided by Curry Health Center. The $23 fee covers only the cost of campus health programs which is mandatory for all students. An additional $48 per credit is assessed for on-line courses and $24 per credit for blended courses. Mandatory health insurance coverage, with right of waiver, is required for all students. RKeller/FY17/6-1-2015/Rev_030816 THE MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEM Tuition and Mandatory Fees Summer Semester - Undergraduate Upper Division WUE Regents' Item No.: 167-102-R0515 Unit Name: The University of Montana - Missoula Course Credit Registration Fee Tuition 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 & Beyond 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 302.15 604.30 906.45 1,208.60 1,510.75 1,812.90 2,115.05 2,417.20 2,719.35 3,021.50 3,323.65 3,625.80 Campus Facilities Equipment Technology ASUM Recreation UC Fees (1) Fee Fees (2) Fees (3) Fee Fees (4) 6.92 13.84 20.76 27.68 34.60 41.52 48.44 55.36 62.28 69.20 76.12 83.04 2.02 4.04 6.06 8.08 10.10 12.12 14.14 16.16 18.18 20.20 22.22 24.24 8.03 16.06 24.09 32.12 40.15 48.18 56.21 64.24 72.27 80.30 88.33 96.36 Opt * Opt * Opt * 23.70 23.70 23.70 29.70 29.70 29.70 29.70 29.70 29.70 Opt* Opt* Opt* Opt* Opt* Opt* 114.00 114.00 114.00 114.00 114.00 114.00 18.37 36.74 55.11 73.48 91.85 110.22 128.59 128.59 128.59 128.59 128.59 128.59 Effective Date: Summer 2016 (FY17) Health Service Fee (5) 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 112.25 112.25 112.25 112.25 112.25 112.25 Transportation Athletic Fee Fee 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NonRes Facilities Fee (1) WUE Total 3.00 6.00 9.00 12.00 15.00 18.00 21.00 24.00 27.00 30.00 33.00 36.00 410.99 751.48 1,091.97 1,456.16 1,796.65 2,137.14 2,704.38 3,026.50 3,348.62 3,670.74 3,992.86 4,314.98 (1) Facilities Fees Include: Academic Facilities($3.58/CR), Building($3.34/CR Res), ($3.00/CR NonRes) (2) Technology Fees Include: Computer($3.53/CR), Technology($4.50/CR) (3) ASUM Fees Include: Activity Fee 4+ credits ($23.70 Flat which includes $2 Infant Care and $1 Student Research), Recycling Fee 7+ credits ($6 Flat). * Students enrolled for 3 credits or less have the option of paying the $23.70 Activity fee to obtain services. * Students enrolled for 6 credits or less have the option of paying the $114.00 Campus Recreation fee. (4) UC Fees Include: Operation($14.07/CR), Renovation($4.30/CR) (5) Health Service Fee: Students enrolled in 6 credits or less have the option to pay the full Health Service Fee of $112.25 to obtain access to services provided by Curry Health Center. The $23 fee covers only the cost of campus health programs which is mandatory for all students. An additional $48 per credit is assessed for on-line courses and $24 per credit for blended courses. Mandatory health insurance coverage, with right of waiver, is required for all students. RKeller/FY17/6-1-2015/Rev_030816 THE MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEM Tuition and Mandatory Fees Summer