..------------- ---... International CounciJ. fo Exploration of the Sea , C.H. 1973/H:1. 'Administ_ative Rep rt PEJAGIC FISrr-luoRTIilllI.1.2 COilHITTEE ,:by K. Popp 11adsen ..... : .. 1972 Belr;ium (P. ndedNSch 'für' .-' ur;f!s..,n~.:1 Frsc:!J..rei H, '; t 'v'( . Bib/iotl""k " J Hovart & R. De Clerck) A study on the mackerel population alongthe Belgian coast ",as carrieel out in August. On a monthly basis the sprat population on the, Belgian coas·r ",as stuclied by means of research vessel catches. Canada Herring~ (S.IT. Tibbo) Total landings of the' mobile herring fleet in Newfo~dland i~ 1971-1972 ,,,ere about 50 000' metrie tons, about 'one' quarter of 1;he record 1969-1970 landings. The large deerease is attributed partly io severe ice and ueather conditions, but in addition there has, been no subs1;antial' recrtlitment recently to bolster the diminishing'south\Jest Newfoundland her~ing stocks. ' ' ,. , Mobile fleet landings in the Gulf of St Lawrence ,and ·Chedabucto Bay in 1972 were 33 902 and 26 500 metrie tons, only about 26% and 5~; respeetively of the 1971 landings. The New Brunswiek weir and purse seine fishery landed almost 4.5 times as many herring (56 000 tons) as in 1971. South\'lest Nova Seotia landings increased by 25~& to 62 000 tons (excluding gill net catches estimated to be betueen 5 000 -10 000 tons). .' • Tag returns frqm an experiment in northuestern Neufoundland oeeurrecl' in the southerri" p1:trt of the Gulf of St Laurence ,and in southuestern Ne'lJTf oundland. Studies of biological characteristics and tag returns \vi thin 'JYortllrie .. 13ay support the hypothesis that the spring-spa\q,ning herring in Fortune Bay, ,southern Ne,,,foundland, are a rela t i vely discrete stock vith sharp._ differenees from the spring-spa''lning component westlJard'along the south coast of Newfoundland. . Studies of infestatiön levels of larval nematodes (Anisaki~)..in~eri~ng show substantial differenees betl1een the northern Scotian Shelf'snd the southwest Ne\Jfoundland-sonthern Gulf of St Lal'Trence stock 'comple"C. The herring programme at the St Andrews Station \jas directed largely towards obtaining ~isheries information and providing scientifc advice required to formulate management proposals. Research uas directec1 to +_10 problems of stock identifieation anel larval movements in the Bay cf - 2 - Fundy. Detailed biological data (length, "eight, age, sex and maturity) were collected from over 20 000 herring and over 6 800 herring were used for meristic studies (vertebrae and dorsal, pectoral and anal fin ray counts). Two additional enzyme systems have been added to those already used as genetic markers to delineate herring stocks : leucine aminopeptidase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. Genotypic and phenotypic studies of 56 herring population samples indicate that herring stocks from Europe to Newfoundland to Virginia all have a common gene pool for muscle and heart enzymes. Genetically based blood protein and enzyme systems, however, may be able to isolate herring populations by biochemical means. In a feeding study, raw or hydrogenated herring oil had no adverse effect on the hearts of weaned rats after 4 weeks as a graduated replacement for other fats. Analytical methodS vTere also devcloped for the detailed study of the fatty acid composition of hydrogenated marine oils in edible oil products. lJIackerel, A good 1967 year class resulted in a large increase in mackerel abundance in Newfoundland and Labrador coastal areas. In August 1 450 mackerel Were tagged in northeastern Newfoundland coastal waters. A subsequent recapture in December by a Polish vessel fishing on the southernpart of Georges Bank indicates long distance migration. Siudies aimed at increasing thc market potential for Atlantic species . of fatty fish are now under ,vay. These include an investigation of the mechanism by which rancidity develops in the dark and light muscle of mackerel and its affect on the quality and shelf-life of fresh, frozen and processed mackerel products, plus an investigation cf the catalytic effects of lipases and lipoxidases and the role of natural and added antioxidants. Capelin Exploratory fishing with midwater trawlßrs and purse seiners in the Grand Bank, eastern Newfoundland, and Labrador regions indicated.that an annual capelin fishery is possible during the offshore spavrning season in summer and in the post-spm'rning period in the northern areas. Barracudina Barracudina oils and waxes have the same chemical qualities and could rep1ace sperm whale oil required by the cosmetic, luxury candle and high pressure lubricant industries. Barracudina are not utilised at the present time and are relatively unknovrn to fishermen because they appear at the mid-water leveluhere trawling is relat'ively new and still experimental. Substantial barracudina resources have been found in the Gulf of St Lawrence. • - 3 - r -.' Pub1ications Ackman, R.G., J. Ring1ey and K. MacKay. 1972. Dimethy1 sulfide as an odour component in Nova Scotia fall' mackerel. J.Fish.Res.Ed.Canada 29':'1085-1088.' - , .. - ' . . - . -' " Ackman, R.G.; S.N. Hooper, S. :Cpstein and H. Kelleher. 1972. \'lax esters of barracudina lipid: a potential replaoement'for sperm whale oi1. J.A.O.C.S. 49(6):378-382. Hodder, V.M. and G.H. Winters. 1972. Distribution and size cf larval herring and cape1in, southern Gulf of st Lal'1rence and southern Newfoundland, November 1969 and 1970. Fish.Res.Dd.Canada Tech. Rept. 315, 25 p. I;IQq.der, Vo I1., L.S. ,Parsons, .. C.• I. Barbour-and ll. Chau1k. "1972. Length, age and weight of herring in the southlrest Newfoundland ,,,inter fishery from 1965-66 to 1970-71. Fish.Res.Dd.Canada Tech.Rept. 339, 113 p. Rodder, V.11., L.8. Parsons arid' j ~·H;d. Pippy. 1972.' The '.6~cur~ence and distribution of "red" herring in Placentia Bay, February-April 1969. In Effec~ of elementa~.phosphorous on marine lire;·Fish~Res;Bd. Canada, Atlantic- Region. Office Circ. 2:45-52. -, .J~. ' Parsons, L.S. and v.r1.' Rodder. 1972. Offshore herrinei s,U,rvey' or' 'l;he Nova Scotia banks, J.B. Nickerson, I'Iarch 1971. Fish.lles.Bd. ,Canadu Tech.Rept.291, 22p., - -"...., , ..1 ".' •• Pippy, J.U.C., V.H. Rodder and L.S. J?arsons. 1972. Symptoms of "re d IJ . , " ' herring in relation to mass mortalities in Placentia Bay, February-:- :, April 1969. In Effect of elemental phosphorous' on marine life, . ,., Fish.Res.Bd.