FEATURES Quad integrated I/Q demodulator 16 phase select on each output (22.5° per step) Quadrature demodulation accuracy Phase accuracy: ±1° Amplitude imbalance: ±0.05 dB Bandwidth 4LO: LF to 200 MHz RF: LF to 50 MHz Baseband: determined by external filtering Output dynamic range: 160 dB/Hz LO drive: >0 dBm (50 Ω), single-ended sine wave Supply: ±5 V Power consumption: 73 mW/channel (290 mW total) Power-down via SPI (each channel and complete chip) APPLICATIONS Medical imaging (CW ultrasound beamforming) Phased array systems Radar Adaptive antennas Communication receivers FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM RF1N RF1P AD8339 RSTS Φ I1OP Φ Q1OP Φ I2OP Φ Q2OP Φ I3OP Φ Q3OP Φ I4OP Φ Q4OP SCLK SDI SDO SERIAL INTERFACE CSB RF2P RF2N 4LOP 4LON 0° ÷4 90° RF3P RF3N VPOS BIAS VNEG RF4N RF4P 06587-001 Data Sheet DC to 50 MHz, Quad I/Q Demodulator and Phase Shifter AD8339 Figure 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The AD8339 1 is a quad I/Q demodulator configured to be driven by a low noise preamplifier with differential outputs. It is optimized for the LNA in the AD8332/AD8334/AD8335 family of VGAs. The part consists of four identical I/Q demodulators with a 4× local oscillator (LO) input that divides the signal and generates the necessary 0° and 90° phases of the internal LO that drive the mixers. The four I/Q demodulators can be used independently of each other (assuming that a common LO is acceptable) because each has a separate RF input. Continuous wave (CW) analog beamforming (ABF) and I/Q demodulation are combined in a single 40-lead, ultracompact chip scale device, making the AD8339 particularly applicable in high density ultrasound scanners. In an ABF system, time domain coherency is achieved following the appropriate phase alignment and summation of multiple receiver channels. A reset pin synchronizes multiple ICs to start each LO divider in the same quadrant. Sixteen programmable 22.5° phase increments are available for each channel. For example, if Channel 1 is used as a reference and Channel 2 has an I/Q phase lead of 45°, the user can phase align Channel 2 with Channel 1 by choosing the appropriate phase select code. 1 The mixer outputs are in current form for convenient summation. The independent I and Q mixer output currents are summed and converted to a voltage by a low noise, high dynamic range, current-to-voltage (I-V) transimpedance amplifier, such as the AD8021 or the AD829. Following the current summation, the combined signal is applied to a high resolution analog-to-digital converter (ADC), such as the AD7665 (16-bit, 570 kSPS). An SPI-compatible serial interface port is provided to easily program the phase of each channel; the interface allows daisy chaining by shifting the data through each chip from SDI to SDO. The SPI also allows for power-down of each individual channel and the complete chip. During power-down, the serial interface remains active so that the device can be programmed again. The dynamic range is typically 160 dB/Hz at the I and Q outputs. The AD8339 is available in a 6 mm × 6 mm, 40-lead LFCSP and is specified over the industrial temperature range of −40°C to +85°C. Protected by U.S. Patent Number 7,760,833. Rev. B Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. Tel: 781.329.4700 www.analog.com Fax: 781.461.3113 ©2007–2012 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. AD8339 Data Sheet TABLE OF CONTENTS Features .............................................................................................. 1 Dynamic Range and Noise ........................................................ 19 Applications ....................................................................................... 1 Multichannel Summation ......................................................... 20 Functional Block Diagram .............................................................. 1 Serial Interface ................................................................................ 23 General Description ......................................................................... 1 ENBL Bits .................................................................................... 23 Revision History ............................................................................... 2 Applications Information .............................................................. 24 Specifications..................................................................................... 3 Logic Inputs and Interfaces ....................................................... 24 Absolute Maximum Ratings............................................................ 5 Reset Input .................................................................................. 24 ESD Caution .................................................................................. 5 LO Input ...................................................................................... 24 Pin Configuration and Function Descriptions ............................. 6 Evaluation Board ............................................................................ 25 Equivalent Input Circuits ................................................................ 7 Connections to the Board ......................................................... 26 Typical Performance Characteristics ............................................. 8 Test Configurations .................................................................... 26 Test Circuits ..................................................................................... 14 AD8339-EVALZ Artwork ......................................................... 33 Theory of Operation ...................................................................... 18 Outline Dimensions ....................................................................... 35 Quadrature Generation ............................................................. 19 Ordering Guide .......................................................................... 35 I/Q Demodulator and Phase Shifter ........................................ 19 REVISION HISTORY 7/12—Rev. A to Rev. B Changes to Figure 1 and General Description Section ................ 1 2/09—Rev. 0 to Rev. A Change to Figure 1 ........................................................................... 1 Change to Table 2 ............................................................................. 5 Added Exposed Pad Notation to Figure 2; Changes to Table 3 ............................................................................ 6 Changes to Figure 3; Added Figure 4; Renumbered Sequentially ................................................................ 7 Changes to Theory of Operation Section .................................... 18 Changes to Dynamic Range and Noise Section, ........................ 20 Changes to Channel Summing Section ....................................... 21 Added Figure 55.............................................................................. 22 Changes to Serial Interface Section, ENBL Bits Section, Figure 56, and Figure 57 ................................................................ 23 Changes to Evaluation Board Section and Figure 58 ................ 25 Changes to Connections to the Board Section and Table 5 ...... 26 Changes to Figure 60...................................................................... 27 Changes to Figure 61...................................................................... 28 Changes to Table 7.......................................................................... 29 Changes to Figure 63...................................................................... 30 Changes to Figure 64...................................................................... 31 Changes to Figure 65...................................................................... 32 Changes to Figure 66 and Figure 67............................................. 33 Changes to Figure 68 and Figure 69............................................. 