FY14 Award Volume PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Dixon, Kelly 369526 SHA Website Project 2013 SOC-HISTORICAL ARCHAEOL 1/1/2013 12/31/2013 4,703.00 Dixon, Kelly 369631 SHA Website Project 2014 SOC-HISTORICAL ARCHAEOL 1/1/2014 12/31/2014 6,963.00 MacDonald, Douglas 364989 Bunkhouse Archaeology USDA FS BITTERROOT NF 5/12/2014 12/31/2018 5,000.00 MacDonald, Douglas 364990 Link Field & Experimental Method USDA FS ROCKY MTN RS 5/16/2014 6/1/2015 7,000.00 MacDonald, Douglas 368168 Madison Archaeology MT DEPT FISH-WILD-PARKS 1/1/2014 12/31/2016 4,900.00 McKay, Kimber 366149 PhD Dissertation Michelle Grocke NATL SCIENCE FNDN 7/1/2014 1/31/2016 17,640.00 McKeown, Ashley 367717 Analysis of Human Skeletal Remains HUNTER RESEARCH, INC 6/21/2013 3/31/2016 51,434.00 Miyashita, Mizuki 366109 Doc. Stress & Prosody in Blackfoot NATL SCIENCE FNDN 9/15/2013 2/29/2016 139,423.00 Miyashita, Mizuki 366109 Doc. Stress & Prosody in Blackfoot NATL SCIENCE FNDN 9/15/2013 2/29/2016 1.00 Sattler, Richard 365783 CESU-Archeological Inventory & DB USDI - NPS (CESU) 8/1/2013 12/31/2015 42,000.00 Anthropology Summary for Anthropology (10 records) Total for Dept 279,064.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Bell, Kevin 325330 UGP 2014: Dublin Biennial UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA 5/1/2014 8/31/2015 2,980.00 Hamon, Matthew 325331 UGP 2014: MMMA UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA 5/1/2014 8/31/2015 2,500.00 Art Summary for Art (2 records) Total for Dept 5,480.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Hess, William 367783 Low Diesel Emissions Bus MT DEQ / EPA 11/15/2013 9/30/2014 1,350.00 Hess, William 367783 Low Diesel Emissions Bus MT DEQ / EPA 11/15/2013 9/30/2014 83,500.00 Hess, William 367783 Low Diesel Emissions Bus MT DEQ / EPA 11/15/2013 9/30/2014 -1,350.00 ASUM Transportation Fee Summary for ASUM Transportation Fee (3 records) Total for Dept 83,500.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Dreitz, Victoria 364945 Statewide Bird Monitoring Program USDA FS NORTHERN REGION 4/23/2013 3/15/2015 51,220.87 Dreitz, Victoria 364985 IMBCR - USFS USDA FS NORTHERN REGION 4/10/2014 3/15/2015 96,947.75 Dreitz, Victoria 364991 Private waters: Grouse Conservation USDA FS NRCS - CESU 5/19/2014 4/30/2016 250,000.00 Dreitz, Victoria 365789 Development of Bird Monitoring USDI - FWS (CESU) 9/12/2013 9/30/2018 30,000.00 Dreitz, Victoria 365790 Bird Inventory - CMR USDI - FWS (CESU) 2/10/2014 7/31/2018 60,960.00 Dreitz, Victoria 367821 IMBCR Montana - IMJV DUCKS UNLIMITED / FWS 3/1/2014 2/28/2015 30,030.00 Dreitz, Victoria 367826 Private Landowners in NGP WORLD WILDLIFE FUND / FWS 5/1/2014 8/15/2014 55,312.00 Dreitz, Victoria 368120 Upper Clark Fork Bird Monitoring MT DEPT OF JUSTICE 3/26/2013 1/31/2014 -3,000.00 Dreitz, Victoria 368150 Upper Clark Fork Bird Monitoring MT DEPT OF JUSTICE 3/26/2013 1/31/2014 3,000.00 Dreitz, Victoria 368150 Upper Clark Fork Bird Monitoring MT DEPT OF JUSTICE 3/26/2013 1/31/2014 525.16 Dreitz, Victoria 368151 Bird Banding & Education, 2012-2013 MT TECH 7/1/2012 6/30/2014 71,738.68 Dreitz, Victoria 368161 Milltown Education Program, 12-13 MT TECH 7/1/2012 6/30/2014 19,046.00 Dreitz, Victoria 368164 Bird Banding at Mt Haggin MT DEPT OF JUSTICE 7/1/2013 6/30/2014 7,714.00 Dreitz, Victoria 368186 Statewide Bird Monitoring MT DEPT FISH-WILD-PARKS 3/31/2014 10/31/2014 30,642.00 Dreitz, Victoria 369568 Bird Research on the MPG Ranch 2013 MPG RANCH 4/1/2013 2/28/2014 73,726.71 Dreitz, Victoria 369641 MPG Ranch Research MPG RANCH 4/1/2014 3/31/2015 274,556.00 Dreitz, Victoria 369641 MPG Ranch Research MPG RANCH 4/1/2014 3/31/2015 -35,774.00 Dreitz, Victoria 369645 O'Dell Creek PPL MONTANA, LLC 4/10/2014 12/31/2014 14,705.00 Dreitz, Victoria 369659 MPG Ranch Research MPG RANCH 4/1/2014 3/31/2015 35,774.00 Noson, Anna 365778 Bird Inventory and Monitoring in MT USDI - BLM 5/1/2013 4/30/2018 73,042.00 Noson, Anna 365778 Bird Inventory and Monitoring in MT USDI - BLM 5/1/2013 4/30/2018 22,000.00 Noson, Anna 365786 Bird Inventory and Monitoring in MT USDI - BLM (CESU) 5/1/2013 4/30/2018 28,000.00 Noson, Anna 365787 Bird Inventory and Monitoring in MT USDI - BLM (CESU) 5/1/2013 4/30/2018 28,000.00 Noson, Anna 365799 Bird Inventory and Monitoring in MT USDI - BLM (CESU) 5/1/2013 4/30/2018 49,958.00 Noson, Anna 369567 Missouri & Madison Bird Monitoring PPL MONTANA, LLC 5/1/2013 12/31/2013 7,000.00 Avian Science Center Summary for Avian Science Center (25 records) Total for Dept 1,275,124.17 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Ellis, Bonnie 365795 BOR HH S Fork Water Quality USDI - BOR 5/2/2014 12/31/2014 9,996.00 Hauer, F. 365722 CESU-Effects of Climate Change USDI - FWS (CESU) 9/14/2011 12/31/2014 59,647.00 Hauer, F. 367776 Completion of Multispectral Imagery NM SURFACE WATER QUAL/EPA 10/30/2013 3/31/2014 710.00 Hauer, F. 367777 Completion of Multispectral Imagery NM SURFACE WATER QUAL/EPA 10/30/2013 3/31/2014 15,730.00 Hauer, F. 367778 Completion of Multispectral Imagery NM SURFACE WATER QUAL/EPA 10/30/2013 3/31/2014 450.00 Hauer, F. 367779 Completion of Multispectral Imagery NM SURFACE WATER QUAL/EPA 10/30/2013 3/31/2014 500.00 Hauer, F. 367780 Completion of Multispectral Imagery NM SURFACE WATER QUAL/EPA 10/30/2013 3/31/2014 1,910.00 Kimball, John 326781 Assessment-Global Freeze Thaw NASA - STENNIS 8/11/2011 8/10/2015 280,000.00 Kimball, John 326815 Contrasts in CO2 and CH4-J. Watts NASA - STENNIS 8/12/2013 8/31/2015 30,000.00 Kimball, John 326815 Contrasts in CO2 and CH4-J. Watts NASA - STENNIS 8/12/2013 8/31/2015 30,000.00 Kimball, John 326826 Continuity of Freeze/Thaw ESDR NASA - STENNIS 11/1/2013 10/31/2018 286,382.00 Kimball, John 326826 Continuity of Freeze/Thaw ESDR NASA - STENNIS 11/1/2013 10/31/2018 212,137.00 Kimball, John 326836 Carbon Cycle Science Contributions NASA - GODDARD 5/6/2014 5/5/2019 114,898.00 Lorang, Mark 369598 Shoreline Restoration-Blackwood RICK BLACKWOOD 9/16/2013 5/15/2014 21,845.00 Lorang, Mark 369598 Shoreline Restoration-Blackwood RICK BLACKWOOD 9/16/2013 5/15/2014 5,000.00 Lorang, Mark 369604 Shoreline Restoration-Anderson BRENT ANDERSON 9/23/2013 3/31/2015 32,767.00 Lorang, Mark 369605 Shoreline Restoration-Scott JAMES SCOTT 10/25/2013 5/31/2015 21,845.00 Luikart, Gordon 326827 Climate Change-Pacific Rim Rivers NASA - STENNIS 2/1/2014 1/31/2015 199,873.00 Luikart, Gordon 364903 Early Detection of Mussels USDA FS FLATHEAD NF 8/22/2012 6/30/2017 7,500.00 Luikart, Gordon 364936 Genetic Rescue WS Cutthroat Trout USDA FS FLATHEAD NF 5/3/2013 3/31/2018 9,000.00 Luikart, Gordon 365758 Predicting Climate Change Impacts USDI - USGS (CESU) 9/17/2012 9/16/2014 117,500.00 Luikart, Gordon 366038 Brucella Trans in Yellowstone NATL SCIENCE FNDN 9/1/2010 9/30/2014 39,367.00 Luikart, Gordon 366090 Influence Spread of Hybridization NATL SCIENCE FNDN 2/15/2013 1/31/2017 161,272.00 Luikart, Gordon 366145 NSF DDIG NATL SCIENCE FNDN 6/1/2014 5/31/2015 18,395.00 Luikart, Gordon 368169 DNA Markers to Assess Bull Trout MT DEPT FISH-WILD-PARKS 11/20/2013 6/30/2015 60,000.00 Luikart, Gordon 368170 Genetic Evaluation of Lake Trout MT DEPT FISH-WILD-PARKS 11/20/2013 6/30/2015 19,950.00 Luikart, Gordon 368170 Genetic Evaluation of Lake Trout MT DEPT FISH-WILD-PARKS 11/20/2013 6/30/2015 20,000.00 Biological Station-Research PI Fund Title Funding Agency Luikart, Gordon 368171 Genotyping WCT MT DEPT FISH-WILD-PARKS Luikart, Gordon 369597 Otter Genetics Project MPG RANCH Whited, Diane 369543 Analysis & Mapping-Nushagak River THE NATURE CONSERVANCY Start Date End Date Amount 11/20/2013 6/30/2017 117,000.00 8/1/2013 8/31/2014 23,000.00 4/15/2013 1/31/2014 1.00 Summary for Biological Station-Research (30 records) Total for Dept 1,916,675.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Braden, Michael 325338 UGP2014: hGAT Inhibitor UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA 5/1/2014 8/31/2015 5,000.00 Diaz, Philippe 367787 Inhibitors: Retinoic Acid Hydroxyla U OF WA / NIH 7/15/2013 5/31/2014 28,300.00 Diaz, Philippe 369581 Chateaubriand Fellowship EMBASSY OF FRANCE 9/1/2013 5/31/2014 630.00 Diaz, Philippe 369581 Chateaubriand Fellowship EMBASSY OF FRANCE 9/1/2013 5/31/2014 25,770.00 Forbes, David 324269 UM-SPAHS Endowment Fund Program NIH, NCMHHD 9/30/2002 7/31/2014 192,748.00 Knapp, Joseph 369391 Animal Per Diem Expenses INTL HEART INSTITUTE - MT 7/1/2011 1/31/2015 20,000.00 Patel, Sarjubhai 369648 Plasma biomakers of mTBI GENERAL ELECTRIC CO 5/1/2014 4/30/2015 150,000.00 Rau, Thomas 369612 Testing of WT13-12 WINTERMUTE BIOMEDICAL LLC 8/1/2013 3/31/2014 6,048.00 Rau, Thomas 369612 Testing of WT13-12 WINTERMUTE BIOMEDICAL LLC 8/1/2013 3/31/2014 250.00 Stierle, Andrea 367761 SBIR Montana BioAg MT BIOAGRICULTURE / NSF 9/15/2013 9/14/2014 79,540.00 Woodahl, Erica 367703 Pharm in Rural-Year 4 UNIV OF WA / HHS 7/1/2013 6/30/2014 -36,239.00 Biomedical/Pharmaceutical Scie Summary for Biomedical/Pharmaceutical Scie (11 records) Total for Dept 472,047.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Sprang, Stephen 326385 Advance of IDC M64427 CoBRE Year 3 DESIGNATED MRA003 8/1/2013 7/31/2014 250,000.00 Sprang, Stephen 364408 G Protein Activation by Ric-8A NIH, NIGMS 4/1/2013 2/28/2015 267,525.00 Sprang, Stephen 364427 CBSD-CoBRE Admin Core YR3 NIH, NIGMS 8/1/2013 7/31/2014 333,878.00 Sprang, Stephen 364436 CBSD-CoBRE Admin Core YR3 NIH, NIGMS 8/1/2013 7/31/2014 97,757.00 Sprang, Stephen 369625 Bayer Pharma AG Research Contract BAYER PHARMA AG 1/1/2014 12/22/2015 -944.00 Sprang, Stephen 369625 Bayer Pharma AG Research Contract BAYER PHARMA AG 1/1/2014 12/22/2015 -9,851.00 Sprang, Stephen 369625 Bayer Pharma AG Research Contract BAYER PHARMA AG 1/1/2014 12/22/2015 99,169.00 Voronina, Ekaterina 364457 P granulse & control of germ cells NIH, NIGMS 3/1/2014 2/28/2015 -260,338.00 Voronina, Ekaterina 364457 P granulse & control of germ cells NIH, NIGMS 3/1/2014 2/28/2015 260,338.00 Biomolecular Structure & Dynam Summary for Biomolecular Structure & Dynam (9 records) Total for Dept 1,037,534.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Nunberg, Jack 364375 Molecular Determinants Host-Cell NIH, NIAID 2/13/2012 1/31/2015 7,075.00 Nunberg, Jack 367215 Arenavirus Entry-Inhibition 2009-14 CO STATE UNIV / NIH 5/1/2009 4/30/2015 149,338.00 Nunberg, Jack 367215 Arenavirus Entry-Inhibition 2009-14 CO STATE UNIV / NIH 5/1/2009 4/30/2015 254,057.62 Biotechnology Center Summary for Biotechnology Center (3 records) Total for Dept 410,470.62 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Clark, Victoria 326823 SWAMMEI US DEPT OF LABOR 10/1/2013 9/30/2017 931,568.00 Clark, Victoria 367809 Medicine Tree HUMANITIES MT / NEH 3/27/2014 7/30/2014 4,984.00 Bitterroot College Summary for Bitterroot College (2 records) Total for Dept 936,552.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Marcus, William 367781 CPB Comm Svc FY14 CORP PUB BROAD / FCC 10/1/2013 9/30/2015 3,283.00 Marcus, William 367781 CPB Comm Svc FY14 CORP PUB BROAD / FCC 10/1/2013 9/30/2015 57,267.00 Marcus, William 367782 CPB Comm Svc FY14 CORP PUB BROAD / FCC 10/1/2013 9/30/2015 10,186.00 Marcus, William 367782 CPB Comm Svc FY14 CORP PUB BROAD / FCC 10/1/2013 9/30/2015 23,296.00 Marcus, William 367782 CPB Comm Svc FY14 CORP PUB BROAD / FCC 10/1/2013 9/30/2015 163,245.00 Marcus, William 368167 CM Russell MT DEPT OF COMMERCE 10/10/2013 10/9/2014 44,250.00 Marcus, William 369119 Backroads of Montana FRIENDS OF MT PBS, INC 7/1/2008 8/28/2014 5,000.00 Newman, Cherie 367800 TWQ HUMANITIES MT / NEH 2/10/2014 2/28/2015 6,000.00 Talbott, Linda 369577 The Write Question-Native American PAUL G. ALLEN FAMILY FNDN 8/1/2013 10/1/2014 15,000.00 Broadcast Media Administration Summary for Broadcast Media Administration (9 records) Total for Dept 327,527.