Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Cayley Graphs Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Ryan Jensen Cayley Graphs F1 University of Tennessee F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References March 26, 2014 Group Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Definition A group is a nonempty set G with a binary operation ∗ which satisfies the following: Group Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Definition A group is a nonempty set G with a binary operation ∗ which satisfies the following: (i) closure: if a, b ∈ G , then a ∗ b ∈ G . Group Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Definition A group is a nonempty set G with a binary operation ∗ which satisfies the following: (i) closure: if a, b ∈ G , then a ∗ b ∈ G . (ii) associative: a ∗ (b ∗ c) = (a ∗ b) ∗ c for all a, b, c ∈ G . Group Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Definition A group is a nonempty set G with a binary operation ∗ which satisfies the following: (i) closure: if a, b ∈ G , then a ∗ b ∈ G . (ii) associative: a ∗ (b ∗ c) = (a ∗ b) ∗ c for all a, b, c ∈ G . (iii) identity: there is an identity element e ∈ G so that a ∗ e = e ∗ a = a for all a ∈ G . Group Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Definition A group is a nonempty set G with a binary operation ∗ which satisfies the following: (i) closure: if a, b ∈ G , then a ∗ b ∈ G . (ii) associative: a ∗ (b ∗ c) = (a ∗ b) ∗ c for all a, b, c ∈ G . (iii) identity: there is an identity element e ∈ G so that a ∗ e = e ∗ a = a for all a ∈ G . Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References (iv) inverse: for each a ∈ G , there is an inverse element a−1 ∈ G so that a−1 ∗ a = a ∗ a−1 = e. Group Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Definition A group is a nonempty set G with a binary operation ∗ which satisfies the following: (i) closure: if a, b ∈ G , then a ∗ b ∈ G . (ii) associative: a ∗ (b ∗ c) = (a ∗ b) ∗ c for all a, b, c ∈ G . (iii) identity: there is an identity element e ∈ G so that a ∗ e = e ∗ a = a for all a ∈ G . Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References (iv) inverse: for each a ∈ G , there is an inverse element a−1 ∈ G so that a−1 ∗ a = a ∗ a−1 = e. A group is abelian (or commutative) if a ∗ b = b ∗ a for all a, b ∈ G . Group Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Definition A group is a nonempty set G with a binary operation ∗ which satisfies the following: (i) closure: if a, b ∈ G , then a ∗ b ∈ G . (ii) associative: a ∗ (b ∗ c) = (a ∗ b) ∗ c for all a, b, c ∈ G . (iii) identity: there is an identity element e ∈ G so that a ∗ e = e ∗ a = a for all a ∈ G . Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References (iv) inverse: for each a ∈ G , there is an inverse element a−1 ∈ G so that a−1 ∗ a = a ∗ a−1 = e. A group is abelian (or commutative) if a ∗ b = b ∗ a for all a, b ∈ G . We usually write ab in place of a ∗ b if the operation is known. When the group is abelian, we write a + b. Examples of Groups Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Example: Z The integers Z = {. . . , −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, . . .} form an abelian group under the addition operation. Examples of Groups Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Example: Z The integers Z = {. . . , −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, . . .} form an abelian group under the addition operation. Example: Z2 Define Z/2Z = Z2 = {0̄, 1̄}, where 0̄ = {z ∈ Z | z is even}, and 1̄ = {z ∈ Z | z is odd}. Then Z/2Z is an abelian group. Examples of Groups Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs Example: Z The integers Z = {. . . , −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, . . .} form an abelian group under the addition operation. Example: Z2 Define Z/2Z = Z2 = {0̄, 1̄}, where 0̄ = {z ∈ Z | z is even}, and 1̄ = {z ∈ Z | z is odd}. Then Z/2Z is an abelian group. F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Example: Zn Let n ∈ Z, and define Z/nZ = Zn = {0̄, 1̄, . . . n − 1}, where i¯ = {z ∈ Z | remainder of z|n = i} are known as the integers modulo n. Then Z/nZ is an abelian group. A closer look at Z5 Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References A multiplication (addition) table is called a Cayley Table. Let’s look at the Cayley table for the group Z5 = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}. A closer look at Z5 Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References A multiplication (addition) table is called a Cayley Table. Let’s look at the Cayley table for the group Z5 = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}. ∗ 0 1 2 3 4 0 0 1 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 4 0 2 2 3 4 0 1 3 3 4 0 1 2 4 4 0 1 2 3 A closer look at Z5 Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 A multiplication (addition) table is called a Cayley Table. Let’s look at the Cayley table for the group Z5 = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}. ∗ 0 1 2 3 4 0 0 1 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 4 0 2 2 3 4 0 1 3 3 4 0 1 2 4 4 0 1 2 3 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Notice the table is symmetric about the diagonal, meaning the group is abelian. A closer look at Z5 Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 A multiplication (addition) table is called a Cayley Table. Let’s look at the Cayley table for the group Z5 = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}. ∗ 0 1 2 3 4 0 0 1 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 4 0 2 2 3 4 0 1 3 3 4 0 1 2 4 4 0 1 2 3 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Notice the table is symmetric about the diagonal, meaning the group is abelian. Also 1 generates the group, meaning that if we add 1 to itself enough times, we get the whole group. Other Examples of Groups Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References There are many examples of groups, here are a few more: Other Examples of Groups Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References There are many examples of groups, here are a few more: Examples of Groups GL(n, R), the general linear group over the real numbers, is the group of all n × n invertible matrices with entries in R. Other Examples of Groups Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References There are many examples of groups, here are a few more: Examples of Groups GL(n, R), the general linear group over the real numbers, is the group of all n × n invertible matrices with entries in R. SL(n, R), the special linear group over the real numbers, is the group of all n × n invertible matrices with entries in R whose determinant is 1. Other Examples of Groups Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References There are many examples of groups, here are a few more: Examples of Groups GL(n, R), the general linear group over the real numbers, is the group of all n × n invertible matrices with entries in R. SL(n, R), the special linear group over the real numbers, is the group of all n × n invertible matrices with entries in R whose determinant is 1. GL(2, Z13 ) is the group of 2 × 2 invertible matrices with entries from Z13 (as before Z13 is a group; it is actually a field since 13 is prime, but this won’t actually be needed in this presentation). Other Examples of Groups Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Examples of Groups Sn , the symmetric group on n elements, is the group of bijections between an n element set and itself. Other Examples of Groups Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Examples of Groups Sn , the symmetric group on n elements, is the group of bijections between an n element set and itself. Dn , the dihedral group of order 2n, is the group of symmetries of a regular n-gon. Other Examples of Groups Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Examples of Groups Sn , the symmetric group on n elements, is the group of bijections between an n element set and itself. Dn , the dihedral group of order 2n, is the group of symmetries of a regular n-gon. Many others. Group Isomorphisms Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Definition Let H and G be groups. A function f : G → H so that f (ab) = f (a)f (b) for all a, b ∈ G is a homomorphism. Group Isomorphisms Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Definition Let H and G be groups. A function f : G → H so that f (ab) = f (a)f (b) for all a, b ∈ G is a homomorphism. If f is bijective, then f is an isomorphism. Group Isomorphisms Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Definition Let H and G be groups. A function f : G → H so that f (ab) = f (a)f (b) for all a, b ∈ G is a homomorphism. If f is bijective, then f is an isomorphism. If G = H, then f is an automorphism. Group