-Canada, Atlantic Region. Office Circ.'2: 187-191. Sanga1ang, G.B., B.'T~scott and D.R. Idler. '1972. A comparison of steroidogen~is i!! vi tro in tuo teleosts '.. t~,~ ,m~ri.n~ n~:r:ring .. Clupea and the -fre shwat Atlantic salmon Salmo. J.~n~ocr. 53:433-446. er ~. ; " Scott, J.S. 1972. Eggs and larvae of northern sand lance (Ammodztes dubius) from the Scotian Shelf. J.Fish.lles.Bd. Canada 29(12):1667-1671. • Scott, J.S. 1972. Morphologica1 and meristic var~al~o~ in nort~west Atlantic sahd 1ance's' (Aminodyt'e'sr~" J. Fish.lles.Ed.Canada 29 (12): 1673-1678. ' - 4- '\ . ":.t Sampli~ ..... Hackerel ~"Y:PC cf . Fish· Area '" .J._ Eastern IUld. Southeast.lTfld Uestern Nfld. lTorthern, lTfld. Gulf of St Lawrence J Adults Adults Juvenilen Adults Adults - .... - 12 4 4 4 8 8 4 - - . Ho. of Samp1es Research COID.!!lercial Ho. of Fis11 Neasur~(l _.~_L._!:ed 1 500 '400 . 200 200 .! . . . . " .: .. ·926 · - 600 .400, 200 200 120 , Herring I Aren ·Fish Type of ;. No. of. SamnIes 'Research I Commercial Eastern Hfld. Adults 21 Southeast Hfld •. ,.Adults 13 SouthwestNfld. Adults 1 2 lIestern J:Tfld. Adults Northern Hfld. Adults 12 Gu1f of St ·'.Adults 54 La~ence... · ',', ',.... Chedabuclonay·~·. "i.. Adul ts 31 Southl-lest' ltova' "': I,'Ii,"~ dX ) 72 Scotia ' , . _e 81 Bay of Fundy.IIixedx) Gulf of Haine ; : " .i. 48 100 53 51 32 1·5 ,.,' 20 I • Ho. o'TFish !.lIeasured .. ' '. Aß'cd 8 337,·' 12 350 "6 150 2 850 . 2 200 54 7 457· " :8,0'30 . 20516. ...:. 62 20 617 ' . ' .' . . 1 . " •• ~l •. • 3 450 5. 650 . 2700 2 650 2 200 · 1 589 2 292 " '., '6 671 1054-6 ...: .. .: ~.:~. -------~---_:...-_---~~-----_-:..._--~----------' '~c) A substantia1 proportion of these fish ",ere < 2 years old. .. ::'.' Capelin Area - , Type"cf' Fish Offshore Danlcs I Adults (Nf1d) i Inshore (Hfld) Adults I No'. o'f S'amples' Research I Commercia1 8 I j ' . · --..... i ' N o . of Fish lleasure~ • ! __Aged _ 2 31 '1." · 210 550 r 210 550 • I I TAGGING' I HERRING .. . .. I Area Season f'Ype of Tags No. Tagged Type cf Fish Recoveries. Southwestern Nfld. Winter External anehor External dart Internal 500 3 000 8 900 Adult Adult Adult 13 68 External anehor External dart Internal 2 500 3 000 6 000 Adult Adult Adult 4 500 4 500 Adult Adult Adult Southeastern Nfld. I I Eastern Nf1d. Spring Spring I External anehar External dart Internal f 14 500 ,I Northeastern Nfld. ,. Summer EXtetnal a.nchar . External ,da.rt 689 .' Northeastern Nfld. Summer .. I ·_.r_.. . External anehar External dart : .....-... .. 750 750 _~'-~.~" .. ~-, - 94 178 .. 9 4 1 Adul.t.. Adult 0 5 , . . . ... 750 750 ?oiAClO.."'REL 182 . . . Adult Adult 0 5 ! ; iI -_ ..- - - Area Vessel :rarinus l i aGape Fre els l : Season Obj ectives SouthvTest He1offoundland Southwest NevTf oundland VTinter(January) ~!inter (January) eron :, Soutl1'Test 1'1 e'l:lf oundland Winter (February) Spring (April) Spring (May-June) nce 11 Fortune Bay, Newfoundland Eastern Hewfoundland Strait of Belle Isle, northern Gulf of St LmTrence 111'Iarinus; I ;l-iarinus ;1 I Southern Ue'l:lf oundland ;;:G.E. Pri nce lf .1 nce l1 .1 Bay of ~undy Bay of Fundy Bay of :J?undy Gulf of st Lm"rence ----Rese~rch Vessel Cruises - Autumn(October) Herring ta"gging Echo-sound er survey for herring; 1lydrography Echo-soun der survey :for herring; hydrography Herring t Herrin::; t Echo-sounder, midvTatertra1"ling and driftnet survey fOl:• herring Autumn (Nov.-Dec.) Echo-soun der and gillnet survey fo I' herring,hydrography Spring (April) Herring 1 arval survey Autumn (September) Herring 1 arval sUl."Vey Autumn (November) Herring 1-arval survey Distribut·~on and abundance Summer (June) mackerel eggs - P~~~gic , Fishes - 1972 , -. - 1 - Dc:cmnrk .(K. Popp l-bdccn) HerriN\ The RV "DA1fAu participatcd in thc interno.tionaJ. Young Hcrring Surveys in Februar,y 1972 und in herring larval surveys in September~October. Tagging of herring has becn carried out in thc Sound in October. Aren - _.' . No.of SamoIes I No. of Fish Type of Rosoarch Marketl Maasured Aged Examined I Fish Raciallv Season .. Jan-Mnrch • West of Shetland (02) I I ! Ju1-Sept. . immot. Ddults Apr-June immRt. adults Jul-Sap. immat. <'ldu1ts Oct-Dec. immat. adults Jsn-M8rch immat. Adults Juna adu1ts Ju1y immat. lldults adults Oec. Jan-l"larch immat. Apr.-June! immat. I immot. Jul-Sep. adults immat. Oct-Dec. Jen-March .tmmat.. Jul-Sep. imm<Jt. Jnn-Mal;'ch immat. Apr-JunB immat. Jul-Sep. immot. Oct-Doc. iinmat. J:m-March immat. Apr-June immc:.t. ::Jul-Sep;. immat~ Oct-Dec. immat. Jon-March immDt. Apr.-June immat. Oct-Dec. immat. Jen-March NW North 5ea (03) ! i I, , • Immat. Adults immat. adu1ts adults Oct-Dec. I I I NE North Sea (04) Ski'lgerrak (05) r (Oß} Crmtra1 North See (09) Kattogat Eastern Gültic I Innp.r D~Nov. nish LI a! ters 133 118 .30 268 379 9 122 202 1 4 1 7 1 7 53 243 368 96 291 25 224 107 101 200 2 2 1 3 2 1 19 2G 28 1 . I 98 , 368 96 87 606 981' 105 374 6ß 2 44 9969 131 3905 114 5 84 40 23 1863 18 22' .' 1083 095 1592 729 8 529 4 10 348 764 ; 202 98 96. 313 291 23 224 107 101 200 122 460 981 105 374 231 213 53 .~ : 1'18 76 202 608 4 12 j' 122 20 11 ... 118 30 25B 379 313 . ,: 2 I S.8uchC'n 3 1 1 4 7 :n~ 291 23 224 107 200 122 105 44 •i 3820 I 131 3905 1063 ~ 433· 884 1592 729 30 348 : 704 i J 764 . adu1ts 1 121 121 i"mmat. 3 11 11 ~ '12~ ~ 11 ~ ------~ - 8 Sprat Sampling ; Soason Arc<'i I : Type of ~gf I, fish Resp.~rch snmples j I I I Jnn-l"lar. 1 immat. Apr. ' i mm Cl t • Auo. (08) Kntt8get i > 2 6 1 1 30 4 15 1039 4 423 1 2 B 3 81 11 imm<:>t. irnmot. I immat. I immot. j 'immat. Jfm-Mar. I immat. Apr-Jun. ! imm?t. 'i Jul-Sep. " imm~t. Dct-Oec •. imme!;. Jem-Mor. I imm<:.t. Apr-Jun. ~ immc:t. 11 23 19 1211 12 509 inmot. ß 231 Oet-Dec. • immnt. I J8n-Mar. immGt. " Apr-Jun. im~nt. 10 1116 Innnr OClnish W<lterG Oet-Oec. immnt. Nov. immat. ; 4 203 4 6 392 507 10 i 293 10 6992 100 1G13 1305 44 , I 1 1 ;- 100. 7 i Ju1-Se~ Onl Hc Racioll y 1 ! . immot. i 11:1m at. I Eastern Moasured ! Seato : J ,m-f1 ar. Skagerrak , J\pr-Jun. (05 ) Ju1. Oct-Dec. S.8uchnn Jen-Mar. Centrn1 North SeI? (09) No of fish Aged I Examined \ lMarket W.of Shet-! febr. land (02) ;NW North iSoo I I • 1025 1025 1 , 1025 MGckere1 -Snmpl.inq Are ...' I Sp.<Json I I IW:.',) r Sep t. Shct- ~.1~.