Tillage Effects on Soil Properties, Growth and Yield of Cocoyam (Xanthosoma sagittifolium Schott) on an Alfisol of Southwest, Nigeria Adekiya, A. O. 1, Ojeniyi, S. O.1 and Agbede, T. M.2 1 Department of Soil, Crop and Pest Management, Federal University of Technology, P.M.B. 704, Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria; E-mail address: adekiya2009@yahoo.com 2 Department of Agricultural Technology, Rufus Giwa Polytechnic, P.M.B. 1019, Owo, Ondo State, Nigeria; E-mail address: agbedetm@yahoo.com Abstract Hitherto information on tillage requirement of cocoyam (Xanthosoma sagittifolium Schott) is scarce on Alfisols of humid tropics. Five tillage methods were compared as to their effects on soil physical and chemical properties, growth and yield of cocoyam on an Alfisol at Owo in the forest-savanna transition zone of southwest Nigeria. The experiment which consisted of five tillage methods [manual clearing (MC), manual ridging (MR), manual mounding (MM), ploughing + harrowing (P+H) and ploughing plus harrowing twice (P+2H)] was carried out over 3 years at two sites in a randomized complete block design with three replications. In the first two years (2007 and 2008), P+H had the least soil bulk density and highest growth and yield, whereas in the third year (2009), MC produced the lowest soil bulk density and best performance of cocoyam. Manual clearing (MC) had the highest values of soil chemical properties in both years (2008 and 2009). Averaged over the 3 years, P+H, MR and MM had lower soil bulk density hence better growth and yield compared with P+2H and MC. Compared with P+2H, MC, MM, MR and P+H increased cocoyam cormel yield by 10, 21, 23 and 32%, respectively. The corresponding increases in corm yield were 7, 15, 13 and 21%, respectively. Bulk density rather than soil chemical properties dictated the performance of cocoyam in the Alfisol of the experimental area. Ploughing plus harrowing twice (P+2H) degraded soil quality. For small farms, either MR or MM is recommended while P+H is recommended for large scale farming of cocoyam. 1. Introduction The estimate of world population with an annual growth rate of 1.8% as reported by Litvin (1998) would put the current world population at about 6.3 billion. This figure will exceed 8 billion by the year 2020. To be able to feed the growing population adequately, food production should approximately double its present output. The fallout of the effort to achieve food security in Nigeria is the stimulation of greater interest in research, production and consumption of cocoyam (Mbanaso et al. 2005). Onwueme (1991) observed that the global average yield for cocoyam cormels is only about 6 t ha-1. This implies that more research is desirable to raise production level to meet the current demand for food. One of the major constraints to crop production in the tropics is the low fertility status of most of the soils. The majority of Alfisols available for crop production in the tropics is strongly weathered and inherently of low organic matter and nutrient status (Lal 1987). In addition, Alfisols have a weak structure, and are highly susceptible to crusting, compaction and accelerated erosion (Lal 1987) leading to low crop yields. Cocoyam like any other root 385 and tuber crops is a heavy feeder exploiting greater volume of soil for nutrients and water (Osundare 2004). Tillage is an important cultural practice that can be used to increase the yield of cocoyam. In humid tropics where most farmers are poor and fertilizer is expensive, soil working and tillage methods can temporarily serve as an alternative to fertilizer application (Adekiya and Ojeniyi 2002). Traditionally, cocoyam is grown on heaps, ridges and occasionally on flat, manually cleared soils. Before now, a wide range of mechanised tillage methods e.g. ploughing, harrowing, ridging and disking are use for crop production in southwest Nigeria, without the benefit of experimental data on soil properties and crop response. Hence, there is need to examine the potential of growing cocoyam using traditional tillage method and mechanized ploughing plus harrowing and their effects on nutrient uptake and cocoyam performance. There is lack of information on tillage requirements of cocoyam on the tropical