ASCRC Minutes 4/27/10
Members Present: M. Beebe-Frankenberger, D. Dalenberg, C. Knight, A. Jokisch, S.
Lodmell, P. Muench, M. Nielsen, A. Stovall, L. Tangedahl, G. Weix, A. Williams
Members Absent/Excused: E. May, S. O’Hare, J. Staub, E. Uchimoto, R. Vanita, K.
Ex-Officio Present: E. Johnson B. Holzworth, A. Walker-Andrews
Chair Lodmell called the meeting to order at 2:15 p.m. He thanked chair-elect Knight for chairing the last meeting.
The minutes from 4/20/10 were amended and approved.
The meeting will end prior to 3:30 p.m. to allow members to attend the College of
Arts and Sciences Faculty meeting.
Members were encouraged to attend the open forums for the Director of
Residence Life and Disability Services for Students.
The Four Day Work Week Study Group Presentation is scheduled for next
Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. in the UC Theatre.
The General Education Committee Chair, John Eglin declined to invite representatives of the Writing Committee to a meeting to discuss the report on the
UDWPA. His comment was that the UDWPA was not the Committee’s
“bailiwick.” He suggests that members be sent the report and encouraged to comment if so inclined.
Volunteers are missing from the Humanities, Science and Social Science for next year’s committee. Members were asked to recruit or consider serving another term.
Business Items:
The General Education Committee received a late request to grant the ethics designation to PHIL 421E: Medical Ethics. The Committee unanimously approved the course. The description was updated to eliminate the lower-division ethics course prerequisite. ASCRC questioned why the course could not be offered at the 300 level. It was approved with a recommendation that the department consider changing the number. However, this may be a non- issue
once common course numbering is implemented for Philosophy.
Class Attendance / Absence Policy
ECOS received a request to consider a revision to the class attendance/absence policy to include religious observance as an excused absence. ASCRC approved the revision.
Deadline Memo
The Committee reviewed, revised and approved the deadline memo.
Sample forms
Members reviewed the sample forms and agreed that RECM 418 should not be used as a sample since it is a compressed course. Camie will contact the instructors of GEO 151 and PSCI 348 to get permission to post the forms as samples.
Committee Charge
ECOS is revising the Faculty Senate by-laws and asked ASCRC to review its charge in comparison with the other standing committees. It has been put into bullet format to be consistent. The committee recommended several revisions
(appended below).
Annual Report
The draft annual report was circulated electronically for members to review.
Comments should be sent to Chair Lodmell. The report will be posted to the
Faculty Senate agenda next week.
The issues related to crosslisting difficulties related to common-course numbering will be discussed next academic year.
Good and Welfare
Professor Lodmell was thanked for his service as the ASCRC chair.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:350 p.m.
a. Membership
ASCRC consists of 12 faculty members, five students appointed by ASUM for one-year terms, the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs or his or her designee (exofficio and nonvoting), and the Registrar or his or her designee (ex-officio and nonvoting) who shall serve as recorder.
The Chair will be elected annually by the members of the committee. b. Responsibilities
Make a continuing study of the academic standards and curriculum of the University;
Communicate academic standards and curriculum policies to students, faculty and the administration;
Review and recommend action to the Senate for all proposed alterations to the academic program;
Make recommendations to the Senate regarding academic standards and curriculum policies;
Review and make appropriate changes to the University catalog. consistent with ASCRC responsibilities. c. Subcommittees
1) Graduation Appeals Committee
The Graduation Appeals Committee has power to grant exceptions to the faculty rules for graduation, admission, retention, and re-admission. Graduation Appeals Committee consists of three faculty members and one student: the current Chair and Vice-chair of the ASCRC (voting members), one student (voting member) and the immediate past chair of the ASCRC (non-voting member). The Registrar, or the Registrar's designee, serves as non-voting recorder. The Graduation Appeals Committee sets its own procedures.
2) General Education Committee
The General Education Committee provides ongoing evaluation of the general education requirements and evaluate proposed changes to those requirements. The General
Education Committee consists of 12 voting members, including ten faculty members and two students. The faculty reflects the diversity of academic experiences at the University of Montana. The composition is as follows:
Chair (selected by the committee and serves as ASCRC liaison as necessary)
Faculty (10 – three year terms)
Faculty ASCRC member (at least 1)
College of Arts and Science (total of 5*)
Humanities (at least 1)
Natural & Physical Science (at least 1)
Social & Behavioral Sciences (at least 1)
*Preference shall be given to a faculty member knowledgeable about Indian
Education for All.
Professional Schools (total of 5)
School of Fine Arts (1)
College of Technology (1)
(3 chosen from remaining schools)
College of Forestry and Conservation
College of Health Professions & Biomedical Science
School of Business
School of Education
School of Journalism
Mansfield Library
Students (2)
Appointed by ASUM for one year
Ex Officio, non voting members
Associate Registrar
Associate Provost
The primary responsibility of the General Education Committee is ongoing evaluation and assessment of the appropriateness and effectiveness of the general education requirements and criteria. The General Education Committee act as an advocates for general education, proposes revisions to the requirements and criteria, reviews proposals, and ensures that all general education requirements are feasible within campus constraints, Board of Regents policies and legislative actions. The General Education
Committee reports directly to ASCRC.