<~:n!.:;:d~1(...::O~2-l)--1~O~c~t.!... NW ~orth Sec (03) I I r-l NE ~orth Sen (04) ~ Typf'! Adul ts ~:.....;a~.d~l~J1~t::'::S:':"""~t, Jon-MAr.: adulto Apr. \ odu1 ts I A u g . . Adu1 ts 1:. ~O:;:.o~c.!..._ _..:.:~a:.:.:d~lJ:.=:l:..::t:.::~.:..:_ Jul. Sl<agorrnk (05) I-_...l....!::~_+- Centrfll Jul. ! sdu1ts ! I adults odu1 ts Apr.Jun~ l tldults Ju1-Sco.! I I t adults ! Mensurod 3 Examined Rnciallv I +~1_-+_-'~2~32~-f---f--------1 3 1 3 1 2 16 I 10 .1 ,. 20 I 1 _-iI l -_ 3 ~ I I 2 .: -I-_ _+- _ 12 : 4 ' 7 Oct-De~ .. 1 fldul ts 2 2 t1dults Jun. I adu1ts Jul-Seo. I edul ts 1 1 1 3 3 I Agod lS v J~ln. Kattegf!t ~.' \ i--_~_~ Jan-I'lar., fJorth Seu (09) No.of rish No.af s<!moles Heseurch f1<:lrket of I Tish i i B i • - 9 Fedtii-k.l:::Re'Public of Gern?:!lX (K. Schubert) lIcrriI'lfi -'------r-----r-------..--------r------.-------,.----'~" .:ft No.of Samples Type of Research No;.orF{:~hi ·No.of Fi: Fish x) a:ged .. I examined Season Area Vessel Market I '.' . .. . . . .-·_·· ..·_._ ..i ..··,,-·_· ...... Sea S~North: " . (12) , .:-_ Jan. _ ~, I ~ .J l:~, I (01) I 2,3d.,5 Ju17 3 ,4,2- Aug. Sept. Oct. I \ ! I 3 .. I. I 100 100 100 257 147 147 271 98 98 723 723 I 10 ! I I 2 I f '4099 t I. ,I· . ( i I.. l \ 2,4,5,7,Q. 2,3,4'J,6,~'":;'_:''' .' 2,4,5,7,Q.! .: Iiov. lw of She-ti1and.(02) , I 3 3,8 S-Buchan (09) !Hebrides I racial1y . I jSea . . .. ;..,. '.- . 1 .". 11 ; l..z1" 3,8 (08) ; lCentral North 11 • 1,2,3,8 i Sea -{09 )~"·;.I }. '. '_.'_' -'_._-'-'" ..' - ..' - ...- _. _. i ;Gentral North: Nov. 1,2 I • .. I· lNW':"l'iÖrth Sea i 1i'e.~r •. .~ ...-'.0.< ?~ ) _. . 1,2, M ., 200 1 302 1 162 2 82 4 299 1042 2 I. \ ~ . \ 200 I I 100 100 100 100 82 82 299 172 299 I I ! ! 172 . . Oct. 1 150 150 .. h • ::::) s tt'l.{?;O . oi' D?- -l;u.ri. ~y' 'c . ' ~ o .. r::." : Area S"::Süöhan Season . .. . (08) NW-North-Sea (03) centrai" Nofth':S'ea .: (09) .. 200 . Objectives..'" " - ' . Young herring . " : "'3 _.. 150 - 10 - Fin1and C' No report received. Fran_~ (A. Haucorps) JIareng Echanti11onnal'\e ---- Sni00l1 Region (mois) Genre de Poisson adultes - -- I --3 geniteurs - 6 ---IVc + Vlld ~:I. 72 (12) !VC + Vlla XII.72 ~------ ---- Aucune recherche ~ .... Nb. echanti110ns Bateau de recherche Harche _ --..,..--_.-- --- a 10. Hb. de Poissons:X:) c1asses mesures dont äge determine suivant race 1 077 257 - 270 - • mer nfo. ete effectue e11 1972. (x) taille, poids, age, maturite sexuelle, vertebres). IC~)E-~ (J. Ja1~obsson) BIue_JJ]1i t.ip..ß: S~J2..1inß: --1 -1. ~ _ Aree . •_ }Toru.Sea uee~~n_. Type of __F_i_S_h Ls::e~J__ ~dUlt No. oTSamples 1 I No. of Fish ,j,-~_l:_:_:~CjT=ket meesurJ~ag_e_d l 5 I- I 500 , I 500 In addition the Icelandic research vessels participated in the international O-group S\~vcy in the Iceland-Grcenland areas. • - 11 - .- Jlerring Snmpling- .: . '. tren Type of Fish Senson Uo. of Snmples Reoenrch Pishing Veosel Veooel :Ho. of Fish aged exnmined racia,lly ... mensured - Iceland Hinter D.O .. llixed Summer Autumn 'Shetland Summer/ ,Orknoy·. Autuinn , Hixed liixed Adult 11 11 5 4 - 212 459 2 600 24 - , , ,,'\' -~; 867 905 .. 3 2 3 3 . . --205 453 2 539' 86 r( ' .. . 205 453 2539 '. Tngging ._.Gecson Aren -_.__ Type of Tags Ho. Ta(jge d - . l5·n.m.E Sunmcr of lT~Ronn 22 July Internal 12487511249700 Adult 950 38 ._-----_.•.--'---_._--, Research Vessel Surveys Area ,- --_._---- Season - Uoru.Sea-Shetl.-Hebr. Shetl.-Orkn.-Hebr. Shet1.-0rkney S.E.-Ice1.&Iforll.Sea 23.6 25.7 5.9 - 1.10 16.10 -18.11 27.11 - 9.12 --_. Objectives - He rril1ß' and environm. survey He rrinc and larval survey He rrina o~vey . _ _ _survoy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1 :r:ring Ue_ -- Cap el i:.l1 Sampl iM Aren' .. Senson , leeland '- I ! Hinter I Type of Fish ; Adult & Recruit I Ho. öi: Fish measured nged examined racially Ho .. of SampIes Research Fishing Vessel Vessel 20 31 I 5 000 5 000 Research Vessel Surveys , l.. rea lT,E,SE Iceland D,S-Ice1and S-Ice1and E, SD-Iceland ~ lT.-:.lceland .... I 7.1 2.2 24.2 12.3 10.4 Senson - 28.1 - 20.2 4.3 - 20.3 - 20 .. 4 - Obj~ctiveo Capelin Cape1in Capelin Capelin Survey Survey Suryey Survey CD;T>eti_n_S~vey - - 12 Irela.I\d . (J. Holloy) Herring Sampligg Sampling was continued on herring stocks along all coasts of Ireland along the same 1ines as previous ye~rs. Details of areas and numbers examined are given in the following table. .. ~ N • l"T iI~ • 1-( I t • .. ! i I Ad.Ult - III Adult re la nd 1. Ii S.w. Ir€llnnd . No of fish no of fish No of fish measured examined ace d racinlly R. Vesse1 Market f'ish I:re1und 1 '- Xll I No. of sampIes T:>'1?c oi' .. 'Season Area . . .. . . . 40 .. J4 2 900 3 930 620 11,.00 1400· 219 219 .. 2 lX- X Adult I, II, XI, XII S;1ai'lr.erS • 2 900 .. 219 I I ~ s. Il'cland 28 ... i , E. lrelsnd' . IX- XI Immature aml Sl:n wr.ers t ; I i , , " 21 895 . .... 2 B63 ...... : " ~ -- . 2,196 ~ '" : .. 2 528 .... - .. . . .. 2J 498 ,. Research Vessel Surveys .Aren Senson. s. VI lrelal1d E. Il"clnnd VI. Iroland VII - IX ------ • -----rl ---r --r- ~ , O'bjcctives -_.~----------...... 'Y G 11 e l"ring .. Ol'.n . .. - ::mrvt: ;y-s ... ~.. . do VII .do ... VI)~ do , - 13 - Netherlands , ,...... (A. corteiiJ . .. I1ackerel _ _ _ _ _. _ • . . .,. t •• Sampling . .. . .. .. ~ (; , Area' ., -_..- ., "' Type of Fish Season '.: , ... ~ " - .f ~~ Jan-Dec Immat.&Adult 11 11 Apr-Dec 11 11 June 11 11 Apr-Dec 11 Apr-Dec " 11 11 Dec 11 11 lIay-Hov 11 June-Nov 11 ,'8 2 '0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T0 '3 0 .' -...-.- __.- ~ro. Season Nay-June Aug-Sept .. , , . . .. Reoveries Floy Floy 1 4 Vessel Cruises Objeetives' seas:on • ' ' ~ ., Southern,North Sea .' . . .. I1ay .. . . - ,-. , Aug . .. .. .. June . .. . .. Sept· - .------- •" .. ->' • .i'" _.,' ... Serology, parasitolo. ... gy and tagging. Tagging , ".\ ,J .. ,: I~ : ' . " . ." .' , , ,Tag type 1 500 : IO' .. 400, ~~~~. ~.-'''' 400 ,100 0 50 .', 350 0 ,. 150 0 , ' Channel Southern Horth Sea Jl~arch ,. 2 200 400 50 850 2 100 .. 60 950 .,280 " Arca .. . ,".' ... ' ' ' , -.. tagg~d' ,,' ," .. 0." . .. ,I . .. ..•. ", . ".' ... : .~Ho. of samples",' No • ,of .Fish Harket Research l"Ieas~red Aged·," S~,1iI> ~".': Northern North Sea .. N.E. Hor th Sea H.H. Hor th Sea 'Central lToxth Sea Southern Nor'~h Sea Chaimel South·lr aland 11orth"Ireland .. .