SCFC Meeting Minutes /Alumni Board Rm

SCFC Meeting Minutes
Thursday, September 17, 2015 2-3 PM UC 3rd/Alumni Board Rm
Voting Members:
Josef Crepeau
Jesse Neidigh
Nathan Anderson
Christian Decan
Jennifer Mills
Wyatt Smith
Non-Voting Members:
Voting Members:
Valerie Crepeau
Barb Seekins
Chuck Harris
Martin Horejsi
Non-Voting Members:
Matt Riley
Revisit School of Journalism Equipment expenditure request. – Approved
Conference Call with Peet McKinney
The Student Computer Fee equipment expenditure request for the purchase of 23 Western Digital 2TB
drives as replacements for 7-year old 750 GB drives was revisited at this meeting. The SCFC
conducted a conference call with Peet McKinney, the technology manager for the School of
Journalism. After discussion with Peet the SCFC voted to approve this request.
Approve minutes from 9/3/15 SCFC meeting. – Approved
Minutes from the 9/3/15 SCFC meeting were approved
Student Chair presentations and SCFC Vote for SCFC Chair.
After brief presentations from Nathan Anderson and Wyatt Smith the SCFC voted that
Wyatt Smith will be Chair of the SCFC for FY16.
Final review of SCFC website.
Jennifer Mills gave the SCFC an overview of the latest version of the SCF staging website and the
committee approved that the site become live. SCFC members will review the live site on line and
make suggestions for any additions or revisions.
SCFC on-line forms status review.
Jennifer Mills incorporated the Qualtrics SCF request forms into a new format and the SCFC approved
that the new form be used on the SCF website.
SCFC student member resignation and replacement.
Chris Smith, the second ASUM representative to the SCFC resigned as a committee member. Wyatt
Smith will work with ASUM to get a replacement representative.
The Dean’s office representative appointment to the SCFC is still pending.