Graduate Council Meeting Minutes 9/12/12 GBB 202, 12:10-1:00 p.m. Members Present: M. Alwell, R. Arouca, A. Borgmann, J. Campana, D. Campbell, J. Johnson, N. Hassanein, J. Hunt, M. Mayer, H. Naughton, E. Stone, K. Swift Members Absent/Excused: S. Sprang Ex-officio members Present: P. Miller, S. Ross, J. Zink The meeting was called to order by Chair Borgmann. The 5/3/12 minutes were amended and approved. Communication Items Members introduced themselves and new members were welcomed. Jasmine Zink is the new Academic Policy Manager in Academic Affairs. She administers curriculum and program review. The administration of the Graduate School changed over the summer. Sandy Ross is now the Dean of the Graduate Council at .75 FTE. A search for an Associate Provost of Dynamic Learning will take place soon. This position will be responsible for curriculum and program review. The Council would like to see the position description for the Graduate School Dean. The program review documents for Anthropology, Psychology, and Wildlife Biology are available on Moodle. Camie will make sure new members will have MOODLE access to the relevant material. The Council agreed that it would like to see a report on the new Journalism Graduate Program. It was skipped for program review because it has only been in existence for two years. Jasmine will send the Graduate Director a request in accordance with the interim review of new programs. The program review self-study requirements have been revised. [Sent electronically after the meeting.] Assessment and UG/co-convened information is now required, and there is limit of 20 pages. The Council briefly discussed the issues for which the Collaborative Information Exchange Committee was created. There needs to be a mechanical process that assures the information on the Graduate School’s web page matches program websites. Student member Arouca and past chair Palmer are members of the Committee. Peggy Miller will be taking over the Graduate Council’s website. Chair Borgmann asked that she chair the committee. Dean Ross asked Legal Counsel about changing graduate program requirements. According to David Aronofsky, graduation requirements are at any time at the discretion of programs. The Graduate School’s site only maintains admission requirements. The TA support discussion is ongoing. There is concern about moving all TA administration to the colleges and schools. The intent of the previous Graduate School TAs was to build programs. Is that intent observed in the College of Arts and Sciences? Dean Comer will be invited to the Council to discuss the ramifications of the change. There will be a search for a Director for the Individualized Interdisciplinary PhD and Masters in Interdisciplinary Studies Programs in the spring. The Interim Director is Blakely Brown. The position will also be responsible for seeking grants in diversity. Business Items The following members agreed to chair the subcommittees. Humanities John Hunt Professional Schools Kent Swift Social Science Duncan Campbell Science Steve Sprang (confirmed after meeting) Political Science will likely submit a proposal to establish a Non-Profit Administration option within Political Science rather than revise the proposal for a Masters because the department has not been able to secure approval for another faculty line. Good and Welfare There needs to be a Graduate School fund to help programs achieve an increase in completion. More sophisticated recruitment materials are necessary, but cost is an issue. There should be a discretionary fund for these needs. Professor Hassanein will create a proposal. Unless you hear otherwise, there will be no meeting September 19. A link to the Council of Graduate Schools (CGS) Peterson’s Award for Innovation in Promoting an Inclusive Graduate Committee should be available on the Graduate School’s website as an incentive to encourage creative thinking. The meeting was adjourned at 12:55 PM.