EDLSI with PSVD Updating April Kontostathis Ursinus College Erin Moulding, Raymond J. Spiteri

EDLSI with PSVD Updating
April Kontostathis
Ursinus College
Erin Moulding, Raymond J. Spiteri
University of Saskatchewan
Overview of Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI)
Updating methods for PSVD
Essential Dimensions of LSI (EDLSI)
Description of our experiments
Vector Space Retrieval
• Documents represented by vectors
• Entries represent importance of term (word)
Binary or raw frequencies
May be weighted, locally or globally
Common words (stop-words), infrequent words
Vector Space Retrieval
• Vectors combined into term-document matrix A
• Query q also represented as vector, same rules
• Scores computed by: w = qT A
▫ Entries of w are relevance of document to q
• Same with multiple queries
• Problems:
▫ Synonymy: use wrong synonym, miss documents
▫ Polysemy: multiple meanings, get wrong one
Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI)
• Approximate term-document matrix by rank-k
partial singular value decomposition (PSVD):
A = U Σ VT ≈ Ak = Uk Σk VkT
• Uk, Vk orthonormal, Σ diagonal matrix of
singular values
• Closest approximation to A in 2-norm
• Captures term relationship information
• k chosen empirically, usually 100-300
Updating methods for PSVD
• Computation of PSVD is expensive
▫ May be reused for many queries if collection is
▫ When collection changes, must add new
▫ Recomputing PSVD very expensive
• Methods of adding new information:
▫ Folding-in, updating, folding-up
• Project new documents D into k-dimensional
space, then add to bottom of Vk:
Dk = DT Uk Σk−1
[ A, D ] ≈ Uk Σk [ VkT, DkT ]
• Fast and easy
• Generally corrupts orthogonality of Uk, Vk
• Not recommended if collection changes often
• Finds exact PSVD of [ Ak, D ] to roundoff error
• Uses a smaller QR decomposition and PSVD
• Slower than folding-in, but much more accurate
• Still faster than recomputing, and gives same
result to roundoff error
• Hybrid method of folding-in and updating
• New documents are folded-in until a threshold is
reached, then updated with all new documents
• Two threshold methods:
▫ Number of documents added reaches pre-selected
percentage of current term-document matrix
▫ Error threshold based on the accumulated loss of
orthogonality in Vk
Essential Dimensions of LSI (EDLSI)
• As k approaches the rank r of A, LSI approaches
traditional vector-space retrieval
▫ But LSI outperforms vector-space for some
collections, even for small k
• Hypothesis: LSI captures term relationship
information in first few dimensions, then
continues to add dimensions to capture data
from vector-space methods.
Essential Dimensions of LSI (EDLSI)
• Idea: use both vector-space retrieval and LSI
with very small k
• Score is a weighted sum of scores:
w = x (qT Ak) + (1 – x) (qT A)
• Optimal k with this method usually under 50
• Optimal x small, usually 0.2 or less
• Outperforms LSI (both run-time and retrieval
Our experiments
• Combining EDLSI with PSVD updating methods
▫ Each provides improvement over LSI alone, will
combination provide further improvement?
• Collections:
▫ Small SMART datasets, used often for LSI
▫ Two subsets of TREC AQUAINT, size 15000 and
30000 documents each (referred to as HARD-1
and HARD-2 respectively)
Our experiments
• Metrics for evaluation:
▫ Precision: number of retrieved relevant documents
divided by total number of retrieved documents
▫ Recall: number of retrieved relevant documents
divided by total relevant documents in dataset
▫ 11-point precision: average of precision at 11
standard recall levels (0%, 10%, … , 100%)
▫ Mean Average Precision (MAP): average of 11point precision over all queries
Our experiments
• Partition each dataset into initial set of 50% of
• Add incrementally with 3% of documents
• For each dataset, each method, determine
optimal k for LSI, optimal k and x for EDLSI
▫ Optimal in terms of MAP
▫ If multiple runs give same MAP, smallest k and x
value chosen
Our experiments
• EDLSI: tested k from 5 to 50 for small datasets
and 5 to 100 for HARD-1, in increments of 5
• EDLSI: tested x from 0.1 to 0.9 by 0.1
• LSI: tested k from 25 to 200 for small datasets
and 25 to 500 for HARD-1, in increments of 25
• For HARD-2, same parameters as HARD-1 used
• Each dataset tested with recomputing, foldingin, updating, and both folding-up methods
• EDLSI generally matched or outperformed LSI
in term of MAP
• EDLSI always outperformed LSI in terms of run
time and memory requirements
• EDLSI reaches optimal MAP at small k, then
does not change much once passed
• EDLSI MAP does not change much near optimal
x value of 0.1
• EDLSI in combination with PSVD updating
techniques provides an improvement in MAP
over both EDLSI alone and LSI with PSVD
• EDLSI improves on LSI in terms of run time and
memory considerations