34 Deleted Table 8................................................................................ 35 Updated Outline Dimensions ....................................................... 35 8/07—Revision 0: Initial Version Rev. B | Page 2 of 36 Data Sheet AD8339 SPECIFICATIONS VS = ±5 V, TA = 25°C, 4fLO = 20 MHz, fRF = 5.01 MHz, fBB = 10 kHz, PLO ≥ 0 dBm, per channel performance, dBm (50 Ω), unless otherwise noted. Single-channel AD8021 LPF values: RFILT = 787 Ω and CFILT = 2.2 nF (see Figure 53). Table 1. Parameter OPERATING CONDITIONS Local Oscillator (LO) Frequency Range RF Frequency Range Baseband Bandwidth LO Input Level Supply Voltage (VS) Temperature Range DEMODULATOR PERFORMANCE Input Impedance Transconductance Dynamic Range Maximum Input Swing Peak Output Current (No Filtering) Input P1dB Third-Order Intermodulation (IM3) Equal Input Levels Unequal Input Levels Third-Order Input Intercept (IIP3) LO Leakage Conversion Gain Input Referred Noise Output Current Noise Noise Figure Bias Current LO Common-Mode Range RF Common-Mode Voltage Output Compliance Range PHASE ROTATION PERFORMANCE Phase Increment Quadrature Phase Error I/Q Amplitude Imbalance Channel-to-Channel Matching Test Conditions/Comments Min 4× internal LO at Pin 4LOP and Pin 4LON, square wave drive via LVDS (see Figure 64) Mixing Limited by external filtering Max Unit 0.01 200 MHz DC DC 50 50 13 ±5.5 +85 MHz MHz dBm V °C ±4.5 −40 RF, differential LO, differential Demodulated IOUT/VIN; each Ix or Qx output after low-pass filtering measured from RF inputs, all phases IP1dB − input referred noise (dBm) Differential; inputs biased at 2.5 V; Pin RFxP, Pin RFxN 0° phase shift 45° phase shift Ref = 50 Ω Ref = 1 V rms fRF1 = 5.010 MHz, fRF2 = 5.015 MHz, fLO = 5.023 MHz Baseband tones: 0 dBm @ 8 kHz and 13 kHz Baseband tones: −1 dBm @ 8 kHz and −31 dBm @ 13 kHz fRF1 = 5.010 MHz, fRF2 = 5.015 MHz, fLO = 5.023 MHz Measured at RF inputs, worst phase, measured into 50 Ω Measured at baseband outputs, worst phase, AD8021 disabled, measured into 50 Ω All codes, see Figure 42 Output noise/conversion gain (see Figure 47) Output noise/RFILT With AD8334 LNA RS = 50 Ω, RFB = ∞ RS = 50 Ω, RFB = 1.1 kΩ RS = 50 Ω, RFB = 274 Ω Pin 4LOP and Pin 4LON Pin RFxP and Pin RFxN Pin 4LOP and Pin 4LON (each pin) For maximum differential swing; Pin RFxP and Pin RFxN (dc-coupled to AD8334 LNA output) Pin IxOP and Pin QxOP One channel is reference; others are stepped 16 phase steps per channel Ix to Qx; all phases, 1σ Ix to Qx; all phases, 1σ Phase match I-to-I and Q-to-Q; −40°C < TA < +85°C Amplitude match I-to-I and Q-to-Q; −40°C < TA < +85°C Rev. B | Page 3 of 36 Typ 0 ±5.0 25||10 100||4 1.15 kΩ||pF kΩ||pF mS 160 2.8 ±2.4 ±3.1 14.8 1.85 dB/Hz V p-p mA mA dBm dBV −60 −66 31 −118 −68 dBc dBc dBm dBm dBm −1.3 11.8 12.9 dB nV/√Hz pA/√Hz 8.4 9.1 11.5 −3 −45 dB dB dB μA μA V V 0.2 3.8 2.5 −1.5 −2 +0.7 22.5 ±1 ±0.05 ±1 ±0.1 +2 V Degrees Degrees dB Degrees dB AD8339 Parameter LOGIC INTERFACES Pin SDI, Pin CSB, Pin SCLK, Pin RSET Logic Level High Logic Level Low Pin RSTS Logic Level High Logic Level Low Bias Current Input Resistance LO Divider RSET Setup Time LO Divider RSET High Pulse Width LO Divider RSET Response Time Phase Response Time Enable Response Time Output Logic Level High Logic Level Low SPI TIMING CHARACTERISTICS SCLK Frequency CSB Fall to SCLK Setup Time SCLK High Pulse Width SCLK Low Pulse Width Data Access Time (SDO) After SCLK Rising Edge Data Setup Time Before SCLK Rising Edge Data Hold Time After SCLK Rising Edge SCLK Rise to CSB Rise Hold Time CSB Rise to SCLK Rise Hold Time POWER SUPPLY Supply Voltage Current Over Temperature, −40°C < TA < +85°C Quiescent Power Disable Current PSRR Data Sheet Test Conditions/Comments Min Typ Max Unit 0.9 V V 1.5 1.8 1.2 Logic high (pulled to 5 V) Logic low (pulled to GND) RSET rising or falling edge to 4LOP or 4LON (differential) rising edge 0.5 0 4 5 20 200 5 12 Measured from CSB going high Measured from CSB going high (with 0.1 μF capacitor on Pin LODC); no channel enabled At least one channel enabled Pin SDO loaded with 5 pF and next SDI input 500 1.7 Pin SDI, Pin SDO, Pin CSB, Pin SCLK, Pin RSTS fCLK t1 t2 t3 t4 15 1.9 0.2 V V μA μA MΩ ns ns ns μs μs ns 0.5 10 0 10 10 100 V V MHz ns ns ns ns t5 2 ns t6 2 ns t7 t8 Pin VPOS, Pin VNEG 15 0 ns ns ±4.5 VPOS, all phase bits = 0 VNEG, all phase bits = 0 VPOS, all phase bits = 0 VNEG, all phase bits = 0 Per channel, all phase bits = 0 Per channel maximum (depends on phase bits) All channels disabled; SPI stays on VPOS to Ix/Qx outputs, @ 10 kHz VNEG to Ix/Qx outputs, @ 10 kHz Rev. B | Page 4 of 36 ±5.0 35 −18 33 ±5.5 36 −19 −17 66 88 2.75 −85 −85 V mA mA mA mA mW mW mA dB dB Data Sheet AD8339 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Table 2. Parameter Voltages Supply Voltage (VS) RF Inputs 4LO Inputs Outputs (IxOP, QxOP) Digital Inputs SDO Output LODC Pin Thermal Data (4-Layer JEDEC Board, No Airflow, Exposed Pad Soldered to PCB) θJA θJB θJC ψJT ψJB Maximum Junction Temperature Maximum Power Dissipation (Exposed Pad Soldered to PCB) Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Lead Temperature (Soldering, 60 sec) Rating ±6 V 6 V to GND 6 V to GND +0.7 V to −6 V +6 V to −1.4 V 6 V to GND VPOS − 1.5 V to +6 V Stresses above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only; functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational section of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. ESD CAUTION 32.2°C/W 17.8°C/W 2.7°C/W 0.3°C/W 16.7°C/W 150°C 2W −40°C to +85°C −65°C to +150°C 300°C Rev. B | Page 5 of 36 AD8339 Data Sheet RSET I1OP Q1OP VNEG RSTS SDI RF1P RF1N COMM VPOS PIN CONFIGURATION AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 RF2N RF2P COMM COMM 1 2 3 4 VPOS 5 6 7 8 RF3P RF3N 9 10 SCLK CSB VPOS 30 29 28 27 Q2OP AD8339 26 TOP VIEW (Not to Scale) 4LOP 25 24 4LON 23 22 21 VNEG I3OP PIN 1 INDICATOR I2OP VPOS VPOS VNEG Q3OP 06587-002 LODC I4OP Q4OP VNEG VPOS SDO RF4P RF4N COMM VPOS 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 NOTES 1. THE EXPOSED PAD IS NOT CONNECTED INTERNALLY. FOR INCREASED RELIABILITY OF THE SOLDER JOINTS AND MAXIMUM THERMAL CAPABILITY, IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE PAD BE SOLDERED TO THE GROUND PLANE. Figure 2. Pin Configuration Table 3. Pin Function Descriptions Pin No. 1, 2, 9, 10, 13, 14, 37, 38 3, 4, 15, 36 5 6 7, 8, 11, 16, 27, 28, 35 Mnemonic RF1P to RF4P, RF1N to RF4N COMM SCLK CSB VPOS 12 17 SDO LODC 18, 19, 21, 22, 29, 30, 32, 33 I1OP to I4OP, Q1OP to Q4OP 20, 23, 24, 31 VNEG 25, 26 4LON, 4LOP 34 39 RSET SDI 40 RSTS EP Description RF Inputs. Require external 2.5 V bias for optimum symmetrical input differential swing if ±5 V supplies are used. Ground. Serial Interface Clock. Serial Interface Chip Select Bar. Active low. Positive Supply. These pins should be decoupled with a ferrite bead in series with the supply and a 0.1 μF capacitor between the VPOS pins and ground. Because the VPOS pins are internally connected, one set of supply decoupling components on each side of the chip should be sufficient. Serial Interface Data Output. Normally connected to the SDI pin of the next chip or left open. Decoupling Pin for LO. A 0.1 μF capacitor should be connected between this pin and ground. The value of this capacitor affects the chip enable/disable times. I/Q Outputs. These outputs provide a bidirectional current that can be converted back to a voltage via a transimpedance amplifier. Multiple outputs can be summed by simply connecting them (wire-OR). The bias voltage should be set to 0 V or less by the transimpedance amplifier (see Figure 53). Negative Supply. These pins should be decoupled with a ferrite bead in series with the supply and a 0.1 μF capacitor between the VNEG pins and ground. Because the VNEG pins are internally connected, one set of supply decoupling components for the chip should be sufficient. LO Inputs. No internal bias; optimally biased by an LVDS driver. For best performance, these inputs should be driven differentially. If driven by a single-ended sine wave at 4LOP or 4LON, the signal level should be >0 dBm (50 