~'. ~ , , - 14 - -. HerriIl:ß. Sampl~ , Type of Fish Area (ICES Season Herring) ~Ol~ ,n~brides 02 U. of Shetland', (03) U~lT. irorth Sea , : (04)' H.n. lTorth ' Autumn Summer " , , Spring' _., ... ' ~,., . - 15 -' Adult - " I Im ,- ' ' , II Totn1 Area ITorth Sea Centra1 NorthSea S. Uorth Sea and Channo1 S. Horth Sea Central North Sen Contral North Sea -'- Adult Adult 'Unter/Spring Adult ,'Sea , (06)U.U. of Summer Adult Ireland (09) Centra1 NorthA1l year Adult Sea ' (09) Centra1 HorthA t Spallning Sen luumn ' Adult ll. of Irelan Summer S.Horth Sea'" Autümn/tUnter Ädult S.lTorth Sea Autumnll'linter Spawning S.o! Ire1~d Summer/Aut~ Adult , 13~ Spmming 13 S.of,Ire1and ('!inter ..... .... - .. ....... .. Jl.Törth'-Sea I Immatures (Intern. Young , "[inter 'Herring Survey) I , Uo. of Fish lIeacured Aßed IExanuned Racial1y of Samples Research l1arltet Vessel no~ - , , 3 + + 3 200 500 750 150 2 + 400 100 3 + 500 150 6 + 1 100 300' . " - - 13 ± 1 350 650 - 32 ± 5 800 2600 - - ' 2 'lI . 17 10 , - '4 - , 18 . 18 IIonth' Fobruary ,October Jan. and Dec. Harch & lTay Soptember 18 Sept-29 Sept. , - ' ' ' ", ' ± 300 " 1 600 100 ' . , , , 3 600 - 850 400 100 , , ± 118 - 400 100 .:': + '2 000 550 + 3 100 850 + 1 000 500 700 200 ± , 750 150 900 ,. 24,450 6 '809' - 900 .. '5 150 Objectives Young horring survoy norri!}ß' 1nrvno Horring larvae Herring 1arvao ITerrincr larvo.o IIorrinrr larvao ~lico.tions Corten, A., 1972.Du·tch Data on Ce2tic Sea Herring in tho period 1958-1971. lCES, C.M.1971/H:3. Postuma, K.ll., 1972. On the o.bundo.nce of Ho.ckorel (Scon1?.eE E-~op1br1l;~ L)in the nortll-eastern North Sen in the period 1959-1969. Journal du Conseil .2..4 (3):455-465. ...----------------- - --- - -- ~ -- .- - -~ - - ~ - -'~' '. - --. -.' - .. '! f"o" -" I!o ~ - 15 Postuma, K.ll. and Kuiter, C.J., 1972. Report on the international traw1ing survoy for immature herring in the North Sea 1972. ICES C.!!. 19721H: 5. . . ,. Postuma, K.H., 1972. llet haringseizoen1911 en de vooruitzichten voor het seizoen 1972. Visserij, ~ (4):248-255. . '.: <,. • ~~ . . . . ., ••.• • Postuma, K.ll., 1912. Hot Neder1andse haringonderzoek in de periode 1946-1971. Visserij, 25 (3):179-187. . NOrloray (0. Dragesund) Samp1iE.ß: ~.illl:i;. tiP.ß' • hon Geason ... lToruecrian Sea lTorth SenlTOrtl.Const· Drit. Hest Coast 1'To. oi" Samples Hesoarch IVJ:arket Vesse1 Type oi" Fish ..- .. . -- . Throughout Adu1ts the year Immat. Il 11 lfurch-Hay " No. o,! Fish Ag'ed Examined 1'Ieasured , Racin11y & 44 4 956 - - 46 84 11.·285 797 - 30 - 3 999 1040 - 17 ',.. ., .llil..sSJl.rch V,e.sse1 Surveys ,. Aren • Brit.Uest Coast lTorliegian Sea .. lTorth Sea .1 Senson - 28.2. 28.3. 0.7. - 17.7. 22.6. 16.7 • - /:'" ." lTorth Sen .. ' 26.9. - 12.10. -- Objectives Blue ~lhiting.:' Survey ......... Blue \lhiting Survey Demersa1 and Pe1agic Fish Survey 11 ~lj...2..o.tions ;Jah.~pss·~ovu, S.il. end lti.dttun, T•• , i912. Blue \/hi ting surveys northeast oi" the Dritish' Isles in li'ebrunry-Harch 1972. Fiskets Gang, 2Jl:428-433. llnmre, J., Jakupsstovu, S.H. and Urudcen, 0., 1912. Report onB1ue llhiting i"ishing experiments in Apri1-llay 1972. Fiskets~,. .2.§.:689-696. ";' .-.16 ';" Samplip.z Polar Cod .. I Aree. . Quarters Barents Sea 2 .. 3 4 . ... . . ... ... ' of Fish I Adult Spawners Immature 1 . No. of' Samples No. of' Fish Research l1a.rket r,Ieasured l..ged Examined Vesse1 llacially Type ~eason -I 3. - 19 " -- 2; n .. . . " · 2 .. . I ... 194 2 149 .. 1 912 '.. 138 ,- - I i! :..'i 1 709 1 .. 1 326 138 - I .. I I - • I • Research Vessel Surveys • 'Aren -- - -------Season t ... Barents Sea Barents Sea. -. . . ~ Barents Sea. ... ~ '. 'Aug.-Sept. .. . .. . . .. .. , ~ ... , .. · .. .... . Nov.. :"Dec. ....... .' .- .. ~..-...' ... ' ...... Distribution .: Distribution, .. ., Sa.mpling Stock Size, .. Distribution, =; Behaviour, Samp1ing .. Distribution J · Publications - . lfu.rch I1ay-June . Barents Sea. '. Objectives • " Dragesund, O. and Nakken, 0., 1972. Lodde- og polartorskunders0ke1ser i ~arentshavet i august-september 1971. Fisk~ts ~, ~:145-148. 'Hy'ien, A., Gj0sretei:,' J. arid·SID.edstad,. O.M;; 1972. FiskeriunderslZ)ke1ser ved . Bj~a, 'Spitsbergen Qg'i Barentshavet 1-27~ juni 1971. Fiskets ~,~: ".' , '. 25?- 265 . . r ,. • • .;". , '. ' ' _ Ry1en, A., Jakobsen, T., Lahn-Jobannessen, J., Smedatad, O.~ and Sretre, R., . . 1972. Fiskeriunders0kelser ved Bj0rn0ya, Spitsbergen og i Darentshavet med F/F "G.O. Sars" 3-20. november 1970. Fiskets ~, 2§! 189-202. Gj0sreter, J.', I'Üdttun, 1., Monstad, T., Uakken, D., Smedstad, D.M., Smtre, R. og U21tang 0.,1972. Unders0kelser av ~iske~orekonster i Barentshavet og vcd Sptisbergen i august-september 1972. Fiskets Gang. 2Q:IOIO-~021. - 17 ,Samplipg IIerring .Area ! Qu.arters I Skagerak/ North Sea I ~eason • 02 02 02 03 03 04 04 05 05 05 05 06 09 II I 1 2 tf 3 tt 4 1 3 i 2 1 2 3 4 3 1 North Sea. Norwegian West Coast Northern Norway of Fish -------_ _ _~ No. of FisP. Ho. of SMl'Ples Exomined Researcll Marltet Ueasured Aged llacially Vessel II Adult Sl'a1'l'nerE Im...'!lature I I 02 ~1?9 n n " " " " " "n " " " n 1-4 Winter; Spa,mers Spring Autmnn Immature I -- -5 2 1 1 , I I 2 2 3 1 1 3 1 - -1 1 I 1- -1 -7 1 200 '200 292 100 590 487 122 45 100 100 88 100 100 846 4 469x )ca.30 000 2 7 ; 200 .200 300 100 590 500 122 41 100 100 91 100 100 896 '5?' 93 -95 i I I I i I ! I 91 193' . 329 100 44 96. 92 I 875 4 595 ~ 500 - 292 - 856 I I ! x)samp1es obtained from oil- and mea1 factories. • Research Vessel Surveys Area Season Objectives - ........ -- .~..-. Norwegian West Coast Jan.-Feb. North Sea NOr\vegian West Coast No~vegian Sea J3arents Sea-West Spitsbergen Skagerak-North Sea Febru.ary April June-Ju1y Spawning ~tlgration of the Norwegian Rerring Young Rerring Survey Larval Survey Herrine ~ligration Aug.-Sept. O-Groul' Fish Sur-vey Sept.-Oct. Fish Survey - 18 '. Pub1ications Bakken, E., Chakraborty, D., Gcorgc, X.C. and 0stvcdt, O.J., 1972. Estination o~ ~ish a.bundance by acoustics duxing the North Sea Young Herring Survey 1972. C.M.1972/H:10 (mi~eo). ' ' Dah1, 0 •. and I>ragesund 0., 1972. Norwegian herring investigations in 1971, the mature hcrring. Anna1es Bio10giques 28. Dahl, O. and Dragsund 0., 1972. 