Alfisol. This research is necessitated by the fact that previous tillage studies in the tropics on cocoyam are concentrated on acidic Ultisols of southeast Nigeria (Anikwe et al. 2007; Ndaeyo et al. 2003; Hulugalle et al. 1985). Tillage methods for crops are known to depend on soil type and depth, micro-climate and topography. Tillage studies mainly compared the effect of conventional tillage practices on cocoyam yields. The few studies undertaken largely neglected minimum or traditional and conventional tillage practices and their effects on soil properties and cocoyam yield. The few studies carried out in Nigeria and other tropical countries produced inconclusive and controversial result under different tillage practices (Hulugalle et al. 1985). Howeler et al. (1993) suggested that research efforts should be directed towards the characterization of the physico-chemical and biological factors which determine the tillage requirement of a given soil for a given root crop. This study compared five tillage methods (manual clearing, manual mounding, manual ridging, ploughing plus harrowing and ploughing plus harrowing twice) as to their effects on soil physical and chemical properties, growth and yield of cocoyam on an Alfisol of southwest Nigeria. 2. Materials and Methods 2.1 Site description and tillage treatments Field experiments were carried out on Alfisols at two sites (Site A and Site B), in Owo in the forest-savanna transition zone of southwest Nigeria during 2007, 2008 and 2009 cropping seasons. The average annual rainfall varies from 1000-1240 mm. The sites were under two years fallow after arable cropping. Five tillage treatments were replicated three times in a randomized complete block design. The treatments were (a) manual clearing (MC), (b) manual ridging (MR), (c) manual mounding (MM), (d) ploughing plus harrowing (P+H) and (e) ploughing plus harrowing twice (P+2H). Each plot was 12 m by 10 m. Tillage treatments were carried out in April each year. The same location was used in each site for the 3 years of the experiment. 2.2 Planting of Cocoyam Cocoyam was planted in April each year of the experiment after tillage. Cocoyam (Xanthosoma sagittifolium cv. Owo local) cormels weighing about 150 g were planted. One cormel was planted per hill at a spacing of 1 m x 1 m to give a plant population of 10,000 plants ha-1. Weeding was done manually at 45 and 110 days after planting. 386 2.3 Soil sampling and analysis Prior to the commencement of the experiment in 2007, soil samples were taken from each site for the determination of soil physical and chemical properties. After one month of imposition of treatments, soil samples were also collected five times each year from each site for the determination of bulk density and gravimetric moisture content. Total porosity was calculated from bulk density using a particle density of 2.65 Mg m-3. Soil temperature was determined at 15:00 h with a soil thermometer inserted to 10 cm depth. Five readings were made per plot at each sampling time and the mean computed. Soil samples were also collected at harvest of cocoyam from 0-15 cm depth in 2008 and 2009 on per plot basis and similarly analysed for routine chemical analysis. The soil samples collected were bulked, air-dried and sieved using a 2-mm sieve and analysed for soil organic matter, N, P, K, Ca, Mg and pH. Samples were analysed as described by Carter (1993). The organic matter was determined by the procedure of Walkley and Black using the dichromate wet oxidation method. Total N was determined by micro-Kjeldahl digestion method, P was determined by Bray-1 extraction followed by molybdenum blue colorimetry. K, Ca and Mg were extracted using ammonium acetate. Thereafter, K was determined on a flame photometer and Ca and Mg by the EDTA titration method. Soil pH was determined by using a soil-water medium at a ratio of 1: 2 using the digital electronic pH meter. 2.4 Determination of growth and yield parameters Ten plants were selected per plot for determination of plant height and leaf area at 168 days after planting when the cocoyam plant reached its peak growth. Plant height was measured by metre rule and leaf area by graphical method. The cormel and corm yields were determined by weighing on a balance to determine their fresh weights. 