Ω) with external bias resistors. Reset for LO Interface. Logic threshold is at ~1.3 V and therefore can be driven by >1.8 V CMOS logic. Serial Interface Data Input. Logic threshold is at ~1.3 V and therefore can be driven by >1.8 V CMOS logic. Reset for SPI Interface. Logic threshold is at ~1.5 V with ±0.3 V hysteresis and should be driven by >3.3 V CMOS logic. For quick testing without the need to program the SPI, the voltage on the RSTS pin should be pulled to −1.4 V; this enables all four channels in the phase (I = 1, Q = 0) state. Exposed Pad. The exposed pad is not connected internally. For increased reliability of the solder joints and maximum thermal capability, it is recommended that the pad be soldered to the ground plane. Rev. B | Page 6 of 36 Data Sheet AD8339 EQUIVALENT INPUT CIRCUITS VPOS VPOS LODC SCLK CSB SDI RSET COMM 06587-005 06587-003 LOGIC INTERFACE COMM Figure 3. SCLK, CSB, SDI, and RSET Logic Inputs Figure 6. LO Decoupling Pin VPOS VPOS RFxP LOGIC INTERFACE RSTS 06587-006 COMM 06587-104 RFxN COMM Figure 4. RSTS Logic Input Figure 7. RF Inputs COMM VPOS IxOP QxOP 4LOP VNEG Figure 8. Output Drivers Figure 5. Local Oscillator Inputs Rev. B | Page 7 of 36 06587-007 COMM 06587-004 4LON AD8339 Data Sheet TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS VS = ±5 V, TA = 25°C, 4fLO = 20 MHz, fLO = 5 MHz, fRF = 5.01 MHz, fBB = 10 kHz, 4fLO − LVDS drive; per channel performance shown is typical of all channels, differential voltages, dBm (50 Ω), phase select code = 0000, unless otherwise noted (see Figure 42). 1.5 2 f = 1MHz CODE 0100 CODE 0011 CODE 0010 0 PHASE ERROR (Degrees) CODE 0001 Q 0.5 CODE 1000 CODE 0000 0 I –0.5 –1 CHANNEL 3 CHANNEL 4 –2 2 f = 1MHz 1 0 06587-008 –1.0 CODE 1100 –1.5 –2.0 –1.5 –1.0 –0.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 06587-011 IMAGINARY (Normalized) 1.0 f = 5MHz 1 –1 CHANNEL 3 CHANNEL 4 –2 0000 0010 0100 2.0 REAL (Normalized) 0110 1000 1010 1100 1110 1111 CODE (Binary) Figure 9. Normalized Vector Plot of Phase, Ch 2, Ch 3, and Ch 4 vs. Ch 1; Ch 1 Fixed at 0°; Ch 2, Ch 3, and Ch 4 Stepped 22.5°/Step; All Codes Displayed Figure 12. Representative Phase Error vs. Binary Phase Select Code at 1 MHz and 5 MHz; Ch 3 and Ch 4 Are Displayed with Respect to Ch 1 360 270 5MHz 225 1 2 180 1MHz 135 90 0 0000 06587-009 45 06587-012 PHASE DELAY (Degrees) 315 0010 0100 0110 1000 1010 1100 1110 C2 500mV Ω C4 500mV Ω 1111 CODE (Binary) Figure 10. Representative Phase Delay vs. Binary Phase Select Code at 1 MHz and 5 MHz; Ch 3 and Ch 4 Are Displayed with Respect to Ch 1 20.0µs/DIV 2.5MS/s 400ns/PT A C2 30.0mV R1 500mV 20µs R2 500mV 20µs Figure 13. Representative Phase Delays of the I or Q Outputs; Ch 2 Is Displayed with Respect to Ch 1, for Delays of 22.5°, 45°, 67.5°, and 90° 1.0 1 I OUTPUT OF CHANNEL 1 SHOWN f = 5MHz 0.5 CHANNEL 3 CHANNEL 4 –1.0 1.0 f = 1MHz 0.5 0 CHANNEL 3 CHANNEL 4 –1.0 0000 0010 0100 0110 1000 1010 1100 1110 –1 –2 CODE 0000 CODE 0001 CODE 0010 CODE 0011 06587-010 –0.5 0 –3 1M 1111 CODE (Binary) 06587-013 –0.5 CONVERSION GAIN (dB) AMPLITUDE ERROR (dB) 0 10M 50M RF FREQUENCY (Hz) Figure 11. Representative Amplitude Error vs. Binary Phase Select Code at 1 MHz and 5 MHz; Ch 3 and Ch 4 Are Displayed with Respect to Ch 1 Rev. B | Page 8 of 36 Figure 14. Conversion Gain vs. RF Frequency, First Quadrant, Baseband Frequency = 10 kHz Data Sheet AD8339 0.5 0.4 4 2 0 –2 –4 –6 –8 1M 0.2 0.1 0 –0.1 –0.2 –0.3 –0.4 –0.5 100 50M 10M 0.3 06587-017 I/Q AMPLITUDE IMBALANCE (dB) 6 06587-014 QUADRATURE PHASE ERROR (Degrees) 8 1k RF FREQUENCY (Hz) 10k 100k BASEBAND FREQUENCY (Hz) Figure 15. Representative Range of Quadrature Phase Error vs. RF Frequency for All Channels and Codes Figure 18. Representative Range of I/Q Amplitude Imbalance vs. Baseband Frequency for All Channels and Codes (See Figure 44) 2.0 3 2 AMPLITUDE MATCH (dB) 1.0 0.5 0 –0.5 –1.0 1 0 –1 –2.0 100 1k 10k 06587-018 –2 –1.5 06587-015 –3 1M 100k 10M BASEBAND FREQUENCY (Hz) Figure 16. Representative Range of Quadrature Phase Error vs. Baseband Frequency for All Channels and Codes (See Figure 44) Figure 19. Typical Channel-to-Channel Amplitude Match vs. RF Frequency, First Quadrant, over the Range of Operating Temperatures 0.5 8 fBB = 10kHz 0.4 6 PHASE ERROR (Degrees) 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 –0.1 –0.2 4 2 0 –2 –4 –0.3 –0.4 –0.5 1M –6 06587-016 I/Q AMPLITUDE IMBALANCE (dB) 50M RF FREQUENCY (Hz) 10M –8 1M 50M RF FREQUENCY (Hz) 06587-019 QUADRATURE PHASE ERROR (Degrees) fBB = 10kHz 1.5 10M 50M RF FREQUENCY (Hz) Figure 17. Representative Range of I/Q Amplitude Imbalance vs. RF Frequency for All Channels and Codes Figure 20. Typical Channel-to-Channel Phase Error vs. RF Frequency, First Quadrant, over the Range of Operating Temperatures Rev. B | Page 9 of 36 AD8339 Data Sheet 1.4 0 I OUTPUT OF CHANNEL 1 SHOWN TRANSCONDUCTANCE = [(VBB/787Ω)/VRF] –10 –20 IM3 (dBc) 1.2 1.1 –30 3 8 13 18 IM3 PRODUCTS LO = 5.023MHz RF1 = 5.015MHz RF2 = 5.010MHz –40 –50 –60 0.8 1M 10M 06587-023 PHASE DELAY = 0° PHASE DELAY = 22.5° PHASE DELAY = 45° PHASE DELAY = 67.5° 0.9 –70 1M 50M 10M 50M RF FREQUENCY (Hz) RF FREQUENCY (Hz) Figure 21. Transconductance vs. RF Frequency for First Quadrant Phase Delays Figure 24. Representative Range of IM3 vs. RF Frequency, First Quadrant (See Figure 49) 10 35 +85°C +25°C –40°C 0 30 –10 25 –20 OIP3 (dBm) –30 –40 20 15 10 –50 5 06587-021 –60 –70 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 06587-024 CONVERSION GAIN (dB) 0dBm 1.0 06587-020 TRANSCONDUCTANCE (mS) 1.3 0 1M 5.0 COMMON-MODE VOLTAGE (V) 10M 50M RF FREQUENCY (Hz) Figure 22. LO Common-Mode Range at Three Temperatures Figure 25. Representative Range of OIP3 vs. RF Frequency, First Quadrant (See Figure 49) 20 35 18 30 16 25 OIP3 (dBm) 12 10 8 6 20 15 10 4 10M 0 1k 50M RF FREQUENCY (Hz) 06587-025 2 0 1M 5 06587-022 IP1dB (dBm) 14 10k 100k BASEBAND FREQUENCY (Hz) Figure 23. Representative Range of IP1dB vs. RF Frequency, Baseband Frequency = 10 kHz, First Quadrant (See Figure 43) Figure 26. Representative Range of OIP3 vs. Baseband Frequency (See Figure 48) Rev. B | Page 10 of 36 Data Sheet AD8339 20 0 LO LEVEL = 0dBm 18 –10 16 NOISE FIGURE (dB) –30 –40 –50 –60 –70 14 12 10 8 6 06587-026 4 –80 –90 1M 10M 06587-029 LO LEAKAGE (dBm) –20 2 0 1M 50M 10M 50M RF FREQUENCY (Hz) RF FREQUENCY (Hz) Figure 27. Representative Range of LO Leakage vs. RF Frequency at I and Q Outputs Figure 30. Noise Figure vs. RF Frequency (When Driven by AD8334 LNA) 0 172 LO LEVEL = 0dBm 170 –20 –60 –80 –100 166 164 162 160 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 I1 + I2 I3 + I4 Q1 + Q2 Q3 + Q4 I1 + I2 + I3 + I4 Q1 + Q2 + Q3 + Q4 158 156 06587-027 –120 –140 1M 10M 154 152 1M 50M 10M RF FREQUENCY (Hz) 06587-030 –40 DYNAMIC RANGE (dB) LO LEAKAGE (dBm) 168 50M RF FREQUENCY (Hz) Figure 28. Representative Range of LO Leakage vs. RF Frequency at RF Inputs Figure 31. Dynamic Range vs. RF Frequency, IP1dB Minus Noise Level 16 –142.9 0 14 –144.1 –2 12 –145.4 –4 10 –147.0 –6 8 –148.9 6 –151.4 4 –154.9 –12 2 –161.0 –14 10M GAIN (dB) NOISE (dBm) –16 –3.5 50M RF FREQUENCY (Hz) DELAY = 0° DELAY = 22.5° DELAY = 45° DELAY = 67.5° –3.0 –2.5 –2.0 –1.5 –1.0 –0.5 06587-031 0 1M –8 –10 06587-028 NOISE (nV/√Hz) GAIN = VBB/VRF 0 0.5 1.0 VOLTAGE (V) Figure 29. Representative Range of Input Referred Noise vs. RF Frequency Figure 32. Output Compliance Range for Four Values of Phase Delay (See Figure 50) Rev. B | Page 11 of 36 AD8339 Data Sheet T CH3 AMPL 3.18V CH3 AMPL 5.04V 3 3 CH2 AMPL 790mV CH2 AMPL 370mV 2 CH2 500mV CH3 1.00V Ω M200ns A CH3 T 608.000ns 06587-035 06587-032 2 CH3 2.00V Ω CH2 500mV 600mV Figure 33. Enable Response vs. CSB (Filter Disabled to Show Response) with a Previously Enabled Channel (See Figure 44) 3 M200µs A CH3 T –175.200ns 2.52mV Figure 36. LO Reset Response (see Figure 45) 3 2 CH2 AMPL 1.82V CH3 1.00V Ω CH2 500mV M2.00µs A CH3 T 7.840µs 06587-036 06587-033 2 CH3 1.00V Ω CH2 1.00V CH4 1.00V 780mV Figure 34. Enable Response vs. CSB (Filter Disabled to Show Response) with No Channels Previously Enabled (See Figure 44) M40.0µs A CH3 T 46.4000µs 640mV