Prairie View A&M University
Prairie View, Texas 77446
Thursday, May 1, 2014
John B. Coleman Library, Room 508
3:00 pm
Those Present
Dr. Kitty Warsame
Mrs. Lettie Raab
Dr. Shield Lin
Ms. Deborah Dungey
Dr. Emmanuel Opara
Dr. Cheryle Snead-Greene
Dr. Walle Engedayehu
Ms. Traci Chernosky
Dr. Clarissa Booker
Dr. Joe Dickson
Dr. Abida Solomon – TVVN
Dr. Kay Norman
Mr. Don Byars
Dr. Aliakbar Haghighi – G
Dr. James Palmer – G
Dr. Cristal Truscott - G
Dr. Michael Nojeim – G
Dr. Bruce Bockhorn - G
Those Absent
Dr. James A. Wilson, Jr – G
Dr. Ali Fares -EA
Ms. Monica Santillan - A
Dr. Kendall T. Harris - EA
Mr. Jonathan Miller -A
Dr. Thomas-Smith - G
Mr. Peter Wood - EA
Dr. Tamara Brown - EA
Dr. Felecia Nave - EA
The University Academic Council (UAC) was convened at approximately 3:23 p.m. on
Thursday, May 1, 2014, with Ms. Deborah Dungey, Registrar, presiding in the absence of Dr.
Felecia M. Nave, Associate Provost & Associate VP for Academic Affairs. The location of this
meeting was in the John B. Coleman Library, Room 508. Ms. Dungey welcomed those old and
new members and guests that were present and officially called the meeting to order.
Task Force Updates
College of Arts and Sciences - Curriculum Changes in the Department
of Music and Theatre – Dr. Kay Norman, chair
Dr. Cristal Truscott presented the UAC members with the proposed
independent study courses of DRAM 3993 and MUSC 3993 in the
Department of Music and Theatre.
Motion: Dr. Cheryle Snead-Green moved and Dr. Joe Dickson seconded
the motion to approve independent study courses for DRAM 3993 and
MUSC 3993 in the Department of Music and Theatre as presented. The
motion carried unanimously.
College of Arts and Sciences - Social Work Program – Dr, Kay
Norman, chair
Dr. Michael Nojeim presented the UAC members with the proposed
changes in the Social Work Program.
Motion: Dr. Shield Lin moved and Dr. Kitty Warsame seconded the
motion to approve Social Work (SOWK) catalog requirement to add “A
minimum of a 2.5 GPA in the SOWK major requirements.” A note also
should be added under the “Social Work Major Requirements…51 SCH”
to make it clear for the students as presented. The motion was carried
College of Arts and Sciences - Division of Social Work, Behavioral
and Political Sciences – Addition of Independent Study Courses - Dr.
Kay Norman, chair
Dr. Michael Nojeim presented the UAC members with the proposed
independent study courses for POSC 3993, SOCG 3993, and HIST 3993
for the Division of Social Work, Behavioral and Political Sciences.
Motion: Dr. Joe Dickson moved and Dr. Kitty Warsame seconded the
motion to approve the proposed additions of the independent study courses
for POSC 3993, SOCG 3993, and HIST 3993 for the Division of Social
Work, Behavioral and Political Sciences as presented. The motion was
carried unanimously.
2 
College of Arts and Sciences - Department of Languages and
Communication – Addition of Independent Study Courses - Dr. Kay
Norman, chair
Dr. James Palmer presented the UAC members with the proposed
independent study courses for COMM 3993, ENGL 3993, and FLLT 3993
for the Department of Languages and Communication.
Motion: Dr. Kitty Warsame moved and Dr. Shield Lin seconded the
motion to approve the proposed additions of the independent study courses
for COMM 3993, ENGL 3993, and FLLT 3993 for the Department of
Languages and Communication as presented. The motion was carried
College of Arts and Sciences – Department of Mathematics – Addition
of Independent Study Course – Dr. Kay Norman, chair
Dr. Aliakbar Haghighi presented the UAC members with the proposed
addition of the independent study course MATH 3995 in the Department
of Mathematics.
Motion: Dr. Cheryle Snead-Greene moved and Dr. Emmanuel Opara
seconded the motion to approve the addition of independent study course
MATH 3995 in the Department of Mathematics as presented. The motion
carried unanimously.
Curriculum changes in the College of Engineering, Mrs. Lettie Raab,
Dr. Shield Lin presented the UAC members with the proposed Degree
Requirement Changes that are affected by new core curriculum in the
College of Engineering.
Motion: Dr. Kay Norman moved and Dr. Clarissa Booker seconded the
motion to accept the Engineering Degree Requirement changes affected
by the New Core Curriculum as presented. The motion carried
Curriculum Changes in the School of Architecture – Dr. Abida
Soloman, chair
Dr. Bruce Bockhorn presented the UAC members with the proposed
curriculum changes for the School of Architecture.
3 Motion: Dr. Shield Lin moved and Dr. Kay Norman seconded the motion
to accept the two new courses ARCH 4633 (Net Zero Energy Design I)
and ARCH 4643 (Net Zero Energy Design II) as presented. The motion
carried unanimously.
Motion: Mrs. Lettie Raab moved and Dr. Shield Lin seconded the motion
to accept the deletion of the following courses ARCH 2006 (Intensive
Architecture Design I), ARCH 2016 (Intensive Architecture Design II),
ARCH (Theory and Method in Architecture), ARCH 4483 (Structural
Systems III), ARCH 4506 (Arch Design IX), ARCH 4516 (Arch Design
X), ARCH 4593 (Professional Practice), and ARCH 4623 (Architecture
History III) as presented. The motion carried unanimously.
New Business
Old Business
University Academic Council Orientation Strategies
Dr. Cheryle Snead-Green and Dr. Kitty Warsame presented the UAC
members with the suggested corrections to the orientation checklist.
Motion: Mrs. Lettie Raab moved and Dr. Shield Lin seconded the motion
to accept the UAC Orientation Strategies with noted modifications as
presented. The motion carried unanimously.
There being no further business, the chair adjourned the meeting at 5:22 p.m.
Submitted by:
Traci G. Chernosky
Administrative Assistant III/Recording Secretary
Office for Academic Affairs