Study Plan; Sierra Nevada Research Center

Study Plan; Sierra Nevada Research Center
vs 02.06.07
1. Project Title
The impact of the Neogene (late Tertiary) on biogeography and evolution of conifers in western
North America.
Principal Investigator and Research Associates
Constance Millar (PI), with Robert Westfall, Diane Delany
Sierra Nevada Research Center (SNRC) and
John King
Lone Pine Research, Bozeman, MT
Collaborators & Reviewers (reviewed in fall 2001)
Diane Erwin and Howard Schorn (assistance in petrified wood identification (anatomy) &
paleoenvironmental reconstruction)
University of California, Museum of Paleontology, Berkeley, CA and
Wallace Woolfenden (assistance in paleoenvironmental reconstruction)
USDA Forest Service, Mountain Heritage Associates (Enterprise Team), Bishop, CA
2. Problem Reference.
Sierra Nevada Research Center RWUD:
Problem 3: Climate and Landscape Change
3. Literature Review & Background
The Lund Petrified Forest (LPF) is a little known petrified wood paleoflora in Washoe County,
northwestern Nevada. George W. Lund, an early Nevadan preservationist for whom the site was named,
was among the first of modern explorers to describe the fossil occurrence (Earl 1999). Petrified wood in
the area was briefly mentioned and figured in an introductory paleobotany textbook (Arnold 1947),
described in a popular science overview article (Murbarger 1953), and included (and figured) among the
fossiliferous strata mapped in the geology of the area (Bonham 1969). These reports describe in
summary the fossil wood, noting size of the large stumps (one being 5m diameter), and generalized
occurrence within a rhyolitic tuff regionally dated 15-16Ma. The wood is described in these accounts as
being Taxodiaceous, having been tentatively identified by Dr. Lyman H. Daugherty in the 1950s (then at
SJSU, Dept. of Natural Resources; Murbarger 1953), and corroborated by Dr. Daniel Axelrod (University
of California, Davis) but few detailed notes on these early efforts remain. We are aware of no further
studies that have been made on this fossil wood or the site of the paleoforest.
Several middle Miocene leaf paleofloras in the area have been studied, including Purple Mtn. (13.5-14.8
Ma; Axelrod 1995), Gillam Spring (15.4 Ma; Axelrod and Schorn 1994), Pyramid (15.6 Ma; Axelrod 1992),
and 49 Camp (16 Ma; LaMotte 1936). Many conifer species have been identified at these sites, with
affinities to Calocedrus, Chamaecyparis, Abies, Picea, Pinus, Taxodium, Sequoia, and Sequoiadendron,
and hardwood trees such as Quercus, Fagus, Acer, Platanus, and Ulmus. Information on paleoclimate
has been also been interpreted from these records. The nearby Gillam Springs paleoflora (10 miles
northwest of LPF) is especially informative in this regard, both for its taxonomic diversity and significant
taxonomic changes with age. The quasi-continuous records there document major environmental/
climatic transitions, with correlated large shifts in species composition and dominance.
These studies and their climatic and ecological interpretations make the LPF especially intriguing. Not
only is the identification and description of this rare occurrence of abundant, large petrified stumps of
interest, but potentially highly resolved climate interpretations may be retrieved from stem ring-width
patterns. For reasons of good preservation, abundant large specimens, and potential contemporary age
of trees (killed synchronously ? in a tuff eruption), dendrochronological methods used with modern wood
may be applicable. We will attempt to reconstruct information on paleoclimates by developing a floating
ring-width chronology and comparing this to related living species. This would provide a powerful
independent assessment of climate. This method has been successfully applied on petrified Eocene
Sequoia stumps from the Florissant paleoflora in Colorado (Gregory- Wodzicki 2001). On initial survey,
the situation at LPF appears favorable for this kind of study, although the ability to use these techniques
will depend on many factors, such as potential to identify the wood, preservation quality and quantity of
cross-sectional series, average ring widths and series lengths, climate sensitivity to growth, and crossdating ability.
The LPF is in Washoe County, NV, and lies along Nevada SR 34 (dirt) (Fig 1) between Gerlach and Vya,
on the northeast side of Hog Ranch Mtn, west of Black Rock Desert, about 40 miles north of Gerlach and
7 miles north of Leadville mining site. Aside from a road right-of-way, the LPF lies entirely on lands
administered by the Winnemuca Bureau of Land Management District. The Black Rock National
Conservation Area is adjacent. Lands surrounding the LPF have been withdrawn from mineral entry and
also from use as disposal sites.
The LPF is in T38N, R23E Section 21, at approx. 41°09’35”N, 119°23’27”E.
Elevation: 1780-1807 m (5840-5930 ft)
The site was fenced in 1965 by the BLM to protect it from livestock, and a small monument erected near
the road. The BLM fenced site is approx. 10 ha (24.7) ac (“40 ac” per Peggy McGukian, BLM).
