BCP Spring 2010 Course Offerings page 1 of 2 Bitterroot College Program (BCP) Spring 2010 Courses All BCP Courses are UM-COT courses identified by the section notation “H1” All BCP Spring 2010 courses will be held at the BCP’s new location at the Ravalli Entrepreneurship Center (REC), 274 Old Corvallis Road, Hamilton (just north of the Ravalli County Fairgrounds) All instructors are still to be announced (TBA) For more information contact Victoria Clark at (406) 375-0100 or victoria.clark@umontana.edu Course Number ANTH 101H CRN: 34423 Course Name Introduction to Anthropology Credits 3 Time (PM) W, 6:10 - 9 CAPP 120 CRN: 35378 Introduction to Computers COM 150S CRN: 35379 Interpersonal Communications 3 M, 6:10 - 9 LIT 110L CRN: 35398 Introduction to Literature 3 Tu & Th, 3:30-5 M 065 CRN: 35563 Prealgebra 3 Tu & Th, 12:10-1:30 M 090 CRN: 35380 Introductory Algebra 3 Tu & Th, 2-3:30 2 Tu, 7 - 9 Course Description A survey of anthropology which introduces the fundamental concepts, methods and perspectives of the field. The description and analysis of human culture, its growth and change. The nature and functions of social institutions. Introduction to computer terminology, hardware, and software, including wire/wireless communications and multimedia devices. Students utilize word processing, spread sheet, database, and presentation applications to create projects common to business and industry in a networked computing environment. Internet research, email usage, and keyboarding proficiency are integrated. Focus on communicating and listening more clearly to improve personal and professional relationships. Topics include forms of communication, communication and identity, emotion, conflict, climates, gender, and cultural diversity. Study of how readers make meaning of texts and how texts influence readers. Emphasis on interpreting literary texts: close reading, critical analysis and effective writing. Prereq., appropriate placement score. Arithmetic and basic algebra skills needed for Introductory Algebra. Topics include integers and rational numbers, decimals and percentages with applications, ratios and proportions with applications, single variable linear equations with applications, introduction to graphing, exponents, factoring, and an introduction to polynomials. Credit does not count toward a certificate or degree. Credit does not count toward Associate of Arts, Associate of Applied Science, or Baccalaureate degrees. Prereq., M 065 (M 002D) or appropriate placement score. Review of arithmetic principles of integers and rational numbers, linear equations in one or two unknowns, and operations with polynomials and rational expressions. Credit does not count toward an Associate of Arts, Associate of Applied Science, or Baccalaureate degree. BCP Spring 2010 Course Offerings page 2 of 2 Course Number M 095 CRN: 35381 Course Name Intermediate Algebra Credits 3 Time (PM) Tu & Th, 4-5:30 M 115 CRN: 35382 Probability and Linear Math 3 Tu & Th, 5-6:30 M 121 CRN: 35383 College Algebra 3 Tu & Th, 6-7:30 PSYX 100S CRN: 35384 Introduction to Psychology 4 M & W, 3:30-5 WRIT 095 CRN: 35386 Developmental Writing 3 M & W, 4:30 - 6 WRIT 101 CRN: 35387 College Writing I 3 M & W, 5:30-7 WRIT 121 CRN: 35388 Introduction to Technical Writing 3 M & W, 7-8:30 Course Description Prereq., M 090 (MAT 005D) or appropriate placement score. Topics include linear equations and systems of linear equations, inequalities, applications and graphing; polynomials; rational expressions and equations; radicals, rational exponents and complex numbers; quadratic equations; introduction to exponential and logarithmic functions. Credit does not count toward Associate of Arts or Baccalaureate degrees. Prereq., M 090 (MAT 005D) with a grade of B- or better, M 095 (MAT 100D), or appropriate placement score. Systems of linear equations and matrix algebra. Introduction to probability with emphasis on models and probabilistic reasoning. Examples of applications of the material in many fields. Prereq., M 095 (MAT 100D) or appropriate placement score. Intended to strengthen algebra skills. The study of functions and their inverses: polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions. Introduction to the scientific study of behavior in humans and other animals. This course is taught partially online. Prereq., placement or referral by WRIT 101 (WTS 101) instructor. Designed for students who need instruction and practice integrating critical thinking, reading and writing before entering the required first-year writing course. Credit does not count toward Associate of Arts or Baccalaureate degrees. Prereq., WRIT 095 or passing score on placement test. Instruction and practice in both the expository writing and research process. Emphasis on the use of specific techniques of writing to develop style, unity, clarity, and force of ideas, and structure. Students are expected to write without major errors in sentence structure or mechanics. Course assumes a basic computer literacy. Passing score on placement test or consent of instructor. Introduction to technical writing situations with appropriate formats. Emphasis writing with document design and graphic placement introduced. Students are expected to write without major faults in grammar or usage.