Berry class synchronization: a prospective to understand berry ripening ? Laurent Deluc Horticulture Department (OSU) - August 25th 2011 Thursday, August 25, 2011 Two questions: Do we have uniform clusters at harvest ? How does it work? Thursday, August 25, 2011 Two questions: Do we have uniform clusters at harvest ? If not it may contribute to the wine balance How does it work? Thursday, August 25, 2011 Two questions: Do we have uniform clusters at harvest ? If not it may contribute to the wine balance How does it work? it could be useful to improve fruit quality Thursday, August 25, 2011 Consequences of ripeness heterogeneity at harvest •Wine Quality : - presence of a non-negligible proportion of unripe berries can increase the appearance of bitter and astringent characters in wine and undesirable flavors Thursday, August 25, 2011 Contributions of different berry classes to the overall quality Harvest date based on ripening rate of berry class # 1 1: 100% Berry Class 1 2 34 5 6 7 8 910 Harvest date based on ripening rate of berry class #1 5: 100% 4,6: 92% 2: 90% 3,7: 82% 3: 80% 2,8: 68% 4: 67% 1,9: 55% 5: 55% 10: 50% 6: 43% 7: 35% 8: 20% 9: 10% 10: 0% Overall Quality = 50% Laurent Deluc Thursday, August 25, 2011 Gray 2006 Overall Quality = 74% Consequences of ripeness heterogeneity at harvest •Wine Balance : - presence of a non-negligible proportion of unripe berries can increase the appearance of bitter and astringent characters in wine and undesirable flavors •Heterogeneity in phenolic maturity observed between different berry classes at harvest in Cabernet Sauvignon (Kontoudakis et al., 2011): - Higher sugar content is correlated to higher anthocyanin, total phenolic index, proanthocyanidin concentrations •Few data are available... Thursday, August 25, 2011 Ripeness heterogeneity among berries may depend upon the genetic background “Pinot Noir Berries” “Zinfandel, Cabernet Sauvignon, Shiraz” Low Thursday, August 25, 2011 Moderate “Merlot Berries” Extreme Is Pinot Noir able to alleviate berry variability at harvest? ? Are under ripe berries at mid-véraison able to catch up more advanced berries and how? Thursday, August 25, 2011 1) Reduction of berry class variability 2) RS: Red Soft Intensity of PS: Pink Soft variability GS: Green Soft GH: Green Hard Fruit quality curve No reduction of berry developmental variability Véraison Laurent Deluc Thursday, August 25, 2011 Harvest Post-harvest Reduction of berry developmental variability is effective Véraison Harvest Post-harvest 1) Reduction of berry class variability 2) RS: Red Soft Intensity of PS: Pink Soft variability GS: Green Soft GH: Green Hard Mid-véraison Fruit quality curve No reduction of berry developmental variability Véraison Laurent Deluc Thursday, August 25, 2011 Harvest Post-harvest Reduction of berry developmental variability is effective Véraison Harvest Post-harvest 1) Reduction of berry class variability 2) RS: Red Soft Intensity of PS: Pink Soft variability GS: Green Soft GH: Green Hard Post-véraison Mid-véraison Fruit quality curve No reduction of berry developmental variability Véraison Laurent Deluc Thursday, August 25, 2011 Harvest Post-harvest Reduction of berry developmental variability is effective Véraison Harvest Post-harvest 1) Reduction of berry class variability 2) RS: Red Soft Intensity of PS: Pink Soft variability GS: Green Soft GH: Green Hard Pre-Harvest Post-véraison Mid-véraison Fruit quality curve No reduction of berry developmental variability Véraison Laurent Deluc Thursday, August 25, 2011 Harvest