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Baldridge, John 368182 Survey of AG Land Lessors MT DEPT OF REVENUE 3/3/2014 6/30/2014 29,999.00 Baldridge, John 369585 California Fire Re-Contact Project NEVADA SYSTEM - HIGHER ED 7/19/2013 12/31/2013 7,721.00 Barkey, Patrick 367757 Additional Data Analysis Prospera PROSPERA / EDA 1/1/2014 7/30/2014 5,000.00 Barkey, Patrick 367797 CS&KT Job Skills Survey SALISH KOOTENAI TRIBE/HHS 12/23/2013 8/31/2014 61,663.00 Barkey, Patrick 368165 MT Manufacturing 2013-14 MT STATE UNIVERSITY 7/1/2013 6/30/2014 25,000.00 Barkey, Patrick 368175 MBRCT Impact Study MT BD RES & COMM TECH 11/1/2013 3/31/2014 15,661.00 Dillon, Thale 367705 Epidemiology Workgroup MT DPHHS / HHS 6/1/2013 6/30/2014 25,000.00 Dillon, Thale 367789 Partnership evaluation MT DPHHS / HHS 12/1/2013 6/30/2015 450,000.00 Dillon, Thale 367802 Teen Parents MT DPHHS / HHS 11/1/2013 7/31/2014 64,654.00 Dillon, Thale 369628 Montana KIDS COUNT 2014 ANNIE E. CASEY FNDN 1/1/2014 12/31/2014 100,000.00 Morgan, Todd 364698 Region Logging Costs USDA FS NORTHERN REGION 2/23/2009 2/22/2014 20,000.00 Morgan, Todd 364821 Forest Industry Analysis-W. States USDA FS ROCKY MTN RS 5/19/2011 4/30/2016 215,618.00 Morgan, Todd 364821 Forest Industry Analysis-W. States USDA FS ROCKY MTN RS 5/19/2011 4/30/2016 -193,027.00 Morgan, Todd 364925 Expanding Bioenergy Production USDA FS ROCKY MTN RS 1/28/2013 12/31/2015 23,751.00 Morgan, Todd 364993 Alaska Harvest and Exports USDA FS PACIFIC NW REGION 6/9/2014 12/31/2015 29,641.00 Morgan, Todd 367464 AFRI Northwest Biomass Feedstock An WA STATE UNIV / USDA 8/1/2011 7/31/2014 117,565.00 Sylvester, James 368178 OHV Study MT DEPT FISH-WILD-PARKS 2/1/2014 8/31/2014 19,974.00 Sylvester, James 368180 Snowmobile Study MT DEPT FISH-WILD-PARKS 2/1/2014 8/31/2014 19,978.00 Ward, Bryce 367813 BCA Analysis MT DEPT TRANS / FHA 3/19/2014 5/31/2014 5,908.00 Bureau of Business and Econ Re Summary for Bureau of Business and Econ Re (19 records) Total for Dept 1,044,106.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Christianson, Brian 326811 MTCC VISTA Project FY13-14 CORP FOR NATIONAL SERVICE 6/30/2013 7/12/2014 -3.00 Christianson, Brian 326812 MTCC VISTA Project FY13-14 CORP FOR NATIONAL SERVICE 6/30/2013 7/12/2014 3.00 Christianson, Brian 326813 MTCC VISTA Project FY13-14 VARIOUS 6/30/2013 7/12/2014 9,000.00 Vanek, Joshua 326798 9/11 National Day of Remembrance CORP FOR NATIONAL SERVICE 6/15/2012 12/31/2014 -28,555.00 Vanek, Joshua 326798 9/11 National Day of Remembrance CORP FOR NATIONAL SERVICE 6/15/2012 12/31/2014 0.00 Vanek, Joshua 326798 9/11 National Day of Remembrance CORP FOR NATIONAL SERVICE 6/15/2012 12/31/2014 75,000.00 Vanek, Joshua 326798 9/11 National Day of Remembrance CORP FOR NATIONAL SERVICE 6/15/2012 12/31/2014 -675.00 Vanek, Joshua 326798 9/11 National Day of Remembrance CORP FOR NATIONAL SERVICE 6/15/2012 12/31/2014 75,000.00 Vanek, Joshua 367733 FY13-14 Compact Service Corps UNIV OF DENVER / CNCS 8/19/2013 8/18/2014 21,300.00 Vanek, Joshua 367790 FY13-14 MLK Collegiate Challenge UNIV OF WI / CNCS 9/25/2013 5/31/2014 23,638.00 Campus Compact Summary for Campus Compact (10 records) Total for Dept 174,708.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Felker, Daphne 326807 Peace Corp Recruiting 12-14 PEACE CORPS 8/13/2012 8/12/2013 -704.85 Felker, Daphne 326818 Peace Corp Recruiting 12-14 PEACE CORPS 8/13/2012 8/12/2014 10,112.43 Felker, Daphne 326818 Peace Corp Recruiting 12-14 PEACE CORPS 8/13/2012 8/12/2014 704.85 Career Services Summary for Career Services (3 records) Total for Dept 10,112.43 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Samuels, Scott 364455 Regulation of Gene Expression NIH 10/1/2013 11/30/2014 35,375.00 Samuels, Scott 364455 Regulation of Gene Expression NIH 10/1/2013 11/30/2014 318,375.00 Sprang, Stephen 364428 CBSD-CoBRE Admin Core YR3 NIH, NIGMS 8/1/2013 7/31/2014 115,401.00 Voronina, Ekaterina 364494 P Granulse & Control of Germ Cells NIH, NIGMS 3/1/2014 2/28/2015 260,338.00 CBSD grants - Biological Scien Summary for CBSD grants - Biological Scien (4 records) Total for Dept 729,489.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Sprang, Stephen 364429 CBSD-CoBRE Admin Core YR3 NIH, NIGMS 8/1/2013 7/31/2014 208,156.00 Sprang, Stephen 364434 CBSD-CoBRE Admin Core YR3 NIH, NIGMS 8/1/2013 7/31/2014 206,939.00 Sprang, Stephen 364438 CBSD-CoBRE Admin Core YR3 NIH, NIGMS 8/1/2013 7/31/2014 106,685.00 CBSD grants - Biomedical Scien Summary for CBSD grants - Biomedical Scien (3 records) Total for Dept 521,780.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Berryman, Orion 326387 Acquisition of X-Ray Deffractometer DESIGNATED MRA003 9/1/2013 8/31/2016 114,328.00 Berryman, Orion 366110 Acquisition of X-Ray Deffractometer NATL SCIENCE FNDN 9/1/2013 8/31/2016 265,000.00 Bowler, Bruce 366107 Gatekeeper Residues NATL SCIENCE FNDN 9/1/2013 8/31/2016 400,000.00 Bowler, Bruce 366147 Topology of Alpha-helical folds NATL SCIENCE FNDN 6/1/2014 5/31/2017 495,000.00 Ross, J.B. Alexander 367731 Mech of P-glycoprotein UNIV OF WA / HHS 9/1/2013 8/31/2014 36,599.00 Ross, J.B. Alexander 367731 Mech of P-glycoprotein UNIV OF WA / HHS 9/1/2013 8/31/2014 53,401.00 Sprang, Stephen 364430 CBSD-CoBRE Admin Core YR3 NIH, NIGMS 8/1/2013 7/31/2014 208,555.00 Sprang, Stephen 364431 CBSD-CoBRE Admin Core YR3 NIH, NIGMS 8/1/2013 7/31/2014 205,493.00 Sprang, Stephen 364432 CBSD-CoBRE Admin Core YR3 NIH, NIGMS 8/1/2013 7/31/2014 157,198.00 Sprang, Stephen 364433 CBSD-CoBRE Admin Core YR3 NIH, NIGMS 8/1/2013 7/31/2014 182,541.00 Sprang, Stephen 364435 CBSD-CoBRE Admin Core YR3 NIH, NIGMS 8/1/2013 7/31/2014 79,496.00 Sprang, Stephen 364437 CBSD-CoBRE Admin Core YR3 NIH, NIGMS 8/1/2013 7/31/2014 71,343.00 CBSD grants - Chemistry Summary for CBSD grants - Chemistry (12 records) Total for Dept 2,268,954.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount DeGrandpre, Michael 366062 An Arctic Ocean Sea surface NATL SCIENCE FNDN 9/1/2011 2/28/2015 144,189.00 DeGrandpre, Michael 368172 Tracer-Monitored Titration MT BD RES & COMM TECH 11/1/2013 10/31/2014 71,205.00 Palmer, Christopher 324836 System for field sample exoplosive US ARMY MEDICAL RESEARCH 8/15/2013 8/14/2015 308,883.00 Priestley, Nigel 364440 Non-nucleoside inhibitors of Human NIH, NCI 7/5/2013 6/30/2015 410,350.00 Priestley, Nigel 367719 Gram positive antifolates U OF CONN / NIH 3/1/2014 2/28/2015 181,635.00 Priestley, Nigel 367812 Propargyl-linked antifolates target U OF CONN / NIH 12/1/2013 11/30/2014 123,771.00 Priestley, Nigel 369502 Develop of New Antibiotics PROMILIAD, INC. 8/1/2012 6/30/2014 5,000.00 Rosenberg, Ed 369512 Recovery of Valuable Metals POROCEL INTERNATIONAL 11/1/2012 12/31/2013 93,038.00 Ross, J.B. Alexander 367629 Mech of P-glycoprotein UNIV OF WA / NIH 9/1/2012 8/31/2013 -36,599.00 Stannard, Jon 367738 AMP SALISH KOOTENAI COLL/NSF 9/1/2013 8/31/2014 16,195.00 Thomas, Aaron 367718 MT INBRE Native Math Advancement UM DO NOT USE! 36,430.00 Thomas, Aaron 367718 MT INBRE Native Math Advancement UM DO NOT USE! -36,430.00 Thomas, Aaron 367722 MT INBRE Native Math Advancement UM MSU / NIH 7/1/2013 4/30/2014 36,430.00 Thomas, Aaron 367806 SICM CHE / ED 4/1/2014 7/31/2014 15,034.00 Thomas, Aaron 367806 SICM CHE / ED 4/1/2014 7/31/2014 0.00 Yokelson, Robert 326787 Trpospheric Composition NASA - STENNIS 12/2/2011 12/1/2014 27,803.00 Yokelson, Robert 367574 Biomass Burning ATMOSPHERIC & ENV RES INC 6/1/2012 3/31/2014 7,272.53 Yokelson, Robert 367574 Biomass Burning ATMOSPHERIC & ENV RES INC 6/1/2012 3/31/2014 -6,582.00 Yokelson, Robert 367772 Filling a Critical Gap in Indonesia S DAKOTA ST UNIV / NASA 9/1/2013 7/31/2016 43,847.00 Chemistry Summary for Chemistry (19 records) Total for Dept 1,441,471.53 PI Fund Title Funding Agency 369665 MDPLN 14-15 MEA-MFT Start Date End Date Amount 7/1/2014 6/30/2015 150,000.00 College of Education/Dean Currie, Robert Summary for College of Education/Dean (1 detail record) Total for Dept 150,000.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Affleck, David 364870 Improved Biomass & Carbon Database USDA FS NORTHERN REGION 8/23/2011 8/29/2016 70,128.00 Affleck, David 364870 Improved Biomass & Carbon Database USDA FS NORTHERN REGION 8/23/2011 8/29/2016 68,300.00 Affleck, David 369418 INGY Revenue Account INLAND NW GROWTH/YIELD 1/1/2012 12/31/2014 44,000.00 Affleck, David 369418 INGY Revenue Account INLAND NW GROWTH/YIELD 1/1/2012 12/31/2014 37,203.00 Affleck, David 369418 INGY Revenue Account INLAND NW GROWTH/YIELD 1/1/2012 12/31/2014 4,126.37 Affleck, David 369418 INGY Revenue Account INLAND NW GROWTH/YIELD 1/1/2012 12/31/2014 -7,000.00 Affleck, David 369419 INGY Revenue Account INLAND NW GROWTH/YIELD 1/1/2012 12/31/2014 13,600.00 Affleck, David 369420 INGY Revenue Account INLAND NW GROWTH/YIELD 1/1/2012 12/31/2014 32,048.15 Affleck, David 369525 INGY Revenue Account INLAND NW GROWTH/YIELD 1/1/2012 12/31/2014 22,000.00 Belsky, Jill 369572 Bolle Center FY14 UM FOUNDATION 7/1/2013 6/30/2014 39,000.00 Belsky, Jill 369660 Bolle Center UM FOUNDATON 7/1/2014 6/30/2015 38,000.00 Burchfield, James 364864 Monitoring-SW Crown of the Continen USDA FS LOLO, FLATHEAD NF 9/16/2011 12/31/2015 47,216.00 Burchfield, James 364865 Monitoring-SW Crown of the Continen USDA FS LOLO, FLATHEAD NF 9/16/2011 12/31/2015 47,382.00 Burchfield, James 364900 Monitoring-SW Crown of the Continen USDA FS LOLO, FLATHEAD NF 9/16/2011 12/31/2015 12,409.00 Burchfield, James 364910 McIntire-Stennis 2013 Admin USDA MCINTIRE STENNIS 10/1/2012 9/30/2013 -118,666.00 Burchfield, James 364954 Professional Develop-Israeli Mgmt USDA FS 6/10/2013 7/1/2014 29,744.00 Burchfield, James 364958 McIntire Stennis FY 2014 USDA MCINTIRE STENNIS 10/1/2013 9/30/2014 -20.00 Burchfield, James 364958 McIntire Stennis FY 2014 USDA MCINTIRE STENNIS 10/1/2013 9/30/2014 -142,692.00 Burchfield, James 364958 McIntire Stennis FY 2014 USDA MCINTIRE STENNIS 10/1/2013 9/30/2014 359,858.00 Burchfield, James 364959 McIntire Stennis FY 2014 USDA MCINTIRE STENNIS 10/1/2013 9/30/2014 16,202.00 Burchfield, James 364960 McIntire Stennis FY 2014 USDA MCINTIRE STENNIS 10/1/2013 9/30/2014 19,966.00 Burchfield, James 364961 McIntire Stennis FY 2014 USDA MCINTIRE STENNIS 10/1/2013 9/30/2014 2.00 Burchfield, James 364961 McIntire Stennis FY 2014 USDA MCINTIRE STENNIS 10/1/2013 9/30/2014 9,606.00 Burchfield, James 364961 McIntire Stennis FY 2014 USDA MCINTIRE STENNIS 10/1/2013 9/30/2014 30,819.00 Burchfield, James 364962 McIntire Stennis FY 2014 USDA MCINTIRE STENNIS 10/1/2013 9/30/2014 32,990.00 Burchfield, James 364962 McIntire Stennis FY 2014 USDA MCINTIRE STENNIS 10/1/2013 9/30/2014 46,722.00 Burchfield, James 364963 McIntire Stennis FY 2014 USDA MCINTIRE STENNIS 10/1/2013 9/30/2014 32,984.00 College of Forestry & Conserva PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Burchfield, James 364963 McIntire Stennis FY 2014 USDA MCINTIRE STENNIS 10/1/2013 9/30/2014 19,452.00 Burchfield, James 364964 McIntire Stennis FY 2014 USDA MCINTIRE STENNIS 10/1/2013 9/30/2014 27,396.00 Burchfield, James 364964 McIntire Stennis FY 2014 USDA MCINTIRE STENNIS 10/1/2013 9/30/2014 33,003.00 Burchfield, James 364965 McIntire Stennis FY 2014 USDA MCINTIRE STENNIS 10/1/2013 9/30/2014 31,986.00 Burchfield, James 364965 McIntire Stennis FY 2014 USDA MCINTIRE STENNIS 10/1/2013 9/30/2014 10,306.00 Burchfield, James 364966 McIntire Stennis FY 2014 USDA MCINTIRE STENNIS 10/1/2013 9/30/2014 25,459.00 Burchfield, James 364966 McIntire Stennis FY 2014 USDA MCINTIRE STENNIS 10/1/2013 9/30/2014 30,087.00 Burchfield, James 364967 McIntire Stennis FY 2014 USDA MCINTIRE STENNIS 10/1/2013 9/30/2014 28,650.00 Burchfield, James 365784 Jerry O'Neal NPS Student Fellowship USDI - NPS (CESU) 9/1/2013 6/30/2017 5,000.00 Burchfield, James 365798 O'Neal Fellowship USDI - NPS (CESU) 7/1/2014 6/30/2018 6,000.00 Burchfield, James 369599 UM HOPA Native Science Fellows HOPA MOUNTAIN, INC 9/16/2013 7/31/2014 5,000.00 Chung, Woodam 364988 USFS Sale Area Layout and Harvestin USDA FS SOUTHERN REGION 5/1/2014 6/30/2014 5,675.00 Covitt, Beth 367795 BANR:Sustainable Biofuel Feedstocks CO STATE UNIV / NIFA 11/1/2013 8/31/2014 -3,753.00 Covitt, Beth 367795 BANR:Sustainable Biofuel Feedstocks CO STATE UNIV / NIFA 11/1/2013 8/31/2014 182,481.00 Dawson, Natalie 364787 Wilderness.net USDA FS ROCKY MTN RS 7/22/2010 6/30/2015 31,606.00 Dawson, Natalie 364909 Wilderness Information Network A. CARHART / USDA 8/28/2012 9/30/2017 34,980.00 Dawson, Natalie 364909 Wilderness Information Network A. CARHART / USDA 8/28/2012 9/30/2017 52,263.00 Dawson, Natalie 369586 Wilderness Institute Operating FY14 UM FOUNDATION 7/1/2013 6/30/2014 197,970.00 Dawson, Natalie 369587 Wilderness.net Match FY14 UM FOUNDATION 7/1/2013 6/30/2014 36,500.00 Dawson, Natalie 369650 Wilderness Institute Operating FY15 UM FOUNDATION 7/1/2014 6/30/2015 208,452.00 Dobrowski, Solomon 364725 Assisted Migration USDA FS ROCKY MTN RS 7/31/2009 7/31/2014 -10,000.00 Dobrowski, Solomon 364782 Angora Fire Vegetation Monitoring USDA FS PACIFIC SW REGION 5/27/2010 12/31/2014 40,000.00 Dobrowski, Solomon 364957 Kings River Experimental Watershed USDA FS PACIFIC SW RS 9/18/2013 1/31/2016 10,000.00 Dobrowski, Solomon 366077 How Mountains Maintain Biodiversity NATL SCIENCE FNDN 5/1/2012 4/30/2015 34,714.00 Dodson, Elizabeth 369573 Juniper Volume Estimation, Part 2 UM FOUNDATION 6/1/2013 10/1/2013 9,500.00 Dodson, Elizabeth 369632 Western Logging Costs WOOD SUPPLY RES INSTITUTE 1/1/2014 6/1/2015 66,500.00 Filardi, Catherine 364820 Hyalite Porcupine Buffalo Horn USDA FS GALLATIN NF 5/10/2011 5/1/2016 -1.30 Freimund, Wayne 364788 Global Protected Area Management USDA FS INTERNATIONAL PGM 7/28/2010 6/30/2015 71,118.