AN ABSTRACT OF THE DISSERTATION OF Zhimin Li for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical and Computer Engineering presented on January 27, 2006. Title: Design of a 14-bit Continuous-Time Delta-Sigma A/D Modulator with 2.5MHz Signal Bandwidth Abstract approved: Terri S. Fiez In recent years, there has been growing interest in both industry and academia to use continuous-time (CT) Δ-Σ A/D converters for wideband wireless and wireline communication applications. So far no reported CT Δ-Σ A/D modulator achieves 14-bit or higher dynamic range (DR) with more than 2MHz signal bandwidth (equivalently 4MS/s). This dissertation presents the realization of a continuous-time (CT) Δ-Σ A/D modulator providing 80.5dB SNDR and 85dB DR with 5MS/s output data rate in a 2.5V 0.25µm CMOS process. The modulator has a single-stage dual-loop architecture allowing large quantizer delay. A 17-level quantizer is used to increase resolution and non-return-to-zero DACs are adopted to reduce clock jitter sensitivity. Capacitor tuning is utilized to overcome time-constant variation. Onchip self-calibration is implemented to suppress DAC nonlinearity. Combining techniques to address various design challenges, the modulator consumes 50mW with 60MHz sampling rate. © Copyright by Zhimin Li January 27, 2006 All Rights Reserved Design of a 14-bit Continuous-Time Delta-Sigma A/D Modulator with 2.5MHz Signal Bandwidth by Zhimin Li A DISSERTATION submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Presented January 27, 2006 Commencement June 2006 Doctor of Philosophy dissertation of Zhimin Li presented on January 27, 2006. APPROVED: Major Professor, representing Electrical and Computer Engineering Director of the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Dean of the Graduate School I understand that my dissertation will become part of the permanent collection of Oregon State University libraries. My signature below authorizes release of my dissertation to any reader upon request. Zhimin Li, Author ACKNOWLEGEMENTS I highly appreciate the many people who have made important contribution to this research work and who have made my life in Oregon State University an enjoyable and unforgettable experience. In particular, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to my advisor, Dr. Terri Fiez, for her consistent technical and financial support on my study and research in OSU, for her constant confidence and encouragement, and for her guidance in writing papers/thesis and making presentations. I would like to thank Dr. Jim Coakley for his time and kindness by serving on my program committee. I gained great benefits from the classes offered by Dr. Gábor Temes, Dr. Kartikeya Mayaram and Dr. Un-Ku Moon. I also thank them for serving on my program committee and for their valuable suggestions during the meetings for my Ph.D. program. I am very grateful to Dr. Bertan Bakkaloglu, who opened door to CT Δ-Σ A/D converters to me when I interned at Texas Instruments. I am indebted to Cheeboon Law for his help on designing the initial version of the DAC circuits. I sincerely thank James Ayers, Triet Le, Thomas Brown, Minfang Su, Xuhan Xie and all other current and former members in the AMS group for their help and friendship. Among them, Robert Batten, Ruoxin Jiang and Madhu Chennam deserve special recognition for their contributions to this work. Robert offered numerous valuable suggestions during every stage of my research. His help was particularly essential and indispensable when I designed the PCB and measured my chip. He was even not free of my disturbing when he was far away in Newfoundland for vacation. Ruoxin and Madhu, though have left OSU for a few years, always kindly and patiently answered my phone calls to discuss my technical questions. I am grateful for the many fruitful discussions with fellow students in EECS, especially José Silva, Jipeng Li, Xuesheng Wang, Pavan Hanumolu, Min-Gyu Kim, Gil-Cho Ahn and Jie Fang. I would like to thank Ferne Simendinger, Sarah O’Leary, Morgan Garrison, Clara Knutson, Brian Lindsay and Tina Batten for their smiles and warm hearts to me whenever I walked into ECE office for help. I am grateful to Todd Shechter, for his patient and timely help on any computer hardware/software problems I have encountered. I appreciate Dr. Jim Hellums and Mr. John Muza for offering me internship opportunities at Texas Instruments and their technical guidance to me during my time at TI. The nine-month internship has given me very valuable experience in industry. I would like to acknowledge the support of CDADIC (Center for the Design of Analog-Digital Integrated Circuits), Texas Instruments and DARPA on this project. Finally, I would like to thank my wife, Qing Yang, and my whole family for their unconditional love, support and encouragement during my sixty-four months of PhD studying. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................1 1.1 Motivation ......................................................................................................1 1.2 Dissertation Organization ..............................................................................3 2. OVERVIEW OF OVERSAMPLING Δ-Σ A/D CONVERTERS........................5 2.1 A brief introduction to Δ-Σ A/D converters...................................................5 2.2 Common architectures for Δ-Σ A/D converters .............................................9 2.2.1 Single-stage topology............................................................................9 2.2.2 Multi-stage topology ...........................................................................12 3. CONTINUOUS-TIME Δ-Σ A/D MODULATOR LOOP FILTER DESIGN ...15 3.1 Transformation of a DT Δ-Σ modulator to a CT Δ-Σ modulator .................15 3.2 Inherent anti-aliasing filtering......................................................................21 4. NON-IDEALITIES IN OVERSAMPLING Δ-Σ A/D MODULATORS ..........26 4.1 OpAmp non-idealities ..................................................................................26 4.1.1 OpAmp in DT integrators ...................................................................26 4.1.2 OpAmp in CT integrators....................................................................28 4.2 Quantizer non-idealities ...............................................................................31 4.2.1 Quantizer delay ...................................................................................31 4.2.2 Comparator offset ...............................................................................34 4.2.3 Comparator hysteresis.........................................................................35 4.2.4 Comparator metastability ....................................................................36 4.3 Clock Jitter ...................................................................................................36 4.3.1 Clock jitter in DT modulators .............................................................36 4.3.2 Clock jitter in CT modulators with rectangular DAC shapes .............37 4.3.3 Clock jitter in CT modulators with non-rectangular DAC shapes......44 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page 4.4 Multi-bit DAC element mismatch................................................................46 4.5 Loop filter coefficient variation ...................................................................51 4.6 Comparison between DT and CT Δ-Σ A/D modulators ..............................51 4.6.1 Implementation ...................................................................................51 4.6.2 Low voltage operation ........................................................................52 4.6.3 Operation speed...................................................................................52 4.6.4 Power consumption.............................................................................52 4.6.5 Anti-aliasing filter requirement...........................................................53 4.6.6 Clock jitter sensitivity .........................................................................53 4.6.7 Sensitivity to process variation ...........................................................53 4.6.8 Loop filter scalability with clock frequency .......................................54 5. SYSTEM LEVEL DESIGN...............................................................................55 5.1 Modulator topology......................................................................................55 5.1.1 Modulator order and number of quantizer levels................................55 5.1.2 Choice of DAC pulse shape ................................................................57 5.1.3 Loop filter architecture........................................................................59 5.2 Time constant variation................................................................................65 5.3 Multi-bit DAC mismatch .............................................................................66 6. CIRCUIT AND LAYOUT LEVEL DESIGN ...................................................69 6.1 Loop filter design .........................................................................................69 6.2 First stage R-C integrator .............................................................................70 6.2.1 The OpAmp in the R-C integrator ......................................................71 6.2.2 Modulator front-end noise analysis.....................................................73 6.3 Gm-C transconductor design .......................................................................76 6.4 DAC with current calibration.......................................................................79 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page 6.4.1 Charge injection ..................................................................................81 6.4.2 Clock feedthrough...............................................................................81 6.4.3 Glitch at source node of M4 and M5 ..................................................81 6.4.4 Low jitter clock generation .................................................................84 6.5 Summing block ............................................................................................85 6.6 Sample and hold...........................................................................................86 6.7 Quantizer ......................................................................................................89 6.8 Output driver ................................................................................................93 6.9 Clock generator ............................................................................................93 6.10 Time constant tuning..................................................................................95 6.11 Layout design considerations.....................................................................97 7. TEST SETUP AND EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS .......................................100 7.1 Test board design .......................................................................................100 7.2 Test environment setup ..............................................................................102 7.3 Measurement results ..................................................................................103 7.4 Comparison between this work and reported designs................................108 8. CONCLUSION................................................................................................111 8.1 Summary ....................................................................................................111 8.2 Future work ................................................................................................112 BIBLIOGRAPHY..................................................................................................114 APPENDICES .......................................................................................................120 Appendix A: Map loop filter HC(s) to single-stage dual-loop coefficients......121 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1.1 Number of papers on Δ-Σ A/D converters in ISSCCs. ........................................2 2.1 Block diagram of an oversampling A/D converter. .............................................5 2.2 Basic architecture of a Δ-Σ A/D modulator. ........................................................6 2.3 Linearized Δ-Σ A/D Model. .................................................................................7 2.4 A general Δ-Σ A/D modulator structure...............................................................9 2.5 Δ-Σ A/D modulator with CIFF single-stage topology. ......................................10 2.6 Δ-Σ A/D modulator with CIFB single-stage topology.......................................11 2.7 2-2 MASH Δ-Σ A/D modulator. ........................................................................13 3.1 A DT Δ-Σ A/D modulator. .................................................................................16 3.2 A CT Δ-Σ A/D modulator. .................................................................................16 3.3 DAC feedback impulse responses (a) NRZ (b) RZ (c) HRZ. ............................18 3.4 SNDR of 2nd-order modulators with DT and CT loop filters.............................21 3.5 A general CT Δ -Σ A/D modulator block diagram. ...........................................22 3.6 Another block diagram of CT Δ -Σ A/D modulators. ........................................23 3.7 A new representation of the CT Δ -Σ A/D modulator........................................23 3.8 Frequency response of inherent anti-aliasing function of a 2nd-order CT modulator. .........................................................................................................25 3.9 Frequency response of signal transfer function (STF) of a 2nd-order CT modulator. .........................................................................................................25 4.1 Typical switched-capacitor integrator................................................................27 4.2 Typical R-C integrator used in CT Δ-Σ A/D modulators...................................29 4.3 The non-ideal first stage integrator of a CT modulator......................................30 LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure Page 4.4 Excess loop delay on NRZ DACs (a) ideal DAC (b) DAC with delay. ............32 4.5 Excess loop delay on RZ DACs (a) ideal DAC (b) DAC with delay. ...............32 4.6 Excess loop delay on HRZ DACs (a) ideal DAC (b) DAC with delay. ............33 4.7 Input offset cancellation of a comparator...........................................................35 4.8 Simplified typical CT Δ-Σ A/D modulator. .......................................................38 4.9 NRZ DAC output with and without clock jitter.................................................38 4.10 Single-bit NRZ, RZ and HRZ DAC feedback pulse with jitter noise..............41 4.11 Multi-bit NRZ, RZ and HRZ DAC feedback pulses with jitter noise. ............42 4.12 Pulse shape of SCR DAC.................................................................................44 4.13 R-C integrator with SCR DAC feedback. ........................................................45 4.14 Δ-Σ A/D modulator model including DAC mismatch error. ...........................46 4.15 Switched-capacitor integrator with 4-bit DAC feedback.................................47 4.16 Continuous-time integrator with 4-bit DAC feedback.....................................48 4.17 Illustration of DWA. ........................................................................................49 4.18 Current calibration principle during (a) Calibration (b) Operation..................50 4.19 Block diagram for a N-bit current steering DAC with calibration...................50 5.1 Peak SNDR versus maximum out-of-band NTF gain........................................56 5.2 SNDR versus input amplitude for a fifth-order CT Δ-Σ A/D modulator...........57 5.3 SNDR sensitivity to clock jitter. ........................................................................58 5.4 A fifth-order CT Δ-Σ A/D modulator with a single-stage, single-loop architecture........................................................................................................59 LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure Page 5.5 SNDR versus quantizer delay of the modulator in Figure 5.3. ..........................60 5.6 Improved fifth-order CT Δ-Σ A/D modulator alleviating quantizer delay requirement. ......................................................................................................61 5.7 SNDR versus quantizer delay of the modulator in Figure 5.6. ..........................63 5.8 Frequency response of the STF of the fifth-order modulator with CIFF architecture........................................................................................................64 5.9 SNDR for -3dBFS input versus normalized time constant. ...............................66 5.10 Output spectrum of the CT modulator for -3dBFS input.................................68 6.1 Simplified block diagram of the fifth-order CT Δ-Σ A/D modulator. ...............70 6.2 First stage R-C integrator with current steering DAC. ......................................71 6.3 Telescopic OpAmp in the R-C integrator. .........................................................72 6.4 CMFB circuit in the telescopic OpAmp. ...........................................................73 6.5 Attenuations of non-idealities for different stages in the loop filter. .................77 6.6 Second stage Gm-C integrator architecture. ......................................................78 6.7 Gain boosting OpAmp for the PMOS current mirror. .......................................78 6.8 Gain boosting OpAmp for the NMOS current mirror........................................79 6.9 A current cell in DAC1. .....................................................................................80 6.10 Low-swing, high-crossing signal generation in current steering DAC............82 6.11 High crossing, low swing complementary digital signals generator................83 6.12 Synchronizing circuit for each cell in DAC1...................................................84 6.13 Low-jitter on-chip clock generation.................................................................85 6.14 Summing block. ...............................................................................................86 LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure Page 6.15 Sampling and hold stage. .................................................................................87 6.16 Summing block, S&H block and comparator. .................................................88 6.17 Modified loop topology of the modulator........................................................89 6.18 17-level quantizer.............................................................................................90 6.19 Comparator.......................................................................................................91 6.20 Wallace tree