'J:Torwegian investigations in 1971 on eggs and 1a.rva.e, sma11 and :fat herring. Annales :Bio10giques, 28. Dah1, O. and 0stvedt, O• .r.', 1972. Tbc Norwegian 1'isheries in the North Sea and Skagerak 1971. Anna1es Bio10giques, ~ Dragesund, O. and Ul1tang, 0., 1972. The collapse 01' the Norwegian spring spawning herring'stock. C.M. 1972/H:11 (mimeo). Sa.mp1ing Sprat (C1upea sprattus) Type Area. 01' ~ea.son Flsh Fjords o:f Western Nor\1ay Spring Autumn I-group O-group No. 01' ]':fs~::=._ llicamined Research Market lfeasured Agcd llaoia11y Vessel No. 01' Samnles 5 22 - - 800 3 170 • - 200 age from 1ength ~requency modes North Sea. Spring 10 - 1 230 - - Research Vesse1 Surveys Area .... . Fjords of Western Iiorth Sea Senson Norwa~ Autumn Spring Objectives • Distribution, relative abundance, acoustic survey Fioh distribution Pub1ications Bakken, B., 1973. Ma1inger av briolingmengde med ekkointegra.tor i vestnorske fjorder hesten 1972. (Abunda.nce estimates of oprat (C1u~ea snrattus) by echo integrator in :fjords o:f western Norway in autumn 1972). Fiskets ~, .2,2:146-153. ,- 19 - Saro'P1ing Hackere1 Area of' Fish ~eason Shet1and/ lforth Sea Skagerak January Oetober August Sept. March Shetland ,.,. of Rona West of the :British Isles North Seal Skagerak • ~'1?O r 'r--";IO. 1 Ol...... ~ .• n,.1l'P on lio. of Finh-R~ch Uoxket'"'= },!co,sured Ae;od DxlOincd. Voscel llacially - - 600 600 - 2 200 200 - 862 348 All - 676 36 706 All - 6 All - " " May All 11 - J anu:J:ry'/ Oetober All - 34 - 2 971 2 971 . x)samples obtained froD thc Fish Co-oIlerative and meal and oil faetories •. Tagging Type 01' Senson No. Taggod Type of Fish Recoveries Tags m·l-W. 01' 118.y Ireland, 'tV'.. of Shetland 'Uorth SeaJUl./ Aug. Skageralc Intern. stool 5 086 Adult 23 J:ntern· ll 818 stoel Adult 174 Research Vessel Surveys • _------------r-------r---------------.., Senson Areo. ~ • Objeetives - - _ - _ _ 1 I _ - -__~ - + _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - t North Sea lforth Sea, W. Ska€erak W~f the Eritish lsles East-lce1and, Fftroes, Shetland, lforthern North Soa North Sea, Skagerak 'North Soo., Skagorak:, W. of' Orkneys-Shot1and , Febru.a.ry April r-lay/primo June June-July July-AUGUst sopt.-Oet. Plankton, egg-larvae survey, blue whiting survoy, Rydrography Nackere 1 tngging Echo-survey of mackerel and other pelagie and demersa1 spccios. Rydrography - 20 Sam:p1ing Cape1in Type of' Fiah Season Quarters Area 1 Barents Sea 1 Barents Sea Grand Banks, I 2 Newfound1and I I 2 13arents Sea Barents Sea 3 J3arents Sea 4 x) O-group 1ncluded ----_....-. No. of Fisl!.-_-=No. of SamPles Research Market Ueasured Aged llicamined Uaoially Vessel Immature Spawners 2 13 l'!ixed 42 Y.Lixed r1i:x:edx ) 1-'Ii:x:ed , -29 - 27 127 17 - 519 7 748 2 214 - -- 6 465 1 622 - 2 465 ;1.4 095 3 469 152 2 079 508 - • ! Season Type of Quarters Tags Area No. Tagged I Type of Fish Uo. of Recoveries , Barents Sea Barents Sea 1 3 Interno.l Interna1 Spawners Immature 5 100 10 000 Research Vessel Surveys Area - Barents Sea Finmark Coast _ .. _---- Season Quarters "1 I Finmark Coast Objectives ---- 3 3 3 O-group survey 4 Distribution & abundance 1 &2 2 I _-.---. Distribution, spmming, migration and tagging Distribution, spawning, migration and tagging Distribution of spawning capelin and capelin eggs. Study' of spawning behaviour Distribution of 1arvae Distribution & abundance Distribution & abundance Tagging I Finma.rk Coast New'found1and 13arents Seax ) 13a.rents Sea ) x Barents Sea 13arents Sea x) 2 vesselc 344 9 2 2 I • - 21 - .. Publications • Ejorke, H., Gjosmter, J. and Sretre, R., 1972. Undorsokclser päloddas gytc~elt i 1972. (Investigations at tho spawning grounds o~ capelin in 1972) .. Fiskets Gang, .2.§.:710-716. , . Elindheim, J~ and Monstad, T., 1972. Loddeinnsiget i 1972 (The spawning migration'o~ capelin in 1972). Fiskets~, ~:519-524. Dragesund,·O. and Monstad,'T., 1972. Observationson capelin (l-mI16tus villosus) in Newfoundland waters. C.H. 1972/H:12 (mimeo). Gjosmter, J., 1972. Recruit~ent o~ Earents Sea capelin 1951-1961. C.M. 1972/H:24 (mimeo). Gjosreter, J., :Hidttun, L., l-torJ.stad, T., Nakken, 0., Smedstad, 0.11., Smtre, R. and U11tang, 0., 1972. Undersokelser av fiskeforekomster i Baren~sCavct o~ ved Spitsbergen i august-september 1972. (Investigations on fish distribution and abundance in thc Darents Sen and of~ Spitsbergen in August-September 1972). li§gts. G~, .2.§:1010-1021. }lidttun, L. und Nakken, 0., 1972. Application o~ acoustic stock abUndance cstimation on capelin and bluo uhiting. C.N:. 1972/B:16 (mimeo) • Poland (J.Popiel) SEl!lP1_i~ ~riPE Type Area altic :=:- :Uo. o~ Fis~ No. 01' Sso'Ples .~ Research Harket Ueasured Aged lilxamined ) llacial1y x Vessel ~eo.son of Fish Spring Spring Autumn Spring SUIJ:llIler Autumn Imma.turc - Spawning - Feeding North Ses. w. o~ :British Isles I 4 1 371 200 I 11 3 891 1 100 38 25 076 3 800 - 17 519 4 8CO 4 800 20 968 2 700 2 700 I I 48 - 27 I I 1 100 I II I 200 I 3 800 _-_._.--- .. Aree. Season Type of Fish Ealtic x) ~mturity, type 01' otolith Ho. 01' ],isJl._ _~ Sam'Ples Examinod Resoarch Harket Heasured Aged llacially Vessel .......... !lo. o~ _ - 22 39 348 2 150 -- - --- - 22 Sampling :Hackerel Area Season No. o! Samp1es No. of l'i~-::-- e Research l1a.rket N:easured Exa.mi.ned Aged llacia11y Vessel Type of Fish -- North Sea w. of British Is1es - Research Vesse1 15 12 746 - 1 496 - SU2~eys Area North See. Season Objectives September-October Herring 1arvae, Hydrography • 1..-- Portuga! (J. de Ataide) No research has been Clone in ihe northern area in 1972.· Spain (0. Cendrero) Aucun travail nie. ete fait dU2'ant 1972. • Sweden (H.Ackefors) ~p1ing IIerri~ K = Ka tt e;;;-at Area Season (l'Ionths) K K I-lI III-V VI-VIII IX-XII K I-XII K K Type of Fish Immature Adult Adult Immat.& Adult ----..- 1;0. 0.1' Fish Ho. of Samp1es .. Research Market Heasured J..ged E..""{amined nacially .. Vessel 11 - - 7 4 10 p.d. 8 18 22 - 1-- 2 919 1 356 2 599 4 081 1 985 350 663 025 985 350 663 1 025 10 955 3 023 3 023 --------------'---------_1.._----------------- ------ --------------------------- - 23 S = The Sound Sk = Skagerak II Ares. ' ., . . ... . l' .. !. t I. I I I . .. . , -Season. .or .(Months) . Fish ., .. .; - Type . .' '.,' '. -S S S S ., I-lI· Adult III-V f Adult VI-VIII I IX-XII - S I-XII ------------- ----------- • Sk Sk Sk ...... .. Sk I-II III-V VI-VIII IX-XII Sk I-XII !To. of Ffsi-i--lTo. of Samples .. Research Market r·laasured Aged .uxllJll..incd Vessel .. Racia11y .... _ - I 2 1 - I - - 3 I 169 - Adult - - 8 ------------------------ ------------------ 5 7 115 ----- - - - . - Saason --- Kattegat-Skagerak Kattegat Winter (7.2.