Fig 1. Lund Petrified Forest BLM fenced site in red (B/W) dashed lines SW of BM 5844
4. Objectives
1) What is the composition of petrified wood at the Lund Petrified Forest?
Inventory and map petrified stumps and large wood fragments at the Lund Petrified Forest.
2) What is the paleo-environmental context?
Describe the current and paleo-environmental context of the site; estimate age of fossil forest.
3) What species are represented by the petrified wood?
Identify surface fossil wood species.
4) What climatic and ecological conditions can be determined from the petrified wood?
Evaluate paleoclimatic and paleoecological conditions of the paleoforest by dendrochronological methods
and compare to modern forest conditions and correlative paleofloras.
If successful, this study will provide a novel application of dendrochronological techniques to Tertiary
wood. The opportunity provided by the unusually good preservation of growth rings at LPF offers the
possibility that climate and forest response to climate (fire, insect & pathogen relations) might be
compared in contemporary species over far longer times (many millions of years) than are traditionally
possible by these techniques (i.e., a few thousand years). Such time depth would offer a glimpse into a
much deeper baseline on the role of climate in forest dynamics than has been possible heretofore.
Further, if the species is, as suspected, giant sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum), insight into its history
in western North America will be far extended, providing a much deeper understanding of the nature of
this species relation to climate.
5. Methods
1) Inventory and map petrified stumps and large wood fragments at the Lund Petrified Forest.
We will attempt a full survey of primary petrified specimens within the BLM fenced site by walking paced
N-S belt transects (10-15m wide?), and recording occurrence of primary stumps and large fragments as
distance along the transect (at points perpendicular to the transect) and perpendicular distance from the
specimen to the transect. We will categorize specimens by size class, remnant class (upright or fallen
stump, stem, unknown fragment), evidence of fire scars, and quality of the specimen for tree-ring
If initial survey indicates that there are too many specimens for a full survey, we will modify the mapping
by surveying a proportion of the transects. In this case, we will note and map separately any additional
stumps or remnants potentially valuable for dendrochronology that do not fall within the transects.
In addition to the intensive survey of the fenced site, we will search for and map other specimens located
in the general vicinity beyond the BLM site. For instance, the large stump figured by Murbager (1953) is
about 500m outside the site; others are likely scattered on the slope and arroyos.
Results of the inventory will be tabulated and mapped on current topography. Enlarged aerial photos of
the area may also provide a map of the extent and distribution of petrified wood remnants.
(Note re mapping: when this field design was initially developed and at the time the field work conducted,
GPS tools were not readily available nor yet accurate. Thus we used high-resolution surveying
techniques to map the wood)
2) Describe the current and paleo-environmental context of the site; estimate age of fossil forest.
The map of specimens on current topography will provide an initial display of modern environmental
context. We will further describe the micro-topography of the fenced site and topographic situations of
fossil occurrences outside the site. We will note plant species and distribution in the modern
We will use available geologic maps of the area to describe the general paleoenvironmental context, and
field surveys to visually describe and map local deposits relevant to the petrified forest, especially in
areas where stratigraphy is exposed (e.g., in the arroyo). We will excavate a 1m x1m x1m (maximum
size) trench at the base of a select upright stump to assess the burial depth of the stumps. We are aware
of heritage resource concerns and will avoid any areas where lithic scatters or other archeological
remains are found (collaborator W.B. Woolfenden is USFS heritage resource manager as well as
paleoecologist, and is familiar with historic preservation act procedures, which we will follow collaborator
Schorn holds a Nevada-wide collecting permit from BLM).
A date will be estimated for the forest by correlation of the tuff to mapped strata (Perkins et al. 1998), and
by chemical comparison to known material from volcanic ashes in the area (Mike Perkins,
tephrachronologist, UN Reno). We will also attempt to determine the magnetic polarity of the petrified
wood. From 16.5-16.0 Ma, the magnetic field was largely normal; from 16.0-15.0 Ma the polarity was
reversed; and from 15-14.5 Ma, the polarity reversed several times.
3) Identify species (or nearest taxonomic category) represented by petrified wood at LPF.
We will attempt to identify petrified wood using conventional wood anatomy and thin sectioning methods
for fossil wood (add references). Only small samples are necessary; sampling will not exceed 25 pounds
of petrified wood. Permission for this has been obtained through the local BLM office.
4) Evaluate paleoclimatic and paleoecological conditions by dendrochronological methods and
compare to modern forest conditions and correlative paleofloras.