2.5 Statistical analysis Data collected from each experiment were subjected to Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) test and treatment means were compared using the Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at p=0.05 probability level (Steel et al. 1997). 3. Results and Discussion 3.1 Results 3.1.1 Initial soil fertility status The pre-treatment soil analysis results for 0-15 cm soil depth for Site A and Site B respectively, gave soil properties as sand (682 g kg-1, 660 g kg-1), silt (160 g kg-1, 140 g kg-1), clay (158 g kg-1, 200 g kg-1), bulk density (1.55 Mg m-3, 1.55 Mg m-3), pH ( 5.58, 5.72), soil organic matter ( 2.97%, 2.90%), Total N ( 0.18%, 0.19%), P ( 4.5 mg kg-1, 5.0 mg kg-1 ), K ( 0.15 cmol kg-1, 0.13 cmol kg-1), Ca ( 1.78 cmol kg-1, 2.39 cmol kg-1) and Mg ( 0.81 cmol kg-1, 1.03 cmol kg-1). The soils at both sites were sandy loam, acidic and had high bulk density. The soils at both sites were generally low in essential nutrients except Mg for site A and Ca and Mg for site B which were adequate. 387 3.1.2 Effect of tillage methods on soil physical properties Tables 1, 2 and 3 show data on the effect of tillage methods on soil physical properties in 2007, 2008 and 2009 cropping seasons, respectively. In the first two seasons, ploughing + harrowing (P+H) had relatively low bulk density and higher total porosity compared to other tillage methods. Ploughing + harrowing twice (P+2H) and manual clearing (MC) treatments had the highest bulk density and expectedly least porosity. There were no significant differences (p=0.05) between the bulk densities of mound and ridge. MC had higher moisture content compared with other treatments. This was significantly followed by P+2H. There were no significant differences in the moisture content of MR, MM and P+H. Lower temperatures were recorded in the first two seasons at both sites from manually cultivated plots. The highest temperature was recorded by MR and MM and was not significantly different from that recorded by P+H and P+2H. In the last cropping season (2009), the highest bulk density and least porosity were recorded in the P+2H plots, although these values were not significantly different from that produced by P+H at both sites (Table 3). The least soil bulk density were recorded in MC plots. MC significantly produced (p=0.05) the highest moisture content and lowest temperature compared to other tillage methods. The mean values of bulk density (Mg m-3) for the 3 years of the experiment for MC, MR, MM, P+H and P+2H were 1.56ab, 1.46b, 1.46b, 1.45b and 1.64a, respectively. The values for total porosity (%) were 41.1ab, 44.9a, 44.9a, 45.3a and 38.1b, respectively. The equivalent values for moisture content (%) were 17.95a, 13.98bc, 13.62c, 13.15c and 15.15b, respectively. Soil temperatures (0C) were 29.3c, 32.9a, 33.4a, 32.2ab and 32.6a, respectively. Mean followed by similar letters are not significantly different according to Duncan’s multiple range test (DMRT). P+2H significantly (p=0.05) produced the highest bulk density. P+H had the least bulk density and highest porosity. MC had the least soil temperature and highest moisture content. Moisture content was on the decreasing order of MC>P+2H>MR, MM and P+H. The values of soil temperature for all tilled treatments were similar. After 3 years of cultivation, the bulk density of P+2H exceeded that of MC, MR, MM and P+H by 5, 12, 12 and 13%, respectively. 3.1.3 Effect of tillage methods on soil chemical properties Table 4 contains data on the mean values of soil chemical properties for 2008 and 2009. MC significantly (p=0.05) produced the highest values of soil organic matter (SOM.), N, P, K, Ca and Mg compared with other tillage methods. In all cases, there were no significant differences between soil chemical properties of MR and MM. P+2H produced least values of soil chemical properties. 3.1.4 Effect of tillage methods on growth parameters and yield Tables 5, 6 and 7 show data on the effect of tillage methods on the growth and yield of cocoyam. In the first 2 seasons of cropping cocoyam, at both sites, P+H plots produced the plant having the highest plant height, leaf area, cormel and corm yields while MC and P+2H plots produced the least values. There were no significant differences in these parameters in MC and P+2H plots and between MR and MM plots. However, in 2009 (third) season, MC produced the highest values of growth and yield parameters while P+2H had the least values of growth and yield. 