-3.3.) Autumn 9·9. -27.10) I 613 1 065 629 909· . 378 . - - 2 739 11 916 -------- ------- 629 1 916 ------------ Research Vessel Surveys Area I ! ~--~~~--t---~~~----909 378 - 200 . 100 - :::~:::~:---:---::~-~---t:-:::--Adult -- 200 100 11 98 I -- - -.--.- ~c~s-=] Young Herring Survey (IeES) Adul t and Immature lIerring '\-. 24 Samp1ing Sprat --- No. of Sam'Dles Ro. of n.s.P_-:,,-~ Uxamined Research 11arket ~!easured Aged Raoially Vessel Type Area Season (r10.nths) of Fish Inner Skagera.k: Skagerak Skagerak Xattegat Xattegat 13a1tic Ea1tic I-III IX-XII I-III IX:"XII I-III IX-XII I-III IX-XII Adults Adu1ts Adults Adults Adults Adu1ts Adults Adu1ts _.- 3 4 1 9 I 5 11 -1 - 2 12 - 2 4 2 4 ?51·". "1 147 6 797 ·1 499 1 041 495 388 275 3 113 1 295 7 417 2 241 1 743 300 1 223 654 -- ---- Sapm1ing Mackere1 No. of S les Wo. cf Ffä~ h Reaearc 11arket J.reasured Aged ''llicäiniliäd Vesse1 llaoia11y Type Season Area Inner Skagerak June of Fish Spawnors 6 ,673 608 Research Vessel Surveys Area Soason Inner Skagorak January Inner Skagerak June Objectives on sprat stocks {traw1ing) Investigations on mackerel stocks Invest~ations (trol1ing and hook) • .. - 25 - ' Samp1i;gg :es1tic Hang '.:~ -.-,.-~-, ''- ' , . ' .. .: . . . . .- . . . . . . .; . • 'Area.· " :Bothnian ' '13ay i' I :Bothnian' Ses. Aland Sea Iiorther.n and Central :Ba1tic proper • n 13a1tic S~ason .' I (Months) I III-IV ; Adults &1 1 Immaturel . IV-VI ! Spawners'8 " IV-VI I Spawners 3 Adulta & lI-V! Spawners, 2 I I! I, IX-XI Southern I Typ=---e--r-~N~o-.-o~r::-·-;::S:-am-IlT>-::l::-e-s""I!---O::;H:-o-. -o-:f~l[n1i--~ ofResearch! Market! r.teaaured Aged l!lx(Qil10V.:::c) I Flah Vaseel 1 ._!:~:l!-..J .,..,. - , '- ,- - - . , . J. -=, II-V ~ '. Immatur~I Adults Adu1ts Spawnerf Season 1 : I 4 I 1 2115 3 092 765 765 180 2 180 344 286 286 4 429 1 195 508 508 916 Adults Type of Tags No. Tagged . I Ses. • • I~~~5~ ......._.._._L_e_a_ _...... 1 850 508 ." , Les. 195 Type of Fish Reooveries ! t 1 fl! _ 6 ! i Southern I :Bothnian 2;.5.l' b 2 I . 12 115 '8 7 ' ... 7.936 1 - 345 : I I 11 I - 345 1 017 I I ~ .,' 2 Immature XI,;.XII ! i ; I pr:per I Area. ! ., (1.3~1973) Spawnera 42 s_p_awn_e_r_S_._~ 0 3_5_ _,--.__ __ 4_ _ ~ _ 26 ' .!ffi.i ted Kipgdom .. 1. Eri51ani and Wales (A.C. Eurd) Samp1ing Re~ , '< Type Se&Son .Ares , Contral N'orth Sea. S.Worth Soa (River ' :Blaokwater) Ir1sh See. West Channel West or Scotland or 1?ish - <" ....".','>"0,..",.-0;,.. "...... ,....." Imm.at. Apr-Jun Im:nat. Jul-Sept Adulte Oct-Deo Im:nat.& Adults Adults Jan....~ Jul-Sopt Immat.& Adu1ta J'ul-Sopt lmma.t.& . Adulte Oct-Deo I .Adulte Jan':'~JA:r Adults Oct-Dec Adults Apr-Jun I!nIn8.t &: Adults J'ul-Sept, Immat.& Ja.n..Ma:r ,.~ , Season 11ne of , ..--. . , -- I ' - II - - \ -- I - Sotithern North . Sea ,' ,Spring ilydr,ostatio . (River DläCkWatef) 700 100 5 486 429 . 429 1 697 91 97 200 100 100 501 244 5 7 7 1 262 144 215, 1 200 100 100 " - T~s 700 100 1 2 1 - 'Äd111ts Arell. --_.... -, " ' , , ' , No. of Sanro1es No. or FisÄ_....;:..._~ Research ' " '" ' ," Examincd Vessel Mark~t Me~sure~ Agod Racially .. . 1 182 1 182 ~ 891 11 .l 108 108 ;18 2 110 110 1 269 214 ; 214 411 671 5 Iro. TaR'~ed IType of Flah Adults 1 000 . 493 . - 493' Reco'V'tn:~1.tl2.- 26 , " . !!sen.rch Vesae1 SurVeys Ares. ! Season f Uorth Sea. I Sprin8" Southern Worth Sea ! SprinB' Central North Sea I Autumll Shetland Autumn East Coast or SUt'lll1er England ., Objectives . leES YoU118 Herring Survey IeES Herring Larval Survoy leES Herring Larval Su;~vey lCES Rerring La.rvaJ. Su:r:vey O-Group Rerring Survey I other research aetivities ; A total or 88 ovar1es were taken !rom herring for !ecunditT studies. - 27 - .SaJ!l.Eling: Mackerel r I ! Aren. ; Season I I Apr-Jun Jul-Sept Oct-Dec Central North Sea I Jul-Sept Scason Area twest Gha:nne1 Autumn i of Fiah I I' , Adults ~:"'Oi" I I ! - Jan-Mar West Channel No. oi: Samples No. 01' Ffs}i.==_~ Research! I JJxo.mined !Vessel Market!l1easured: Aged llaoially i-~-~--'--i Immat.& 6 li. 883 "466 466 Adults I Immat.& ! 1 4 j 478 471 471 Adulta i . Adults [ 6 778 538 538 Immat.& 13 1 310 933 1 031 Adults Type II I I I -,_......_---"'--_ 168 1 !NO. Tagged r;;e Tags Hydrost~_3 153 60 oi" --t 60 ......... _---~ ~ Recover~es l dults 5 I _.-J ~!-~search activitie~: A tot~i of 87 fish ware examined for rat and moisture content. So.m"'p'ling Sprat • "T rArea I ' Fish i I I Ccntral I Sea North i I I! I Jan-Mar Mixture of imrnat. & adultsl' : Apr-Jun Nainly I , adults I Jul-Sept Hainly iI:J.m.at. , f Jan-I1ar Hixture i 01' immat. i & adult sI Jul-Sepi: Hainly I immat. I! ; ! i i ! Southern i North Sea I I I, I No. 01' 'Ffaii'--No. oi: SamI>les Research Harket r.!easured Aga -- liXnm1iiöd d Hacially Vessel I Tnla Seo.son lof ! West Channel Irisn Sea I Jan.-Nar Mainly' 7 9 I - 5 918 1 205 2 I- 658 1 49 1 - 212 1 16 2 2 369 8 22 2 087 519 18 4 668 11 372 - 168 78 8 I I I 6 ! I adulte l1i,xture jAPr-JUO of immat. & adu1tj I I 1 - I I - I 400 73 902 l - 28 - Reoeoxch Vessel I Area St~eys ------.,-.----.,.-------_ ... _-----:- Objectives SOClocon -------11-----+-------------- ... ~_.- - I North Sea \'iinter Echo-survey, sprat investigations, covering distribution and age composition. (Thames Estuary) . lTorth Sea (central and southern) North Sea (Enzlish east coast) Echo-survey and distribution 1 of sprat eggs a:nd larvae in the central and southern /. North Sea. Inshore distribution and I1 age composition. I Summer Summer 1 • Other research activities: A total of 51 fish from the central North Sea, 5 fish from the southern North Sea and 93 fish from the West Channel were examined for fat and moisture content. 2. Scotland (A. Saville) llerring Sampling Statistics collection and sampling of the catches from the Scottish herring fisheries was continued in 1972 (see Table 1). SampIes of herring from the Scottish fisheries were examined for the incideI~ and intensity of infection by Anisakis sp. T?