Figure 37. Phase Switching Response at 45° (Top: CSB) CH3 AMPL 3.18V 3 3 CH2 AMPL 210mV 06587-034 CH3 1.00V Ω CH2 500mV M200µs A CH3 T –492.00ns 06587-037 2 2 CH3 1.00V Ω CH2 1.00V CH4 1.00V 600mV Figure 35. Disable Response vs. CSB (Top: CSB) (See Figure 44) M40.0µs A CH3 T 46.4000µs 640mV Figure 38. Phase Switching Response at 90° (Top: CSB) Rev. B | Page 12 of 36 Data Sheet AD8339 60 SUPPLY CURRENT (mA) 50 3 40 VPOS 30 20 VNEG 2 CH3 1.00V Ω CH2 1.00V CH4 1.00V M40.0µs A CH3 T 46.4000µs 0 –50 640mV –10 –20 –40 –50 VNEG –60 VPOS –70 –80 06587-039 PSRR (dB) –30 100k 1M 10M –10 10 30 50 Figure 41. Supply Current vs. Temperature 0 –100 10k –30 TEMPERATURE (°C) Figure 39. Phase Switching Response at 180° (Top: CSB) –90 06587-040 06587-038 10 50M FREQUENCY (Hz) Figure 40. PSRR vs. Frequency (see Figure 51) Rev. B | Page 13 of 36 70 90 AD8339 Data Sheet TEST CIRCUITS AD8021 787Ω AD8334 LNA 120nH FB 0.1µF 20Ω LPF 50Ω 2.2nF RFxP IxOP AD8339 20Ω 0.1µF RFxN QxOP 4LOP SIGNAL GENERATOR OSCILLOSCOPE 2.2nF 787Ω 50Ω AD8021 06587-041 SIGNAL GENERATOR Figure 42. Default Test Circuit AD8021 100Ω AD8334 LNA 120nH FB 0.1µF 20Ω LPF 50Ω 10nF RFxP IxOP AD8339 20Ω 0.1µF RFxN QxOP 4LOP SIGNAL GENERATOR OSCILLOSCOPE 10nF 100Ω 50Ω AD8021 06587-042 SIGNAL GENERATOR Figure 43. P1dB Test Circuit AD8021 AD8334 LNA 120nH FB 0.1µF 20Ω LPF 50Ω IxOP RFxP 787Ω OSCILLOSCOPE AD8339 0.1µF 20Ω RFxN QxOP 4LOP 787Ω SIGNAL GENERATOR 50Ω AD8021 Figure 44. Phase and Amplitude vs. Baseband Frequency Rev. B | Page 14 of 36 06587-043 SIGNAL GENERATOR Data Sheet AD8339 AD8021 AD8334 LNA 120nH FB 0.1µF 20Ω RFxP LPF 787Ω IxOP OSCILLOSCOPE AD8339 50Ω RFxN RSET 20Ω 0.1µF 787Ω QxOP 4LOP SIGNAL GENERATOR 50Ω 50Ω SIGNAL GENERATOR 06587-044 SIGNAL GENERATOR AD8021 Figure 45. LO Reset Response AD8334 LNA 120nH FB 0.1µF OSCILLOSCOPE 20Ω LPF 50Ω IxOP RFxP AD8339 20Ω 0.1µF 50Ω 50Ω QxOP 4LOP RFxN SIGNAL GENERATOR 50Ω 06587-045 SIGNAL GENERATOR Figure 46. RF Input Range AD829 6.98kΩ AD8334 LNA 20Ω 270pF RFxP 0.1µF 0.1µF 20Ω IxOP AD8339 RFxN QxOP 4LOP SPECTRUM ANALYZER 270pF 6.98kΩ 50Ω SIGNAL GENERATOR Figure 47. Noise Rev. B | Page 15 of 36 AD829 06587-046 120nH FB 0.1µF AD8339 Data Sheet AD8021 787Ω SPLITTER AD8334 –9.5dB LNA 120nH 20Ω FB 0.1µF 50Ω 100pF RFxP SIGNAL GENERATOR IxOP AD8339 50Ω RFxN 20Ω 0.1µF SPECTRUM ANALYZER 100pF QxOP 4LOP 787Ω SIGNAL GENERATOR 50Ω AD8021 06587-047 SIGNAL GENERATOR Figure 48. OIP3 vs. Baseband Frequency AD8021 787Ω SPLITTER AD8334 –9.5dB LNA 120nH 20Ω FB 0.1µF 50Ω 2.2nF RFxP SIGNAL GENERATOR IxOP AD8339 50Ω RFxN 20Ω 0.1µF SPECTRUM ANALYZER 2.2nF QxOP 4LOP 787Ω SIGNAL GENERATOR 50Ω AD8021 06587-048 SIGNAL GENERATOR Figure 49. OIP3 and IM3 vs. RF Frequency AD8021 787Ω AD8334 LNA 20Ω LPF 50Ω 2.2nF RFxP IxOP AD8339 0.1µF 20Ω RFxN QxOP 4LOP SIGNAL GENERATOR OSCILLOSCOPE 2.2nF 787Ω 50Ω SIGNAL GENERATOR AD8021 Figure 50. Output Compliance Range Rev. B | Page 16 of 36 06587-049 120nH FB 0.1µF Data Sheet AD8339 SIGNAL GENERATOR VPOS VPOS RFxP 0.1µF SPECTRUM ANALYZER AD8339 RFxN QxOP 4LOP SIGNAL GENERATOR 06587-050 VPOS IxOP Figure 51. PSRR Rev. B | Page 17 of 36 AD8339 Data Sheet THEORY OF OPERATION RF2N 1 RF2P 2 COMM 3 COMM 4 SCLK 5 RSTS SDI RF1P RF1N 40 39 38 37 COMM VPOS 36 RSET I1OP Q1OP VNEG 34 33 32 31 35 0° Φ CURRENT MIRROR 30 Q2OP Φ CURRENT MIRROR 29 I2OP Φ CURRENT MIRROR 28 VPOS Φ CURRENT MIRROR 27 VPOS 26 4LOP 25 4LON V TO I V TO I SERIAL INTERFACE (SPI) 0° LOCAL OSCILLATOR DIVIDE BY 4 90° CSB 6 VPOS 7 Φ CURRENT MIRROR 24 VNEG Φ CURRENT MIRROR 23 VNEG Φ CURRENT MIRROR 22 I3OP Φ CURRENT MIRROR 21 Q3OP V TO I VPOS 8 RF3P 9 BIAS V TO I RF3N 10 11 12 13 14 VPOS SDO RF4P RF4N 15 17 18 19 20 LODC I4OP Q4OP VNEG 16 COMM VPOS 06587-051 AD8339 Figure 52. AD8339 Block Diagram The AD8339 is a quad I/Q demodulator with a programmable phase shifter for each channel. The primary application is phased array beamforming in medical ultrasound. Other potential applications include phased array radar and smart antennas for mobile communications. The AD8339 can also be used in applications that require multiple well-matched I/Q demodulators. The AD8339 is architecturally very similar to its predecessor, the AD8333. The major differences are • • The addition of a serial (SPI) interface that allows daisy chaining of multiple devices Reduced power per channel Figure 52 shows the block diagram and pinout of the AD8339. The analog inputs include the four RF inputs, which accept signals from the RF sources, and a local oscillator (applied to differential input pins marked 4LOP and 4LON) common to all channels. Each channel can be shifted up to 347.5° in 16 increments, or 22.5° per increment, via the SPI port. The AD8339 has two reset inputs: RSET synchronizes the LO dividers when multiple AD8339s are used in arrays; RSTS sets all the SPI port control bits to 0. RSTS is used for testing or to disable the AD8339 without the need to program it via the SPI port. The I and Q outputs are current-formatted and summed together for beamforming applications. A transimpedance amplifier using an AD8021 op amp is a nearly ideal method for summing multiple channels and current-to-voltage conversion because each of the AD8339 outputs is terminated by a virtual ground. A further advantage of the transimpedance amplifier is the simple implementation of high-pass filtering and the flexible number of channels accommodated. Rev. B | Page 18 of 36 Data Sheet AD8339 QUADRATURE GENERATION The internal 0° and 90° LO phases are digitally generated by a divide-by-4 logic circuit. The divider is dc-coupled and inherently broadband; the maximum LO frequency is limited only by its switching speed. The duty cycle of the quadrature LO signals is intrinsically 50% and is unaffected by the asymmetry of the externally connected 4LO input. Furthermore, the divider is implemented such that the 4LO signal reclocks the final flipflops that generate the internal LO signals and thereby minimizes noise introduced by the divide circuitry. For optimum performance, the 4LO input is driven differentially, but it can also be driven single-ended. A good choice for a drive is an LVDS device as is done on the AD8339 evaluation board. The common-mode range on each pin is approximately 0.2 V to 3.8 V with the nominal ±5 V supplies. The minimum 4LO level is frequency dependent when driven by a sine wave. For optimum noise performance, it is important to ensure that the LO source has very low phase noise (jitter) and adequate input level to ensure stable mixer core switching. The gain through the divider determines the LO signal level vs. RF frequency. The AD8339 can be operated at very low frequencies at the LO inputs if a square wave is used to drive the LO, as is done with the LVDS driver on the evaluation board. Beamforming applications require a precise channel-to-channel phase relationship for coherence among multiple channels. A reset pin is provided to synchronize the LO divider circuits in different AD8339s when they are used in arrays. The RSET pin resets the dividers to a known state after power is applied to multiple AD8339s. A logic input must be provided to the RSET pin when using more than one AD8339. Note that at least one channel must be enabled for the LO interface to also be enabled and the LO reset to work. See the Reset Input section for more information. I/Q DEMODULATOR AND PHASE SHIFTER The I/Q demodulators consist of double-balanced Gilbert cell mixers. The RF input signals are converted into currents by transconductance stages that have a maximum differential input signal capability of 2.8 V p-p. These currents are then presented to the mixers, which convert them to baseband (RF − LO) and twice RF (RF + LO). The signals are phase shifted according to the codes programmed into the SPI latch (see Table 4); the phase bits are labeled PHx0 through PHx3, where 0 indicates LSB and 3 indicates MSB. The phase shift function is an integral part of the overall circuit. The phase shift listed in Column 1 of Table 4 is defined as being between the baseband I or Q channel outputs. As an example, for a common signal applied to a