After surveying the site and determining the abundance of samples potentially useful for
dendrochronological analysis, we will return to these stumps and attempt several methods for measuring
ring-widths. These will include 1) tracing ring series on paper or transparencies, 2) photographing crosssections, 3) skeleton plotting, and 4) measuring ring widths directly with a 10X monocle with a measuring
scale accurate to 0.1 mm. The latter method was used successfully by Gregory-Wodzicki (2001). For
methods 1-2, we will later measure ring-widths in the lab with an incremental measuring stage interfaced
with the computer. For method 4, ring-widths would be directly entered into ring-analysis computer
programs. Ring widths will then be analyzed for cross-dating among fossil trees using conventional
dendrochronological methods (Fritts 1976; Cook and Kairiukstis 1990) and computer programs
(COFECHA, Holmes et al. 1996), and modifications for fossil wood such as used by Gregory-Wodzicki
(2001). We will attempt to build a chronology of the specimens, and use this to compare with modern
related species to develop a climate model. Climate information integrated with stem growth rate
information (compared to modern conditions of related species) will yield insight into paleoecological
We will survey exposed cross-sections for evidence of fire (fire scars, Arno and Sneck 1977), and insect
or pathogen damage, and attempt to date these within a floating chronology. We will evaluate paleo fireregimes in comparison to modern fire histories (e.g., Skinner and Chang 1996; Swetnam 1992). These
will contribute to interpretation of paleoclimate and paleoecological conditions.
6. Application of Research Results
Research results will be presented in an appropriate scientific journal. Palaeogeography,
Paleaeoclimatology, and Palaeoecology is the first choice. Additional opportunities to present the work
orally and in posters at appropriate scientific meetings will be sought. Novel application of
dendrochronological techniques on petrified wood, if successful, will be presented to technical tree-ring
audiences through an article to Tree-Ring Research, or similar journal.
7. Safety and Health
Standard procedures determined by the SNRC Safety Committee will be followed (see SNRC intranet).
Field and Office Job Hazard Analyses and Emergency Evacuation Procedures on file for Millar research
team pertain to and adequately cover safety procedures for this project.
8. Environmental analysis considerations (FSM 1950).
None applicable; permission and collaboration with Bureau of Land Management, Reno and Winnemuca
NV offices have been obtained.
BLM Contacts:
Pat Barker, State Archeologist, Reno, NV: 775-861-6482
Dolores Cates, Geologist, Winnemuca, NV: 775-623-1532
Peggy McGukian, Heritage Specialist, Winnemuca, NV: 775-623-1521
Les Boni, Winnemucca, NV: 775-623-1548
9. Personnel Assignment, Time of Completion, and Cost
Millar, Principal Investigator. Oversight and supervision for all aspects of the study, including project
design, justification, field work, data analysis, communication, quality control, field and office safety.
Westfall: Principal Co-Investigator. Primary input on field and statistical design, analysis, and statistical
interpretation. Assists and reviews study plan, participates in and advises on field techniques and lab
analyses, provides input and review on manuscripts.
Delany: Laboratory Analyses (ring measurements, data input, standard statistics as needed), and assists
in development of graphics for publications, posters, oral presentations.
King: Field Assistance (mapping, measurements) and assistance/input to ring measurement of difficult
sections, interpretation of ring measurement results for dendroclimatic analyses. Graphical development
of high-resolution field map indicating locations of each piece of petrified wood located.
Time needed for completion:
Fieldwork: Completed
Lab Analyses: 3 months
Statistical Analysis: 1 month
Manuscript Preparation & Review: 3 months
Remaining cost: Salary for time above for Millar, Westfall & Delany; King donates time to this project.
10. References and Additional Bibliography
Ach, J.A. 1988. Geologic map of the Yellow Hills East quadrangle, Washoe and Humboldt counties,
Nevada, USGS, Misc. Field Studies Map MF-2029.
Ach, J.A. and C.C. Swisher. 1990. The High Rock Caldera Complex: Nested “failed” calderas in
northwestern Nevada. Transactions North American Geophysical Union, EOS, 71(43): 1614.
Ach, J.A., J.T. Bateson, B.D. Turrin, W.J. Keith, D.C. Noble, and C.C. Swisher, III. 1991. Geologic map of
the High Rock Lake quadrangle, Washoe and Humboldt counties, Nevada. USGS Misc. Field Studies
Map, MF-2157.
Arno, S.F. and K.M. Sneck. 1977. A method for determining fire history in coniferous forests of the
mountain west. General Technical Report INT-42. Ogden, UT. USFS Intermountain Research Station.
Arnold, C.A. 1947. An Introduction to Paleobotany. McGraw-Hill, NY. 433 pgs.
Axelrod, D.I. 1992. The Miocene Pyramid flora, western Nevada. University of Calif. Publ. Geo. Sci. 135:
Axelrod, D.I. 1995. The Miocene Purple Mountain flora of western Nevada. University of Calif. Publ. Geo.
Sci. 139: 1-62.