ß~ing Tagging of herring from chartered ~~d research vessel catches during 1972 is summarised in Table 2. During 1972 there were two further returns from tho west const tagging in Pebruary-March 1971 and 29 from the west coast tagging in September 1971. All were recaptured on the west coast. Prom the June 1971 tagging around Shetland, there have been 20 more returns from the Shetland area and one from the west coast. Roooareh Vessel Surveys Tbe surveys carried out by Scottish research vessels are shown in Table 3. other Research Activities Experimental studies were begun to investigate the efrects of a number of to~ic pollutants on the development, growth and survival of herring eggs and larvao. - 27 - Saml!lipg Mackerel ~eason Area ! .... ,' ',' No. II Veeeel Research 11srket Ueaoured . Central North Seo. • .... " Immat.& Adults Apr-Jun Immat.& Adults Jul-Sept Adults Oot';;'Deo Immat.& Adulte Jul"'Sept Adults , .... ."- ~. ,. ,,- ..... "Wo. ofFf~'-:_~ of Samnles Type of. Fieh Jan-Mar West Channel .. ,- . ~~"·""'."'"4'·'''''''''''·'''''''_·'"·''·''~ ,'J " ,,, ' .. . - 6 883 1 4 - 6 13 1 - Examined RaoiallY Aged ,., c..·· 466 466 478 471 471 778 1 310 538 933 538 1 031 168 60 60 . t " ~- • . ... Taggi;t)K Area.. Seaeon . . No. Tagged Type of Fiah Recoverioe Type of Tage .. . '.. . .. '. West Cha.ri.D.e1 AutUiun .. Hidroatatic 3 153 Adulte , ' 5" -- •... " Other research activities: A total öf 87 fish were examined for rat and moisture oontent. ~..2.1ing ,t S'Prat 'Area • . ..' .. ........ .. ~" .... " "'" .. Central North Sea ~eaeon 1 I t Jan-Mar I Apr-Jun Jul-Sept Southern North Sea Jan-1-Ia.r Jul':'Sepi West Channel Irish See. . .Ja.1'l-l-rar Apr-Jun Type or Fish ....... , Mixture of immat. & adults MaiNY adul s Mainly immat. MiXtUre of immat. & a.dults Mainly imniat. Mainly a.dulte Mixture cr . No. of Sam'Plee ...... " 110. o:! F1eh~·, ....... '. Examined' Research Mal:ket neo.sured Aged Raoia11y .,,Veeee1 .., .. ,.... , - I . ' .. ,O'. ". immat. &' adult~ '.......-~ . ' .... I 7 9 5 918 1 205 2 - 658 149 400 - 1 8 -2 212 2 369 116 822 -73' 6 - 2 087 519 - - 18 4 668 1 372 - 168 78 1 .' , . 902 . - 28 - Research Vosse1 Surveys ------oy-----...,.--------_. . . _---- Objectives Season ~t ----·------+------+-----------.-.. .-. ---.. Winter I North Sea Summer ... North Sea. (Eng1ish east ooast) othe~esearch Stniimer .. Echo-survey and distribution of sprat eggs and 1arvae in the centra1 and southern North Sea. Inshore distribution and age oomposition. activities: A total of 51fish ~rom the centra1 North Sea, 5 fian fram-the southern North Sea and 93 fish from the West Channe1 were examined for rat and moistUreoontent. 2. Scotland ,!!erriIlß Samp1ing .. Echo-survey, sprat in~stig­ ations, covering distribution andage.composition. (Thames'Estuar,y) North Sea (centra1 and southern) , (A. • Savi11e) '. :' .... Statistics co11ection and samp1ing of the catches from the Scottish herring fisheries wascontiriued in 1972 (see Table 1) •. . Samp1es of herr~ from the Scottish fisheries were examined ror the incidence and intemdty cf infection by .Ari.is9.lds sp~ -' Tageng Tagging or herring rrom chartered a.~d research veesel catches during 1972 is summarised in Table 2. During 1972 there were two further returns from the west coast tagging in February-March 1971 and 29 from the west coast tagging in September 1971. All were recaptured on the west coast. From the June 1971 tagging' around Shet1and, there have been 20 more returns rrom the Shetland area and one from the west coast. . . Research Vessel Surveys Tbe surveys car.ried out by Scottish research v~ssels are.shown in Table 3. Other Research Aotivities Ex~erimenta1 studies ware begun to investigate the effects of a number of toxic po11utants on the deve1opment, growth and surviva1 of herring egge and larvae. • - 29 - Sprat Samp1iAß Col1ection of commercia1 statistics and samp1ing of catches of the Scottish sprat fisheries was continued in 1972 (Table 4). Weight data were recorded on a routine basis. Research Vesse1 Surveys Two echosounder and midwater traw1ing surveys were conducted for sprat in the Moray Firth and an egg and larval survey off the Scottish west coast in June (Tab1e 5) • • Mackerel Sampling Sampling of the Scottish commercial mackerel catches was continued in 1972 (Table 6). other Research Activities Studies were carried out in 1972 on the abundanoe, distribution and growth of immature mackerel in the North Sea and on the maturation cycle and back calculated growth• • - 30 Table 1 Samp1ing Rerrins Area North....est North Sea tN' Northweat North Sea 'SI Moray Firth Season Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Jul-Sep Oct-Dec Type of Fish i Research vessel market Adult Adult Adult Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Jul-Sep Oct-Dec Spawners Immature Jan-lJ.a.r Jul-Sep oct-Dec Immature Immature Immature Jan-Mar Adult Spawners Adult Spawners Adult Spawners Adult Immature lI ~~~.~mp!-~.~._.. l j 62 18 882 41 aged 6 300 146* 1 307" 220 244* 4 7 -I 962 I 1 962 2 408 3 037 882 882 1 6 514* 11 1 Examined ! rac ially 1 962 3 037 40 Immature N~?e~_~!. f~s_~ _ _ .__ measured 1 1 503 I 418· 30 146· I 1 172 I West Coast Apr-Jun Jul-Sep Oct-Dec Clyde Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Jul-Sep Oct-Dec Irish Sea - - - -........' - - - - - - ' - - 115 3 43 5 734 96 2 090 44 3 147 411 4 720 34· 1 63 9 97 Spawners Spawners Adult Adult Adult Immature 7 1 1 21 26 22 8 8 Adult .!-- * Includes herring in commercial sprat sampies. '-- 1 -'-- 96 2 090 44 3 147 411 4 720 28* 1 090 1 296 1 085 200 2 090 I I 372 4 604 --J. 44 2 112 135 516 I I ! 482 368 5 734 96 I 135 516 343 420 703 1 696 416 463 8 I I 5 734 590 650 550 200 482 ..J- ---J - 31 Table 2 Taggi1'lß' Herrin&' Area ! i I Feb-March West Coast i W. Type of Tag Sea80n of Shetland June-July I Scottish Comb. Internal Scottieh Comb. Internal No. Tagged J Type of Fish i 1 200 I 206 1 411 600 Adult Adult I iI W. of Orkney June-July I .i N. of N. Ro.. June Scottish Comb. Internal 2 202 1 212 Adult Scottish Comb. Internal 2 000 Adult 1650 Table 3 ResearCh Vessel Surveys Area Season Objectives N. Sea February International Young Herring Survey N. Sea August~ctober Herring larvae West ooast September-Qctober Herring larvae Clyde Februaroy-April Herring egge and larvae Clyde December O-group herring e Recoveries \ I ,i I I 31 2 9 33 20 34 54 105 t - 32 - Table 4 Sampling Spra.t Ares. No. of samples Research vN;sel marltet Number of fish I Mes.slU'ed I aged I I IMoray Firth 7 Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Jul-Sep Oct-Dec Firth of Forth North West North Sea (excluding Moray Firth) I Firth of Forth, including Shields) , Scottish West 'Coaat (excluding I Clyde) I l 9 8 Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Jul-Sep Oct-Dec I Central North Sea I (excluding Type of Fieh Season I 3 -- I I } I I 2 446 - 2 644 Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Jul-Sep Oct-Dec 17 7 2 331 Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Jul-Sep Oct-Dec I Jan-Mar Clyde 476 I 905 - . 