The University of Montana-Missoula Administrative Assessment for FY 2008 Billing Statement for FY08 AA for FY 2008 Index MAC801 MAF801 MAF902 MAN001 MAN002 MAS001 MAS002 MAS003 MAS006 MAS010 MAS012 MAS013 MBB001 MBB002 MBB003 MBB004 MBB005 MBB006 MBC001 MBC002 Department Adams Center Montana Island Lodge Main Hall Copy Machine SPABA/Anthropology Anthropology Publications S & S SPABA/CAS Deans Office UM Occasional Papers Science Field Trip Fee Montana Model UN Spectral Fusion Design Griztech Designated Support CAS SPABA/Bureau Of Business Kids Count Publications BBER Montana Business Qtrly. FIDACS Sales & Service BBER Outlook Seminar Montana Poll/BBER Audio Productions/BMC (was MIT009) (closed) Video Productions/Telecom Ctr (was MIT010) 46,580 22,263 341 318 131 10,787 587 171 196 1,987 75 6,274 901 613 555 83 7,942 2,929 471 4,133 MBC100 Radio-Television/KUFM 40,695 MBC102 GFPRA-KGPR Donations 3,521 MBC103 KUFM-TV 8,314 MBC104 MBI001 MBI002 MBI003 MBI005 MBI008 MBI009 MBI012 MBU001 MBU004 MBU006 MBU007 MBU009 MBU013 KUFM-Gifts II SPABA/Biological Sciences SPABA/Holben-DBS DBS Lab Fee Molecular Biology Lab S&S DBS/U North Dakota Internship Program Bio Sciences Sales & Service Emtrix Lab Sales & Service SPABA/Business Administration Business Administration SBA Business Admin Computer Labs Bus Admin-Internet Funds Business Admin. Sales & Service Business Plan & M.A.D.E. 1,000 8,058 255 2,019 4,268 138 1,887 2,145 203 388 3,950 5,208 92 2,163 MBU961 MBZ021 MSU Extension Manufacturing Administrative Fee 37 1,064 MBZ960 MT Committee for Humanities 1,268 MBZ961 MCE003 MCE053 MCH001 MCH003 MCH004 MCH005 MCH006 MCH902 MCM001 MCP001 MCP002 MCP801 MCP802 MCR810 MCS001 MCS003 MCT002 MCT004 MSU College of Nursing Continuing Education SPABA/Continuing Education SPABA/Chemistry Chemistry Lab Fee Chemistry Stores Chemistry Breakage S&S Chemistry Sales & Service Chemistry Photocopy Acct. Comm Studies Publications S & S Campus Security S&S Key Shop Parking Special Event Parking Campus Recreation Administration SPABA/Computer Science Montana Science Fair Business Division Course Fee Respiratory Therapy Course Fee 1,698 36,913 1,891 6,384 1,381 2,046 101 1,088 742 1,787 4,566 4,056 71,947 6,775 117,334 1,232 1,276 544 396 The University of Montana-Missoula Administrative Assessment for FY 2008 Billing Statement for FY08 AA for FY 2008 Index MCT005 MCT006 MCT008 MCT009 MCT010 MCT011 MCT012 MCT013 MCT015 MCT017 MCT018 MCT027 MCT030 MCT031 MCT032 MCT035 MCT036 MCT038 MCT039 MCT040 MCT801 Department Practical Nursing Course Fee Culinary Course Fee Diesel Equip Technology Course Fee Recreational Power Equip Course Fee Welding Course Fee Heavy Equip Operations Course Fee Machining Course Fee Applied Arts & Sciences Fees Surgical Technology Course Fee COT Snack Bar COT Building Use Rent SPABA/College of Technology Welding Service Operation Recreational Power Equip Serv. Op HEO Service Operation CISCO Regional Training Center Business Division Certification Testing COT Registered Nursing Course Fee COT Radiation Technology Course COT Misc. Designated Instruction COT Bookstore MCT904 MCT906 MDS803 MED001 MED002 MED005 MED006 MED007 MED008 MED013 MED014 MED017 MED902 MES001 MES002 COT Culinary Student Assist Fund COT Dupl/Fax Services UM Dining Services SPABA/Education SPABA/CO-Teach Co-Teach Sales & Service Education Preschool Laboratory Professional Ed Sales & Service Student Teacher Fees SPABA/EOS Education Sales & Service School District Intern Program Education Copy Machine EVST Field Trip & Lab Supplies SPABA/EVST MES905 MET001 MET002 MEV001 MEV002 MEV003 MEV004 MEV007 MFA002 MFA004 Environmental Writing Inst SPABA/Center for Ethics Ethics Research & Development University Communications Montanan Magazine Parent's Connection Collegiate Licensing Museum Sales & Service Gallery of Visual Arts Montana Repertory Theatre 12 2,088 1,607 