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Freimund, Wayne 364788 Global Protected Area Management USDA FS INTERNATIONAL PGM 7/28/2010 6/30/2015 193,338.00 Freimund, Wayne 364788 Global Protected Area Management USDA FS INTERNATIONAL PGM 7/28/2010 6/30/2015 107.00 Freimund, Wayne 364956 ISPAM USDA FS INTERNATIONAL PGM 9/16/2013 8/31/2017 149,985.00 Freimund, Wayne 364982 Brazil Training USDA FS INTERNATIONAL PGM 1/1/2014 1/25/2019 226,139.00 Freimund, Wayne 364982 Brazil Training USDA FS INTERNATIONAL PGM 1/1/2014 1/25/2019 199,592.00 Freimund, Wayne 365780 Social Science Tech Assistance-YNP USDI - NPS (CESU) 8/15/2013 1/31/2015 132,973.00 Gerloff, Lisa 364983 Wilderness Ranger Intern Program USDA FS GALLATIN NF 3/24/2014 3/1/2019 10,000.00 Gerloff, Lisa 364986 Trail Inventory and Monitoring USDA FS BITTERROOT NF 4/17/2014 12/30/2015 20,000.00 Gerloff, Lisa 367729 Collaborative Trail Condition Inven NAT'L FOREST FNDN / USDA 9/1/2013 11/1/2014 53,664.00 Hebblewhite, Mark 326782 Global Population Dynamics/Climate NASA - STENNIS 8/1/2011 5/31/2015 49,842.00 Hebblewhite, Mark 326782 Global Population Dynamics/Climate NASA - STENNIS 8/1/2011 5/31/2015 49,842.00 Hebblewhite, Mark 326782 Global Population Dynamics/Climate NASA - STENNIS 8/1/2011 5/31/2015 -49,842.00 Hebblewhite, Mark 326782 Global Population Dynamics/Climate NASA - STENNIS 8/1/2011 5/31/2015 80,050.00 Hebblewhite, Mark 326782 Global Population Dynamics/Climate NASA - STENNIS 8/1/2011 5/31/2015 129,893.00 Hebblewhite, Mark 369619 Bitterroot Valley Elk Study Yr 3 ROCKY MTN ELK FNDN 6/29/2013 6/2/2015 38,700.00 Hebblewhite, Mark 369639 Woodland Caribou Demographic ALBERTA SUS RES DEVELOP 4/1/2013 3/31/2014 20,000.00 Jencso, Kelsey 364994 GNP to Climate Modeling USDA FS NRCS (CESU) 7/2/2014 9/30/2014 38,394.00 Jencso, Kelsey 366094 NSF Grad Res Fellowship - Bergstrom NATL SCIENCE FNDN 6/1/2013 5/31/2016 44,000.00 Keyes, Christopher 364832 Effects Variable-Retention Cuttings USDA FS ROCKY MTN RS 8/3/2011 8/1/2016 24,000.00 Krausman, Paul 369584 Use of Clearcut Forests by Caribou GOT'V OF NEWFOUNDLAND 8/1/2013 3/31/2014 11,800.00 Larson, Andrew 364992 Snowshoe Hare PCT USDA FS ROCKY MTN RS 7/17/2013 8/1/2018 12,500.00 Larson, Andrew 365791 Post Rim Fire YFDP USDI - NPS (CESU) 3/1/2014 3/31/2016 8,137.00 Larson, Andrew 369600 Yosemite Forest Fire History-Barth SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTE 9/1/2013 5/31/2014 2,956.00 Lukacs, Paul 364859 IMBCR Data Analysis automation US DA FS ROCKY MT RS 8/20/2013 3/31/2017 5,824.00 Lukacs, Paul 367770 Sampling Design-Greater Sage-grouse W ASSOC FISH & WILDLIFE 9/1/2013 9/30/2015 147,177.00 Metcalf, Alexander 364975 RMRS-BRDI Social USDA FS ROCKY MTN RS 1/1/2014 4/30/2015 129,058.00 Mills, L. Scott 324833 CESU Mariana Fruit Bat-Rota Island US DEPT OF DEFENSE (CESU) 9/28/2011 7/29/2013 0.20 Mills, L. Scott 365719 CESU - Snowshoe Hare Response USDI - BLM (CESU) 9/1/2011 9/30/2016 50,000.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Mills, L. Scott 369528 Using Remote Camera Data-Study Hare MPG RANCH 2/26/2013 12/31/2013 1,700.00 Naugle, David 367754 Sage Grouse Joe Smith PHEASANTS FOREVER / FWS 1/1/2014 12/31/2014 30,439.05 Nelson, Cara 325740 EPA STAR Fellowship-Rebecca Lloyd ENVIRON PROTECTION AGENCY 8/18/2012 8/17/2014 17,000.00 Nelson, Cara 364794 Native Plant Materials-Restoration USDA FS NORTHERN REGION 8/9/2010 6/30/2015 -0.49 Nelson, Cara 364987 Moonlight Fire USDA FS PACIFIC SW REGION 4/15/2014 12/31/2018 -4,039.20 Nelson, Cara 364987 Moonlight Fire USDA FS PACIFIC SW REGION 4/15/2014 12/31/2018 210,000.00 Nelson, Cara 368093 Efficacy of Revegetation Treatments MT DEPT OF JUSTICE 7/1/2012 6/30/2015 16,731.32 Nelson, Cara 368808 Missoula County Parks MSLA CO COMM/PLAN SVCS 5/1/2014 3/31/2016 9,000.00 Nelson, Cara 369637 Rock Creek Confluence FIVE VALLEYS LAND TRUST 10/1/2013 12/31/2018 14,250.00 Nickerson, Norma 365797 YNP visitor segments USDI - NPS (CESU) 7/1/2014 10/31/2016 120,750.00 Nickerson, Norma 369903 Montana Travel Research UNIV TRAVEL RES PROG 8/9/2010 6/30/2016 10,000.00 Queen, Lloyd 364838 National Center for Landscape Fire USDA FS ROCKY MTN RS 8/18/2011 6/30/2016 209.00 Queen, Lloyd 364838 National Center for Landscape Fire USDA FS ROCKY MTN RS 8/18/2011 6/30/2016 -209.00 Queen, Lloyd 364838 National Center for Landscape Fire USDA FS ROCKY MTN RS 8/18/2011 6/30/2016 -966,377.00 Running, Steven 364896 Modeling Effects of Climate Chage USDA FS ROCKY MTN RS 8/8/2012 6/1/2017 132,327.00 Running, Steven 365715 CESU - Bioenergy Potential SW U.S. USDI - USGS (CESU) 9/1/2011 8/31/2015 18,759.46 Running, Steven 365715 CESU - Bioenergy Potential SW U.S. USDI - USGS (CESU) 9/1/2011 8/31/2015 16,000.00 Servheen, Christopher 326376 Grizzly Bear Recovery:Research/Con DESIGNATED MRA003 4/27/2011 4/27/2016 25,532.00 Servheen, Christopher 364938 ID Panhandle Grizzly Bear Research USDA FS IDAHO PANHANDLE 5/10/2013 5/1/2018 20,000.00 Servheen, Christopher 365695 Grizzly Bear Recovery:Research/Con USDI - FWS (CESU) 4/27/2011 4/27/2016 375,000.00 Servheen, Christopher 369465 Trans-boundary Grizzly Bear Project LIZ CLAIBORNE FNDN 6/1/2012 5/31/2014 25,000.00 Servheen, Christopher 369483 Transborder Grizzly Bear Proj FY13 WILBURFORCE FNDN 7/13/2012 7/31/2014 25,000.00 Siebert, Steve 364905 Vulnerability Forage and Red Meat USDA FS ROCKY MTN RS 9/6/2012 1/1/2015 10,000.00 Six, Diana 364951 Genetics of Western Pine Beetle USDA FS NIFA 8/1/2013 3/14/2015 35,400.00 Six, Diana 364951 Genetics of Western Pine Beetle USDA FS NIFA 8/1/2013 3/14/2015 41,900.00 Venn, Tyron 364732 Wildland Fire Mgmt Strategies USDA FS ROCKY MTN RS 8/14/2009 9/30/2014 35,000.00 Venn, Tyron 364895 OptFuels Treatment-Lake Tahoe Basin USDA FS ROCKY MTN RS 8/8/2012 1/31/2016 6,258.00 Venn, Tyron 364895 OptFuels Treatment-Lake Tahoe Basin USDA FS ROCKY MTN RS 8/8/2012 1/31/2016 39,435.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Venn, Tyron 364930 Fire Plan: Economics & Emissions USDA FS ROCKY MTN RS 3/5/2013 12/31/2016 100,907.00 Venn, Tyron 367289 Assess & Manage Wildfire Risk U OF MISSOURI / NSF 10/1/2009 9/30/2014 -71,175.92 Wakimoto, Ronald 326814 Improving Biomass Burning Emmission NATL OCEANIC/ATMOS ADM 8/1/2013 7/31/2016 73,956.00 Wakimoto, Ronald 364974 Biomass Burning Emission Inventory USDA FS ROCKY MTN RS 12/19/2013 12/31/2015 80,800.00 Wakimoto, Ronald 364974 Biomass Burning Emission Inventory USDA FS ROCKY MTN RS 12/19/2013 12/31/2015 408,949.00 Yung, Laurie 325732 STAR Fellowship-Wylie Carr ENVIRON PROTECTION AGENCY 8/17/2011 8/16/2014 17,000.00 Yung, Laurie 364858 Scenario Planning Tool-Climate Chg US DA FS ROCKY MT RS 6/24/2013 9/30/2015 15,000.00 Yung, Laurie 364858 Scenario Planning Tool-Climate Chg US DA FS ROCKY MT RS 6/24/2013 9/30/2015 -15,000.00 Yung, Laurie 367759 Ecological Resilience - SW Colorado CO STATE UNIV / USGS 9/15/2013 1/31/2015 10,818.72 Yung, Laurie 367759 Ecological Resilience - SW Colorado CO STATE UNIV / USGS 9/15/2013 1/31/2015 97,628.28 Summary for College of Forestry & Conserva (121 records) Total for Dept 4,738,348.64 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Merriman, Christine 367721 Supervisor Grad Students 13-14 OPI / ED 7/1/2013 6/30/2014 160,000.00 Off, Catherine 325348 UGP 2014: BSAP Outcomes UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA 5/1/2014 8/31/2015 3,220.00 Paulson, Lucy 369097 RiteCare Language & Literacy W MT SCOTTISH RITE FNDN 7/1/2007 6/30/2014 32,000.00 Paulson, Lucy 369097 RiteCare Language & Literacy W MT SCOTTISH RITE FNDN 7/1/2007 6/30/2014 1,500.00 Paulson, Lucy 369097 RiteCare Language & Literacy W MT SCOTTISH RITE FNDN 7/1/2007 6/30/2014 32,000.00 Communicative Sciences & Disor Summary for Communicative Sciences & Disor (5 records) Total for Dept 228,720.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Johnson, Jesse 367501 Beyond Blackstress:Glacier Dynamics U OF KANSAS / NASA 8/31/2011 8/30/2014 20,000.00 Johnson, Jesse 367501 Beyond Blackstress:Glacier Dynamics U OF KANSAS / NASA 8/31/2011 8/30/2014 52,987.00 Raiford, Douglas 369570 K-Mer Classification (metagenomics) MT ACADEMY OF SCIENCES 8/26/2013 5/17/2014 500.00 Computer Science Summary for Computer Science (3 records) Total for Dept 73,487.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency 326398 Adv of IDC Army Corps of Engineers DESIGNATED MRA003 Start Date End Date Amount 7/1/2014 6/30/2015 200,000.00 Corps of Engineers Hauer, F. Summary for Corps of Engineers (1 detail record) Total for Dept 200,000.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Nichols, Lindsey 367746 Understanding of Children's M H CHE / ED 1/1/2014 10/31/2014 29,752.00 Nichols, Lindsey 367748 Understanding of Children's M H CHE / ED 1/1/2014 10/31/2014 22,060.00 Counselor Education Summary for Counselor Education (2 records) Total for Dept 51,812.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Beamer Shepherd, Celine 325334 UGP2014: Estab Lymphoid Cell Lines UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA 5/1/2014 8/31/2015 5,000.00 Cardozo-Pelaez, Fernando 369601 Elucidating Neuroprotection REVALESIO CORP 9/1/2013 8/31/2014 154,700.00 Cho, Yoon Hee 367831 Exposure Dietary DNA Methylation MSU/ NIGMS 7/1/2014 6/30/2015 69,609.00 Girtsman, Teri 364426 Investigation into NLRP3 Activation NIH, NIEHS 8/1/2013 8/14/2014 53,942.00 Holian, Andrij 364379 Training Rural & Underserved Youth NIH 6/1/2012 5/31/2015 250,294.00 Holian, Andrij 364410 CEHS Summer Undergraduate Research NIH, NIEHS 5/15/2013 1/31/2015 46,810.00 Holian, Andrij 364413 CEHS COBRE III 2013-14 Admin NIH, NIGMS 7/1/2013 3/31/2014 -283,000.00 Holian, Andrij 364415 CEHS COBRE III 2013-14 Admin NIH, NIGMS 7/1/2013 3/31/2014 -8,166.00 Holian, Andrij 364416 CEHS COBRE III 2013-14 Admin NIH, NIGMS 7/1/2013 3/31/2014 -1.00 Holian, Andrij 364416 CEHS COBRE III 2013-14 Admin NIH, NIGMS 7/1/2013 3/31/2014 43,659.00 Holian, Andrij 364417 CEHS COBRE III 2013-14 Admin NIH, NIGMS 7/1/2013 3/31/2014 183,462.00 Holian, Andrij 364418 CEHS COBRE III 2013-14 Admin NIH, NIGMS 7/1/2013 3/31/2014 157,111.00 Holian, Andrij 364419 CEHS COBRE III 2013-14 Admin NIH, NIGMS 7/1/2013 3/31/2014 56,600.00 Holian, Andrij 364420 CEHS COBRE III 2013-14 Admin NIH, NIGMS 7/1/2013 3/31/2014 56,600.00 Holian, Andrij 364420 CEHS COBRE III 2013-14 Admin NIH, NIGMS 7/1/2013 3/31/2014 -35,493.00 Holian, Andrij 364421 CEHS COBRE III 2013-14 Admin NIH, NIGMS 7/1/2013 3/31/2014 56,600.00 Holian, Andrij 364422 CEHS COBRE III 2013-14 Admin NIH, NIGMS 7/1/2013 3/31/2014 56,600.00 Holian, Andrij 364423 CEHS COBRE III 2013-14 Admin NIH, NIGMS 7/1/2013 3/31/2014 56,600.00 Holian, Andrij 364449 Admin SEPA Supplement NIH, OD 9/13/2013 5/31/2015 85,000.00 Holian, Andrij 364458 COBRE III 2014-2015 Year 2 NIH, NIGMS 4/1/2014 3/31/2015 -62,954.00 Holian, Andrij 364458 COBRE III 2014-2015 Year 2 NIH, NIGMS 4/1/2014 3/31/2015 607,163.00 Holian, Andrij 364458 COBRE III 2014-2015 Year 2 NIH, NIGMS 4/1/2014 3/31/2015 340,572.00 Holian, Andrij 364458 COBRE III 2014-2015 Year 2 NIH, NIGMS 4/1/2014 3/31/2015 -190,789.00 Holian, Andrij 364458 COBRE III 2014-2015 Year 2 NIH, NIGMS 4/1/2014 3/31/2015 -243,567.00 Holian, Andrij 364459 COBRE III 2014-2015 Year 2 NIH, NIGMS 4/1/2014 3/31/2015 126,252.00 Holian, Andrij 364460 COBRE III 2014-2015 Year 2 NIH, NIGMS 4/1/2014 3/31/2015 135,396.00 Holian, Andrij 364461 COBRE III 2014-2015 Year 2 NIH, NIGMS 4/1/2014 3/31/2015 175,184.00 Ctr Environmental Health Scien PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Holian, Andrij 364462 COBRE III 2014-2015 Year 2 NIH, NIGMS 4/1/2014 3/31/2015 41,000.00 Holian, Andrij 364463 COBRE III 2014-2015 Year 2 NIH, NIGMS 4/1/2014 3/31/2015 49,906.00 Holian, Andrij 364464 COBRE III 2014-2015 Year 2 NIH, NIGMS 4/1/2014 3/31/2015 22,850.00 Holian, Andrij 364465 COBRE III 2014-2015 Year 2 NIH, NIGMS 4/1/2014 3/31/2015 44,033.00 Holian, Andrij 364466 COBRE III 2014-2015 Year 2 NIH, NIGMS 4/1/2014 3/31/2015 70,750.00 Holian, Andrij 364467 COBRE III 2014-2015 Year 2 NIH, NIGMS 4/1/2014 3/31/2015 70,852.00 Holian, Andrij 364468 COBRE III 2014-2015 Year 2 NIH, NIGMS 4/1/2014 3/31/2015 101,965.00 Holian, Andrij 364469 COBRE III 2014-2015 Year 2 NIH, NIGMS 4/1/2014 3/31/2015 62,954.00 Holian, Andrij 364492 NRSA Fellowship: Tina Sager NIH, NIEHS 7/1/2014 6/30/2015 60,998.00 Holian, Andrij 364495 Bioactivity and mechanistic studies NIH, NIEHS 7/1/2014 6/30/2015 719,409.00 Holian, Andrij 369580 Skaggs Scholar Program UNIV OF COLORADO 7/1/2013 6/30/2015 50,000.00 Holian, Andrij 369626 PreDoc Fellowship - Jessop PHRMA FNDN 1/1/2014 12/31/2015 40,000.00 Natale, Nicholas 369579 Skagg Scholar Program UNIV OF COLORADO 7/1/2013 6/30/2015 64,000.00 Noonan, Curtis 364424 Residential Wood Stove Intervention NIH, NIEHS 