Semester - Post-Baccalaureate Regents' Item No.: 167-102-R0515 Unit Name: The University of Montana - Missoula Course Credit Registration Fee Tuition 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 & Beyond 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 201.40 402.80 604.20 805.60 1,007.00 1,208.40 1,409.80 1,611.20 1,812.60 2,014.00 2,215.40 2,416.80 Campus Facilities Equipment Technology ASUM Recreation UC Fees (1) Fee Fees (2) Fees (3) Fee Fees (4) 6.92 13.84 20.76 27.68 34.60 41.52 48.44 55.36 62.28 69.20 76.12 83.04 2.02 4.04 6.06 8.08 10.10 12.12 14.14 16.16 18.18 20.20 22.22 24.24 8.03 16.06 24.09 32.12 40.15 48.18 56.21 64.24 72.27 80.30 88.33 96.36 Opt * Opt * Opt * 23.70 23.70 23.70 29.70 29.70 29.70 29.70 29.70 29.70 Opt* Opt* Opt* Opt* Opt* Opt* 114.00 114.00 114.00 114.00 114.00 114.00 18.37 36.74 55.11 73.48 91.85 110.22 128.59 128.59 128.59 128.59 128.59 128.59 Effective Date: Summer 2016 (FY17) Health Service Fee (5) 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 112.25 112.25 112.25 112.25 112.25 112.25 Transportation Athletic Resident Fee Fee Total 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 307.24 543.98 780.72 1,041.16 1,277.90 1,514.64 1,978.13 2,196.50 2,414.87 2,633.24 2,851.61 3,069.98 NonRes Facilities Fee (1) NonRes Tuition Non Resident Total 3.00 6.00 9.00 12.00 15.00 18.00 21.00 24.00 27.00 30.00 33.00 36.00 776.45 1,552.90 2,329.35 3,105.80 3,882.25 4,658.70 5,435.15 6,211.60 6,988.05 7,764.50 8,540.95 9,317.40 1,086.69 2,102.88 3,119.07 4,158.96 5,175.15 6,191.34 7,434.28 8,432.10 9,429.92 10,427.74 11,425.56 12,423.38 (1) Facilities Fees Include: Academic Facilities($3.58/CR), Building($3.34/CR Res), ($3.00/CR NonRes) (2) Technology Fees Include: Computer($3.53/CR), Technology($4.50/CR) (3) ASUM Fees Include: Activity Fee 4+ credits ($23.70 Flat which includes $2 Infant Care and $1 Student Research), Recycling Fee 7+ credits ($6 Flat). * Students enrolled for 3 credits or less have the option of paying the $23.70 Activity fee to obtain services. * Students enrolled for 6 credits or less have the option of paying the $114.00 Campus Recreation fee. (4) UC Fees Include: Operation($14.07/CR), Renovation($4.30/CR) (5) Health Service Fee: Students enrolled in 6 credits or less have the option to pay the full Health Service Fee of $112.25 to obtain access to services provided by Curry Health Center. The $23 fee covers only the cost of campus health programs which is mandatory for all students. An additional $48 per credit is assessed for on-line courses and $24 per credit for blended courses. Mandatory health insurance coverage, with right of waiver, is required for all students. RKeller/FY17/6-1-2015/Rev_030816 THE MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEM Tuition and Mandatory Fees Summer Semester - First Level Graduate - Non Resident TA/RA Regents' Item No.: 167-102-R0515 Unit Name: The University of Montana - Missoula Course Credit Registration Fee Tuition 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 & Beyond 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 215.70 431.40 647.10 862.80 1,078.50 1,294.20 1,509.90 1,725.60 1,941.30 2,157.00 2,372.70 2,588.40 Campus Facilities Equipment Technology ASUM Recreation UC Fees (1) Fee Fees (2) Fees (3) Fee Fees (4) 6.92 13.84 20.76 27.68 34.60 41.52 48.44 55.36 62.28 69.20 76.12 83.04 2.02 4.04 6.06 8.08 10.10 12.12 14.14 16.16 18.18 20.20 22.22 24.24 8.03 16.06 24.09 32.12 40.15 48.18 56.21 64.24 72.27 80.30 88.33 96.36 Opt * Opt * Opt * 23.70 23.70 23.70 29.70 29.70 29.70 29.70 29.70 29.70 Opt* Opt* Opt* Opt* Opt* Opt* 114.00 114.00 114.00 114.00 114.00 114.00 18.37 36.74 55.11 73.48 91.85 110.22 128.59 128.59 128.59 128.59 128.59 128.59 Effective Date: Summer 2016 (FY17) Health Service Fee (5) 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 112.25 112.25 112.25 112.25 112.25 112.25 Transportation Athletic Fee Fee 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NonRes Facilities Fee (1) Total 3.00 6.00 9.00 12.00 15.00 18.00 21.00 24.00 27.00 30.00 33.00 36.00 324.54 578.58 832.62 1,110.36 1,364.40 1,618.44 2,099.23 2,334.90 2,570.57 2,806.24 3,041.91 3,277.58 (1) Facilities Fees Include: Academic Facilities($3.58/CR), Building($3.34/CR Res), ($3.00/CR NonRes) (2) Technology Fees Include: Computer($3.53/CR), Technology($4.50/CR) (3) ASUM Fees Include: Activity Fee 4+ credits ($23.70 Flat which includes $2 Infant Care and $1 Student Research), Recycling Fee 7+ credits ($6 Flat). * Students enrolled for 3 credits or less have the option of paying the $23.70 Activity fee to obtain services. * Students enrolled for 6 credits or less have the option of paying the $114.00 Campus Recreation fee. (4) UC Fees Include: Operation($14.07/CR), Renovation($4.30/CR) (5) Health Service Fee: Students enrolled in 6 credits or less have the option to pay the full Health Service Fee of $112.25 to obtain access to services provided by Curry Health Center. The $23 fee covers only the cost of campus health programs which is mandatory for all students. An additional $48 per credit is assessed for on-line courses and $24 per credit for blended courses. Mandatory health insurance coverage, with right of waiver, is required for all students. RKeller/FY17/6-1-2015/Rev_030816 THE MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEM Tuition and Mandatory Fees Summer Semester - Advance Graduate - Non Resident TA/RA Regents' Item No.: 167-102-R0515 Unit Name: The University of Montana - Missoula Course Credit Registration Fee Tuition 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 & Beyond 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 243.70 487.40 731.10 974.80 1,218.50 1,462.20 1,705.90 1,949.60 2,193.30 2,437.00 2,680.70 2,924.40 Campus Facilities Equipment Technology ASUM Recreation UC Fees (1) Fee Fees (2) Fees (3) Fee Fees (4) 6.92 13.84 20.76 27.68 34.60 41.52 48.44 55.36 62.28 69.20 76.12 83.04 2.02 4.04 6.06 8.08 10.10 12.12 14.14 16.16 18.18 20.20 22.22 24.24 8.03 16.06 24.09 32.12 40.15 