HRG-UCLCC - Family Information Developmental History

HRG-UCLCC - Family Information
Developmental History
Today’s Date ______________
Child’s Name
Family Information
With whom has the child lived for most the past year?
Mother_____ Father _____ Both_____ Guardian_____ Other (specify)_____________________________
Other children in the family:
Name _______________ Age _____ Name ________________ Age _____ Name ________________ Age _____
Other people living in the household _________________________________
What languages are spoken at home? ____________ Other (specify) _____________________________________
Explain any family beliefs that you feel we need to know about (NAEYC criteria) _____________________________
Have there been any major changes in your family during the past 6 months –1 year? (i.e. divorce, death in family,
move, etc.) ___ No
Yes Explain:
Has your child had previous childcare experiences?
____Yes ____ No
If yes, for how long? ___ 6 months ___ 1 year ___ 2 years ___ more than 2 years
Name of child’s present or most recent school? _______________________________________________
Does your child have opportunities to play with other children?
___ Yes ___ No
To the best of your knowledge does your child exhibit any of the following:
___Language problems
___Fear of new situations
___Other Fears/Anxiety
____ Learning disability
___ Physical handicaps
____ Separation from parent ___ Food Allergies
____ Vision
___ Hearing concerns
___ Speech Problems
___ Other Allergies
___ Other
Do you have any concerns about your child’s sleeping patterns (going to bed with difficulty or waking often during the night)?
___ Yes ___ No If yes, please explain: ________________________________________________________________
Is your child – Highly active? ___ Yes ___ No
Very quiet?
___ Yes ___ No
Is there anything else in your child’s physical development you would like to share with the HRG-UCLCC?
(i.e. surgeries, frequent ear infections, significant injuries, anxiety, etc)
When you discipline your child at home, what do you do?
What are your child’s favorite things (people, entertainment, activities)?
Do you have talents, skills, etc. you would be willing to share with staff or children: Explain
Parent Involvement – what time would be better for you to participate in center activities for families?
Mornings _________ Lunch time __________
Afternoons _________
Evenings ________________
Which events would you participate in?
Breakfast w/families ___ Potluck ___ Back to School Night ___ Other Suggestions _____________________________
Parent folder\Required Forms\Developmental History