4/1/2014 2/28/2015 -184,771.00 Noonan, Curtis 364424 Residential Wood Stove Intervention NIH, NIEHS 4/1/2014 2/28/2015 637,618.00 Noonan, Curtis 364424 Residential Wood Stove Intervention NIH, NIEHS 4/1/2014 2/28/2015 -0.85 Noonan, Curtis 364424 Residential Wood Stove Intervention NIH, NIEHS 4/1/2014 2/28/2015 128,392.00 Noonan, Curtis 364451 Residential Wood Smoke Intervention NIH, NIEHS 9/21/2013 6/18/2014 172,389.00 Noonan, Curtis 364451 Residential Wood Smoke Intervention NIH, NIEHS 9/21/2013 6/18/2014 -128,392.85 Noonan, Curtis 367730 Libby Epidemiology Research MT SINAI SCHOOL-MED / HHS 9/30/2013 9/29/2014 135,662.00 Noonan, Curtis 367763 Network IDeA-CTR (Admin) UNLV / NIH 9/15/2013 6/30/2014 142,628.00 Noonan, Curtis 367764 Network IDeA-CTR (Admin) UNLV / NIH 9/15/2013 6/30/2014 30,193.00 Putnam, Elizabeth 364442 The Role of SPARC in Lung Fibrosis NIH, NIEHS 8/21/2013 7/31/2016 420,011.00 Shepherd, David 364439 Consequences of AhR Activation NIH, NIEHS 7/1/2013 5/31/2015 317,723.00 Shepherd, David 364439 Consequences of AhR Activation NIH, NIEHS 7/1/2013 5/31/2015 -36,679.00 Shepherd, David 364439 Consequences of AhR Activation NIH, NIEHS 7/1/2013 5/31/2015 366,856.00 Ward, Tony 364491 Wood Stove Rural Communities NIH, NIEHS 6/19/2014 3/31/2015 580,203.00 Summary for Ctr Environmental Health Scien (54 records) Total for Dept 5,873,732.30 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Bridges, Richard 364474 Pharmacology System xc- NIH, NINDS 5/1/2014 6/30/2016 415,491.00 Bridges, Richard 368152 Applied/Translational Research Bio MT BD RES & COMM TECH 7/1/2013 12/31/2014 149,078.00 Bridges, Richard 369472 Promentis Compounds PROMENTIS PHARM, INC 7/25/2011 12/31/2014 1,575.00 Kavanaugh, Michael 364349 The Big Sky Brain Project-Ad NIH, NIDA 9/15/2011 7/31/2014 -5,400.00 Kavanaugh, Michael 364349 The Big Sky Brain Project-Ad NIH, NIDA 9/15/2011 7/31/2014 -37,800.00 Kavanaugh, Michael 364349 The Big Sky Brain Project-Ad NIH, NIDA 9/15/2011 7/31/2014 172,138.00 Kavanaugh, Michael 364350 The Big Sky Brain Project-Ad NIH, NIDA 9/15/2011 7/31/2014 37,800.00 Kavanaugh, Michael 364350 The Big Sky Brain Project-Ad NIH, NIDA 9/15/2011 7/31/2014 57,108.00 Kavanaugh, Michael 364398 The Big Sky Brain Project-Ad NIH, NIDA 8/1/2012 7/31/2014 5,400.00 Kavanaugh, Michael 364398 The Big Sky Brain Project-Ad NIH, NIDA 8/1/2012 7/31/2014 7,902.00 Kavanaugh, Michael 364448 The Big Sky Brain Project-Ad VARIOUS 8/1/2013 7/31/2014 2,850.00 Lawrence, John 364406 Modes of Cholinergic Trans NIH, NINDS 1/1/2013 8/31/2014 30,389.00 Lawrence, John 367792 Inhibition of Retinoic Acid Metabol DERMAXON, LLC 9/30/2013 8/31/2014 28,300.00 Ctr Structural/Functnl Neurosc Summary for Ctr Structural/Functnl Neurosc (13 records) Total for Dept 864,831.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Atkins, Trent 367734 Rural Special Education Project MSU BILLINGS / ED 7/1/2013 6/30/2014 3,000.00 Cobbs, Georgia 367674 MCCSM=MT Common Core Standards Math BOZEMAN PUBLIC SCHOOLS/ED 10/1/2012 9/30/2014 9,600.00 Garfinkle, Ann 367711 CAW Autism Training FY14 MT DPHHS / ED 7/1/2013 6/30/2014 249,686.00 Garfinkle, Ann 367824 Act Early Ambassador FY14-16 ASSOC U CTRS-DISAB / HHS 5/1/2014 4/30/2016 8,000.00 Schertz, Matthew 367743 American Empires CHE / ED 1/15/2014 5/31/2015 52,407.00 Schertz, Matthew 367745 American Empires CHE / ED 1/15/2014 5/31/2015 34,536.00 Curriculum & Instruction Summary for Curriculum & Instruction (6 records) Total for Dept 357,229.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency 367440 Undergraduate Research Program MSU / NASA Start Date End Date Amount 5/1/2011 4/30/2015 5,000.00 Davidson Honors College McKusick, James Summary for Davidson Honors College (1 detail record) Total for Dept 5,000.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Allendorf, Fred 328767 Native Fish in Montana MT DEPT FISH-WILD-PARKS 6/1/2010 6/30/2015 55,000.00 Allendorf, Fred 328767 Native Fish in Montana MT DEPT FISH-WILD-PARKS 6/1/2010 6/30/2015 82,230.00 Allendorf, Fred 328996 Genetic Analysis of Salmoniod Brood WY GAME & FISH DEPT 7/1/2012 6/30/2015 3,115.00 Berger, Joel 365781 Mountain Goat Ecology USDI - NPS (CESU) 7/28/2013 12/31/2016 23,853.00 Berger, Joel 365781 Mountain Goat Ecology USDI - NPS (CESU) 7/28/2013 12/31/2016 123,000.00 Berger, Joel 365782 Trophic Downgrading at RMNP USDI - NPS (CESU) 8/1/2013 12/31/2015 1,449.00 Berger, Joel 365792 Trans-Beringia Muskoxen USDI - NPS (CESU) 3/1/2014 12/31/2018 39,010.00 Berger, Joel 366119 NSF Fellow - Theresa Laverty NATL SCIENCE FNDN 6/1/2014 5/31/2018 44,000.00 Callaway, Ragan 366144 NSF Grad Res Fellow - Slate NATL SCIENCE FNDN 6/1/2014 5/31/2017 44,000.00 Callaway, Ragan 369531 Partners in Science Program MURDOCK CHARITABLE TRUST 3/1/2013 2/28/2015 7,500.00 Certel, Sarah 325333 UGP2014: ID Regulators UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA 5/1/2014 8/31/2015 2,922.00 Certel, Sarah 366097 Biogenic Amines NATL SCIENCE FNDN 6/1/2013 5/31/2016 151,451.00 Certel, Sarah 369595 Dissecting Microcircuits WHITEHALL FNDN 9/1/2013 8/31/2014 30,000.00 Dreitz, Victoria 364933 Statewide Bird Monitoring Program USDA FS NORTHERN REGION 4/23/2013 3/15/2015 -51,220.87 Dreitz, Victoria 368101 Bird Banding & Education, 2012-2013 MT TECH 7/1/2012 6/30/2014 -71,738.68 Dreitz, Victoria 368101 Bird Banding & Education, 2012-2013 MT TECH 7/1/2012 6/30/2014 88,079.00 Dreitz, Victoria 368120 Upper Clark Fork Bird Monitoring MT DEPT OF JUSTICE 3/26/2013 1/31/2014 -525.16 Dreitz, Victoria 369541 Bird Research on the MPG Ranch 2013 MPG RANCH 4/1/2013 2/28/2014 -73,726.71 Fishman, Lila 365991 CAREER: Female Meiotic Drive NATL SCIENCE FNDN 5/15/2009 4/30/2015 -1.00 Fishman, Lila 365991 CAREER: Female Meiotic Drive NATL SCIENCE FNDN 5/15/2009 4/30/2015 0.01 Fishman, Lila 365991 CAREER: Female Meiotic Drive NATL SCIENCE FNDN 5/15/2009 4/30/2015 45,042.00 Fishman, Lila 365991 CAREER: Female Meiotic Drive NATL SCIENCE FNDN 5/15/2009 4/30/2015 -0.01 Fishman, Lila 366114 Dissertation Research: Stathos NATL SCIENCE FNDN 5/15/2014 4/30/2015 17,617.00 Foresman, Kerry 369617 Hair Traps: Small Mammals in MT ANIMAL WELFARE INSTITUTE 12/1/2013 12/31/2014 10,000.00 Good, Jeffrey 364377 Male Sterility in House Mice NIH, NICHHD 6/1/2012 5/31/2015 293,719.00 Good, Jeffrey 366113 DISSERTATION RESEARCH: Brekke NATL SCIENCE FNDN 3/1/2014 9/30/2015 17,864.00 Good, Jeffrey 366113 DISSERTATION RESEARCH: Brekke NATL SCIENCE FNDN 3/1/2014 9/30/2015 532.00 Division of Biological Science PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Good, Jeffrey 366143 NSF Grad Res Fellow - Jones NATL SCIENCE FNDN 9/1/2013 8/31/2019 44,000.00 Good, Jeffrey 367563 Genomics of Male Reproduction U OF SO CA / NIH 5/1/2012 4/30/2015 119,652.00 Greene, Erick 368228 Bird's Eye View Program MT TECH 7/1/2014 6/30/2016 331,348.00 Helm, Jared 364404 Inihibition of Secretory Pathway NIH, NRSA 1/1/2013 12/31/2013 0.00 Holben, William 326382 Bridge Funding for William Holben DESIGNATED MRA003 4/1/2013 11/30/2013 3,000.00 Holben, William 364450 Understanding Etiology: Mapping Cl NIH, NIAID 9/15/2013 9/14/2015 353,750.00 Holben, William 366073 REU Site: IMSURE UACh Admin NATL SCIENCE FNDN 4/15/2012 3/31/2015 -29,844.00 Holben, William 366074 REU Site: IMSURE UACh Admin NATL SCIENCE FNDN 4/15/2012 3/31/2015 -47,300.00 Hutto, Richard 369633 Fire chronosequence study NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 3/1/2014 9/30/2015 19,750.00 Kukuk, Penny 326364 Bridging American Indians Research DESIGNATED MRA003 4/1/2011 3/31/2014 15,297.63 Landguth, Erin 366079 Graduate Research Fellow-Jones NATL SCIENCE FNDN 9/1/2012 8/31/2015 44,000.00 Landguth, Erin 367755 Demogenetic viability of fish TROUT UNLIMITED / NASA 1/2/2014 1/1/2015 62,823.00 Landguth, Erin 369594 Riverscape Genetics Simulation SEATTLE CITY LIGHT DEPT 9/1/2013 9/30/2015 -5,554.00 Landguth, Erin 369594 Riverscape Genetics Simulation SEATTLE CITY LIGHT DEPT 9/1/2013 9/30/2015 204,263.00 Lowe, Winsor 366095 NSF Grad Res Fellow - Wilcox NATL SCIENCE FNDN 6/1/2013 5/31/2016 44,000.00 Lowe, Winsor 366118 REU: Stream Coexistence NATL SCIENCE FNDN 4/1/2014 3/31/2015 6,250.00 Lowe, Winsor 369653 eDNA and Spawning NW SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION 5/1/2014 4/30/2015 1,140.21 Marler, Marilyn 368803 Mount Sentinel Weed Management MSLA CO WEED DISTRICT 10/1/2012 10/15/2013 1,700.00 Maron, John 366078 Graduate Research Fellow-Baer NATL SCIENCE FNDN 6/1/2012 5/31/2015 44,000.00 McCutcheon, John 366105 NSF Grad Fellow - Vanderpool NATL SCIENCE FNDN 9/1/2013 8/31/2016 44,000.00 McCutcheon, John 366105 NSF Grad Fellow - Vanderpool NATL SCIENCE FNDN 9/1/2013 8/31/2016 44,000.00 McCutcheon, John 367434 Megacopta Cribraria & It's Bacteria EMORY UNIVERSITY / USDA 2/1/2011 1/31/2014 3,000.00 McCutcheon, John 369616 Establishing Genomics Core Fac. UM FOUNDATION 12/13/2013 12/31/2015 409,500.00 Minnick, Michael 364396 Sand Fly Colonization NIH, NIAID 8/1/2012 7/31/2015 166,263.00 Noson, Anna 365770 Bird Inventory and Monitoring in MT USDI - BLM (CESU) 5/1/2013 4/30/2018 -22,000.00 Noson, Anna 369551 Missouri & Madison Bird Monitoring PPL MONTANA, LLC 5/1/2013 12/31/2013 -7,000.00 Rice, Peter 364884 Clearwater Nez Perce Weed Control USDA FS CLEARWATER NF 6/6/2012 5/31/2017 5,000.00 Rice, Peter 364946 Spraying of Rhizomatous Weeds USDA FS NORTHERN REGION 7/18/2013 9/30/2017 42,000.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Rice, Peter 364946 Spraying of Rhizomatous Weeds USDA FS NORTHERN REGION 7/18/2013 9/30/2017 42,000.00 Rice, Peter 364952 Monitoring Site Restoration USDA FS LOLO NF 8/15/2013 6/30/2018 11,500.00 Rice, Peter 365777 Natural Resource Condition Assess USDI - NPS (CESU) 9/1/2013 8/31/2016 3,782.00 Rice, Peter 365793 LIBI Weed Plan USDI - NPS (CESU) 3/31/2014 12/31/2015 10,000.00 Rice, Peter 368210 Flowering Rush Biocontrol Agents MT DEPT OF AGRICULTURE 4/1/2014 10/31/2015 15,061.00 Rice, Peter 368210 Flowering Rush Biocontrol Agents MT DEPT OF AGRICULTURE 4/1/2014 10/31/2015 12,223.00 Rice, Peter 368216 Noxious Weed Listing Research MT WEED CONTROL ASSN 6/1/2014 12/31/2014 15,014.00 Rice, Peter 369603 Suppression of Flowering Rush SALISH KOOTENAI COLLEGE 10/1/2013 12/30/2015 29,723.00 Rosenzweig, Frank 326786 Genomic Constraints NASA - STENNIS 1/13/2012 1/12/2015 222,405.00 Rosenzweig, Frank 367723 Molecular Characterization STANFORD UNIV / HHS 8/1/2013 6/30/2015 -3,887.00 Rosenzweig, Frank 367723 Molecular Characterization STANFORD UNIV / HHS 8/1/2013 6/30/2015 147,289.00 Rosenzweig, Frank 367725 Characterization-Adaptive Evolution STANFORD UNIV / HHS 8/1/2013 6/30/2014 143,402.00 Rosenzweig, Frank 367725 Characterization-Adaptive Evolution STANFORD UNIV / HHS 8/1/2013 6/30/2014 3,887.00 Rosenzweig, Frank 369634 Experimental Evolution of Multicell UNIV OF MINNESOTA 10/1/2013 9/30/2016 316,250.00 Ryckman, Brent 364380 HCMV Glycoprotein O NIH, NIAID 5/1/2012 5/31/2014 350,073.00 Sala, Anna 364947 Fire and Tree Mortality USDA FS ROCKY MTN RS 7/24/2013 9/30/2016 5,803.00 Sala, Anna 364947 Fire and Tree Mortality USDA FS ROCKY MTN RS 7/24/2013 9/30/2016 1,451.00 Sala, Anna 364947 Fire and Tree Mortality USDA FS ROCKY MTN RS 7/24/2013 9/30/2016 10,000.00 Sala, Anna 364948 Fuels and Fire USDA FS ROCKY MTN RS 8/6/2013 6/30/2015 2,534.00 Sala, Anna 364948 Fuels and Fire USDA FS ROCKY MTN RS 8/6/2013 6/30/2015 17,000.00 Samuels, Scott 326380 Bridge Support - Scott Samuels DESIGNATED MRA003 2/1/2013 9/30/2013 -5,000.00 Szalda-Petree, Allen 364378 Bridging Am Indians- Resrch 11-12 NIH, NIGMS 4/1/2012 3/31/2014 -181,682.90 Szalda-Petree, Allen 364378 Bridging Am Indians- Resrch 11-12 NIH, NIGMS 4/1/2012 3/31/2014 20,650.59 Tobalske, Bret 369610 Swallow Flight NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 2/1/2014 4/30/2015 19,342.00 Wetzel, Scott 364403 Role of Atrzine-Inducing Estrogen NIH, NIEHS 12/1/2012 11/30/2014 63,675.00 Wetzel, Scott 364403 Role of Atrzine-Inducing Estrogen NIH, NIEHS 12/1/2012 11/30/2014 6,368.00 Summary for Division of Biological Science (81 records) Total for Dept 4,059,072.11 PI Fund Title Funding Agency 367762 Whitebark Pine Valuation CO STATE UNIV / USGS Start Date End Date Amount 10/1/2013 9/30/2015 39,552.00 Economics Naughton, Helen Summary for Economics (1 detail record) Total for Dept 39,552.