Graduate Council Meeting Minutes Members Present: GBB 202, 12:10-1:00 p.m.

Graduate Council Meeting Minutes
September 7, 2011
GBB 202, 12:10-1:00 p.m.
Members Present: A. Borgmann, D. Campbell, D. Erickson, J. Halfpap, A.
HeavyRunner-Rioux, J. Hodgin, J. Hunt, R. Judd, M. Mayer, C. Palmer, R. Shrestha, K.
Members Absent/Excused: H. Naughton
Ex-officio members Present: S. Ross
The meeting was called to order at 12:10 p.m.
The 5/4/11 minutes were approved.
Communication Item:
Members introduced themselves and new members were welcomed. The Council is
still short a member from the Social Sciences and Grad Students will be appointed
soon. The IIP Admissions Committee is also short members. Professor Frey was
nominated to serve. Camie will contact her.
Professors Halfpap and Hodgin were congratulated on earning tenure.
Program Review materials are available for Chemistry (Science Subcommittee),
Sociology (Social Science Subcommittee) and Modern and Classical Languages and
Literature (Humanities Subcommittee). The subcommittees should start working on
these as soon as possible. The review for MCLL should have been completed last
An admissions proposal was received from the Creative Pulse program. The
Professional Schools will review according to the Graduate Admissions Standards
Business Items
The following subcommittee chairs were identified:
Social Sciences
Michael Mayer
Ralph Judd
Jere Hodgin
Helen Naughton (to be confirmed)
Last year the Council started discussing the equity of the Bertha Morton Allocations.
It seems that the current list is not consistent in listing departments and programs.
Departments with 1-20 students are eligible for 1 nomination, 21-40: 2, 41-60: 3, 6180: 4, 81-100: 5, and departments with more than 100 students are eligible for 6
nominations. Programs should be listed separately only if they include significant
interdisciplinary content. A work group will draft language for a policy to be
implemented by the Graduate School. Members of the work group include David
Erikson, Ralph Judd, Chris Palmer, and John Hunt.
The Graduate Council still needs to develop a procedure to “annually assess the coconvening and UG systems and report the findings, along with recommendations to
ECOS in March of each academic year.” This language was in the document that was
approved by the Faculty Senate. Current co-convened courses will need to be
identified as well. A preliminary report of courses that meet in the same room was
run by the Registrar’s Office.
A work group was identified to work on the issue. Members include: Duncan
Campbell, Chris Palmer, Jere Hodgin, Albert Borgmann, and Neil Moisey.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:03 p.m.