decoder. .......................................................................................92 6.21 Output driver of the CT modulator. .................................................................93 6.22 Clock generator. ...............................................................................................94 6.23 Variable delay cell. ..........................................................................................95 6.24 Two types of integrators used in this design (a) R-C integrator (b) Gm-C integrator. ..........................................................................................................96 6.25 Tunable capacitor array....................................................................................96 6.26 Chip die photo. .................................................................................................98 6.27 Current steering DAC layout with symmetrical sequence...............................99 7.1 Two PCB boards for testing the prototype chips .............................................100 7.2 The testing boards (a) daughter board (b) mother board..................................101 7.3 Assembled testing boards.................................................................................101 7.4 Experimental test setup. ...................................................................................102 7.5 SNDR, SNR and SFDR versus input amplitude with a clock frequency of 60 MHz and an input frequency of 100 KHz..................................................103 7.6 Output spectrum with calibration for -2.5dBFS 200KHz input.......................104 7.7 Output spectrum without calibration for -2.5dBFS 200KHz input..................104 LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure Page 7.8 SNDR versus tuning code for -2.5dBFS 200KHz input signal........................105 7.9 Output spectrum of two-tone test for -9dBFS inputs .......................................106 7.10 Output spectrum of two-tone test for -12dBFS inputs ...................................106 LIST OF TABLES Table Page 3.1 s-domain equivalent for z-domain partial fraction expansion............................19 4.1 Simulated and calculated second-order low-pass DT and CT modulator SNR...................................................................................................................40 4.2 Comparison between DT and CT Δ-Σ modulators ............................................54 7.1 Peak SNDR with different input frequencies...................................................107 7.2 Summary of the measured chip results. ...........................................................108 7.3 Performance summary of reported design and this work.................................109 To my beloved parents and family Design of a 14-bit Continuous-Time Delta-Sigma A/D Modulator with 2.5MHz Signal Bandwidth 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Motivation Oversampling Δ-Σ A/D converters were traditionally and are still widely used for low-frequency, medium-to-high resolution applications, such as instruments [Ker92], audio [Ito94, Fuj97] and voice [Zwa96, Gri03]. In the last decade, there has been a growing trend in wireless and wireline communications to move analog-to-digital conversion towards the system front-end. This implies that more signal processing is shifted from the analog domain to the digital domain. As a result, high-performance digital systems can be realized and the advancement in digital CMOS process can be fully utilized. However, as the interface between analog and digital data, A/D converters have to provide higher dynamic range to accommodate weak analog input signals accompanied by significant noise and interference. Therefore, designing Δ-Σ A/D converters with MHz signal bandwidths and no less than 14-bit dynamic range is a challenging topic for both industry and academia. To date, most reported MHz range Δ-Σ A/D converters are implemented using switched-capacitor (SC) techniques [Bro97, Jia01, Fuj00, Vle01, Tab03, Bal04, Bos05], mainly due to mature design methodologies and robustness. Δ-Σ A/D converters employing SC circuits are also commonly referred to as discretetime (DT) converters. However, recently, continuous-time (CT) Δ-Σ A/D converters have attracted more interest. Figure 1.1 shows the number of papers addressing Δ-Σ A/D conversions in recent ISSCCs (International Solid-State Circuit Conference). It demonstrates the continuously increasing attention and interest that CT Δ-Σ A/D converters have received. Compared with DT converters, CT converters have the advantages of lower power consumption and inherent anti-aliasing filtering, hence extending battery life 2 and reducing system complexity which are especially important for portable wireless devices. Moreover, absence of stringent settling requirements enables CT converters to digitize signals up to several hundred MHz, which is still not possible for their DT counterparts. 14 Number of papers 12 CT DSM PAPERS ALL DSM PAPERS 10 8 6 4 2 0 2001 2002 2003 Year 2004 2005 Figure 1.1 Number of papers on Δ-Σ A/D converters in ISSCCs. Besides all the advantages CT Δ-Σ A/D converters have over their DT counterparts, they do face some design challenges to achieve high resolution for wide input bandwidth. They are more sensitive to clock jitter and feedback loop delay than DT Δ-Σ A/D modulators and, they suffer from the large loop coefficients uncertainty due to the process variations of resistors and capacitors. These are the major reasons that of all the reported CT Δ-Σ A/D converters to date, 3 there are very few that can achieve wide bandwidth (≥1MHz) and high resolution (≥14b dynamic range) at the same time. They either have high resolution for low bandwidth [Zwa97, Bre00, Vel03, Das05], or have high bandwidth but low resolution [Vel02, Kap03, Bre04, Uen04]. S. Yan presented a CT Δ-Σ A/D modulator achieving 14b dynamic range [Yan04], but its conversion bandwidth is only 1.1MHz, targeting ADSL application. This research targets a 14-bit dynamic range, 2.5-MHz input signal bandwidth (equivalently, 5MSPS) Δ-Σ A/D modulator by using continuous-time design techniques. Various design techniques have been utilized to address the aforementioned design challenges. The modulator with such specifications can find application in wideband wireless, wireline communication systems such as ADSL2+, high-speed scientific instruments, medical imaging and vibration analysis [Tex03]. 1.2 Dissertation Organization This dissertation covers the theoretical analysis of CT Δ-Σ A/D converters, the system level and the circuit level design of a wideband, high resolution CT Δ-Σ A/D modulator, and the measurement of the prototype chips. Chapter 2 reviews the basic concepts of Δ-Σ A/D converters, existing wideband DT and CT Δ-Σ A/D converters. Chapter 3 talks about general design methodologies for CT A/D converters. The mapping from a discrete-time architecture to a continuous-time architecture is discussed. Chapter 4 describes the design issues for Δ-Σ A/D modulators with both DT and CT implementations. Effects of various non-idealities and potential solutions to deal with them are discussed. Thorough comparisons between DT and CT design techniques are also made. Chapter 5 presents details of system level design of a wideband, high resolution CT A/D modulator. Important simulation results are included. 4 Chapter 6 covers details of analog and digital block designs of this CT A/D modulator. Layout design is also discussed. Chapter 7 offers measurement setup and results. Chapter 8 concludes this research project and proposes recommendations for future improvement of this work. 5 2. OVERVIEW OF OVERSAMPLING Δ-Σ A/D CONVERTERS 2.1 A brief introduction to Δ-Σ A/D converters The system architecture of a general oversampling Δ-Σ A/D Converter (low pass or band pass) is shown in Figure 2.1 [Joh97]. The analog input first passes through an anti-aliasing filter to attenuate out-of-band frequency components so that its output becomes band-limited and, aliasing due to sampling inside the following Δ-Σ A/D modulator, can be suppressed. The Δ-Σ A/D modulator converts the analog signal to a high speed, low-resolution digital signal. The last stage, called the decimation filter, converts the modulator output into a high-resolution digital signal at a lower speed usually equal to twice the frequency of the desired signal bandwidth. Δ-Σ A/D converters employ oversampling techniques to push quantization noise and errors due to imperfect analog circuits into a higher frequency band and remove them by digital filtering so that high in-band signal-to-noise ratio can be obtained. Compared with Nyquist rate A/D converters, Δ-Σ A/D converters achieve high resolution without placing stringent requirements on analog blocks. Thus, it is very suitable for modern CMOS IC technologies. Analog input Anti-aliasing filter Δ -S A/D modulator Digital filter (LP or BP) OSR Digital output Decimation filter Analog Digital Figure 2.1 Block diagram of an oversampling A/D converter. 6 As the core of a Δ-Σ A/D converter, the analog modulator normally has three imperative components as shown in Figure 2.2. 1. Loop filter, H(z) To represent the CT converter, H(z) shall be replaced by H(s). The loop filter has large gain within the signal band while it attenuates out-of-band signals. A loop filter is realized by switched-capacitor integrators in a DT implementation and continuous-time integrators in a CT implementation. 2. Quantizer The quantizer works as an internal A/D converter to generate the modulator output. Its output can be single-bit or multi-bit. A single-bit quantizer is realized by a comparator. A multi-bit quantizer is normally realized by a flash ADC to obtain high speed conversion. 3. Feedback DAC The feedback DAC is employed to convert the digital modulator output to analog and subtract it from the modulator input. It is normally implemented with a charge-redistribution DAC in DT converters while current-steering DACs are used in CT converters. Loop Filter x + H(z) e Quantizer u DAC Figure 2.2 Basic architecture of a Δ-Σ A/D modulator. y 7 Since the quantizer is essentially non-linear, Δ-Σ A/D modulators can not be considered as a linear feedback system. However, if quantization noise inherent in quantizing can be modeled as white noise, the nonlinear quantizer can thus be approximated as an adder as shown in Figure 2.3. Loop Filter x + H(z) e u y DAC Figure 2.3 Linearized Δ-Σ A/D Model. In both Figure 2.2 and Figure 2.3 , x denote the input analog signal, u is the quantizer input, y is the quantizer output and e is the quantization noise. The system transfer function can be easily derived in Z-domain as: H ( z) 1 X ( z) + E ( z) 1 + H ( z) 1 + H ( z) = STF ( z ) ⋅ X ( z ) + NTF ( z ) ⋅ E ( z ) Y ( z) = (2.1) Where STF (z ) and NTF (z ) are the signal transfer function and noise transfer function, respectively From the equation above we see that poles of H (z ) become the zeros of NTF (z ) , hence inside the input signal bandwidth where H (z ) >>1 , Y ( z) ≈ X ( z) (2.2) 8 In other words, the output signal contains unfiltered input plus high-passed quantization noise (for the case of a low-pass converter) or band stopped quantization noise (for the case of a band-pass converter). Since quantization noise is largely pushed out-of-band, high in-band signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) can be obtained. The linearized Δ-Σ A/D modulator model is only valid when quantization error is statistically independent of the input signal [Nor97] which is approximately satisfied with a high-order (>2) converter. In addition, the analysis and equations based on this model cannot predict the tones in output spectrum and stability of the modulator. Despite its drawback, this model has been used widely because it does predict the noise shaping and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) quite well. Time-domain stimulations are normally adopted to check tonal behavior and modulator stability. For an Lth order modulator with a noise transfer function of (1 − z −1 ) L , the total in-band quantization noise can be calculated as: PN = ∫ + fB − fB S QS ( f )df ≈ ( π 2L )( 2L + 1 M 1 ) 2 L +1 Δ2 , 12 M >> 1 (2.3) where S QS ( f ) is the quantization noise power spectral density (PSD), M is the oversampling ratio (OSR), ∆ is the quantizer step size, L is the modulator loop order and fB is the signal bandwidth. The dynamic range (DR) is: DR = Ps 3 2 L + 1 N = ( )(2 − 1) 2 M 2 L +1 , M >> 1 PN 2 π 2 L (2.4) where N is the number of quantizer bits. The ENOB (effective number of bits) of the converter can therefore be derived as: ENOB = DR − 1.76 6.02 (2.5) 9 Figure 2.4 shows a more general model of a Δ-Σ A/D modulator. In this model, the input signal and the feedback signal go through different loop filters, G(z) and H(z), respectively. In such a case, the modulator output can be derived as: Y ( z) = G(z) x - G( z) 1 X ( z) + E( z) 1 + H ( z) 1 + H ( z) (2.6) e u y H(z) Figure 2.4 A general Δ-Σ A/D modulator structure. The model shown in Figure 2.2 is actually a special but rather popular case of the general model where the input signal and the feedback signal share the same filtering path, in other words, G ( z ) = H ( z ) . 2.2 Common architectures for Δ-Σ A/D converters There are two major types of topologies for Δ-Σ A/D modulators that depend on the number of the quantizers used in Δ-Σ A/D modulators, single-stage and multi-stage. 2.2.1 Single-stage topology In a single-stage Δ-Σ A/D modulator, there is only one quantizer. The digital output of the quantizer is the input to the DAC. The output of the DAC is 10 subtracted from the analog input signal and (or) the intermediate integrator outputs. Two general single-stage topologies are: 1. Chain of integrators with weighted feedforward summation and local resonator feedbacks (CIFF) [Nor97]. 2. Chain of integrators with distributed feedback, distributed feedforward, and local resonator feedbacks (CIFB) [Nor97]. a1 a2 a3 a4 X + ∫ ∫ ∫ k1 ∫ ∫ a5 Y k2 DAC Figure 2.5 Δ-Σ A/D modulator with CIFF single-stage topology. Figure 2.5 shows the fifth-order Δ-Σ A/D modulator with CIFF single-stage topology. In this topology, the input signal and feedback signal go through the same loop filter H (z ) , hence the noise and signal transfer functions can be expressed as: NTF ( z ) = 1 1 + H ( z) (2.7) STF ( z ) = H ( z) 1 + H ( z) (2.8) 11 As a result, once the loop filter H (z ) has been set for optimum noise shaping, the STF (z ) is fixed accordingly. In some cases, this could lead to STF (z ) peaking at high frequencies, resulting in loop instability [Nor97]. The effect of the two local resonator feedback coefficients is to shift the poles of the loop filter, or, the zeros of the NTF (z ) , to some in-band frequencies other than DC. Thus, the in-band quantization noise power can be further reduced. This optimum zero-placement technique is very useful especially for wideband high resolution Δ-Σ A/D modulators where the oversampling ratios are low. X b1 b4 b3 b2 b5 k1 + ∫ a1 + ∫ a2 k1 k2 + a3 ∫ ∫ ∫ a4 Y a5 DAC Figure 2.6 Δ-Σ A/D modulator with CIFB single-stage topology. Figure 2.6 shows a fifth-order Δ-Σ A/D modulator with CIFB single-stage topology. In this topology, the added feedforward paths from the input signal to each integrator’s summing junction allow some independence in specifying NTF (z ) and STF (z ) . For this case, the input signal and feedback signal go through different loop filters, say, G (z ) and H (z ) , respectively. Hence the noise and signal transfer functions can be expressed as: 12 NTF ( z ) = 1 1 + H ( z) (2.9) STF ( z ) = G( z) 1 + H ( z) (2.10) By properly choosing b1~b5, the desired STF (z ) can be obtained. Similar to the CIFF topology, optimum in-band NTF (z ) notches can be realized by the local resonator feedbacks to improve the signal-to-noise ratio. One drawback of this topology is that all integrator outputs will contain both input signal as well as filtered quantization noise since they are subtracted from the feedback signal directly. This will make the signal swing at each integrator’s output large. Hence, the linearity will be worse. In addition, the multiple feedback DACs will consume a lot more area and power especially when multi-bit quantizers/DACs are used. A well known shortcoming of the single-stage topology is that only firstorder modulators are unconditionally stable when single-bit quantizers are used. High-order single-stage modulators can be stabilized by methods such as: 1. Lower the forward loop gain. The implications are that the noise-shaping efficiency is lowered. 2. Use multi-bit quantizers. However, in such case multi-bit DACs have to be used and the DAC mismatch errors have to be suppressed by some measures so as not to increase the in-band noise floor and generate tones. 3. Add “sensing-and-resetting” circuitry to detect the loop instability and reset the integrators to pull the modulators back to stable status. This technique, however, results in more complicated circuitry and may introduce extra in-band noise [Nor97]. 2.2.2 Multi-stage topology Another approach to realize Δ-Σ A/D modulators is to cascade several loworder (≤2) modulators. The advantage of this type of topology is that since each 13 stage is stable, the overall modulator should also be stable. Such a structure is also called MASH (Multi-stAge noise SHaping) [Joh97]. The basic idea of MASH, taking a two-stage modulator as an example, is to feed the quantization error of the first stage into the second stage. The digital outputs of the two stages are combined through digital cancellation logic so that the first stage quantization error is removed and only the noise shaped second stage quantization error is left. Figure 2.7 shows a 2-1 MASH modulator. “2-1” means the first stage is a second-order modulator and the second stage is a first-order modulator. Analog Blocks Digital Cancellation Logic e1 u 1 1 − Z −1 + y1 Z −1 1 − Z −1 Z −1 e2 -e1 + −1 Z 1 − Z −1 y2 (1 − Z −1 )2 y Figure 2.7 2-2 MASH Δ-Σ A/D modulator. The outputs of both stages can be derived as: Y1 ( z ) = z −1U ( z ) + (1 − z −1 ) 2 E1 ( z ) (2.11) Y2 ( z ) = − z −1 E1 ( z ) + (1 − z −1 ) E 2 ( z ) (2.12) After the digital cancellation logic, the final modulator output is: Y ( z ) = z −1Y1 ( z ) + (1 − z −1 ) 2 Y2 ( z ) = z −2U ( z ) + (1 − z −1 ) 3 E 2 ( z ) (2.13) 14 Therefore the first stage quantization noise is cancelled out and only the shaped second stage quantization noise is left in the final output. The overall modulator exhibits the characteristics of third-order noise shaping. The multi-stage Δ-Σ A/D modulators can have more than two stages and the later stages do not necessarily have to be Δ-Σ A/D modulator. They can be Nyquistrate ADC as well [Bro97]. A well-known problem of multi-stage modulators is the mismatch between analog loop transfer functions and digital noise cancellation logic. As seen from Eq. (2.13) , the perfect cancellation of the first stage quantization noise depends on the perfect matching between the first stage noise transfer function and the digital cancellation logic. In reality, the digital cancellation logic can be made very accurately while the analog blocks are always relatively coarse especially in submicron digital processes. In such cases, some portion of the first stage quantization noise will leak to the final modulator output and may eventually limit the performance no matter how many stages are cascaded. It is based on this consideration that second-order loops are normally used as the first stages of multistage topologies to reduce the amplitude of the leaked quantization noise. Multi-bit quantizers can also be used to further reduce this leaked error [Bro97, Fuj00], at the cost of adding DAC mismatch errors through the use of multi-bit DACs in the first stage which can not be cancelled. It should be noted that the mismatch between the analog and digital circuitry is more serious for CT MASH modulators than DT MASH modulators. This is because the matching in DT MASH modulators normally depends on capacitor matching which can be better than 0.1%. However, the matching in CT MASH modulators is limited by the very coarse time constant that depends on resistor and capacitor variations. That is why almost all CT Δ-Σ A/D modulators are implemented with single-stage architectures with very few exceptions [Bre04]. 