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Vandenpol, Richard 326805 MT Victim Assistance Academy US DEPT OF JUSTICE 10/1/2012 9/30/2014 100,000.00 Vandenpol, Richard 326828 MT Victim Assistance Academy VARIOUS 10/1/2012 9/30/2014 18,910.00 Vandenpol, Richard 364360 Trans Tribal Child Protection Svcs NIH, ACYF 9/30/2011 9/29/2012 -303,395.00 Vandenpol, Richard 364397 Sister Nations Empowerment Project HHS, SAMHSA 8/1/2012 7/31/2013 -341,143.26 Vandenpol, Richard 364402 Nat'l Native Children's Trauma Ctr HHS, SAMHSA 9/30/2012 9/29/2013 -331,947.00 Vandenpol, Richard 364441 Sister Nations Empowerment Project HHS, SAMHSA 8/1/2011 7/31/2015 341,143.00 Vandenpol, Richard 364441 Sister Nations Empowerment Project HHS, SAMHSA 8/1/2011 7/31/2015 480,000.00 Vandenpol, Richard 364443 Nat'l Native Children's Trauma Ctr HHS, SAMHSA 9/30/2012 9/29/2014 331,947.00 Vandenpol, Richard 364443 Nat'l Native Children's Trauma Ctr HHS, SAMHSA 9/30/2012 9/29/2014 586,909.00 Vandenpol, Richard 364444 Trans Tribal Child Protection Svcs NIH, ACYF 9/30/2011 9/29/2014 625,600.00 Vandenpol, Richard 367786 MT Behavioral Initiative 2013-14 OPI / ED 10/1/2013 9/30/2014 43,258.00 Educational Research and Servi Summary for Educational Research and Servi (11 records) Total for Dept 1,551,281.74 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Bruce, Heather 367774 Intersections Science and Literacy U OF CA-NTL WRIT PRJ /NSF 10/1/2013 9/30/2014 30,000.00 Bruce, Heather 367815 MT Writing Project 2014-2016 U OF CA-NTL WRIT PRJ /ED 5/1/2014 8/31/2016 10,000.00 Bruce, Heather 368203 MWP: 2014 Programs MT OFFICE PUBLIC INST 5/1/2014 7/12/2014 28,944.00 O'Riordain, Traolach 369151 Irish Studies/Language Support GOVERNMENT OF IRELAND 7/1/2008 8/31/2014 3,977.00 O'Riordain, Traolach 369151 Irish Studies/Language Support GOVERNMENT OF IRELAND 7/1/2008 8/31/2014 27,575.00 O'Riordain, Traolach 369615 The Gathering 13-14 GOVERNMENT OF IRELAND 7/1/2013 6/30/2014 40,000.00 English Summary for English (6 records) Total for Dept 140,496.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Condon, Phil 365771 Science Communication Intership USDI - NPS (CESU) 4/1/2013 12/31/2014 5,418.00 Condon, Phil 365794 Science Communication Internship USDI - NPS (CESU) 4/15/2014 5/31/2015 12,454.00 Covitt, Beth 367793 BANR:Sustainable Biofuel Feedstocks CO STATE UNIV / NIFA 11/1/2013 8/31/2014 3,753.00 Covitt, Beth 367793 BANR:Sustainable Biofuel Feedstocks CO STATE UNIV / NIFA 11/1/2013 8/31/2014 51,086.00 Covitt, Beth 367793 BANR:Sustainable Biofuel Feedstocks CO STATE UNIV / NIFA 11/1/2013 8/31/2014 -10,789.00 Covitt, Beth 367836 BANR:Sustainable Biofuel Feedstocks CO STATE UNIV / NIFA 11/1/2013 8/31/2014 10,789.00 La Pier, Rosalyn 325332 UGP 2014: Itapissko: Blackfeet UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA 5/1/2014 8/31/2015 2,500.00 Watson, Vicki 367767 2013 Reference Project MT DEQ / EPA 6/19/2012 3/21/2014 49,643.00 Watson, Vicki 367819 Clark Fork Benthic Algae Monitoring MT DEQ / EPA 5/1/2014 3/1/2015 15,237.00 Watson, Vicki 368102 2013 Reference Project MT DEPT ENVIRONMENT-QUAL 6/19/2012 4/4/2014 35,670.00 Watson, Vicki 368215 2014 Reference Project MT DEPT ENVIRONMENT-QUAL 6/9/2014 4/3/2015 66,256.00 Environmental Studies Summary for Environmental Studies (11 records) Total for Dept 242,017.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Queen, Lloyd 364940 National Center for Landscape Fire USDA FS ROCKY MTN RS 8/18/2011 6/30/2016 556,800.00 Queen, Lloyd 364940 National Center for Landscape Fire USDA FS ROCKY MTN RS 8/18/2011 6/30/2016 966,377.00 Seielstad, Carl 364953 Synthesizing Fire Regime Info USDA FS ROCKY MTN RS 9/4/2013 8/31/2018 316,762.00 Fire Center Summary for Fire Center (3 records) Total for Dept 1,839,939.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Graetz, Rick 369623 Blackfoot/Swan Project CINNABAR FNDN Halvorson, Sarah 369596 2013-2014 Alliance Grant NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Klene, Anna 364779 Topoclimate Variability-Mtn Areas USDA FS NORTHERN REGION Start Date End Date Amount 12/1/2013 12/1/2014 2,000.00 9/1/2013 11/1/2014 27,000.00 5/19/2010 5/1/2015 22,000.00 Geography Summary for Geography (3 records) Total for Dept 51,000.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Bendick Kier, Rebecca 366050 CAREER: Continental Tectonics NATL SCIENCE FNDN 5/3/2011 5/31/2016 74,449.00 Bendick Kier, Rebecca 366059 Ethiopian Highlands NATL SCIENCE FNDN 9/1/2011 8/31/2016 8,844.00 Bendick Kier, Rebecca 366112 East Africa Kinematics NATL SCIENCE FNDN 12/1/2013 12/31/2014 47,814.00 Blank, Carrine 368153 Acidic Wastewater Treatment MT DEPT NATURAL RESOURCES 7/9/2013 12/31/2015 99,882.00 Harper, Joel 326389 Modeling Greenland NASA Data DESIGNATED MRA003 9/1/2011 8/31/2014 116,595.00 Harper, Joel 367495 Modeling Greenland NASA Data MSU / NASA 9/1/2011 8/31/2014 174,585.00 Harper, Joel 369629 GrIS-Modeling SWEDISH NUCLEAR FUEL 1/1/2014 9/30/2014 24,600.00 Hinman, Nancy 367202 INRA Water Resources Initiative INLAND NW RES AL/DOE 10/1/2008 12/31/2013 1.00 Hofmann, Michael 369636 Sappington Facies Analysis STATOIL 1/1/2014 12/31/2015 228,545.00 Hofmann, Michael 369655 Frontier Facies Analysis SM ENERGY COMPANY 6/1/2014 5/30/2016 123,377.00 Langner, Heiko 368174 Flint Creek Sediments MT DEPT OF JUSTICE 11/22/2013 6/30/2014 4,993.00 Maneta Lopez, Marco 325730 EPA STAR Fellow; Nicholas Silverman ENVIRON PROTECTION AGENCY 8/27/2011 9/29/2014 5,000.00 Maneta Lopez, Marco 325731 EPA STAR Fellow; Nicholas Silverman ENVIRON PROTECTION AGENCY 8/27/2011 9/29/2014 12,000.00 Sheriff, Steven 365735 Grant-Kohrs Ranch: Remote Sensing USDI - NPS (CESU) 6/4/2012 5/15/2015 10,000.00 Stanley, George 366111 EAGER: Bear Gulch NATL SCIENCE FNDN 9/15/2013 8/31/2015 26,025.00 Wilcox, Andrew 325737 STAR Fellow: Bywater-Reyes, Ex acct ENVIRON PROTECTION AGENCY 8/16/2012 8/15/2015 10,000.00 Wilcox, Andrew 325738 STAR Fellow: Bywater-Reyes, Ex acct ENVIRON PROTECTION AGENCY 8/16/2012 8/15/2015 24,000.00 Geosciences Summary for Geosciences (17 records) Total for Dept 990,710.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency 326373 Sloan Indigenous Graduate Program DESIGNATED MRA003 Start Date End Date Amount 7/1/2011 7/1/2014 32,100.00 Graduate School Administration Ross, J.B. Alexander Summary for Graduate School Administration (1 detail record) Total for Dept 32,100.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency 367737 Transboundary Grizzly Bear Phase 2 NATL FISH WILDLIFE / FWS Start Date End Date Amount 6/1/2013 6/1/2018 85,000.00 Grizzly Bear Recovery Program Servheen, Christopher Summary for Grizzly Bear Recovery Program (1 detail record) Total for Dept 85,000.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Brown, Blakely 367740 Pilot test After-school Program UNLV / NIH 9/15/2013 6/30/2014 82,500.00 Brown, Blakely 367756 Scholars Ex BBrown UNLV / NIH 3/3/2014 6/30/2014 6,268.00 Brown, Blakely 367756 Scholars Ex BBrown UNLV / NIH 3/3/2014 6/30/2014 2,131.00 Dybdal, Laura 367753 Montana's HIV Prev Social Marketing MT DPHHS / HHS 2/1/2014 12/31/2014 67,550.00 Palmer, Charles 364807 Evaluation of Workplace Health & Sa USDA FS MSLA TECH DEV CTR 9/17/2010 9/17/2015 13,000.00 Palmer, Charles 364841 Fitness Test Wildland Hotshot Crews USDA FS MSLA TECH DEV CTR 8/11/2011 12/31/2014 10,450.00 Palmer, Charles 364980 HumPerf USDA FS 10/1/2013 9/30/2014 25,000.00 Ruby, Brent 324834 Human Perform/Heat Stress Modeling OFFICE OF NAVAL RESEARCH 10/1/2011 9/30/2015 100,000.00 Ruby, Brent 324834 Human Perform/Heat Stress Modeling OFFICE OF NAVAL RESEARCH 10/1/2011 9/30/2015 50,000.00 Ruby, Brent 367736 Heated Dive Garment SCIENCE APP INT'L CORP 11/7/2013 9/23/2014 157,079.00 Sondag, Kathleen 364977 Fitness Needs of Firefighters USDA FS MSLA TECH DEV CTR 2/4/2014 12/31/2015 25,000.00 Sondag, Kathleen 367749 HIV Prevention Projects MT DPHHS / HHS 1/1/2014 12/31/2014 45,000.00 Health & Human Performance Summary for Health & Human Performance (12 records) Total for Dept 583,978.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency 369647 AB Hammond Professor - 2014 HAMMOND FUND - UMF #618 Start Date End Date Amount 6/1/2014 7/31/2014 31,800.00 History Flores, Dan Summary for History (1 detail record) Total for Dept 31,800.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Schertz, Matthew 367744 American Empires CHE / ED 1/15/2014 5/31/2015 -31,208.00 Schertz, Matthew 367744 American Empires CHE / ED 1/15/2014 5/31/2015 31,208.00 Humanities & Sciences/Dean Summary for Humanities & Sciences/Dean (2 records) Total for Dept 0.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Ford, Raymond 364790 Internet 2 USDA FS ROCKY MTN RS 7/28/2010 9/30/2014 208,080.00 Knapp, Lois 366106 CC_NIE Integration: ARNI NATL SCIENCE FNDN 10/1/2013 9/30/2015 483,979.00 Information Technology Admin Summary for Information Technology Admin (2 records) Total for Dept 692,059.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Hauer, F. 367827 Stress Effect Aircraft Noise MT DEPT TRANS / FWA 5/16/2014 5/18/2015 26,000.00 Hauer, F. 369642 IoE Wilburforce Transboundary WILBURFORCE FNDN 3/14/2014 3/31/2015 35,000.00 Hauer, F. 369664 Wildsight Transboundary Sci Yr 3 WILDSIGHT 7/1/2014 6/30/2015 28,167.00 Institute on Ecosystems Summary for Institute on Ecosystems (3 records) Total for Dept 89,167.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Janusch, Sandra 367807 Humphrey LTE INST INT'L EDUC / DOS 2/15/2014 8/31/2014 3,031.00 Janusch, Sandra 367808 Humphrey LTE INST INT'L EDUC / DOS 2/15/2014 8/31/2014 130,885.00 International Programs Adminis Summary for International Programs Adminis (2 records) Total for Dept 133,916.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Berkhouse, Terry 364976 Flathead Nat'l Forest Interns USDA FS FLATHEAD NF 8/20/2013 12/31/2016 11,381.76 Berkhouse, Terry 364976 Flathead Nat'l Forest Interns USDA FS FLATHEAD NF 8/20/2013 12/31/2016 595.00 Berkhouse, Terry 368132 MT FWP Planning & Research Intern MT DEPT FISH-WILD-PARKS 5/13/2013 9/30/2013 492.00 Berkhouse, Terry 368166 DNRC Forest Inventory GIS Intern MT DEPT NATURAL RESOURCES 9/23/2013 6/30/2014 20,315.00 Berkhouse, Terry 368179 DNRC Forest Inventory MT DEPT NATURAL RESOURCES 5/1/2014 6/30/2014 24,009.00 Berkhouse, Terry 368181 DNRC Forestry Interm MT DEPT NATURAL RESOURCES 5/1/2014 6/30/2014 22,162.00 Berkhouse, Terry 368183 DNRC Forestry Intern (Currie) MT DEPT NATURAL RESOURCES 4/14/2014 4/15/2015 9,234.00 Berkhouse, Terry 368184 DNRC Forest Inventory (Deitz) MT DEPT NATURAL RESOURCES 4/14/2014 4/15/2015 9,234.00 Berkhouse, Terry 368185 DNRC Forestry Intern (Neu) MT DEPT NATURAL RESOURCES 4/14/2014 4/15/2015 9,234.00 Berkhouse, Terry 368187 FWP Bitterroot Fisheries Intern MT DEPT FISH-WILD-PARKS 6/16/2014 8/31/2014 4,136.00 Berkhouse, Terry 368188 FWP Giant Springs Intern MT DEPT FISH-WILD-PARKS 5/16/2014 8/31/2014 5,319.00 Berkhouse, Terry 368192 DNRC SW GIS Intern MT DEPT NATURAL RESOURCES 4/21/2014 8/31/2014 12,312.00 Berkhouse, Terry 368193 FWP Glasgow Intern (Teynor) MT DEPT FISH-WILD-PARKS 5/19/2014 8/31/2014 6,206.00 Berkhouse, Terry 368194 FWP Blackfoot Clearwater Intern MT DEPT FISH-WILD-PARKS 5/1/2014 8/31/2014 6,206.00 Berkhouse, Terry 368195 FWP Msla Visitor Intern MT DEPT FISH-WILD-PARKS 5/19/2014 9/12/2014 7,018.00 Berkhouse, Terry 368196 FWP Helena Fisheries Intern MT DEPT FISH-WILD-PARKS 5/12/2014 8/31/2014 3,103.00 Berkhouse, Terry 368197 FWP Ruby Beaverhead Intern MT DEPT FISH-WILD-PARKS 6/1/2014 8/31/2014 6,206.00 Berkhouse, Terry 368198 FWP Glasgow Intern-Region 6 MT DEPT FISH-WILD-PARKS 5/19/2014 8/31/2014 6,206.00 Berkhouse, Terry 368199 FWP Big Hole Intern MT DEPT FISH-WILD-PARKS 5/1/2014 9/12/2014 6,722.00 Berkhouse, Terry 368200 FWP Billings Intern MT DEPT FISH-WILD-PARKS 5/19/2014 9/12/2014 7,018.00 Berkhouse, Terry 368201 FWP Gt. Falls Fisheries Intern MT DEPT FISH-WILD-PARKS 5/12/2014 9/12/2014 6,464.00 Berkhouse, Terry 368202 DNRC Stillwater Intern MT DEPT NATURAL RESOURCES 4/30/2014 4/15/2015 9,930.00 Berkhouse, Terry 368205 FWP Absorkee Intern - Rich MT DEPT FISH-WILD-PARKS 7/1/2014 9/5/2014 4,654.00 Berkhouse, Terry 368206 FWP Ft. Peck Intern (St. Clair) MT DEPT FISH-WILD-PARKS 5/12/2014 9/5/2014 6,206.00 Berkhouse, Terry 368207 FWP Absorkee Intern - Van Donsel MT DEPT FISH-WILD-PARKS 7/1/2014 9/5/2014 4,654.00 Berkhouse, Terry 368209 FWP Kalispell Non Game Intern MT DEPT FISH-WILD-PARKS 5/12/2014 8/31/2014 6,083.00 Berkhouse, Terry 368211 Kalispell Fisheries Intern Stahlber MT DEPT FISH-WILD-PARKS 6/2/2014 8/31/2014 5,688.00 Internship Services Contracts PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Berkhouse, Terry 368212 FWP Miles City Intern Peters MT DEPT FISH-WILD-PARKS 5/27/2014 8/18/2014 5,146.00 Berkhouse, Terry 368217 DNRC Forest Inventory GIS Intern MT DEPT NATURAL RESOURCES 7/1/2014 6/30/2015 24,008.00 Berkhouse, Terry 368218 DNRC Forestry Intern MT DEPT NATURAL RESOURCES 7/1/2014 6/30/2015 22,162.00 Berkhouse, Terry 368219 DNRC Forest Inventory Intern MT DEPT NATURAL RESOURCES 7/1/2014 6/30/2015 24,008.00 Berkhouse, Terry 368220 DNRC Planning Section Intern MT DEPT NATURAL RESOURCES 7/1/2014 6/30/2015 18,468.00 Berkhouse, Terry 