Isomorphisms Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Definition Let H and G be groups. A function f : G → H so that f (ab) = f (a)f (b) for all a, b ∈ G is a homomorphism. If f is bijective, then f is an isomorphism. Graphs If G = H, then f is an automorphism. Cayley Graphs If there is an isomorphism between G and G , then G and H are isomorphic, written G ∼ = H. F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Group Isomorphisms Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Definition Let H and G be groups. A function f : G → H so that f (ab) = f (a)f (b) for all a, b ∈ G is a homomorphism. If f is bijective, then f is an isomorphism. Graphs If G = H, then f is an automorphism. Cayley Graphs If there is an isomorphism between G and G , then G and H are isomorphic, written G ∼ = H. F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Group Isomorphisms Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Definition Let H and G be groups. A function f : G → H so that f (ab) = f (a)f (b) for all a, b ∈ G is a homomorphism. If f is bijective, then f is an isomorphism. Graphs If G = H, then f is an automorphism. Cayley Graphs If there is an isomorphism between G and G , then G and H are isomorphic, written G ∼ = H. F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Group isomorphisms are nice since they mean two groups are the same except for the labeling of their elements. Subgroups Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Definition A subset H of a group G is a subgroup if is itself a group under the operation of G ; that H is a subgroup of G is denoted H ≤ G. Subgroups Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Definition A subset H of a group G is a subgroup if is itself a group under the operation of G ; that H is a subgroup of G is denoted H ≤ G. Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Definition If Y is a subset of a group G , then the subset generated by Y is the collection of all (finite) products of elements of Y . This subgroup is denoted by hY i. If Y is a finite set with elements y1 , y2 , . . . yn , then the notation hy1 , y2 , . . . yn i is used. A group which is generated by a single element is called cyclic. Examples of Subgroups Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Example: Trivial Subgroups Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References For any group G , the group consisting of only the identity is a subgroup of G , and G is a subgroup of itself. Examples of Subgroups Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Example: Trivial Subgroups Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups For any group G , the group consisting of only the identity is a subgroup of G , and G is a subgroup of itself. Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Example: Even Odd Integers A somewhat less trivial example is that the even integers are a subgroup of Z; however, the odd integers are not as there is no identity element. Examples of Subgroups Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Example: Trivial Subgroups Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups For any group G , the group consisting of only the identity is a subgroup of G , and G is a subgroup of itself. Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Example: Even Odd Integers A somewhat less trivial example is that the even integers are a subgroup of Z; however, the odd integers are not as there is no identity element. Example: nZ For any integer n ∈ Z, nZ = {nz|z ∈ Z} is a subgroup of Z. Cartesian Product Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Definition Let A and B be sets. The Cartesian product of A and B is the set A × B = {(a, b) | a ∈ A, b ∈ B} Cartesian Product Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Definition Let A and B be sets. The Cartesian product of A and B is the set A × B = {(a, b) | a ∈ A, b ∈ B} Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Example Let A = {1, 2} and B = {a, b, c} then A × B = {(1, a), (1, b), (1, c), (2, a), (2, b), (2, c)} Direct Product Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Definition Given two groups G and H, their Cartesian product G × H, (denoted G ⊕ H if G and H are abelian) is a group known as the direct product (direct sum if G and H are abelian) of G and H. The group operation on G × H is done coordinate-wise. Direct Product Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Definition Given two groups G and H, their Cartesian product G × H, (denoted G ⊕ H if G and H are abelian) is a group known as the direct product (direct sum if G and H are abelian) of G and H. The group operation on G × H is done coordinate-wise. Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Example: Z2 ⊕ Z3 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References There is a group of order 6 found by taking the direct sum of Z2 and Z3 , G = Z2 ⊕ Z3 . Quotient Groups Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Without going into too many technicalities about cosets, normal subgroups etc., quotient groups can be defined. Quotient Groups Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Without going into too many technicalities about cosets, normal subgroups etc., quotient groups can be defined. Definition Let G be a group and H a normal subgroup of G . Then the quotient G /H is called the quotient group of G by H, or simply G mod H. Quotient Groups Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Without going into too many technicalities about cosets, normal subgroups etc., quotient groups can be defined. Definition Let G be a group and H a normal subgroup of G . Then the quotient G /H is called the quotient group of G by H, or simply G mod H. Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Example: Z/nZ Z is a group, and nZ is a normal subgroup of Z. So the quotient Z/nZ is a group. (Remember Z/nZ = Zn .) Free Groups Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Definition Let A be a set. Free Groups Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Definition Let A be a set. The set A = {a1 , a2 , . . .} together with its formal inverses A−1 = {a1−1 , a2−1 , . . .} from an alphabet. Free Groups Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Definition Let A be a set. The set A = {a1 , a2 , . . .} together with its formal inverses A−1 = {a1−1 , a2−1 , . . .} from an alphabet. The elements of A ∪ A−1 are called letters. Free Groups Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Definition Let A be a set. The set A = {a1 , a2 , . . .} together with its formal inverses A−1 = {a1−1 , a2−1 , . . .} from an alphabet. The elements of A ∪ A−1 are called letters. A word is a concatenation of letters. Free Groups Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Definition Let A be a set. The set A = {a1 , a2 , . . .} together with its formal inverses A−1 = {a1−1 , a2−1 , . . .} from an alphabet. The elements of A ∪ A−1 are called letters. A word is a concatenation of letters. A reduced word is a word where no letter is adjacent to its inverse. Free Groups Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Definition Let A be a set. The set A = {a1 , a2 , . . .} together with its formal inverses A−1 = {a1−1 , a2−1 , . . .} from an alphabet. The elements of A ∪ A−1 are called letters. A word is a concatenation of letters. A reduced word is a word where no letter is adjacent to its inverse. Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References The collection of all finite reduce words on the alphabet A is a free group on A, denote by F (A). Free Groups Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Definition Let A be a set. The set A = {a1 , a2 , . . .} together with its formal inverses A−1 = {a1−1 , a2−1 , . . .} from an alphabet. The elements of A ∪ A−1 are called letters. A word is a concatenation of letters. A reduced word is a word where no letter is adjacent to its inverse. Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References The collection of all finite reduce words on the alphabet A is a free group on A, denote by F (A). The group operation is concatenation of words, followed by reduction if necessary. More Notation Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Theorem Let A and B be finite sets, then F (A) is isomorphic to F (B) if and only if |A| = |B|. More Notation Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Theorem Let A and B be finite sets, then F (A) is isomorphic to F (B) if and only if |A| = |B|. Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References The above Theorem says that only the size of the alphabet is important when constructing a free group. As a result, when the alphabet is finite, i.e. |A| = n, the free group on A is denoted Fn and is called the free group of rank n, or the free group on n generators. Examples of Free Groups Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Example: Trivial Free Group The free group on an empty generating set (or the free group on 0 generators) is the trivial group consisting of only the empty word (the identity element). Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References F (∅) = F0 = {e}. Examples of Free Groups Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Example: Trivial Free Group The free group on an empty generating set (or the free group on 0 generators) is the trivial group consisting of only the empty word (the identity element). Free Groups Examples Relators F (∅) = F0 = {e}. Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Example: F1 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References The free group on one generator is isomorphic to the integers. Examples of Free Groups Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Example: Trivial Free Group The free group on an empty generating set (or the free group on 0 generators) is the trivial group consisting of only the empty word (the identity element). Free Groups Examples Relators F (∅) = F0 = {e}. Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Example: F1 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References The free group on one generator is isomorphic to the integers. F1 = {. . . , a−2 , a−1 , a0 = e, a = a1 , a2 , . . .} Examples of Free Groups Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Example: Trivial Free Group The free group on an empty generating set (or the free group on 0 generators) is the trivial group consisting of only the empty word (the identity element). Free Groups Examples Relators F (∅) = F0 = {e}. Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Example: F1 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References The free group on one generator is isomorphic to the integers. F1 = {. . . , a−2 , a−1 , a0 = e, a = a1 , a2 , . . .} ∼ Z by the map ai 7→ i. F1 = Examples of Free Groups Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Example: F2 F2 on generators a, b is the collection of all finite words from the letters a, b, a−1 , b −1 . Examples of Free Groups Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Example: F2 F2 on generators a, b is the collection of all finite words from the letters a, b, a−1 , b −1 . Example elements are e = aa−1 , a3 , b −2 , bab −1 . Examples of Free Groups Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Example: F2 F2 on generators a, b is the collection of all finite words from the letters a, b, a−1 , b −1 . Example elements are e = aa−1 , a3 , b −2 , bab −1 . An example of group operation: Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References (a3 ) ∗ (b −2 ) ∗ (bab −1 ) = a3 b −2 bab −1 = a3 b −1 ab −1 Examples of Free Groups Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Example: F2 F2 on generators a, b is the collection of all finite words from the letters a, b, a−1 , b −1 . Example elements are e = aa−1 , a3 , b −2 , bab −1 . An example of group operation: Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References (a3 ) ∗ (b −2 ) ∗ (bab −1 ) = a3 b −2 bab −1 = a3 b −1 ab −1 Examples of Free Groups Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Example: F2 F2 on generators a, b is the collection of all finite words from the letters a, b, a−1 , b −1 . Example elements are e = aa−1 , a3 , b −2 , bab −1 . An example of group operation: Graphs Cayley Graphs (a3 ) ∗ (b −2 ) ∗ (bab −1 ) = a3 b −2 bab −1 = a3 b −1 ab −1 F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Example: F3 F3 on generators a, b, c is done in a similar manner. Relators Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Definition Let F be a free group. Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References A relator on F is a word defined to be equal to the identity. Relators Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Definition Let F be a free group. Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References A relator on F is a word defined to be equal to the identity. For example aba−1 b −1 = e is a relator in F2 . Relators Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Definition Let F be a free group. Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References A relator on F is a word defined to be equal to the identity. For example aba−1 b −1 = e is a relator in F2 . The least normal subgroup N is the normal subgroup generated by a set of relators. Relators Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Definition Let F be a free group. Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References A relator on F is a word defined to be equal to the identity. For example aba−1 b −1 = e is a relator in F2 . The least normal subgroup N is the normal subgroup generated by a set of relators. A new group is formed by taking the quotient of F by N, F /N. Relators Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Definition Let F be a free group. Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References A relator on F is a word defined to be equal to the identity. For example aba−1 b −1 = e is a relator in F2 . The least normal subgroup N is the normal subgroup generated by a set of relators. A new group is formed by taking the quotient of F by N, F /N. Compact notation for this is hS | Ri where S is the set of generators and R the set of relators. hS | Ri is called a group presentation. Relators Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Definition Let F be a free group. Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References A relator on F is a word defined to be equal to the identity. For example aba−1 b −1 = e is a relator in F2 . The least normal subgroup N is the normal subgroup generated by a set of relators. A new group is formed by taking the quotient of F by N, F /N. Compact notation for this is hS | Ri where S is the set of generators and R the set of relators. hS | Ri is called a group presentation. For example h{a, b} | {aba−1 b −1 = ei}, usually abbreviated ha, b | aba−1 b −1 i. Examples of Presentations Cayley Graphs Example: Trivial Presentations Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References h | i is the trivial group consisting of only the empty word. ha | i is F1 . ha, b | i is F2 . Examples of Presentations Cayley Graphs Example: Trivial Presentations Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups h | i is the trivial group consisting of only the empty word. ha | i is F1 . ha, b | i is F2 . Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Example: Z2 The group given by the presentation ha | a2 i is isomorphic to Z2 . Examples of Presentations Cayley Graphs Example: Trivial Presentations Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups h | i is the trivial group consisting of only the empty word. ha | i is F1 . ha, b | i is F2 . Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Example: Z2 The group given by the presentation ha | a2 i is isomorphic to Z2 . The letter a generates F1 = {. . . , a−2 , a−1 , e, a, a2 . . .}. Examples of Presentations Cayley Graphs Example: Trivial Presentations Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups h | i is the trivial group consisting of only the empty word. ha | i is F1 . ha, b | i is F2 . Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Example: Z2 The group given by the presentation ha | a2 i is isomorphic to Z2 . The letter a generates F1 = {. . . , a−2 , a−1 , e, a, a2 . . .}. The relator a2 = e means replace a2 with e for all words in F1 . Examples of Presentations Cayley Graphs Example: Trivial Presentations Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups h | i is the trivial group consisting of only the empty word. ha | i is F1 . ha, b | i is F2 . Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Example: Z2 The group given by the presentation ha | a2 i is isomorphic to Z2 . The letter a generates F1 = {. . . , a−2 , a−1 , e, a, a2 . . .}. The relator a2 = e means replace a2 with e for all words in F1 . The only elements left are e and a. Hence this group is isomorphic to Z2 . A Little Graph Theory Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Definition (From West) The Cartesian product of two graphs G and H, written G H, is the graph with vertex set V (G ) × V (H) specified by putting (u, v ) adjacent to (u 0 , v 0 ) if and only if either 1 u = u 0 and vv 0 ∈ E (H), or 2 v = v 0 and uu 0 ∈ E (G ). A Little Graph Theory Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Definition (From West) The Cartesian product of two graphs G and H, written G H, is the graph with vertex set V (G ) × V (H) specified by putting (u, v ) adjacent to (u 0 , v 0 ) if and only if either 1 u = u 0 and vv 0 ∈ E (H), or 2 v = v 0 and uu 0 ∈ E (G ). Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Definition (From West) Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References A directed graph or digraph G is a triple consisting of a vertex set V (G ), and edge set E (G ), and a function assigning each edge an ordered pair of vertices. The first vertex of the ordered pair is the tail of the edge, and the second is the head; together they are the endpoints. Cartesian Product of Graphs Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen a 1 Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References 2 b c Cartesian Product of Graphs Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen a 1 Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups 2 c b Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 (1, a) F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References (1, b) (1, c) Cartesian Product of Graphs Cayley Graphs a 1 Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups 2 c b Free Groups (2, a) Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 (1, a) F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples (1, b) Applications (1, c) References (2, b) (2, c) Cartesian Product of Graphs Cayley Graphs a 1 Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups 2 c b Free Groups (2, a) Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 (1, a) F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples (1, b) Applications (1, c) References (2, b) (2, c) Cartesian Product of Graphs Cayley Graphs a 1 Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups 2 c b Free Groups (2, a) Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 (1, a) F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples (1, b) Applications (1, c) References (2, b) (2, c) Cartesian Product of Graphs Cayley Graphs a 1 Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups 2 c b Free Groups (2, a) Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 (1, a) F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples (1, b) Applications (1, c) References (2, b) (2, c) Cartesian Product of Graphs Cayley Graphs a 1 Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups 2 c b Free Groups (2, a) Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 (1, a) F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples (1, b) Applications (1, c) References (2, b) (2, c) Cartesian Product of Graphs Cayley Graphs a 1 Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups 2 c b Free Groups (2, a) Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 (1, a) F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples (1, b) Applications (1, c) References (2, b) (2, c) Cartesian Product of Graphs Cayley Graphs a 1 Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups 2 c b Free Groups (2, a) Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 (1, a) F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples (1, b) Applications (1, c) References (2, b) (2, c) Cartesian Product of Graphs Cayley Graphs a 1 Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups 2 c b Free Groups (2, a) Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 (1, a) F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples (1, b) Applications (1, c) References (2, b) (2, c) Cartesian Product of Graphs Cayley Graphs a 1 Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups 2 c b Free Groups (2, a) Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 (1, a) F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples (1, b) Applications (1, c) References (2, b) (2, c) Cartesian Product of Graphs Cayley Graphs a 1 Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups 2 c b Free Groups (2, a) Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 (1, a) F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples (1, b) Applications (1, c) References (2, b) (2, c) Cartesian Product of Graphs Cayley Graphs a 1 Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups 2 c b Free Groups (2, a) Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 (1, a) F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples (1, b) Applications (1, c) References (2, b) (2, c) Directed Graphs Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Directed graphs just have directed edges. a 1 Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References 2 b c Directed Graphs Cayley Graphs Directed graphs just have directed edges. Ryan Jensen a 1 Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups 2 c b Free Groups Examples Relators (2, a) Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 (1, a) Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications (1, b) (1, c) References (2, b) (2, c) Cayley Graphs Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Definition Let Γ be a group with generating set S. The Cayley Graph of Γ with respect to S, denoted ∆ = ∆(Γ; S), is the graph with V (∆) = Γ, and an edge between vertices g , h ∈ Γ if g −1 h ∈ S ∪ S −1 . Cayley Graphs Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Definition Let Γ be a group with generating set S. The Cayley Graph of Γ with respect to S, denoted ∆ = ∆(Γ; S), is the graph with V (∆) = Γ, and an edge between vertices g , h ∈ Γ if g −1 h ∈ S ∪ S −1 . Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Another way to think of the edges is if g ∈ Γ and s ∈ S ∪ S −1 , then there is an edge connecting g and gs. Cayley Graphs Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Definition Let Γ be a group with generating set S. The Cayley Graph of Γ with respect to S, denoted ∆ = ∆(Γ; S), is the graph with V (∆) = Γ, and an edge between vertices g , h ∈ Γ if g −1 h ∈ S ∪ S −1 . Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Another way to think of the edges is if g ∈ Γ and s ∈ S ∪ S −1 , then there is an edge connecting g and gs. This becomes easier to see with some examples. Cayley Graph of F1 Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References We will construct a Cayley Graph for F1 ∼ = Z. −2 −1 Recall that F1 = ha | i = {. . . a , a , a0 , a1 , a2 , . . .}. Cayley Graph of F1 Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References We will construct a Cayley Graph for F1 ∼ = Z. −2 −1 Recall that F1 = ha | i = {. . . a , a , a0 , a1 , a2 , . . .}. We want to draw ∆ = ∆(F1 , a) = ∆(ha | i). Cayley Graph of F1 Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References We will construct a Cayley Graph for F1 ∼ = Z. −2 −1 Recall that F1 = ha | i = {. . . a , a , a0 , a1 , a2 , . . .}. We want to draw ∆ = ∆(F1 , a) = ∆(ha | i). The vertices of ∆ are the elements of F1 . Cayley Graph of F1 Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References We will construct a Cayley Graph for F1 ∼ = Z. −2 −1 Recall that F1 = ha | i = {. . . a , a , a0 , a1 , a2 , . . .}. We want to draw ∆ = ∆(F1 , a) = ∆(ha | i). The vertices of ∆ are the elements of F1 . Take any element ai ∈ F1 , since a is a generator, there is an edge between ai and ai a = ai+1 . Cayley Graph of F1 Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References We will construct a Cayley Graph for F1 ∼ = Z. −2 −1 Recall that F1 = ha | i = {. . . a , a , a0 , a1 , a2 , . . .}. We want to draw ∆ = ∆(F1 , a) = ∆(ha | i). The vertices of ∆ are the elements of F1 . Take any element ai ∈ F1 , since a is a generator, there is an edge between ai and ai a = ai+1 . The result is an infinite graph, the real line R. Cayley Graph of F1 Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References We will construct a Cayley Graph for F1 ∼ = Z. −2 −1 Recall that F1 = ha | i = {. . . a , a , a0 , a1 , a2 , . . .}. We want to draw ∆ = ∆(F1 , a) = ∆(ha | i). The vertices of ∆ are the elements of F1 . Take any element ai ∈ F1 , since a is a generator, there is an edge between ai and ai a = ai+1 . The result is an infinite graph, the real line R. Cayley Graph of F1 Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References We will construct a Cayley Graph for F1 ∼ = Z. −2 −1 Recall that F1 = ha | i = {. . . a , a , a0 , a1 , a2 , . . .