15 3. CONTINUOUS-TIME Δ-Σ A/D MODULATOR LOOP FILTER DESIGN Once the modulator type (band-pass or low-pass), order of the loop filter and oversampling ratio are determined based on the dynamic range requirement, the loop filter function of a DT Δ-Σ A/D modulator can be found in a straightforward way by using commercial filter design packages, or with the help of the widely used delta-sigma design toolbox [Sch00]. By contrast, the loop filter design of a CT Δ-Σ A/D modulator is nontrivial in that it has a strong dependence on the pulse shape of the feedback DAC. There are a few commonly used pulse shapes for the feedback DAC. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. This chapter will discuss the procedure to choose feedback DAC pulse shapes and design the loop filter function for CT Δ-Σ A/D modulators. 3.1 Transformation of a DT Δ-Σ modulator to a CT Δ-Σ modulator Because DT modulator loop filters can be easily designed, a CT modulator loop filter can be derived by first finding the equivalent DT modulator loop filter and then transforming it to continuous-time. Thus, the question is: “What condition must be satisfied to equalize a DT and CT modulator?” Figure 3.1 and Figure 3.2 show a DT modulator and a CT modulator, respectively. Unlike the DT modulator, in a CT modulator, the sampling is not at the front-end input, but at the input to the quantizer. There is no doubt that if they produce the same output bit sequence in the time-domain for the same time instant, they can be considered equivalent. This “same-output” condition can be satisfied by ensuring the inputs to both quantizers are the same at each sampling instant. 16 T X(z) X(s) + U(z) H(z) V(z) u(n) Y(z) DAC Figure 3.1 A DT Δ-Σ A/D modulator. XC(s) + HC(s) V(s) T UC(s) UC(z) uC(n) YC(z) HDAC(s) Figure 3.2 A CT Δ-Σ A/D modulator. Observing the two internal open loop nodes from the quantizer outputs to the quantizer inputs in both modulators, we can see that both open loops have sampled-data outputs and inputs. As mentioned above, the two modulators are equivalent if their quantizers have the same inputs at each sampling instant, which means x ( n) = xC (t ) t = nTS (3.1) This can be satisfied if the open loop impulse responses are the same at sampling instants, which can be written as [Thu91]. Z −1 ( H ( z )) = L−1 ( H DAC ( s ) H C ( s )) t = nTs (3.2) 17 Or in the time-domain [Sho95] h(n) = [rˆD (t ) * hC (t )] t = nTS (3.3) where h(n), rˆD (t ) and hC (t ) are the impulse responses of the DT loop filter H (z ) , the CT feedback DAC and the CT loop filter H C (s ) , respectively. This transformation between the DT and CT domains is called the Impulse Invariant Transformation (IIT), as implied by its name [Gar86]. Although forward Euler integration, backward Euler integration, bilinear transformation and midpoint integration [Gre86] are well known and popular in linear filter designs for transforming DT filters to CT filters and vice versa, they are not used to transform DT Δ-Σ modulators to CT Δ-Σ modulators. This is because a Δ-Σ modulator is essentially a nonlinear system, unlike a linear filter. Therefore its behavior cannot be described solely in frequency domain as in a linear filter. To find an equivalent DT Δ-Σ modulator for a CT Δ-Σ modulator, a time-domain DTCT transformation method has to be used. The impulse invariant transformation (IIT) is one such method. To actually perform the transformation, the DAC feedback pulse shape has to be decided first according to Eq. (3.2) and Eq. (3.3). Different pulse shapes result in different transformations between the DT and CT modulators. We will see shortly there are practical advantages of some over others. There are three commonly used rectangular DAC feedback pulses: non-return-to-zero (NRZ), return-to-zero (RZ) and half-delay-return-to-zero (HRZ) [Che00]. Their impulse responses are shown in Figure 3.3. DACs with NRZ shapes provide constant output over a full period; DACs with RZ shapes produce constant valid output only from 0 to T/2 and DACs with HRZ produce a half clock cycle delayed version of RZ. It should be mentioned that theoretically it is feasible to have the transition time not at T/2. However, this will 18 complicate the clock signal generation circuit, hence it is not an attractive DAC shape option. Figure 3.3 DAC feedback impulse responses (a) NRZ (b) RZ (c) HRZ. The transfer function of NRZ, RZ and HRZ can be described by the same equation: H DAC ( s ) = exp( −αs ) − exp( − β s ) s (3.4) where α and β are valid feedback starting and ending times, respectively. So we have ⎧ α = 0, β = T ⎪ ⎨α = 0, β = 0.5T ⎪α = 0.5T , β = T ⎩ NRZ RZ HRZ (3.5) After determining the DAC feedback pulse shape and its transfer function, the impulse invariant transform can be executed following the steps below. Step1: Write H (z ) as a partial fraction expansion. Step2: Convert each partial fraction from z-domain to s-domain. Step3: Recombine the results from step 2 to get H C (s ) . Detailed mathematical treatment for step 2 can be found in [Sho95]. Table 3.1 lists commonly used first-order and second-order z to s transforms for NRZ, RZ and HRZ DAC pulse shapes. 19 Table 3.1 s-domain equivalent for z-domain partial fraction expansion s-domain equivalent General NRZ zk zk=1 General RZ zk zk=1 General HRZ zk zk=1 z-domain partial fraction z −1 1− zk z z −2 −1 sk 1 z k − 1 sT − s k (1 − z k z −1 ) 2 ( − sk + 1 − 1 ) sT − sk 2 zk ( zk − 1) 1 2 1 ( sT − sk ) 2 0.5 sT 1 sT ( sT ) sk 1 z k − z k 0.5 sT − sk [(0.5 z k −0.5 − 1) s k + 1 − z k −0.5 )]sT + (0.5 z k −0.5 − 1) s k 2 1 ( z k − z k 0.5 ) 2 ( sT − s k ) 2 2 sT sk 1 zk 0.5 − 1 sT − sk 2 sT 2 − −1.5 2 + sT ( sT ) 2 ( −0.5 zk −0.5 sk + zk −0.5 − zk −1 ) sT − 0.5 zk −0.5 sk 2 ( zk 0.5 − 1) 2 1 ( sT − sk ) 2 2 − 0 .5 + sT ( sT ) 2 Let us take a classical second-order Δ-Σ A/D modulator as an example to illustrate the validation of the impulse invariant transformation. The second order quantization noise transfer function is: NTF ( z ) = (1 − z −1 ) 2 The corresponding z-domain loop filter transfer function is: (3.6) 20 2 z −1 − z −2 H ( z ) = 1 / NTF ( z ) − 1 = (1 − z −1 ) 2 (3.7) here zk=1. By looking up Table (3.1) and doing some simple mathematical manipulation, we can get s-domain loop transfer functions for the three different DAC pulse shapes as the following: ⎧ 1 + 1.5sT NRZ ⎪ s 2T 2 ⎪⎪ 2 + 2.5sT H C (s) = ⎨ RZ 2 2 ⎪ s T ⎪ 2 + 3.5sT HRZ ⎪⎩ s 2T 2 (3.8) Second-order DT and CT modulators with the above H (z ) and H C (s ) have been simulated in MATLAB/SIMULINK. Figure 3.4 shows the SNDR versus input amplitude plot. The curves for the three different DAC shapes in CT modulators are exactly on top of each other and they are slightly different from the DT curve. This little difference is probably due to two reasons: the different simulation algorithm/solver that SIMULINK uses for CT models and DT models and the signal transfer functions of CT modulators and their equivalent DT modulators are different. Basically the impulse invariant transformation preserves the noise transfer function but not the signal transfer function. Unlike DT Δ-Σ modulators, CT Δ-Σ modulators exhibit an inherent anti-aliasing function, an important merit which we will discuss in Section 3.2. 21 80 70 SNDR (dB) 60 50 40 30 DT CT-NRZ CT-RZ CT-HRZ 20 10 0 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 Input Amplitude (dB) -10 0 Figure 3.4 SNDR of 2nd-order modulators with DT and CT loop filters. Besides rectangular shapes, some other shapes have also been tried in CT Δ-Σ A/D modulators, although they all inevitably add much complexity to the DAC design. Perhaps the only reason to use non-rectangular DAC shapes is to reduce sensitivity to clock jitter which is one of the major challenges for CT Δ-Σ modulators. We will come back to this issue with more details in Chapter 4. 3.2 Inherent anti-aliasing filtering It was shown that a low-pass CT Δ-Σ A/D modulator provides an inherent anti-aliasing filtering on the input signal path [Can85]. In fact, the signal transfer function contains a “sinc” term and the zeros of the “sinc” term are located at multiples of the sampling frequency. Hence clock-image signals are attenuated significantly which otherwise would be aliased into the desired frequency band. In this section we will analyze the CT Δ-Σ modulators to explain the origination of the inherent anti-aliasing and validate the observation by showing some simulation results for a second-order CT modulator. 22 First we redraw the general CT modulator block diagram in Figure 3.5. It is the CT version of a general Δ -Σ A/D modulator, similar to the DT version in Figure 2.4. Here, the loop filter H C (s ) is obtained through the impulse invariant transformation of H (z ), the loop filter of the equivalent DT modulator. In most conventional CT modulator designs, GC ( s) = H C ( s ) . e X(t) GC(s) T u1(k) y(k) HC(s) HDAC(s) Figure 3.5 A general CT Δ -Σ A/D modulator block diagram. Unlike a DT modulator, where the signal transfer function (STF) can be defined completely in z-domain since both the input and output signals are discretetime quantities, in a CT modulator the input is a CT signal which can only be expressed in s-domain while the output is a discrete-time signal which should be expressed in z-domain. Therefore it is impossible to derive a straight z- or s-domain STF for a CT modulator. However, the CT modulator STF can still be written in a “mixed” form as: Y (e jωT ) STFC (ω ) = X ( jω ) (3.9) Shifting the internal sampler in Figure 3.5 to the left side of the input subtraction, the Figure 3.5 can be redrawn as in Figure 3.6. 23 e X(t) GC(s) T u (k) 1 y(k) H(z) T HC(s) HDAC(s) Figure 3.6 Another block diagram of CT Δ -Σ A/D modulators. Note that now the modulator loop in Figure 3.6 consisting of the DAC, loop filter H C (s ) and the sampler is equivalent to its corresponding DT loop filter H (z ) . Therefore we can derive the transfer function from u1 ( k ) to y (k ) as: L( z ) = Y ( z) 1 = = NTF ( z ) U1 ( z) 1 + H ( z) (3.10) Then STFC (ω ) can be rewritten as: G C ( jω ) Y (e jωT ) U 1 (e jωT ) STFC (ω ) = ⋅ = = GC ( jω ) ⋅ NTF (e jωT ) (3.11) jωT jωT U 1 ( e ) X ( jω ) 1 + H ( e ) Based on Eq. (3.11), we can obtain the new representation of the CT modulator in Figure 3.7. Faa(jω ) X(t) T GC(s) G-1(z) G(z) 1+H(z) y(k) Figure 3.7 A new representation of the CT Δ -Σ A/D modulator. 24 The inherent anti-aliasing filtering function can be expressed as: Faa (ω ) = G C ( jω ) G (e jωT ) (3.12) For most conventional DT modulators, G ( z ) = H ( z ) and for most conventional CT modulators, GC ( s) = H C ( s ) , For these modulators, Faa (ω ) = STFC (ω ) = H C ( jω ) H ( e jωT ) H C ( jω ) 1 + H (e jωT ) (3.13) (3.14) Since the DT loop filter H (e jωT ) has poles at multiples of the sampling clock frequency FS , it can be expected that both Faa (ω ) and STFC (ω ) have zeros at these frequencies. The frequency responses of the anti-aliasing function Faa (ω ) and signal transfer function STFC (ω ) of a 2nd-order double-integration CT modulator employing NRZ, RZ and HRZ DAC feedback shapes are shown in Figure 3.8 and Figure 3.9. As expected, the inherent anti-aliasing filtering has a sinc-like response in that all nulls are at nFS , for n ≠ 0 . For an input signal band 0 ~ f B , the aliasing frequencies are within [nFS − f B , nFS + f B ] , therefore signals falling within these bands are attenuated by the inherent anti-aliasing filter. It is interesting to note that STFC (ω ) for all cases have high-pass characteristics, which may cause instability if there are some out-band interference along with the in-band signals. 25 1.4 CT-NRZ CT-RZ CT-HRZ 1.2 Amplitude 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Frequency (Fs) 3 3.5 4 Figure 3.8 Frequency response of inherent anti-aliasing function of a 2nd-order CT modulator. 3 CT-NRZ CT-RZ CT-HRZ 2.5 Amplitude 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Frequency (Fs) 3 3.5 4 Figure 3.9 Frequency response of signal transfer function (STF) of a 2nd-order CT modulator. 26 4. NON-IDEALITIES IN OVERSAMPLING Δ-Σ A/D MODULATORS Various non-idealities, including finite OpAmp (Operational Amplifier) gain/bandwidth/slew rate, quantizer delay/offset/hysteresis/metastability, multi-bit feedback DAC element mismatch, loop filter coefficients variation and clock jitter, adversely affect the performance of Δ-Σ A/D modulators. However, due to their different mechanisms and different occurring locations inside a modulator, their effects are different and moreover, they may manifest themselves with varying degrees in DT and CT Δ-Σ A/D modulators. To guarantee a successful design, a thorough understanding of these non-ideal phenomena is required. In this chapter, we present the details of these “un-wanted” effects, derive mathematical models which can be included in system level simulations, and describe commonly used solutions to overcome them. 4.1 OpAmp non-idealities The OpAmp is the most commonly used active analog block in Δ-Σ A/D modulators. When it appears in the first stage of the loop filter, its non-idealities undergo no attenuation, hence impact the modulator performance to a large extent. 4.1.1 OpAmp in DT integrators Fig (4.1) shows a typical single-ended delaying switched-capacitor integrator. CS and CFB are sampling and integration capacitors respectively. Φ1 and Φ2 are non-overlapped two phase clocks. The integrator samples the input during Φ1 while it does integration during Φ2. Although only a single-ended integrator is shown here for analysis, fully differential circuits are normally adopted for better common-mode noise rejection. The results shown below can be applied to differential circuits as well. 27 CFB Φ1 Φ2 Cs Vin A(s) Φ2 Φ1 Vo CL Figure 4.1 Typical switched-capacitor integrator. Assume an OpAmp has single-pole roll-off and, A(s) can be expressed as: A( s ) = ADC 1+ s / ω0 (4.1) where ADC is the OpAmp DC gain while ω0 is -3dB radian frequency. The unity gain bandwidth of the OpAmp can be expressed as: UGBW = ADC ⋅ ω 0 (4.2) The ideal transfer function of the DT integrator is: H ( z) = C S z −1 C FB 1 − z −1 (4.3) The impact of finite OpAmp gain is to shift the pole of H (z ) slightly off the unit circle, which can be demonstrated by deriving the integrator transfer function given the finite gain of the OpAmp, as shown in Eq. (4.4). H ( z) = CS C FB z −1 1 z −1 1− CS 1+ ADC ⋅ C FB (4.4) 28 The pole shift is recognized as “integrator leakage” in that only a fraction of previous output of the integrator is added to the new input sample value. The error will increase the in-band quantization noise floor. Finite bandwidth and slew-rate limit the speed at which the integrator can reach its desired value, in other words, the output of integrator cannot settle instantaneously. Although the exact details of the settling behavior will vary depending on the integrator implementation, a good first-order settling model of both DT and CT integrators can be defined by [Wil93]: vout [n + 1] = vout [n] + g (vin [n]) (4.5) ⎧ x(1 − e −TS / τ ), x ≤ τξ ⎪ x TS ( − −1) ⎪ g ( x) = ⎨ x − sgn( x)τξe τξ τ , τξ < x ≤ (τ + TS )ξ ⎪sgn( x)ξT , (τ + TS )ξ < x S ⎪ ⎩ (4.6) where Ts is the clock period, τ is the settling time constant, which is determined by 1 / UGBW , and ζ is the maximum slew-rate of the OpAmp. In this model, the integrator is assumed to approach its final value with a single exponential time constant τ but the slope of this exponential is limited to ζ. 4.1.2 OpAmp in CT integrators Figure 4.2 shows the typical R-C integrator widely used in CT Δ-Σ A/D modulators. The clocked current source(s) is used to provide feedback from singlebit or multi-bit quantizers. The current injection period is a full sampling period for NRZ or half period for RZ and HRZ. 29 CFB RIN Vin A(s) Vo CL Figure 4.2 Typical R-C integrator used in CT Δ-Σ A/D modulators. Ideal RC integrators have transfer functions: Vo ( s ) k ⋅ fs −1 = = Vin ( s ) sRIN C FB s (4.7) where RIN is the value of input resistor while CFB is the value of the integration capacitor, k is the gain factor of the integrator, and f s is the clock frequency. When the finite OpAmp gain and bandwidth are taken into account, the transfer function is modified as: Vo ( s) −1 = 1 + ADC 1 1 Vin ( s ) 2 RIN C FB )+ s RIN C FB + + s( ADC ω0 ADC ADC ω0 ADC (4.8) where ADC is the OpAmp DC gain while ω0 is -3dB radian frequency. Assume ADC >> 1, (4.8) can be simplifies as [Ort03]: k ⋅ f s 1 − GE Vo ( s ) −1 = = s R C 1 s Vin ( s ) +1 ) s 2 IN FB + s ( RIN C FB + ω2 ADC ω0 ADC ω0 where, (4.9) 30 k ⋅ fs UGBW + k ⋅ f s (4.10) ω 2 = UGBW + k ⋅ f s (4.11) GE = GE is the gain error factor with respect to an ideal integrator gain. Eq. (4.9) shows that a practical R-C integrator with finite OpAmp gain and bandwidth can be modeled as an ideal integrator followed by a single-pole roll off filter. If we apply Eq. (4.9) to a CT Δ-Σ A/D modulator employing an R-C integrator as its first stage, we will see a non-ideal first stage shown in Figure 4.3 . k X S / ω2 + 1 f s (1 − GE ) S + k S / ω2 + 1 DAC Quantizer Output Figure 4.3 The non-ideal first stage integrator of a CT modulator. The gain error can be reduced by increasing k. The added second pole ω2 has no effect on the input signal path as long as it is much larger than the maximum signal frequency, which is easy to satisfy. However, it will generate an extra loop delay in the feedback path. As will be discussed later, excess loop delay can lead to modulator instability so that it must be well controlled. Because we have used some approximations in the above theoretical analysis, it is a good practice to use timedomain simulations to find the minimum required OpAmp gain/bandwidth at system level. 31 Eq. (4.5) and Eq. (4.6) are not applicable for CT R-C integrators because it is not possible to use the clock period as a fixed step size to simulate CT modulators in the time-domain. A practical solution is to apply an output current amplitude limitation to the OpAmp model, then the required slew-rate can be found by time-domain simulation. 