Graduate Council Meeting Minutes 10/26/11 Members Present:

Graduate Council Meeting Minutes 10/26/11
GBB 202, 12:10-1:00 p.m.
Members Present: A. Borgmann, D. Campbell, D. Erickson, J. Halfpap, J. Hodgin, J.
Hunt, R. Judd, M. Mayer, H. Naughton, C. Palmer, K. Swift
Members Absent/Excused: A. HeavyRunner-Rioux, S. Sprang, J. VanDyke
Ex-officio members Present: S. Ross
The meeting was called to order at 12:14 p.m.
The 10/19/11 minutes were approved.
ASUM is forming a Post Baccalaureate Committee to look at the current situation.
The committee will look at ways to provide student success support and explore other
ideas. It will then take these to the University Planning Committee for further
consideration in meeting 2020 goals. Interested graduate students should contact
ASUM Vice President Edmunds.
Business Items
Follow up for the Humanities subcommittee is still pending.
The Social Science Subcommittee received an acceptable graduate increment for
COMM 425 UG and it was approved. It is still waiting for an updated syllabus for
HS 420 UG.
There are only a few items (below) that require follow-up in the Sciences. The
consent agenda amended was approved. The Council discussed the special topics
course proposed by Communicative Sciences and Disorders. The catalog language
for this course can be set up through the Registrar’s Office and does not require
review by the curriculum committees. There was some concern regarding the UG
status and whether it would be better to have both a 491 and 591. There are many
491 UG courses. The department is responsible for ensuring graduate increments are
in place for these courses.
Computer Science
CSCI 448
Pattern Recognition
Course description should include a
statement that the courses co-convene
Communicative Sciences and Disorders
CSD 450 UG Aural Rehabilitation
Forest Management
FORS 544
Advanced Prescribed Fire
Clarify grading for graduate increment
Course description should include
statement that credit is not allowed for
both 544 and 495
The program review for Chemistry sent electronically to members was discussed.
Professor Judd will incorporate the corrections and resend it for members to review.
Jon Tompkins, Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences asked what happens to
program modifications after they are approved by the Graduate Council since there is
no graduate catalog and the information on the Graduate School’s web page is often
outdated. According to Associate Dean Ross it is up to departments to inform the
Graduate School of changes. It was suggested that the Graduate Schools web page
simply have links to the department sites to avoid inconsistencies and duplication.
Associate Dean Ross will contact David Aronofsky to investigate considering the
catalog is considered a contractual document for undergraduate students.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:03 PM.
Science Subcommittee Consent Agenda
Computer Science
CSCI 557
Machine Learning
Change prereq from Calculus
(m171) to Data Structures and
Algorithms (CSCI 232)
Communicative Sciences and Disorders
CSD 525
Diagnostic Process in SpeechLanguage Pathology
Title, Description, level (UG to
G), prereqs.
CSD 526
Autism Spectrum Disorder and
Speech-Language Pathology
New course
CSD 530
Voice Disorders
CSD 535
CSD 540
CSD 563
Aural Rehabilitation
Fluency Disorders
School Speech Language and
Hearing Programs
Title, Description, content
addition, G level
Delete course
G only
New course
CSD 566
Acquired CognitiveCommunication Disorders
Add elective course
CSD 570
CSD 575
Clinical Procedures I
Clinical Procedures II
CSD 610
Counseling & Caregiver
Education in Communication
Swallowing and Motor Speech
CSD 640
Course Description, Credits
Repeatability, Description,
Variable credit
New Course
Title change, description change,
content expansion
CSD 675
Clinical Externship
Forest Management
FORS 440 UG Forest Stand Management
Terms offered, prereq
Forest Contract Administration
Title change from Timber
Management II, descr change
FORS 521
Heuristic Optimization for
Spatial Forest Management
Ecology Statistics
Graduate Seminar I
New course
FORS 538
FORS 594
Physical Therapy
PT 519
Musculoskeletal Management I
PT 560
Clinical Reasoning I
PT 569
PT 575
PT 576
Musculoskeletal Management II
Prosthetics and Orthotics
Clinical Reasoning II
PT 578
PT for Select Populations
PT 676
Clinical Reasoning III
Society and Conservation
NRSM 571
International Conservation and
Wilderness and Protected Area
Commercial Recreation,
Marketing and Tourism
Title change from Timber
Management I, descr change
New course
Change title from Graduate
Seminar in Forestry, descr and
repeatability change
Change credit from 6 to 5
Change title from Introduction to
Scholarly Project
Change credit from 4 to 5
Delete course
Change title from Synthesis of
Clinical Evaluation
Change credit from 5 to 6, Change
Title change from Clinical
Mastery in Physical Therapy,
Description change
Change title from International
Resource Management, change
change prereq
Change prereq
Recreation Planning
Change prereq
Practicum in Parks, Tourism &
Recreation Management
Conservation Social Science
Conceptual Foundations of
Wilderness & Protected Areas
Graduate Seminar I
Change title from Practicum in
Fundamentals of Academic
Change credits from 3 to 2
PTRM 500
PTRM 582
PTRM 594
Change title from Research
Methods, change descr
New course
Change title from Graduate
Seminar in Forestry, descr and
repeatability change
GEO 508