Post-harvest Reduction of berry developmental variability is effective Véraison Harvest Post-harvest 1) Reduction of berry class variability 2) RS: Red Soft Intensity of PS: Pink Soft Ripe variability GS: Green Soft GH: Green Hard Pre-Harvest Post-véraison Mid-véraison Fruit quality curve No reduction of berry developmental variability Véraison Laurent Deluc Thursday, August 25, 2011 Harvest Post-harvest Reduction of berry developmental variability is effective Véraison Harvest Post-harvest 1) Reduction of berry class variability 2) RS: Red Soft Intensity of PS: Pink Soft Ripe variability GS: Green Soft GH: Green Hard Pre-Harvest Post-harvest Post-véraison Mid-véraison Fruit quality curve No reduction of berry developmental variability Véraison Laurent Deluc Thursday, August 25, 2011 Harvest Post-harvest Reduction of berry developmental variability is effective Véraison Harvest Post-harvest 1) Reduction of berry class variability 2) RS: Red Soft Intensity of PS: Pink Soft Ripe variability GS: Green Soft GH: Green Hard Pre-Harvest Post-harvest Post-véraison Raisin Mid-véraison Fruit quality curve No reduction of berry developmental variability Véraison Laurent Deluc Thursday, August 25, 2011 Harvest Post-harvest Reduction of berry developmental variability is effective Véraison Harvest Post-harvest 1) Reduction of berry class variability 2) RS: Red Soft Intensity of PS: Pink Soft Ripe variability GS: Green Soft GH: Green Hard Pre-Harvest Post-harvest Post-véraison Raisin Mid-véraison Mid-véraison Fruit quality curve No reduction of berry developmental variability Véraison Laurent Deluc Thursday, August 25, 2011 Harvest Post-harvest Reduction of berry developmental variability is effective Véraison Harvest Post-harvest 1) Reduction of berry class variability 2) RS: Red Soft Intensity of PS: Pink Soft Ripe variability GS: Green Soft GH: Green Hard Pre-Harvest Post-harvest Post-véraison Post-véraison Raisin Mid-véraison Mid-véraison Fruit quality curve No reduction of berry developmental variability Véraison Laurent Deluc Thursday, August 25, 2011 Harvest Post-harvest Reduction of berry developmental variability is effective Véraison Harvest Post-harvest 1) Reduction of berry class variability 2) RS: Red Soft Intensity of PS: Pink Soft Ripe variability GS: Green Soft GH: Green Hard Pre-Harvest Pre-Harvest Post-harvest Post-véraison Post-véraison Raisin Mid-véraison Mid-véraison Fruit quality curve No reduction of berry developmental variability Véraison Laurent Deluc Thursday, August 25, 2011 Harvest Post-harvest Reduction of berry developmental variability is effective Véraison Harvest Post-harvest 1) Reduction of berry class variability 2) RS: Red Soft Intensity of Ripe PS: Pink Soft Ripe variability GS: Green Soft GH: Green Hard Pre-Harvest Pre-Harvest Post-harvest Post-véraison Post-véraison Raisin Mid-véraison Mid-véraison Fruit quality curve No reduction of berry developmental variability Véraison Laurent Deluc Thursday, August 25, 2011 Harvest Post-harvest Reduction of berry developmental variability is effective Véraison Harvest Post-harvest 1) Reduction of berry class variability 2) RS: Red Soft Intensity of Ripe PS: Pink Soft Ripe variability GS: Green Soft GH: Green Hard Pre-Harvest Post-harvest Pre-Harvest Post-harvest Post-véraison Post-véraison Raisin Mid-véraison Mid-véraison Fruit quality curve No reduction of berry developmental variability Véraison Laurent Deluc Thursday, August 25, 2011 Harvest Post-harvest Reduction of berry developmental variability is effective