4.2 Quantizer non-idealities Delay, offset, hysteresis and metastability are well known non-idealities of quantizers. Unlike Nyquist-rate A/D converters where comparator errors do not experience high-pass shaping, comparator non-idealities in Δ-Σ A/D modulators can be shaped by the loop filter so that they can be, for the most part, tolerated. However, it should be noted that for high resolution Δ-Σ modulators with multi-bit quantizers and low oversampling ratios, caution is still needed to prevent performance loss due to comparator non-idealities. 4.2.1 Quantizer delay Practical comparators (quantizers) have non-zero time to generate the correct outputs. This delay, mainly determined by comparator design and IC process, together with the finite time for the feedback DAC to respond, comprise the delay between the quantizer clock edge and valid DAC output. The total delay is called excess loop delay. It should be noticed that in some modulators employing multi-bit feedback DACs, dynamic element matching (DEM) or calibration circuitry might be included in the feedback path to suppress DAC element mismatch errors. These extra signal processing blocks add more delays. For DT modulators, the excess loop delay can be nearly as high as one clock period without compromising modulator performance and stability. However, this is not the case for CT modulators. This problem is illustrated in Figures 4.4Figure 4.4 , 4.5 and Figure 4.6 for three different DAC shapes. 32 Recall that a correct impulse invariant transformation relies on proper shape of the DAC pulse. Due to the delay of τ d , the whole DAC output is shifted in the time domain by τ d to the right side. As a consequence the DAC transfer function will deviate from its ideal expression in Eq. (3.4) and becomes: H DAC ( s ) = exp(−τ d s ) − exp(−(T + τ d ) s ) s DNRZ(t) 0 (4.12) DNRZ(t) T/2 (a) T t 0τ d T T/2 t (b) Figure 4.4 Excess loop delay on NRZ DACs (a) ideal DAC (b) DAC with delay. DRZ(t) 0 DRZ(t) T/2 (a) T t 0τ d T T/2 t (b) Figure 4.5 Excess loop delay on RZ DACs (a) ideal DAC (b) DAC with delay. 33 DHRZ(t) DHRZ(t) τd 0 T/2 (a) T t 0 t T T/2 (b) Figure 4.6 Excess loop delay on HRZ DACs (a) ideal DAC (b) DAC with delay. The result of this non-ideal DAC shape is that the equivalence between Hc(s) and H(z) in Eq. (3.2) is no longer true. Taking a second-order CT modulator with NRZ DACs as an example, the ideal CT loop filter transfer function is shown in Eq. (3.8). If there is an excess loop delay τ d , the z-domain loop transfer function can be derived as [Che00]: (2 − 2.5τ d + 0.5τ d ) z −1 − (1 − 4τ d + τ d ) z −2 − (1.5τ d − 0.5τ d ) z −3 (4.13) H ( z ,τ d ) = (1 − z −1 ) 2 2 2 2 If τ d =0, H ( z ,τ d ) turns into Eq. (3.7), while for non-zero τ d , H ( z ,τ d ) is no longer equal to Eq. (3.7) and is 3rd-order now. In fact, as long as the DAC pulse falling edge passes T due to excess loop delay, the order of the equivalent DT modulator is one higher than the order of the CT modulator. Performance degradation and even instability may occur [Che00]. Obviously when HRZ DAC shapes are used, there is no problem as long as the delay is less than half a clock period. This is a major advantage of using the HRZ DAC shape. HRZ DACs have been used together with RZ DACs in [Gao97]; 34 However, HRZ DACs are more sensitive to clock jitter, a problem which will be discussed later. Recall that the excess loop delay originates from three sources: 1. Quantizer delay, 2. Extra delay due to added signal processing in the feedback loop, 3. Finite switching time of DAC cells. Thus modulators with different DAC shapes will be affected by excess loop delay differently. If NRZ DAC is used, any delay shifts the DAC pulse and causes the falling edge to pass T, increasing the equivalent DT modulator order by one. If a RZ DAC is used, any delay shifts the DAC pulse. But as long as the summed delay is less than half a clock period, the falling edge will not pass T, thus the equivalent DT modulator still has the same order as the CT modulator. If a HRZ DAC is used, the DAC pulse will remain unchanged as long as the sum of the quantizer delay and extra signal processing delay is less than half a clock period. But the unavoidable finite switching time in the DAC will still push the falling edge of the DAC pulse to be greater than T, thus increasing the order of the equivalent DT modulator by one. From the above discussion, we conclude that when only excess loop delay is considered, NRZ DAC is the worst choice while RZ and HRZ DACs both have advantages and disadvantages. They shall be chosen based on intensive simulation, taking into account all sources of loop delay. 4.2.2 Comparator offset Comparator offset is shaped by the loop filter in Δ-Σ modulators. However, for high resolution modulators with multi-bit quantizers, offset can cause an increase in the noise-floor and the harmonic distortion, thus degrade the SNDR. Therefore, system level simulations are needed to determine the allowable offset that will not degrade the modulator performance. In circuit level design, several measures can be taken to reduce the offset errors of the comparator, including input offset storage (IOS) and output offset 35 storage (OOS) [Raz95]. The input offset storage is used more frequently in multibit Δ-Σ modulators because of its wide input common mode range. Figure 4.7 shows a single-ended comparator with input offset storage. The comparator is comprised of a preamplifier stage and a latch stage. The input referred offset is [Raz95]: VOS ( tot ) = VOSA Δq VOSL + + 1 + A0 C S A0 (4.14) where VOSA is the input offset of the preamplifier, VOSL is the offset of the latch, A0 is the preamplifier gain and Δq is the error due to charge injection. As indicated in Eq. (4.14), the comparator offset can be reduced by the gain of the preamplifier (normally between 10 and 20), which is adequate for most Δ-Σ modulators. Φ offset _ cancel Φ1 Vin Cs c A0 Latch Vo Φ2 Voffset Figure 4.7 Input offset cancellation of a comparator. 4.2.3 Comparator hysteresis The comparator hysteresis leads to a “memory” effect which causes the output to resist change even when the input level may have surpassed a threshold. Like dc offsets, Hysteresis may also increase noise floor and in-band distortion. In order to reduce hysteresis, one can reset comparators before entering the latch 36 mode. For example, shorting differential internal nodes in the latch to one of the power supplies or connecting together using switches in the reset phase can be used [Joh97]. 4.2.4 Comparator metastability Metastability is the result of longer times to resolve the output in the comparator when very small inputs are applied. The large delay can be problematic particularly for CT modulators with NRZ or RZ DAC pulses, as mentioned above. Cherry [Che00] proposed several methods to mitigate metastability performance loss, such as scaling the quantizer input to have as large as possible span; decreasing regeneration time by inserting a preamplifier stage and increasing the gain-bandwidth product of the regenerative circuits; adding additional latching stages and using improved modulator architectures. An example of the last method is to have a digital delay in the feedback path for a band-pass modulator. An efficient technique to overcome metastability proposed in [Raz95] employs Gray coding between thermometer and binary codes. However, the added decoding stage may not be preferred for some high speed designs. 4.3 Clock Jitter 4.3.1 Clock jitter in DT modulators For DT Δ-Σ A/D modulators, the effect of clock jitter can be completely described by computing the sampling error of the input signals, Clock jitter occurring internally does not affect modulator performance as long as signal settling error is low enough. A sinusoidal input signal can be expressed as: Vin (t ) = A sin(2πf in t + ω t ) (4.15) where A is signal amplitude, f in is the signal frequency and ω t is the initial phase. Assuming the clock jitter at a sampling instant t is Δt , the sampling error ΔVin (t ) is given by [Bri99]: 37 ΔVin (t ) = dVin (t ) Δt = 2πf in AΔt cos( 2πf in t + ωt ) dt (4.16) Assuming the clock jitter is white noise with a Gaussian distribution, and its standard deviation is σ Δt , the resultant error has uniform power spectral density from dc to f s / 2 , with a total power of: P jitter = E[Δ2Vin (t )] = (2πf in Aσ Δt ) 2 / 2 (4.17) Thus the signal-to-jitter noise ratio can be calculated as: SNR jitter = PS P jitter = A2 / 2 2π 2 f in 2 A 2σ 2 Δt / OSR = OSR 4π 2 f in 2σ 2 Δt (4.18) where OSR is the oversampling ratio. Eq. (4.18) shows that SNR jitter is not dependent on the input signal amplitude. This is because the sampling error due to jitter is proportionally to the signal power, as shown in Eq. (4.17). Eq. (4.18) expresses the maximum signal-to-noise ratio of a DT Δ-Σ A/D modulator when the input sampling jitter error dominates. 4.3.2 Clock jitter in CT modulators with rectangular DAC shapes In CT Δ-Σ A/D modulators, both the quantizer and the feedback DAC are clocked. The sampling error due to clock jitter at the quantizer is noise shaped by the same order as the quantization error so that it adds little noise to the modulator output. However, clock jitter in the feedback DAC generates noise which is not shaped and affects the modulator performance significantly. Figure 4.8 shows a simplified typical CT Δ-Σ A/D modulator [Che00]. The feedback is realized by transferring charge at a constant rate over the whole or part of a clock period. Thus the clock rising and falling edge variations, in other words, clock jitter, generates more significant charge errors compared with feedback in DT modulator where the DAC waveform has a decaying characteristics. 38 X Gm + Y Gm IFB Ts Figure 4.8 Simplified typical CT Δ-Σ A/D modulator. Taking a CT modulator with an NRZ DAC feedback waveform as an example, the effect of clock jitter can be illustrated in Figure 4.9. Figure 4.9 NRZ DAC output with and without clock jitter. The error sequence can be expressed by [Ris94] 39 e NRZ (n) = [ y (n) − y (n − 1)] Δt (n) (4.19) Ts where y (n) is the nth output bit, Δt s is the clock edge timing error and Ts is the clock period. For wideband uncorrelated clock jitter, this jitter error energy can be written as: σ 2e NRZ = σ 2 Δy , NRZ σ 2 Δt (4.20) Ts 2 Where σ Δy, NRZ is the standard deviation of the adjacent output difference, and σ Δt is the standard deviation of the clock jitter. Since the in-band jitter error is reduced by a factor of the OSR over the total jitter error above, we can calculate the signal-to-jitter noise ratio as: SNR jitter = Ps P jitter = A2 / 2 σ 2 e NRZ / OSR OSR ⋅ A 2 = 2σ 2 ΔY , NRZ ( σ Δt Ts )2 (4.21) where OSR is the oversampling ratio. To compare the jitter requirements for DT and CT modulators, Eq. (4.18) and (4.21) are set to be equal, we obtain σ 2 Δt CT σ 2 Δt DT Since normally OSR ≥ 4 , σ 2 = π 2 ⋅ A2 2OSR 2 ⋅ σ 2 Δ y, NRZ Δy ≥ 1 , (4.22) A ≤ 1, σ 2 Δt CT < 0.31 σ 2 Δt DT (4.23) which means to obtain the same signal-to-jitter noise ratio, the jitter noise in CT modulators must be at least a few times smaller than in DT modulators. In fact, 40 since most modulators’ oversampling ratios are larger than 8, CT modulators are normally much more sensitive to jitter noise than Eq. (4.23) suggests. To verify equations Eq. (4.18) and Eq. (4.21), simulations are performed for second-order, double-integration DT and CT modulators. Several parameters are: osr = 64, Fs = 80MHz, fin = 156.25KHz, σ Δt ( DT ) = 4.58ns, σ Δt (CT ) = 20 ps. The clock jitter in both modulators is chosen to make jitter noise dominant. Parameter σ 2 Δ y, NRZ is found from simulation. Table 4.1 summarizes the simulation and calculation results. Table 4.1 Simulated and calculated second-order low-pass DT and CT modulator SNR. DT Modulator SNR Amplitude (dB) (dB) Simulated (4.17) CT Modulator SNR (dB) Simulated (4.20) σ 2Δ y -6 64.0237 65.0045 64.8270 64.2380 2.3611 -5 63.9120 65.0045 65.1537 64.8690 2.2909 -4 63.8388 65.0045 65.7049 65.6704 2.1373 -3 63.9008 65.0045 65.8488 66.4922 1.9847 From the data in the above table, we see that simulated results fit with theoretical values very well. Thus, Eq. (4.18) and Eq. (4.21) can be used to estimate jitter requirements in DT and CT modulators, respectively. Jitter sensitivity is still the bottleneck to hinder CT modulator from being widely used in high speed applications where low enough clock jitter is not easy to obtain. DAC shape affects the jitter sensitivity of CT modulators. This can be illustrated by Figure 4.10, where single-bit NRZ, RZ and HRZ DAC shapes are 41 shown. The solid lines indicate that the clock edges are affected by jitter. Intuitively, NRZ DACs are less affected by clock jitter because clock jitter only causes errors when the output changes. However, for RZ and HRZ DACs, both rising and falling edges of the pulse occur every clock cycle so that they are affected by clock jitter more frequently. Cherry proved that RZ second-order LP modulators are 4.6dB worse than its NRZ counterpart [Che00]. A good rule of thumb is that CT modulators employing RZ or HRZ DACs experience jitter noise about 6 dB worse in the signal band than if NRZ DACs are used. 1 -1 -1 1 -1 NRZ RZ HRZ Figure 4.10 Single-bit NRZ, RZ and HRZ DAC feedback pulse with jitter noise. Eq. (4.20) and Eq. (4.21) indicate that the jitter noise power can be lowered by reducing the standard deviation of the adjacent modulator output difference. In other words, if the step size of the quantizer is reduced, the jitter noise is lowered. This implies that using multi-bit DACs can reduce the sensitivity to clock jitter. 42 Figure 4.11 shows multi-bit NRZ, RZ and HRZ DAC feedback pulses with jitter noise. Intuitively NRZ multi-bit DACs should provide best jitter noise immunity than the other two in that its outputs do not need to reset to zero for every clock cycle and hence the average adjacent output difference is smaller. This conclusion can be proved by the following derivation. NRZ RZ HRZ Figure 4.11 Multi-bit NRZ, RZ and HRZ DAC feedback pulses with jitter noise. Assuming the standard deviation of the adjacent output difference in the NRZ mulit-bit DAC is σ Δy and the standard deviation of clock jitter is σ Δt , the DAC output error due to jitter can be express again by Eq. (4.20). However, for RZ and HRZ DAC, the output error due to jitter is proportional to the output value, not the difference. 2 2 σ eRZZ = 2σ y , RZ σ 2eHRZ = 2σ 2 y, HRZ σ 2 Δt Ts 2 σ 2 Δt Ts 2 (4.24) (4.25) 43 The coefficient “2” in the above two equations takes into account the fact that both RZ and HRZ DACs are affected by jitter twice in one cycle, at both their rising and falling edges. Comparing the induced jitter error, we obtain σ 2e σ 2e NRZ σ 2e σ 2e = σ 2 Δy , NRZ 2σ 2 y , RZ (4.26) = σ 2 Δy , NRZ 2σ 2 y , HRZ (4.27) RZ NRZ HRZ If the three types of multi-bit DACs have the same full scale, both Eq. (4.26) and (4.27) are less than 1, meaning that NRZ multi-bit DACs are less sensitive to clock jitter than RZ and HRZ multi-bit DACs do. Let’s take a second-order, double-integration CT modulator as an example. Assume OSR=16, the quantizer has 8 levels and the input signal is -4 dBFS, simulations in SIMULINK show that σ Δy , NRZ = 0.38 , σ y , RZ = σ y , HRZ = 0.49 , thus σ 2e σ 2e NRZ RZ σ 2e = 2 σ e = 0 .3 NRZ (4.28) HRZ which means the second-order CT modulator can achieve 5.2dB more resolution if a NRZ DAC is used instead of RZ or HRZ DACs, assuming the jitter noise is the dominating factor. Eq. (4.20) also implies that the more levels the quantizer has, the smaller jitter induced error will be. However, this is only true for NRZ multi-bit DACs, not for RZ and HRZ DACs. For NRZ DACs, doubling the number of quantizer levels will roughly reduce σ Δy, NRZ by half while σ y, RZ and σ y, HRZ have almost no change. This observation has also been verified by simulations. If we increase the quantizer levels of the above modulator to 16, simulations show that σ Δy , NRZ = 0.17 , σ y , RZ = σ y , HRZ = 0.46 , thus σ 2e σ 2e NRZ RZ = σ 2e σ 2e NRZ HRZ = 0.07 (4.29) 44 Now the NRZ multi-bit DAC have 11.6dB more resolution than the RZ and HRZ DACs. We conclude that for DACs with rectangular shapes, multiple bits in the DAC can significantly reduce jitter sensitivity only if NRZ shapes are used. 4.3.3 Clock jitter in CT modulators with non-rectangular DAC shapes Several papers present alternative DAC shapes which can reduce jitter sensitivity in CT modulators. The fundamental idea is to reduce the feedback signal amplitude near the edge of the clock signals so that clock variations in time have less effect compared with constant feedback amplitude shapes, like NRZ, RZ or HRZ. One example is to use exponentially decaying DACs, also called SCR DACs, as shown in Figure 4.12 [Ort01, Ger01]. This type of DAC works like DACs in DT modulators. Figure 4.13 shows the simplified circuit diagram of an RC integrator with SCR DAC feedback. The charge is transferred through charging and discharging a capacitor. A resistor can be added in series with the capacitor and MOS switch to adjust the time constant. Since the DAC output is much lower at the end of integration phase compared with the beginning of the phase, clock jitter has less impact on the amount of transferred charge than rectangular DACs where the DAC output is constant in every cycle. Iout(t) 0 T/2 T Figure 4.12 Pulse shape of SCR DAC. 45 CFB RIN Vin A(s) R D Vo CL CDAC Figure 4.13 R-C integrator with SCR DAC feedback. Although this type of DAC reduces the clock jitter sensitivity, it places more stringent slew rate requirements on the integrator, and hence larger power will be consumed. In addition, when a multi-bit quantizer is used for high resolution, the DAC also needs to be multi-bit. In such cases, the mismatch of the DAC should be suppressed so that it doesn’t limit the modulator performance. However, as we will show in the next section, dynamic element matching (DEM) cannot boost the DAC linearity to be more than14-bit. Therefore, this DAC is not suitable for wideband high resolution CT modulators. Another example is to use sine-shaped DAC pulses which can alleviate slew rate issues induced by using SCR DACs [Luc04]. This type of DAC, however, needs additional synchronization circuitry and introduces extra phase noise into the system [Luc02]. The DAC mismatch is also a problem as noted above. So far, there is no CT Δ-Σ A/D modulator with multi-bit non-rectangular DAC reported in the literature. However, as the component matching is improved in silicon process, the non-rectangular DAC may be an attractive choice since they nearly eliminate the most prominent bottleneck for CT Δ-Σ A/D modulators: clock jitter. 