368221 DNRC Watershed Technician Intern MT DEPT NATURAL RESOURCES 7/1/2014 6/30/2015 18,468.00 Berkhouse, Terry 368227 DNRC PC Support Intern MT DEPT NATURAL RESOURCES 7/1/2014 1/31/2015 12,785.00 Berkhouse, Terry 368806 Bike/Ped Intern CITY OF MISSOULA 12/16/2013 6/30/2014 4,004.00 Berkhouse, Terry 369592 Conservation Media Intern CONSERVATION MEDIA 8/19/2013 12/31/2013 1,847.00 Kregosky, Joann 368158 FWP Arlee Intern MT DEPT FISH-WILD-PARKS 8/19/2013 12/31/2013 3,657.00 Kregosky, Joann 369593 Max Media Intern MAX MEDIA OF MT LLC 9/14/2013 12/31/2013 740.00 Summary for Internship Services Contracts (38 records) Total for Dept 356,080.76 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Chen, Suhan 369533 Confucius Institute - 2013 CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE 1/1/2013 5/31/2014 -29,926.00 Chen, Suhan 369635 CIUM Archive and Video Project CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE 1/1/2014 12/31/2014 15,000.00 Chen, Suhan 369640 Confucius Institute 2014 CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE 1/1/2014 12/31/2014 196,623.00 Kim, Abraham 369473 Mansfield Center Support MANSFIELD FND 7/1/2012 6/30/2015 170,285.00 Kim, Abraham 369474 Mansfield Center Support VARIOUS 7/1/2012 6/30/2015 33,887.75 Kim, Abraham 369474 Mansfield Center Support VARIOUS 7/1/2012 6/30/2015 18,104.00 Koester, Otto 369450 Confucius Institute 2012 CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE 1/1/2012 8/31/2013 -9,794.00 Loranger, Donald 367655 Defense Critical Lang/Culture 2013 VARIOUS 9/19/2012 9/30/2013 -28,936.00 Loranger, Donald 367714 Defense Critical Lang/Culture 2014 INST INT'L EDUC / DOS 9/19/2013 9/30/2014 2,000,000.00 Loranger, Donald 367714 Defense Critical Lang/Culture 2014 INST INT'L EDUC / DOS 9/19/2013 9/30/2014 -400.00 Loranger, Donald 367715 Defense Critical Lang/Culture 2014 VARIOUS 9/19/2013 9/18/2014 62,014.00 Loranger, Donald 367716 Project Global Officer 2014 INST INT'L EDUC / DOS 9/1/2013 8/31/2014 132,077.00 Loranger, Donald 367716 Project Global Officer 2014 INST INT'L EDUC / DOS 9/1/2013 8/31/2014 155,027.00 Loranger, Donald 367716 Project Global Officer 2014 INST INT'L EDUC / DOS 9/1/2013 8/31/2014 9,575.00 Mansour, Deena 326383 SUSI 2013-14 DESIGNATED MRA003 4/1/2013 3/31/2015 14,660.00 Mansour, Deena 326386 Econ Empowerment Burma et al DESIGNATED MRA003 9/18/2013 6/30/2015 6,995.00 Mansour, Deena 326390 Sports United China DESIGNATED MRA003 9/27/2013 12/31/2015 3,072.00 Mansour, Deena 326394 SUSI Secondary Scholars DESIGNATED MRA003 4/23/2014 2/28/2015 14,910.00 Mansour, Deena 326784 Women's Empowerment Exchange US DEPT OF STATE 9/30/2011 8/31/2013 28,969.00 Mansour, Deena 326785 Women's Empowerment Exchange US DEPT OF STATE 9/30/2011 8/31/2013 -28,969.00 Mansour, Deena 326790 SUSI 2012-13 US DEPT OF STATE 4/1/2012 7/31/2013 15,915.00 Mansour, Deena 326791 SUSI 2012-13 US DEPT OF STATE 4/1/2012 7/31/2013 -15,915.00 Mansour, Deena 326800 American Leadership/Cambodia US DEPT OF STATE 9/1/2012 11/30/2014 13,939.00 Mansour, Deena 326800 American Leadership/Cambodia US DEPT OF STATE 9/1/2012 11/30/2014 64,567.00 Mansour, Deena 326801 American Leadership/Cambodia US DEPT OF STATE 9/1/2012 11/30/2014 -13,939.00 Mansour, Deena 326801 American Leadership/Cambodia US DEPT OF STATE 9/1/2012 11/30/2014 126,421.00 Mansour, Deena 326803 Economic Empowerment Project US DEPT OF STATE 9/11/2012 6/30/2014 14,658.00 Mansfield Center Administratio PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Mansour, Deena 326804 Economic Empowerment Project US DEPT OF STATE 9/11/2012 6/30/2014 -14,658.00 Mansour, Deena 326809 SUSI 2013-14 US DEPT OF STATE 4/1/2013 3/31/2015 121,762.00 Mansour, Deena 326809 SUSI 2013-14 US DEPT OF STATE 4/1/2013 3/31/2015 18,346.00 Mansour, Deena 326810 SUSI 2013-14 US DEPT OF STATE 4/1/2013 3/31/2015 118,159.00 Mansour, Deena 326810 SUSI 2013-14 US DEPT OF STATE 4/1/2013 3/31/2015 -18,346.00 Mansour, Deena 326819 Econ Empowerment Burma et al US DEPT OF STATE 9/18/2013 6/30/2015 21,408.00 Mansour, Deena 326819 Econ Empowerment Burma et al US DEPT OF STATE 9/18/2013 6/30/2015 144,381.00 Mansour, Deena 326820 Econ Empowerment Burma et al US DEPT OF STATE 9/18/2013 6/30/2015 405,606.00 Mansour, Deena 326820 Econ Empowerment Burma et al US DEPT OF STATE 9/18/2013 6/30/2015 -21,408.00 Mansour, Deena 326824 Sports United China US DEPT OF STATE 9/27/2013 12/31/2015 83,491.00 Mansour, Deena 326825 Sports United China US DEPT OF STATE 9/27/2013 12/31/2015 141,310.00 Mansour, Deena 326829 SUSI Secondary Scholars US DEPT OF STATE 4/23/2014 2/28/2015 105,829.00 Mansour, Deena 326830 SUSI Secondary Scholars US DEPT OF STATE 4/23/2014 2/28/2015 134,149.00 Summary for Mansfield Center Administratio (40 records) Total for Dept 4,208,848.75 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Brown, Barry 325335 UGP2014: Building an iOS App UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA 5/1/2014 8/31/2015 2,260.00 Dresselhaus, Angela 369661 LRTS Acquisitions Lit Review AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOC 7/1/2014 12/31/2014 1,000.00 Edwards, Julie 367742 Fighting the Fires of Hate HUMANITIES MT / NEH 12/20/2013 12/31/2014 4,284.00 McCrea, Donna 325419 Conservation Consultation AV NATL ENDOW HUMANITIES-NEH 2/1/2014 7/31/2015 6,000.00 Mansfield Library Summary for Mansfield Library (4 records) Total for Dept 13,544.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Bardsley, Johnathan 367659 Poisson-Gaussian Mixed Noise NAT'L SECURITIES TECH/DOE 1/10/2013 9/30/2013 2,304.00 Bardsley, Johnathan 367768 Poisson Based MCMC Sampling NAT'L SECURITIES TECH/DOE 10/22/2013 9/30/2014 74,442.00 Halfpap, Jennifer 366115 Increase Diversity in Math - Admin NATL SCIENCE FNDN 7/1/2014 6/30/2019 56,296.00 Halfpap, Jennifer 366116 Increase Diversity in Math - Admin NATL SCIENCE FNDN 7/1/2014 6/30/2019 554,000.00 Harrar, Solomon 367785 Clinical and Translational Research UNIV OF NM / HHS 9/15/2013 6/30/2014 34,874.00 Kalachev, Leonid 367517 Fatique Based Sched/Countermeasure WA STATE UNIV / ONR 11/23/2011 9/30/2013 15,000.00 Kayll, Mark 369589 Strengthen Math Collaborate in BSC SIMONS FNDN 9/1/2013 8/31/2018 35,000.00 Palmer, Cory 325341 UGP201: Extremal Graph & Hypergraph UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA 5/1/2014 8/31/2015 4,997.00 Wu, Ke 369644 MT Math Teachers' Circle MATH SCIENCES RES INST 9/1/2013 6/15/2014 2,000.00 Wu, Ke 369646 MMTC AMER INST OF MATHMATICS 4/14/2014 12/16/2014 2,000.00 Mathematics Summary for Mathematics (10 records) Total for Dept 780,913.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Stocking, Lynn 367741 Perkins Non-Trad CHE / ED 7/1/2013 6/30/2014 15,000.00 Stocking, Lynn 367834 Perkins IV FY2015 CHE / ED 7/1/2014 6/30/2015 266,549.00 Wilkinson, Vida 326821 TAACCCT US DEPT OF LABOR 10/1/2013 9/30/2017 1,388,658.00 Wilkinson, Vida 367696 Missoula College BSP FY14 CHE / ED 7/1/2013 6/30/2014 16,016.00 Wilkinson, Vida 367833 MCBSP 2015 CHE / ED 7/1/2014 6/30/2015 75,000.00 Missoula College/Dean Summary for Missoula College/Dean (5 records) Total for Dept 1,761,223.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Dowdle, Brian 325349 UGP 2014:Edo-Period Written Japanes UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA 5/1/2014 8/31/2015 3,500.00 Huthaily, Khaled 326831 Montana Arabic Summer Institute NAT'L SECURITY AGENCY/DOD 4/15/2014 2/28/2015 78,566.00 Huthaily, Khaled 326832 Montana Arabic Summer Institute NAT'L SECURITY AGENCY/DOD 4/15/2014 2/28/2015 11,206.00 Loisel, Clary 325344 UGP2014: Brazilian Queer Theater UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA 5/1/2014 8/31/2015 2,000.00 Modern/Classical Language/Lite Summary for Modern/Classical Language/Lite (4 records) Total for Dept 95,272.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency 369606 MDPLN MEA-MFT Start Date End Date Amount 7/1/2013 6/30/2014 150,000.00 Montana Digital Academy Currie, Robert Summary for Montana Digital Academy (1 detail record) Total for Dept 150,000.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency 367822 MMAC Mark Stevens Lecture HUMANITIES MT / NEH Start Date End Date Amount 3/24/2014 10/1/2014 800.00 Montana Museum of Art & Cultur Reintjes, Brandon Summary for Montana Museum of Art & Cultur (1 detail record) Total for Dept 800.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency 369656 Montana Rep Season SHUBERT FNDN Start Date End Date Amount 7/1/2014 6/30/2015 10,000.00 Montana Repertory Theatre Johnson, Gregory Summary for Montana Repertory Theatre (1 detail record) Total for Dept 10,000.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Ausband, David 369546 Develope grey wolf monitoring-SW AB ALBERTA CONS ASSOC 4/1/2013 3/31/2014 -260.70 Dreitz, Victoria 365738 Assess land use - migratory bird USDI - USGS 6/11/2012 8/31/2014 162,816.98 Dreitz, Victoria 368108 Sagebrush & Grassland Bird: Student MT DEPT FISH-WILD-PARKS 11/2/2012 6/30/2014 5,000.00 Lukacs, Paul 367760 Elk Brucellosis Analysis MT FWP / USGS 10/8/2013 6/30/2014 3,000.00 Lukacs, Paul 369460 Developement of Decision Tool-Lions PANTHERA 6/1/2012 6/30/2013 -43.81 Lukacs, Paul 369520 Developement of Decision Tool-year2 PANTHERA 1/23/2013 1/22/2014 36,000.00 Lukacs, Paul 369520 Developement of Decision Tool-year2 PANTHERA 1/23/2013 1/22/2014 43.81 Martin, Thomas 325734 EPA Star Fellowship-LaManna;Tuition ENVIRON PROTECTION AGENCY 8/15/2012 8/14/2015 12,000.00 Martin, Thomas 325735 EPA Star Fellowship-LaManna;Tuition ENVIRON PROTECTION AGENCY 8/15/2012 8/14/2015 5,000.00 Martin, Thomas 325736 EPA Star Fellowship-LaManna;Tuition ENVIRON PROTECTION AGENCY 8/15/2012 8/14/2015 25,000.00 Martin, Thomas 365775 Climate and habitat change USDI - USGS 7/15/2013 7/14/2014 75,000.00 Martin, Thomas 365775 Climate and habitat change USDI - USGS 7/15/2013 7/14/2014 174,216.36 Martin, Thomas 366103 NSF Grad Res Fellow - James Mouton NATL SCIENCE FNDN 9/1/2013 8/31/2016 44,000.00 Martin, Thomas 366142 A new theory of clutch size evoluti NATL SCIENCE FNDN 2/15/2014 3/31/2017 536,534.00 Metcalf, Alexander 368213 Brucellosis in Elk Survey MT DEPT FISH-WILD-PARKS 5/29/2014 6/30/2015 19,000.00 Mitchell, Michael 328993 Ungulate Ecology in ID:Interactions IDAHO FISH & GAME 11/15/2011 6/30/2014 2,000.00 Mitchell, Michael 364846 Grizzly Bear DNA Study USDA FS NORTHERN REGION 9/26/2011 12/31/2015 25,000.00 Mitchell, Michael 364846 Grizzly Bear DNA Study USDA FS NORTHERN REGION 9/26/2011 12/31/2015 75,000.00 Mitchell, Michael 365785 Assessing Humboldt Marten USDI - NPS (CESU) 8/30/2013 3/31/2016 70,740.00 Mitchell, Michael 366117 NSF Fellowship-James Goerz NATL SCIENCE FNDN 6/1/2014 5/31/2015 44,000.00 Mitchell, Michael 368034 Admin. Support for MCWRU-UM MT DEPT FISH-WILD-PARKS 7/1/2011 6/30/2014 20,000.00 Mitchell, Michael 368145 Develop MT Health-Bighorn SheepFY14 MT DEPT FISH-WILD-PARKS 7/1/2013 1/31/2015 9,000.00 Mitchell, Michael 368145 Develop MT Health-Bighorn SheepFY14 MT DEPT FISH-WILD-PARKS 7/1/2013 1/31/2015 13,200.00 Mitchell, Michael 368190 Sage-Grouse Grazing Evaluation MT DEPT FISH-WILD-PARKS 4/8/2014 10/31/2014 56,415.72 Mitchell, Michael 368191 NCDE Grizzly Bear Demographics MT DEPT FISH-WILD-PARKS 4/7/2014 6/30/2015 24,000.00 Mitchell, Michael 368214 Admin support MTCWRU MT DEPT FISH-WILD-PARKS 6/1/2014 8/15/2014 60,000.00 Mitchell, Michael 368807 Moose Demography in NE Washington WA DEPT FISH & WILDLIFE 1/1/2014 6/30/2015 72,000.00 Mt Coop Wildlife Research Unit PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Summary for Mt Coop Wildlife Research Unit (27 records) Total for Dept 1,568,662.36 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Cox, Allan 326692 Bonneville Power Data Mgmt BONNEVILLE POWER ADMIN 7/1/2006 5/31/2015 6,000.00 Cox, Allan 365712 BLM Data Services & Development USDI - BLM 10/1/2011 9/30/2016 30,000.00 Cox, Allan 368204 Noxouis Weed Project FY14 MT DEPT OF AGRICULTURE 5/5/2014 10/31/2015 10,000.00 Cox, Allan 369574 EPA MJD Hex 5-15 NATURESERV 7/8/2013 6/17/2018 10,000.00 Cox, Allan 369621 Argonne Data NATURESERVE 12/23/2013 12/23/2018 1,603.00 Maxell, Bryce 364949 USFS Wildlife USDA FS NORTHERN REGION 6/1/2009 9/30/2014 10,000.00 Maxell, Bryce 364995 Wildlife & Plant Survey 2014 USDA FS CUSTER NF 6/26/2014 12/31/2018 27,000.00 Maxell, Bryce 365766 Bat Detection,Monitoring & Analysis USDI - BLM 4/1/2013 3/31/2018 20,000.00 Maxell, Bryce 365788 Woody Draw/Ripairian Inv USDI - BLM 9/1/2013 8/31/2018 55,000.00 Maxell, Bryce 367805 FWP Data Proc & Wildlife Surveys MT FWP / FWS 3/19/2014 6/30/2015 170,000.00 Maxell, Bryce 368225 Bats Call Analysis 2014 MT DEPT ENVIROMENT-QUAL 6/1/2014 6/30/2014 18,000.00 Newlon, Karen 325739 EPA Blackfoot Swan ENVIRON PROTECTION AGENCY 10/1/2012 3/31/2015 90,701.00 Newlon, Karen 325739 EPA Blackfoot Swan ENVIRON PROTECTION AGENCY 10/1/2012 3/31/2015 300.00 Newlon, Karen 364923 NRCS ESD Field Work USDA FS NATURAL RES CONS 1/25/2013 12/31/2015 50,000.00 Newlon, Karen 364950 ESD Field Work-Elkhorns USDA FS HELENA NF 7/23/2013 3/31/2017 2,999.00 Newlon, Karen 367646 Northern Cheyenne Wetlands 2013-14 N CHEYENNE TRIBE / EPA 1/1/2013 9/30/2014 3,866.00 Newlon, Karen 367810 Wetland Map Training & Support MT DEQ / EPA 4/3/2014 12/31/2014 13,500.00 Owen, Sara 368156 Missouri Channel MT DEPT FISH-WILD-PARKS 7/10/2013 2/28/2014 13,834.00 Owen, Sara 368224 Missouri Channel Study, Part 2 MT DEPT FISH-WILD-PARKS 6/11/2014 12/15/2014 9,512.00 Stagliano, David 365748 CBNG Monitoring USDI - BLM 7/1/2012 6/30/2017 25,000.00 Tobalske, Claudine 369509 Crown of Continent Ecosystem/Bison WILDLIFE CONS SOCIETY 10/1/2012 9/30/2014 5,000.00 Vance, Linda 364984 SPA Whitebark 3 USDA FS NORTHERN REGION 4/10/2014 3/31/2017 98,000.00 Vance, Linda 365750 Sagebrush Steppe Mapping & Prairie USDI - USGS (CESU) 8/1/2012 7/31/2017 14,000.00 Vance, Linda 365756 BLM Wetland Mapping III USDI - BLM 8/27/2012 8/30/2017 50,000.00 Vance, Linda 368149 MSDI Land Cover MT STATE LIBRARY 7/1/2013 6/30/2015 -20,000.00 Vance, Linda 368162 MSDI Wetland MT STATE LIBRARY 7/1/2013 6/30/2015 20,000.00 MT Natural Heritage Program PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Summary for MT Natural Heritage Program (26 records) Total for Dept 734,315.