388 The mean values of plant height (cm) for the 3 years of the experiment for MC, MR, MM, P+H and P+2H were 53.5bc, 57.8ab, 57.9ab, 63.2a and 49.0c, respectively. The corresponding values of leaf area (cm2) were 119.5c, 139.5b, 137.8b, 158.5a and 112.5cd, respectively. Cormel yields (t ha-1) were 9.5c, 10.6ab, 10.4ab, 11.4a and 8.6c, respectively. The respective values of corm yields (t ha-1) were 6.5bc, 7.0ab, 6.9ab, 7.4a and 6.1c, respectively. Mean followed by similar letters are not significantly different according to Duncan’s multiple range test (DMRT). P+H significantly produced higher values of growth and yield, although these values were not statistically different from the one produced by MR and MM. P+2H produced the least values. Averaged over the 3 years of the experiment, compared with P+2H; MC, MM, MR and P+H increased cocoyam cormel yield by 10, 21, 23 and 32%, respectively. The corresponding increases in corm yield were 7, 15, 13 and 21%, respectively. 3.2 Discussion In the first 2 years of the experiment and the mean over the 3 years, MC and P+2H plots had higher bulk densities compared with other tillage methods. The higher bulk density of MC was adduced to non-tillage and compaction. Ojeniyi and Adekayode (1999) had earlier reported higher bulk density for MC compared with tilled soils in southwest Nigeria. The higher soil bulk density produced by P+2H compared with MR, MM and P+H was attributed to wheel-traffic of tractor and implement passes (Agbede 2005). There were no significant differences between the bulk density of ridge and mound,. This agrees with the report of Ojeniyi (1991). The low bulk densities of P+H, MR and MM compared with MC could be due to loosening effects of tillage (Agbede 2008). P+H with less bulk density had higher values of total porosity. Also in the first two years and the mean of the 3 years, MC soil had higher moisture content and lower temperature compared with tilled soils. This could be related to organic matter in soil surface which acted as mulch to reduce temperature and loss of water by evaporation. In 2009 (third season), the highest bulk density produced by tractorized treatments (P+2H and P+H) compared with MC was due to break down of soil structure due to slaking and raindrop impacts. Ojeniyi and Agboola (1995) had earlier reported that repetitive tillage degraded soil qualities and caused rapid collapse of soil structure. Therefore in the sub-humid and humid regions of the tropics, the high intensity rainstorms tend to nullify the loosening effects of tillage. Intensive soil cultivation which may increase soil bulk density is intimately connected with reduced porosity and the alteration of pore size distribution (Ojeniyi 1990). This explains the low porosity of tilled soils compared with manually cleared soils. Manual clearing (MC) had the highest values of SOM, N, P, K, Ca and Mg in both years compared with other treatments. This can be related to the presence of organic matter. The decline in the nutrient reserve of tilled soils especially P+2H could be adduced to high destruction of soil structure during land preparation which encourages soil erosion (soil wash) that preferentially removes colloidal fraction with high “enrichment ratio” (Agbede 2008; Agbede and Ojeniyi 2009), resulting in a progressive depletion of its nutrient reserves. MR and MM produced higher values of soil nutrients compared with P+H and P+2H. This was due to minimal disturbance of soil by MR and MM compared with mechanized tilled soils. The degradation of soil brought about by repeated passes of tractor and implements which encourage heavy erosion and leaching explains the lower values of nutrients on P+2H compared with P+H. There were no significant differences in soil nutrient contents between MR and MM. This is similar to the report of Agbede and Adekiya (2009) who also did not find significant differences in soil chemical properties in manually ridged and mounded soils. 