}. We want to draw ∆ = ∆(F1 , a) = ∆(ha | i). The vertices of ∆ are the elements of F1 . Take any element ai ∈ F1 , since a is a generator, there is an edge between ai and ai a = ai+1 . The result is an infinite graph, the real line R. a−2 a−1 a0 a1 a2 Another Cayley Graph of F1 Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References The Cayley Graph depends both on the group and on the generating set chosen. Lets look at ∆(ha, a2 | i). Another Cayley Graph of F1 Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups The Cayley Graph depends both on the group and on the generating set chosen. Lets look at ∆(ha, a2 | i). Free Groups a−1 Examples Relators a1 a3 a5 Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References a−2 a0 a2 a4 a6 Another Cayley Graph of F1 Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups The Cayley Graph depends both on the group and on the generating set chosen. Lets look at ∆(ha, a2 | i). Free Groups a−1 Examples Relators a1 a3 a5 Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References a−2 a0 a2 a4 a6 Another Cayley Graph of F1 Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups The Cayley Graph depends both on the group and on the generating set chosen. Lets look at ∆(ha, a2 | i). Free Groups a−1 Examples Relators a1 a3 a5 Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References a−2 a0 a2 a4 a6 Another Cayley Graph of F1 Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups The Cayley Graph depends both on the group and on the generating set chosen. Lets look at ∆(ha, a2 | i). Free Groups a−1 Examples Relators a1 a3 a5 Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References a−2 a0 a2 a4 a6 Another Cayley Graph of F1 Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups The Cayley Graph depends both on the group and on the generating set chosen. Lets look at ∆(ha, a2 | i). Free Groups a−1 Examples Relators a1 a3 a5 Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References a−2 a0 a2 a4 a6 Another Cayley Graph of F1 Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups The Cayley Graph depends both on the group and on the generating set chosen. Lets look at ∆(ha, a2 | i). Free Groups a−1 Examples Relators a1 a3 a5 Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References a−2 a0 a2 a4 a6 Yet Another Cayley Graph of F1 Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Lets draw ∆(ha2 , a3 | i). Yet Another Cayley Graph of F1 Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Lets draw ∆(ha2 , a3 | i). Yet Another Cayley Graph of F1 Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Lets draw ∆(ha2 , a3 | i). Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References a0 Yet Another Cayley Graph of F1 Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Lets draw ∆(ha2 , a3 | i). Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References a0 a2 Yet Another Cayley Graph of F1 Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Lets draw ∆(ha2 , a3 | i). Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References a0 a2 a3 Yet Another Cayley Graph of F1 Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Lets draw ∆(ha2 , a3 | i). Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References a0 a2 a3 a4 Yet Another Cayley Graph of F1 Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Lets draw ∆(ha2 , a3 | i). Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 Yet Another Cayley Graph of F1 Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Lets draw ∆(ha2 , a3 | i). Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References a−4 a−3 a−2 a−1 a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 Canonical Cayley Graph of F2 Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Lets look at ∆(ha, b | i). Canonical Cayley Graph of F2 Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Lets look at ∆(ha, b | i). Canonical Cayley Graph of F2 Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Lets look at ∆(ha, b | i). Canonical Cayley Graph of F2 Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Lets look at ∆(ha, b | i). Canonical Cayley Graph of F2 Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Lets look at ∆(ha, b | i). Canonical Cayley Graph of F2 Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Lets look at ∆(ha, b | i). Canonical Cayley Graph of F2 Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Lets look at ∆(ha, b | i). Canonical Cayley Graph of F2 Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Examples of how to draw Cayley Graphs Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Lets draw ha | a2 i. Examples of how to draw Cayley Graphs Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Lets draw ha | a2 i. Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References a−4 a−3 a−2 a−1 a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 Examples of how to draw Cayley Graphs Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Lets draw ha | a2 i. Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References a−4 a−3 a−2 a−1 a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 Examples of how to draw Cayley Graphs Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Lets draw ha | a2 i. Free Groups Examples Relators a−4 a−3 a−2 a−1 a0 a1 a0 a1 Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References a2 a3 a4 Examples of how to draw Cayley Graphs Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Now lets do ha | a3 i. Examples of how to draw Cayley Graphs Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Now lets do ha | a3 i. Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References a−4 a−3 a−2 a−1 a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 Examples of how to draw Cayley Graphs Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Now lets do ha | a3 i. Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References a−4 a−3 a−2 a−1 a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 Examples of how to draw Cayley Graphs Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Now lets do ha | a3 i. Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups a−4 a−3 a−2 a−1 a0 a1 Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 a2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 Examples of how to draw Cayley Graphs Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References ha | a5 i, in a different approach. Examples of how to draw Cayley Graphs Cayley Graphs ha | a5 i, in a different approach. Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References a0 Examples of how to draw Cayley Graphs Cayley Graphs ha | a5 i, in a different approach. Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References a0 a1 Examples of how to draw Cayley Graphs Cayley Graphs ha | a5 i, in a different approach. Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References a0 a1 a2 Examples of how to draw Cayley Graphs Cayley Graphs ha | a5 i, in a different approach. Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References a0 a1 a2 a3 Examples of how to draw Cayley Graphs Cayley Graphs ha | a5 i, in a different approach. Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 Examples of how to draw Cayley Graphs Cayley Graphs ha | a5 i, in a different approach. Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 Examples of how to draw Cayley Graphs Cayley Graphs ha | a5 i, in a different approach. Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 Free Groups Examples Relators a1 Graphs Cayley Graphs a2 F1 F2 Presentations a0 Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications a3 References a4 Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References From these examples, we can see that: ha | an i = {a0 , a1 , . . . an−1 }, and generated by a. Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References From these examples, we can see that: ha | an i = {a0 , a1 , . . . an−1 }, and generated by a. Zn = {0, 1, . . . n − 1}, and generated by 1. Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References From these examples, we can see that: ha | an i = {a0 , a1 , . . . an−1 }, and generated by a. Zn = {0, 1, . . . n − 1}, and generated by 1. So Zn ∼ = ha | an i by the map i 7→ ai . Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References From these examples, we can see that: ha | an i = {a0 , a1 , . . . an−1 }, and generated by a. Zn = {0, 1, . . . n − 1}, and generated by 1. So Zn ∼ = ha | an i by the map i 7→ ai . Zn is known as the cyclic group of order n, and the Cayley graph is the cyclic graph of length n. Examples of how to draw Cayley Graphs Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References ∆(ha, b | aba−1 b −1 i) Examples of how to draw Cayley Graphs Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References ∆(ha, b | aba−1 b −1 i) aba−1 b −1 = e if and only if ab = ba. Examples of how to draw Cayley Graphs Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References ∆(ha, b | aba−1 b −1 i) aba−1 b −1 = e if and only if ab = ba. Examples of how to draw Cayley Graphs Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References ∆(ha, b | aba−1 b −1 i) aba−1 b −1 = e if and only if ab = ba. Examples of how to draw Cayley Graphs Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References ∆(ha, b | aba−1 b −1 i) aba−1 b −1 = e if and only if ab = ba. Facts about Cayley Graphs Cayley Graphs Facts Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References The degree of each vertex is equal to the total number of generators, i.e. |S ∪ S −1 |. Facts about Cayley Graphs Cayley Graphs Facts Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References The degree of each vertex is equal to the total number of generators, i.e. |S ∪ S −1 |. Relators in a group presentation correspond to cycles in the Cayley Graph. Facts about Cayley Graphs Cayley Graphs Facts Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References The degree of each vertex is equal to the total number of generators, i.e. |S ∪ S −1 |. Relators in a group presentation correspond to cycles in the Cayley Graph. A group is abelian if and only if for each pair of generators a, b, the path aba−1 b −1 is closed. Facts about Cayley Graphs Cayley Graphs Facts Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs The degree of each vertex is equal to the total number of generators, i.e. |S ∪ S −1 |. Relators in a group presentation correspond to cycles in the Cayley Graph. A group is abelian if and only if for each pair of generators a, b, the path aba−1 b −1 is closed. Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References The Cayley Graph of a group depends on the group, and the group presentation. Facts about Cayley Graphs Cayley Graphs Facts Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs The degree of each vertex is equal to the total number of generators, i.e. |S ∪ S −1 |. Relators in a group presentation correspond to cycles in the Cayley Graph. A group is abelian if and only if for each pair of generators a, b, the path aba−1 b −1 is closed. Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References The Cayley Graph of a group depends on the group, and the group presentation. A Cayley Graph exists for each finite group (each finite group has a finite presentation). Facts about Cayley Graphs Cayley Graphs Facts Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs The degree of each vertex is equal to the total number of generators, i.e. |S ∪ S −1 |. Relators in a group presentation correspond to cycles in the Cayley Graph. A group is abelian if and only if for each pair of generators a, b, the path aba−1 b −1 is closed. Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References The Cayley Graph of a group depends on the group, and the group presentation. A Cayley Graph exists for each finite group (each finite group has a finite presentation). Subgroups of a group can be found by looking at sub-graphs generated by elements of the group. Cayley Color Graphs Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References A Cayley Color Graph is the same as a Cayley Graph, except we no longer include the inverses of generating elements by default. Cayley Color Graphs Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References A Cayley Color Graph is the same as a Cayley Graph, except we no longer include the inverses of generating elements by default. Definition Let Γ be a group with generating set S. The Cayley Color Graph of Γ with respect to S, denoted ∆C = ∆C (Γ; S), is the graph with V (∆) = Γ, and an edge between vertices g , h ∈ Γ if g −1 h ∈ S. Cayley Color Graphs Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs A Cayley Color Graph is the same as a Cayley Graph, except we no longer include the inverses of generating elements by default. Definition Let Γ be a group with generating set S. The Cayley Color Graph of Γ with respect to S, denoted ∆C = ∆C (Γ; S), is the graph with V (∆) = Γ, and an edge between vertices g , h ∈ Γ if g −1 h ∈ S. F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References So ∆C (ha | i) is Cayley Color Graphs Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs A Cayley Color Graph is the same as a Cayley Graph, except we no longer include the inverses of generating elements by default. Definition Let Γ be a group with generating set S. The Cayley Color Graph of Γ with respect to S, denoted ∆C = ∆C (Γ; S), is the graph with V (∆) = Γ, and an edge between vertices g , h ∈ Γ if g −1 h ∈ S. F1 F2 Presentations So ∆C (ha | i) is Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References a−2 a−1 a0 a1 a2 Examples of Cayley Color Graphs Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References ∆C (ha | a5 i). Examples of Cayley Color Graphs Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen ∆C (ha | a5 i). Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups a1 a2 Examples Relators Graphs a0 Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References a3 a4 Examples of Cayley Color Graphs Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Lets look at the Cayley Color Graph of ha, b | a2 , abab, b 3 i, which is a presentation for the group D3 . First notice that a2 = e means a = a−1 , b 3 = e means b −1 = b 2 . Examples of Cayley Color Graphs Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Lets look at the Cayley Color Graph of ha, b | a2 , abab, b 3 i, which is a presentation for the group D3 . First notice that a2 = e means a = a−1 , b 3 = e means b −1 = b 2 . abab = e iff aba = b −1 iff aba = b 2 . Examples of Cayley Color Graphs Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Lets look at the Cayley Color Graph of ha, b | a2 , abab, b 3 i, which is a presentation for the group D3 . First notice that a2 = e means a = a−1 , b 3 = e means b −1 = b 2 . abab = e iff aba = b −1 iff aba = b 2 . From above, b = (aa)b(aa) = a(aba)a = ab 2 a. Examples of Cayley Color Graphs Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Lets look at the Cayley Color Graph of ha, b | a2 , abab, b 3 i, which is a presentation for the group D3 . First notice that a2 = e means a = a−1 , b 3 = e means b −1 = b 2 . abab = e iff aba = b −1 iff aba = b 2 . From above, b = (aa)b(aa) = a(aba)a = ab 2 a. Examples of Cayley Color Graphs Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Lets look at the Cayley Color Graph of ha, b | a2 , abab, b 3 i, which is a presentation for the group D3 . First notice that a2 = e means a = a−1 , b 3 = e means b −1 = b 2 . abab = e iff aba = b −1 iff aba = b 2 . From above, b = (aa)b(aa) = a(aba)a = ab 2 a. Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References e Examples of Cayley Color Graphs Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Lets look at the Cayley Color Graph of ha, b | a2 , abab, b 3 i, which is a presentation for the group D3 . First notice that a2 = e means a = a−1 , b 3 = e means b −1 = b 2 . abab = e iff aba = b −1 iff aba = b 2 . From above, b = (aa)b(aa) = a(aba)a = ab 2 a. Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References e a Examples of Cayley Color Graphs Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Lets look at the Cayley Color Graph of ha, b | a2 , abab, b 3 i, which is a presentation for the group D3 . First notice that a2 = e means a = a−1 , b 3 = e means b −1 = b 2 . abab = e iff aba = b −1 iff aba = b 2 . From above, b = (aa)b(aa) = a(aba)a = ab 2 a. Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs b Examples Applications References e a Examples of Cayley Color Graphs Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Lets look at the Cayley Color Graph of ha, b | a2 , abab, b 3 i, which is a presentation for the group D3 . First notice that a2 = e means a = a−1 , b 3 = e means b −1 = b 2 . abab = e iff aba = b −1 iff aba = b 2 . From above, b = (aa)b(aa) = a(aba)a = ab 2 a. Free Groups Examples Relators b2 Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs b Examples Applications References e a Examples of Cayley Color Graphs Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Lets look at the Cayley Color Graph of ha, b | a2 , abab, b 3 i, which is a presentation for the group D3 . First notice that a2 = e means a = a−1 , b 3 = e means b −1 = b 2 . abab = e iff aba = b −1 iff aba = b 2 . From above, b = (aa)b(aa) = a(aba)a = ab 2 a. Free Groups Examples Relators b2 Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs b Examples Applications References e a Examples of Cayley Color Graphs Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Lets look at the Cayley Color Graph of ha, b | a2 , abab, b 3 i, which is a presentation for the group D3 . First notice that a2 = e means a = a−1 , b 3 = e means b −1 = b 2 . abab = e iff aba = b −1 iff aba = b 2 . From above, b = (aa)b(aa) = a(aba)a = ab 2 a. Free Groups Examples Relators b2 ab 2 b ab e a Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Examples of Cayley Color Graphs Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Lets look at the Cayley Color Graph of ha, b | a2 , abab, b 3 i, which is a presentation for the group D3 . First notice that a2 = e means a = a−1 , b 3 = e means b −1 = b 2 . abab = e iff aba = b −1 iff aba = b 2 . From above, b = (aa)b(aa) = a(aba)a = ab 2 a. Free Groups Examples Relators b2 ab 2 b ab e a Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Examples of Cayley Color Graphs Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Lets look at the Cayley Color Graph of ha, b | a2 , abab, b 3 i, which is a presentation for the group D3 . First notice that a2 = e means a = a−1 , b 3 = e means b −1 = b 2 . abab = e iff aba = b −1 iff aba = b 2 . From above, b = (aa)b(aa) = a(aba)a = ab 2 a. Free Groups Examples Relators b2 ab 2 b ab e a Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Examples of Cayley Color Graphs Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen We can redraw the graph. Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Now we can compare it to a graph we have already seen, the Cartesian product of a directed path on two vertices with a directed 3 cycle. Examples of Cayley Color Graphs Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen We can redraw the graph. a Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups e Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs b F1 b2 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs ab 2 ab Examples Applications References Now we can compare it to a graph we have already seen, the Cartesian product of a directed path on two vertices with a directed 3 cycle. Examples of Cayley Color Graphs Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen We can redraw the graph. Groups a (2, a) e (1, a) Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs b F1 b2 (1, b) (1, c) F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References ab 2 ab (2, b) (2, c) Examples of Cayley Color Graphs Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen We can redraw the graph. Groups a (2, a) e (1, a) Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs b F1 b2 (1, b) (1, c) F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs ab 2 ab (2, b) (2, c) Examples Applications References Now we can compare it to a graph we have already seen, the Cartesian product of a directed path on two vertices with a directed 3 cycle. Theorems Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Theorem Let ∆C (hS | Ri) be a Cayley Color graph for a finite group. Then Aut (hS | Ri) ∼ = hS | Ri, this is not dependent on the presentation of the group. Theorems Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Theorem Let ∆C (hS | Ri) be a Cayley Color graph for a finite group. Then Aut (hS | Ri) ∼ = hS | Ri, this is not dependent on the presentation of the group. Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Corollary If ∆C (hS1 | R1 i) ∼ = ∆C (hS2 | R2 i), then hS1 | R1 i ∼ = hS2 | R2 i. Theorems Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Theorem Let H and G be finite groups with presentations PH and PG . Then there is a presentation for H × G so that ∆C (PH ) ∆C (PG ) ∼ = ∆C (PH × PG ). Theorems Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Theorem Let H and G be finite groups with presentations PH and PG . Then there is a presentation for H × G so that ∆C (PH ) ∆C (PG ) ∼ = ∆C (PH × PG ). Free Groups Examples Relators Specifically, Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References ∆C (hs1 , . . . , sm | r1 , . . . rt i) ∆C (hsm+1 , . . . , sn | rt+1 , . . . rq i) = ∆C (hs1 , . . . sn | r1 , . . . , rq , si sj si−1 sj−1 i) for all 1 ≤ i ≤ m ≤ j ≤ n. Theorems Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Theorem Let H and G be finite groups with presentations PH and PG . Then there is a presentation for H × G so that ∆C (PH ) ∆C (PG ) ∼ = ∆C (PH × PG ). Free Groups Examples Relators Specifically, Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References ∆C (hs1 , . . . , sm | r1 , . . . rt i) ∆C (hsm+1 , . . . , sn | rt+1 , . . . rq i) = ∆C (hs1 , . . . sn | r1 , . . . , rq , si sj si−1 sj−1 i) for all 1 ≤ i ≤ m ≤ j ≤ n. All this Theorem is saying is that the product of groups and the product of their respective Cayley color graphs behave in a nice way. We won’t worry too much about the presentations. Examples of Cayley Color Graphs Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Using the previous Theorem, we can find the standard Cayley color graph of Z2 ⊕ Z3 (Z2 = ha | a2 i, and Z3 = ha | a3 i). ∆C (Z2 ) is a directed cycle of size 2 Examples of Cayley Color Graphs Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Using the previous Theorem, we can find the standard Cayley color graph of Z2 ⊕ Z3 (Z2 = ha | a2 i, and Z3 = ha | a3 i). ∆C (Z2 ) is a directed cycle of size 2 ∆C (Z3 ) is a directed cycle of size 3. Examples of Cayley Color Graphs Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Using the previous Theorem, we can find the standard Cayley color graph of Z2 ⊕ Z3 (Z2 = ha | a2 i, and Z3 = ha | a3 i). ∆C (Z2 ) is a directed cycle of size 2 ∆C (Z3 ) is a directed cycle of size 3. Hence (standard) ∆C (Z2 ⊕ Z3 ) = ∆C (Z2 ) ∆C (Z3 ). Examples of Cayley Color Graphs Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Using the previous Theorem, we can find the standard Cayley color graph of Z2 ⊕ Z3 (Z2 = ha | a2 i, and Z3 = ha | a3 i). ∆C (Z2 ) is a directed cycle of size 2 ∆C (Z3 ) is a directed cycle of size 3. Hence (standard) ∆C (Z2 ⊕ Z3 ) = ∆C (Z2 ) ∆C (Z3 ). Examples of Cayley Color Graphs Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Using the previous Theorem, we can find the standard Cayley color graph of Z2 ⊕ Z3 (Z2 = ha | a2 i, and Z3 = ha | a3 i). ∆C (Z2 ) is a directed cycle of size 2 ∆C (Z3 ) is a directed cycle of size 3. Hence (standard) ∆C (Z2 ⊕ Z3 ) = ∆C (Z2 ) ∆C (Z3 ). Free Groups Examples Relators (1, 0) Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 (0, 0) Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples (0, 1) Applications (0, 2) References (1, 1) (1, 2) Examples of Cayley Color Graphs Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups The Cayley of S3 = ha, b | a2 , b 2 , (ab)3 i is shown below. Note that S3 is usually written S3 = {(), (12), (13), (23), (123), (132)}, the vertices are labeled this way. Free Groups (12) Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs () F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs (123) Examples (132) Applications References (23) (13) Examples of Cayley Color Graphs Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen We can now analyze the groups D3 and S3 . Groups a (12) e () Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs b F1 b2 (123) (132) F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs ab 2 ab (23) (13) Examples Applications References Since they Cayley color graphs are isomorphic, the groups D3 and S3 are isomorphic, even though they may not have the same presentation. Examples of Cayley Color Graphs Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Now lets look at the groups D3 and Z2 ⊕ Z3 . Groups a (1, 0) e (0, 0) Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 b F2 b2 (0, 1) (0, 2) Presentations Cayley Color Graphs ab 2 ab (1, 1) (1, 2) Examples Applications References These groups are not isomorphic, as D3 is not abelian, and Z2 ⊕ Z3 is. Applications in Math Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Applications in Math Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Theorem A subgroup of a free group is a free group. Applications in Math Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Theorem A subgroup of a free group is a free group. Proof (Basic Idea) Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Let F be a free group, and G a subgroup of F . 1 F is free of relators. Applications in Math Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Theorem A subgroup of a free group is a free group. Proof (Basic Idea) Free Groups Examples Relators Let F be a free group, and G a subgroup of F . Graphs 1 F is free of relators. Cayley Graphs 2 The Cayley graph ∆(F ) is a tree (no cycles). F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Applications in Math Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Theorem A subgroup of a free group is a free group. Proof (Basic Idea) Free Groups Examples Relators Let F be a free group, and G a subgroup of F . Graphs 1 F is free of relators. Cayley Graphs 2 The Cayley graph ∆(F ) is a tree (no cycles). 3 The Cayley graph ∆(G ) is a connected sub-graph of ∆(F ). F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Applications in Math Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Theorem A subgroup of a free group is a free group. Proof (Basic Idea) Free Groups Examples Relators Let F be a free group, and G a subgroup of F . Graphs 1 F is free of relators. Cayley Graphs 2 The Cayley graph ∆(F ) is a tree (no cycles). Presentations 3 The Cayley graph ∆(G ) is a connected sub-graph of ∆(F ). Cayley Color Graphs 4 So ∆(G ) is a tree. F1 F2 Examples Applications References Applications in Math Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Theorem A subgroup of a free group is a free group. Proof (Basic Idea) Free Groups Examples Relators Let F be a free group, and G a subgroup of F . Graphs 1 F is free of relators. Cayley Graphs 2 The Cayley graph ∆(F ) is a tree (no cycles). Presentations 3 The Cayley graph ∆(G ) is a connected sub-graph of ∆(F ). Cayley Color Graphs 4 So ∆(G ) is a tree. 5 So the presentation of G is free of relators. F1 F2 Examples Applications References Applications in Math Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Theorem A subgroup of a free group is a free group. Proof (Basic Idea) Free Groups Examples Relators Let F be a free group, and G a subgroup of F . Graphs 1 F is free of relators. Cayley Graphs 2 The Cayley graph ∆(F ) is a tree (no cycles). Presentations 3 The Cayley graph ∆(G ) is a connected sub-graph of ∆(F ). Cayley Color Graphs 4 So ∆(G ) is a tree. 5 So the presentation of G is free of relators. 