Véraison Harvest Post-harvest 1) Reduction of berry class variability 2) RS: Red Soft Intensity of Ripe PS: Pink Soft Ripe variability GS: Green Soft GH: Green Hard Pre-Harvest Post-harvest Pre-Harvest Post-harvest Post-véraison Post-véraison Raisin Raisin Mid-véraison Mid-véraison Fruit quality curve No reduction of berry developmental variability Véraison Laurent Deluc Thursday, August 25, 2011 Harvest Post-harvest Reduction of berry developmental variability is effective Véraison Harvest Post-harvest 1) Reduction of berry class variability 2) RS: Red Soft Intensity of Ripe PS: Pink Soft Ripe variability GS: Green Soft GH: Green Hard Pre-Harvest Post-harvest Pre-Harvest Post-harvest Post-harvest Post-véraison Post-véraison Raisin Raisin Mid-véraison Mid-véraison Fruit quality curve No reduction of berry developmental variability Véraison Laurent Deluc Thursday, August 25, 2011 Harvest Post-harvest Reduction of berry developmental variability is effective Véraison Harvest Post-harvest 1) Reduction of berry class variability 2) RS: Red Soft Intensity of Ripe PS: Pink Soft Ripe variability GS: Green Soft GH: Green Hard Pre-Harvest Post-harvest Pre-Harvest Post-harvest Post-harvest Post-véraison Post-véraison Raisin Raisin Mid-véraison Mid-véraison Fruit quality curve No reduction of berry developmental variability Véraison Laurent Deluc Thursday, August 25, 2011 Harvest Raisin Post-harvest Reduction of berry developmental variability is effective Véraison Harvest Post-harvest Developmental stages Scenario 1 If we assume differences at mid-véraison, we must still see differences near harvest at the developmental level RS-V PS-V GS-V GH-V Mid-véraison Scenario 2 Maturity State Harvest If under ripe berries are catching up we do not know when that happens.... Developmental stages GH-H PS-H GS-H RS-H RS-V PS-V GS-V GH-V Mid-véraison Laurent Deluc Thursday, August 25, 2011 Maturity State Harvest Developmental stages Scenario 1 If we assume differences at mid-véraison, we must still see differences near harvest at the developmental level RS-V PS-V GS-V GH-V Mid-véraison Scenario 2 Maturity State Harvest If under ripe berries are catching up we do not know when that happens.... Developmental stages GH-H PS-H GS-H RS-H RS-V PS-V GS-V GH-V Mid-véraison Laurent Deluc Thursday, August 25, 2011 Maturity State Harvest Developmental stages Scenario 1 RS-H PS-H GS-H GH-H RS-V PS-V Optimum of maturity asymptotic curve GS-V GH-V Mid-véraison Maturity State If we assume differences at mid-véraison, we must still see differences near harvest at the developmental level Scenario 2 Harvest If under ripe berries are catching up we do not know when that happens.... Developmental stages GH-H PS-H GS-H RS-H RS-V PS-V GS-V GH-V Mid-véraison Laurent Deluc Thursday, August 25, 2011 Maturity State Harvest Developmental stages Scenario 1 RS-H PS-H GS-H GH-H RS-V PS-V Optimum of maturity asymptotic curve GS-V GH-V Mid-véraison Maturity State If we assume differences at mid-véraison, we must still see differences near harvest at the developmental level Scenario 2 Harvest If under ripe berries are catching up we do not know when that happens.... Developmental stages GH-H PS-H GS-H RS-H RS-V PS-V GS-V GH-V Mid-véraison Laurent Deluc Thursday, August 25, 2011 Maturity State Harvest Developmental stages Scenario 1 RS-H PS-H GS-H GH-H RS-V PS-V GS-V GH-V Mid-véraison Ripening rate Maturity State Optimum of maturity asymptotic curve If we assume differences at mid-véraison, we must still see differences near harvest at the