Chair Knight called the meeting to order at 2:11 p.m. ... The minutes from 4/27/10 were approved. Members Present:

ASCRC Minutes 9/7/10
Members Present: M. Beebe-Frankenberger, B. Borrie, D. Dalenberg, S. Greymorning,
C. Knight, M. Grimes, P. Muench, L. Tangedahl, E. Uchimoto, A. Williams
Members Absent/Excused: J. Staub, M. Valintin, K. Zoellner
Ex-Officio Present: E. Johnson B. Holzworth, S. O’Hare A. Walker-Andrews
Chair Knight called the meeting to order at 2:11 p.m. Members introduced themselves.
The minutes from 4/27/10 were approved.
Members introduced themselves and new members were welcomed to the committee.
BOR Policy 303.1 has been revised to distinguish between types of certificates. Now,
certificates with more than 29 credits must be approved by the Board of Regents.
This was changed from 30 credits.
Business Items:
Professors Beebe-Frankenberger and Muench (alternate) were nominated to serve on
Academic Court.
Professor Tangedahl agreed to serve as Vice Chair.
Subcommittee chairs were identified:
Paul Muench
Business & Journalism
Forestry & Biomedical Sciences
Lee Tangedahl
Bill Borrie
Science & Math
Social & Behavioral Sciences
Jim Staub
Margaret Beebe-Frankenberger
Last year’s subcommittee members were contacted regarding service. Several
membership changes were made. Members that did not respond will need to be
contacted by the subcommittee chair.
Registrar Johnson had an inquiry regarding residency requirement and requested
clarification regarding the language in terms of whether the intent is to require
students be physically on campus. The language seems to be out-dated considering
the trend in alternative delivery models. ASCRC should consider whether the
required 30 credits of the last 45 credits should be specific to the major. Registrar
Johnson will work on revising the language for the Committee to review.
The committee reviewed the revised course form. Additional changes were suggested
in the course fee section. These will need to be reviewed by Administration and
Members were provided with draft policies and procedures. The Executive
Committee of the Senate is currently revising the Faculty Senate Articles and Bylaws.
The revision is intended to update the documents for accuracy and remove procedures
from the governing documents. A procedures manual will be created as a result.
Thus, all ASCRC procedures were put into a standard format and require review.
ASCRC will need to determine whether the format is appropriate (titles, number,
reference, approval required, language) and whether the content is accurate.
The bylaws require standing committees to adopt operating procedures and
guidelines, which will be incorporated into the Faculty Senate Procedures Manual.
Committees shall review their operating procedures annually and provide changes to
the Senate Office by November 15 each year. The committee Chair must notify the
Senate at the next meeting of any changes to procedures made after that date. Senate
must approve committee procedures that require the Senate to vote.
Included in the information packet is a summary of the policies / procedures as well
as an outline of Academic Policies and Procedures in the catalog. According to
ASCRC’s charge it “Reviews and make appropriate changes to the University
catalog.” It may be time for a complete review of this section of the catalog to assure
proper organization and accuracy. For example, last year there was discussion
regarding omnibus courses and it was determined that the reserved course number
was not used consistently and the term was outdated. However, the catalog language
has not been revised.
Chair Knight will discuss the best way to conduct the review with Camie.
Problems regarding cross-listing have surfaced related to common course numbering
implementation. Although there can be only one course on the Commissioner’s
Office matrix, campuses can cross-list courses. However, this is problematic given
the assignment of rubric and course number by the Commissioner’s Office (FLOCS).
Only the common course number will be recognized in terms of transferability and
thus this should be the course listed on students’ transcripts. One suggestion was for
a unique identifier to be assigned to cross-listed courses that would link to a search
mechanism to allow students to enroll in the appropriate course (in home
department). It is a conundrum that will need to be resolved. Another issue is that in
many interdisciplinary programs, Liberal Studies for example, most of the courses are
taught by different departments. If cross-listing is eliminated these programs would
not have courses listed in the catalog / schedule.
Good and Welfare
Members were reminded about several events:
Meeting with the Presidential Finalist on Monday, September 13th from 1:45-2:45
PM in UC 330-331. There is an Open Forum at 3:30-5:00 in the UC Theatre.
Faculty Senate reception on Thursday, September 9th at 5:00 PM in the Gallagher
Retirement reception for Ray Carlisle, Director of TRIO-SSS on Thursday,
September 16th at 4:30 PM in the Payne Faculty Native American Center 2nd
ASUM Diversity reception is Tuesday, September 14th at 4:00 PM in the Honors
The meeting was adjourned at 3:55 PM.