Statement of Goals for Student Achievement

Statement of Goals for Student Achievement
and Success of Students in Achieving These Goals
The percentage of students
earning grades of A, B, C, Pass (P)
or Satisfactory (S) will exceed 50%*
for all classes, 66%** for
developmental English, and 39%**
for developmental Mathematics.
*PDCCC threshold for a “high-risk”
course (i.e., more than 50% of
students withdraw or earn a D or F.
**VCCS benchmarks
At least 75% of PDCCC’s first-time
curricular students will be retained
from Fall to Spring.
At least 50% of PDCCC first-time
curricular students will be retained
from Fall to Fall.
At least 58% of PDCCC’s first-time,
full-time curricular students will be
retained from Fall to Fall.
Course Completion Rates Modes of Instruction
PDCCC’s overall course completion rate is 77%.
77% for hybrid
78% for face to face
78% for video
75% for PDCCC online
94% for Dual Enrollment
59% for Shared Services Distance Learning
63% for developmental English courses
69% for developmental Math courses
Retention Rates
The fall 2013 to spring 2014 retention rate for all curricular students was 70%. PDCCC’s fall-to-spring
retention rates have ranged from 67.9% to 74.7% for all students and 61.6% to 74.7% for first time
curricular students in recent years. For fall 2013-to-spring 2014, PDCCC had a 70% retention rate for all
curricular students. This was an increase from 64% five years ago, due to improvements in advising,
counseling, success and career coaching, financial aid and scholarships, an early alert system, early
spring registration for current students using faculty advisors, and proactive follow-up with curricular
students who had not registered a few weeks before the start of the spring term.
PDCCC’s fall-to-fall retention rates have been fairly constant over the past 4-years, ranging from 32.2%
to 35.4% for all students and 34.8% to 45.6% for first time curricular students.
PDCCC’s retention rate for first-time, full-time students was 51.7% in 2013.
PDCCC’s fall-to-fall retention rate trend over the past 10 years has been positive. According to IPEDS,
PDCCC increased its fall-to-fall retention rates for first-time, full-time cohorts from 42% in fall 2004 to
54% in fall 2013. This represents a 12% increase from 2004 to 2013 and the 3rd highest within the
Virginia Community College System (VCCS) for the same time period.
PDCCC’s graduation and transfer
rates will equal or exceed the VCCS
annual average.
Graduation and Transfer Rates
PDCCC’s average cohort graduation rate is 21.6%. In four of the past six years, PDCCC’s cohort
graduation rate exceeded that of the VCCS, and on the most recent measure, exceeds the VCCS rate by
The College’s average annual transfer rate is 13.8%. The VCCS average annual transfer rate is 17.3%.
Relative to goals and measures established by the VCCS for the number of graduates, transfers, and
completers of workforce credentials, PDCCC’s success rate has increased from 312 in 2007-2008 to 455
in 2012-13. The number of underserved populations (URP) graduating, transferring, or completing a
workforce credential has also increased from 128 in 2007-2008 to 239 in 2012-2013.
Overall, Paul D. Camp Community College’s graduation rates trend for 150% time to completion is
positive. According to IPEDS, PDCCC has increased its graduation rate by 10% from 14% in 2004 to 24%
in 2013. This is above the 19% national graduation rate for all public 2-year degree-granting institutions.
Steadily increase the number of
students completing Career
Readiness Certificates.*
PDCCC’s post-graduation
employment, retention, and wage
rates will be equal to or greater
than the VCCS average.
Trend increase in employment
rates as reported by graduates.
The number of CRCs awarded has increased from 29 in 2010-2011, to 37 in 2011-2012, to 110 in 201213, to 173 in 2013-14.
*The Career Readiness Certificate is available to the College’s occupational-technical graduates and
other students and shows proficiency in various areas including Applied Mathematics, Locating
Information, and Reading for Information. This certification may be placed on graduates’ diplomas.
Post-Graduation Employment
83.9% of PDCCC graduates who were employed were retained over a two year period compared to
84.7% for the VCCS as a whole. Wage income for PDCCC increased from a median wage of $3,700 to
$4,500 in six months to $5,200 in two years. This represented an increase of 21% in six months and an
additional 15% in two-years, compared to a wage increase for all VCCS colleges of 23% over six months
and an additional 10% over two years.
The percentage of graduates who are working full-time in a field related to their degree was 14.2% in
2012, 19.2% in 2013, and 17.1% in 2014. The percentage of graduates who are not employed, but
actively seeking employment, has decreased from 33.5% for 2012 graduates to 22.4% for 2013
graduates to 22.8% for 2014 graduates. The employment status of graduates in a field related to their
degree or transferring to a 4-year institution has increased from 38.6% for 2012 graduates to 40.6% in
The pass rate on licensure
examinations will meet or exceed
Licensure Exams
For the past two years, the pass rate on the state licensure for Nurse Aides from the Franklin Campus
was 94% on the written section and 89% on the skills section. On the Hobbs Suffolk Campus, the pass
rate for Nurse Aides was 100% on the written section and 67% on the skills section.
Three groups of Phlebotomy completers have taken the licensure examination with all (100%) passing
the examination.
The pass rate for Nursing graduates on the NCLEX-RN was 80% in 2013, 88.8% in 2012 and 91.6% in
2011. The pass rate for the College’s LPN-RN bridge program completers was 90% in 2013.