pair of RF inputs to an AD8339, the baseband outputs are in phase for matching phase codes. However, if the phase code for Channel 1 is 0000 and that of Channel 2 is 0001, then Channel 2 leads Channel 1 by 22.5°. Following the phase shift circuitry, the differential current signal is converted from differential to single-ended via a current mirror. An external transimpedance amplifier is needed to convert the I and Q outputs to voltages. Table 4. Phase Select Code for Channel-to-Channel Phase Shift Φ Shift 0° 22.5° 45° 67.5° 90° 112.5° 135° 157.5° 180° 202.5° 225° 247.5° 270° 292.5° 315° 337.5° PHx3 (MSB) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PHx2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 PHx1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 PHx0 (LSB) 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 DYNAMIC RANGE AND NOISE Figure 53 is an interconnection block diagram of all four channels of the AD8339. More channels are easily added to the summation (up to 16 when using an AD8021 as the summation amplifier) by wire-OR connecting the outputs as shown for four channels. For optimum system noise performance, the RF input signal is provided by a very low noise amplifier, such as the LNA of the AD8332, AD8334, or AD8335. In beamforming applications, the I and Q outputs of a number of receiver channels are summed (for example, the four channels illustrated in Figure 53). The dynamic range of the system increases by the factor 10 log10(N), where N is the number of channels (assuming random uncorrelated noise). The noise in the 4-channel example of Figure 53 is increased by 6 dB while the signal quadruples (12 dB), yielding an aggregate SNR improvement of 6 dB (12 − 6). Judicious selection of the RF amplifier ensures the least degradation in dynamic range. The input referred spectral voltage noise density (en) of the AD8339 is nominally ~11 nV/√Hz. For the noise of the AD8339 to degrade the system noise figure (NF) by 1 dB, the combined noise of the source and the LNA should be approximately twice that of the AD8339, or 22 nV/√Hz. If the noise of the circuitry before the AD8339 is less than 22 nV/√Hz, the system NF degrades more than 1 dB. For example, if the noise contribution of the LNA and source is equal to the AD8339, or 11 nV/√Hz, the degradation is 3 dB. If the circuit noise preceding the AD8339 is 1.3× as large as that of the AD8339 (or ~14 nV/√Hz), the degradation is 2 dB. For a circuit noise 1.45× that of the AD8339 (16 nV/√Hz), the degradation is 1.5 dB. Rev. B | Page 19 of 36 AD8339 Data Sheet maintaining the corner frequency, thereby increasing the gain. The factor limiting the magnitude of the gain is the output swing and drive capability of the op amp selected for the I-to-V converter, in this example, the AD8021. To determine the input referred noise, it is important to know the active low-pass filter (LPF) values RFILT and CFILT, shown in Figure 53. Typical filter values for a single channel are 1.58 kΩ for RFILT and 1 nF for CFILT; these values implement a 100 kHz single-pole LPF. If two channels are summed, as is done on the AD8339 evaluation board, the resistor value is halved (787 Ω) and the capacitor value is doubled (2.2 nF), maintaining the same pole frequency at twice the AD8339 current. The limitation on the number of channels summed is the drive capability of the amplifier, as explained in detail in the Channel Summing section. MULTICHANNEL SUMMATION If the RF and LO are offset by 10 kHz, the demodulated signal is 10 kHz and is passed by the LPF. The single-channel mixing gain from the RF input to the AD8021 output (for example, I1´, Q1´) is approximately 1.7× (4.7 dB) for 1.58 kΩ and 1 nF, or 6 dB less for filter values of 787 Ω and 2.2 nF (0.85× or −1.3 dB). The noise contributed by the AD8339 is then 11 nV/√Hz × 1.7 or ~18.7 nV/√Hz at the AD8021 output. The combined noise of the AD8021 and the 1.58 kΩ feedback resistor is 6.3 nV/√Hz, so the total output referred noise is approximately 19.7 nV/√Hz. This value can be adjusted by increasing the filter resistor while AD8332, AD8334 LNA OR AD8335 PREAMP TRANSMITTER Analog Beamforming Beamforming, as applied to medical ultrasound, is defined as the phase alignment and summation of signals generated from a common source, but received at different times by a multielement ultrasound transducer. Beamforming has two functions: it imparts directivity to the transducer, enhancing its gain, and it defines a focal point within the body from which the location of the returning echo is derived. The primary application for the AD8339 is in analog beamforming circuits for ultrasound. AD8339 RFB 2 2 2 2 I1 Φ 2 T/R SW TRANSDUCER RFB 2 2 Q1 Φ CFILT I2 Φ RFILT AD7665 OR AD7686 ΣI 2 T/R SW 2 2 16-BIT ADC I DATA Q2 Φ AD8021 RFB 2 I3 Φ CFILT AD7665 OR AD7686 RFILT RFB 2 2 2 2 2 2 Q3 Φ I4 Φ ΣQ 16-BIT ADC Q DATA AD8021 2 0° 90° QUADRATURE DIVIDER Q4 Φ SDI CONTROLLER CLOCK DATA SYSTEM TIMING Figure 53. Interconnection Block Diagram for the AD8339 Rev. B | Page 20 of 36 06587-052 T/R SW T/R SW 2 2 Data Sheet AD8339 Combining Phase Compensation and Analog Beamforming The AD8339 integrates the phase shifter, frequency conversion, and I/Q demodulation into a single package and directly yields the baseband signal. Figure 54 is a simplified diagram showing the concept for all four channels. The ultrasound wave (US wave) is received by four transducer elements, TE1 through TE4, in an ultrasound probe and generates signals E1 through E4. In this example, the phase at TE1 leads the phase at TE2 by 45°. Modern ultrasound machines used for medical applications employ an array of receivers for beamforming, with typical CW Doppler array sizes of up to 64 receiver channels that are phase shifted and summed together to extract coherent information. When used in multiples, the desired signals from each of the channels can be summed to yield a larger signal (increased by a factor N, where N is the number of channels), and the noise is increased by the square root of the number of channels. This technique enhances the signal-to-noise performance of the machine. The critical elements in a beamformer design are the means to align the incoming signals in the time domain and the means to sum the individual signals into a composite whole. Channel Summing Figure 55 shows a 16-channel beamformer using AD8339s, AD8021s, and an AD797. The number of channels summed is limited by the current drive capability of the amplifier used to implement the active low-pass filter and current-to-voltage converter. An AD8021 sums up to 16 AD8339 outputs. In an ultrasound application, the instantaneous phase difference between echo signals is influenced by the transducer-element spacing, the wavelength (λ), the speed of sound in the media, the angle of incidence of the probe to the target, and other factors. In Figure 54, the signals E1 through E4 are amplified 19 dB by the low noise amplifiers in the AD8334; for lower power portable ultrasound applications, the AD8335 can be used instead of the AD8334 for the lowest power per channel. For optimum signalto-noise performance, the output of the LNA is applied directly to the input of the AD8339. To sum the signals E1 through E4, E2 is shifted 45° relative to E1 by setting the phase code in Channel 2 to 0010, E3 is shifted 90° (0100), and E4 is shifted 135° (0110). The phase aligned current signals at the output of the AD8339 are summed in an I-to-V converter to provide the combined output signal with a theoretical improvement in dynamic range of 6 dB for the four channels. In traditional analog beamformers incorporating Doppler, a V-to-I converter per channel and a crosspoint switch precede passive delay lines used as a combined phase shifter and summing circuit. The system operates at the carrier frequency (RF) through the delay line, which also sums the signals from the various channels, and then the combined signal is downconverted by a very large dynamic range I/Q demodulator. The resultant I and Q signals are filtered and then sampled by two high