48.18 56.21 64.24 72.27 80.30 88.33 96.36 Opt * Opt * Opt * 23.70 23.70 23.70 29.70 29.70 29.70 29.70 29.70 29.70 Opt* Opt* Opt* Opt* Opt* Opt* 114.00 114.00 114.00 114.00 114.00 114.00 18.37 36.74 55.11 73.48 91.85 110.22 128.59 128.59 128.59 128.59 128.59 128.59 Effective Date: Summer 2016 (FY17) Health Service Fee (5) 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 112.25 112.25 112.25 112.25 112.25 112.25 Transportation Athletic Fee Fee 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NonRes Facilities Fee (1) Total 3.00 6.00 9.00 12.00 15.00 18.00 21.00 24.00 27.00 30.00 33.00 36.00 352.54 634.58 916.62 1,222.36 1,504.40 1,786.44 2,295.23 2,558.90 2,822.57 3,086.24 3,349.91 3,613.58 (1) Facilities Fees Include: Academic Facilities($3.58/CR), Building($3.34/CR Res), ($3.00/CR NonRes) (2) Technology Fees Include: Computer($3.53/CR), Technology($4.50/CR) (3) ASUM Fees Include: Activity Fee 4+ credits ($23.70 Flat which includes $2 Infant Care and $1 Student Research), Recycling Fee 7+ credits ($6 Flat). * Students enrolled for 3 credits or less have the option of paying the $23.70 Activity fee to obtain services. * Students enrolled for 6 credits or less have the option of paying the $114.00 Campus Recreation fee. (4) UC Fees Include: Operation($14.07/CR), Renovation($4.30/CR) (5) Health Service Fee: Students enrolled in 6 credits or less have the option to pay the full Health Service Fee of $112.25 to obtain access to services provided by Curry Health Center. The $23 fee covers only the cost of campus health programs which is mandatory for all students. An additional $48 per credit is assessed for on-line courses and $24 per credit for blended courses. Mandatory health insurance coverage, with right of waiver, is required for all students. RKeller/FY17/6-1-2015/Rev_030816 THE MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEM Tuition and Mandatory Fees Summer Semester - Online Undergraduate Lower Division Unit Name: The University of Montana - Missoula Crs Cr Reg Fee Tui Fee Regents' Item No.: 167-102-R0515 Comp Equip Fees Fee Effective Date: Summer 2016 (FY17) Online Fee* Res Total NR Tui Fee NR Total 1 30.00 182.20 3.53 2.02 48.00 265.75 334.05 599.80 2 30.00 364.40 7.06 4.04 96.00 501.50 668.10 1169.60 3 30.00 546.60 10.59 6.06 144.00 737.25 1002.15 1739.40 4 30.00 728.80 14.12 8.08 192.00 973.00 1336.20 2309.20 5 30.00 911.00 17.65 10.10 240.00 1208.75 1670.25 2879.00 6 30.00 1093.20 21.18 12.12 288.00 1444.50 2004.30 3448.80 7 30.00 1275.40 24.71 14.14 336.00 1680.25 2338.35 4018.60 8 30.00 1457.60 28.24 16.16 384.00 1916.00 2672.40 4588.40 9 30.00 1639.80 31.77 18.18 432.00 2151.75 3006.45 5158.20 10 30.00 1822.00 35.30 20.20 480.00 2387.50 3340.50 5728.00 11 30.00 2004.20 38.83 22.22 528.00 2623.25 3674.55 6297.80 12 30.00 2186.40 42.36 24.24 576.00 2859.00 4008.60 6867.60 13 30.00 2186.40 42.36 24.24 624.00 2907.00 4008.60 6915.60 14 30.00 2186.40 42.36 24.24 672.00 2955.00 4008.60 6963.60 15 30.00 2186.40 42.36 24.24 720.00 3003.00 