Project Proposal

Forest Service Technology & Development Program
Project Proposal
Date: 12/18/06
Submitted by: Chuck LeBold
Project Name/Title: Motorized
Vehicle Access Controls
Unit: Wallowa-Whitman N.F.
Address: 3502 HWY 30
La Grande, OR 97850
Phone: 541-962-8572
OVERALL PROBLEM/OBJECTIVE STATEMENT (Describe the problem, how the work is
currently being done, and why improvement is needed): Motorized vehicle traffic on closed roads.
Currently controls are a mix of gates, barriers, signage/poster programs, and law enforcement. A
significant expense is incurred with little predictability as to effectiveness of closure. I feel there may be
a mix/type of controls that are consistently more effective than others and consistency among regional
national forest system lands can only be a plus when trying to predict public behavior.
PROPOSED TECHNOLOGY & DEVELOPMENT WORK (Describe your concept of the end
product, such as a new equipment design, a PowerPoint presentation, a video, a handbook, Web site,
CD, etc.):I would find valuable a process to develop a cost effective access control system for a given
area; also a compilation of existing control devices.
POTENTIAL BENEFITS (Describe how this project will reduce cost, save time, improve safety,
increase efficiency, or improve resource management): Ability to control access within an area, with a
predictable amount of success, is crucial to almost all resource disciplines at any given time. It is not
uncommon to delay access for fire suppression due to barriers; while some barriers are ineffective to
determined motorized publics they may, at the same time, be effective barriers for fire access vehicles
and other administrative uses. Possibly save time/dollars from constant repair/replacement of improperly
designed/placed barriers. Gaining public confidence in our ability to control impacts inherent to
motorized access would be of value when proposing projects to our publics.
Center Manager
San Dimas Technology & Development Center
444 East Bonita Ave.
San Dimas, CA 91773-3198
Phone: 909-599-1267
Fax: 909-592-2309
(Rev. 6/04)
Center Manager
Missoula Technology & Development Center
5785 Hwy. 10 West
Missoula, MT 59808-9361
Phone: 406-329-3900
Fax: 406-329-3719