Axelrod, D.I. and H.E. Schorn. 1994. The 15Ma floristic crisis at Gillam Spring, Washoe County,
northwestern Nevada. PaleoBios 16(2): 1-10.
Beck, G.F. Notes on the fossil woods of Nevada.
Bonham, H.F. 1969. Geology and mineral deposits of Washoe and Storey counties, Nevada (with a
section on industrial rock and mineral deposits by K.G. Parke). Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology
Bulletin 70: 1-140.
Cook, E.R. and Kairiukstis, L.A. (eds.). 1990: Methods of Dendrochronology. Kluwer, 394 pp.
Earl, P.I.1999. This was Nevada. Las Vegas Review Journal. Sunday, May 30, 1999.
Faegri, K. and J. Iversen. 1989. Textbook of pollen analysis. Hafner Press, New York. Pp. 1-237.
Fields, P.F. 1993. A newly recognized Neogene Sequoia in the Pacific Northwest of North America. Am.
J. Bot. 80(6), Supplement, p 89.
Fields, P.F. 1991. Neogene paleographic and paleoecologic distribution patterns of the Taxodiaceae in
the northwest United States. Am. J. Bot., SUPPL. 78(6):113.
Fritts, H.C. 1976. Tree rings and climate. Academic Press, London.
Harvey, D.S., D.C. Noble, and E.H. McKee. 1986. Hog Ranch gold property, northwestern Nevada: Age
and genetic relation of hydrothermal mineralization to coeval peralkaline silicic and associated basaltic
magmatism. Isochron/West 47:9-11.
Holmes, R.L., Adams, R.K. and Fritts, H.C. 1986: Tree-ring chronologies of western North America:
California, Eastern Oregon, and Northern Great Basin with procedures used in the chronology
development work including users manuals for computer programs COFECHA and ARSTAN. Laboratory
of Tree-Ring Research, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, Chronology Series VI.
Gregory-Wodzicki, K.M. 2001. Paleoclimatic implications of tree-ring growth characteristics of 34.1 Ma
Sequoioxylon pearsallii from Florissant, Colorado. Pgs 163-186 in E. Evanoff, K.M. Gregory-Wodzicki,
and K.R. Johnson (eds). Fossil Flora and Stratigraphy of the Florissant Formation, Colorado. Proceedings
of the Denver Museum of Nature and Science Ser. 4(1).
LaMote, R.S. 1936. The Upper Cedarville flora of northwestern Nevada and adjacent California. Publ.
455. Carnegie Institute of Washington, Washington, D.C.
Mitchell, J.N. 1935. The comparative histology of the secondary xylem of Sequoia gigantea and Sequoia
sempervirens. M.S. Thesis (Forestry). University of California, Berkeley.
Murbager, N. 1953. Our largest petrified tree. Natural History 62 (10): 466-472.
Noble, D.C., E.H. McKee, J.R. Smith and M.K. Korringa. 1970. Stratigraphy and geochronology of
Miocene volcanic rocks in northwestern Nevada. USGS Professional Paper 700-D: 23-32.
Perkins, M.E., Brown, F.H., Nash, W.P., McIntosh, W. and Williams, S.K. 1998. Sequence, age, and
source of silicic fallout tuffs in middle and late Miocene basins of the northern Basin and Range province.
Geological Society of America Bulletin, 110(3):344-360.
Sequoia bibliography:
Skinner, C.N. and C. Chang. 1996. Fire regimes, past and present. Pg 1041-1069, in Sierra Nevada
Ecosystem Project: Final report to Congress, Vol II, Chap 38, University of California, Davis, Centers for
Water and Wildland Resources Report No. 37.
Smirnoff, L., W. Connelly. 1980. Axes of elongation of petrified stumps in growth postion as possible
indicators of paleosouth, Alaska Peninsula. Geology 8:547-548.
Swetnam, T.W., C.H. Baisan, A.C. Caprio, R. Tuochan and P.M. Brown. 1992. Tree-ring reconstruction of
giant sequoia fire regimes. Unpublished final report to Sequoia, Kings Canyon and Yosemite National
Parks, Cooperative Agreement DOI 8018-1-1002, Tucson, University of Arizona, Laboratory of Tree-Ring
Turrin, B.D., J.R. Bergquist, R.L. Turner, D. Plouff, C.W. Ponader, and D.F. Scott. 1988. Mineral
resources of the High Rock Canyon Wilderness Study Area, Washoe County, Nevada. USGS Bulletin
1707-D: 1-14.
Waggoner, B.M. and Poteet, M.F. 1996. Unusual oak leaf galls from the middle Miocene of northwestern
Nevada. Jour. Paleont., 70(6):1080-1084.
Yamaguchi. D.K. 1993. Old-growth forest development after Mount St Helens' 1480 eruption. Research
& Exploration, a Scholarly Publication of the National Geographic Society, 9(3):294-325.