ROY G. PERRY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Closing Assessment Loop at Course Level Communicating & Implementing Course Assessment Results and Recommendations Instructions: This form must be completed within the first 2 week of each semester. 1. Due Date: Contact the instructor who taught and assessed this (your) course the last semester it was taught and get a copy of the one page assessment summary sheet* prepared for the course. Review and discuss the perceived problems identified by the previous instructor Review and discuss the plans proposed by the previous instructor for addressing the perceived problems. Propose one or more specific plan(s) you will implement to address the perceived problem, and thus increase students' performance in the outcomes this semester. Complete the rest of the form, sign, and get the signature of the previous instructor who discussed the previous assessment results with you. Return the form to your department head by the due date. 2. 3. 4. 5. Requested Action/Information 1 2 Course Prefix, Number & Title: Semester & Year Name of current instructor Name of Previous instructor I have reviewed and discussed the perceived problems identified by the previous instructor. I have reviewed and discuss the plans proposed by the previous instructor for addressing the perceived problems. I have proposed/adopted one or more specific plan(s) (shown here) for implementation to address the perceived problems, and thus increase students' performance in the outcomes this semester. 3 4 5 6 7 At the end of this semester, I will provide documentation on the implementation of the plans above and indicate how they helped to improve students’ performance . 8 9 10 I have attached a copy of the last assessment report summary table to this form and kept a copy as my reference for the semester. I was unable to fully complete this form because : N/A Response □YES □YES □NO □NO □YES □NO If YES, describe plans you plan to implement □YES □NO Provide Documentation in the "End of Semester Assessment Report" for the course. □YES □NO □ The previous instructor did not assess or provide the last assessment report summary □ The previous instructor is no longer with the department and the department could not provide me a copy of the assessment report summary table. *You may request to see the complete assessment report if needed. Signatures: Current/Previous Instructor_____________________________ Date _________________________ Department Head____________________________________ Date _________________________ Program EE & CPE Faculty Spring 2014 Ali EE EE & CPE Attia Attia EE EE & CPE EE & CPE Cofie Cui Fuller CPE Kirby EE Kirby EE & CPE Kirby EE Koay EE Koay ME,ChE,CivE Kumar EE & CPE EE & CPE EE EE & CPE Li Li Olasupo Olasupo CPE Sadiku EE & CPE Sadiku EE & CPE Tolliver ME,ChE,CivE Tolliver Elect. and Comp. Engineering Courses 4482 Senior Design II 1043 Comp Appl in Engr 2023 Network Theory I 1043 Comp Appl in Engr 4482 Senior Design II 3043 Electronics I 4393 Comp. Org. & Arch 1043 Comp Appl in Engr 1011 Intro. Engr CS Tech 1043 Comp Appl in Engr 4073 Control Systems 2053 Intro. Elect. Engr. 3071 Microproc. Sys. Lab 3073 Microproc Sys. 4011 Electronics Lab 3043 Electronics I 4333 Computer Networks 3023 Signals and Systems 2011 Electric Circuit Lab 2053 Intro. Elect. Engr. a b b c d d a b a d e e f f g g h h i i j k j e e k k e e k f g h i L j c k e f j e k f e e e a a k i d g c b a f d k h g c k e a i e b a j d L k g e j L