developmental level Scenario 2 Harvest If under ripe berries are catching up we do not know when that happens.... Developmental stages GH-H PS-H GS-H RS-H RS-V PS-V GS-V GH-V Mid-véraison Laurent Deluc Thursday, August 25, 2011 Maturity State Harvest Developmental stages Scenario 1 RS-H PS-H GS-H GH-H RS-V PS-V GS-V GH-V Mid-véraison Ripening rate Maturity State Optimum of maturity asymptotic curve If we assume differences at mid-véraison, we must still see differences near harvest at the developmental level Scenario 2 Harvest If under ripe berries are catching up we do not know when that happens.... Developmental stages GH-H PS-H GS-H GS-H RS-H RS-V PS-V Synchronization harvest GS-V Ripening rate + GH-V Mid-véraison Laurent Deluc Thursday, August 25, 2011 Optimum of maturity asymptotic curve Maturity State Harvest Developmental stages Scenario 1 RS-H PS-H GS-H GH-H RS-V PS-V GS-V GH-V Mid-véraison Ripening rate Maturity State Optimum of maturity asymptotic curve If we assume differences at mid-véraison, we must still see differences near harvest at the developmental level Scenario 2 Harvest If under ripe berries are catching up we do not know when that happens.... Developmental stages GH-H PS-H GS-H RS-H RS-V PS-V GS-V GH-V Mid-véraison Laurent Deluc Thursday, August 25, 2011 Maturity State Harvest Developmental stages Scenario 1 RS-H PS-H GS-H GH-H RS-V PS-V GS-V GH-V Mid-véraison Ripening rate Maturity State Optimum of maturity asymptotic curve If we assume differences at mid-véraison, we must still see differences near harvest at the developmental level Scenario 2 Harvest If under ripe berries are catching up we do not know when that happens.... Developmental stages RS-pH RS-V Thursday, August 25, 2011 GS-pH PS-pH GH- PS-V GS-V GH-V Ripening rate ++ Synchronization pre-harvest Mid-véraison Laurent Deluc GH-H PS-H GS-H RS-H Maturity State Harvest Developmental stages Scenario 1 RS-H PS-H GS-H GH-H RS-V PS-V GS-V GH-V Mid-véraison Ripening rate Maturity State Optimum of maturity asymptotic curve If we assume differences at mid-véraison, we must still see differences near harvest at the developmental level Scenario 2 Harvest If under ripe berries are catching up we do not know when that happens.... Developmental stages GH-H PS-H GS-H RS-H RS-V PS-V GS-V GH-V Mid-véraison Laurent Deluc Thursday, August 25, 2011 Maturity State Harvest RS-H PS-H GS-H GH-H RS-V PS-V GS-V GH-V Mid-véraison Ripening rate Maturity State Optimum of maturity asymptotic curve If we assume differences at mid-véraison, we must still see differences near harvest at the developmental level Scenario 2 Harvest If under ripe berries are catching up we do not know when that happens.... Developmental stages Developmental stages Scenario 1 RS-V PS-pV GS-pV RS-pV GH-pV PS-V GS-V GH-V Ripening rate +++ Synchronization post-véraison Mid-véraison Laurent Deluc Thursday, August 25, 2011 GH-H PS-H GS-H RS-H Maturity State Harvest Questions Is there a reduction of berry developmental variability at harvest in Pinot Noir? What is the contribution of each berry class to the overall fruit quality? What is the mechanism ? Appropriate way to correlate berry classes and a berry developmental stage? Laurent Deluc Thursday, August 25, 2011 How describe a developmental stage? Using genomic hybridization or sequencing technology as fingerprint to describe a given developmental stage or a tissue DNA microarray experiment Generate the most comprehensive snapshot at the gene expression level to describe a particular stage Laurent Deluc Thursday, August 