46 4.4 Multi-bit DAC element mismatch A Δ-Σ A/D modulator employing a single-bit quantizer uses a single-bit DAC which are inherently linear. This attractive advantage has driven the wide-use of single-bit quantizers in Δ-Σ A/D modulators, especially for low-speed, high resolution modulators with high oversampling ratios. However, for high-speed modulator digitizing MHz range signal, low oversampling ratios (<32) are a must for a reasonably high clock frequency. In such cases, a multi-bit quantizer is a good choice since it has several significant advantages over a single-bit quantizer, including lowering quantization noise, improving loop stability and reducing clock jitter sensitivity for CT modulators. Despite all the gains, the use of a multi-bit quantizer means a multi-bit DAC in the feedback path. The unavoidable element mismatch may become a limiting factor of the modulator performance. This can be illustrated by Figure 4.12. Loop Filter x + e Quantizer u H(z) y d DAC Figure 4.14 Δ-Σ A/D modulator model including DAC mismatch error. In Figure 4.14, d represents the DAC mismatch error. If we rewrite Eq. (2.1) including the DAC mismatch error, we obtain 1 H ( z) H ( z) X ( z) + E ( z) − D( z ) 1 + H ( z) 1 + H ( z) 1 + H ( z) = STF ( z ) ⋅ X ( z ) + NTF ( z ) ⋅ E ( z ) − MTF ( z ) ⋅ D ( z ) Y ( z) = (4.30) 47 where MTF ( z ) represents the mismatch error transfer function. Eq. (4.30) indicates that the DAC mismatch error appears in the modulator output as if it goes through a mismatch transfer function MTF ( z ) and MTF ( z ) is the same as the signal transfer function STF ( z ) . Since H ( z ) has large in-band gain. The DAC mismatch experiences no attenuation in the signal band when it appears in the modulator output. Current CMOS processes can only provide 0.1% matching accuracy (10-bit) for capacitors, and matching accuracy for transistors is even poorer than that of capacitors [Shy84]. To obtain more than 10-bit resolution, DAC mismatch errors must be suppressed below the modulator overall linearity requirement. Figure 4.15 and Figure 4.16 show typical DT and CT integrators with multibit DACs in the feedback paths, respectively. DT modulators usually adopt capacitors as DAC elements while CT modulators usually use current sources. Vref+ VrefS ~S 1 2 ... ... Vin+ C1 1 2 C2 ... ... 1 2 C16 CFB 1 2 + - Vout- - + Vout+ 1 ... 2 C1' 1 C2' 2 1 ... C16 1 2 1 2 CFB ... ... Vin~S S Vref+ Vref- Figure 4.15 Switched-capacitor integrator with 4-bit DAC feedback. 48 0.5IDAC 0.5IDAC RZ CFB RIN Vin+ VoutVout+ VinRIN ... RZ CFB ..... D1p D1n D2p D2n D16p D16n Figure 4.16 Continuous-time integrator with 4-bit DAC feedback. Dynamic element matching (DEM) and digital calibration have been used widely for DT modulators. DEM whitens the DAC errors by randomizing the selection of DAC elements [Car89], first-order shaped [Bar95] or second-order shaped [Sch95]. It has been found that DEM is not very effective when oversampling ratio is low, say, 16 or lower. Digital calibration can suppress DAC errors more efficiently, but it needs much more complicated analog and digital circuitry to implement, consuming more power and silicon area. Figure 4.17 takes data-weighted-averaging (DWA), a widely used firstorder DEM algorithm, and a 4-bit DAC, as an example to illustrate the principle of the DEM. The selection of the DAC elements is based on the input data and currently used elements. Assume the input sequence is “2, 5, 4, 7, 5, 2…” in Figure 4.17, the gray grids represent currently used DAC elements while white grids indicate those not used. The elements are selected in a circularly way such that every element has 49 the same probability of uses. Hence, the mismatch error can quickly average out and the DAC mismatch error is effectively first-order shaped. DAC Elements DATA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 5 4 7 5 2 Figure 4.17 Illustration of DWA. The other technique to tackle DAC mismatch errors, which has been used in monolithic high-resolution current steering D/A converters, is self-calibration [Gro89]. The basic ideal of this technique is to use a reference current as a standard to trim each current source. The calibration is done circularly so that the calibration is continuous. The circuit of a single current source with calibration is shown in Figure 4.18. During the calibration phase, switch S2 is on and switch S1 connects the reference current source to transistor M1. Thus M1 takes a current of Iref. Since it is diode-connected, the voltage Vgs on the intrinsic gate capacitor Cgs is determined by the transistor V-I characteristics. During the operation phase, switch S2 is off and switch S1 connects to the output node of M1. Since Vgs is preserved by Cgs, provided that the drain voltage of M1 is not changed either, the output current from M1 will still be Iref. 50 OUT OUT Iref Iref Iref S1 S1 S2 S2 Cgs + M1 Cgs Vgs (a) M1 + Vgs (b) Figure 4.18 Current calibration principle during (a) Calibration (b) Operation. To be suitable for a multi-bit current steering DAC, the calibration idea must be extended to an array of current sources. This is realized by the continuous current calibration circuit which is shown in Figure 4.19. CLK IOUT,1 N+1 BITS SHIFT IOUT,2 IOUT,N Iref SWITCHING NETWORK M1 M2 MN M’ Figure 4.19 Block diagram for a N-bit current steering DAC with calibration. Because a current source cannot generate valid output when it is in the calibration phase, a spare current source is added to ensure the continuity of the DAC output. The N+1 bits digital shifter generates a 1-of-n code to select the current cell for calibration. The rotation feature of the shifter enables each cell to be calibrated again after the other cells have been sequentially calibrated. The current switches are incorporated in the switching network, conducting N normally 51 operating current cells to their corresponding output terminals and the only one calibrating cell to the reference current source. Some non-idealities, such as charge injection, clock feedthrough and switch mismatch will lead to nonlinear errors. Proper design technique can be taken to achieve 16-bit linearity [Gro89]. 4.5 Loop filter coefficient variation The DT integrator shown in Figure 4.1 has a nominal gain factor determined by the ratio between two capacitors, thus its accuracy is the same as the matching between on-chip capacitors which is on the order of 0.1% or even better. However, the gain factor in a CT integrator shown in Figure 4.2 is determined by the product of an on-chip resistor and capacitor. Since the on-chip resistor and capacitor vary independently and each of their absolute values can vary from nominal values by nearly +/-20%, it is not uncommon that the gain of a CT integrator departs from its desired value by +/-30%. Therefore, the gain errors of integrators in DT modulators are normally not an issue while it is the opposite case in the CT modulators. A large variation in loop filter coefficients in CT modulators can significantly degrade the modulator performance by shifting the locations of poles and zeros. Even worse, the modulators can be driven into instability. That is why tuning is often needed for CT circuits, including CT modulators. 4.6 Comparison between DT and CT Δ-Σ A/D modulators 4.6.1 Implementation DT Δ-Σ A/D modulators can only be fabricated with CMOS processes because their operation largely depends on high quality front-end sampling switches which can only be realized by MOS transistors. On the contrary, front-end sampling switches are not needed in CT Δ-Σ A/D modulators so that CT Δ-Σ A/D modulators can be fabricated with CMOS, BICMOS and bipolar processes. In fact, bipolar CT Δ-Σ A/D modulators [Jen95] have achieved a 3.2GHz clock rate. 52 4.6.2 Low voltage operation As the supply voltage becomes lower and lower, it is harder to realize MOS switches with high linearity and low on-resistance. In such case, DT Δ-Σ A/D modulators, which are normally implemented with switched-capacitor techniques, have to find ways to overcome this problem. Although switch-bootstrapping [Rab97, Abo99] or switched-OpAmp [Bas97] circuit techniques have been used in low supply circuits, they do have their own drawbacks and limitations. The former method requires extra complicated circuits for switches and the switches may break down during long-term operation. The latter method may reduce the available speed of the modulator because the OpAmps are normally turned off completely during one phase of the clock [Bas97]. Thanks to the continuous-time operation, CT Δ-Σ A/D modulators are not impacted by the low supply voltage. 4.6.3 Operation speed In DT Δ-Σ A/D modulators, to reduce sampling errors, the clock speed can not be too high if the input and intermediate analog signals are to be sampled accurately. In addition, the finite bandwidth of OpAmps, given reasonable power consumption, put another limit on clock frequency. On the other hand, in CT modulators the sampling occurs just at the quantizer, therefore the sampling errors are shaped by the loop filter gain. Moreover, if CT loop filters are designed with bipolar transistors, much higher OpAmp bandwidths can be acquired. These two merits enable the CT modulators to work at very high clock speeds. In other words, the signal bandwidth of CT modulators can be much larger than that of their DT counterparts. 4.6.4 Power consumption In DT modulators, the unit-gain frequency of the OpAmps must be at least five times the clock rate [Gre86], resulting in high power consumption. On the other hand, OpAmps in CT modulators do not have settling problems, so their 53 bandwidth can be as low as the clock rate. Therefore, for the same signal bandwidth and resolution requirements, CT modulators need much less power than do DT modulators. 4.6.5 Anti-aliasing filter requirement For a DT modulator, to prevent signal aliasing due to front-end sampling operation, there must be an anti-aliasing filter in front of the modulator to sufficiently attenuate the frequency components in the aliasing band. For a wideband, high speed modulator, the anti-aliasing filter design is not trivial and the filter might consume a significant amount of power which is undesirable in low-power systems. In some applications, the on-chip implementation of the anti-aliasing filter is even not feasible. Thus an off-chip filter has to be used and the cost of the system will increase significantly. However, for CT modulators, the loop filters provide an inherent anti-aliasing function so that anti-aliasing filters at the front-ends are normally not needed. Even if they are needed in some cases, the requirements become very relaxed and it is easy to implement the filters on-chip. 4.6.6 Clock jitter sensitivity As analyzed in section (4.3), CT modulators are much more sensitive to clock jitter than DT modulators. 4.6.7 Sensitivity to process variation The loop filter coefficients of the DT modulators are determined by the onchip components matching properties, not their absolutely values, thus they are only slightly affected by process variations and it is normally not a problem. On the contrary, the loop filter coefficients of the CT modulators are determined by products of resistors and capacitors whose values do not track with each other. Therefore, the time constant variations of the CT modulators should be considered carefully in the system level and circuit level designs to prevent them from degrading modulator performance. 54 4.6.8 Loop filter scalability with clock frequency The loop filter coefficients of DT modulators do not depend on clock frequencies. Hence the loop filters are scalable and the modulators can be easily reused for different applications with different signal bandwidth and sampling rates. In comparison, the loop filter coefficients of the CT modulators depend on clock frequency, therefore the modulators can only be used for specific applications having pre-determined signal bandwidth and sampling rate. Table 4.2 lists the advantages and disadvantages of the DT and CT Δ-Σ modulators. Table 4.2 Comparison between DT and CT Δ-Σ modulators Design Requirements or DT Δ-Σ Modulators Performance Process CMOS Low Voltage Operation Not suitable Speed of Operation Power Consumption Anti-aliasing Filter CT Δ-Σ Modulators CMOS, BICMOS, Bipolar Suitable Clock frequency normally Clock frequency up to a less than 100 MHz few GHz More power needed for Not limited by settling sufficient settling Less power consumption Required, on-chip feasibility questionable Not normally necessary, relaxed requirements if needed Clock jitter sensitivity Low High Process variation impact Low High Scalable Not scalable Loop filter scalability with clock 55 5. SYSTEM LEVEL DESIGN This chapter describes the system level design issues and simulation results of a 14-bit CT Δ-Σ A/D converter with 2.5MHz signal bandwidth. Various nonidealities were taken into account based on methods and equations presented in Chapter 4. 5.1 Modulator topology 5.1.1 Modulator order and number of quantizer levels Because of the large loop coefficients variation in CT modulators, it is difficult to achieve sufficient matching between analog loop and digital cancellation logic, thus a multi-stage topology is not preferred for a 14-bit modulator. Rather, a single-stage topology is chosen for this project. If a multi-bit quantizer is used in a single-stage modulator, it introduces several benefits: 1. Reduces the in-band quantization noise by implementing more aggressive noise transfer function. As the consequence, if a N-bit quantizer is used, more than 20log10 (2N-1) dB DR improvement can be expected compared with a single-stage single-bit modulator [Jia01]; 2. Improves loop stability because of the significantly reduced quantization noise power; 3. Lowers the clock jitter sensitivity if a NRZ multi-bit DAC is accordingly used. The choice of the NTF is a trade off among several factors: • Loop order • Clock speed • Maximum stable input amplitude • Number of quantizer levels Based on extensive simulations in MATLAB, a fifth-order, 5-bit (17 levels) topology is chosen with 12X OSR. The clock frequency is 60MHz. Figure 5.1 shows the simulated peak SNDR versus maximum out-of-band NTF gain using 56 Schreier’s toolbox [Sch00]. Balancing between the ideally achievable peak SNDR and maximum stable input amplitude, the maximum out-of-band NTF gain of 4 was finally chosen. 115 110 Peak SNDR (dB) 105 100 95 90 85 80 2 3 4 5 6 Maximum out-of-band NTF Gain 7 8 Figure 5.1 Peak SNDR versus maximum out-of-band NTF gain. Figure 5.2 shows the simulated SNDR versus input amplitude. The peak SNDR is 102.5dB. The maximum stable input amplitude is nearly -2dBFS. However, this simulation does not include any non-ideal effects. When various non-ideal effects are added, the achievable SNDR will decrease. Thus sufficient margin should be given in the system level design. 57 100 SNDR (dB) 80 60 40 20 0 -20 -100 -80 -60 -40 Input amplitude (dBFS) -20 0 Figure 5.2 SNDR versus input amplitude for a fifth-order CT Δ-Σ A/D modulator. 5.1.2 Choice of DAC pulse shape Jitter sensitivity of a CT Δ-Σ A/D modulator is determined by the DAC choice and the DAC pulse shape has to be determined before designing the loop filter. Hence, we need to find the proper DAC shape based on the jitter sensitivity requirement before we derive the loop transfer function. Since we already decided to use multi-bit quantizer to achieve low enough quantization noise, and analysis in Section (4.3.2) shows that among three rectangular DAC shapes, jitter sensitivity is lowest when a multi-bit NRZ DAC is adopted, we first assume that a NRZ DAC will be used for this design. Figure 5.3 shows the simulated and calculated SNDR for -3dBFS input for different clock jitter rms values. It should be noted that the calculation is based on Eq. (4.20) which takes into account only jitter noise while the simulations include both quantization noise and jitter noise. It is shown that when the clock jitter rms 58 value is more than 4ps, the jitter noise begins to dominate at the modulator output and the simulation result fit with the calculation result very well. To achieve the total power of quantization noise and jitter noise of 87dB lower than the input signal power, the clock jitter rms value must be less than 6ps. 105 SNDR for -3dBFS input (dB) simulated SNDR calculated SNDR 100 95 90 85 80 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Clock jitter standard deviation (s) 1 -11 x 10 Figure 5.3 SNDR sensitivity to clock jitter. We can use Eq. (4.26) and (4.27) to estimate achievable signal-to-jitter noise ratio for this fifth-order modulator if RZ or HRZ DACs are used. Simulations in MATLAB/SIMULINK show that σ Δy, NRZ =0.2, σ y , RZ = σ y , HRZ = 0.51, substituting these values into Eq. (4.26) and (4.27), we can find that jitter noise power will be 11.1dB more than the case when a NRZ DAC is used. This implies that the signal-to-(quantization noise + jitter noise) ratio will be about 85dB even if the clock jitter rms value is only 2ps. Therefore, we can conclude that RZ or HRZ DACs are not appropriate choices for this design. 59 5.1.3 Loop filter architecture After determining the modulator order, quantizer levels and maximum outof-band NTF gain, the equivalent DT loop transfer function H ( z ) can be found. Then together with the determined DAC shape, we can use impulse invariant transformations to find the loop transfer function H C ( s ) of the CT modulator. The next step is to determine the loop filter architecture. As we have discussed in Chapter 1, there are two commonly used loop filter architectures for single-stage modulators: CIFF and CIFB. Since CIFB requires several DACs feeding back to each integrator’ output, it is not an economical solution when multi-bit DACs are used. Thus we choose to use the CIFF architecture for this work. However, if we directly implement the CIFF architecture for this CT modulator as shown in Figure 5.4, a problem arises immediately: How about the impact of the extra loop delay? Since the quantizer and the DAC are clocked by the same phase, any delay in the quantizer may degrade the performance and may even lead to instability, therefore this issue should be carefully examined through system level simulations to see how much delay the modulator can actually tolerate. g1 g2 g3 k1 ST u k2 ST k4 ST gz 2 gz1 d1 DAC k3 ST g4 k5 ST y g5 PHI1 NRZ DAC Q SET D PHI1 Q CLR DFF Figure 5.4 A fifth-order CT Δ-Σ A/D modulator with a single-stage, single-loop architecture. 60 Figure 5.5 shows the SNDR at -4 dBFS input for the architecture in Figure 5.4 when the quantizer delay is taken into account. It indicates that if the quantizer delay is 9% of the clock period (1.5ns in this design), the modulator becomes unstable. To ensure that the quantizer has delay well below 1.5ns, the quantizer has to dissipate a significant amount of power which is not preferred for this work. Thus, a different architecture needs to be found that can alleviate the excess loop delay problem. 