May, P. Muench, M. Nielsen, J. Staub, A. Stovall,... Chair Lodmell called the meeting to order at 2:15 p.m.

ASCRC Minutes 10/27/09
Members Present: M. Beebe-Frankenberger, D. Dalenberg, C. Knight, S. Lodmell, E.
May, P. Muench, M. Nielsen, J. Staub, A. Stovall, L. Tangedahl, E. Uchimoto, R.
Vanita, G. Weix, A. Williams, K. Zoellner
Members Absent/Excused:
Ex-Officio Present: B. Holzworth, E. Johnson, S. O’Hare, A. Walker-Andrews
Guests: Carol Brewer, Chair, Academic Strategic Planning Committee, A. Ware
Chair Lodmell called the meeting to order at 2:15 p.m.
The minutes from 10/13/09 were amended and approved.
Professor Neilson shared Halloween treats with the Committee.
There is a College of Arts and Science meeting at 3:30 today, so the meeting will
be adjourned early.
Comments from individual members of the Strategic Plan Workgroup were to be
submitted to the Academic Strategic Plan Committee for consideration. Due to
time constraints a consensus of comments from ASCRC was not an option.
Business Items:
The Science and Math Subcommittee items appended below were approved.
Subcommittee Chair Uchimoto will suggest a title change for SCN 176. The
course covers life science as well as physical science. A subcommittee member
was concerned that the course material overlapped with science department
courses on the main campus. ASCRC determined that this was not an issue due to
the survey nature of the course.
The Humanities Subcommittee items appended below were approved. The
subcommittee requested follow-up and received revised catalog language on
several courses. It should be clarified whether English intends to incorporate the
new Film Studies courses into the minor or whether they are simply electives.
Subcommittee Chair Muench will contact the instructor of HSTA 335, Movie
America: U.S. History through Film to clarify contact hours – class time spent
watching film compared to lecture. Some members wonder whether ASCRC
should establish a standard. The History Department should consider checking
with President Dennison regarding the deletion of HSTA 379, American
Constitutional History Since 1864.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:25 p.m.
Science and Math Consent Agenda
Applied Arts and Science
SCN 105
Montana Ecosystem
SCN 175
Integrated Physical Science I
Applied Computing & Electronics (CAD)
New course
Change title from Intro to Physical
Prog. Mod.
Computer Aided Design
New rubic - CAD
CAD 110
Intro. to Computer Aided Design
Change rubic/number from CRT182T
CAD 142
Geospatial Technologies
Change rubic/number from CRT175
CAD 212
Civil Design Technologies
Change rubic/number from CRT184
CAD 131
Technical Graphics
New course
CAD 156
Computer Aided Design II
New course
Applied Computing & Electronics (CRT)
Prog. Mod.
Computer Support
Change title from Computer Sytem
Technician and raise math
requirement from Mo95 to M115.
CRT 253
IP Telephony
New course
CRT 181 T
Introduction to Databases Software
CRT 255
Advanced Routing
CRT 256
Remote Access
CRT 257
Multilayer Switching
CRT 258
Network Troubleshooting
Applied Computing & Electronics (NRG)
NRG 235
Building Energy Efficiency
Change rubic from CAR235T.
Change title from Building Energy
Conservation. Change description.
NRG 214
Energy Storage and Distribution
New course
NRG 243
Fundamentals of Photovoltaic
Design and Installation
New course
NRG 244
New course
NRG 245
Fuel Cells
New course
NRG 298
New course
EET 298
New course
Humanities Consent Agenda
African American Studies
African Americans and Native
LIT 343
African American Literature:
Women Writers
ENFM 327
Film Genres
ENFM 381
Studies in Film
ENFM 481
Advanced Studies in Film
HSTA 270H Women in America from the
Colonial Era Through the Civil War
HSTA 271H Women in America from the Civil
War to the Present
HSTA 323
U.S. in the 1950's
HSTA 324
U.S. in the 1960's
HSTA 379
American Constitutional History
Since 1864
The Great Historians
HSTR 401
HSTR 414
Research Seminar in Early Modern
America Divided, 1848-1865
HSTA 420 /
AAS 420
Honors College
HC 496
Independent Study Variable Credit
New course
Cross list as WGS 343
New course
Change from UG to U
(increases repeatability to R-6)
New course (UG)
Change course number from 370,
change description
Change course number from 371,
change description
New course (was offered under
topics course: HIST 359)
New course (was offered under
topics course: HIST 359)
Change title from Historiography,
change course description
New course
New course
Increase maximum credits from 3 to
Liberal Studies
Introduction to South and
Southeast Asia
LS 342
Topics in Comparative Literature
and Religion
Religious Studies Emphasis
Level I
Asian Studies Minor
Change title from Introduction to
Asian Studies; change description
New course, cross list with
Redistribute credits, reduce required
credits from 47 to 41
Level I
South and Southeast Asian Studies
New minor
Modern & Classical Languages
FRCH 301
Advanced Grammar/Oral and
Written Expression
Change title from Oral and Written
Expression, change description.
FRCH 311
Literature and Culture I: French
Literature and Culture of the Middle
Ages, Renaissance and
17th Century
Literature and Culture II: French
Literature and Culture of the
18th and 19th Centuries
Literature and Culture III: French
and Francophone Literatures and
Cultures of the 20th Century
Change title from Survey of French
Literature, change description.
FRCH 312
FRCH 313
FRCH 330
FRCH 421
French for Business & Translation
Advanced Stylistics and Oral
FRCH 485
Topics in the Linguistic Structure of
Change title from Survey of French
Literature 18th and 19th Centuries,
change description.
Change title from Survey of French
Literature 20th Century and
Francophone, description and
Change title from Advanced
Composition and Conversation,
Change number from 408, change
Delete (not required for any program;
no faculty who can teach it)