Graduate Survey 2010 Anecdotal Comments

Graduate Survey 2010 Anecdotal Comments
If your college experience was not satisfactory, what suggestion(s) do you have?
I think PDCCC could do a better job meeting the requirements of the adult student. The focus
seems to be more on young, disadvantaged students needing remedial classes. Also certain
office staff’s attitude and competency (one in particular) is extremely egregious-almost deterred
me several time from registering at PDCCC-other students agree.
PDCCC does not offer enough classes or diverse programs.
What could you not find in the library?
I could not find any fiction books
Solar and wind technology
Did not use school library very often.
Specific full length poetry by D. Maya Angelou
Computers are unavailable on a regular basis due to people (non-students) in the community
using them for extended times.
I never used the library.
Some of the reference material was outdated and not always complete
I never used the library
Could not find most fiction books
Quiet!!! It was always hard to study in the library because it was always so loud. Cell phones
would go off; people would have loud conversations at the computers. Not your typical library
Up-to date magazines such as Newsweek, Time, etc.
The library is very useful if they have the book you’re looking for, but it is still so much easier to
just use the internet, especially if they don’t have the book you need.
What volunteer work have you done and how many hours per week?
I volunteered for Open House and I did about three to four hours on that date.
Service learning
I have volunteered at Booker T. Washington Elementary School.
Red Cross and Alzheimer’s Association
Soccer coach, 10-12 hours a week
Suffolk redevelopment housing
Suffolk Meals on Wheels 16 hours; Suffolk Homeless Day 5 hours; Blood Pressure “Screenings 10
Service learning 15 hours through Nursing Program,--Cold, Flu Prevention, Signs of Stroke
I have over 250+ volunteer hours at Graz’n Acres Therapeutic Riding Center over the past
several years.
Blood pressure screenings at churches
Teaching at health fairs
Food bank 5 hours
Tour de Franklin, Relay for Life, blood pressure screenings, etc. These were random volunteer
works no set hours per week.
I did over all in 2 years about 50 hours of work.
About 40 hours, blood pressure screenings, diabetes teaching and glucose monitoring, scoliosis
screening, relay for life, tour de Franklin
Special Olympics
Volunteered at a library
Blood drives, food pantry, work to benefit military families
I work within my local community and church and I work at the historical museum in Courtland.
I participated in 15 hours for one semester. I educated the public about the flu vaccine and Obici
hospital about the new stroke team.
I volunteered at Graz’n Acres Therapeutic Riding Center for about 4 hours a week when sessions
were in. I also volunteered at various PDCCC sponsored events.
Ten hours with health events and at the Western Tidewater Free Clinic
Over 30 hours of community services. I have volunteered for administrating H1N1 vaccine,
Health Women’s event at the workforce center, and Windsor Middle School Health Fair.
Parking lot lighting for Masonic Lodge
Service in the medical field,--30 hours over 5 semesters
Service learning, health fairs promoting health education 15 hours
Food bank 24 hours total
Relay for Life, Special Olympics and Community Day at Isle of Wight (blood pressure screenings).
Total 30 hours of service.
I work in my church’*s youth program as well as teach Sunday school
College Night 5 hours and Super Saturday 3 hours
Blood pressure screenings, medication information sessions, relay for life
Co-facilitate in WTRJ 15 hrs. weekly
About an hour per week volunteering at BTWES in Suffolk
Various health related events, 30 hours total in 2 years
Volunteer fire fighter
I did community service hours with the nursing program with relay for Life, Tour de Franklin, and
blood pressure screenings at several locations in the community. The total was 35 hours of
community service.
Road clean up at my local church,--estimate of 5 hours
Nursing related,--blood drives, golf tournament, BP checks, Healthy Women
What suggestions do you have to improve on the quality of college services?
The one class that I had a problem with was PSY. Her methods of teaching were slack and
downright lazy. Everyone gets A’s in her class because there isn’t any real work that you have to
A bigger Smithfield Center.
To encourage students to participate in more college activities
To offer more classes
It would be nice to have library and computer lab hours on the weekends.