110 100 90 SNDR (dB) 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Quantizer_delay (Ts) 1 1.2 Figure 5.5 SNDR versus quantizer delay of the modulator in Figure 5.3. Fortunately, this excess loop delay issue can be easily tackled by adding a second feedback path to the input of the quantizer [Yan04, Moy03], as shown in Figure 5.6. In this single-stage dual-loop modulator architecture, the clock driving Dlatch array has opposite phase to the clocks driving the quantizer and the DFF array 61 synchronizing DAC1. The D-latch array effectively adds a half-clock delay in front of DAC1 and DAC2, thus there is now one digital delay between the quantizer output and the DAC1 input, giving the quantizer a full clock period to settle without adding any extra loop delay. It should be noted that there is one digital delay too around the second feedback loop starting from the quantizer output to the quantizer input. g1 g2 g3 k1 ST u k2 ST k4 ST k5 ST y g5 PHI1 gz 2 gz 1 d1 DAC1 k3 ST g4 d2 NRZ DAC DAC2 Q SET D Q SET PHI1 Q Q CLR D PHI2 CLR D-LATCH DFF Figure 5.6 Improved fifth-order CT Δ-Σ A/D modulator alleviating quantizer delay requirement. The reason for adding a second DAC can be explained by the following derivation. The loop transfer function of the equivalent DT modulator can be generally written as: n H ( z) = ∑a z −i i i =1 n b0 + ∑ bi z i =1 (5.1) −i 62 H ( z ) can be further decomposed into two parts as: ~ a1 −1 z + z −1 H ( z ) b0 (5.2) Where n −1 ~ ∑ (a i +1 − H ( z ) = i =1 a1 a bi ) z −i − 1 bn z − n b0 b0 n b0 + ∑b z i −i (5.3) i =1 Since H (z ) is equivalent to the loop transfer function in the CT modulator from the quantizer output to the quantizer input, we can see that the first item in Eq. (5.2) represents DAC2. a1 is the gain of DAC2. The second item in Eq. (5.2) b0 represents the loop transfer function composed of DAC1 and the fifth-order loop filter. The z −1 in the first item represents the one digital delay around the internal loop composed of the quantizer, the D-latch array and DAC2. The z −1 in the second item represents the one digital delay between the quantizer output and DAC1 input. Having decided the DAC1 shape, we can perform the impulse invariant ~ transform on H ( z ) to obtain the corresponding CT loop filter H C (s) . After this all coefficients in the CT loop filter can be derived. The mathematical process is included in Appendix A. Figure 5.7 shows the SNDR at -4 dBFS input for the architecture in Figure 5.6 when the quantizer delay is taken into account. As expected the quantizer can have up to one clock delay without impacting modulator performance. For the sake of comparison, the curve in Figure 5.5 is also shown in the plot. Also, the SNDR versus quantizer delay characteristic of single-loop architecture with RZ DAC is 63 simulated and plotted in Figure 5.7. It is shown that even with a RZ DAC, the quantizer delay should be less than 14% of the clock period (2.33ns in this design) otherwise the modulator becomes unstable. 110 100 90 SNDR (dB) 80 70 60 50 40 30 CT-NRZ-dual-loop CT-NRZ-single-loop CT-RZ 20 10 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Quantizer_delay (Ts) 1 Figure 5.7 SNDR versus quantizer delay of the modulator in Figure 5.6. A drawback of the feedforward architecture is the unavoidable out-of-band peaking in the signal transfer function. Figure 5.8 shows the frequency response of the signal transfer function (STF) of this fifth-order modulator with CIFF architecture. Although the STF has unit gain within the signal band (Fs/24), it has a 13 dB peaking at about Fs/6. If the modulator is used in a wireless devices, the desired in-band signal may be accompanies by some strong out-band interference. If the interference signal is unfortunately close to the peaking frequency, Fs/6 in this example, they will be folded back into the signal band due to the non-linearity 64 of the modulator, hence increase the in-band noise floor and may generate in-band tones as well. 50 Out-of-band peak 0 -50 Gain (dB) -100 -150 -200 -250 -300 -350 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 Frequency (Fs) Figure 5.8 Frequency response of the STF of the fifth-order modulator with CIFF architecture. There has been some previous work on solving this peaking problem by adding low-pass filtering inside the modulator [Phi04]. Since the peaking frequency in this design is about 4.3 times the maximum in-band frequency, it can be largely attenuated by some filtering before the A/D modulator, for instance, image rejection filter. Moreover, the out-of-band peak has no harmful effect when the modulator is used in wireline communications, such as ADSL2+, one of the major applications of this work. Hence, we do not take any special care for this out-ofband peaking in the signal transfer function. 65 5.2 Time constant variation As discussed in Chapter 4, the large time constant variation is one of the major disadvantages of CT modulators compared to DT modulators and it needs to be carefully examined in the system level. The process we are using to fabricate the chip is a TMSC 0.25μm 5-metal mixed/RF CMOS. The documents that the foundry provides do not include enough information on how good capacitors/resisters match given certain component sizes and mutual distances. Thus we have to use available limited matching information and common sense to simulate the effects of time constant variations. In simulation we assume that all resistors in the five integrators vary by the same percentage and so do the capacitors. Thus the time constants in the five integrators vary by the same percentage. This is actually a worst-case assumption because if they vary differently, the effects of the time constant variation can be somehow averaged out. When the time constants, in other words, the products of resistors and capacitors, become smaller then their nominal values, the integrators’ gains increase, hence more SNR can be obtained. However, when the time constants are as small as 94% of their nominal values, the modulator become unstable due to excessive loop gain; On the other hand, if the time constants are larger than their nominal values, the loop gain decreases so that the noise shaping is less efficient, as a result, SNDR drops gradually. Figure 5.9 shows the simulation result. 66 100 SNDR (dB) for -3 dBFS input 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0.9 0.95 1 1.05 1.1 Normalized time constant 1.15 Figure 5.9 SNDR for -3dBFS input versus normalized time constant. From Figure 5.9 we see that within 94% and 114% of nominal time constant, the modulator can achieve more than 90dB SNDR for -3 dBFS input. To extend the tolerable time constant variation, we can relocate the loop filter coefficients to the center point of this range, in other words, 104% of the nominal time constant. By doing this, the time constant can vary by +/-10% without significantly degrading SNDR. Since in extreme cases the RC time constant can vary by +/-30%, some onchip tuning method still needs to be implemented. 5.3 Multi-bit DAC mismatch The mismatch of the DAC1 can limit the modulator dynamic range to less than 10 bits if no calibration is provided. Due to the low oversampling ratio and 67 large transistor threshold voltage and current factor mismatch, dynamic element matching is not sufficient to suppress the DAC mismatch to the required level. On the contrary, a DAC with current calibration can achieve more than 14 bits of linearity with less hardware consumption and less excess loop delay. Figure 5.10 shows the simulation results for three different cases: using self-calibration for DAC1; using DWA for DAC1 and no suppression of mismatch for DAC1. All simulations assume there is 0.5% element mismatch in DAC1 and DAC2 and there is no measure to suppress mismatch for DAC2. It is also assumed that self-calibration can improve the element matching in DAC1 to 14bits which can be readily achieved with proper DAC and calibration logic circuit design. The simulation results show that the modulator can only achieve 69dB SNDR when DWA is used while using self-calibration can suppress the DAC1 mismatch low enough not to adversely impact the modulator performance. Hence, self-calibration is adopted in this design. The second DAC, which sums with other signals at the front of the quantizer, does not need any calibration because its mismatch is fifth order noise shaped. Simulations show that the mismatch in DAC2 can be as high as 4% without degrading the modulator performance. Therefore the transistors in DAC2 can be relatively small due to relaxed matching requirements. 68 0 -20 Output Spectrum (dB) -40 -60 -80 -100 -120 -140 With calibration, 95dB With DWA, 69dB No mismatch reduction, 55dB -160 -180 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 10 10 7 10 Frequency (Hz) Figure 5.10 Output spectrum of the CT modulator for -3dBFS input. 8 69 6. CIRCUIT AND LAYOUT LEVEL DESIGN In this chapter, the circuit and layout level design of the CT Δ-Σ A/D modulator will be discussed. In fact the design of the modulator is an iterative process, making the system level, circuit level and layout level design closely correlated. 6.1 Loop filter design The fifth-order loop filter of this design is implemented with a dual-loop single-stage CIFF architecture, as shown in Figure 6.1. The first stage is an R-C integrator and the following two resonators are both realized by Gm-C integrators. The role of the resonators is to shift the poles of the loop filter to optimum non-zero frequencies in order to reduce in-band quantization noise. The five gain stages are also transconductors which convert the integrators’ outputs from voltages to currents and then convert back to voltages through two resistors. The voltages on the resistors are sampled by the multi-bit quantizer to generate the modulator digital outputs. The thermometer-coded outputs control the two current steering DACs to generate feedback currents, feeding to the modulator input and quantizer input, respectively. There are three types of commonly used continuous-time integrators: R-C integrators, Gm-C integrators and MOSFET-C integrators. In this design, the first stage uses an RC integrator rather than Gm-C and MOSFET-C integrators for its superior linearity. Gm-C integrators are chosen for the two resonators to save power. If they were R-C or MOSFET-C integrators, resistive loading would increase the power consumption considerably because two stage OpAmps are needed to increase the drive capabilities. 70 Gm Gm Gm Gm Gm Gm Gm Gm Gm Gm Gm Figure 6.1 Simplified block diagram of the fifth-order CT Δ-Σ A/D modulator. 6.2 First stage R-C integrator As shown in Figure 6.2, a multi-bit current steering DAC feedbacks current to the virtual grounds of the RC integrators, therefore good DAC linearity can be achieved. This is another advantage compared with using a Gm-C integrator for the first stage besides better integrator linearity. If a Gm-C integrator were used, the DAC would have to connect to the high-swing integrator outputs, and hence DAC linearity would be poor. Two I BIAS current sources inject common mode currents to prevent a common-mode offset from appearing at the amplifier virtual grounds [Kap03]. Two small value resistors, RZ , are inserted in the amplifier feedback path to cancel the right-half-plane zero in the RC integrator transfer function and alleviate the gainbandwidth requirement of the amplifier for loop stability. 71 The lower part of Figure 6.2 is the simplified representation of the current steering DAC. Each cell contains a cascode current source and a pair of current switches controlled by feedback thermometer digital codes. 0.5IDAC 0.5IDAC RZ CFB RIN Vout- Vin+ Vout+ VinRIN ... RZ CFB D1p M4 M5 ..... D1n D2p D2n D16p D16n M3 M2 M1 DAC1 Figure 6.2 First stage R-C integrator with current steering DAC. 6.2.1 The OpAmp in the R-C integrator The OpAmp in the R-C integrator uses a telescopic topology. Compared with the two-stage OpAmps and folded-cascode OpAmps, telescopic OpAmps achieve the highest speed with the lowest power consumption and they generate low noise. Figure 6.3 shows the schematic of the telescopic OpAmp used in this design. 72 NMOS transistors are used for the input pair to provide a high speed path for the input. In addition, given the same biasing current and size, a NMOS transistor has larger transconductance than a PMOS transistor. Therefore, input referred thermal noise is lower when NMOS transistors are used for the input pair than if PMOS transistors are used. The major drawback of telescopic OpAmps is the limited output voltage swing compared to folded-cascode OpAmps or two-stage OpAmps. In this design, voltage scaling has been performed in the system level to make sure the output swing of the first stage is not too large to impact linearity. VDD M9 M10 M7 M5 BIAS_P1 BIAS_PC M8 M6 VCOM_CTR VOUT_N VOUT_P M3 VIN_P M11 M1 M4 M13 M2 VIN_N M12 Figure 6.3 Telescopic OpAmp in the R-C integrator. Figure 6.4 shows the common-mode feedback (CMFB) circuit for the telescopic OpAmp along with the transconductor gain stage that connects to the output. The integrator’s differential outputs become differential inputs to the 73 transconductor. The two local feedbacks force the voltage at node A to be equal to VOUT_P and the voltage at node B to be equal to VOUT_N, hence the voltage at node C is equal to (VOUT_P+VOUT_N)/2 [Cha97]. In this way we obtain the common-mode voltage of the differential outputs of the telescopic OpAmp. The same method is used for the following four Gm-C integrators to obtain output common-mode voltages since each integrator is followed by a transconductor gain stage with the same architecture as shown in Figure 6.4. VDD VCOM_CTR VDD M4 M3 VCOM_REF Transconductor (gain g1) C A R R B - VOUT_P + M1 M2 + VOUT_N Figure 6.4 CMFB circuit in the telescopic OpAmp. 6.2.2 Modulator front-end noise analysis The device noise at the modulator front-end is not attenuated and thus it is a limiting factor in the total input referred noise of the modulator. There are three sources for the noise of the front-end: 1. Noise of the two input resistors, 2. Noise of the telescopic OpAmp, and 74 3. Noise of the current steering DAC1 feedback to the virtual grounds of the OpAmp. The equations from here on in this section use k to represent Boltzmann constant; T to represent absolute temperature; g mn to represent the transconductance of the nth transistor; k P and k N to represent the flicker noise coefficients of the PMOS and NMOS transistors, respectively. The input referred noise, including thermal noise and flicker noise, of the telescopic OpAmp shown in Figure 6.3 can be expressed as: V n = 8kT γ ( 1 2 g m1, 2 + g m 7 ,8 + g m 9 ,10 g m1, 2 2 )+ 2 2 (6.1) g m 7 ,8 g m 9 ,10 KN KP KP +2 +2 +2 2 (WL ) 1, 2 C OX f (WL ) 7 ,8 C OX f g m1, 2 (WL ) 9 ,10 C OX f g m1, 2 2 The total in-band thermal noise equals: Vin,th = 8kTγ ( 1 2 g m1, 2 + g m 7 ,8 + g m9,10 g m1, 2 2 )Δf (6.2) and the total in-band flick noise equals: 2 Vin ,1 / f 2 g m 7 ,8 KN KP Δf = ( 2 +2 + (WL)1, 2 C OX f (WL) 7 ,8 C OX f g m1, 2 2 2 (6.3) g m 9,10 KP +2 ) ln( f max / f min ) (WL) 9,10 C OX f g m1, 2 2 In this design, the biasing current of the telescopic OpAmp is set to be 1.7mA for low thermal noise and the NMOS input pair is big with W / L = 508.8μ / 0.6u . The large device size reduces the flicker noise and offset, and, it reduces the overdrive voltage of the input transistors, hence increases the linear output swing range. The total in-band noise power of the two input resistors is: 2 V Rin = 8kTRin Δf (6.4) 75 In this design, the value of the input resistors are chosen to be 833Ω, generating thermal noise power 96.7dB lower than the full scale input signal. The noise from DAC1 can be derived as the following. Assume the DAC full scale current is IDAC. Looking at one single current cell in the DAC shown in Figure 6.2, the major thermal noise is from transistors M1 and M2. Thermal noise from M3, M4 and M5 are greatly attenuated because of source generation. In the following DAC noise analysis, we will ignore noise from M3-M5, focusing on noise from M1 and M2 only. The total in-band thermal noise current from M1 and M2 can be expressed as: n I = 4kTγ ( g m 1 + g m 2 )Δf = 4kTγ ( 2 I1 2I 2 + )Δf VGS1 − VT 1 VGS 2 − VT 2 (6.5) Here g m1 and g m 2 are the transconductances of M1 and M2, respectively, VGS 1 − VT 1 and VGS 2 − VT 2 are the over-drive voltages of M1 and M2, respectively. In our design, they are both close to 450mV. For simplicity, we assume that they are equal to each other, and notice that I1 + I 2 = I cell = I DAC / N (6.6) I cell is the DC current in each cell. Thus we obtain nI = 8kTγI cell Δf VGS − VT (6.7) The total in-band thermal noise power from M1 and M2 can thus be expressed as: 8kTγI DAC Rin Δf VGS − VT 2 n DAC = (6.8) The full-scale input signal amplitude is Rin I DAC , so the full-scale input signal power is: Psignal = ( Rin I DAC ) 2 2 (6.9) 76 The constant current biasing generated by the PMOS cascode current mirrors also contributes noise. In our design, the over-drive voltages of the PMOS transistors are close to those of the NMOS transistors M1 and M2, so the thermal noise from the PMOS current biasing can also be expressed by Eq. (6.8). From Eq. (6.8) and (6.9), we obtain the signal-to-noise due to the DAC noise SNR DAC = Psignal 2n DAC = I DAC (VGS −VT ) 32kTγΔf (6.10) Given a specified SNRD AC , the required DAC current is: I DAC = 32kTγ ⋅ SNRDAC ⋅ Δf VGS − VT (6.11) Given T = 300°K, γ = 2 / 3 , VGS − VT = 0.45V , SNR DAC = 90dB and Δf = 2.5MHz , we obtain the required I DAC = 0.49mA . In our design, we choose I DAC = 0.96mA , leaving about 3dB margin. In this design, I DAC = 0.96mA , VOV = 0.45V , substituting these quantities into Eq. (6.10), we get SNR DAC1 = 92.9dB (6.12) Simulation in Spectre shows that the input referred in-band noise due to the first stage integrator (including Rin and the OpAmp) and the DAC1 is about 386 pV 2 , about 89dB lower than full scale input power. The total input referred inband noise of the loop filter plus the two DACs is 556 pV 2 . 6.3 Gm-C transconductor design With the exception of the first stage integrator, all the following four integrators are implemented with Gm-C integrators to save power. Figure 6.5 shows the attenuation of non-idealities at different stages in the modulator. Due to the low oversampling ratio (12X), the first Gm-C integrator 77 requires more than 70dB linearity at the signal band edge. A folded-cascode architecture is used that includes input driving amplifiers, source degeneration resistors and gain boosting amplifiers as shown in Figure 6.6. It achieves the required linearity and it has independent input-output common mode voltages as well. The drawback of this topology is that the power consumption is higher than a single-stage Gm-C integrator. The two gain boosting OpAmps in Figure 6.6 are shown in Figure 6.7 and Figure 6.8, respectively. They both have folded cascode topologies to accommodate proper input and output common-mode voltages. Since they each drive only the gate capacitance of the cascode transistors in the transconductor, which are pretty small, they consume very little power, approximately 0.3mW. Attenuation of non-idealities (dB) 0 -20 -40 Stage2 -60 -80 -100 Stage3 -120 -140 -160 Stage4 2.5MHz Stage5 -180 -200 4 10 5 6 10 10 7 10 Frequency (Hz) Figure 6.5 Attenuations of non-idealities for different stages in the loop filter. 78 VDD M5 BIAS_P1 M4 M3 M6 R VIN_P + M1 M2 + M7 VOUT_N VIN_N C V_CMFB M8 VOUT_P M9 M10 C BIAS_N1 M13 M11 M12 M14 V_CMFB Figure 6.6 Second stage Gm-C integrator architecture. VDD M5 M7 VIN_P M1 M2 VIN_N M9 VOUT_N M3 M4 GND M6 BIAS_P1 BIAS_PC BIAS_NC M11 BIAS_N1 M13 M8 M10 VOUT_P M12 M14 Figure 6.7 Gain boosting OpAmp for the PMOS current mirror. 