MATH1320.001 Engineering Calculus II Final Exam Details

MATH1320.001 Engineering Calculus II
Final Exam Details
Date/Time/Place: Thursday, 17 December 2015 8–10am – WBB207 (Normal Classroom)
The final exam for this course will be divided into four parts:
Part 1: Corresponds to Exam 1 Material – Textbook Sections 6.1 – 6.6 and 7.1 – 7.4
Part 2: Corresponds to Exam 2 Material – Textbook Sections 8.1 – 9.4
Part 3: Corresponds to Exam 3 Material – Textbook Sections 9.5 – 11.5
Part 4: New Material – Textbook Sections 11.6 – 11.8
Parts 1-3 will be long sections with lengths and weights roughly proportional to the quantity of
textbook sections covered. (i.e. Part 1 will likely be a bit shorter than Parts 2 and 3). Part 4 will
be a short section and will be worth roughly 10-15% of the points on the exam.
If the grade on your lowest midterm is lower than your grade on the corresponding part of the
final exam, the grade for that part of the final exam will replace your lowest midterm grade.
You are responsible for all problems and examples discussed in class; on the labs, quizzes and
exams; in the collected and suggested homework; and any textbook examples from the
chapters covered in this course.
The exam will include 3 departmental problems, common to all sections of the course, which
will cover Taylor Series, an application topic, and a question from the end-of-course material
(i.e. Part 4 of the exam).
As you study for this exam I would recommend that you construct a detailed list of topics
covered in this course and compare this to the list of topics that have been tested thus far. It is
quite probable that the final exam will contain a mixture of topics that have already been
tested as well as some that have not. It would be wise to study important topics that have not
yet been tested as well as reviewing those that have been included on previous exams.
Also be aware that due to time limitations, some textbook sections may be omitted from the
exam and problems that test multiple skills will be favored.
Course grades will be posted with the university by December 28th and available through CIS on
December 29th.
Special Review Session: Friday, 11 December 2015 (Reading Day). Normal class time and
location. Come with questions and specific problems you would like to discuss.