Collective rights in artisanal fisheries and the trade-offs in fisheries policies. Analysis of distributive policies. Miguel Jara1 Jorge Dresdner2;3;4 Walter Gómez3;5 1. Magíster en Economía Ambiental y del Medio Ambiente, Univ. de Concepción 2Departamento de Economía, Univ. de Concepción 3 Research Nucleus on Environmental and Natural Resources Economics 4 Interdisciplinary Center for Aquaculture Research (INCAR) 5 Departamento de Ingeniería Matemática, Univ. de La Frontera North American Association of Fisheries Economists 8th (2015) Biennial Forum, University of Alaska, Southeast Ketchikan, EEUU, 20th – 22th May, 2015 MOTIVATION • Since 2004 Chilean fisheries administration has implemented collective quota systems for artisanal fishermen (vessel owners) • Collective quota assignment has generated distributional concerns (unfair distribution) – Assignment based on vessel historical landings (2001 -2003) – Incomplete information about actual landings records • The fishery administration and the federations of fisher organizations have agreed on a redistribution of quotas from large to small vessel owners. • Equity seems to be an underdeveloped subject in the fishery economics literature. Equity in fisheries • We try to model equity considerations in a model with several objectives. We assume that organizations (and authorities) care for profits, employment, and equity • There are different ways to model equity: different units of analysis (individuals, organizations, vessel types) and different outcome variables (initial assignment, landings, fisher income, net income of fishing) • We look at organization as a unit of analysis and net income of fishing (vessel owner’s income). Fisheries. Common Sardine (Strangomera bentincki) y anchovy (Engraulis ringens) Mixed fishery covered by the industrial (1/3) and artisanal (2/3) fleet Landings are used for fish meal production Artisanal fraction operates under a collective rights system (RAE) while industrial fraction by an ITQ system • This is the most important fisheries today in Chile (by volume captured). • • • • RAE (Régimen Artesanal de Extracción) Coefficient of participation by associated vessel based on historical criteria Associated Organizations fishermen Associated Organization Quota fishermen Associated Authorities fishermen Fishermen nonassociated Cuota Bolson (Residual Quota) The model. • The profit objective max π ( f jn ) = ∑∑ p ⋅ q jn ( f jn ) − ∑∑ c j ⋅ f jn j n j n j : index for type of vessel n: index for organizations p: Average price for captured fish. qj (fjn): Level of capture by type of vessel for a given effort level (CobbDouglas) cj : Average cost for a fishing day by type of vessel Employment objective. [ max l ( f jn ) = ∑∑ l jn ( f jn ) j ] n N: Total Number of organizations fjn: Number of fishing days (effort) j : Number of fishers in a vessel per trip Equity objective (requires coordination between organizations). • Theil index N min τ ( f ) = 1 + ∑U n =1 n ( y ) ⋅ LogU n ( y ) LogN τ = 0: Perfect equity; τ = 1: Total inequity. yn: profits by organization Un: Relative fraction of total profits y n = ∑ p ⋅ q jn ( f jn ) − ∑ c j ⋅ f jn j j U n ( y) = yn N ∑y k =1 k Constraints. • Minimal level of profit by organizations (opportunity cost) ∑ p⋅q j jn ( f jn ) − ∑ c j ⋅ f jn ≥ y n ,min j • Maximal capture by organization ∑ [q jn ] ( f jn ) ≤ CnG j • Maximal technical effort by organization f jn ≤ max( f ) ⋅ W jn Results Calculations. • Estimated productions functions for each vessel scale (large, medium, small, boats) • Optimization of objectives separately • Optimization of one objective with a reduced support for the other objectives according to optimum values for the control variable obtained for the latter’s individual optimization (generating techniques). • Calibration of the model to represent fisheries in 2011 • Parametrizing the use of quotas by organization Optimization of objectives separately. Max. Max. Mín. Profits Employment Inequity 4,638 5,747 4,190 3,337 200,000 197,038 213,177 113,308 0.076 0.093 0.091 0.042 Objective / Scenario Base Profits Aggregated employment Equity in profit distribution Notes: 1) Profits in million CLP(1 million CLP = 2,068 US$), employment in man-days, and equity values may fluctuate between zero and one. (Multifunction) trade-off equity vs. profits. (Multifunction) trade-off equity vs. employment. Max and min values of optimized objectives for different values of the parameter θ (with normalized objectives). θ=0 θ = 0.5 θ=1 Profits Employ Equity Profits Employ Equity Profits Employ Equity Min value 0.5533 0.5724 0.9449 0.6416 0.7180 0.9425 0.7294 0.9286 0.9457 Max value 1.0000 0.9996 1.0001 0.9999 0.9997 0.9960 0.9843 1.0008 0.9494 Variability 44.7% 42.7% 5.5% 35.8% 28.2% 5.4% 25.9% 7.2% 0.4% C nG * θ ≤ ∑ q jn ( f jn ) ≤ C nG j Conclusions. • The unrestricted equity objective does not guarantee the full use of the quotas. Results based on unused quotas does not seem empirically relevant. • There are trade offs between equity and other objectives.Improving the level of the equity index shall produce a smaller level of employment or profits (except for a range of employment). • Imposing as a requisite the full use of the quotas by organizations, reduces the variability space of equity, meaning that the trade offs with other objectives become very high. The space for redistributive policies (in the sense treated here) is small. Conclusions. • In the base case, most of the effort is done with large vessels, which suggest some limitations on the efficient operation of the fisheries, since in the max profit case, more medium and small vessels participate in landings. • The aggregated levels of profit, employment and the index of equity can be improved just reassigning the effort inside the organizations. • The trade-offs are not linear, such that the slope depends on the position on the frontier curve. • The base situation is suboptimal for the objectives discussed, which suggests a revision of the system for assigning quotas. Thank you for your attention