389 In the first 2 seasons of study at both sites, P+H produced the highest values of plant height, leaf area, cormel and corm yields compared with other tillage methods. This finding can be related to lower bulk density and higher porosity produced by P+H. Pardales and Villamayor (1983) also found that in the Philippines ploughing and harrowing once was sufficient for cocoyam (taro) production. In the last season (third year), the highest performance of cocoyam under MC was due to better soil conditions resulting from this treatment that helped in better establishment, growth and yield of cocoyam. These are associated with reduced soil bulk density and higher porosity of manually cleared soil in the third season, compared with other tillage systems. The higher yield produced by MC is also consistent with the higher SOM, N, P, K, Ca and Mg values of the treatment. The least growth and yield of P+2H could be due to deterioration of soil quality resulting from repeated passage of implements and low SOM and plant nutrient. The mean values of growth and yield for the 3 years of the study showed that P+H, MR and MM resulted in the highest values of growth and yield. This is also consistent with the low mean soil bulk density and high porosity recorded for these treatments. P+2H with highest bulk density had inferior growth and yield. The differences in bulk density dictated differences in cocoyam growth and yield in the 3 years of the experiment. The influence of bulk density seems to be more pronounced on performance of cocoyam than on soil chemical properties. This is so because reducing bulk density was consistent with increase in cormel and corm yields, although MC had the highest SOM, N, P, K, Ca and Mg status, cocoyam yield was lower compared with P+H, MR and MM treatments. These results suggest that a small decrease in soil bulk density can considerably increase cocoyam yield. From this study, the degree of tillage appears to be indispensable for sustainable cocoyam production on tropical Alfisols. However, because of the degradation of the soil quality due to P+2H, it should be discouraged for cocoyam production. P+H, MR and MM were found to be better for soil conservation. 4. Conclusion A degree of soil manipulation appears to be indispensable for cocoyam production. The differences in bulk density dictated the differences in the growth and yield of cocoyam between manual clearing, manual tillage and mechanized tillage systems. P+H, MR and MM increased growth and yield of cocoyam relative to MC and P+2H. These tillage systems (P+H, MR and MM) showed promising potential in conserving soil fertility on an Alfisol compared with P+2H tillage methods. P+2H was found to be most disadvantageous to soil and cocoyam productivity and therefore not recommended for cocoyam cultivation. On a small scale, either manual ridging or manual mounding is recommended. For large scale cocoyam production, ploughing + harrowing is recommended. References Adekiya, A. O and Ojeniyi, S. O. 2002. Evaluation of tomato growth and soil properties under methods of seedling bed preparation in an Alfisol in the rainforest zone of southwest Nigeria. Soil Tillage Research 64, 275-279. Agbede, T. M. 2005. Tillage effect on cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) production and some soil properties in southwest Nigeria. Journal of Research in Agriculture 2 (1), 40-45. Agbede, T. M. 2008. Nutrient availability and cocoyam yield under different tillage practices. Soil Tillage Research 99, 49-57. Agbede, T. M and Ojeniyi, S. 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Effect of tillage methods on soil physical properties in 2007 Bulk density (Mg m-3) Total porosity (%, v/v) Moisture content (%) Tillage method SITE A SITE B SITE A SITE B Manual clearing (MC) 1.55a 1.54a 41.4c Manual ridging (MR) 1.39b Manual mounding (MM) Ploughing + harrowing (P+H) Temperature (0C) SITE A SITE B SITE A SITE B 41.9c 20.50a 22.3a 28.1b 30.0c 1.38bc 47.5b 47.9ab 15.10c 16.60c 32.0a 34.1a 1.38b 1.38bc 47.9b 47.9ab 14.72c 16.01c 32.5a 34.5a 1.26c 1.32c 52.5a 50.2a 14.95c 16.50c 31.5a 32.9ab Ploughing + 2 harrowing (P+2H) 1.54a 1.56a 41.9c 41.1c 17.50b 20.40b 31.8a 33.4a Values followed by similar letters under the same column are not significantly different at p=0.05 according to Duncan’s