3,280 3,485 1,308 6,752 1,738 616 24,398 MFA006 MFA007 MFA008 MFA011 MFA012 MFA013 MFA016 MFA018 MFA019 MFA020 MFA021 MFA022 MFA024 Art Crafts Fee Drama Productions Music Camp Drama Fees Music Lesson Fee Music Special Fee Media Arts Fee Jazz Festival Percussion Concerts & Tours Choral Concerts & Tours Band Concerts & Tours Orchestra Concerts & Tours Music Performance Course Fees 2,027 8,331 1,912 2,459 3,590 2,151 756 3,132 205 54 211 150 1,361 346 698 260 29 261 1,262 79 697 69 3,895 902 2,436 31 68 89 183 326 502 52 891 36,411 571 829 443,663 2,844 727 7,666 1,211 627 523 680 344 1,511 1,149 156 531 The University of Montana-Missoula Administrative Assessment for FY 2008 Billing Statement for FY08 AA for FY 2008 Index MFA025 MFA026 MFA027 MFA028 MFA029 MFA030 MFA032 MFA033 MFA801 Department Art Education Fees Ceramics Fees Photography Fees Printing Fees Painting & Drawing Fees Sculpture Fees Suzuki Program Marching Band Designated University Theatre 352 1,900 724 486 493 973 1,012 2,167 12,169 MFA919 MFH001 MFH002 MFH003 MFH004 MFH006 MFH802 MFH803 MFL004 MFR001 MFR002 MFR003 MFR004 MFR008 MFR012 MFR014 MFR015 MFR023 MT Music Education Assoc SPAABA/Biological Station Bio Station Book Store Bio Station Summer Session Freshwater Research Lab Biological Station S&S Bio Station Food Service Bio Station Housing Foreign Language Days SPABA/Forestry SPABA/Running SPABA/Hansen Forestry NTSG S&S Forestry Field Trip Fee Forestry Sales & Service Recreational Capstone Fee Wilderness & Civilization Fee SPABA/CESU 85 7,789 187 2,646 6,513 1,762 3,749 1,389 346 14,419 349 41 149 262 12,939 129 1,166 354 MFR147 MFR802 MFR900 Bandy Ranch Lubrecht Forest Forestry Copy Recharges 6,563 26,820 829 MFR952 MSU Extension Forestry MFRR02 GIS-Geographic Info System 6,080 MFRR03 Lubrecht 1,778 MFRR04 MORP-Mission Oriented Res Proj 5,706 MFRR05 MFS001 MFS002 MFS004 MFS005 MFS008 MFS009 MFS010 MFS020 MFS801 MFS901 MFS902 MGE002 MGL001 MGL004 MGL005 MGL006 MGS001 MGS003 MGS004 MGZ020 MGZ905 Forestry Cons & Experiment Station Facilities Services Shops Custodial, Grounds, Labor Campus Stores F/S Network Support Transportation Services Vehicle Repair Center UM Recycle Program 1993 A-Bond Construct Mgmt Housing Rentals Central Mail Postage Machine Central Mail Presort Center Geography Sales and Service SPABA/Geology Geology Fees Geology Summer Field Camp Geology Sales & Service Graduation Fee/Transcript Fee Graduate Application Fee SPABA McNair Intercollegiate Athletics NCAA RND 1 Football MGZ909 MHC002 MHH001 Athletic Road Games Ticket Clr Volunteer Action Services SPABA/Health & Human Perform 273 42,716 35,538 16,049 65,886 2,992 14,411 20,644 4,870 10,660 13,489 26,290 3,421 500 1,847 443 339 4,950 7,679 1,118 754 284,235 4,294 58 65 59 The University of Montana-Missoula Administrative Assessment for FY 2008 Billing Statement for FY08 AA for FY 2008 Index MHH002 MHH004 MHH005 MHH006 MHR006 MHR017 MHS820 MIP001 MIP005 MIP008 MIP009 MIP010 MIP013 MIP014 MIP017 MIP021 MIT016 MIT017 MIT018 MIT021 MIT022 MIT023 MIT024 MIT027 MIT029 MIT030 MIT031 MJN003 MJN005 MJN944 MLA002 MLA003 MLA903 MLA972 MLA974 MLA975 MMA001 MML002 MML003 MML004 MML007 MML008 MML902 MMS001 MMU001 MMU002 MMU003 MMU005 MMU007 MMU901 MNH001 MPA002 MPA003 MPC002 MPH001 MPH002 MPH003 MPH004 MPH005 MPH006 Department HPE First Aid Lab Fee HPE Physiology Lab Fee HHP FacPac/BS Grizscape Resource Center Wellness Program Wellness Program/Level 2 Mod Health Service Administration SPABA/International Programs International Programs S&S Kumamoto Gakuen English (closed) Toyo Univ English Language English Language Institute S&S English Language Programs Kumamoto Gakuen Prefecture Japan (closed) Korean Ministry of Educ Summer Prog OIP Study Abroad Appl. Fees Presentation Technology Services Network - Facilities & Management IT Equipment SPABA/Information Technology CIS Client and Classroom