76I 81 113 I 7 737 I 340 I 4 741 I 350 --7 1 384-- 184-- II .\ 30 12 -- - 12 1 - -- - I 952 988 5 1 -- - 5 - 9 -- I·' 1 - 831 676 ! I 428 913 - 482 287 184 429 1O:; 459 312 -- 251 191 265 - - - -- I 1 I I I I • I ! - II 254 104 I 265 l I I 58 I • Table 5 Research Vessel Surveys Sprat Area .I 102 I Month weiglled 34 Jan-Mar Apr-Jun I Jul-Sep Oct-Dec I I Objectivea June West Coast Egg and larval survey September Moray Firth Pre-fishery acouatic and midwater trawling survey. Deeember Inner Moray Firth Acouatic and midwater trawling survey during fishery. ... 3; Table 6 Sampling Mackcrel Area Senson N. Sea Jan-Mar April-June July-Sept ·Oct-Dec • Minch Clyde Jan-Mar April-June July-Sept Oct-Dec Jan-Mar April-June July-5ept Oct-Dec Type of Fish Immature Mixed Adult " 11 " " " lt 11 " lt ~u.mber of rieh Number of sampIes Research Harket Measured· Aged Examined Racially Vcs8el 14 22 18 1 4 -1 --- I 920· 3 457 151 469 -107 - 58 -- 97 140 669 97 237 399 73 566 - 1 2 9 6 1 1 146 97 - ----- --- U.S.S.R. (A.S. :Bogdanov) • In 1972 the Pelagic Fish Laboratory of PllrRO (Polar Research Institute) continued invcstigations on thc biology of herring in thc Norwegian, Darents and White Seas as weIl ns on the biology of blue whiting in the Norwceian Sea, in the· aren of Porcupine :Bank and on thc Irish Shel!, on the biology of polar cod and capelin in the Earents Sea and Atlantic sauryin the North Atlant between 25°N and 60 o R. PINnO started investigntions on snipefish in t~e area west of the Peninsula north of the Azores Islands. Investigations on capelin in the aren of the Grand Newfoundland Ballk were contin11ed as woll. and :Biostatical dnta, reBults of observations on pelagic fish behaviour ~~d distribution obtnined in the course of cruises of scientific vessels "Akademik Knipovich", "Fridtjof Nansen", "Nikolai Mnslov", "Gemma" and 'l'erseus III" provided the basis ror studying regularities of stock abundancc dynnmics, causee of tnc change of ~igration routes and distribution arons as weIl as conditions and fnctors favouring the forming of dense,concentrations of con~ercial flsh. In June the scientiots of' the L.a.bora.tory participa.ted together with scicntict~1 fron Ieeland in a complex oceanogra.phic survcy in the lforwegian und Greenland Seas. in July-Auguot in cooperation vith the scientists from Iccland, England und F.ederal Rcpublic of Germany thcy ca.=ried out invcstigations to dotcrmino . - 34 - ~. distribution peeuliaritiee und relative abundanee of the O-group of eommerei~l.. speeies in tho aren of Ieeland; in similar investi6ations in the Darents Sea the seientiste of the Laboratory eooperated in Augttst~Septcnber with the Norwogian seientists; in Novembor-Dceember they eooperated with the lrorwegian seientü:ts to study peeuliarities of' eapelin distribution in thc Barents Sea. In 1973 all investigations undertnken in 1972 will b~ eontinued. Collected and Proeessed }futerial on Pelngic Fish in the Areas cf the Northern Atlantie and the Aretic Oeeen Sees in 1912 Area Speeien 1-fu.sn Bicloeieal Feeundity Iehthyoplankl1easurement Analysi:3 No. of ton (No. of Samples Samples) Herring Cape1in 1 Blue Whi ting Ir B1ue "lhi tiJ.'l...g 9 Atlantie Saury Snipefish 3 Cape1in 28 :Bank lf Herring Western Banqucrau Herring Nova Scotian She1f' Herring Barente Sea Herring Barents Sea Capelin 59 Darcnts Sec. Polar Cod 39 Barents Sea Blue Whitin&' 35 'fuite Sea Polar Cod Kara Sea Polar Cod 4 Total 189 lTcrwegian Sea Norwegian Sea Norwegian Sea. lrish Shelf N.E. Atlo.ntie N.E. At1antic Grand Newfoundland 129 431 667 947 379 716 576 740 -- 541 257 701 014 869 199 166 -------------------_ .... _-------------------------- 116 368 1 392 1 123 362 - 5 827 200 100 .. 100 261 4 284 2 757 1 073 239 2<10 ,18 492 21- . ,394 - --- - 222 - 12 45 - 198 - 127 167 -- 44 -- 614- 616 - ----------~~-------- • - --------------- Tbe North-East At1antie Laboratory of the At1antie Resea~eh lnotitutc of Fieheriee and Oeeanography (At1antNIRO) continued investigations in thc North Sea and to thc west of' thc British lelcs. Control eou..."1ting surveys of epawn and larvae for studying abundance of herring end sprat generations Oll early stages of development, und the effeet of ehanges in wea:thor and hydrologienl eonditions on thcir eurvival and on zooplankton abundance dynamies 'Iere condueted in ihe North Sea. The eollection of materials was carried out in ihc'eourse of cruises from June to lTovember. Tra.wl surV"cys fron Fobruary to April provide .for accountin:s of YO\ung herring of 0- end I-groupo which conpooed tho recruitment of eommeroial stock, and also ctu~ing of nprat population structure und agc eomposition of commercinl eatches. Aeeumu1ation and analysis of materials on ... - :?5 '~' biology, distribution and abundance dynamics of horsemackerel, mackerel and Norway pout were continued. The method of ~orecasting the atmospheric pressure fields ovar the North Sea was worked out. Complex of investigations accompanied by oceanologieal observations on peeuliarities of distribution, biology and relative abundanee of horsemackerel and mackerel year classes was earried out from December to May to the west ef the Eritish Isles and in the Eay of Eiseay. Conditions and efficiency of reproduetion, larval and YOt~ distribution and eeology were studied in the eastern and northern Ealtic Sea, the Gulf of Riga and the Gulf ef Finland. State,distribution.and structure of Spring and Autumnherring and sprat stocks; and stock state of populations were investigated. Materials for estimation of the effect of fishery, and of predators Ceod) on the state of sprat and herring stocks were eollected. . The Institute of Animal Morphology of theAcademy of Seiences eondueted investigations on the intercorrelation between the 'ihite Sea and Murman speeies of herring. Meristic features of larvae and fingerlings of different stocks of the White Sea herring were investigated and differences between them were clarified• •