resolution analog-to-digital converters. The sampled signals are processed to extract the relevant Doppler information. Alternatively, the RF signal can be processed by downconversion on each channel individually, phase shifting the downconverted signal, and then combining all channels. The AD8333 and the AD8339 implement this architecture. The downconversion is done by an I/Q demodulator on each channel, and the summed current output is the same as in the delay line approach. The subsequent filters after the I-to-V conversion and the ADCs are similar. TRANSDUCER ELEMENTS TE1 THROUGH TE4 CONVERT US TO ELECTRICAL SIGNALS AD8334 CH 1 PHASE SET FOR 135° LAG S1 19dB LNA 19dB LNA CH 2 PHASE SET FOR 90° LAG S2 E2 CH 3 PHASE SET FOR 45° LAG S3 19dB LNA CH 4 PHASE SET FOR 0° LAG S4 19dB LNA 45° E3 135° SUMMED OUTPUT S1 + S2 + S3 + S4 E4 Figure 54. Simplified Example of the AD8339 Phase Shifter Rev. B | Page 21 of 36 06587-053 90° S1 THROUGH S4 ARE NOW IN PHASE E1 0° 4 US WAVES ARE DELAYED 45° EACH WITH RESPECT TO EACH OTHER AD8339 PHASE BIT SETTINGS AD8339 Data Sheet FIRST ORDER SUMMING AMPLIFIER(S) C1 18nF R1 100Ω +5V 2 3 +2.8V BASEBAND SIGNAL R4 0.1µF HPF 1100Hz C2 1µF – ∑ + SECOND ORDER SUMMING AMPLIFIER R2 698Ω AD8021 LPF2 81kHz R3 698Ω C3 5.6nF +10V 2 0.1µF – ∑ 3 + AD797 –10V 0.1µF –5V Figure 55. 16-Channel Beamformer Using the AD8339 Rev. B | Page 22 of 36 0.1µF 06587-155 UP TO 16 AD8339 I OR Q OUTPUTS AT 3.1mA PEAK EACH WHEN PHASE SHIFT IS SET FOR 45° FROM OTHER AD8021 SUMMING AMPLIFIERS LPF1 88kHz Data Sheet AD8339 SERIAL INTERFACE The AD8339 contains a 4-wire, SPI-compatible digital interface (SDI, SCLK, CSB, and SDO). The interface comprises a 20-bit shift register plus a latch. The shift register is loaded MSB first. Phase selection and channel enabling information are contained in the 20-bit word. Figure 56 is a bit map of the data-word, and Figure 57 is the timing diagram. ENBL BITS When all four ENBL bits are low, only the SPI port is powered up. This feature allows for low power consumption (~13 mW per AD8339 or 3.25 mW per channel) when the CW Doppler function is not needed. Because the SPI port stays alive even with the rest of the chip powered down, the part can be awakened again by simply programming the port. As soon as the CSB signal goes high, the part turns on again. Note that this takes a fair amount of time because of the external capacitor on the LODC pin. It takes ~10 μs to 15 μs with the recommended 0.1 μF decoupling capacitor. The decoupling capacitor on this pin is intended to reduce bias noise contribution in the LO divider chain. The user can experiment with the value of this decoupling capacitor to determine the smallest value without degrading the dynamic range within the frequency band of interest. The shift direction is to the right with MSB first. Because the latch is implemented with D-flip-flops (DFF) and CSB acts as the clock to the latch, any time that CSB is low, the latch flipflops monitor the shift register outputs. As soon as CSB goes high, the data present in the register is latched. New data can be loaded into the shift register at any time. Twenty bits are required to program each AD8339; the data is transferred from the register to the latch when CSB goes high. Depending on the data, the corresponding channels are enabled, and the phases are selected. Figure 57 illustrates the timing for two sequentially programmed devices. The SPI also has an additional pin that can be used in a test mode or as a quick way to reset the SPI and depower the chip. All bits in both the shift register and the latch are reset low when the RSTS pin is pulled above ~1.5 V. For quick testing without the need to program the SPI, the voltage on the RSTS pin should be first pulled high and then pulled to −1.4 V. This enables all four channels in the phase (I = 1, Q = 0) state (all phase bits are 0000); the channel enable bits are all set to 1. This is an untested threshold not intended for continuous operation. Note that the data is latched into the register flip-flops on the rising edge of SCLK. SDO also transitions on the rising edge of SCLK. TO PHASE SELECT AND BIAS BLOCKS FOR TO CHANNEL 1 PHASE TO CHANNEL 2 PHASE TO CHANNEL 3 PHASE TO CHANNEL 4 PHASE CHANNEL ENABLES SELECT BLOCK SELECT BLOCK SELECT BLOCK SELECT BLOCK PH SEL CH 1 PH SEL CH 2 PH SEL CH 3 PH SEL CH 4 LATCH LSB MSB LSB MSB LSB MSB LSB MSB LSB MSB CH 1 CH 2 CH 3 CH 4 CH 1 CH 1 CH 1 CH 1 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 CH 4 CH 4 CH 4 CH 4 SHIFT REGISTER LSB MSB LSB MSB LSB MSB LSB MSB LSB MSB CH 1 CH 2 CH 3 CH 4 CH 1 CH 1 CH 1 CH 1 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 CH 4 CH 4 CH 4 CH 4 SDI SCLK SDO TO NEXT AD8339 TO OTHER AD8339s 06587-054 TO OTHER AD8339s ENABLE BITS CSB RSTS Figure 56. Serial Interface Showing the 20-Bit Shift Register and Latch t8 t1 CSB t2 t7 SCLK t3 t5 t6 SDI t4 DATA FOR AD8339 #2 DATA FOR AD8339 #1 Figure 57. Timing Diagram Rev. B | Page 23 of 36 06587-055 SDO AD8339 Data Sheet APPLICATIONS INFORMATION The AD8339 is the key component of a phase shifter system that aligns time-skewed information contained in RF signals. Combined with a variable gain amplifier (VGA) and a low noise amplifier (LNA) as in the AD8332/AD8334/AD8335 VGA family, the AD8339 forms a complete analog receiver for a high performance ultrasound CW Doppler system. LOGIC INPUTS AND INTERFACES The SDI, SCLK, SDO, CSB, and RSET pins are CMOS compatible to 1.8 V. The threshold of the RSTS pin is 1.5 V with a hysteresis of ±0.3 V. Each logic input pin is Schmitt trigger activated, with a threshold centered at ~1.3 V and a hysteresis of ±0.1 V around this value. The only logic output, SDO, generates a signal that has a logic low level of ~0.2 V and a logic high level of ~1.9 V to allow for easy interfacing to the next AD8339 SDI input. Note that the capacitive loading for the SDO pin should be kept as small as possible (<5 pF), ideally only a short trace to the SDI pin of the next chip. The output slew is limited to approximately ±500 μA, which limits the speed when a large capacitor is connected. Excessive values of parasitic capacitance on the SDO pin can affect the timing and loading of data into the SDI input of the next chip. RESET INPUT The RSET pin is used to synchronize the LO dividers in AD8339 arrays. Because they are driven by the same internal LO, the four channels in any AD8339 are inherently synchronous. However, when multiple AD8339s are used, it is possible that their dividers wake up in different phase states. The function of the RSET pin is to phase align all the LO signals in multiple AD8339s. The 4LO divider of each AD8339 can be initiated in one of four possible states: 0°, 90°, 180°, or 270° relative to other AD8339s. The internally generated I/Q signals of each AD8339 LO are always at a 90° angle relative to each other, but a phase shift can occur during power-up between the dividers of multiple AD8339s used in a common array. The LO divider reset function has been improved in the AD8339 compared with the AD8333. The RSET pin still provides an asynchronous reset of the LO dividers by forcing the internal LO to hang; however, in the AD8339, the LO reset function is fast and does not require a shutdown of the 4LO input signal. The RSET mechanism also allows the measurement of nonmixing gain from the RF input to the output. The rising edge of the active high RSET pulse can occur at any time; however, the duration should be ≥20 ns minimum. When the RSET pulse transitions from high to low, the LO dividers are reactivated on the next rising edge of the 4LO clock. To guarantee synchronous operation of an array of AD8339s, the RSET pulse must go low on all devices before the next rising edge of the 4LO clock. Therefore, it is best to have the RSET pulse go low on the falling edge of the 4LO clock; at the very least, the tSETUP should be ≥5 ns. An optimal timing setup is for the RSET pulse to go high on a 4LO falling edge and to go low on a 4LO falling edge; this gives 10 ns of setup time even at a 4LO frequency of 50 MHz (12.5 