Prairie View A&M University Registration in Absentia

Prairie View A&M University
Registration in Absentia
Registration in Absentia is for all students pursuing doctoral or master's degrees in
academic disciplines. (Please refer to the Graduate Catalog for rules and regulations).
The fee for registration in absentia is $15.00 per semester for a resident of Texas
student and $17.50 for a non-resident student.
Upon all academ ic approvals (below ) for registration in absentia, students
are required to pay the applicable fees to the Treasury Services Office and
subm it all com pleted applications w ith paid receipt to the Office of the
R egistrar by the census date of the applicable sem ester.
_________________________________ ______________________
Last name, first name, MI
Student ID number
_______________________________________ ______________________
Current phone number
In absentia requested for the following terms: Fall 20____ / Spring 20_____ / Summer 20___
Request for: Thesis
Student’s signature: __________________________________
Date: ______________
Advisor’s signature: __________________________________
Date: ______________
Department Head signature: ___________________________
Date: _______________
Academic Dean signature: _____________________________
Date: _______________
Graduate School Dean signature: __________________________
Date: ________________
Registrar’s Office Use only:
Receipt #______________Staff initials____________
Rev. 01/23/13