ABSTRACT: 2014 ELATE Institutional Action Project Poster Symposium Project Title: Models for integrating didactic and collaborative learning in engineering education. Name and Institution: Laura Ray, Dartmouth College Collaborators: Faculty from colleges and universities, public and private, well-resourced and tuition-driven, U.S. and abroad, and Dartmouth Center for Advancement of Learning personnel Background, Challenge or Opportunity: A meta-analysis of published studies on undergraduate STEM education shows overwhelmingly that small-group learning in the classroom promotes greater academic achievement, more favorable attitudes towards learning, and increased persistence through STEM courses and programs. However, a recent National Academies report cites statistics showing that science and engineering faculty are the least likely to adopt any form of student-centered or collaborative instruction. This leads to STEM educational inequities, particularly for women and underrepresented groups. The challenge and opportunity of my IAP is to develop solutions that facilitate the use of collaborative learning in the classroom. Purpose/Objectives: The objective of this project is to develop, document, and evaluate hands-on classroom activities in systems and controls education that weave traditional classroom instruction with small group activities, completing the learning cycle model of learning. The focus on a core subject provides a model for integrating small group learning, which can then be used to develop models that work throughout an engineering curriculum. Additionally, the project identifies and addresses many obstacles that faculty face in using small group learning within the classroom. Methods/Approach: I conducted a need analysis through a literature review and over 75 informal interviews of faculty, students, and support staff in colleges and universities with undergraduate engineering programs. The analysis identified six major obstacles that faculty face in developing and adopting small group classroom learning activities, the most common being class size, lack of resources, time pressures, and perceptions of the lack of value of undergraduate course development to tenure and promotion relative to extramural research. Based on this analysis, I developed a plan and proposal for integrating didactic and collaborative learning in engineering that begins with one subject – systems and controls education – and a cross-sectional case-study. I developed a portable core apparatus that can be carried in suitcase and several classroom activities using this apparatus that enable students to visualize control concepts prior to presentation of the math. I wrote a proposal to fund a summer workshop for faculty to develop learning activities that engage students in the classroom. I recruited 15 faculty partners from seven institutions to participate in the workshop and follow on activities in which we will conduct a cross-sectional study of engaged student learning. Outcomes and Evaluation: The project is ongoing, with evaluation plans tied to the summer 2015 workshop and follow on activities. Models for integrating didactic and collaborative learning in engineering education Laura Ray, Professor, Thayer School of Engineering, Dartmouth College Facts Opportunity: Go Viral Didactic instruction and competitive classroom environments are deterrents to STEM educational equity for women and members of under-represented groups. (Springer et al., 1999) Develop models to seed entrenchment of small group, collaborative learning in engineering classrooms throughout U.S. colleges and universities. Methods • • Problem Faculty face these common obstacles to developing small-group learning activities for the classroom • • • • • How? Why? Reflective Observation (RO) (Watching) Outcomes • NSF proposal for cross-sectional case study and workshop What? – Collaborative development of small-group learning activities for systems classes. – One-year classroom testing – Shared outcomes and dissemination Abstract Conceptualization (AC) (Thinking) Learning styles and the learning cycle (Kolb, 1984; McCarthy, 1987) class size lack of resources time pressures perceptions of undergraduate education relative to extramural research in tenure and promotion working solo vs. working collaboratively References • • • • • • Active Experimentation (AE) (Doing) Model development – “Learning cycle” integrates didactic instruction with activities – “Suitcase” apparatus provides thread for hands-on activities through a course – Collaborative development among faculty from many institutions addresses common obstacles – Evaluation of small-group classroom learning activities using the apparatus provides measurable outcomes – Planning and proposal provides resources for going “viral” Concrete Experience (CE) (Feeling) What if? Need analysis – 75+ interviews of faculty, students, support staff Small-group learning promotes “greater academic achievement, more favorable attitudes toward learning, and increased persistence through STEM courses and programs.” (Springer et al., 1999) Science & engineering faculty are the least likely to adopt any form of student-centered or collaborative instruction. (National Academies, 2012). Presented at the 2015 ELATE(R) Leaders Forum • Diverse participants/collaborators – – – – Learning style inventory scores on Active-Reflective (AE-RO) and Abstract-Concrete (AO-CE) dimensions by major (from Kolb, 1981). Small private: Dartmouth, Union Small public: Univ. Southern Maine Large public: Univ. New Mexico, Univ. Vermont Undergraduate: Christian Brothers Univ., Norwich Univ., Wentworth Institute of Technology – International: Ashefi Univ., Ghana • Prototype suitcases http://engineering.dartmouth.edu/video/featured/ L. Springer et al., Effects of small-group learning on undergraduates in science, mathematics, engineering, and technology: A meta-analysis, American Educational Research Association, Sage Publications, Review of Educational Research, 69(1), 21-51, 1999. National Academies, Discipline-based education research: Understanding and improving learning in undergraduate science and engineering, National Academies Press, 2012. Kolb, D., Learning styles and disciplinary differences, in the modern American college: Responding to the new realities of diverse students and a changing society, A. Chickering and Associates, Jossey-Bass, Inc. Publishers, San Francisco CA, 1981. Kolb, D.A., Experiential learning: Experience as the source of learning and development, Prentice Hall, NJ, 1984. McCarthy, B., The 4MAT system, Teaching to learning styles with right/left mode technique, EXCEL, Inc., 1987.