Keep printer ink stocked
Mainly make sure every student knows course requirements and who their advisors are
The people who are working in the office need to be friendlier. The secretary at the front is
wonderful, however some of the others in the office are not very inviting. A lot of times these
people in the main office are the first people a person meets, first impressions go a long way.
For testing purposes for nursing students, there should be a separate computer lab or a way to
have a quiet place for students to test.
More time and better directions on paper work required for the college, but not pertaining to
the classes
I was devastated when I found out 3 weeks into my last semester that I was mission a class. I
would like to think that the advising process would be better.
Better computer services, quicker systems
More evening classes for working students
Be more personal in administration office. Pay more attention to someone when they walk in
and not just continue to look at your computer and talk to the screen.
Offer more classes online
Add more programs like Human Services
The ability to test out of any class
In many cases, I have called several departments for various reasons, but no answer. My
suggestion is that for every department or staff person there is someone else to answer the
phones while they are away. This could be considered bad business because this could be new
students trying to get information, trying to enroll.
The library should open half a day for students only on Saturdays during school terms. In both
the library and computer lab, the students need to be more considerate to other students in the
labs or library. The library and computer lab should not be noisy.
I feel better working nursing equipment is needed. During lab my classmates and I could not
practice everything because of broken or not working equipment.
Making more classes available each semester at a wider variety of times and more emphasis on
in class students over computer based methods
Offering more tutoring services and provide field tips
Fill in the blank with an analogy that rings true for you: "Paul D. Camp Community College is like..."
A home because everyone is so welcoming and ready to give help when needed
My second home (2)
This college is a firm foundation for the open eyed dreamer to stand upon. From here dreams
begin to take flight.
A close knit family
A first date, you don’t know the person but later on you begin to fall in love
The Harvard of Hampton Roads
PDC is an answer for parents who are looking to further their educations without killing
themselves between children and jobs
Burger King “having it your way”
A new beginning for the future
A college with a desire to serve and better their community
Most convenient
PDCCC is like a new car. It can be utilized, or it can be mistreated. It will serve the purpose for
the driver, but, it is up to the driver to determine how well he or she utilizes the car.
A foundation
A great opportunity. Anyone can go to school while living there already busy lives
A breath of fresh air and encouragement
Home away from home. Like one big family.
A housing community. If you don’t have enough money, you can still come.
A neighborhood college
Burger King, you can have it your way. It took me 7 years to get my degree, but I did it my way.
A 7/11. I’ll go in there if I have to, but I won’t brag that I’ve been there.
A first step to a successful future
PDCCC is like being home in a very comfortable setting.
High school
PDCCC is like a shot of vitamin B for the brain.
Being in an airplane, once you are off the ground the sky’s the limit
A community college that makes you feel welcomed
A small town experience with one-on-one instruction and big city values.
Getting the first two years of your college education for a fraction of the cost of a four year
The first step in a long journey for education
PDCCC is like every other university, the difference is the tuition is cheaper
Being home. When you arrive you are welcomed and when you leave, you are noticed and told
A family. Everyone knows you and everyone (teachers, students, faculty) is there to support you
in reaching your goals.
A spark that lights a fire.
PDCCC is like an old car. It has a few clunks and bumps, but will get you where you are going.
If currently employed full-time, please indicate general job title and annual salary or hourly wage.
Assistant at a daycare center,-- $7.25 an hour
Childcare,--$10.50 an hour
Housing inspector
Licensed Practical Nurse,--$17/hr.
Pharmacy technician,--$9/hr.
ED tech, $11.75/hr.
Quality Systems Coordinator,--$11.65/hr.
Front-End Supervisor at food store
Substation Electrician,--$66,800
Police Lieutenant,--$68,000
Customer Service Rep
Production Planner
Director Daycare,--$26,000
Police Officer,--$46,000
Administrative and Office Specialist
Security Shift Supervisor
Child Care,--$8.75/hr
Warehouse worker,--$30,000
Import Account Representative
Police Officer,--$49,000