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency 325347 UGP 2014: Audio Recording UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA Start Date End Date Amount 5/1/2014 8/31/2015 3,760.00 Music Kirkpatrick, Christopher Summary for Music (1 detail record) Total for Dept 3,760.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Beck, David 325337 UGP2014: (Un)Fair Labor UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA Schertz, Matthew 367750 American Empires CHE / ED Shanley, Kathryn 367814 The More Indian You Are HUMANITIES MT / NEH Start Date End Date Amount 5/1/2014 8/31/2015 5,000.00 1/15/2014 5/31/2015 31,208.00 4/1/2014 4/30/2014 893.00 Native American Studies Summary for Native American Studies (3 records) Total for Dept 37,101.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Callaway, Ragan 326392 Advance of IDC for M66120 DESIGNATED MRA003 9/1/2013 8/31/2014 186,654.00 Callaway, Ragan 366120 NSF EPSCoR FY14 - Admin Account NATL SCIENCE FNDN 9/1/2013 8/31/2016 2,260,742.00 Callaway, Ragan 366121 NSF EPSCoR FY14 - Admin Account NATL SCIENCE FNDN 9/1/2013 8/31/2016 233,598.00 Callaway, Ragan 366122 NSF EPSCoR FY14 - Admin Account NATL SCIENCE FNDN 9/1/2013 8/31/2016 91,975.00 Callaway, Ragan 366123 NSF EPSCoR FY14 - Admin Account NATL SCIENCE FNDN 9/1/2013 8/31/2016 11,320.00 Callaway, Ragan 366124 NSF EPSCoR FY14 - Admin Account NATL SCIENCE FNDN 9/1/2013 8/31/2016 141,500.00 Callaway, Ragan 366125 NSF EPSCoR FY14 - Admin Account NATL SCIENCE FNDN 9/1/2013 8/31/2016 84,900.00 Callaway, Ragan 366126 NSF EPSCoR FY14 - Admin Account NATL SCIENCE FNDN 9/1/2013 8/31/2016 7,075.00 Callaway, Ragan 366127 NSF EPSCoR FY14 - Admin Account NATL SCIENCE FNDN 9/1/2013 8/31/2016 42,450.00 Callaway, Ragan 366128 NSF EPSCoR FY14 - Admin Account NATL SCIENCE FNDN 9/1/2013 8/31/2016 63,675.00 Callaway, Ragan 366129 NSF EPSCoR FY14 - Admin Account NATL SCIENCE FNDN 9/1/2013 8/31/2016 363,655.00 Callaway, Ragan 366130 NSF EPSCoR FY14 - Admin Account NATL SCIENCE FNDN 9/1/2013 8/31/2016 187,524.00 Callaway, Ragan 366131 NSF EPSCoR FY14 - Admin Account NATL SCIENCE FNDN 9/1/2013 8/31/2016 49,525.00 Callaway, Ragan 366132 NSF EPSCoR FY14 - Admin Account NATL SCIENCE FNDN 9/1/2013 8/31/2016 106,552.00 Callaway, Ragan 366133 NSF EPSCoR FY14 - Admin Account NATL SCIENCE FNDN 9/1/2013 8/31/2016 42,524.00 Callaway, Ragan 366134 NSF EPSCoR FY14 - Admin Account NATL SCIENCE FNDN 9/1/2013 8/31/2016 110,046.00 Callaway, Ragan 366135 NSF EPSCoR FY14 - Admin Account NATL SCIENCE FNDN 9/1/2013 8/31/2016 13,329.00 Callaway, Ragan 366136 NSF EPSCoR FY14 - Admin Account NATL SCIENCE FNDN 9/1/2013 8/31/2016 84,900.00 Callaway, Ragan 366137 NSF EPSCoR FY14 - Admin Account NATL SCIENCE FNDN 9/1/2013 8/31/2016 84,900.00 Callaway, Ragan 366138 NSF EPSCoR FY14 - Admin Account NATL SCIENCE FNDN 9/1/2013 8/31/2016 19,810.00 Callaway, Ragan 366146 NSF EPSCoR - Transfer Award NATL SCIENCE FNDN 2/28/2014 8/31/2014 731,983.00 Hauer, F. 326375 NSF EPSCoR - SE New PhD Project DESIGNATED MRA003 8/1/2011 12/31/2013 -197,462.00 Herbert, Jessie 367692 spectrUM SciGirls Summer Camp CHE / ED 5/1/2013 7/26/2013 4,619.00 Truitt, Holly 367697 Farming for Fuels BIOENERGY SCIENCE CENTER 6/1/2013 12/31/2014 3,675.00 Truitt, Holly 369638 Science Fresival Alliance MIT 1/1/2013 12/31/2014 10,000.00 NSF EPSCoR Summary for NSF EPSCoR (25 records) Total for Dept 4,739,469.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Running, Steven 326816 Translating EOS datasets into Natl NASA - STENNIS 7/30/2001 1/29/2015 56,425.00 Running, Steven 326816 Translating EOS datasets into Natl NASA - STENNIS 7/30/2001 1/29/2015 128,575.00 Running, Steven 367769 Resources vulnerability plan Yr2 CO STATE UNIV / USGS 9/15/2013 9/14/2014 69,457.00 NTSG Summary for NTSG (3 records) Total for Dept 254,457.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Swanson, Larry 369578 MWN Radio MT RADIO COMPANY 8/19/2013 1/31/2014 29,200.00 Swanson, Larry 369651 Industrial Lands study PROFESSIONAL CONSULTANTS 4/28/2014 8/11/2014 18,601.28 O'Connor Ctr for the Rocky Mtn Summary for O'Connor Ctr for the Rocky Mtn (2 records) Total for Dept 47,801.28 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Fellin, Laura 367591 FY12-13 COMPACT SERVICE CORPS PROG REGIS UNIVERSITY / CNCS 8/19/2012 8/18/2013 1,016.13 Fellin, Laura 367771 FT13-14 Compact Service Corps Prog REGIS UNIVERSITY / CNCS 8/19/2013 8/18/2014 6,843.00 Fellin, Laura 369611 Learning by Giving FY13-14 LEARNING BY GIVING FNDN 8/26/2013 5/31/2016 30,000.00 Kane, Colleen 367801 Compact Svc Corps Training Ground UNIV OF DENVER / CNCS 11/2/2013 8/18/2014 320.00 Vanek, Joshua 326817 9/11 National Day of Remembrance CORP FOR NATIONAL SERVICE 8/1/2013 7/31/2014 675.00 Office for Civic Engagement Summary for Office for Civic Engagement (5 records) Total for Dept 38,854.13 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Belcourt-Dittloff, Annjeanette 367726 Trauma American Indian Women UNIV OF WA / HHS 7/1/2013 12/31/2014 21,600.00 Hale, Katherine 367751 Hypertension Self Management MT DPHHS / HHS 12/1/2013 6/27/2014 27,265.00 Hale, Katherine 367751 Hypertension Self Management MT DPHHS / HHS 12/1/2013 6/27/2014 -27,265.00 Hale, Katherine 367751 Hypertension Self Management MT DPHHS / HHS 12/1/2013 6/27/2014 27,265.00 Hudgins, Gayle 364382 MT Geriatric Education YR1 HHS, HRSA 7/1/2012 6/30/2013 -42,257.00 Hudgins, Gayle 364412 MT Geriatric Education YR1 HHS, HRSA 7/1/2013 6/30/2014 42,257.00 Hudgins, Gayle 364412 MT Geriatric Education YR1 HHS, HRSA 7/1/2013 6/30/2014 -56,034.00 Procacci, Kendra 368160 Implementing Asthma Clinics MT DPHHS 7/1/2013 6/30/2014 50,000.00 Rivey, Michael 369566 CMC Jnt. Sponsorship of Pharm. Res. COMMUNITY MEDICAL CENTER 7/1/2013 6/30/2014 132,448.00 Rivey, Michael 369571 SPH Jnt. Sponsorship of Pharm. Res. PROVIDENCE HEALTH 7/1/2013 6/30/2014 69,461.00 Rivey, Michael 369643 Joint Sponorship Tenure Position PROVIDENCE HEALTH 11/1/2013 10/31/2014 32,559.00 Pharmacy Practice Summary for Pharmacy Practice (11 records) Total for Dept 277,299.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency 325339 UGP 2014: Invest the Anthropocene UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA Start Date End Date Amount 5/1/2014 8/31/2015 2,000.00 Philosophy Preston, Christopher Summary for Philosophy (1 detail record) Total for Dept 2,000.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Fowler, Jennifer 326391 MSGC Education Specialist Position DESIGNATED MRA003 6/1/2013 6/30/2014 14,860.00 Fowler, Jennifer 367418 UM-BOREALIS MSU / NASA 1/1/2011 3/31/2014 30,023.00 Fowler, Jennifer 367720 MSGC Education Specialist Position MSU / NASA 6/1/2013 6/30/2014 66,103.00 Janzen, Paul 367633 Extended Mission Effort SW RESEARCH INST / NASA 10/1/2012 9/30/2014 10,000.00 McCrady, Nathan 326388 Minerva Project DESIGNATED MRA003 9/1/2013 8/31/2014 80,230.00 McCrady, Nathan 367765 Minerva Project MSU / NASA 9/1/2013 8/31/2014 274,673.00 Reisenfeld, Daniel 367556 SITOF Neutral Mass Spectrometer LOS ALAMOS NAT'L SEC/DOE 4/18/2012 12/31/2014 113,998.00 Reisenfeld, Daniel 367556 SITOF Neutral Mass Spectrometer LOS ALAMOS NAT'L SEC/DOE 4/18/2012 12/31/2014 -227,996.00 Tran, Phong 325346 UGP 2014: Smart Module Converter UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA 5/1/2014 8/31/2015 5,000.00 Ware, Andrew 325205 High Beta Stellarator Studies US DEPT OF ENERGY 4/1/2003 3/31/2015 15,000.00 Ware, Andrew 325205 High Beta Stellarator Studies US DEPT OF ENERGY 4/1/2003 3/31/2015 -1,673.69 Ware, Andrew 325345 UGP 2014: Boundary Layer Flows UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA 5/1/2014 8/31/2015 3,861.00 Ware, Andrew 364944 Smoke Dynamics & Aerosol Properties USDA FS ROCKY MTN RS 7/1/2013 6/30/2018 -70,000.00 Ware, Andrew 364944 Smoke Dynamics & Aerosol Properties USDA FS ROCKY MTN RS 7/1/2013 6/30/2018 153,624.00 Ware, Andrew 364944 Smoke Dynamics & Aerosol Properties USDA FS ROCKY MTN RS 7/1/2013 6/30/2018 150,000.00 Ware, Andrew 364944 Smoke Dynamics & Aerosol Properties USDA FS ROCKY MTN RS 7/1/2013 6/30/2018 70,000.00 Physics & Astronomy Summary for Physics & Astronomy (16 records) Total for Dept 687,702.31 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Muste, Christopher 325342 UGP2014: Giving Voice to Montanans UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA 5/1/2014 8/31/2015 5,000.00 Saldin, Robert 369624 American Democracy & Citizenship THOMAS W. SMITH FNDN 1/1/2014 12/31/2016 150,000.00 Political Science Summary for Political Science (2 records) Total for Dept 155,000.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount French, Brian 367773 UM Financial Education CHE / ED 10/30/2013 8/13/2014 99,999.00 Hinman, Nancy 369620 Cyber Innovation Lab VARIOUS 12/10/2013 12/19/2016 45,000.00 Provost Office Operations Summary for Provost Office Operations (2 records) Total for Dept 144,999.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Conway, Lucian 364476 Improve Smoking Interventions NIH, NCI 6/1/2014 5/31/2017 426,297.00 Conway, Lucian 367796 Hardened Smokers' Quit Attempts UNLV / NIH 9/15/2013 6/30/2014 82,303.00 Fiore, Christine 367752 Graduate Assistant for MCHRP MSLA CITY-COUNTY / JUST 8/1/2013 7/31/2015 39,474.00 Fiore, Christine 369588 Grad Assistantship at PHC PARTNERSHIP HEALTH CTR 6/1/2013 3/30/2014 8,232.00 Fiore, Christine 369590 Grad Asst at CSKT SALISH & KOOTENAI TRIBES 8/22/2013 6/15/2014 33,407.00 Fiore, Christine 369607 Graduate Assistant for MCHRP MISSOULA CO 8/1/2013 7/31/2015 39,747.00 Fiore, Christine 369607 Graduate Assistant for MCHRP MISSOULA CO 8/1/2013 7/31/2015 -39,474.00 Fiore, Christine 369607 Graduate Assistant for MCHRP MISSOULA CO 8/1/2013 7/31/2015 -273.00 Fiore, Christine 369608 Graduate Assistantship at WMMHC W MT MENTAL HEALTH 8/20/2013 8/19/2014 36,288.00 Jang, Yoonhee 325340 UGP2014: Memory Confidence Judgment UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA 5/1/2014 8/31/2015 3,000.00 Machek, Gregory 367775 Practicum and Supervision Yr 3 OPI / ED 10/1/2013 9/30/2014 188,606.00 McFarland, Craig 325343 UGP2014:Imagining a Better Future UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA 5/1/2014 8/31/2015 4,000.00 Nichols, Lindsey 367747 Understanding of Children's M H CHE / ED 1/1/2014 10/31/2014 34,619.00 Swaney, Gyda 364399 InPsych Prog Admin YR15 FY12-13 HHS, IHS 8/1/2013 7/31/2013 -4,051.00 Swaney, Gyda 364399 InPsych Prog Admin YR15 FY12-13 HHS, IHS 8/1/2013 7/31/2013 4,051.00 Swaney, Gyda 364399 InPsych Prog Admin YR15 FY12-13 HHS, IHS 8/1/2013 7/31/2013 -4,052.00 Swaney, Gyda 364400 InPsych Prog Admin YR15 FY12-13 HHS, IHS 8/1/2013 7/31/2013 -4,051.00 Swaney, Gyda 364400 InPsych Prog Admin YR15 FY12-13 HHS, IHS 8/1/2013 7/31/2013 4,052.00 Swaney, Gyda 364400 InPsych Prog Admin YR15 FY12-13 HHS, IHS 8/1/2013 7/31/2013 4,051.00 Swaney, Gyda 364445 InPsych Program Admin YR16 FY13-14 HHS, HIS 8/1/2013 7/31/2014 3,975.00 Swaney, Gyda 364445 InPsych Program Admin YR16 FY13-14 HHS, HIS 8/1/2013 7/31/2014 93,262.00 Swaney, Gyda 364446 InPsych Program Admin YR16 FY13-14 HHS, HIS 8/1/2013 7/31/2014 145,097.00 Szalda-Petree, Allen 326393 Bridging Am Indians- Resrch 11-12 DESIGNATED MRA003 4/1/2012 3/31/2015 18,000.00 Szalda-Petree, Allen 364456 Bridging Am Indians- Resrch 11-12 NIH, NIGMS 4/1/2012 3/31/2015 16,033.00 Szalda-Petree, Allen 364456 Bridging Am Indians- Resrch 11-12 NIH, NIGMS 4/1/2012 3/31/2015 -20,650.59 Szalda-Petree, Allen 364456 Bridging Am Indians- Resrch 11-12 NIH, NIGMS 4/1/2012 3/31/2015 246,134.00 Szalda-Petree, Allen 364456 Bridging Am Indians- Resrch 11-12 NIH, NIGMS 4/1/2012 3/31/2015 181,682.90 Psychology PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Summary for Psychology (27 records) Total for Dept 1,539,759.31 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Dowling, Denise 369106 Student Productions GREATER MT FNDN 7/1/2008 6/30/2014 22,500.00 Dowling, Denise 369106 Student Productions GREATER MT FNDN 7/1/2008 6/30/2014 15.48 Dowling, Denise 369286 Student Internship Stipends GREATER MT FNDN 7/1/2010 6/30/2014 4,000.00 Dowling, Denise 369494 Student Productions GREATER MT FNDN 7/1/2012 6/30/2013 -15.48 Radio-TV Summary for Radio-TV (4 records) Total for Dept 26,500.