General Education Committee Minutes, 11/13/13 Members present: Members Absent: Ex-officio Members present:

General Education Committee Minutes, 11/13/13
Members present: S. Caro, A. Dresselhaus, P. Frissell, K. Huthaily, J. Randall, K. Reiser, T.
Squires, N. White, H. Ausland
Members Absent: L. Calderon, L. Frey, F. Rosensweig
Ex-officio Members present: N. Hinman, B. Howard
Guest: S. Bradford
The minutes from 10/30/13 were approved.
Business Items:
The Social Science courses listed below were approved. The Subcommittee did not approve
the GLI course “Why.” The course was too broad and abstract. The course may qualify for
a writing course considering 70% of the course grade is assessed through written
The Indigenous and Global Courses listed below were approved.
The Natural Science Subcommittee Chair Calderon sent a consent agenda despite her
absence. The Items below were approved. Others require follow-up. It also did not approve
the “Why” course. Currently there is no written policy that states courses cannot fulfill both
a Natural Science and Social Science. The Committee may consider adding this to the
framework exclusions.
The Historical and Cultural Courses listed below were approved. FRCH 350, JOUR 191,
and RLST 191 were not approved.
WGS 163 Historical and Literacy Perspectives on Women was approved for Literary and
Artistic Studies. A revised form has not yet been received for IRSH 345 Introduction to
Irish Gaelic Literature.
The two courses submitted for Ethics and Human Values were not approved by the
subcommittee. A justification was distributed. Only 1/3 of CHMY 302 Chemistry
Literature & Scientific Writing is focused on Ethics. LSH 389 Placebos: The Use of Words
in a precise investigation of placebos not the Medical Ethics tradition. The committee
should review the courses and the justification and be prepared to vote next week.
The full committee will be sent the form for the symbolic systems proposal from Media Arts
to review.
Chair White met with Associate Provost Walker-Andrews this fall to discuss assessment of
General Education. The University will need to show progress for the next accreditation
report. Last year the General Education Committee endorsed the use of the AACU’s
Essential Learning Outcomes for this purpose and they were mapped to the preamble. We
need to show that students are actually learning what is in the preamble. Associate WalkerAndrews has a vision for how this might be approached via review of assignments from
general education courses. Chair White will be joining a meeting about assessment of
service learning courses and will report back to the committee.
The meeting adjourned at 5:20 p.m.
Social Science Courses
BFIN 205
COMX 191
Personal Financial Planning and Investments
Social Interaction, Relationships, and Human Well-being
COMX 191
Can Giving Change the World: Engaging Social Responsibility through
HHP 191
SOCI 191
Exercise is Medicine
Who am I? Identity and Our Social World
Indigenous & Global Courses
AAS / HSTA 141
Black: From Africa to Hip-hop and Beyond, An Introduction
CAS 140
NASX 260
Diversity & Addictions
Indians of North America: Indigenous/Rural Sustainable Community
Development in Mexico, the United States and Canada.
Historical and Cultural Courses
ARTH 200
ARTH 201
GRMN 106
MCLG 100
Art of World Civilization I
Art of World Civilization II
Chinese Culture and Civilization
Ancient Greek Civilization and Culture
Introduction to German Culture and Civilization
Introduction to African-American Studies
Introduction to Latin American Studies
Literary and Artistic Studies
WGSS 163
Historical and Literacy Perspectives on Women
Natural Sciences Courses
CHMY 101
Human Genetics and Personalized Medicine
Chemistry for the Consumer
CHMY 141
CHMY 143
CSD 221
GEO 102
GEO 106N
GPHY 112
PHAR 110
College Chemistry I
College Chemistry II
Fundamentals of Acoustics
Introduction to Geology Lab
History of Life
Introduction to Physical Geography Lab
Use and Abuse of Drugs