multiple range test (DMRT) Table 2. Effect of tillage methods on soil physical properties in 2008 Tillage method Bulk density (Mg m-3) Total porosity (%, v/v) Moisture content (%) SITE A SITE B SITE A SITE B SITE A SITE B Temperature (0C) SITE A SITE B Manual clearing (MC) 1.56a 1.55a 41.1c 41.5b 17.90a 18.40a 29.7b 31.1b Manual ridging (MR) 1.40b 1.38b 47.2b 47.9a 14.30c 13.60c 33.1a 34.2a Manual mounding (MM) 1.39b 1.39b 47.5b 47.5a 14.10c 13.30c 33.9a 34.6a Ploughing + harrowing (P+H) 1.27c 1.32bc 52.1a 49.8a 14.35c 13.50c 32.8a 33.3a Ploughing + 2 harrowing (P+2H) 1.55a 1.57a 41.5c 40.8b 16.10b 16.50b 32.9a 33.9a Values followed by similar letters under the same column are not significantly different at p=0.05 according to Duncan’s multiple range test (DMRT) 392 Table 3. Effect of tillage methods on soil physical properties in 2009 Bulk density (Mg m-3) Total porosity (%, v/v) Moisture content (%) Temperature (0C) Tillage method SITE A SITE B SITE A SITE B SITE A SITE B SITE A SITE B Manual clearing (MC) 1.56c 41.1a 41.5a 13.30a 15.30a 27.5b 29.1b Manual ridging (MR) 1.59bc 1.60cd 40.0a 39.6a 11.60b 12.70b 31.1a 33.1a Manual mounding (MM) 1.59bc 1.60cd 40.0a 39.6a 11.10b 12.50b 31.5a 33.4a Ploughing + harrowing (P+H) 1.75a 1.76ab 33.9bc 33.6bc 9.10cd 10.50cd 30.3a 32.4a 1.82a 31.2c 8.60d 9.80d 30.9a 32.8a Ploughing + 2 harrowing (P+2H) 1.79a 1.55d 31.3c Values followed by similar letters under the same column are not significantly different at p=0.05 according to Duncan’s multiple range test (DMRT) Table 4. Mean values of soil chemical properties for 2008 and 2009 cropping seasons P (mg kg-1) K (cmol kg-1) 0.15a 4.3a 0.12a 1.90a 0.84a 2.56b 0.13b 3.8b 0.10b 1.58b 0.77ab 5.53ab 2.53b 0.13b 3.8b 0.10b 1.57b 0.75bc P+H 5.14ab 2.19c 0.11c 3.0c 0.09c 1.43c 0.70c P+2H 5.06b 2.06cd 0.09d 2.5d 0.07d Tillage method pH (water) SOM (%) MC 5.60a 2.85a MR 5.51ab MM N (%) Ca (cmol kg-1) 1.40d Mg (cmol kg-1) 0.69c Values followed by similar letters under the same column are not significantly different at p = 0.05 according to Duncan’s Multiple range test (DMRT) MC= Manual clearing; MR= Manual ridging; MM= Manual mounding; P+H= Ploughing + harrowing; P+2H= Ploughing + 2 harrowing 393 Table 5. Effect of tillage methods on the growth and yield of cocoyam in 2007 Plant height (cm) Leaf area (cm2 ) Cormel yield (t ha-1) Corm yield (t ha-1 ) Tillage method SITE A SITE B SITE A SITE B SITE A SITE B SITE A SITEB Manual clearing (MC) 60c 66c 152c 161c 10.7c 11.3c 7.1c 7.5c Manual ridging (MR) 72b 73b 186b 192b 12.5b 12.9b 7.9b 8.7b Manual mounding (MM) 71b 73b 183b 189b 12.3b 12.6b 7.9b 8.6b Ploughing + harrowing (P+H) 80a 83a 207a 216a 14.5a 14.6a 8.8a 9.7a Ploughing + 2 harrowing (P+2H) 63c 68bc 156c 165c 11.1c 11.5c 7.2c 7.6c Values followed by similar letters under the same column are not significantly different at p=0.05 according to Duncan’s multiple range test (DMRT) Table 6. Effect of tillage methods on the growth and yield of cocoyam in 2008 Plant height (cm) Leaf area (cm2 ) Cormel yield (t ha-1) Corm yield (t ha-1) Tillage method SITE A SITE B SITE A SITE B SITE A SITE B SITE A SITE B Manual clearing (MC) 55c 51c 110c 108c 9.7c 10.2c 6.8c 7.1c Manual ridging (MR) 64b 62b 140b 157b 11.9b 12.2b 7.8b 8.1b Manual mounding (MM) 63b 60b 142b 150b 11.6b 12.0b 7.7b 8.2b Ploughing + harrowing (P+H) 74a 76a 188a 195a 13.8a 13.9a 8.6a 9.3a Ploughing + 2 harrowing (P+2H) 56c 51c 113c 112c 10.1c 10.5c 7.0c 7.3c Values followed by similar letters under the same column are not significantly different at p=0.05 according to Duncan’s multiple range test (DMRT) 394 Table 7. Effect of tillage methods on the growth and yield of cocoyam in 2009 Plant height (cm) Leaf area (cm2) Cormel yield (t ha-1) Tillage method SITE A SITE B SITE A SITE B SITE A SITE B Manual clearing (MC) 49a 40a 98a 88a 7.1a Manual ridging (MR) 40b 36b 87b 75b Manual mounding (MM) 41b 35b 87b Ploughing + harrowing (P+H) 35c 31c Ploughing + 2 harrowing (P+2H) 30d 26d Corm yield (t ha-1) SITE A SITE B 7.8a 5.6a 5.1a 6.0b 6.1b 4.7b 4.5b 76b 5.9b 6.0b 4.6b 4.5b 76c 69c 4.9cd 5.3cd 4.1c 4.0c 69d 60d 4.7d 5.0d 3.6d 3.6d Values followed by similar letters under the same column are not significantly different at p=0.05 according to Duncan’s multiple range test (DMRT) 395