6 Hence G is a free group. F1 F2 Examples Applications References Applications in Math Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References What I use Cayley graphs for: Large Scale Geometry. Take an arbitrary space (topological, geometrical etc.). Applications in Math Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References What I use Cayley graphs for: Large Scale Geometry. Take an arbitrary space (topological, geometrical etc.). Take the Cayley graph of a group. Applications in Math Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References What I use Cayley graphs for: Large Scale Geometry. Take an arbitrary space (topological, geometrical etc.). Take the Cayley graph of a group. Look at both from far away. Applications in Math Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References What I use Cayley graphs for: Large Scale Geometry. Take an arbitrary space (topological, geometrical etc.). Take the Cayley graph of a group. Look at both from far away. If they look the same (quasi-isometric), then in some sense the space has the group inside it. Applications in Math Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References What I use Cayley graphs for: Large Scale Geometry. Take an arbitrary space (topological, geometrical etc.). Take the Cayley graph of a group. Look at both from far away. If they look the same (quasi-isometric), then in some sense the space has the group inside it. Applications in Math Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References What I use Cayley graphs for: Large Scale Geometry. Take an arbitrary space (topological, geometrical etc.). Take the Cayley graph of a group. Look at both from far away. If they look the same (quasi-isometric), then in some sense the space has the group inside it. Some interesting things about Large Scale Geometry. We are not concerned about small things. Applications in Math Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References What I use Cayley graphs for: Large Scale Geometry. Take an arbitrary space (topological, geometrical etc.). Take the Cayley graph of a group. Look at both from far away. If they look the same (quasi-isometric), then in some sense the space has the group inside it. Some interesting things about Large Scale Geometry. We are not concerned about small things. So any finite graph is trivial, as it becomes a point. Applications in Math Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References What I use Cayley graphs for: Large Scale Geometry. Take an arbitrary space (topological, geometrical etc.). Take the Cayley graph of a group. Look at both from far away. If they look the same (quasi-isometric), then in some sense the space has the group inside it. Some interesting things about Large Scale Geometry. We are not concerned about small things. So any finite graph is trivial, as it becomes a point. So we only work with infinite graphs. Applications in Math Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References What I use Cayley graphs for: Large Scale Geometry. Take an arbitrary space (topological, geometrical etc.). Take the Cayley graph of a group. Look at both from far away. If they look the same (quasi-isometric), then in some sense the space has the group inside it. Some interesting things about Large Scale Geometry. We are not concerned about small things. So any finite graph is trivial, as it becomes a point. So we only work with infinite graphs. Example: Any Cayley graph of a presentation of Z eventually looks like the real number line. Applications in Math Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References What I use Cayley graphs for: Large Scale Geometry. Take an arbitrary space (topological, geometrical etc.). Take the Cayley graph of a group. Look at both from far away. If they look the same (quasi-isometric), then in some sense the space has the group inside it. Some interesting things about Large Scale Geometry. We are not concerned about small things. So any finite graph is trivial, as it becomes a point. So we only work with infinite graphs. Example: Any Cayley graph of a presentation of Z eventually looks like the real number line. We look at the ends of spaces, i.e. ends of a space quasi-isometric to F2 . Applications in Computer Science Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Langston et al. Application was in parallel processing. Applications in Computer Science Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Langston et al. Application was in parallel processing. Problem was to create large graphs of given degree and diameter. Applications in Computer Science Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Langston et al. Application was in parallel processing. Problem was to create large graphs of given degree and diameter. Approach was to use Cayley graphs as the underlying group controls the degree, and the diameter is easy (since Cayley graphs are vertex transitive). Applications in Computer Science Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Langston et al. Application was in parallel processing. Problem was to create large graphs of given degree and diameter. Approach was to use Cayley graphs as the underlying group controls the degree, and the diameter is easy (since Cayley graphs are vertex transitive). Several records where broken for the largest graph of given degree and diameter. Applications in Computer Science Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Here is an example group/Cayley graph from their paper. Example from Langston et al. The group was a subgroup of GL(2, Z13 ) consisting of all elements with determinant of ±1. Applications in Computer Science Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References Here is an example group/Cayley graph from their paper. Example from Langston et al. The group was a subgroup of GL(2, Z13 ) consisting of all elements with determinant of ±1. The generators where 0 1 11 2 11 4 order 2, order 52, order 14. 1 0 8 12 7 5 Applications in Computer Science Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Here is an example group/Cayley graph from their paper. Example from Langston et al. The group was a subgroup of GL(2, Z13 ) consisting of all elements with determinant of ±1. The generators where 0 1 11 2 11 4 order 2, order 52, order 14. 1 0 8 12 7 5 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples Applications References The Cayley graph of this group has degree 5, diameter 7, and has 4368 vertices. Applications in Computer Science Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Here is an example group/Cayley graph from their paper. Example from Langston et al. The group was a subgroup of GL(2, Z13 ) consisting of all elements with determinant of ±1. The generators where 0 1 11 2 11 4 order 2, order 52, order 14. 1 0 8 12 7 5 Presentations Cayley Color Graphs Examples The Cayley graph of this group has degree 5, diameter 7, and has 4368 vertices. Applications References A new record. References Cayley Graphs Ryan Jensen Groups Group Basics Examples Isomorphisms Forming Groups Brian H. Bowditch, A course on geometric group theory, MSJ Memoirs, vol. 16, Mathematical Society of Japan, Tokyo, 2006. MR 2243589 (2007e:20085) Lowell Campbell, Gunnar E. Carlsson, Michael J. Dinneen, Vance Faber, Michael R. Fellows, Michael A. Langston, James W. Moore, Andrew P. Mullhaupt, and Harlan B. Sexton, Small diameter symmetric networks from linear groups, IEEE Transactions on Computers 41 (1992), no. 2, 218–220. David S Dummit and Richard M Foote, Abstract algebra, (2004), John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Free Groups Examples Relators Graphs Thomas W Hungerford, Algebra, volume 73 of graduate texts in mathematics, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1980. Bernard Knueven, Graph automorphisms, 2014. Cayley Graphs F1 F2 Serge Lang, Algebra revised third edition, Springer-Verlag, 2002. Presentations James Munkres, Topology (2nd edition), 2 ed., Pearson, 2000. Cayley Color Graphs Piotr W Nowak and Guoliang Yu, Large scale geometry, 2012. Examples Douglas B. West, Introduction to graph theory (2nd edition), 2 ed., Pearson, 2000. Applications References A.T. White, Graphs of groups on surfaces, volume 188: Interactions and models (north-holland mathematics studies), 1 ed., North Holland, 5 2001.