Syllabus for Math 1210-6, Spring 2011

Syllabus for Math 1210-6,
Spring 2011
Instructor: H.-Ping Huang, JWB 103
Office Hours: MTWF 11:15 AM - 11:40 AM
Course Website:
Email: -- Most email inquiries will be
answered within a few hours.
Lecture Time: MTWF 12:55 PM - 13:45 PM Room: JFB 102
Text: Calculus, D. Varberg, E. J. Purcell and S. E. Rigdon.
WeBWork: There will be weekly WeBWork assignments posted
No make-up, please. However the lowest two sets will be dropped.
Exams: There will be 3 midterm exams and 1 final exam. The
lowest midterm exam will be dropped.Location: JFB 102, unless
otherwise announced. First Midterm: Friday, Feb 4 ,12:55 PM 13:45 PMFirst Exam w/ Solutions Second Midterm: Friday, Mar
4, 12:55 PM - 13:45 PM WeBWork Set 3, 4, and 5-1 Third
Midterm: Friday, Apr 8, 12:55 PM - 13:45 PM Final: Thursday,
May 5, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Note: All exams are cumulative. Only pencils are allowed during the exams and quizzes. No
calculators, computers, books etc. Important! Please make sure
that you can attend all exams. No makeup exams are possible.
Grading Policy: Grades are based on the following scheme: 40%
for webwork, 15% for each midterm exam, and 30% for the final
exam. No alternative scheme unless authorized by the instructor in
Additional Resources: The Math Center offers free tutoring, a
computer lab, and study areas for undergraduates. Math Center is
adjacent to the LCB and JWB. For information on the hours of the
lab or tutoring center, please check on the website:
Some Comments: The goal of this class is to have students learn
calculus well and then to give them fair and accurate grades. To
achieve this goal, the instructor believes in serious homework
problems and hard exams. Serious problems make students learn
more and better. Hard exams give a better evaluation of students'
learning. In other words, if you are taking 1210 calculus just to get
a grade and with no intention to learn, this class is not for you.
Tentative Schedule:
Week (beginning on Monday): Sections in text Jan 10: 1.1 - 1.3 Jan 17: Martin Luther King Jr. Day, 1.4 - 1.5 Jan 24: 1.6, 2.1 - 2.2 Jan 31: 2.3, Review, First Midterm (Feb 4)
Feb 7: 2.4 - 2.6 Feb 14: 2.7 - 2.9 Feb 21: Presidents' Day, 3.1 - 3.2
Feb 28: 3.3, Reveiw, Second Midterm (March 4)
Mar 7: 3.4 - 3.6 Mar 14: 3.7 - 3.9 Mar 21: Spring break Mar 28: 4.1 - 4.3 Apr 4: , 4.4, Review, Third Midterm (Apr 8)
Apr 11: 4.5-4.6 Apr 18: 5.1-5.3
Apr 25: 5.4-5.5 May 2: Final Exam (May 5)