General Education Committee Minutes, 2/10/16

General Education Committee Minutes, 2/10/16
Members present: S. Bradford, R. Fanning, J. Galloway, C. Greenfield, P. Muench, T. Ravas, K.
Reiser, G. Weix
Ex-officio members present: N. Lindsay, B. French
Members Absent/ Excused: L. Ametsbichler, M Cracolice, T. McDermott
The Minutes from 1/27/16 were approved.
Professor Muench was welcomed to the committee and members introduced themselves.
The ASCRC group working on the revision of the X and Y perspectives met with representatives from
the General Education group that revised the language. In general ASCRC supports the revision of
both X and Y. However, it felt the revised definition for X (Cultural and International Studies) is too
broad and Y (Democracy and Citizenship) is too narrow and ideological. It proposed changing the X
to Global Diversity with a definition similar to the MUS Core diversity category, but would include
Global and Indian Education for all.
The Democracy and Citizenship language would only retain a few of the existing courses such as
Intro to American Government. The existing American and European language is a remnant from
the western / non-western requirement. It seems like an empty category mostly used for doubledipping. Although the core mission of any public university is to prepare students for citizenship.
The groups also discussed the possibility of merging Y with Ethics to create an Ethics and Civil
Society category. Strengthening the Ethics category could make a bold statement. This may involve
folding the professional ethics learning outcomes/ courses into the majors. It was suggested that
those involved in reviewing the Ethics courses this spring keep this in mind. Then in two years when
the Y perspective is reviewed the groups could be merged. This would reduce the required general
education credits by 3. The revised learning outcomes will need to clearly articulate the skills
students need to learn by taking the course.
ASCRC would like to know if the Committee is moving toward a realignment of general education
and cautioned that any revisions to X and Y would need to fit with the realignment or efforts would
be duplicated. It will be important to get input from all the stakeholders, including Faculty that
currently teach in the X, Y and Ethics perspective. The Diversity Advisory Council is concerned that
the current general education requirements do not address issues of power and oppression.
Chair Reiser met with ECOS last Thursday to provide an update. She informed them of the efforts to
revitalize general education starting with the revision of X and Y. The Chair and Chair-elect had a
copy of the re-alignment chart, but have not discussed it. They would like the opportunity for
double dipping categories to continue. ECOS is of the opinion that any re-alignment is going to take
a long time and would like the committee to focus on fixing problematic perspectives. Their hope is
for the revised X and Y categories to go to the Faculty Senate in March.
Student members are in favor of the re-alignment sooner. There is a need for simpler more
condensed, comprehensive categories that do not overlap. The general education program should
be a distinct added value to students’ majors and easier to navigate for transfer students. It was
suggested that the proposed re-alignment be shared with a wider group to get feedback. The
Committee could host a Charrette- style event for an exploratory discussion to avoid negative
reactions. Dean Tessman volunteered the Honors College for such an event
The MUS Core is not formerly communicated to students in any way. Missoula College students do
not transfer to UM so are advised to take UM’s General Education, although the MUS Core option
could be an easier transition and less expensive. Missoula College does not offer courses in the Y
perspective or languages. Faculty advisors need to be informed about the MUS Core. The
Committee could form a subcommittee to work on the issue of training for faculty advisors.
Chair Reiser has tentatively agreed to coordinate WICHE’s Passport Mapping Project. A WICHE
representative for this project will be attending our next meeting on the 24th to discuss the specifics
of this project. They will be joining a meeting this spring to discuss the passport project.
Business Items
Several members reviewed the form for GPHY 121, Introduction to Human Geography to be
considered for the Global and Indigenous perspective. It was approved.
The following subcommittee chairs and members were confirmed. The Ethics Subcommittee should
consider the pros and cons of merging with the Y group as it reviews courses and consider the
learning outcomes.
Expressive Arts (67)
J. Galloway
Tammy Ravas
Social Science (34)
Ray Fanning
Sue Bradford
Ethics (29)
Paul Muench
Liz Ametsbichler
Professor Weix will facilitate the workgroup to look at the possibility of merging the Ethics and
American and European perspectives. Professors Kyle Volk, Liz Ametsbichler, and Paul Muench
should be included in the workgroup.
The Committee discussed the possibility of a listening session on March 16th from 3-5 in the Honors
College. The date will need to be confirmed with Dean Broch. [The Honors College was not available
on March 16th, so the listening session was tentatively scheduled for March 30th. UC 332 has been
reserved for March 16th from 3-5 for a smaller listening session.] The Committee hopes to have the
X and Y categories finalized and a draft re-alignment plan for discussion. The event will need to be
advertised widely. It is hoped that deans, faculty, especially those teaching general education
courses, and students will join the discussion.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:34 p.m.