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Bates, Sarah 369583 Colorado River Study CARPE DIEM WEST 7/1/2013 2/28/2014 21,543.00 Fanguy, Joseph 326822 Venture Academy of Montana US DEPT OF COMMERCE 10/1/2013 9/30/2014 72,696.00 Fanguy, Joseph 369575 FY14 Administrative Support MONTEC 7/1/2013 12/31/2013 7,394.00 Fanguy, Joseph 369618 Blackstone LaunchPad UNIV OF MIAMI 11/18/2013 10/31/2016 622,800.00 Johnson, Shawn 364955 LLC Online Platform USDA FS NORTHERN REGION 9/3/2013 9/30/2016 20,000.00 Johnson, Shawn 364973 Practitioners Network USDA FS 2/1/2013 12/31/2015 77,800.00 McKinney, Matthew 326395 FY15 University of MT Support DESIGNATED MRA003 7/1/2014 6/30/2015 90,640.00 McKinney, Matthew 368159 Clark Fork River Basin MT DEPT NATURAL RESOURCES 8/12/2013 11/1/2014 25,967.00 McKinney, Matthew 368159 Clark Fork River Basin MT DEPT NATURAL RESOURCES 8/12/2013 11/1/2014 25,520.00 McKinney, Matthew 368176 PLPW Council - FWP MT DEPT FISH-WILD-PARKS 10/1/2013 12/31/2014 25,000.00 McKinney, Matthew 369591 Lincoln Inst Joint Venture FY14 LINCOLN INST LAND POLICY 7/1/2013 8/1/2014 120,000.00 McKinney, Matthew 369609 2014 Columbia River Symposium COLUMBIA BASIN TRUST 11/1/2013 12/1/2014 20,420.00 McKinney, Matthew 369613 Roundtable Core THE KRESGE FNDN 8/1/2013 9/30/2015 200,000.00 McKinney, Matthew 369614 Roundtable Core THE KRESGE FNDN 8/1/2013 9/30/2015 300,000.00 Panisko, Mike 368154 Brick replacement on the Oval MT UNIVERSITY SYSTEM 7/1/2013 12/31/2014 75,870.00 Panisko, Mike 368155 Rebate for Safety MT UNIVERSITY SYSTEM 7/1/2013 12/31/2014 60,000.00 Panisko, Mike 368155 Rebate for Safety MT UNIVERSITY SYSTEM 7/1/2013 12/31/2014 2,501.00 Panisko, Mike 368157 Fall Protection MT UNIVERSITY SYSTEM 7/1/2013 12/31/2014 60,000.00 Panisko, Mike 368222 Safety Smart FY15 - 1 COMMISSIONER OF HIGHER ED 7/1/2014 6/30/2015 55,900.00 Panisko, Mike 368223 Safety Smart FY15 2 COMMISSIONER OF HIGHER ED 7/1/2014 6/30/2015 65,577.00 Panisko, Mike 368226 Safety Smart FY 15 - 3 COMMISIONER OF HIGHER ED 7/1/2014 6/30/2015 62,790.00 Research Administration Summary for Research Administration (21 records) Total for Dept 2,012,418.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Blair, Martin 364381 Center for Excellence HHS, ADD 7/1/2012 6/30/2013 -58,606.00 Blair, Martin 364425 Cntr for Excellence 2013-14 YR2 NIH, AIDD 7/1/2013 6/30/2014 58,606.00 Blair, Martin 364496 CTR for Excellence 2014-15 YR3 NIH, AIDD 7/1/2014 6/30/2015 535,215.00 Blair, Martin 367823 MT Autism Next ASSOC MATERNAL-CHILD/HHS 3/15/2014 2/28/2015 10,000.00 Condon, Ellen 367626 Children with Special Health Needs MT DPHHS / HHS 10/1/2012 6/30/2014 7,875.00 Hughes, Rosemary 325986 Partnering to Address Violence US DEPT OF EDUCATION 10/1/2013 9/30/2014 199,945.00 Hughes, Rosemary 367487 Motivating Smokers w/ Impairments MIRIAM HOSPITAL / HHS 6/1/2011 5/31/2014 18,952.00 Hughes, Rosemary 367682 Virtual Reality Weight Management BAYLOR COLLEGE OF MED 10/1/2012 9/30/2014 43,474.00 Ipsen, Catherine 367798 ASPIRE Subcontract UNIV OF UTAH / ED 12/1/2013 9/30/2015 155,500.00 Laurin, Kathleen 367706 MT Adaptive Equip Pgm-MAEP 2013-14 MT DPHHS / HHS 7/1/2013 6/30/2014 93,484.25 Laurin, Kathleen 367732 MT Assistive Tech Prgm 2013-14 MT DPHHS / ED 10/1/2013 9/30/2014 418,732.00 McGregor, Gail 326014 MT Deaf-Blind Project 2013-14 US DEPT OF EDUCATION 10/1/2013 9/30/2014 106,123.00 McGregor, Gail 326024 TTEAM:Child w/Disabilities AdminYR1 US DEPT OF EDUCATION 10/1/2012 9/30/2013 -5,121.00 McGregor, Gail 326025 TTEAM:Child w/Disabilities AdminYR1 US DEPT OF EDUCATION 10/1/2012 9/30/2013 -217,427.00 McGregor, Gail 326026 TTEAM:Child w/Disabilities AdminYR1 US DEPT OF EDUCATION 10/1/2013 9/30/2014 5,121.00 McGregor, Gail 326026 TTEAM:Child w/Disabilities AdminYR1 US DEPT OF EDUCATION 10/1/2013 9/30/2014 87,500.00 McGregor, Gail 326027 TTEAM:Child w/Disabilities AdminYR1 US DEPT OF EDUCATION 10/1/2013 9/30/2014 162,500.00 McGregor, Gail 326027 TTEAM:Child w/Disabilities AdminYR1 US DEPT OF EDUCATION 10/1/2013 9/30/2014 217,427.00 Morris, Sandra 367724 Specialized Training Prgm 2013-14 MT DPHHS / HHS 7/1/2013 6/30/2014 54,877.00 Morrison, Mary 367735 PEPNet Center 2013-14 U OF CA-NORTHRIDGE / ED 10/1/2013 9/30/2014 280,027.00 Ravesloot, Craig 325938 Impact of Barriers on Participation US DEPT OF EDUCATION 10/1/2012 9/30/2013 -85,053.00 Ravesloot, Craig 325939 Impact of Barriers on Participation US DEPT OF EDUCATION 10/1/2012 9/30/2014 85,053.00 Ravesloot, Craig 325939 Impact of Barriers on Participation US DEPT OF EDUCATION 10/1/2012 9/30/2014 199,977.00 Ravesloot, Craig 367497 Community Living Adults/Disability U OF KANSAS / ED 10/1/2011 9/30/2014 80,328.00 Rigles, Bethany 367784 URLEND 2013-14 UTAH ST UNIV / HHS 7/1/2013 6/30/2014 18,228.00 Seekins, Tom 325866 Research & Training Cntr 2013-14 US DEPT OF EDUCATION 10/1/2013 9/30/2014 875,000.00 Seekins, Tom 369602 Rural Options After Discharge PCORI 10/1/2013 9/30/2016 1,850,340.40 Rural Institute On Disabilitie PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Traci, Meg 367509 Community Health Index U OF ILLINOIS / HHS 8/22/2011 12/31/2013 22,467.00 Summary for Rural Institute On Disabilitie (28 records) Total for Dept 5,220,544.65 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Graham, Debbra 364978 Northern Region University Training USDA FS 1/30/2014 10/31/2014 79,037.00 Graham, Debbra 364979 Northern Region University Training USDA FS 1/30/2014 10/31/2014 1,665.00 Quinn, Michelle 367739 WMHS Conference MT DPHHS / HHS 8/1/2013 6/30/2014 9,550.00 Quinn, Michelle 367739 WMHS Conference MT DPHHS / HHS 8/1/2013 6/30/2014 17,954.00 Quinn, Michelle 367739 WMHS Conference MT DPHHS / HHS 8/1/2013 6/30/2014 46.00 Quinn, Michelle 367804 WMHS Conference VARIOUS 8/1/2013 6/30/2014 1,350.00 School of Extend/Lifelong Lear Summary for School of Extend/Lifelong Lear (6 records) Total for Dept 109,602.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Caringi, James 367493 Child Welfare- Traineeship RES FNDN AT SUNY / HHS 9/30/2011 9/29/2012 -120,770.00 Caringi, James 367644 Child Welfare- Traineeship RES FNDN AT SUNY / HHS 9/30/2012 9/29/2014 120,770.00 Caringi, James 368163 Montana Adoption Disruption Study MT DPHHS 7/1/2013 6/30/2014 30,000.00 Caringi, James 368163 Montana Adoption Disruption Study MT DPHHS 7/1/2013 6/30/2014 -8,750.00 Klika, Bart 368189 Children's Trust Fund MT DPHHS 4/1/2014 6/30/2014 40,000.00 Tolleson Knee, Ryan 367710 MT Child Welfare Train Part Yr 2 MT DPHHS / HHS 7/1/2013 6/30/2014 1,230,385.00 School of Social Work Summary for School of Social Work (6 records) Total for Dept 1,291,635.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Laskin, James 325336 UGP2014: Smoking Cessation & PT UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA 5/1/2014 8/31/2015 1,500.00 Mays, Ryan 364447 PAD walking outcomes NIH, NHLBI 8/1/2013 7/31/2014 134,190.00 Mays, Ryan 364452 PAD walking outcomes NIH, NHLBI 8/1/2013 7/31/2017 38,228.00 Mays, Ryan 364452 PAD walking outcomes NIH, NHLBI 8/1/2013 7/31/2017 -8,041.97 Mizner, Ryan 369622 New Tech to Improve ACL Outcomes FNDN FOR PHYSICAL THERAPY 1/1/2014 12/31/2015 40,000.00 Mizner, Ryan 369658 RCT BWS Jump Training AM PHYSICAL THERAPY ASSOC 5/12/2014 4/30/2015 14,993.00 Renfro, Mindy 367816 Montana Arthritis Program - Yr 2 MT DPHHS / HHS 7/8/2013 6/30/2014 2,000.00 School Physical Therapy/Rehab Summary for School Physical Therapy/Rehab (7 records) Total for Dept 222,869.03 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Bannister, Bernadette 367704 MTUPP - FY 14 MT DPHHS / HHS 7/1/2013 9/30/2014 50,000.00 Kenfield, Barry 367527 AHEC - Year 4 MSU / NIH 9/1/2011 8/31/2014 157,500.00 Kenfield, Barry 367758 Residency Training-Primary Care Yr2 UNIV OF PIKEVILLE / HRSA 9/30/2013 9/29/2014 134,880.00 Kenfield, Barry 367758 Residency Training-Primary Care Yr2 UNIV OF PIKEVILLE / HRSA 9/30/2013 9/29/2014 14,972.11 Kenfield, Barry 367766 AHEC MRHC Subaward MINERAL REGIONAL / NIH 7/1/2013 6/30/2014 80,000.00 Kenfield, Barry 369582 WMT-AHEC PNWU Contract PACIFIC NW UNIV HEALTH SC 7/1/2013 6/30/2014 50,000.00 Morin, Lori 364453 Native American CoE-Yr1 Admin NIH, HRSA 7/1/2013 6/30/2014 473,040.00 Morin, Lori 364454 Native American CoE-Yr1 Admin NIH, HRSA 7/1/2013 6/30/2014 21,600.00 White, Lawrence 367693 Residency Training in Primary Care UNIV OF PIKEVILLE / HRSA 9/30/2012 9/29/2013 -14,972.11 White, Lawrence 369576 Dr. Bell Services PROVIDENCE HEALTH 8/1/2013 7/31/2014 54,037.00 Skaggs School of Pharmacy Summary for Skaggs School of Pharmacy (10 records) Total for Dept 1,021,057.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Hollist, Dusten 367727 Eval.Economic Approaches-Drug Task MT CRIME CONTROL/JUSTICE 9/10/2013 8/30/2014 20,081.00 Hollist, Dusten 367728 Evaluating the Effectiveness-MT JDR MT CRIME CONTROL/JUSTICE 9/10/2013 8/30/2014 39,969.00 Hollist, Dusten 367791 Evaluation of ANLSAMP Program 2014 SALISH KOOTENAI COLL/NSF 2/1/2014 8/31/2014 5,114.00 Hollist, Dusten 367799 Cascade County DMC POC MT CRIME CONTROL/JUSTICE 2/11/2014 1/1/2015 22,856.00 Sociology Summary for Sociology (4 records) Total for Dept 88,020.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Johnson, Gregory 369630 DGB13 THE DRAMATISTS GUILD FUND 1/1/2014 8/29/2014 1,000.00 Kaufmann, Karen 367712 MT Dance Education Project FY14-15 MT ARTS COUNCIL / NEH 7/1/2013 6/30/2014 9,426.00 Kaufmann, Karen 367713 MT Dance Education Project FY14-15 VARIOUS 7/1/2013 6/30/2014 9,426.00 Kaufmann, Karen 368177 Montana Dance in Ed: Outreach MT ARTS COUNCIL 7/1/2013 6/30/2015 8,750.00 Kaufmann, Karen 368208 Montana Dance in Ed: Outreach VARIOUS 7/1/2013 6/30/2015 3,600.00 Theatre & Dance Summary for Theatre & Dance (5 records) Total for Dept 32,202.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Hickman, Joseph 325961 TRiO Student Support Admin T3 12-13 US DEPT OF EDUCATION 9/1/2012 8/31/2013 -9,763.23 Samson, Darlene 325977 TRIO Student Support Admin Y4 13-14 US DEPT OF EDUCATION 9/1/2013 8/31/2014 0.23 Samson, Darlene 325977 TRIO Student Support Admin Y4 13-14 US DEPT OF EDUCATION 9/1/2013 8/31/2014 9,763.00 Samson, Darlene 325977 TRIO Student Support Admin Y4 13-14 US DEPT OF EDUCATION 9/1/2013 8/31/2014 341,828.00 Samson, Darlene 325978 TRIO Student Support Admin Y4 13-14 US DEPT OF EDUCATION 9/1/2013 8/31/2014 44,557.00 TRIO Student Support Services Summary for TRIO Student Support Services (5 records) Total for Dept 386,385.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount Lyngholm, Miriam 367709 Summer Food Service Program 2013 OPI /ED 6/24/2013 8/2/2013 1,200.00 Lyngholm, Miriam 367709 Summer Food Service Program 2013 OPI /ED 6/24/2013 8/2/2013 7,607.00 Old Coyote, Twila 325959 Upward Bound - 2012-2017 US DEPT OF EDUCATION 6/1/2012 5/31/2013 -2,652.80 Old Coyote, Twila 325959 Upward Bound - 2012-2017 US DEPT OF EDUCATION 6/1/2012 5/31/2013 -19,419.38 Old Coyote, Twila 325960 Upward Bound - 2012-2017 US DEPT OF EDUCATION 6/1/2012 5/31/2013 2,652.80 Old Coyote, Twila 325973 Upward Bound - 2012-2017 US DEPT OF EDUCATION 6/1/2013 5/31/2014 5,919.38 Old Coyote, Twila 325974 Upward Bound - 2012-2017 US DEPT OF EDUCATION 6/1/2013 5/31/2014 13,500.00 Old Coyote, Twila 325989 Upward Bound - 2012-2017 US DEPT OF EDUCATION 6/1/2012 5/31/2015 251,500.00 Old Coyote, Twila 325990 Upward Bound - 2012-2017 US DEPT OF EDUCATION 6/1/2012 5/31/2015 86,000.00 Old Coyote, Twila 367811 SFSP 2014 MT OPI / ED 6/22/2014 8/1/2014 9,000.00 Upward Bound Summary for Upward Bound (10 records) Total for Dept 355,307.00 PI Fund Title Funding Agency 367803 MT Women HUMANTIEIS MT / NEH Start Date End Date Amount 2/10/2014 12/31/2014 7,500.00 Women's Studies Jabour, Anya Summary for Women's Studies (1 detail record) Total for Dept 7,500.00 PI Grand Total Fund Title Funding Agency Start Date End Date Amount 64,421,743.12