Figure 31—Use of double meter boards for topic identification (in this case, impacts on willows from grazing livestock) and monitoring: (A) a single meter board's effectiveness in appraising shrub impacts, and (B) a better system for documenting shrub reaction to grazing. The camera is focused on the “1M” for consistent photo orientation. 55 56 57 58 Figure 35—Riparian vegetation sampling on the Sandy Delta, south bank of the Columbia River, east of Portland, Oregon. Aplot frame would be appropriate in photograph A with the 1-dm stubble height, which also permits visual estimation of the bottom of the meter board. The plot frame would not be visible in B or C. Exact reorientation of the photograph is essential: (1) The “1M” must be in the top corner of the view, (2) the bottom of the board must be in the lower corner, (3) the photograph must be taken from 2 m with a 50-mm lens on a 35-mm camera, and (4) the camera must be tilted slightly off horizontal to make the board parallel with the side of the view frame. In B, just 3 months later, grass is over 4 dm tall and effectively hiding the bottom of the meter board and any plot frame that might have been used. Problems with tall vegetation and exact photograph reorientation are shown in C, where the “1M” was not placed in the top corner of the view frame. Instead it is about 2 dm below the corner meaning the bottom of the board is about 2 dm below the bottom of the picture, an unacceptable rephotograph. 59 Photo Point Location Camera Location Photo point identifies the topic to be monitored (fig. 23); thus, it determines the camera location. One important factor is relocation of the meter board to orient later rephotography. In figure 27, the meter board was placed 10.3 ft from permanently marked camera location 1. The direction from the camera location to meter board was 115 degrees magnetic. The meter board location was marked with a fencepost, which severe flooding could remove; distance and direction to the meter board from a permanent location therefore are essential. The most foolproof method is a triangulation system using two permanent markers (fig. 27). The direction and distance from each marker are recorded. This triangulation method can replace the meter board within a decimeter of its original location. A diagram of the monitoring system should be part of the site map (fig. 15). Selection of a camera location is determined by position of the topic (photo point) to be monitored. Consider how the distance from the camera to the meter board will influence topic emphasis (figs. 32 and 33). Both distance and photo point position are used to locate the camera for best documentation. Consider locating the camera where it will serve more than one photo point. This accomplishes three things: (1) efficiency is increased by using several photo points from a camera location, (2) the photo monitoring system is easier to relocate when one camera location will also locate two or more photo points, and (3) more information is obtained from the specific site being monitored. Figure 35 shows “2E” on a meter board, meaning the fifth photo point at camera location 2. Using more than one photo point means careful location of the camera because it must be placed in a position to adequately depict several conditions specified in the monitoring objectives (appendix D). If a distance of about 10 m from camera to photo point is used, orient the camera location using a 10-m radius to encompass as many topics of interest as possible. The same distance from camera to photo point need not be the same for every photo point; for example, 8 m to photo point A, 10 m to B, and 12 m to C. However, the same distance to each photo point must be used for all subsequent photos: 8 m to A, 10 m to B, and 12 m to C. Vegetation close to the camera location is another important consideration. Most authors who have rephotographed landscapes report vegetation grew up between the camera location and photo point, which obscured the view and rendered the rephotograph worthless. In many cases, the camera was moved to an unobstructed view (fig. 36). Figure 26 illustrates a limited landscape photograph. The primary difference between this and a general site-specific view is the lack of a meter board for centering the camera view. Often, landscape views of an area must be reoriented in a manner similar to long-distance landscapes (fig. 16). The need to map and stake both camera location and photo point is illustrated in figure 21. Treatment of the ponderosa pine-pinegrass community was so dramatic that relocation of photography without a map and permanent markings would be nearly impossible. Here stakes driven flush with the ground were relocated by use of a metal detector. Following treatment, fenceposts were placed at the stakes for easy relocation. 60 Figure 36—Effect of intervening vegetation between the camera and photo point. In 1975, the meter board was in full view at the start of the study to appraise effects of livestock on willow growth. By 1982, willows had grown between the camera and meter board requiring a change in the camera location. It was moved 1 m to the right. By 1996, willows had again obstructed the view so the camera location was moved 3 more meters to the right, a total of 4 m. This was a very poor camera location. Avoid locations where woody vegetation will obstruct the view and render future photographs difficult to interpret. Riparian Areas Riparian areas pose some particular problems in regard to camera location and photo points. Figure 23 documents streambank stability at Pole Camp. Figure 23A was the original camera location and photo point; however, the camera location was placed 2 dm from the bank. A winter ice episode eroded the bank, increased stream sinuosity, and destroyed the camera location. The camera had to be moved 1.2 m to the left and 1 m back from its original location. This resulted in a different view, as shown in figure 23B, which suggests that the streambank had moved 0.7 to 0.9 m to the right. But it had not moved to the right; the apparent movement was caused by a change in camera location—a situation to avoid. 