Graduate Council Meeting Minutes 11/28/12 Members Present: GBB 202, 12:10-1:00 p.m.

Graduate Council Meeting Minutes 11/28/12
GBB 202, 12:10-1:00 p.m.
Members Present: M. Alwell, R. Arouca, D. Biehl, A. Borgmann, D. Campbell, J.
Campana, N. Hassanein, J. Hunt, J. Johnson, B.Klaassen, M. Mayer, H. Naughton, S.
Sprang, E. Stone, K. Swift, D. Zielaski
Members Absent/Excused: P. Miller
Ex-officio members Present: B. Brown N. Hinman, S. Ross, J. Zink
The meeting was called to order by Chair Borgmann.
The 11/14/12 minutes were approved.
Business Items
Additional curriculum items from the Professional Schools were approved.
CSD 450
Aural Rehabilitation
Change prerequisites
CSD 699
Change credits and repeatability
HHP Program
Written comprehensive exam alternative to the existing thesis and
professional paper alternatives within each option
The Curriculum and Instruction program modification is still pending. The Council
discussed the Graduate School’s policy of required credits with thesis and the
pressure to compete with online degrees. The proposal changes the program to 33
credits with an action research project. This project would qualify as a thesis as long
as there is faculty oversight. Professor Allwell agreed to take the proposal back to
Curriculum and Instruction for revision to assure it meets the thesis requirement.
After some discussion the Council approved the level 1 proposal for a Non-profit
Administration track in Political Science. The committee will explore the dilemma of
online vs. face-to-face instruction and appropriate percentages to ensure quality in the
The Council will take up the issue of mentoring in the spring. It may be helpful to have a
campus-wide mechanism for assessment of advisors and provide programs with a source of
best practices. This may require amendments to the Collective Bargaining Agreement,
Section 10.220.
The Wildlife Biology program review document was approved.
The Council discussed its role in program review and the time required. Right now its review
extends the timeline and delays feedback to the program.
The meeting was adjourned at 1: 00 PM.