CIS Telecommunications New Development Information Technology Office Enterprise Information Systems Technology Support Services Systems Operations & Security Journalism Vending Radio-TV Lab Fees Journalism Lab Fees Law School Institute Student Bar/Law Coalition Law Library Xerox Law School Application Fee Public Land Law Review Montana Law Review SPABA/Mathematics Library Lost Books Archives/Special Collections Interlibrary Loan Library Fees & Fines Doctoral Dissertation (closing) Library Photocopy Military Science Student Fee SPABA/Rural Institute Rural Institute Sales & Services Human Development Center Montana Works MonTech Income MUARID Recharge Center SPABA/Natural Heritage SPABA/Physics Physics/Astronomy Lab Fees PSC Department Support SPABA/Coll Hith Prof&Biomedical S Clinical Pharmacy Services Physical Therapy Clinic Physical Therapy App Fee Cadaver Lab Fee Application Processing-Pharmacy 36 71 180 214 7,518 1,945 257,629 1,296 2,204 1,925 2,655 19,829 1,195 1,120 7,653 551 4,054 868 170 784 2,167 53,056 522 2,578 1,213 3,141 4,737 93 891 584 3,315 1,149 1,225 141 607 955 1,634 634 169 1,292 5,894 675 8,677 162 6,975 5,529 270 3,651 35 1,394 31 195 136 674 55,142 5,785 8,492 201 448 255 The University of Montana-Missoula Administrative Assessment for FY 2008 Billing Statement for FY08 AA for FY 2008 Index MPH007 MPH008 MPH009 MPH010 MPH011 MPH012 MPH801 MPR003 MPR802 MPS001 MPS002 MPT801 MPT803 MPV001 MPV003 MPV005 MPV006 MPV007 MPV008 MRA001 MRA003 MRA010 MRA011 MRA019 MRA021 MRA025 MRA026 MRA032 MRM001 MRM003 MSA002 MSA003 MSA004 MSA006 MSA007 MSA008 MSA009 MSA010 Department Medicinal Plants Fields Trip Biomed/Pharm Sciences S & S Ctr for Env Health Sciences S&S SPABA/CEHS New Directions Sales and Service Physical Therapy Sales and Service Prescription Pharmacy The Montana Campus Compact Faculty Housing Spaba/Psychology Clinical Psychology Center Quick Copy Printing Services Provost's Supplemental Distance Learning MLF Intern Services Student Fee Internship Services SPABA SPABA/Academic Affairs Peer Advising Activities SPABA/Biotechnology Center Research - Indirect Cost Lab Animal Resources Wildlife Vehicle Pool Enviro Health Radioactive/Haz Wast Work Comp/Occupational Safety Animal Facility Administration SPABA/International Special Project SPABA/NSF EPSCoR SPABA/O'Connor Ctr RMW Center for Rocky Mtn West S&S International House S&S Foreign Student Orientation Fee Disability Svcs Stu-Aux Aids National Student Exchange Summer Orientation Career Services Griz Central Management Student Support Center MSA011 Orientation Fee (COT) (formerly MCT025) MSA801 Auxiliary Administration MSA804 Residence Life 278,057 MSA808 Family Housing 116,659 MSA815 Griz Card 15,881 MSA817 Res Life RTA Program 10,471 MSA825 Lewis & Clark Village 28,619 MSA902 Aber Hall Social Fund 193 MSA903 Residence Life Recycling 37 MSA904 Turner Hall Social Fund 45 MSA905 Craig Hall Social Fund 220 MSA906 Elrod-Duniway Social Fund 285 MSA907 Jesse Hall Social Fund 134 MSA908 Knowles Hall Social Fund MSA909 Miller Hall Social Fund MSA910 Residence Halls Social Fund MSA911 Pantzer Hall Social Fund MSA913 MT Student Affairs Conference MSA915 Lewis & Clark Social Fund 32 5,032 174 35,125 5,054 2,717 37,214 3,658 1,845 3,874 1,238 23,546 75,494 76 6,948 639 396 1,104 176 3,018 220,337 18,630 1,677 3,204 4,788 374 7,975 182 248 181 326 1,041 531 386 13,272 8,191 105 575 703 31,567 89 61 1,008 44 149 78 The University of Montana-Missoula Administrative Assessment for FY 2008 Billing Statement for FY08 AA for FY 2008 Index Department (1) MST006 ASUM (Other) MST400 Kaimin MST800 KBGA Radio MST900 MSW001 ASUM Department of Transportation SPABA/Social Work MUC802 MWL001 University Center SPABA/Coop Wildlife Unit MWL002 MWL003 Montana Coop WRU S&S SPABA/Wildlife Spatial Analysis 681 TOTAL 3,445,736 75,012 13,122 8,944 12,356 199 136,319 2,389 195