4008.60 7011.60 16 30.00 2186.40 42.36 24.24 768.00 3051.00 4008.60 7059.60 17 30.00 2186.40 42.36 24.24 816.00 3099.00 4008.60 7107.60 18 30.00 2186.40 42.36 24.24 864.00 3147.00 4008.60 7155.60 19 30.00 2186.40 42.36 24.24 912.00 3195.00 4008.60 7203.60 20 30.00 2186.40 42.36 24.24 960.00 3243.00 4008.60 7251.60 21 30.00 2186.40 42.36 24.24 1008.00 3291.00 4008.60 7299.60 * Note: The Online Fee is $48 per credit (1-99 credits). There is no flat spot for this fee at 12 credits. RKeller/FY17/6-5-2015/Rev_030816 THE MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEM Tuition and Mandatory Fees Summer Semester - Online Undergraduate Upper Division Unit Name: The University of Montana - Missoula Crs Cr Reg Fee Tui Fee Regents' Item No.: 167-102-R0515 Comp Equip Fees Fee Effective Date: Summer 2016 (FY17) Online Fee* Res Total NR Tui Fee NR Total 1 30.00 201.40 3.53 2.02 48.00 284.95 369.25 654.20 2 30.00 402.80 7.06 4.04 96.00 539.90 738.50 1278.40 3 30.00 604.20 10.59 6.06 144.00 794.85 1107.75 1902.60 4 30.00 805.60 14.12 8.08 192.00 1049.80 1477.00 2526.80 5 30.00 1007.00 17.65 10.10 240.00 1304.75 1846.25 3151.00 6 30.00 1208.40 21.18 12.12 288.00 1559.70 2215.50 3775.20 7 30.00 1409.80 24.71 14.14 336.00 1814.65 2584.75 4399.40 8 30.00 1611.20 28.24 16.16 384.00 2069.60 2954.00 5023.60 9 30.00 1812.60 31.77 18.18 432.00 2324.55 3323.25 5647.80 10 30.00 2014.00 35.30 20.20 480.00 2579.50 3692.50 6272.00 11 30.00 2215.40 38.83 22.22 528.00 2834.45 4061.75 6896.20 12 30.00 2416.80 42.36 24.24 576.00 3089.40 4431.00 7520.40 13 30.00 2416.80 42.36 24.24 624.00 3137.40 4431.00 7568.40 14 30.00 2416.80 42.36 24.24 672.00 3185.40 4431.00 7616.40 15 30.00 2416.80 42.36 24.24 720.00 3233.40 4431.00 7664.40 16 30.00 2416.80 42.36 24.24 768.00 3281.40 4431.00 7712.40 17 30.00 2416.80 42.36 24.24 816.00 3329.40 4431.00 7760.40 18 30.00 2416.80 42.36 24.24 864.00 3377.40 4431.00 7808.40 19 30.00 2416.80 42.36 24.24 912.00 3425.40 4431.00 7856.40 20 30.00 2416.80 42.36 24.24 960.00 3473.40 4431.00 7904.40 21 30.00 2416.80 42.36 24.24 1008.00 3521.40 4431.00 7952.40 * Note: The Online Fee is $48 per credit (1-99 credits). There is no flat spot for this fee at 12 credits. RKeller/FY17/6-5-2015/Rev_030816 THE MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEM Tuition and Mandatory Fees Summer Semester - Online Missoula College Unit Name: The University of Montana - Missoula Regents' Item No.: 167-102-R0515 Effective Date: Summer 2016 (FY17) Res Total NR Tui Fee 48.00 182.95 199.30 382.25 4.04 96.00 335.90 398.60 734.50 10.59 6.06 144.00 488.85 597.90 1086.75 397.60 14.12 8.08 192.00 641.80 797.20 1439.00 30.00 497.00 17.65 10.10 240.00 794.75 996.50 1791.25 6 30.00 596.40 21.18 12.12 288.00 947.70 1195.80 2143.50 7 30.00 695.80 24.71 14.14 336.00 1100.65 1395.10 2495.75 8 30.00 795.20 28.24 16.16 384.00 1253.60 1594.40 2848.00 9 30.00 894.60 31.77 18.18 432.00 1406.55 1793.70 3200.25 10 30.00 994.00 35.30 20.20 480.00 1559.50 1993.00 3552.50 11 30.00 1093.40 38.83 