79 VDD M3 M4 M5 BIAS_P1 M6 M7 BIAS_PC M8 VOUT_N VIN_P M1 M2 VIN_N VOUT_P M9 M11 BIAS_NC BIAS_N1 M13 M10 M12 M14 GND Figure 6.8 Gain boosting OpAmp for the NMOS current mirror. The latter three GM-C integrators share the same architecture for the same reason, except that the two gain boosting amplifiers can be eliminated due to larger suppression of their non-idealities by the high loop gain. 6.4 DAC with current calibration Figure 6.9 shows the current cell in DAC1 employing calibration [Gro89, Fal99]. The fundamental working principle is the following: M1 is the main transistor which takes about 95% of the nominal current. M2, in parallel with M1, is to compensate for the error current between standard current Iref and the current in M1. M3 is a cascode transistor to increase the output impedance of the current source and at the same time prevents dynamic glitches at node A from impacting current in M1 and M2. When the calibration signal “CAL” is high, NMOS switches M6 and M7 are both turned on. M6 conducts the standard current Iref into M1 and M2 while M7 connects the gate of M2 to the standard current generation circuit. Since the total current in M1 and M2 are forced to be equal to Iref, the difference 80 between Iref and the M1 current should flow through M2. This will create a proper gate voltage for M2 and will be saved on the gate-source capacitance of M2. When the calibration mode is over for this cell, the signal “CAL” goes low and the cell enters operation mode. In this mode, one of the two current conducting switches M4 or M5 will be turned on depending on the logic level of the input data D and D . Since the gate-source capacitance M2 preserves the gate voltage acquired during the calibration mode, the total current in M1 and M2, or the current in M3 will be maintained at Iref. Hence either M4 or M5 will conduct current with a value of Iref. The calibration is run for each cell in DAC1 in a circular way such that every cell will be in either calibration mode or operation mode. Since the quantizer generates 16-bit thermometer digital code, DAC1 should have 16 identical cells that feed back currents to the modulator input terminal. Hence, in order not to interrupt the calibration, there is an extra cell added into DAC1. Therefore there is always one cell in calibration mode and the other 16 cells in operation mode, assuring DAC1 operates continuously. To Opamp virtual grounds Iref+Ibias Iref V1 M11 M6 CAL M4 M5 D D A Iref M3 V2 Ibias M9 Biasing circuit Shared by all cells M7 M8 M2 M1 Current cell M10 Biasing circuit Shared by all cells Figure 6.9 A current cell in DAC1. 81 There are several design issues involved in this block and all of them need to be carefully studied and addressed in order not to adversely affect the DAC performance. 6.4.1 Charge injection NMOS-only switch M7 connects the error-compensation transistor M2 to the biasing circuit and it is turned on when the current cell is in the calibration mode. When M7 is turned off, the resultant charge injection can change the current stored in M2, hence the total current of this cell. Due to the size mismatch of M7 and M2 in all cells, this charge injection error will increase the nonlinearity of DAC1. The solution is to add two NMOS transistors M8 and M9 in series with M7 whose size are both half of that of M7 and their drains and sources are shorted, as shown in Figure 6.9. With such a technique, the injected charge from M7 when it is turned on will be absorbed by M8, therefore the charge injection error can be greatly reduced. Simulation in Spectre verified the significant improvement using this technique. 6.4.2 Clock feedthrough The clock feedthrough introduced when switching input data D and D can lead to voltage excursions at current switch M4 and M5’s drain and source nodes. As a result, the output current needs more time to settle. This problem can be alleviated by using low-swing D and D . 6.4.3 Glitch at source node of M4 and M5 If for period of time both M4 and M5 are turned off, their source node, A in Figure 6.9, will drop significantly and then rise back to its normal value when one of the switches is turned on. This glitch can cause long settling times of the output current. The delay and the shape deviation from its idealities in the output current 82 will change the transfer function of the DAC. As a consequence, the modulator performance may be degraded. A low-swing, high-crossing generator is used in this modulator to convert full-swing and middle-crossing D and D to low-swing, high-crossing digital signals, as shown in Figure 6.10. Low-swing can reduce clock feedthrough and high-crossing can prevent the two current switches from turning off simultaneously to minimize glitch energy. 2.5V Low swing, High crossing signal generator VA 0.7V VA Figure 6.10 Low-swing, high-crossing signal generation in current steering DAC. To generate high crossing, low swing digital signals for both calibration control signals and digital input codes to the current cells, a full-PMOS driver [Fal99] is used, as shown in Figure 6.11. The relative sizes of the transistors in the stacks determine the crossing point and rising and falling time of the outputs. The cascode transistors are added to reduce the coupling between the full swing input signals and the low swing output signals. 83 1.8V IN 8μ / 0.24μ IN 8μ / 0.24μ 8μ / 0.24μ OUT OUT 2 μ / 0.24 μ IN 2 μ / 0.24 μ 8μ / 0.24μ 2 μ / 0.24 μ IN 2 μ / 0.24 μ 1.1V Figure 6.11 High crossing, low swing complementary digital signals generator. The high level and low level of the output signals, 1.8V and 1.1V, respectively, are carefully chosen to make sure that the switches can be fully turned on/off with sufficiently low unwanted clock feedthrough and charge injection. Figure 6.12 shows the complete control logic for each DAC current cell except the spare cell (the control logic for the spare cell is more complicated). DATA is the input digital code and CAL_ENA is the calibration control signal. They are both synchronized by CLK which is a low jitter clock signal. CAL_HX corresponds to CAL in Figure 6.9 DATA_HX and DATA_B_HX correspond to D and D in Figure 6.9, respectively. When CAL_ENA is high, DATA_HX and DATA_B_HX are both low, meaning the cell is in calibration mode. When CAL_ENA goes low, either DATA_HX or DATA_B_HX is high depending on the logic level of DATA. 84 D CAL_ENA SET CLR DATA CAL_ENA D SET CLR DATA CAL_ENA D SET CLR Q Low swing, High crossing signal generator CAL_HX Low swing, High crossing signal generator DATA_HX Low swing, High crossing signal generator DATA_B_HX Q Q Q Q Q CLK Figure 6.12 Synchronizing circuit for each cell in DAC1. DAC2 uses PMOS current cells because its output is connected to a low potential which is only about 400mV more than the negative supply (ground in this design). Hence for DAC2, a pair of low-swing, low-crossing digital signals are needed. A similar, but fully NMOS version of the circuit in Figure 6.11, is designed to generate low-swing, low-crossing complementary signals. 6.4.4 Low jitter clock generation All the current cells in DAC1 are synchronized by a clock as shown in Figure 6.12 . This clock needs to have sufficiently low jitter in order not to increase the modulator output noise floor due to non-shaped jitter noise. In this design, system level simulations show that less than 6ps clock jitter is required. Some 85 design strategies are adopted to minimize clock jitter due to device and supply noise. Figure 6.13 shows the simplified circuit to generate the low jitter clock. VDDD CLK_DAC_SYNC_SLAVE Sinusoidal differential input To generate other clocks Differential-to-single end converter Figure 6.13 Low-jitter on-chip clock generation. To reduce common mode noise probably coupled to the testing board and to obtain the least amount of clock jitter from the external clock source, sinusoidal differential clock inputs are generated on board and fed to the modulator. It is critical to use as few clock driver stages as possible to generate the low jitter clock with sufficient driving capability because any extra stages generate extra device noise, hence larger clock jitter. The D flip flops in DAC1 have a master-slave topology so that the low jitter clock only needs to drive their slave stages [Fal99], therefore its capacitive loading can be decreased and fewer driving stages are needed. To reduce the supply noise, a dedicated and clean supply is used solely for the low jitter clock generation circuit. Simulation in Spectre shows that the clock jitter due to on-chip device noise is less than 0.7ps. 6.5 Summing block The summing block is shown in Figure 6.14 together with a feedforward gain stage and a simplified DAC2 current cell. The five transconductor gain stages 86 convert the five integrator outputs from voltages into currents and inject the currents to two folding nodes A and B in the summing block. The current cells in DAC2 also inject currents into nodes A and B. The summed differential currents are converted back to differential voltages through two pull up resistors. A gain boosting OpAmp is used to increase the output impendence of the NMOS cascode current mirror as well as the linearity of the summing block. Figure 6.14 Summing block. 6.6 Sample and hold In Figure 5.6, since the output from the summing block is directly sampled by the quantizer, two problems arise. First, the pull up resistors and the large sampling capacitors from the 16 comparators make the settling of these nodes problematic. In fact, this extra R-C filter changes the loop transfer function. 87 Additionally, the outputs of summing block contain high frequency signals, as a result, slew-dependent errors may occur [Raz95]. A solution for the above two problems is to add a sample and hold (S&H) stage after the summing block and before the quantizer. It not only provides a flat input signal for the quantizer but also acts as a buffer between the pull-up resistors in the summing block and the large input capacitors in the quantizer [Yan04]. Figure 6.15 shows the sample and hold stage. During phase2, the differential outputs of the summing blocks are sampled onto the capacitors. During phase1, the sampling capacitors flip across the OpAmp differential inputs and outputs, holding the sampled differential voltages. Φ1 Φ2 Vin+ C Φ 2e VoutVCM Vin- Vout+ C Φ1 Figure 6.15 Sampling and hold stage. To better illustrate the timing for the S&H stage and the quantizer, Figure 6.16 shows the circuits of the summing block, S&H and a comparator. The comparator has one pre-amplifier stage and one latch stage. It uses the offset cancellation technique illustrated in Figure 4.7. 88 During phase-2, the S&H stage samples the outputs of the summing block and the quantizer enters offset cancellation mode during which all comparator inputs are connected to corresponding reference voltages. During phase-1, the S&H stage enters the holding mode. Phase-3 is a slightly delayed version of phase-1. During this phase, the quantizer samples the outputs of the S&H block. Phase-4 is the regeneration clock, during which the regenerative latch generates valid digital output. Φ1 Φ2 Φ3 Φ4 Φ1 RPULL-UP Φ 2 RPULL-UP C Vrefp Φ 2e M8 Φ3 Φ3 M9 Vrefn C BIAS_N1 M10 M11 Summing block Φ2 Φ2 Φ 2e + + Φ4 Regenerative latch Φ 2e Φ1 Sample and Hold Comparator Figure 6.16 Summing block, S&H block and comparator. There is a trade-off in choosing the value of the pull-up resistors. A large value can reduce the DC biasing currents in all feedforward stages. This is because the feedforward gain is determined by the ratio between the pull-up resistors and the source degeneration resistors in the feedforward transconductors. The larger the pull resistors, the larger the source degeneration resistors are, hence the smaller DC biasing currents that are needed for those transconductor stages. However, the time 89 constant due to the pull-up resistors and the sampling capacitors in the S&H block should not be too large so that sufficient settling is achieved. Careful simulations, taking into account possible process variations, shall be performed to find the proper value for the pull-up resistors. By adding a S&H stage in front of the quantizer and arranging the timing as just described, the loop architecture shown in Figure 5.6 can be modified as in Figure 6.17. The major difference is that the D-latch array after the quantizer is omitted because there is still one digital delay between the quantizer output and input due to the existence of the S&H block. In Figure 6.17, Φ1 corresponds to “ Φ1 ” in Figure 6.16 and Φ1D corresponds to “ Φ 4 ” in Figure 6.16. Φ1 _ low _ jitter is the low jitter clock driving DAC1. Nominally it is in phase with Φ1 in S&H stage. g1 g2 g3 k1 ST u k2 ST d1 k3 ST k4 ST k5 ST g5 gz2 g z1 DAC1 g4 d2 NRZ DAC NRZ DAC Q Q SET D S/H Φ1 y Φ1D DAC2 Φ1 _ low _ jitter CLR DFF Figure 6.17 Modified loop topology of the modulator. 6.7 Quantizer Figure 6.18 shows the 17-level flash ADC used for the quantizer in this design. Figure 6.19 shows the comparator circuit. The comparator has a pre- 90 amplifier stage to reduce kick-back noise [Joh97]. In addition, a switched capacitor input offset cancellation technique is adopted to suppress offset from both the preamplifier and latch stages. Vin+ VinΦ 2e R/2 Vref16 Vref16 R Vref1 Φ1 Φ2 Strobe + Φ1 LATCH OUT16 + Φ2 ... Φ 2e Φ 2e R Vref9 Vref9 R Vref8 R Vref8 Φ1 Φ2 Strobe + LATCH Φ1 Φ2 OUT9 + ... Φ 2e Φ 2e Vref1 R/2 Vref1 Vref16 Vref- Φ1 Φ2 Φ1 Φ2 Strobe + LATCH + Φ 2e Figure 6.18 17-level quantizer. OUT1 Thermometer-to-Binary Encoder Vref+ D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 91 VDD M3 M5 Limiter MID_N M15 M6 M4 MID_P M13 M16 M14 OUT_P M11 VIN_P M1 M12 M2 Reset Reset VIN_N M7 M9 Pre_amplifier M10M8 Regenerative Latch OUT_N SR Latch Figure 6.19 Comparator. The pre-amplifier is a low gain single-stage amplifier with gain of 10. The limiter can constrain the swing of the pre-amplifier for faster speed. The regenerative latch outputs are pulled down to “0” when the “Reset” signal is “1” to eliminate “memory”. When “Reset” goes low, the regenerative latch amplifies the difference at its inputs to full scale. The inverter immediately after the regenerative circuit is sized so that unwanted turn over won’t happen because of the temporary voltage jump when “Reset” changes from low to high [Gee00]. The 17-bit thermometer-code outputs from the 5-bit quantizer are converted to 5-bit binary codes with a Wallace-tree thermometer-to-binary encoder as shown in Figure 6.20. This encoder counts the number of “1s” in the 17-bit input signal. This encoder is not the fastest solution for thermometer-to-binary conversion but it is the most hardware economic one. As long as the worst case conversion time is less than a clock period, this encoder is good enough. Simulation shows that the worst case conversion time is about 4.5ns, which is much less then clock period, 16.67ns. 92 It should be mentioned that the Wallace tree can effectively “kill” bubbles which may occur at the output of the flash ADC [Raz95, Joh97]. For example, if at some instant the thermometer-code is “000•••1011111” with one bubble. The Wallace tree will generate a binary code as “00110” as if the output is “000•••0111111”. Hence a dedicated bubble-killer circuit after the quantizer as in [Jia01] is not needed in this design. DAT[15] DAT[14] DAT[13] DAT[12] OUT[0} (LSB) DAT[11] DAT[10] OUT[1} DAT[9] DAT[8] DAT[7] DAT[6] DAT[5] OUT[2} DAT[4] DAT[3] DAT[2] DAT[1] DAT[0] OUT[3} OUT[4} (MSB) Full adder Half adder Figure 6.20 Wallace tree decoder. 93 6.8 Output driver To drive the 5-bit binary codes off chip for testing without introducing extra digital switching noise, a differential pairs, as shown in Figure 6.21, is used to convert each bit from full swing digital signals to current signals which are taken off chip and converted back to low-swing voltages (about 400mV) by off-chip pull up resisters. Then high speed comparators on the testing board amplifies these low swing signals to full swing signals. Figure 6.21 Output driver of the CT modulator. 6.9 Clock generator Figure 6.22 shows the simplified circuit diagram to generate clocks in Figure 6.16Figure 6.16 . Extreme process variations (slow model and fast model) have been taken into account in the design and simulations to make sure the timing is always correct. 94 Φ3 Φ4 Variable delay cell Delay cell CLK_IN Φ1 Φ2 Φ 2e Figure 6.22 Clock generator. Ideally, as shown in Figure 6.17, the synchronizing clock in DAC1 and the holding phase clock in the S&H stage should have the same phase. However, when taking the finite response time of the DAC1 current cells into account, the former clock should be an earlier version of the latter one. The proper timing relationship between these two phase clocks can be obtained by running extracted view simulations including parasitic resistors and capacitors. In this test chip, for the sake of flexibility and debugging easiness, a variable delaying cell, as shown in Figure 6.22, is added in the path. Figure 6.23 shows the variable delay cell circuit. By adjusting the biasing current offered from the testing board, variable delaying time can be acquired. The sizing of the transistors in this circuit depends on how much delay tuning range is needed. 95 VOUT VIN Figure 6.23 Variable delay cell. 6.10 Time constant tuning The large time constant shift due to process variations in practical continuous time circuits can degrade system performance to an unacceptable level. For CT Δ-Σ A/D modulators, +/-20% variation is more than enough to drive the modulator into unstable operation. To tackle this issue, we apply a capacitor array tuning method to adjust the time constants. Figure 6.24 shows the two types of integrators, the R-C integrator and the Gm-C integrator, in this design. Both of their integration capacitors are realized by an adjustable capacitor array as shown in Figure 6.25 [Yan04]. To ease the capacitor tuning, it has been designed at the system level so that the integration capacitors in all integrators have the same value except the first stage whose capacitor values are doubled to reduce the input resister values for noise consideration. Hence, only two different types of capacitor arrays are needed in this design. The capacitors in the arrays are binary-sized except the “always-in-use” capacitors. This sizing method is to provide constant tuning step with the least 96 number of capacitors and to ease layout. The 3-bit digital control codes are fed externally to choose which capacitors to use. C + C Rin Vo + Vi - + vi - + + - - Gm + vo C Rin C (a) (b) Figure 6.24 Two types of integrators used in this design (a) R-C integrator (b) GmC integrator. Figure 6.25 Tunable capacitor array. 97 The total in-use capacitor value is: C in −use = C + k ⋅ C ' ( k = 0 ~ 7) (6.13) Where C ' is the minimum capacitor in the array and it equals the tuning step size. The maximum available capacitance in the array is: C max = C + 7C ' (6.14) The minimum available capacitance in the array is: C min = C (6.15) The tuning range of the integration capacitor arrays is: m= C max 7C ' = 1+ C min C (6.16) C' C + 3C ' (6.17) The tuning accuracy is: p= The value of C and C ' are chosen such that C + 3C ' equals the nominal value of the integration capacitor. It is apparent that there is a trade-off here between the tuning range and tuning accuracy. To obtain wide tuning range, the tuning accuracy is sacrificed, and vice versa. Based on the system level simulation results in MATLAB, the ratio between C ' and C is chosen to be 0.1, thus, the tuning range and tuning accuracy are 1.7 and 7.7%, respectively, which suffice for the requirements for this modulator according to simulation results shown in Figure 5.9 . 