25, 2011 A global gene expression profile reflects a developmental stage (Lund et al., 2008) Plant A 18 berries - Plant A S i g n i fi c a n c e t e s t ( g l o b a l t r a n s c r i p t p r o fi l e v e r s u s phenotypic variables) Phenotypic variable Plant B 18 berries - Plant B Berries from same class have similar global transcript profile signatures Laurent Deluc Thursday, August 25, 2011 Significance (p<0.05) Plant Position in the cluster 0.72 Diameter 0.18 Weight 0.10 Soluble Solids 0.04 Color + Firmness Firmness 0.08 Color 0.03 0.54 0.07 Global transcript signatures are significantly correlated to some phenotypic variables Phenological measurements of individual berries at mid-véraison and harvest Mid-véraison Berry Formation PV GH-V Monitoring individual berries from véraison to harvest Laurent Deluc Thursday, August 25, 2011 Harvest Berry Ripening Véraison GS-V PS-V Berry Ripening GH-H GS-H PS-H RS-H 6 plants 5 clusters per plant 5 berries per class Four berry classes RS-V Refractometer Chromameter (lightness, hue, chroma) Multivariate Analysis of Variance, Principle Component Analysis, Discriminant Analysis Brix values of individual at mid-véraison and harvest Harvest: Mid-véraison: GH-V GS-V PS-V GH-H RS-V GS-H Laurent Deluc Thursday, August 25, 2011 10 15 RS-H Brix Range Brix Range 5 PS-H 20 15 20 25 30 35 Chroma values of individual at mid-véraison and harvest Harvest: Mid-véraison: GH-H RS-V PS-V GS-V 20 Laurent Deluc Thursday, August 25, 2011 30 40 50 PS-H RS-H PS-V GS-V GH-V RS-V GH-V Chroma Range 10 GS-H 15 Chroma Range 20 25 30 Discriminant Analyses using Brix, lightness, hue and chroma b) Laurent Deluc Thursday, August 25, 2011 c) Transcriptomic experiment (genome hybridization) Mid-véraison Harvest GS-V PS-V RS-V GS-H PS-H RS-H 27 arrays ( 3 tissues, 3 plants, 3 berry classes) 27 arrays ( 3 tissues, 3 plants, 3 berry classes) Nimblegen Grape whole transcriptome ∼29,550 genes Thursday, August 25, 2011 Transcript profile of a UFGT gene Normalized expression values 20 15 10 5 Developmental stages For 29,550 genes Thursday, August 25, 2011 SH R H PS SH G SV R V PS G SV 0 Transcript profile of a UFGT gene Normalized expression values 20 RSV 15 PSV 10 GSV 5 Developmental stages For 29,550 genes Thursday, August 25, 2011 SH R H PS SH G SV R V PS G SV 0 Transcript profile of a UFGT gene Normalized expression values 20 RSH GSH RSV PSH 15 PSV 10 GSV 5 Developmental stages For 29,550 genes Thursday, August 25, 2011 SH R H PS SH G SV R V PS G SV 0 Transcript profile of a UFGT gene 2 FC Normalized expression values 20 RSH GSH RSV PSH 15 1.5FC PSV 10 GSV 5 Developmental stages For 29,550 genes Thursday, August 25, 2011 SH R H PS SH G SV R V PS G SV 0 Transcript profile of a UFGT gene 2 FC Normalized expression values 20 RSH GSH RSV PSH 15 1.5FC PSV 10 GSV 5 SH R H PS SH R G SV V G PS SV 0 Developmental stages For 29,550 genes Tissue Biological significance Genes Pulp Mid-véraison (GSV, PSV, RSV) Near Harvest (GSH, PSH, RSH) >1.5 Fold Change >1.75 Fold Change >2 Fold Change >1.5 Fold Change >1.75 Fold Change >2 Fold Change # % # % # % # % # % 4,393 15 2,180 7 1,266 4 1,060 4 200 0.6 # % 60 0.2 Seed 3,102 10 1,416 5 781 3 1,004 4 327 1.1 116 0.4 Skin 3,986 13 1,797 6 998 3 1,748 6 535 1.8 201 0.7 Thursday, August 25, 2011 Transcript profile of a UFGT gene 2 FC Normalized expression values 20 RSH GSH RSV PSH 15 1.5FC PSV 10 GSV 5 SH R H PS SH R G SV V G PS SV 0 Developmental stages For 29,550 genes Tissue Biological significance Genes Pulp Mid-véraison (GSV, PSV, RSV) Near