Energy Education Certificate Application Form If you are looking for ways to enhance your teaching portfolio and to verify your professional development in energy education, you may be interested in the opportunity to earn a certificate in energy education through the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. The Energy Education Certificate is available to practicing K-12 teachers only. The certificate reflects comprehensive professional development and experiences in energy content and teaching competencies. The certificate is awarded after completing at least three Wisconsin K-12 Energy Education Program courses and providing evidence of involvement in at least three energy education activities. Once you have completed all the requirements for a certificate, complete this form and email it to KEEP at (with Energy Education Certificate Application in the subject line). NOTE: The certificate does not certify the recipient for any degree nor is it part of any licensing program or requirements; rather, it supports and documents preparations and improvements in level of success in an area of practice—in this case energy education. Achievement for the certificate can be verified through examination of a transcript showing courses completed and is directly associated with the quality control asserted within the overall academic institution. Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Home Address: ____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ School Name:______________________________________________________________________ School Address: ____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Email: ____________________________________________________________________________ Part I: At least three KEEP courses must be completed successfully. Refer to your transcripts to identify your KEEP course titles, dates, and grades. Information about ordering transcripts can be found at this site: Visit the KEEP website for a list of eligible courses ( Title of course Optional: Comments about courses KEEP Courses Completed Dates of course Grade received Part II: Participation in at least three energy education activities These activities may be undertaken while taking your energy education courses and must be completed within five years of your third course. Clearly describe how your participation contributed to your professional development; enhancing your teaching competencies and/or increasing and improving energy literacy for you, your students, your colleagues, or your community. Some potential activities are listed below. Energy Education Activities Please use between 50 and 100 words to describe each activity thoroughly (either type information in the table below or attach additional page). Descriptions should include who was involved, what was done, and where. This information will help KEEP Staff determine if the activities can be used toward your certification. Detailed Description of Activity Date of Activity Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Sample energy education activities Involve students in an energy-related contest Involve students in a media-related project about energy Involve students in hands-on technology-oriented project/competition that promotes energy efficiency or renewable energy (e.g., energy-efficient student-built home, Electrathon, Supermileage, Solar Olympics) Implement energy-related Unit Plan and provide proof of implementation: student assignments, report, photos, action research Pilot KEEP or other energy education materials Conduct staff meeting/inservice related to energy (provide agenda and outcome/feedback) Present about KEEP +/or Focus on Energy +/or Utility at a conference/workshop Offer a workshop at the Energy Fair Work with utility company to promote energy awareness/efficiency Work on the energy section of the Green & Healthy Schools application Participate in the Cool Choices game