61 Riparian areas provide other challenges, particularly after floods. Deposition of silt is a valuable topic to document. Consider, when installing photo monitoring, pounding the fenceposts down to exactly the height of the meter board. When silt is deposited, the height of the meter board above the fencepost will be a measure of silt deposition. Floods have other influences. Fenceposts may be torn out, thereby eliminating the photo point or camera location. Thus, documentation of fencepost position is essential (Governor’s Watershed Enhancement Board 1993). Figure 27 illustrates a triangulation method for replacing washed out fenceposts. Relocation of Repeat Photography Finding existing camera locations and photo points, whether landscape or sitespecific, is sometimes difficult. Following are some suggestions for relocation. Idiosyncrasies With Compass Directions In the Pacific Northwest, there is a 21-degree deviation from magnetic north. This can result in problems of two kinds: 1. The compass heading written on the map or layout instructions should be labeled as either true or magnetic. If it is a true heading, was the 21-degree deviation added or subtracted from the magnetic heading? 2. When searching for the camera location or photo point, be prepared to try four different headings. A. Follow the heading and distance given. If the camera or photo point cannot be relocated, then . . . B. Subtract 21 degrees from the recorded heading and look. If the locations still are not found, then . . . C. Add 21 degrees to the given heading and follow that direction. If the camera location or photo point still has not been determined, presume that direction from the witness site to the camera location or photo point is reversed. In other words, a heading was taken from the photo point back to the camera location or camera location back to the witness site and recorded. Therefore . . . D. Add 180 degrees to the compass heading and proceed with (A) through (C), above. This system has produced results for me 95 percent of the time. Field Book for Rephotography 62 A photo-monitoring field book is recommended for carrying the original and some intervening photographs into the field. If different people did previous photographs, you may discover some disorientation of subsequent views. For that reason, a copy of the original photograph is very important. Rephotograph the original and not the misoriented intervening photographs. Figure 37—The author’s system for finding camera locations and photo points. It is a pocket-sized set of photographs and directions mounted on cardboard (file separator thickness). (A) A left landscape view of the sampling area at Pole Camp; the right view is figure 26. A also locates camera locations 1 and 2. Camera location 1 has two photo points: D is Pole Camp dry and W is Pole Camp wet (fig. 20). (B) The upstream photo point taken from camera location 2 to S and illustrated in figure 23. Maps of this area are shown in figures 14, 15, and 27. 63 A system I devised is shown in figure 37 for the Pole Camp example. Figure 37A is a landscape view of the Pole Camp flood plain with camera locations and some photo points identified. It locates the left of two flood-plain scenes; the right is shown in figure 26. Both are mapped in figure 15. Figure 37B is a general view from camera location 2 to photo point S on the streambank, the scene in figure 23. The pocket-size booklet has a picture of each camera location and photo point complete with directions from the witness site to camera location and orientation of the photo point. Cheap 5-ft fenceposts driven 2 ft into the ground are used to mark both camera locations and photo points. Once at the area, review the photographs for changes in vegetation. Next, note the number of years since the last photograph, particularly if it was taken more than 3 years previously. The purpose is to evaluate changes in the vegetation that might make previous photographs difficult to interpret (figs. 21, 23, 36, and 38; app. E). If camera locations and photo points are not marked, align items in the photographs as depicted in figures 16 and 38 and appendix E. Start in the center of the photograph to orient the direction of the picture as shown by line 1 (fig. 38). Then, orient items on the sides of the picture, shown by arrows 2 and 3, to triangulate the camera location. Move forward or back along the line to establish the distances shown at 2 and 3. This is the camera location and photo point direction. Mark them with fenceposts and add a meter board (photo point) location. Multiple-Camera System 64 When both color and black-and-white photographs are to be taken, consider the camera system shown in figure 39. One camera is for black-and-white, the other for color. The cameras are the same make and model to simplify adjustment for lighting and distance. Appendix C has construction details. Figure 38—Photograph reorientation uses a black-and-white photo on which a triangulation system is diagramed. A center line (1) is established on the original photograph (A) for direction. The center line is identified by position of trees in the background and framing the picture with trees in the foreground. Then positions of items 2 and 3 at the sides of the picture are used to triangulate the camera location. Looking to the right, note the position of trees at arrow 2 while also looking left for tree positions at arrow 3. (B) Move forward and backward along the center line until items at arrows 2 and 3 are lined up. Try to include some unusual object in the photograph, such as the pair of stumps in the lower right corner. Photograph A is a pre-underburn condition, and B is postburn and salvage of killed trees. In B, note missing trees at arrows a and b, and a burned-out stump at arrow c. 65 Figure 39—Asystem for combining color and black-and-white photography. Both cameras are connected by strap aluminum 1/8 inch thick and 1 inch wide bent into a U-shape with holes drilled for mounting screws to connect the cameras. The cameras operate independently. Please consider using identical cameras so all setting controls are adjusted in the same way, greatly avoiding mistakes. Review 66 Ground-based photo monitoring may be divided into two systems: (1) comparison photos whereby a photograph is used to compare a known condition (shown in the photo) with field conditions to estimate some parameter of the field condition, and (2) repeat photographs where several photos are taken of the same tract of ground over a period of time. Comparison systems can evaluate fuel loading and herbage utilization and monitor public reaction to scenery. Repeat photography was categorized into landscape, remote, and site-specific systems. Critical attributes of repeat photography are (1) maps to find the sampling location and of the photo monitoring layout; (2) documentation of the monitoring system to include camera and film, weather, season, sampling technique, and equipment; and (3) precise replication of photographs. 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