Harvest (GSH, PSH, RSH) >1.5 Fold Change >1.75 Fold Change >2 Fold Change >1.5 Fold Change >1.75 Fold Change >2 Fold Change # % # % # % # % # % 4,393 15 2,180 7 1,266 4 1,060 4 200 0.6 # % 60 0.2 Seed 3,102 10 1,416 5 781 3 1,004 4 327 1.1 116 0.4 Skin 3,986 13 1,797 6 998 3 1,748 6 535 1.8 201 0.7 Thursday, August 25, 2011 Transcript profile of a UFGT gene 2 FC Normalized expression values 20 RSH GSH RSV PSH 15 1.5FC PSV 10 GSV 5 SH R H PS SH R G SV V G PS SV 0 Developmental stages For 29,550 genes Tissue Biological significance Genes Pulp Mid-véraison (GSV, PSV, RSV) Near Harvest (GSH, PSH, RSH) >1.5 Fold Change >1.75 Fold Change >2 Fold Change >1.5 Fold Change >1.75 Fold Change >2 Fold Change # % # % # % # % # % 4,393 15 2,180 7 1,266 4 1,060 4 200 0.6 # % 60 0.2 Seed 3,102 10 1,416 5 781 3 1,004 4 327 1.1 116 0.4 Skin 3,986 13 1,797 6 998 3 1,748 6 535 1.8 201 0.7 Thursday, August 25, 2011 Transcript profile of a UFGT gene 2 FC Normalized expression values 20 RSH GSH RSV PSH 15 1.5FC PSV 10 GSV 5 SH R H PS SH R G SV V G PS SV 0 Developmental stages For 29,550 genes Tissue Biological significance Genes Pulp Mid-véraison (GSV, PSV, RSV) Near Harvest (GSH, PSH, RSH) >1.5 Fold Change >1.75 Fold Change >2 Fold Change >1.5 Fold Change >1.75 Fold Change >2 Fold Change # % # % # % # % # % 4,393 15 2,180 7 1,266 4 1,060 4 200 0.6 # % 60 0.2 Seed 3,102 10 1,416 5 781 3 1,004 4 327 1.1 116 0.4 Skin 3,986 13 1,797 6 998 3 1,748 6 535 1.8 201 0.7 Thursday, August 25, 2011 Transcript profile of a UFGT gene 2 FC Normalized expression values 20 RSH GSH RSV PSH 15 1.5FC PSV 10 GSV 5 SH R H PS SH R G SV V G PS SV 0 Developmental stages For 29,550 genes Tissue Biological significance Genes Pulp Mid-véraison (GSV, PSV, RSV) Near Harvest (GSH, PSH, RSH) >1.5 Fold Change >1.75 Fold Change >2 Fold Change >1.5 Fold Change >1.75 Fold Change >2 Fold Change # % # % # % # % # % 4,393 15 2,180 7 1,266 4 1,060 4 200 0.6 # % 60 0.2 Seed 3,102 10 1,416 5 781 3 1,004 4 327 1.1 116 0.4 Skin 3,986 13 1,797 6 998 3 1,748 6 535 1.8 201 0.7 Thursday, August 25, 2011 Transcript profile of a UFGT gene 2 FC Normalized expression values 20 RSH GSH RSV PSH 15 1.5FC PSV 10 GSV 5 SH R H PS SH R G SV V G PS SV 0 Developmental stages For 29,550 genes Tissue Biological significance Genes Pulp Mid-véraison (GSV, PSV, RSV) Near Harvest (GSH, PSH, RSH) >1.5 Fold Change >1.75 Fold Change >2 Fold Change >1.5 Fold Change >1.75 Fold Change >2 Fold Change # % # % # % # % # % 4,393 15 2,180 7 1,266 4 1,060 4 200 0.6 # % 60 0.2 Seed 3,102 10 1,416 5 781 3 1,004 4 327 1.1 116 0.4 Skin 3,986 13 1,797 6 998 3 1,748 6 535 1.8 201 0.7 Thursday, August 25, 2011 Transcript profile of a UFGT gene 2 FC Normalized expression values 20 RSH GSH RSV PSH 15 1.5FC PSV 10 GSV 5 SH R H PS SH R G SV V G PS SV 0 Developmental stages For 29,550 genes Tissue Biological significance Genes Pulp Mid-véraison (GSV, PSV, RSV) Near Harvest (GSH, PSH, RSH) >1.5 Fold Change >1.75 Fold Change >2 Fold Change >1.5 Fold Change >1.75 Fold Change >2 Fold Change # % # % # % # % # % 4,393 15 2,180 7 1,266 4 1,060 4 200 0.6 # % 60 0.2 Seed 3,102 10 1,416 5 781 3 1,004 4 327 1.1 116 0.4 Skin 3,986 13 1,797 6 998 3 1,748 6 535 1.8 201 0.7 Thursday, August 25, 2011 Mid-véraison Thursday, August 25, 2011 Harvest Conclusion: Sugar and pigmentation data indicate uniform berry populations within the cluster at harvest No perfect berry classes but more «balanced» berry classes Reduction of berry variability at the gene expression level at harvest is effective, few genes with high variability