MHz internal LO). Check the synchronization of multiple AD8339s using the following procedure: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Activate at least one channel per AD8339 by setting the appropriate channel enable bit in the serial interface. Set the phase code of all AD8339 channels to the same logic state, for example, 0000. Apply the same test signal to all devices to generate a sine wave in the baseband output and measure the output of one channel per device. Apply an RSET pulse to all AD8339s. Because all the phase codes of the AD8339s should be the same, the combined signal of multiple devices should be N times greater than a single channel. If the combined signal is less than N times one channel, one or more of the LO phases of the individual AD8339s is in error. LO INPUT The LO input is a high speed, fully differential analog input that responds to differences in the input levels (and not logic levels). The LO inputs can be driven with a low common-mode voltage amplifier, such as the National Semiconductor® DS90C401 LVDS driver. The graph in Figure 22 shows the range of common-mode voltages. Logic families such as TTL or CMOS are unsuitable for direct coupling to the LO input. Rev. B | Page 24 of 36 Data Sheet AD8339 EVALUATION BOARD The AD8339-EVALZ requires bipolar 5 V power supplies. A 3.3 V on-board regulator provides power for the USB and EEPROM devices. The AD8339 is configured using the software provided on the CD included with the evaluation board, or using an external digital pattern generator via the 20-pin flat-cable connector P1. 06587-157 Figure 58 is a photograph of the AD8339 evaluation board; the schematic diagrams are shown in Figure 63, Figure 64, and Figure 65. Four single-ended RF inputs can be phase aligned using the LNA inputs of an AD8334 and the 16 phase adjustment options of the AD8339. The RF input signals can be derived from three sources, user selectable by jumpers. Test points enable signal tracing at various circuit nodes. Figure 58. AD8339 Evaluation Board Rev. B | Page 25 of 36 AD8339 Data Sheet CONNECTIONS TO THE BOARD Table 5 is a list of equipment required to activate the board with suggested test equipment, and Figure 61 shows a typical setup. A green LED glows (signifying that the 5 V power through the USB is present) when the computer is connected via the USB. However, the LED does not signify that the program is running. Selecting the frequency of the generators is quite simple. As an example, select an RF frequency of interest, for example, 5 MHz. Then select the 4LO frequency, which is four times the RF frequency, in this example, 20 MHz. The output frequency is 0 Hz. Note that the AD8021 outputs are at either a positive or negative dc voltage under this condition of perfect RF and 4LO frequency lock; it is more likely that the signal is slowly varying if the lock is not perfect. To detect an output, advance or retard the RF frequency by the desired baseband frequency. A baseband frequency of 10 kHz at the output results from an RF frequency of 5.01 MHz or 4.99 MHz. Table 5. Recommended Equipment List Description PC with Windows® XP Signal Generators (2) with Synchronizing Connectors 4-Channel Oscilloscope Power Supplies Scope Probes (4) Suggested Equipment Any recent laptop Rohde & Schwarz SMT03 or equivalent Tektronix DPO7104 or equivalent Agilent E3631A or equivalent Tektronix P6104 or equivalent TEST CONFIGURATIONS The three test configuration options for the AD8339-EVALZ are common input, independent input, and AD9271 drive. Common Input Signal Drive Figure 59 is a block diagram showing the simplest way to use the evaluation board, with a common signal applied to all four AD8339 inputs in parallel. Boards are configured this way as shipped. The inputs of each of the channels are connected in common by means of jumpers, as shown in Table 6, although they can just as easily be connected to any of the AD8334 LNA outputs. As shown in Figure 64, two pairs of summing amplifiers provide the I and Q outputs so that Channel 1 and Channel 2 can be observed independently of Channel 3 and Channel 4. Using a common input signal source as shown in Figure 61, the same input is applied to all four channels of the AD8339. To observe an output at the I or Q connectors, simply enable the appropriate channel or channels using the menu shown in Figure 62. For example, if only Channel 1 is enabled and the phases are set to 0°, a waveform is seen at the I1 + I2 and Q1 + Q2 outputs. If Channel 2 is enabled with the phase also set to 0°, the amplitude of the waveforms doubles. If the Channel 1 phase is 0° and the Channel 2 phase is set to 180°, the output becomes zero, because the phases of the two channels cancel each other out. When using the common input drive mode, it is important that only the top two positions of P4A and P4B be used to avoid shorting the LNA outputs together. Independent Channel Drive Independent input mode means that each channel is driven by an LNA. The LNA inputs of the AD8334 can be driven by up to four independent signal generators or from a single generator. If the user chooses this mode, it is important not to connect the LNA inputs in parallel because of the active matching feature. Any standard splitter can be used. AD9271 Input Drive Connectors P3A, P3B, P4A, and P4B are configured to route input signals from the AD8334 LNA outputs or from an AD9271 evaluation board. The AD9271 is an octal ultrasound front end with a 12-bit ADC for each channel. When using an AD9271 as an input drive, consult the AD9271 data sheet for setup details. The AD9271 evaluation board is attached to the AD8339 by inserting the three plastic standoffs into the three guide holes in the AD8339-EVALZ board; all the jumpers in P3 and P4 are removed. The bottom connectors of the AD9271 board engage P3 and P4 and route the LNA outputs of the AD9271 to the AD8339. Figure 60 is a photograph of the two boards attached. Table 6. P3, P4 Input Jumper Configuration Common Input P4A-1 to P4B-1, top two positions (2) RF12N, RF12P, RF23N, RF23P, RF34N, RF34P Rev. B | Page 26 of 36 Independent Input P3A-1 to P3B-1, P4A-1 to P4B-1 P3A-1 to P3B-1, P4A-1 to P4B-1, all positions (8) Data Sheet AD8339 AD8334 LNA AD8339 I1 CH 1 RF Q1 Q1 + Q2 I TO V I1 + I2 I2 CH 2 RF Q2 I TO V I3 CH 3 RF Q3 I TO V I3 + I4 I4 CH 4 RF Q4 Q3 + Q4 I TO V 06587-057 Figure 59. AD8339 Test Configuration—Common Input Signal Drive 06587-159 COMMON SIGNAL PATH Figure 60. AD8339-EVALZ with AD9271 Evaluation Board Attached as Input Source Rev. B | Page 27 of 36 AD8339 Data Sheet TOP: SIGNAL GENERATOR FOR 4LO INPUT (FOR EXAMPLE, 20MHz, 1Vp-p) BOTTOM: SIGNAL GENERATOR FOR RF INPUT (FOR EXAMPLE, 5.01MHz) POWER SUPPLY PERSONAL COMPUTER SYNCHRONIZE GENERATORS USB CABLE +5V –5V 4LO INPUT 06587-059 OUTPUTS Figure 61. AD8339-EVALZ Typical Test Setup Rev. B | Page 28 of 36 Data Sheet AD8339 Using the SPI Port Channel and phase selection are accessed via the SPI port on the AD8339, and the evaluation board provides two means of access. If it is desired to exercise the SPI input with custom waveforms, the SDI, SCLK, and CSB pins are available at the auxiliary connector P1. A digital pattern generator can be programmed in conformance with the timing diagram shown in Figure 57. Hardwired Jumpers Hardwired jumpers provide for interconnection of channels and as a means for measuring output voltages at various strategic nodes (see Table 7). As shipped, the evaluation board is configured to connect all the AD8339 RF inputs to a single LNA output. In this configuration, the phases of the four channels can be shifted throughout the full range and the outputs can be viewed on a multichannel scope using one of the channels as a reference. To operate all the LNA channels independently, it is only necessary to move the input shorting jumpers to the channel RF outputs. 