22.22 528.00 1712.45 2192.30 3904.75 12 30.00 1192.80 42.36 24.24 576.00 1865.40 2391.60 4257.00 13 30.00 1192.80 42.36 24.24 624.00 1913.40 2391.60 4305.00 14 30.00 1192.80 42.36 24.24 672.00 1961.40 2391.60 4353.00 15 30.00 1192.80 42.36 24.24 720.00 2009.40 2391.60 4401.00 16 30.00 1192.80 42.36 24.24 768.00 2057.40 2391.60 4449.00 17 30.00 1192.80 42.36 24.24 816.00 2105.40 2391.60 4497.00 18 30.00 1192.80 42.36 24.24 864.00 2153.40 2391.60 4545.00 19 30.00 1192.80 42.36 24.24 912.00 2201.40 2391.60 4593.00 20 30.00 1192.80 42.36 24.24 960.00 2249.40 2391.60 4641.00 21 30.00 1192.80 42.36 24.24 1008.00 2297.40 2391.60 4689.00 Crs Cr Reg Fee Tui Fee Comp Equip Fees Fee 1 30.00 99.40 3.53 2.02 2 30.00 198.80 7.06 3 30.00 298.20 4 30.00 5 * Note: The Online Fee is $48 per credit (1-99 credits). There is no flat spot for this fee at 12 credits. RKeller/FY17/6-5-2015/Rev_030816 Online Fee* NR Total THE MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEM Tuition and Mandatory Fees Summer Semester - Online First Level Graduate Unit Name: The University of Montana - Missoula Crs Cr Reg Fee Tui Fee Regents' Item No.: 167-102-R0515 Comp Equip Fees Fee Effective Date: Summer 2016 (FY17) Online Fee* Res Total NR Tui Fee NR Total 1 30.00 215.70 3.53 2.02 48.00 299.25 395.45 694.70 2 30.00 431.40 7.06 4.04 96.00 568.50 790.90 1359.40 3 30.00 647.10 10.59 6.06 144.00 837.75 1186.35 2024.10 4 30.00 862.80 14.12 8.08 192.00 1107.00 1581.80 2688.80 5 30.00 1078.50 17.65 10.10 240.00 1376.25 1977.25 3353.50 6 30.00 1294.20 21.18 12.12 288.00 1645.50 2372.70 4018.20 7 30.00 1509.90 24.71 14.14 336.00 1914.75 2768.15 4682.90 8 30.00 1725.60 28.24 16.16 384.00 2184.00 3163.60 5347.60 9 30.00 1941.30 31.77 18.18 432.00 2453.25 3559.05 6012.30 10 30.00 2157.00 35.30 20.20 480.00 2722.50 3954.50 6677.00 11 30.00 2372.70 38.83 22.22 528.00 2991.75 4349.95 7341.70 12 30.00 2588.40 42.36 24.24 576.00 3261.00 4745.40 8006.40 13 30.00 2588.40 42.36 24.24 624.00 3309.00 4745.40 8054.40 14 30.00 2588.40 42.36 24.24 672.00 3357.00 4745.40 8102.40 15 30.00 2588.40 42.36 24.24 720.00 3405.00 4745.40 8150.40 16 30.00 2588.40 42.36 24.24 768.00 3453.00 4745.40 8198.40 17 30.00 2588.40 42.36 24.24 816.00 3501.00 4745.40 8246.40 18 30.00 2588.40 42.36 24.24 864.00 3549.00 4745.40 8294.40 19 30.00 2588.40 42.36 24.24 912.00 3597.00 4745.40 8342.40 20 30.00 2588.40 42.36 24.24 960.00 3645.00 4745.40 8390.40 21 30.00 2588.40 42.36 24.24 1008.00 3693.00 4745.40 8438.40 * Note: The Online Fee is $48 per credit (1-99 credits). There is no flat spot for this fee at 12 credits. RKeller/FY17/6-5-2015/Rev_030816 THE MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEM Tuition and Mandatory Fees Summer Semester - Online Advanced Graduate Unit Name: The University of Montana - Missoula Crs Cr Reg Fee Tui Fee Comp Fees Regents' Item No.: 167-102-R0515 Effective Date: Summer 2016 (FY17) Equip Fee Online Fee* Res Total NR Tui Fee NR Total 1 30.00 243.70 3.53 2.02 48.00 327.25 446.80 774.05 2 30.00 487.40 