THE INVERSE OF A MATRIX 8.3 THE INVERSE OF A MATRIX (LIKE “DIVISION”) If A is n x n matrix and let In be the n x n identity matrix. If there exists a matrix A-1 such that AA-1 = In = A-1A Then A-1 is called the inverse of A. Note: A-1 is read “A inverse”. -1 is NOT an exponent here! Note: Not every matrix has an inverse. In order to have an inverse a matrix must be a square matrix. But still not every square matrix has an inverse. TO FIND THE INVERSE OF A MATRIX Augment Perform The A with I. row operations until left side looks like I. right side is A-1. Note: There is a fairly simple formula to find the inverse of a 2x2 matrix if it exists. A UNIQUE SOLUTION FOR A SYSTEM OF EQUATIONS… If A is an invertible matrix (it has an inverse), then the system of linear equations represented by AX = B has a unique solution given by X = A-1B. Proof: AX = B A-1AX = A-1B IX = A-1B X = A-1B