06587-060 The most convenient way to select channels and phase delays is through the USB port of a PC using the executable program provided on the CD or at the Analog Devices, Inc., website. Copy the .EXE and .MSI files into the same folder on the PC. Double-click the .EXE file to install the program and place a shortcut on the desktop. Double-clicking the desktop icon opens the control menu, as shown in Figure 62. The menu consists of an array of options that are self-explanatory. Channels are enabled or disabled by selecting the channels in the Channel Enable list, and the 16 phase options are selected from the list box for each of the channels. Figure 62. SPI Software Control Menu Table 7. Jumper and Header List Jumper, Header CSB CSBG EN12, EN34 I1234 Q1234 RF1 to RF4 RSTS RSET SCLK SDI SLKG 4LO Description Connects the chip select input to the connector or the USB inputs—normally connected to USB (test) Grounds the CSB input—shipped omitted Enables or disables Channel 1 through Channel 4—boards shipped enabled Sums all four I-channel current outputs together—shipped omitted Sums all four Q-channel current outputs together—shipped omitted Test points for the LNA outputs—a differential probe fits these Resets the SPI input—shipped omitted Resets the local oscillator input—shipped omitted Connects the serial clock input to the connector or to the USB inputs—normally connected to USB (test) Connects the serial data input to the connector or to the USB input—normally connected to USB (test) Grounds the serial clock input—shipped omitted Test pins for the 4LO level shifter output—a differential probe fits these Rev. B | Page 29 of 36 AD8339 Data Sheet LOP1 LON1 RF1 49 50 VCM1 51 EN34 52 EN12 53 CLMP12 VOL3 37 VPS34 36 LON3 VOL4 35 NC LMD3 VOH4 34 NC C62 0.1µF IN4 IN4S C12 22pF CFB4 18nF C63 0.1µF C50 0.1µF RFB4 274Ω R47 20Ω R48 20Ω L12 120nH L15 120nH C64 0.1µF 5V NC 33 C56 0.1µF C85 0.1µF RF4 5V LON4 LOP4 Figure 63. Schematic—LNA Section Rev. B | Page 30 of 36 06587-061 L9 120nH 5V C65 0.1µF C57 0.1µF R64 0Ω C49 0.1µF COM34 L14 120nH 32 INH3 VCM3 COM3X C55 0.1µF IN3 54 LOP3 IN3S L8 120nH GAIN12 55 VPS1 56 VIN1 57 58 LON1 LOP1 59 60 COM1X 61 LMD1 62 38 NC C10 22pF C61 0.1µF INH1 VOH3 31 16 VIP3 VCM4 15 C48 0.1µF 39 17 COM3 CFB3 18nF COM34 30 RFB3 274Ω 45 VIN3 HILO 14 VPS12 40 29 LON3 13 46 NC NC VPS3 CLMP34 RF3 12 VOL1 41 U1 AD8334 28 R45 20Ω 47 NC MODE VPS2 GAIN34 LOP3 VOH1 42 27 11 C47 0.1µF 48 COM12 VPS4 R46 20Ω 10 COM12 VIN2 26 C46 0.1µF 9 VCM2 43 NC VIN4 C88 0.1µF C59 0.1µF VOH2 25 C87 0.1µF L17 120nH R63 0Ω VIP2 VIP4 8 5V C58 0.1µF 44 NC 24 7 L16 120 nH C66 0.1µF VOL2 LOP4 6 C45 0.1µF EN34 LOP2 23 5 C44 0.1µF LON4 LOP2 22 R43 20Ω RF2 DIS LON2 COM4X 4 EN12 DIS COM2X 21 LON2 3 EN PIN 1 IDENTIFIER LMD4 R44 20Ω LMD2 INH4 C43 0.1µF 19 2 RFB2 274Ω INH2 18 COM4 CFB2 18nF 63 COM2 COM1 64 C60 0.1µF 1 L13 120nH C53 0.1µF C54 0.1µF C68 0.1µF C8 22pF 5V EN C86 0.1µF C6 22pF L7 120nH IN2S RFB1 274Ω R49 20Ω VIP1 IN1S IN2 CFB1 18nF C67 0.1µF L10 120nH 20 IN1 5V R50 20Ω Data Sheet AD8339 5V R4 1kΩ R3 1kΩ R1 1kΩ 1 4 CSB CSBG P1 2 CSB SDO SCLK SLKG SCLK SDI SDI 3 6 5 8 7 10 9 12 11 14 13 16 15 18 17 20 19 I1OP R16 787Ω C25 0.1µF VA C83 2.2nF R15 0Ω 2 - 7 1 U3 AD8021 8 RSTS L2 120nH 5V VPIS PIN 1 IDENTIFIER RF2N R72 2.8kΩ R21 0Ω 4 SLKG VNEG 31 Q1OP 32 I1OP 33 RSET 34 4LO 4LON 25 VNEG 24 7 VPOS 5V C16 0.1µF 9 RF3P 5V I3OP 22 R8 0Ω 21 R7 0Ω 7 8 R57 0Ω TP_RF3N R58 0Ω VPOS R33 2.8kΩ R56 0Ω VNEG 20 I4OP Q4OP 19 LODC 18 17 16 VPOS COMM 15 RF4N 11 12 TP_RF3P TP_RF2N TP_RF1P TP_RF1N R62 0Ω 6 R60 0Ω TP_RF2P 5 R59 0Ω 14 10 RF23P 1 R61 0Ω 9 RF23N 3 C18 0.1µF Q3OP R36 5.23kΩ I1234 VPOS U7 DS90C401M R28 C28 3 3.48kΩ 0.1µF R27 4 100Ω R37 1.5kΩ 2 C21 VA 0.1µF R54 49.9Ω C79 2.2nF R9 0Ω 2 7 1 U5 6 AD8021 8 5 Q4OP + 3 4 R11 0Ω I3 + I4 C80 5PF –VA C22 0.1µF I4OP VNEG R30 4.22kΩ P5 COMMON 1 LNA TO 4 RF INPUTS R51 0Ω LOP R10 787Ω R6 0Ω C20 0.1µF 5V C82 5PF –VA C24 0.1µF R5 0Ω C19 0.1µF R14 0Ω I1 + I2 5 + VA R42 787Ω C51 0.1µF C32 2.2nF R2 0Ω 2 7 R38 Q3 + Q4 0Ω 1 U6 6 AD8021 8 5 C33 + 3 4 5PF –VA C52 0.1µF COMPONENTS SHOWN IN GRAY ARE NOT INSTALLED TP_RF4N RF3P RF3N RF2P RF1N RF12N RF1P RF12P RF2N 4 R34 2.8kΩ SDO SDO-TP 2 13 SDO SDO RF34N C17 0.1µF 12 11 VPOS VPOS RF34P RF3N R65 4.22kΩ RF4P RF3N TP_RF4P 10 6 VNEG C29 0.1µF RF3P R70 2.8kΩ U4 AD8021 3 4 VNEG 23 8 VPOS R69 2.8kΩ C30 0.1µF 4LOP 26 DUT AD8339 SCLK 6 CSB CSBG VPOS R67 5.23kΩ VPOS 27 COMM 5 R18 0Ω VPOS VPOS 28 Q1234 3 COMM C84 5PF - 1 8 I2OP 29 RF2P 5 2 7 R19 0Ω Q2OP 30 R17 Q1 + Q2 0Ω C81 2.2nF R12 0Ω 2 RF2P R66 4.22kΩ C23 VA 0.1µF C27 R20 0.1µF 0Ω 6 –VA C26 0.1µF R13 787Ω Q1OP VNEG VPOS 35 1 RF2 N SDI RSTS R71 2.8kΩ COMM 36 40 R68 5.23kΩ RF1N 37 R30 4.22kΩ 5V RF1P 38 R31 2.8kΩ + 3 4 VNIS C1 0.1µF 39 5V –5V VPOS RF1P RF1N R32 2.8kΩ R36 5.23kΩ C31 0.1µF RSET L1 120nH C34 5V 0.1 µF 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 2 P4 U7 1 ENGAGES WITH CONNECTOR ON AD9271 EVAL BOARD 2 1 DS90C401M 7 8 6 P3 5 3 06587-062 PROUTN4 6 PROUTP4 9 PROUTN3 12 PROUTP3 PROUTN2 3 PROUTP2 6 PROUTN1 9 PROUTP1 12 FROM AD8334 LNAS Figure 64. Schematic—IQ Demodulator and Phase Shifter Rev. B | Page 31 of 36 AD8339 Data Sheet 5VS VAS –5VS RED 5V GRN –VAS ORG GND1 BLUE PLUS C9 L11 1µF 120nH 10V + C78 0.1µF 3 2 P2 GND3 –VAS VAS 3.3V C77 0.1µF 1 GND4 –5VS GND5 5VS IN OUT GND A6 OUT C13 10µF + 25V + C11 10µF 25V C15 10µF + 25V C38 0.1µF C37 0.1µF C36 0.1µF C35 0.1µF L6 120nH TAB ADP3339AKCZ-3.3 GND6 + C14 10µF 25V L5 120nH 5V 3.3V L4 120nH GND8 3.3V GND9 R41 100kΩ –VA VA –5V GND7 L3 120nH BLK TEST LOOP (9) C5 22pF C76 0.1µF C7 0.1 µF 1 Z1 24LC00/P 4 VCC WAKEUP PD0/FD8 PD1/FD9 PD2/FD10 PD3/FD11 PD4/FD12 PD5/FD13 VCC VCC GND CTL2/FLAGC IFCLK/PE0/TOUT CTL1/FLAGB RESERVED R52 22.1kΩ R53 22.1kΩ 17 18 19 C73 0.1µF 20 21 22 23 R22 0Ω 24 25 NC 16 26 27 C4 22pF 41 40 CSB (SHT2) 39 SCLK (SHT2) 38 37 SDI (SHT2) NC 36 NC 35 NC 34 33 NC NC 32 31 NC 3.3V C75 0.1µF 30 NC 29 NC GND VCC GND PB7/FD7 CTL0/FLAGA 28 C74 0.1µF R23 0Ω VCC 8 WP 7 R24 0Ω SCL 6 VSS SDA 5 R25 0Ω A0 A1 3 A2 2 PD7/FD15 PA0/INT0# R40 100kΩ 42 3.3V C72 0.1µF GND PA1/INT1# AGND 15 3.3V PA2/SLOE DMINUS SCL R39 10kΩ U2 CY7C68013A-56LFXC DPLUS PB6/FD6 14 RESET# PA3/WU2 NC 13 NC 3.3V PA4/FIFOADR0 PB5/FD5 12 43 AVCC NC 11 44 AGND PB4/FD4 10 NC 45 PA5/FIFOADR1 NC 9 D– VBUS 5V 1 R55 3.3V 499Ω C71 0.1µF CR1 NC 46 XTALIN PB3/FD3 2 NC 47 PA6/PKTEND NC GND 4 8 NC 48 XTALOUT PB2/FD2 3 C70 0.1µF NC 49 PA7/FLAGD/SLCS NC D+ 7 NC 50 GND PB1/FD1 3.3V 6 NC 51 NC A7 USB TYPE B C2 12pF AVCC 52 PB0/FD0 5 C3 12 pF RDY1/SLWR NC 53 NC 4 CLKOUT/PE1/T1OUT 3 C69 0.1µF RDY0/SLRD VCC 3.3V Y1 24MHz 2 3.3V NC SDA NC 1 54 VCC GND 55 PD6/FD14 NC 56 R26 0Ω Figure 65. Schematic—USB Rev. B | Page 32 of 36 06587-063 W3 GND2 MINUS Data Sheet AD8339 AD8339-EVALZ ARTWORK 06587-064 Figure 66 through Figure 69 show the artwork for the AD8339-EVALZ. 06587-065 Figure 66. AD8339-EVALZ Component Side Copper Figure 67. AD8339-EVALZ Wiring Side Copper Rev. B | Page 33 of 36 Data Sheet 06587-066 AD8339 06587-067 Figure 68. AD8339-EVALZ Component Side Silkscreen Figure 69. AD8339-EVALZ Assembly Rev. B | Page 34 of 36 Data Sheet AD8339 OUTLINE DIMENSIONS 6.00 BSC SQ 0.60 MAX 0.60 MAX 31 30 TOP VIEW 0.50 BSC 5.75 BSC SQ 0.50 0.40 0.30 12° MAX 0.30 0.23 0.18 1 4.25 4.10 SQ 3.95 EXPOSED PAD (BOT TOM VIEW) 21 20 11 10 0.25 MIN 4.50 REF 0.80 MAX 0.65 TYP 0.05 MAX 0.02 NOM SEATING PLANE 40 0.20 REF COPLANARITY 0.08 FOR PROPER CONNECTION OF THE EXPOSED PAD, REFER TO THE PIN CONFIGURATION AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS SECTION OF THIS DATA SHEET. COMPLIANT TO JEDEC STANDARDS MO-220-VJJD-2 072108-A PIN 1 INDICATOR 1.00 0.85 0.80 PIN 1 INDICATOR Figure 70. 40-Lead Lead Frame Chip Scale Package [LFCSP_VQ] 6 mm × 6 mm Body, Very Thin Quad (CP-40-1) Dimensions shown in millimeters ORDERING GUIDE Model 1 AD8339ACPZ AD8339ACPZ-R7 AD8339ACPZ-RL AD8339-EVALZ 1 Temperature Range −40°C to +85°C −40°C to +85°C −40°C to +85°C Package Description 40-Lead Lead Frame Chip Scale Package [LFCSP_VQ] 40-Lead Lead Frame Chip Scale Package [LFCSP_VQ] 40-Lead Lead Frame Chip Scale Package [LFCSP_VQ] Evaluation Board Z = RoHS Compliant Part. Rev. B | Page 35 of 36 Package Option CP-40-1 CP-40-1 CP-40-1 AD8339 Data Sheet NOTES ©2007–2012 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. D06587-0-7/12(B) Rev. B | Page 36 of 36