between not fully ripe and more advanced berries This reduction affects the three tissues Pulp appears to be the most synchronized tissue Laurent Deluc Thursday, August 25, 2011 Difference in transcriptional rates between GH and RS berry classes Transcriptional Rate (TR): Transcriptional state at harvest - Transcriptional State at mid-véraison GS-H PS-H GH-H RS-H 100% TRRS TRRS: tsRSH-tsRSV TRGH Differential of TR: TRGH-TRRS RS-V Transcriptional State TRGH: tsGHH-tsGHV PS-V GS-V GH-V Mid-véraison Laurent Deluc Thursday, August 25, 2011 Maturity State Harvest Genes in the pulp showing an enhanced transcriptional rate in GS versus RS from Mid-V to Harvest 370 genes found with an enhanced transcriptional rate superior to 2 Gene Xyloglucan:xyloglucosyl transferase Functional Category Transcriptional rate (GS/RS) from V to H Cell wall modification 3.41 6.36 11.96 6.19 4.14 3.29 2.49 7.01 7.11 2.46 5.69 4.99 2.25 Extensin Cell wall structural protein CYP79A2 Glucosinolate metabolism chalcone synthase Flavonoid biosynthesis Flavonoid 3',5'-hydroxylase (8) Flavonoid biosynthesis Flavonone- 3-hydroxylase Flavonoid biosynthesis Chalcone isomerase Flavonoid biosynthesis UDP-glucose:flavonoid 3-O-glucosyltransferase Flavonoid-glucoside biosynthesis Caffeoyl-CoA O-methyltransferase Phenylpropanoid biosynthesis Limonoid UDP-glucosyltransferase Flavor Sugar transporter ERD6-like 16 Sugar Transporter MATE efflux family protein Flavonoid Transport Anthocyanin permease AM3 Flavonoid Transport Laurent Deluc Thursday, August 25, 2011 Genes in the pulp showing an decreased transcriptional rate 280 genes found with a repressed transcriptional rate inferior to 0.5 Gene Functional Category Transcriptional rate (GS/RS) from V to H flavonoid 3-monooxygenase Flavonoid biosynthesis 0.4 UDP-glucosyl transferase Flavonoid biosynthesis 0.31 flavonoid 3-monooxygenase Flavonoid biosynthesis 0.18 Anthocyanin-glucoside biosynthesis 0.46 Orcinol O-methyltransferase 2 Isoflavonoid biosynthesis 0.38 (+)-neomenthol dehydrogenase Monoterpenoid biosynthesis 0.43 CYP72A1 Monoterpenoid biosynthesis 0.33 UDP-rhamnose:rhamnosyltransferase Laurent Deluc Thursday, August 25, 2011 What do we do next? What is the extent of this reduction in berry variability at the metabolic level? If there is a catch up, in which direction ? when the synchronization is initiated ? Study the post-harvest stage to estimate whether the optimum of maturity is subject to variability Characterization of some genes involved in the control of ripening Extending this knowledge to other cultivars to understand the genetic control of ripening and the effects of environmental factors Laurent Deluc Thursday, August 25, 2011 How could these data be useful for the Industry Validate the usefulness of these markers: 1) as descriptors and predictors of the ripening, 2) to validate the effects or the timing of viticulture practice 3) to estimate the variability not at the cluster level but at the vineyard level Characterize the impact of berry metabolic variability in the origin of an unbalanced wine: Development of a breeding program: - to screen best clones that will propose uniform clusters Laurent Deluc Thursday, August 25, 2011 Acknowledgments: Woodhall Station: Deluc Lab: Satyanarayana Gouthu: (Research Assistant) Andria Wong: (Undergraduate student) Amanda Vondras: (Graduate student) Center for Genome Research and Biocomputing: Alex Moeller Caprice Rosato Financial Support: College of Agriculture, Department of Horticulture, OWRI. Thursday, August 25, 2011