7.06 4.04 96.00 624.50 893.60 1518.10 3 30.00 731.10 10.59 6.06 144.00 921.75 1340.40 2262.15 4 30.00 974.80 14.12 8.08 192.00 1219.00 1787.20 3006.20 5 30.00 1218.50 17.65 10.10 240.00 1516.25 2234.00 3750.25 6 30.00 1462.20 21.18 12.12 288.00 1813.50 2680.80 4494.30 7 30.00 1705.90 24.71 14.14 336.00 2110.75 3127.60 5238.35 8 30.00 1949.60 28.24 16.16 384.00 2408.00 3574.40 5982.40 9 30.00 2193.30 31.77 18.18 432.00 2705.25 4021.20 6726.45 10 30.00 2437.00 35.30 20.20 480.00 3002.50 4468.00 7470.50 11 30.00 2680.70 38.83 22.22 528.00 3299.75 4914.80 8214.55 12 30.00 2924.40 42.36 24.24 576.00 3597.00 5361.60 8958.60 13 30.00 2924.40 42.36 24.24 624.00 3645.00 5361.60 9006.60 14 30.00 2924.40 42.36 24.24 672.00 3693.00 5361.60 9054.60 15 30.00 2924.40 42.36 24.24 720.00 3741.00 5361.60 9102.60 16 30.00 2924.40 42.36 24.24 768.00 3789.00 5361.60 9150.60 17 30.00 2924.40 42.36 24.24 816.00 3837.00 5361.60 9198.60 18 30.00 2924.40 42.36 24.24 864.00 3885.00 5361.60 9246.60 19 30.00 2924.40 42.36 24.24 912.00 3933.00 5361.60 9294.60 20 30.00 2924.40 42.36 24.24 960.00 3981.00 5361.60 9342.60 21 30.00 2924.40 42.36 24.24 1008.00 4029.00 5361.60 9390.60 * Note: The Online Fee is $48 per credit (1-99 credits). There is no flat spot for this fee at 12 credits. RKeller/FY17/6-5-2015/Rev_030816 THE MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEM Tuition and Mandatory Fees Summer Semester - Online Post Baccalaureate Unit Name: The University of Montana - Missoula Crs Cr Reg Fee Tui Fee Regents' Item No.: 167-102-R0515 Comp Equip Fees Fee Effective Date: Summer 2016 (FY17) Online Fee* Res Total NR Tui Fee NR Total 1 30.00 201.40 3.53 2.02 48.00 284.95 369.25 654.20 2 30.00 402.80 7.06 4.04 96.00 539.90 738.50 1278.40 3 30.00 604.20 10.59 6.06 144.00 794.85 1107.75 1902.60 4 30.00 805.60 14.12 8.08 192.00 1049.80 1477.00 2526.80 5 30.00 1007.00 17.65 10.10 240.00 1304.75 1846.25 3151.00 6 30.00 1208.40 21.18 12.12 288.00 1559.70 2215.50 3775.20 7 30.00 1409.80 24.71 14.14 336.00 1814.65 2584.75 4399.40 8 30.00 1611.20 28.24 16.16 384.00 2069.60 2954.00 5023.60 9 30.00 1812.60 31.77 18.18 432.00 2324.55 3323.25 5647.80 10 30.00 2014.00 35.30 20.20 480.00 2579.50 3692.50 6272.00 11 30.00 2215.40 38.83 22.22 528.00 2834.45 4061.75 6896.20 12 30.00 2416.80 42.36 24.24 576.00 3089.40 4431.00 7520.40 13 30.00 2416.80 42.36 24.24 624.00 3137.40 4431.00 7568.40 14 30.00 2416.80 42.36 24.24 672.00 3185.40 4431.00 7616.40 15 30.00 2416.80 42.36 24.24 720.00 3233.40 4431.00 7664.40 16 30.00 2416.80 42.36 24.24 768.00 3281.40 4431.00 7712.40 17 30.00 2416.80 42.36 24.24 816.00 3329.40 4431.00 7760.40 18 30.00 2416.80 42.36 24.24 864.00 3377.40 4431.00 7808.40 19 30.00 2416.80 42.36 24.24 912.00 3425.40 4431.00 7856.40 20 30.00 2416.80 42.36 24.24 960.00 3473.40 4431.00 7904.40 21 30.00 2416.80 42.36 24.24 1008.00 3521.40 4431.00 7952.40 * Note: The Online Fee is $48 per credit (1-99 credits). There is no flat spot for this fee at 12 credits. RKeller/FY17/6-5-2015/Rev_030816