6.11 Layout design considerations The continuous-time delta-sigma modulator is essentially a mixed signal system. It contains continuous-time blocks such as the fifth-order loop filter. It includes sampled data blocks such as the S&H stage and the multi-bit quantizer. It also has purely digital blocks such as the control logic in current calibration and 98 thermometer-to-binary code converter. To achieve high resolution and linearity, a great deal of caution should be taken in the layout design to reduce the effects of mismatch, parasitics and digital noise coupling to analog blocks. Figure 6.26 shows the chip die photo of the CT modulator which labels some major blocks. The main considerations for the floor-plan are to minimize the coupling from digital blocks to analog blocks, offset and parasitics. Several commonly used layout techniques were employed, such as common-centroid layout for capacitors, inter-digitation for transistors, guard ring and shielding. In DAC1, a deep n-well was inserted between the array of digital control logic and current cells to further reduce the noise coupling. Output driver Quantizer DAC-2 Clock generator S&H Adder Resonator-2 & two gain stages Resonator-1 & two gain stages DAC-1 First Integrator & one gain stage Figure 6.26 Chip die photo. 99 In the circuit level, current calibration was utilized to suppress mismatch among all cells in the DAC1. In the layout level, a technique, called symmetrical sequence [Con02], can be used to further reduce linear gradient errors. The basic idea of this technique can be illustrated by Figure 6.27. In the DAC layout, all even-numbered current cells are placed on one side of the array center while all odd-numbered current cells are placed on the order side. In this way, linear errors are cancelled by every two cells located symmetrically about the center. We used this technique for both DACs. This technique is “free’ because it doesn’t add any complexity to the digital control logic. Error 0 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Figure 6.27 Current steering DAC layout with symmetrical sequence. Unlike most DT data converters, the layout of clock generator in this circuit has been physically divided in two parts. The reason is that the clock to drive DAC1 should have low jitter (<6ps), therefore a dedicated power supply is used for generating this clock phase to prevent noise coupling from other digital circuitry. Since there is no stringent jitter requirement for other clocks and digital control signals, they are grouped together in the other clock generator. 100 7. TEST SETUP AND EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS 7.1 Test board design Two four layer printed circuit boards (PCBs), one daughter board and one mother board have been designed to test the prototype chip. The two boards are connected as shown in Fig 6.1. DUT Daughter Board Connector Mother Board Figure 7.1 Two PCB boards for testing the prototype chips On the daughter board is the prototype chip, the circuits to generate a low noise input signal and the low jitter clock signal. Plenty of decoupling capacitors are placed as close as possible to the DUT to reduce supply and ground noises. The mother board has analog and digital supply generation circuitry, DC biasing circuitry, digital control circuitry and an output data processing block. The advantages of using two, rather than one, boards to test the chip are twofold. First, the coupling between digital and analog sections on the boards can be reduced. Second, since the packages of the prototype chips are 64-pin QFN which are very hard to solder, to facilitate testing multiple chips, each daughter board has one prototype chip. In this way, we can easily change chips just by unplugging one daughter board and replacing it with the other one. Figure 7.2 shows the layouts of both boards. 101 (a) (b) Figure 7.2 The testing boards (a) daughter board (b) mother board. Figure 7.3 shows the photo of the assembled daughter board and mother board. Figure 7.3 Assembled testing boards. 102 7.2 Test environment setup Figure 7.4 depicts the configuration of the instruments used to evaluate the performance of the prototype chips. The differential sinusoidal input signals are produced by the audio precision (System Two•2322). The synthesizer/function generator HP 3325B is used to generate low speed calibration signal. The synthesized signal generator HP 8665A is used to provide low jitter clock signal for the DAC1 in the modulator. It also triggers the Tektronix HFS 9030 precision pulse generator which generates all other clock and digital control signals. The modulator digital outputs are captured by the logic analyzer TLA720. The FFT analysis of the output data are performed in MATLAB using a PC connected to the logic analyzer. RF generator Pulse generator Low jitter clock For other clocks Vin+ Audio precision Vin- DC sources DC sources +/- 5V Test Board Logic analyzer 3.3V Calibration signal Signal synthesizer Figure 7.4 Experimental test setup. 103 7.3 Measurement results The prototype chips have been tested with a clock frequency of 60MHz and an input signal 100KHz. Since the signal bandwidth is 2.5MHz, up to the 24th harmonics of the input signals can be seen in the output spectrum if there are any. The achieved peak SNDR is 80.5dB, peak SNR is 81dB and peak SFDR is 98.4dB. Dynamic range (DR) is 85dB. Figure 7.5 plots the measured SNDR, SNR and SFDR versus input amplitude. 100 SNDR SNR SFDR SNR, SNDR and SFDR (dB) 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 Input amplitude (dB) Figure 7.5 SNDR, SNR and SFDR versus input amplitude with a clock frequency of 60 MHz and an input frequency of 100 KHz. Figure 7.6 and Figure 7.7 show the output spectrum for -2.5dBFS 200KHz input signal with and without DAC calibration. With calibration, SNDR is 80.2dB and SFDR is 97.1dB. However, without calibration, we can see an increase in the noise floor and the input signal harmonics. SNDR drops to 69dB and SFDR drops 104 to 70.4dB. These results validate the functionality and effectiveness of the DAC calibration implementation in this work. Power Spectral Density (dB/bin) 0 -50 -100 -150 10 4 5 10 10 6 10 7 Frequency (Hz) Figure 7.6 Output spectrum with calibration for -2.5dBFS 200KHz input. Power Spectral Density (dB/bin) 0 -50 -100 -150 10 4 10 5 10 6 10 7 Frequency (Hz) Figure 7.7 Output spectrum without calibration for -2.5dBFS 200KHz input. 105 As Figure 5.9 implies, varying tuning code will change the modulator performance, Figure 7.8 shows the measured SNDR versus tuning code for a 2.5dBFS 200KHz input signal. The MSB and LSB of the tuning code represent the digital code to control the MSB capacitor 4C’ and LSB capacitor C’, respectively, as shown in Figure 6.25 . The modulator is stable for tuning code “101”, “110” and “111” but unstable for tuning code less than “100”. This result indicates that the onchip time constants are smaller than the ideal numbers. The SNDR drop with increasing tuning code is very small (about 0.4dB for each step from “101” to “111”). It is because the final modulator SNDR is not limited by the quantization noise, but more likely limited by device noise, DAC mismatch errors and jitter noise. 85 80 75 70 SNDR (dB) 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 100 101 110 111 Tuning code Figure 7.8 SNDR versus tuning code for -2.5dBFS 200KHz input signal A two-tone test has been performed. The input frequencies were 190KHz and 210KHz, respectively. Both of them have -9dBFS amplitude. Figure 7.9 shows the output spectrum of the testing. The measured IM3 (third-order intermodulation) is 80.3dB. If the input amplitudes of the two signals drop to -12dBFS, the measured 106 IM3 is 84.4dB, as shown in Figure 7.10. Figure 7.10Linearity degradation with increasing signal amplitude has been observed. Power Spectral Density (dB/bin) 0 -50 IM3=80.3dB -100 -150 4 10 5 10 10 6 Frequency (Hz) Figure 7.9 Output spectrum of two-tone test for -9dBFS inputs Power Spectral Density (dB/bin) 0 -50 IM3=84.4dB -100 -150 4 10 5 10 10 6 Frequency (Hz) Figure 7.10 Output spectrum of two-tone test for -12dBFS inputs 107 Table 7.1 lists the measured peak SNDR for different input frequencies. The choice of the input signal frequencies are based on the availability of band-pass filters in our testing lab. Table 7.1 Peak SNDR with different input frequencies Input frequency (Hz) Peak SNDR (dB) 100K 80.5 200K 80.4 500K 80 1M 77 2M 73 When the input frequency becomes higher, the modulator’s peak SNDR is lower. There are two possible reasons for this performance degradation: 1. The parasitic capacitances on the PCB and the chip manifest themselves more significantly when the input signal frequency is high, therefore the linearity in the signal processing path is lower. 2. When the input frequency is larger than 1MHz, most of the harmonics are out of band and some of them are close to the peaking frequency of the signal transfer function, hence they can be amplified and aliased back into the signal band, increasing the noise floor or even worse, causing the modulator to become unstable. Table 7.2 summarizes the measured characteristics of the prototype chip. 108 Table 7.2 Summary of the measured chip results. Specifications Values Peak SNDR 80.5dB Peak SNR 81dB Peak SFDR 98.4dB Dynamic range 85dB Input signal bandwidth 2.5MHz Clock frequency 60MHz Oversampling ratio (OSR) 12 Power supply 2.5V Power consumption 50mW Die area w/o pads 2.1mm × 1.3mm Die area w/ pads 2.5mm × 1.7 mm Fabrication Process 0.25μm 5-matel mixed/RF CMOS 7.4 Comparison between this work and reported designs Table 7.3 lists previously reported CT Δ-Σ A/D modulators that digitize MHz signals. Compared with them, this modulator is the first one that achieves 14bit dynamic range with more than 2MHz signal bandwidth. 109 Table 7.3 Performance summary of reported design and this work. Refs Performance Loop Quantizer (dB) order levels Signal Clock bandwidth frequency (MHz) (MHz) Process Power [Vel02] 70 (DR) 4 3 2 153.6 0.18µ, 1.8V 11.5 [Yan04] 88 (DR) 3 31 1.1 35.2 0.5µ, 3.3V 62 [Put04] 77 (DR) 3 2 1.1 281.6 0.18µ, 1.8V 6 [Uen04] 53.2 (SNR) 2 5 1.92 61.44 0.13µ,0.9V 1.5 [Pat04] 64 (DR) 4 16 15 300 0.13µ, 1.5V 70 {Nag05} 70 (DR) 4 2 1.3 132 0.11µ, 1.2V 3.4 [Dör05] 74 (SNR) 3 16 2 104 0.13µ, 1.5V 3 85 (DR) 5 17 2.5 60 0.25µ, 2.5V 50 This work [Vel02] uses a 3-level, rather than a 2-level quantizer and DAC to reduce quantization noise and jitter error without introducing DAC non-linearity. Since the design targeted only 12-b dynamic range, 3-levels is enough. To achieve better than 12-b dynamic range, more quantization and DAC levels have to be used. [Yan04] uses a single-stage, dual-loop architecture to relax the quantizer delay. It has a 31-level quantizer with 16X oversampling ratio. It uses a revised current-calibration scheme [Raz95] to suppress the DAC mismatch in the loop. Automatic capacitor tuning is implemented to overcome time-constant variation. [Uen04] features low supply voltage operation. It has a second-order loop with a 5-level quantizer. Since the required resolution is relatively low, no DAC mismatch suppression is included in the design. [Put04] has a high oversampling ratio (128) so that a one-bit quantizer is sufficient to achieve the required resolution. Instead of a one-bit DAC, a finiteresponse DAC (FIRDAC) is used to generate a multi-level signal thus reducing clock jitter sensitivity. This “multi-bit” DAC is linear so that no DEM or calibration is needed to address mismatch error. 110 [Nag05] uses passive current summing networks to save power. The first stage is a R-C integrator while the other stages are Gm-C integrators to reduce power consumption. It uses a single bit quantizer thus no DEM or calibration is needed for the DAC. A SC-DAC is used for low jitter sensitivity. [Dör05] uses a tracking-ADC to realize a 4-bit quantizer with only three comparators, thus reducing the power consumption of the quantizer to 20%. In addition, it uses passive feedforward gain stages, instead of transconductors, to save power and omit the need for a summing block. It uses a revised DWA to suppress DAC mismatch error. The DEM block is outside the critical feedback path so that it doesn’t add excess loop delay. The integrators in this design are all R-C integrators, hence the power consumption could be further reduced by replacing them, except the first stage, by Gm-C integrators, without losing performance. Generally speaking, to acquire 14-b or better dynamic range for MHz range CT Δ-Σ A/D modulators, high order loop is needed for steep noise shaping; multibit quantizer and DAC are needed to suppress both quantization noise and jitter error; DEM or calibration has to be utilized to reduce the multi-level DAC mismatch error; Time-constant tuning should be included to adjust the unpredictable RC products. All these measures will increase chip area and power consumption. 111 8. CONCLUSION 8.1 Summary In this work, the following techniques have been utilized to achieve low power consumption and high resolution for a wide-band CT Δ-Σ A/D modulator. 1. A high-order loop filter is implemented to provide sufficient noise shaping for the quantization noise and internal sampling error. 2. A Multi-bit quantizer is used to greatly reduce the quantization noise and enhance loop stability. 3. A large but appropriate noise transfer function out-of-band gain (gain equals 4) is chosen to reduce in-band quantization noise power while maintaining loop stability for large input signals. 4. Optimally spread noise transfer function notches in the signal band to offer extra quantization noise attenuation. 5. A dual-loop architecture is chosen to relax the quantizer delay requirement, addressing the issue of excess loop delay. 6. Non-return-to-zero (NRZ) multi-bit DACs to reduce clock jitter sensitivity. 7. Integration of capacitor tuning to overcome the time constant shift due to process variations. 8. On-chip self-calibration is realized for the multi-bit DAC to suppress mismatch error. 9. Except for the first stage, all stages are Gm-C integrators to reduce power consumption. Combining all the above techniques, the modulator achieves 80.5 dB peak SNDR, 81 peak SNR, 85 dB DR and 98.4 peak SFDR. Clocked at 60 MHz, the modulator consumes only 50mW power. 112 This modulator is the first reported CT Δ-Σ A/D modulator obtaining 14-bit DR for more than 2MHz signal bandwidth. 8.2 Future work To design CT Δ-Σ A/D modulators for even wider bandwidths with high resolution, several design issues existing in this work can be further explored in the future. 1. A drawback of the dual-loop topology is that it needs a second multi-bit DAC which consumes more area and power. Some different methods of addressing excess loop delay may be found to achieve the same goal without introducing one more DAC. 2. For applications such as VDSL, the signal bandwidth is more than 10MHz. In such cases, the clock frequencies will be as large as a few hundreds MHz. Hence the clock jitter issue becomes more critical. Some non-rectangular DAC shapes, for instance, an exponentially decaying DAC, might be worth exploring to reduce further reduce clock jitter sensitivity. 3. Some other loop filter topologies may have less coefficient sensitivity so that they are more resistant to time constant variations. 4. As the number of quantizer bits increases, the in-band quantization noise is lowered and the jitter sensitivity is reduced. However, the area and power consumption of the quantizer and the DAC will be increased. There are definitely some trade-offs that exist here. More theoretical analysis can be performed to find the best balancing point given the required bandwidth, resolution and fabrication process. 5. Various design strategies can be adopted in the future to lower the power consumption. For example, more aggressive power scaling 113 can be done based on circuit level simulation to further reduce the power consumptions of the latter stages in the forward loop; the multi-bit quantizer doesn’t necessarily need 2N comparators (N is the number of bits of the quantizer). It can use only threecomparators to realize multi-bit functions [Dor05]; Of course, process with lower power supply and shorter channel length will also help to reduce the power consumption, especially the power dissipated in digital blocks. 6. Some Automatic implemented. on-chip tuning can be designed and 114 BIBLIOGRAPHY [Abo99] A. M. Abo, “Design for reliability of low-voltage, switched-capacitor circuits,” Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, CA, 1999. [Bal04] P. Balmelli, Q. Huang, “A 25MS/s 14b 200mW ΣΔ modulator in 0.18μm CMOS,” ISSCC Digest of Technical Papers, Feb. 2004, pp.74-75. [Bar95] R. T. Barid and T. S. Fiez, "Linearity Enhancement of multibit A/D and D/A converters using data weighted averaging," IEEE Trans. On Circuits and Syst. II, vol. 42, pp. 753-762, Dec. 1995. [Bas97] A. Baschirotto, R. Castello, “1-V 1.8-MHz CMOS switched-OpAmp SC filter with rail-to-rail output swing,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 32, no. 12, pp. 1979-1986, Dec. 1997. 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(A.2), we obtain k1 ⋅ g1 = 3.821 (A.3) k1 ⋅ k 2 ⋅ g 2 = 2.908 (A.4) k1 ⋅ k 2 ⋅ k 3 ⋅ ( g1 ⋅ g z1 + g 3 ) + k1 ⋅ k 4 ⋅ k 5 ⋅ g1 ⋅ g z 2 = 1.783 (A.5) k1 ⋅ k 2 ⋅ k 4 ⋅ (k 5 ⋅ g 2 ⋅ g z 2 + k 3 ⋅ g 4 ) = 0.641 (A.6) k1 ⋅ k 2 ⋅ k 3 ⋅ k 4 ⋅ k 5 ⋅ ( g 5 + g1 ⋅ g z1 ⋅ g z 2 + g 3 ⋅ g z 2 ) = 0.115 (A.7) k 2 ⋅ k 3 ⋅ g z1 + k 4⋅ ⋅ k 5 ⋅ g z 2 = 0.076 (A.8) k 2 ⋅ k 3 ⋅ k 4 ⋅ k 5⋅ ⋅ g z1 ⋅ g z 2 = 0.0011 (A.9) MATLAB Symbolic toolbox can be used to solve the above 7 equations. Since we have 12 variables but only 7 equations, we have to assign some initial values to five of them and then solve the others. Dynamic scaling is needed to make sure every stage’s output has reasonable swing. The following is the MATLAB code to obtain CT loop filter transfer function from Eq. (5.5) and solve for all coefficients in Figure 6.17. %MATLAB code to calcualte the loop coefficients in the fifth-order %CT %modulator clear all; close all; 122 digits 8; Fs = 60e6; % Sampling Frequency N = 5; % Order osr=12; % Oversampling ratio H_inf=4; % Maximum out-of-band gain of NTF NTF=synthesizeNTF(N,osr,1,H_inf,0); % acquire H(z) Hz=1/NTF-1; [num_dt,den_dt]=zp2tf(Hz.z{:},Hz.p{:},Hz.k); % DT forward loop [num1,den1]=zp2tf(Hz.z{:},Hz.p{:},Hz.k); Hz_tmp1=Hz/tf([0,1],[1],'Variable','z^-1'); % Hz_tmp1=H'(z)+a1/b0 in Eq. (5.5) [num2,den2]=zp2tf(Hz_tmp1.z{:},Hz_tmp1.p{:},Hz_tmp1.k); Hz_tmp2=tf(num2,den2,'Variable','z^-1'); Hz_new=Hz_tmp2-num1(2)/den1(1); % Hz_new=H'(z)in Eq.(5.5) and Eq.(5.6) k_DAC2=num1(2)/den1(1); % k_DAC2=a1/b0, gain of DAC2 [num3,den3]=tfdata(Hz_new,'v'); [num_ct_nrz_tmp,den_ct_nrz_tmp]=d2cm(num3,den3,1) % define variables as symbols to be sovled k1=sym('k1','positive'); k2=sym('k2','positive'); k3=sym('k3','positive'); k4=sym('k4','positive'); k5=sym('k5','positive'); g1=sym('g1','positive'); g2=sym('g2','positive'); g3=sym('g3','positive'); g4=sym('g4','positive'); g5=sym('g5','positive'); gz1=sym('gz1','positive'); gz2=sym('gz2','positive'); [k1 k2 k3 k4 k5 g1 g2 g3 g4 g5 gz1 gz2]=solve('k2=2','k4=1','gz1=1','gz2=0.1','g5=1',... 'k1*g1=num_ct_nrz_tmp(2)','k1*k2*g2=num_ct_nrz_tmp(3)',... 'k1*k2*k3*g1*gz1+k1*k4*k5*g1*gz2+k1*k2*k3*g3=num_ct_nrz_tmp(4)',... 'k1*k2*k4*k5*g2*gz2+k1*k2*k3*k4*g4=num_ct_nrz_tmp(5)',... 'k1*k2*k3*k4*k5*g5+k1*k2*k3*k4*k5*g1*gz1*gz2+k1*k2*k3*k4*k5*g3*gz2= num_ct_nrz_tmp(6)',... 'k2*k3*gz1+k4*k5*gz2=den_ct_nrz_tmp(3)','k2*k3*k4*k5*gz1*gz2=den_ct _nrz_tmp(5)',... 'k1','k2','k3','k4','k5','g1','g2','g3','g4','g5','gz1','gz2'); k_coeff=[eval(k1),eval(k2),eval(k3),eval(k4),eval(k5),eval(g1),eval (g2),eval(g3),eval(g4),eval(g5),eval(gz1),eval(gz2)];