Graduate Council Meeting Minutes 2/20/13 Members Present: GBB 202, 12:10-1:00 p.m.

Graduate Council Meeting Minutes 2/20/13
GBB 202, 12:10-1:00 p.m.
Members Present: M. Alwell, R. Arouca, D. Biehl, A. Borgmann, D. Campbell, N.
Hassanein, J. Hodgin, J. Hunt, J. Johnson, H. Naughton, S. Sprang, E. Stone, D.
Members Absent/Excused: B.Klaassen, M. Mayer, P. Miller S. Ross, K. Swift,
Ex-officio members Present: B. Brown, N. Hinman, J. Zink
Guest: Registrar Johnson
The meeting was called to order by Chair Borgmann.
The 2/13/13 minutes were approved.
Communication Items
Registrar Johnson explained a registration / financial aid issue for students in the Clinical
Psychology program. These students take one credit while working 40 to 60 hours at a
clinical site, similar to residency for medical students. The problem is that the university
defines half time as six credits, so when the one credit status is reported to financial aide
the clock starts for loan payment. This puts students in an impossible financial situation.
The Registrar asked colleagues at other universities how this issue was handled. One
solution is to have a specific registration type that essentially reports half-time for
students in clinical type settings. There would be special circumstances and guidelines
defining the use.
Registrar Johnson asked whether this approach was useful. The Council was in favor of
the solution, but cautions that without specific criteria there may be abuse by ABD
students. Qualification may include students located completely off campus and
nominal use of university resources. The International Conservation program, which
requires students to serve in the Peace Corps for two years could also benefit from this
registration type. Professor Siebert should be contacted for consultation.
The Council supports the development of a mechanism to move forward and would like
to see a more specific proposal that has also been vetted by the Provost’s Office..
A proposal to establish a Masters in Applied Online Technologies has been submitted
and requires review. Chair Borgmann cautions the committee about the effectiveness of
online education. He recently read an editorial in the New York Times that referenced
studies indicating 90% of students do not complete. He encourages members to read the
article. According to Interim Associate Provost Hinman some universities require
students take an online quiz to determine whether they have the aptitude for online
learning. The Council will be sent these links as well as the proposal for review.
Business Items
Professor Sprang agreed to serve as Chair-elect and the Council approved.
Council members had no objections to course deletions from the dormant course list.
These courses have been dormant for three or more years. Departments were given the
opportunity to provide a justification for retaining courses.
Professor Sprang provided a summary of the TA funding proposal. The proposal lays out
a plan for Deans to petition the Provost for additional TA funds using established criteria.
One of the issues with the current allocation process is that it is not transparent. Chair
Borgmann asked that he draft a letter from the Council to reaffirm its support.
The meeting was adjourned at 1: 00 PM.